TIMBER FRAMING JOURNAL OF THE TIMBER FRAMERS GUILD Number 72, June 2004 Historic Kingpost Trusses TIMBER FRAMING JOURNAL OF THE TIMBER FRAMERS GUILD NUMBER 72 JUNE 2004 CONTENTS NOTES & COMMENT 2 Notes & Comment TTRAG PROCEEDINGS 2004 4 MEDIEVAL ROOF CARPENTRY: CHARPENTE LAMBRISSÉE 8 The Journal at 20 Lynn T. Courtenay S editor of this journal, I will happily come out from behind HISTORIC AMERICAN ROOF TRUSSES 16 my desk to acknowledge the 268 contributors listed in the III. KINGPOST TRUSSES Cumulative Index for issues 1-66 (and more since then), Jan Lewandoski A and to wave hello to the 2000 people (in round numbers), who take their journals out of the mailbox four times a year. I don’t know what happens to most of those journals. Some of them must be read: at long intervals, letters arrive here, to amplify or to cor- rect. At even longer intervals, people speak up to wonder why this On the cover, view of the cedar roof trusses at the monastery of or that cannot appear in the journal. And, once in a blue moon, a St. Catherine’s at Mt. Sinai, Egypt, built between 548 and 565 commendation arrives. to commemorate the supposed site of the miracle of the burning bush. Kingposts truss the rafters only; the 20-ft. tie beams carry no ceiling load. Kingpost article begins on page 16. Photo, copyright 1995, by Lynn T. Courtenay. Copyright © 2004 Timber Framers Guild, PO Box 60, Becket, MA 01223 www.tfguild.org 888-453-0879 Editorial Correspondence PO Box 275, Newbury, VT 05051 802-866-5684
[email protected] Editor Kenneth Rower Contributing Editors Guild Affairs Will Beemer, Joel McCarty History Jack A.