Contextualising Metal-Detected Discoveries: Staffordshire Anglo-Saxon Hoard (Project 5892) Revised Project Design Version 3 Submitted 18th July 2013 H.E.M. Cool Barbican Research Associates (Company no. 3929951; VAT registration 747960390) Document Control Grid Title: Contextualising Metal-Detected Discoveries: Staffordshire Anglo-Saxon Hoard Author: H.E.M. Cool. Start Date: 18th July, 2013 Contributors: Team members as per section 15 and Programme Co-ordinator. History: Developed from Draft second revision Project Design (June 2013), to incorporate the extended work on the materials analysis (Variation 3). Version number: 6 Status: Final Summary of changes: See Preface April 2013, June 2013 and July 2013 following the preliminaries. Circulation: English Heritage, HMG and Programme Co-ordinator Required Action: none File name: Staffordshire/Admin/Revised PD July 2013 Approval: H.E.M. Cool on behalf of Barbican Research Associates Ltd. 18: 06:2013 Contact details: 16 Lady Bay Road, West Bridgford NOTTINGHAM NG2 5BJ Tel: 0115 9819 065 Mobile: 00 44 7980 898962
[email protected] Contents Preface iv Preface April 2013 v Preface June 2013 v Preface July 2013 vi 1 Project Name 1 2 Summary Description 1 3 Background 3.1 Introduction 1 3.2 Organisation of this document 3 4 Assessment 4.1 Introduction 3 4.2 The Assessment tasks 6 4.3 Checking the records 7 4.4 Database and secure website planning 8 4.5 Aerial photography and fieldwork assessment 10 4.6 Background information on the area 14 5 The Hoard 5.1 Introduction 15 5.2 The contents