Ocean City, N

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Ocean City, N pa3r^KKWAK55;«W'*:>.ri" THC HOWTEriEQRlH THE HORSE. M—SSttniaiidPJa»ei>iasjvm|Ot -,f-,'>f-'r; "•'''•'•' •*•• U-Elaventn and Bay »TCDIM. P. He la Inevitable, »ut *™** **«*lh*. Hie Aeeeal «e HJeMastw> For Humane lS~pooiteeirtbaiidPlaBMreava. , i i ' .Vendetta. TlsWlHUHli r «. PtcDud and Aeboryavenue. f to listen to a Bnlgar staging to to to tbse. my master. 1 o«er my pray- 48—Fourth and ABOUT avenue. GAVE GOOD TALK er. Feed me and take care o( me. Be 45—Eighth and Aabury avenue. • R. Curtis Robinson make one*a flesh creep or want to 48-Teotb and Asbonr aveBoe. weep. ' Tba centuries of cruel oppres- kind iq me. Do not Jerk tbe reins. Do 48-Thlrteeotn and Asbnry aveww. sion are only too manifest la Bulgarian not whip me when going uphill. Saggestioas. to Never strike, beat or kick me when 4B-8lxttentb and Aebnry avenoe. E »aja*»,»» **,«•- *•-—••«•—— •musi: •c_ an_.uds words^MJ., buKmt asi ManteneariMontenegrin M—North and Central avenue. grows restless over bto eonga and I fail to understand what yon want of M—Sixth and Central avenue. Members of Audubon Board me. but give me a chance to under- 67—Kteventn and Central avenue. ??I stopped at JaekiioiitlUt.Daytoda; stand you! Watch me. and tt I reMM Conveyancing and ofTrade. emulate bis forefathers oeeu* vu 67—Twelfth and Wesley avenue. t?itfj: ^ Otmond. Mm Btacb and Watt Palm to do your bMdhig see If there U not 68-Fouiteeotb and Wesley avenue. Prof. Jamea *. Stevens, superln- i masse across tbe frontier. He does something wrong with my. barbess. |bl> I so whenever he can, but only In twos 78—Fourth and Ocean avenue. JlSb^'paJi*»s^s«ietoitlfal and tendentortbe public scbooto In Ibto Do not give mo too heavy loads. Nev- 75—Seventh and Ocean avenue. Insurance city, m preset y. 1 W er'Mtcb me where water wUI drip on 76Ninth and Ocean avenue. VOL. XXXII. drymetin, wag s opresenf toot bAuduboy luvlUllon Boarn adt theofof. 1^ wSD^eMontene«^g^raMlnthrees. g me. Keep me well shod. Examine my OCEAN CITY, N. J., THUBSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1913. growing tears* yt teeth when 1 fall to eat I may have ( ihiiheilne«vgiovesl ; an ulcerated tooth. That, you know, S&SKS&SSBB and organized outings of tbe —.-- ATTOBUram.AT.LAW. n is very painful. I am unable to tell MBBIOAk zaUon* to any community. "ComlUtcbhv With him It to usually •you In words when I am. nick, so Sale. No*. 1AAmA6 Aabury Av»wiu« Ocean City Sentinel POLICE SAY BOYS MAD There was a large attendance of tbaa prlvato act of revenge or vendetta watch me. and I will try to tell you hy MORGAN HAND, f N. GRISCOM, M. D. LEGISLATORS PETITIONED QDEEN ESTBER'S uf. famous to which be Invitee one or two friends. O4SBAN crrv. N. J. membenoftheboaniat tbe meeting, Tbentbey steal across tbe border al ATTORNEY and EIGHTH BT. AND WKHLEY AVK. teagnalenglneerlng wbleb wa« called to order by tbe picsl- ret me sometimes. I enjoy It aud OOKAN OITY, N. J. PLANS TO ROB fora of govern- average P««» alaht. flnd their man, do their heat lo I will lesrn to love >ou. ShoV?orJanaary.>. D. UI3.I aMU espoas COU NSELLOR-AT-LAW. Both Pbonrs-aell, IK tatsrJilala, Wt-A TO HELP OCEAN CITY BRIDGE CIRCLE FORMED dent, Hirry D. LeCalo, a summer UU Mm and then make tracka home- . -By- Protect me In summer from the but sn aatokl ranklln aMtftrfnal All resident <>r tbl* city. ward with the whole district at their Monday, February 24, 1913, Prof. Stevens' addres. was full of heels. Perhaps the method of UUtag sun. Keep u blanket on me In winter R. 9URTI8 ROBINSON «AK MAY COVHT UOVSB, M. J. Memorial Containing Facts of New Organisation In Hetho* good suggeeUons, which were appreci- Is not up to the standard of weWern weather, and never put a fnirty Ml In (Opposite Paallo BuUdlncs). - my mouth, but hold It In your bands a * 'Bdltor snd Proprietor W. HOLT AMABV • ABDBSW O. Boawsu. dlst Church Has Thirty- •port, for tbey shoot tbelr victim ".It- U the Case Given Bvety ated by hi. bearers. Mr. Stevens has moment drat. Hoar* _ . K-4o aV^n! MANY VITNESS been president of tbe Ocean Otty tin*.- so to speak, and do not give him -Law-maker. DR. F. F. GORSON five Hemhers. jTchaiice. but as It to the recognized I carry you. null yon. wnlt patiently Psr'Yasr, Btrictly In Advance. JJfWV OFFICES Board of Trade for a number of yean.. for yon Ions hourx. day or nhtbt. I Armed with • petitions of prolent Mn. Barge, Held secretary of tba Albert Warner; agad^erj Tbe Aodubon -Board of Trade bu system on both sides little can be said. V A SiS Wesley Avenue • BMNMUWVUMaW•§-•• "J •««~ ' Thto custom.makes men very wary, cannot tell yen wlwn I am .tblnity: Apgar &. Bo8well, against any legislation detrimental 'to DIES SDDDENLY Woman's Home-Missionary Society, CHDRCB_»EDD1HO gos Warner. "^ '" Cobb. _TbJew a roiighjri|v..w» •»* been organUed only a«bort time. and tbe atranger can appreciate tbe give me rlenn. cool wtiter often In hot ' Minus in ostnour, Ocean City New Jersey 1 organized a Queen B*tber> Circle la weather. AHBUKV the building of tlieOcean City-Homers SCHOOLS reason when be sees a plowman, for OCKAM CITY. m~.utua.ill SB Point Automobile bridge, Harvey Y." tbe First M. B. Cburch, oii Thunday te enough to ba Instance, attending to hi* duties wltn Finally, when my strenirth I* cone. CITY DIRECTORY. ••rinuur-Huti •• e 120-A. Brldgeton . Physician , With evening last, wllb tweuly-one mem- Dr. W. B. Brlcker, Jr.. andgaa metata la .befoor. Hsrar™ I y Instead of turuluit'iuo over'to a hu- Lake, one of the vice presidents of tbe Hsrar™ I. V very a rifle ahrag over bto back. But In DU are almost out of BUI Heads Ocean City Automobile Bridge Com- Many Friends Here Ex- bers. ' Miss Neonetta Campbell . .p^ dty, belnit built entirely of con- spite of thto they are the essence of man Unite to be tortured anil, starved, CITY OPFICIALS LAW OFFICES fake my llfc In Hie nmleHt. iiulukexl DR. W. P. HAINES . pany, went to Trentoo Monday and The officers elected by the circle are Lafayette Hotel and tte wbtte andndd.. cream colotcololtt. richlyy honor and hospitality. Aa tadr gnat and Letter Heads. This Is fust Board of GommUaloiiern—MayuraiMl Prral* pires on Street. as follows: Voltedin Horrlage. - wen before Mayor*H '••*?»• Interested to not* . o one ran come to any harm, and way, and your Qod will reward you lu dnncilarrj HoudHi»;Coiunii«»I"n<)rFln«ncu Godfrey & Godfrey, COR. NINTH AND WESLEY AVE there placed a copy ot the memorial In • Intere A bill has'been Introduced In tbe D this life and In hvaven. Aincn.-Froui and Aeoounla, U. Huwattl Tlioni; Comral»- OCCAM CITY. N. J. tbe hands of every member of the The Ocean City friends of Dr. Frank Presldenl, Bibs Harab (JoCT; vice Tha First M. B. Chuwb was fllled evenlng. The Barley boy sts «rrfnr»;no,rrainno,rraina talMlngatalMln House of Assembly providing for twoIbeywU do all ta their power to make the time to have your stock replerrrihfd. alonerort*abUe Improveineiita, i'ubllu Parka Kooms us, US and 817 sented by Andrew V. Boawan'-' bto stay among them pleasant and the 8wedlKh'lu -Our numb Animals." and Propeny^ttotM-n Ptatavr. Uurtlell Building, n a IStOlOaVJO. Legislature. P. Corsun. a well known pnyalclau president, Mlas Laura IWnseud; sec- last evening wtlb'friends of Dr. Win. Cububaa I* a beautiful Wand and additional Stale normal schools, one • Lily Clerk-John K. Adams. 1 OFFICE HOUR* •{» tolp.ro. The petition, which waa patriotic | J«n«IJn«anlty.e«|iett, were shocked tontsry^ Miss Llla Hteelmsn; auperlo- H. BrickrT. Jr., of Philadelphia, and waived a haarwg.* Tha aecma^wen :-g£ b t f the safe—Wide World Magaime. Do it now! Don't wait until April or Tiuunrer-UoUaUarnuon. \ ATLANTIC CITY . N. J. (S.loBp.111. n «artaia|T be a-perp t the in North Jersey and tbe other In South Twice puttered. CoUeclor-K. W.BurleUb. Pboneas Bell iH-W; Inter-auu lao- A learn of hla sudden upop n tbe tendent, Mrs. B. Frank rimllb. Miss NeonetU Campbell, daughter of each baM under |SMi baHtVapptai be- UbUI OL !S>lloo--B«uiue7»<jull. Its make-up, being typewritten with f J Tll ta h*tt I experienced some Come* Tim* In One must be a genius to be a success May. when there may be an unavoid- Balldlw loapeelor—H. A. W. Hmlib. JAMES M. E. HILDRETH blue Ink ou white paper aud bavlug a street In .Brldgeton late Fildad y night Miss Ada Flaber will have charge of William H. Campbell, of this city, te> fora Jodge Taller ta tbe^jotrntyeotirt . \'\ The working of tbeoriental mmd -Ulty Holtollor—A. A. UowelL. witness Ibe marriage or thaw two <! l ^^_ City people, through the ADO WVsTsVM*** •*•" •—- — — fol barber. One to remlndrd of tbv Hoard 01 IMueatlon—A. J. Hmltb. I'rcol- back cover of bright red, waa aa fol-as he was returning to hla borne. tbe music boassyestetdar. ' ^^*^ ... '.v Board of Trade, have expressed a was deliffhtfttUy lUnttnted In • story tonnrtoCnrtbt who operated In tn* able delay in getting the work done. dauu M. W. Adama. Vice Franaeot; L. K. • Counsellor-at-Law Mrs. Barge gave tbe yoqug people young people. Hmltb. Usoratary; Klebam JJ. HUM, A. W. lows: Dr. CorsuD, who waa 63 yesn old, Tbere vrereabMtSSeottageswttnai.
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