JOB PRINTING 1111,1 |I!Ea-Lli ;!;(• Piibllc'of Bis Time In- :Ln-We Are Midily Nice to W»

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JOB PRINTING 1111,1 |I!Ea-Lli ;!;(• Piibllc'of Bis Time In- :Ln-We Are Midily Nice to W» . EGYPTIAN CIVIL Hoi- mother SIKIICII. but there wan a "Xo. no: 11% hut your heart's broke," \. , WORK FOR_YOLIR8ELF. contradictory tnlnklo In lier'cyos. "It's OLD LEAP YEAR LAWS. WILY IULLJ»LAYERS mlmlckcl C.VHRIV. ' ' -fear Ares gf-'parnlf IVople. a Trlfc* Ma Orl«,,, OD.^ too bad .von Imvun't kept up your And White. rdrgcttliiK "" about his iVhfii W l'n»|t»NiMl Hlx Ofttarlvs nra Voa. Will !!•»• • t*»nt» «o "+• <tal«e by"Thrni«Tl»*«. •peed, pr routue you ".yon't be oblo to "QUEER'SCHEMES THAT HAVE BEEN broken I:K. i:H up nml wanted to (IRIU. ilnu IIml U» Acrfpt, v«-lai> Vour nmj, "Such as wnkcoii tbe night mid sleep ... The' orluli take the i«isltlon." HO Id her mother. IOUIT continued n of WORK:O ON THE DIAMOND. ml. Ijiii-i' rsc.l to, pull off a trick III two tries, nt least. 11 ml more II |x-well knmvii llml ontno-day and haunt tavenix and al< ha*. 4>ivii i "Won't I? I guest! I will! IIo wonts co of others ot* tlmt BPt-cnli-!ieiN wild, anil It wns-thls. IUIII i:::n year I ..IIU_> ... , Ihi' paxi , mo rlRlit'iiway, It'» tho Mr. RqberW," baases and no man wot from wbenco rho t Irvrr Trl<:: li> V.liloli n.llrj-in- trick tluvt nnr'c him the cliiunplon bimo wiilcli give womeii the rlglil of propiw- Hl-lltlliu 11 •aid MarKO lucidly. ' ' " . ' runner o,f Hit* loiigue flip t.wo yenrs,' ' . tty.-'iliiii re.* i;):i-eCuiiiL*.4A4iuit luventlve-1 come nor whjlber they «BO." . 80 - By.'MATJE K. NAWN plewo_n«r. V.'un it Cunt-,<:»t* Clil- llg Illill'I'lage. -'I'lie-e enaellliellts wellt lr olJJ fmicy. ii ti Jim. Plckxon sin Hod. "Anil you can ilesx wiiici come from |ie7|Vetunll anjuntly4lescrlltllcrll«'«x » KUB"*" •««*•««** •, .• \ 2 rt.xxnw—TI.f ;:r:;i vu"i:.ui.vr lit V.'liL It lie hail a of xlnrthiff from llrst-) jvi-rt. rnj:iln i- than 1I1M., They jilaojitlp- oiu-i, us n go to tho-country now, dearie1,** abo •urvichliirf ,-f the mini jlo'mii-l euitr 'o»pyri«l»t. It* 11, liy ItnUy iMtik'ua •*KlnB K«»J»".Vt.l l'..t» [li'i-i. ' . bnM>«t a torrlllcvlip Just iiH,tbi>pltclier ulati'il'-tliiil If the .ifcan wluwi* liaml nto «gajn«t thu gipsies- Ever slaco tb« COIIIIIIlillltv •uKirVnti-d. -• ' ' - rl r tbo pltehe.l tho- liall. uud then. Instcnd of they liait. Hiiiiglu tliniilil refuse' hi' P'liclt's or front 41'Jusiiiicut o( iicumi ye«r 1530. ""y" " »' "' '" London II liny, li "Yen, If hlx Htenoiiriiplier only ntnj-8 continuing, be would ntnp short ,aiid ihoiihl Incur a heavy tine, . .to en.Ix fs seiil.nil i)c\'elii|Ktl lo It* ut-Standard, flGrout Britain bos tried to get 111 long enoUKli—Jioor girl,*' Bbe utnend- 'Ti'Ii-iw wjr';ul vv 111 K .ill ivic.U.IIIB grin nt the i-ntcher. who' wax In n piv ' I'n* -.tluw" p >vli"••••o• worn-nrk for olhers-- . opl without ap- Coming fhruiuiu the hull Vreil PIcE- apeeU u.-* t!> tlei-elvi* II.IM.:,:; ',':t\ llie op- A'soaivhiT iiinniii: the. 1111. Ic'n . rrc- rid Of tills strange people td. feeliiiK that her remark wax moro xltlnn to throw,' Tlio iinnmiit , the Ix not ilipii.iuV'.'coiMlwMl'iltJ It- - «on Htwppi-'tl to oxuuilui?. ,the lunff en- jioxluir train, and O!\I:I p.\ c.lciii:yf i-v- onlx of Seilliiil.l illicoveniL an'act of preclflblo-success. Everyvery, year oror^,, so Its mat'-bl. human thiui Immune. •catches,stnrtiHl to throw tlip ball buck . ,v l1o0 expniulexpaiiu. t.o« reach, out. to take ' rolujH? lylnu on the hull ruck. In ouo i-r.v, ouo on ill.* cniis.iii li.nv ii.vii pull the •Scottish '|h'irliii|iii.-ut. ' whlfli was tome county Ix upIn anus agqlnst tiler mid wl to thr* pitcher or to xhoot It' to first llv,Kex ur 10 pl.ui tor omwir when the tome couuy •" "i -:• ••»-.—- mer iind \ni IUiu For a month Mr. ItobertH' Hti-nogru I'd off UKUJI mil';:;:;l:i liy clover'b:i!' pilxseil-lii the year l^sS. wlilch-ruiis as jorncr wiis itrliitixl "llnrbur's I*u1> -:-• -»•- MI an utfa.n uu.r i:;;.:I:i liy i'!over"b:i! lJii:gu would make a dnxh for second Higmiiiine Is Hindi- for Win by another. th«m. yot they pemlM li> returning nnc« n|lurl .„.,,,„ „,™ followx: . * , .. '; • • ' , llsbluic (.'oniptui)'." He swllt-il in broth- phor lay 111. .When ulio. caino buck, plnycw. and ninny of llie::i lww woi mid cl-bt nut,of,ton limes would land Our self iiuiile wen. who refused-to apparently thrive miller persiH-utlon.. ,ir.ip|.»M U11 r "It Ix xintiii mid .mhiliil tluit during The gypsies an- y.ipnliirly snf.p«s«I 'ul,l in. erly derision, . i " - ' Into. In Mnr, Marge packed tier trunk V:OU11U' -. • _ .,, -" •lil-Kiifeiy. .Hi* always claimed that he reiiiiilu-4-iiiplo.veis ur xulwnllnntes, are. us their Wo OCEAN CITY, N. J^ THUkyDAV, rEIiRUAK.\ 7, HK)7. NO 45 could b«H ilii> ilehiye-.l throw, much! the rein of Ills inuUt bjlxxlt Mi-p-ste, Ilk toconiporlglniill}1 y rmiii "•'•*«•"» "'*• ••'">'» •• • * V OL. XXVII. ,"Oh. Maa-e!" he called. '•"! siici and went Into thy country to "wrlto . n u'stniugo tbat-the Htlirlcs of such for the y.,.rs- loiowne^'l^.e Yeare. ! tl-'Hit** •iMiekh.iii "<»"•''<<e nf the tlie untloniinilon.. ...They. are 1H trae- % easier I him n Htnilghl throw fro'in }Uc name ludN'iii- "hut lli-'lf tiilx Is your inilliuscrlpt. Hack from her niaxfiM-pliVi*.'liomi* * wero fn*i|iit»nt• . tricks are cjnlliied to H:I few men, 1)k 5 xtiic\v.x of our country'*! life. They """ hiilye «f iml.lie hlghe and tl^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ «1 farther-«*n.«( Ihiiu the .laml. of the cllteher lo *ieiiillll. • , nx -tlii* northern onm k Kour< e no liigi-r llnrlxT'H." In- uddod ninllelously. Her letterwrote'* hom: o wero, frvi|in'nt, - '•••. •In Whether- thstt Is IKVIIUSO only a few lowe exinei xluill line llberte to bes|>cko Nile. Wli-Tever they ciiiie from, th-Tr I turned HIIC-II tricks OI- wliet'u-r nil tho .**• ,: '« llrst Illstoll. \TTOR\r.V>,lT.|-.\W. , " Muruc went to tlio door of her room ip"Tlip Hlie ccountr wrotey: Ix gloriou-s at: thi '•s tim• e clevetdr trleksweih lkv iiltrllmlcd to them. I n'liieinlier when I tlrsl watcheil yi* man xhe likes, albeit gff he refuses giM'x ll»' sln'ftKih. by HghtlnB evi'ty Ini- area oepiirute intiiik-.-a Uilie .illlte hy and Culled down Irritably: «f year.- Il Krowx lovelier pitch day. Ijingi* run biiHex •! innrvelod .that xo of Itx-nMi• ' - u••p- from the ncom wlwitlh CLAYTON BAND IS FAVORED EARLY DEMAND SHOULD CAMP GROUND BE Just us nil t'i» funny (tiorlcx nro at* In talk blr lo be hlx lawful wyfc, lie J^|()RGAN HAND, 3#T. ABBOTT," M. D., ' "Well, you needn't publish Itn ' This luornlin: n« I xat beneath a flue tribm<-d to nuto:*l.>i:n story tellers, no inaiiy siiond liix.iiien fiilli-d-.|i> touch shiill be -luulcied In ye sum of aar* dun* xtorin and lenipiMt. It In. the bard him. IIo I1111 11 ,|reer xllile, but In do*/.- !• dceanCity Sentinel "No: It would bo better If they did." old iniiplt* Inv invnllliig Inxplriitlou I on;- kuowd. 1: ( tin- Kivulent of the ills or le<«. if his e-iiult may be, e.\ce|it sclniolliii; ilnii Hie self innile man gels 1505, "and twenty ••Is years later Hcur.v . ATTORNEY arid. w enx of ciises.tlie ti:i:--eiiiiiu Hiinply fiilleil Published Weekly at 1'byNloiaii 'aiid Nurgeon, WUH xliir.lli'il liy II fuiullhir voice, uud tricks nre lU'rlbutcd to Mike Kelly, and iiwlx u'f he eiin make II upp.-nre In Ills stiu' eli'ynte am] make n BY COUNCIL'S COMMITTEE; FOR COTTAGE* ASSESSED? COUNCIL ASKS flung buck lier brother. to put the ball on him wbi-n It- lo >kinj COUNSELLOR-^T-LAW, who do you think It wax? Mr. Kob-J!mu:y MeAIcer. Pat Tebean. .Billy dial In- I- 1.,-iroihlt inie lili.-r woman, p.lnee for himself,hi tlie world that de- OFFICE—Comer Central-and ElgbUi Street * "It's funny," he mused, "bat the 'easy, •OCEAN CITV, fM. <J. Httlicitor, Mnnti*r *»d Kxmnlnpr In Clinnory, t-rls. II.- lull), lit* wax i-lty ilrvd nud Hamilton, I'omlskoy,"Tip O'Xfll and 1 tuliiRH you don't want published are nl- lie IIICII'NIIIIII he 1','er." ' " • --By- ' - Hti|>r**!ii« Couft CotnmlHt4i<>ii«r. Notary IMIillo. If wanted u whiff of pun* rwiiilry air. Tommy MrCiu-il-y. One nfteniutm In Kimxus- City I A year or two later' a law iilmnnt AFK MAV (Olltl IIOUN^^f. J. Local Real Estate Men Mak- /County Tax Board Alleged waj-H Rottlnir Into print, and the things found •out tin* secret of Lunge's sue- This Organization Likely to He'doesn't'know bow long tu»'l! Htti3*. - Trick* nr<* p-.'.IIcd off almost every xlniilnr to the SeoitNli enactment was R. CURTIS ROBINSON ^ (O^puil>> Piiblio Hildl^J cexx. We weft* iilayiiig u scrub Kiime, niter tin- , . to Discriminate Against you want to me In print end np to the He Htiyx It all <li-[k'niU I uud him very day—little oucs.oflcii itiisportsiiiunllki- pnsjieil ill r't-;:!!.1.- and receive.! Ilio il|l- Furnish Concert Mu^ic ing Rentals of High coup-ninl.
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