Annual Report 2021
BOOHOO GROUP PLC GROUP BOOHOO ANNUAL BOOHOO REPORT GROUP & ACCOUNTS PLC stock code: BOO 2021 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2021 REPORT AND ACCOUNTS ANNUAL BOOHOO GROUP PLC 12 CASTLE STREET ST HELIER JERSEY JE2 3RT UK / STRATEGIC REPORT STRATEGIC / BOOHOO GROUP PLC ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2021 AGENDA FOR BUSINESS BOOHOO GROUP PLC CHANGE MODEL A LEADING E-COMMERCE 20 16 RETAIL GROUP BOARD OF CHAIRMAN’S DIRECTORS STATEMENT Our multi-brand platform comprises boohoo, boohooMAN, PrettyLittleThing, Nasty Gal, MissPap, Karen Millen, Coast, Oasis, Warehouse, Debenhams, Dorothy Perkins, Wallis and 50 18 Burton, and targets fashion- conscious 16 to 45 year-olds STRATEGIC REPORT in the UK and internationally. Group financial and operational highlights 6 Our vision 8 Our values 9 About our group and our global brands 10 Our business model 16 Chairman's statement 18 Agenda for Change 20 COVID-19 response 24 Review of the business 26 Financial review 31 Risk management 34 Environmental, social and governance report 39 GOVERNANCE Board of directors 50 Corporate governance report 52 Directors' report 60 Directors' remuneration report 66 CONTENTS Statement of directors' responsibilities in respect of the annual report and financial statements 85 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Independent auditor's report to the members of boohoo group plc 86 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 90 Consolidated statement of financial position 91 Consolidated statement of changes in equity 92 Consolidated cash flow statement 93 Notes to the financial statements 94 Five-year financial summary 119 VISIT US ONLINE AT BOOHOOPLC.COM 01 / STRATEGIC REPORT STRATEGIC / BOOHOO GROUP PLC ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2021 GROWTH FOR WHILE GROWING A SUSTAINABLE OUR BRANDS At the beginning of our financial year, we had seven brands.
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