United. Ne'vv Mexico Takes Over Bank of Ruidoso

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United. Ne'vv Mexico Takes Over Bank of Ruidoso lIII""""" - - -!'"""'----~ ~..-. r~A~ ~+i~ '*'V-- ?""( ~-.. i ~~u:w:a'lU&?'i fiWi:;:ea;ee;tlSiiFWG'P4'<P? is !p ...,:ez4 _"" ! ., oso United. Ne'VV Mexico takes over Bank of Ruidoso 'p' LllJ' r\1 l·~.o r Jl-' -.: - 'I I· I -t ./ Lf' 'd t IH' V t .; 1 t J! I It)X q Tilt, t ".i l I I. :. to. ... f ~ r f ~ I a~"'d.1'" I,j pt'n't"r,~ ,d .1- ·f,,:.1. ,!~~ •. ' F I )i'I.' - lh' ~"~n,,! '. ~'llld .! ,," ~" ;J~t_ ~ 'r '. I· t"i - ( .' :, rl •. I 1 r't-('l J r ' ~ r--';~ --"j . ~ I• ~ : • ~~ • ," • f' .. t 1"-;)1":' i :'.1 ~,. I:":' .. ,, t, t·~ ",,' ' :' I ". if' 1· '("1 I {' Ii' • '. f,' l. - " " ~ d'i I Ii JH I' , " ,', , I." .... iT', • : r I'" ",,;... , I ", I l" I. • J' t ~ ,oj" I· • •• ~ • I, I 1,'1 :_, l , • ,. f , ~ ,I l.r it I I~' 'J.' , j 1,·) I!.'" ,; -' II' j , , .) : r, , ,..- • \ ; t-t "', r !" I ". t .... j t...: 1. ~ I.' 1" jo 'o •,• ' ,. .... 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' I; J' 1 - I' t"xi r I t"Jrr!.-;, j I -\.:tl'IH H,I,I" ~ "~ ,~ ~ \.~ .t" • -. , ... - r ..... -, , f j " ..... .~ .~ • • ~ ;. i I ,r ",' ( " j ,; . .. '.~ '. l ' .\-1., ,.' ' -' I: • I·.... '. j." ,I :"d : I l. "I " ~ ,I ~,~. : . _" '''', ~ -• ~ ~ ~'I • I' : I! t .. } :-- hI 1j L T, I:' r: , I I 1,: II I . , l • t ,l ,~ 8rdMille-rwlll retire as super!ntendffint of L, I I ,J f'., ,f', ,!.•. \ /.;.j r ;c , .. r ~ ,... •• _ ~ " .r ~ ,j f) I r • ,."" -.. • j. ',. ' .1 .1 .·r .... ,. '!' .. !.,.,' I "" j f , . .' I •. t.1j,1 It? r paQ e 2 fA INSIDE Bt.tsine.ss;...• ,.•....••.••......•.................••••..4A .. TI'le. 't)re~ 1OA 'TV GUlds ,.•.._.•.....•.............Section WEATRER. .. REPORT;. Ple.else see Ragsdale. pctge 2A ; . I ' ~ ~ ..... ,-.,::........- .....:...,A+' ... ........ _ ............... eM. -4M-.-. ...-, • ---- . - --, - .-•.- - -. -"-.........- - --; ........... ~""-·-'_'"_1_·_·"'·~ OD __~._'",""._1'T'-,_.._w"",.,.,l'._._.t·~""'_14~__..........,....-.''''''''1I'",~,!,¥"",,,,,....,,,,,".,..... 'j." 1.,'t;;r,#,~~~-",1';!' ow ' ,.. 'v ...' , ....•.•. ,. " ,,' , , ~ .' ~. Bank-----h-l-~------------ 1Ate . 900s. He is a former state llverrught, Cbr1lj'nul'ld from pal'll!' legislator. DePfisits of the 'Red River Bank .<jUlI"ed the fomler Securi.ty gank of will be tr.ansferred to Centine! Ruidoso, in 1984 and 'changed the The Ruidoso bank dO'sing is not Bllnk of Tllos, The Red River bank bank:s name to 'rhe Bank of the ,first monitored by the FD.lC. had ·assets 'of $6.. 5' million as ofDe­ Ruidoso John petty ",as ehllirrnan Early in the L980s, when MO'ncor cember 3~,;t989. ,1t had deposits of ofthe boarll t!fthe faJled ba.ok. Banks weilt under'in a number of $6.55 Ollihon. That bank lost Rallih PettyJr. began his bllnk- New Maxic,o cities, the Moneor '$704,000 last Yllar,according to i,p,g car~r with thedtuidoso hank i.J1 bran.eh in Ruidoso was 'shut down regulators. , Miller~,~~ Contlnued 'from ",.,ge 1A nece<ls.a.ry lor education to meet the superb education provided here. "The 'COI1l11luruly llught. tll be flee-ds 'of the future, he said, said Miller, proud oHheir "chrlll!.," Mi-ller' stUlL '''rheschool district needs some 'We can't hst what it is we do, H'e no.ted smaller' distril'ts have new and exc.iUng·· movements" he Wejust do it," hl\ s~tl. ,1'" alhaflta"e OOCHU"-l' trwy I)re b,,~ said, "We stili have a gOQd J:l)'stem." ' Mille.r will formally announce tel' able, to provide pi!r'Hllllali:t<!d at­ The Stilt<! BOllrdof Educati"on his' resignation for retirement lit l.t'nli,.>n to student" freq llently bring's observers to the !,ext regul'ar meeting of the 13 ut l'6'ntlll-lWU ("ht.·n,w w Ii I I", Hu.i.dll.~l1 to ",i.tn.ess ·the unique and, boari!, Thursday, Mllreh Hi. Ragsdale~--~-~~--~~~~- ContkluM lrom pal'le 1A overall record 0'1' (>·6·11l-1d were 4-l in Pi~s left the Warriors. with a record th-at he Rpl'nt six ypars c()achill~ at dIstrict p:lHy. of2-4 ,glling tnto district, Kerrville Tjvy irl Kerrvill\!. TeX1's, The Warriors started off the sea­ Ragsdale's teilm 'dominated dis.­ l'rillr Lv 'l'rvy. Rag'Hdal,' W",4 a. )~On ·with -an etnntion:aJ win Q:v:er trict. P1ilY with on.ly a mild loss, by .l".!U,cb ''1.1, Hvswdl'(!<lddard frtJln their former £llach,. Cooper Hender­ t;hre<ipllints I;Q Onate" as therr ollly 197:),76 a lld at H"W,s frllin 1jJ77­ Slln and his 1\rt@ia BuHdogs. The blem.i-sh, 79. t.",-rn then (lrnpped two g"me t9 .RagsdaJp'R [!lH9 'W,HTI"r tl:'''ll [~'VII\g:ton a.ndHos.well Goddard be­ 'fhe' Warriors, lost.a h.earth-r.eak­ waR Di"t'net :1-M1\ d,'ll III n'''!CL4 fi're lH,undng b\l.ck and defeating ing gaole to St. Pius, 2'5-19', in the. ~rht'};, fj:f1:iRh(~d th,.> St:'Bt'iIJD w(th an • T,d"r,,",>. Los8e< to 'Portales and 'St. quarterfinals, ofthe state playoffs_ .. -- ~.- - ---------------------------, Mardi Gras crownl.ng Katherine Finley crowns a duke, Alan .l'10isseur Classic Mardi Gras gala, Sat~ County finalizes contract Porte'r, after putting the Mardi Gras, urday night at the Inn of the .Mountain king's crown on her husband Robert Gods. At l8'ft' is another duke, Gary Gon~ Lynch,awaiting his croVlIn. ' for solid waste disposal Finley.. It all took place at the . l:i>y RICHARD' A. HARROLD Airport S<'l'nk ])nw that afl'el't Lincoln County in­ Rwd<D&o New·s Stn:tf Writer The nl'\!>, ~y~l<~l1l "Iso 1I1clud~R clude the rejection of a proposal 'I'h!.r rnunt\" nru~rlu'd ({. 'CUrJ­ ,H tfHlr pt"nod fnr :a ,cQIupaetor to 'fclr a new Judicial tornplex in ' . 'tntt-t t'l!f ;<{o[!(:fwa4t, dl;{!;JllSFld }.HIr1 j.ll' .~et up at tbe F~l,rt Slanton (_"UrT12:tf:Z1j, ,new durnp:-:itt'T:j.: ,a,rt,·, n{,w iJJ plan' KIll" Dnrt! this, H\,'HU'h1 is, "in Pappa. ;;aid part of the rea­ ('l!unly 111,t1l11W"f NICK P,lPP:1~ plal'e, only l'ootractor. ""a.lite RllJl the state w.ould not provide ,'tald [he l:o,nt,rild Fllf sulid wa...;.f.j· ~IIld "ther h;JUll.'t! In mia'terials money for the complex is LiAcOln d1.<r'h<1I] With Huutbw,-.<t I h.<· wIiI go Intwlhl.' landfIll si'te, The' Chllnty hn" not used fill of the pu~al ('',Urporntwrl' waf; fin:ah:zt"Ci ;,(Hllpactor ~y,,·l.t'11I is scheduled <l',laila.ble Ipi1l l"vie~ it rould, nor ,Fmvay. F.,hruaI)' Ifi fi,r' 101plllllentl1.tlOn in about a in it bonded to capacity, 'Pwvnt'y TU'~' 'dUl,np:-Alc,ts :i1rf,' mo" t.h Pappas. Haid the legislature PJ!~"ihont"d th(~ ,<~rt',aS !rUW LrI T.lH: Wmpi1l'tllr 'WIll accept waR told if a 'gene'ral obligation 'WhFfP olhPT rn,IJJJt'y dump,..'Ltff,R s"htl waste tJrr,u/5ht in hy other blll1d would be tOA$idered by the WI',Ft' pn·v,uJu.~J~: !\1oTP;f:H n 1!f~ t~f;.~ lI1uni.cipa[ UMr", 'thl'n compad it cnunty', it wo'Utd he for. an tabh<h"d ,J 1ll,,'dl~L «al.d·l't1pPil" for t1).4pilsal Hut ,,£the ctlunLy·. adultljuveni.le dellltltiQn facility, \ K: Acct)rorr1Y t.o l;})(" (il.tutrnd' ·W,· In th" munty are very ex- Also. the remaini'ng mill levy lOa­ 1"rm~, .Smlth"v"1 PIl'ke up ut thv ('IUp-d," '~;Ni'icl. Pa p,pRii, - p,ll')t" would be utilized as a ,dtmlpst:t>n.: tW1Clt PHch Y{Ifl'k.
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