Energy Calculations Bearing on Biopyriboles

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Energy Calculations Bearing on Biopyriboles American Mineralogist, Volume 76, pages 728-732, 1991 Energy calculationsbearing on biopyriboles RrcH,lRD N. Annorr, Jn. Department of Geology, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina 28608, U.S.A. Cnenr-ns W. BunNrunn Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts02138, U.S.A. Ansrn-tcr Energy calculations were used to evaluate the stability relationships for low Ca, low Al biopyribole polysomesin the compositional rangedefined by (010) pyroxeneslabs (P slabs) with composition near (Mg,Fe)oSioO,,and (010) mica slabs (M slabs) with composition near that of talc, (Mg,Fe).SioO,o(OH)r.The calculations were performed using results of the structure refinementsof two orthopyroxenes(Opx), clinoenstatite(Cpx), twoampiboles (anthophyllite: An, cummingtonite: Cu), chesterite(Ch), jimthompsonite (Jt), clinojim- thompsonite, and talc (Tc). The energy calculations show the following. (l) For each in- termediate polysome, the energy is lower than the energyof a compositionally equivalent assemblageof Tc + (Opx or Cpx). (2) Assemblagesof Jt + Tc and Jt + (Opx or Cpx) have the lowest energies,all other assemblagesbeing metastable.Thus the enirgy calcu- lations indicate that Jt could be a stablephase. (3) The energeticallypermissible hydration reactions are generally consistent with reactions interpreted from textural observations. Only one kind of observed hydration reaction, (An or Cu) - 61r, could not be predicted from the energy calculations. INrnooucrroN compositional range include the (MMPMp) polysome chesterite, and two (MMp) polysomes,jimthompsonite Biopyriboles form an important polysomatic series.In- and clinojimthompsonite lviUten and Burnham, 1977a, dividual structuresin the seriesconsist of (010) structure 1978b). Chesterite contains both triple chains of Si tet- modules,MandPslabs,whicharerespectivelylikethoserahedra (... PMMP...) and doubie chains(... pMp of 2:l mica [e.g.,talc, MgrSioO,o(OH)r]and pyroxene(e.g., . .). Jimthompsonite and clinojimthompsonite have only enstatite, MgoSioo,r)(Thompson, 1970, 1978; veblen et triple chains of si tetrahedra. al., 1977; Veblen and Burnham, 1978a, 1978b). The Although it is well known that amphiboles are stable polysomatic model is particularly useful for understand- under apfropriate conditions of p, T, and,a (H,O), it is ing the crystal chemistry of real and hypothetical biopy- not so clear ihat the relatively recently discovered ches- riboles becauseintermediate biopyriboles, containing both terite, jimthompsonite, and clinojimthompsonite (Veb- M and P slabs,have properties that relate to the physical len and Burnham, 1978a, l978bi necessarilycrystallize and chemical properties of the corresponding mica and as stableminerals. Certainly the relative oUscurityof nat- pyroxene end-members. Atomic sites in a P slab retain ural (MMPMP) and (MMP) polysomes, and occurrence nearly the samelocal environments that they would have as minute grains or lamellae in u hort of pyroxene, am- in the end-member pyroxene. Likewise, atomic sites in phibole, oimica, might suggestthat they are metastable. an M slab retain nearly the same local environments as Textural evidence(Veblen and Buseck,198 l) showssome the correspondingsites in the end-member2:1 phyllo- systematicrelationshipsinvolvingthesuccessionofpoly- silicate. Thus, cation site preferencein a given polysome somesduring the progressivehydration of either pvroi- can be readily anticipated by analogy with site prefer- ene or an amphibole, but the ieaction mechanisms are encesin minerals correspondingrespectively to the P and complex and remain poorly understood. M slab parts of the polysome. In an interesting analysis using the axial next-nearest- Perhapsthe widest variety of natural biopyriboles are neighbor ising (ANNNI) mode-I, price and yeomans defined by P and M slabs having compositions respec- (1986) show that jimthompsoniteor clinojimthompson- tively close to (Mg,Fe)oSioO,r,and (Mg,Fe)rSioO'o(OH)r. ite is very likely siable u.rd", uppropriateionditions (p, Enstatite and clinoenstatite would be examplesof the . ?1 composition), but chesterite1s probably metastable (P) IPP . , or polysome, where the parenthesesen- under any conditions. The qualitative relaiionships in_ close one cycle of the repeating sequenceof M and P dicate that the conditions foi the stability of jimthomp- slabs.Talc would be the (M) polysome. The amphiboles, sonite or clinojimthompsonite should be fairly restricted. anthophyllite and cummingtonite, are the (MP) poly- In the present investigation, structure energy calcula- somes. Other naturally occurring polysomes in the same tions weri used to gain some insight into the relative 0003-004x/9l/0506-0728$02.00 728 ABBOTT AND BURNHAM: BIOPYRIBOLE ENERGY CALCULATIONS 729 stabilities of the different polysomesin the pyroxene-talc Chesterite (MMP), jimthompsonite (MMPM), polysomatic series.Specifically we set out to determine clinojimthornpsonite(MMPM) whether or not any of the polysomes, chesterite, jim- For thesebiopyriboles we usedthe only available struc- thompsonite, and clinojimthompsonite could have a low- ture determinations (Veblen and Burnham, 1978b). er energythan compositionally oquivalent assemblagesof pyroxene + talc, or amphibole + talc. Talc (M) The following abbreviations are used in this paper: or- The Mg/(Fe + Mg) fraction is essentially I for the talc : : thopyroxene Opx, clinopyroxene Cpx, anthophyllite samples whose structures were refined by Rayner and : : : An, cummingtonite Cu, chesterite Ch, jimthomp- Brown (1973) and Perdakatsisand Burzlaff (1981). By : : : sonite Jt, clinojimthompsonite cJt, and talc Tc. analogy with our energy calculations on orthopyroxene and orthoenstatite. the lack of a structure refinement for Srnucrunns talc with a suitably comparable Mg/(Fe + Mg) fraction The energycalculations were limited by the availability should not afect our conclusions.We used the more re- of suitable structure determinations. Whereas structure cent structure refinement of talc by Perdakatsis and Burz- determinations are available for a wide range of amphi- latr ( 198I ) primarily becausethe refinement provided an boles (Hawthorne, 1983) and pyroxenes (Cameron and H site. Otherwise results of the refinement are not signif- Papike, 1980), structure determinations are available for icantly different from those ofRayner and Brown (1973). only three polysomes containing triple chains of Si tet- Talc crystallizesin spacegroup Cl, in such a way that rahedra, jimthompsonite, clinojimthompsonite, and the stacking of (001) unit layers (polytype 1Ic) is very chesterite(Veblen and Burnham,1978a,1978b),and for different from the way in which comparable units are only two specimens of talc (Rayner and Brown, 1973; stacked in the M slabs of an intermediate biopyribole. Perdakatsisand Burzlafl l98l). Further complicating the The M slabs in cummingtonite have C2/m symmelry analysis,the talc compositions are not strictly appropri- consistent with IM polytypic stacking, whereas the M ate for a comparison with the M slabsin jimthompsonite, slabsin anthophyllite have orthorhombic symmetry con- clinojimthompsonite, and chesterite.Like talc, the inter- sistent with 20 polytypic stacking.Therefore, in addition mediate polysomesCh, Jt, and cJt have only tracesof Al to calculating the energy of the observed talc-1lc struc- and Ca; unlike talc, the Mg/(Fe + Mg) fractions in Ch, ture, we calculated the energy for hypothetical C2/ m talc- Jt, and cJt are in the range 0.70-0.78. Within these lim- IM, which we fabricated from a unit layer of the ob- itations, we sought low Ca, low Al structureswith similar served talc-lTc structure. This was done in an effort to Mg/(Fe * Mg) ratios. gain a better appreciation for the actual contribution by the M slabs to the cohesive energy of each intermediate Pyroxene (P) biopyribole. No one pyroxene structure, of those we considered (Cameronand Papike, 1980;Ohashi, 1984),had a satis- Mnrrrol factory Mg/(Fe + Mg) ratio for comparison with Ch, Jt, Energy calculations were performed using the comput- and cJt. Consequentlywe used three structure determi- er program WMIN (Busing, 1981).For a given structure, nations spanning the range of Mg/(Fe + Mg) in Ch, Jt, the program calculated the cohesive energy,given by 'C, and cJt. The structures were of orthopyroxene [20 Mg/(Fe + MC) : 0.321determined by Smyth (1973), syn- tl thetic orthoenstatite [Mg/(Fe + Me) : l] and synthetic W-, : : ) f z,z,e,/r,+ i 2 ) t,,exp(-r,,/ p). oi+j j 'i+i clinoenstatite [Me/(Fe + MC) : l], both determined by i Ohashi(1984). The first sum is the Coulomb electrostaticcontribution, where z, and z, are formal valences on ions i and J, e is Amphiboles (MP) electrostatic charge, and r,, is the interionic separation. For amphibole structureswe used that of anthophyllite The summation is over all ions in the crystal, and the determined by Finger (1970, as reported in Hawthorne, factor t/zaccounts for the fact that each interaction is in- 1973) and,that of cummingtonite determined by Fisher cluded twice. The second term is the sum over short- (1966, as reportedin Hawthorne, 1983).The Mg/(Fe + range repulsive potentials, with coefficients tru and p, Mg) fractions in these minerals were 0.62 for the cum- charactoristic of each interacting ion pair; summations mingtonite and,0.79for the anthophyllite. The CaO con- are over all nearest neighbor cation-anion interactions tent of the cummingtonite was 2.2 wto/o,which translates and all nearestneiglrbor anion-anion interactions.
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    AmericanMineralogist, Volume63, pages 100A-1009, 1978 Newbiopyriboles from Chester,Vermont: I. Descriptivemineralogy Dnvn R. VnsLeNllNo CHlnr-rsW. BunNHenr Departmentof GeologicalSciences, Haruard Uniuersity Cambridge,M assachusetts02 I 38 Abstract Four new magnesium-ironchain-silicate minerals have beenidentified from a metamor- phosedultramafic body near Chester,Vermont. They occur with anthophyllite,cummingto- nite,and talcbetween the chloriteand actinolite zones at theboundary ofthe body.The cell parametersof the mineralsare diagnostic:(l) jimthompsoniteis orthorhombic,Pbca, a : 18.6,b:27.2,c:5.30A;(2)clinojimthompsoniteismonoclinic,C2/c,a:9.87,b--27.2,c : 5.32A,0: 109.5";(3)chesteriteis orthorhombic,A2,ma,a:18.6,b:45.3,c:5.30A; (4) an unnamedmineral is monoclinic,A2/m, Am, or A2, a : 9.87,b : 45.3,c : 5.294,B : 109.7o.The physicaland opticalproperties are closeto thoseof low-Caamphiboles. The cleavageangles (37.8' and44.7")are lower than those of amphiboles,and intergrowths of the mineralswith anthophylliteand cummingtonite are petrographically distinctive. The minerals are biopyribolesand are chemicallyintermediate between anthophyllite and talc.The ideal chemicalcomposition for jimthompsoniteand clinojimthompsonite is(Mg,Fe),oSi,roor(OH)n, and that of chesteriteis (Mg,Fe),rSiroOEl(OH)6.The new mineralsmight easilybe confused with amphibolesif theirelectron microprobe analyses were considered alone. Introduction Veblenet al., 1977).Physical and opticaldata, unit- Physical similaritiesamong pyroxenes,amphi- cellparameters, electron microprobe chemical analy- boles,and micasled Johannsen(1911) to call these ses,and X-ray powderdiffraction patterns calculated mineralgroups collectively the "biopyriboles."Solu- from the refinedcrystal structuresare reportedfor tion of the major biopyribolestructure types later three of the new minerals.Nomenclature for these showedthat the similaritieswere not fortuitous,but three well-characterizedminerals is also presented.
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