CURRICULUM VITAE James Hersh, Ph.D. Emeritus Professor of Philosophy Salve Regina University 100 Ochre Point Avenue Newport, Rhode Island 02840-4192 Telephone: 401-341-3171 E-mail address:
[email protected] EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND The Union Institute and University, Ph.D. in Philosophy and Religion, 1974 DePauw University, M.A. in Philosophy and Religion, 1970 DePauw University, B.A. in English Literature (Honors), 1965 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Professor, Department of Philosophy, Salve Regina University, 1978-present (Chairperson, 1978-82) Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Salve Regina University, 1976-78 (Chairperson) Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Salve Regina University, 1973- 75 (Chairperson) Instructor, Department of Philosophy, Salve Regina University, 1970-72. WRITTEN PUBLICATIONS: Books: Poeticized Culture: The Role of Irony in Rawls’s Liberalism (Rowman & Littlefield/University Press), 2005. Papers Published in Journals: “De la Etnia a la Polis,” Mediterranio Mitico, November, 2003. “Render and Surrender: Fundamentalist Monotheism Confronts the Separation of Church and State” The Journal of the Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy: Philosophy Facing World Problems, in Istanbul, Turkey, August, 2003. “Ethnic Cleansing: The Erinyes are Still Angry,” Spring: Journal of Archetype and Culture (#53), 1993. “Hegel and Nationalism,” Akmee (Moscow), 1993. “Enthroning the Furies in Germany,” Gorgo: Zeitschrift für archetypisches und bildhaftes Denken (Heft 12), 1987. From Ethnos to Polis: The Furies and Apollo,” Spring: The Journal of Archetype and Culture, 1985, and Gorgo: Zeitschrift fur archetypisches und bildhaftes Denken (Heft 13), 1987. “Model-Making and the Promethean Ego,” Spring: The Journal of Archetype and Culture, 1982. “The Ethnic Unconscious,” Journal of Analytical Psychology (London) (Vol.