University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 9-19-1991 Central Florida Future, Vol. 24 No. 09, September 19, 1991 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 24 No. 09, September 19, 1991" (1991). Central Florida Future. 1085. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1085 I • CONFETTI • Cf · OPINION • 6 SPORTS • 12 , The politics of love: Financial Aid office Volleyball t~am romps • Dumpee vs. Dumper enters Twilight Zone through.UCF Invitational • • Thentral Flori Serving The University of Central Florida Since 1968 • Vol. 24, No. 9 . _ - THURSDAY September 19, 1991 ' __ .. ·.. - 16 Pages UCF, Soviet ·students • share accounting book • UN ships 'Principles of Accounting' to the East by Cindy Barth student stay on top of it." CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE The book was selected by a United Nations agency for translation into Rus­ Soviet students no longer have to con­ sian and use at the university level across tend with tanks in Red Square, but they the Soviet Union. More than 300,000 must now face the same menace as copies of the Russian-language edition many UCF students: "Principles of Ac­ are expected to be sold in the next 1~ counting." months. • The textbook, co-authored by UCF's Anderson sa_id that Mikhail Dr. Henry Anderson, is the principal Gorbachev's rise in power opened the text being translated for use in the So­ way for the book to be translated. "It will viet Union. Anderson is an accounting be an important educational tool," Ander­ and cost management professor. son said, ''because they need an entire Anderson \.vrote the book along with accounting system." Dr. Belverd Needles, a professor at De­ Needles is expected to go to the Soviet Pau1 University in Chicago. It was first Union this fall to give a crash course to published in 1981 by Houghton Mifflin graduating seniors who need-some fa­ and is now in its fourth edition. miliarity with accounting procedures. "The book has always been known for Anderson will go over in March to take . ' its readability,'' Anderson said. "Account­ part in th~ UN program. ing is a very rigid system, so we devel­ The initial program will last the en- oped a teacher/student learning assign­ UCF's Dr. Henry Anderson, co-authored the textbook, Principals in Account­ ment cycle which, if followed, helps the TEXT BOOK continued page 4 ing. The textbook will be the only one used in Russia. (Charles Giantti/FUTURE) Funds for short tenn student loans exhausted early ·by Jennifer Kosloski However, administrative officials were surprised emergency," she said. CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE _that the loans fund is already dried. The Financial Aid Office is more flexible when funds • "I'm surprised that within a few weeks the short aren't as limited. McKinney said that any student who Students needing short term 19ans will have to wait tenn loan fund is exhausted," said John Bolte, vice has a legitimate repayment source, such as a scholar­ until more funds are available. _president for Administration and Finance. ship, usually receives a loan. Mary McKinney, director of Financial Aid, said this The Financial Aid office is getting stricter about who ' There have been problems in the past where some is a normal occurrence which takes place at the begin­ receives loans. McKinney said that the short term student students were unable to pay back the loan by the deadlines. ning of each semester. loans are for emergencies, which the office considers to be · According to Richard House, director of student "It always happens. Funds get exhausted at the any unexpected necessity that could not be anticipated. .. beginning of the semester," McKinney said. · ''We have not had to turn any one down who had an LOANS continued page 4 ., 'Financial aid is a joke,' discouraged student says • by Savannah Miller too much money to qualify for ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR aid. This was partly because ofa considerable amount he had • Some students may argue been receiving from his father . that financial aid is a relatively However, his father died last painless process, but it does not year and he is no longer receiv­ • take long to find those students ing that money. who vehemently disagree. Dalbey has been trying to "Financial aid is a joke," said appeal this decision through the junior transfer student Jamie professional judgment policy, • Newton. She said she has had so but was told that his case much trouble getting financial "doesn't fit illto any of the re­ assistance that she nearly gave quirements" and until his need up altogether and returned analysis is updated, he still can­ home to Miami. not receive aid. Paul Alphonse, a jllnior and · Transfer student Newton former senator-at-large, is not doesn't fit into the flow of the positive that he even has finan­ system either. The financial aid cial aid. He received a letter office told her she did not qualify from financial aid two weeks for aid or work study because ago saying that his Stafford she made too much money. lender, Cestar, is no longer giv­ ''Their computer showed me TRAINING ing out loans. as dependent, living with my Army ROTC student Christopher Baehman conducts training drills monday moring . Senior Michael Dalbey was parents, making over $9000 a • all set to get a Pell Grant, but year and having $2500 in sav- Students practice control, physical discipline and endurance. (Charles K. Morrow/FUTURE) after figuring his 1990 expenses, he was informed that he made AID continued page 3 · · CLASSIFIED1fPage 8 : ~ -.'_. _. ·2 The Central Flor.id'a Future Septemb~r 19., .1991 • THE -. Bikiru Area • 1992 COOL Nat Dial .•Face ELE •Eyebrow •Neck • Coofererm oo St Lmnt •Underarm •Abdamen Ccmrrilliy Seivi:e •Breast • •Arm Fari Dashtaki, R.E. February 27 -March 1 is coming to your campus. •Leg Regency Square • ,--------,**FREE** Casselberry, FL 32707 I c 1 . I Call for appointment I • onsu tat10n I To find out niore abo~t how to get I •Initial 15 minute I • involved in the planning come to an 834-4300 L ________treatment _J ' INFORMATIONAL • MEETING • rswActMty and Stn'tl~ tu 11 YOU DREANI IT WE DO IT" WEDNESDAY MONDAY SEPTEMBER 18 SEPTEMBER 23 •CUSTOM LETTERING 3:00pm 7:00pm •INDIVIDUAL DESIGN WORK STUDENT 0RG·ANIZATIONS STUDENT CENTER • LOUNGE AUDITORIUM .................. ·....................... .. SILK SCREENING FALL '91 : SERVICE The Campus Outreach Opportuni.ty League Call Volunteer UCF 823-2611 ! SPECIAL : PROVIDED AT COST (COOL) is a national non-profit organization or the COOL Conference 1: . created to support and enhance student Office .in Orla11do 646-1546 ......................................... • involvement in community service.' for more details. -P.~._,..., THE OLYMPUS ~ ~ 12295 llNIVERSITY BLVD. .. HOSTBJ BY OOLilJS COLLEGE, UNIVERsfTY OFCC'JTP.ALR.ORIDA, --VG_ ORIA1'1DO, FL 32817 ANDVALENC~COMMUNITYCOµ.E:GE ' 281-6984 ' 1-800-326"0317 .11 , ''-=-==· - -=-~- ~·· ·=·--=-=-=- -=·~· ~·=· -~· ~· -=-~--==·-~- =- · ~·-·=· -~· -=-==-~· ~· - ~·~· =- ··~- ~· -:_/,· • @;#;,1._owr1t,.,+... AllmeetingsoftheStudent. AITENDANCE N <"'I r-- \C) \C) \C) -- . ~ '!. Senate are open to the public. ~ ~ rA & ;;C1~g NMM r--r--r--oo ill ill IX) • __ 23rd Student Senate Report ~ :::in: ::,·:;:~g::yto ARTS & SCIENCES m 0 1. Gina Edwards - - A p y Measures Voted on July 14 through August 4 · concerns they may have. 2. OPEN JUL y 14.1991 Senate: Sundays@ 4:00 pm in the UDR. 3. Humberto Cobo p p p p Y a Y • ~ Legislative, Judicial and Rules Committee: 4. Victoria DelCastillo p p A p y 23:52 (CREATING USPS SECRET ARIAL POSffiONS) This bill authorizes Mondays@ 5:00pm in the SG officies. 5· Warren Foley PA PA y N 6. Deli Azghandi p p p p y ·Legal Services and Recreational Services each to- hire a full time secretary. Organizations, Appropriations and Finance 7. Jonna Maynard p A p p Y N N • Passed by Acclamation. Committee: Mondays@ 6:00 pm in SG. 8. David Mann p p p p NNN Services and Public Relations Committee: 9. Ben Ungennan p p p p y N y JULY 21. 1991 Mondays@ 7:00 pm in SG. 10. Sharon Huff RES7/14 • BILLS: Elections and Appointments Committee: 11. David Groover p p p A y N y Wednesdays@ 3:00 pm in SG. BUSINESS 23.:QQ (CREATING 8.02.H OF THE FINANCE CODE) This bill adds the S.G. Clubs and Organizations Committee: 1. Mark Sutton A PA A President-Elect to the Activity and Service Fee Comm~ttee. p p p A y N ...,_Wednesdays@____________ 5:00 pm in SG. _... 3.2. GeorgeGreg Memory Whitney Passed by Acclamation. p A p p Y N N ATTENTION! 4. OPEN JULY 28. 1991 5. Joe Sharpe p p p p· y 6. OPEN BILLS: Your club or organization may be 7. Muffadal Bootwala p A p p Y N a • 23..:fil (REVISING SECTION 8.02.7.C OF THE FINANCE CODE) This bill eligible to receive up to $150 for P A P A y rewords a vague section of the Finance Code office supplies and advertising. In p p p p I Passed by Acclamation. addition, it may be eligible for up to a Y N I p p p p • 23-62 (FUNDING FOR NEW BARS AT THE.wEIGHTLIFTING DOME) This $500 in conference registration y N y bill provides $750.00 for the purchase of new weightlifting bars.
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