April 1977, Number 55 The Delius Society Journal April 1977,Number 55 The Delius Society Full Membership f,3.00 per year Students f,1.50 Subscription to Libraries (Journal only) f2.00 per year President Eric Fenby OBE, Hon RAM Vice Presidents The Rt Hon Lord Boothby KBE, LLD Felix Aprahamian Roland Gibson M Sc, Ph D (Founder Member) Sir Charles Groves CBE Stanford Robinson OBE, ARCM (Hon), Hon CSM Meredith Davies MA, B Mus, FRCM, Hon RAM Chairman R B Meadows 5 WestbourneHouse, Mount Park Road, Harrow, Middlesex Treasu,rer G H Parfitt 31 Lynwood Grove, Orpington, Kent BR6 OBD Secretorv J K White 16 SladeClose, Walderslade, Chatham, Kent Editor Christopher Redwood 4 Tabor Grove, London SW19 4EB Telephone: 0l-946 5952 The Delius Society Journal Contents Editorial Tormd on Delius News from the Midlands r0 10 Bernard Hermann by David Simmons r6 Nows from the USA r9 Delius Society Meeting 2l Correspondence 23 Forthcoming Events 24 Cover Illustration F Delius by Dawn Redwood (after Kupp) Publishedquarterly, in January,April, July and October Material for inclusion should reach the Editor by the lst of the month prior to that o,f publication Additional copiesof this issue50p each,inclusive of postage ISSN-0306-0373 EDITORIAL I am grateful to the BeechamSocie,tyNewsletter for information conce'rningreprinrts of two books on Delius, which are now available from Westport Publications Ltd., 3 Henrietta Strest, London WC2F 8LT. These are: Deliu,sas I Knew Him by Eric Fenby. ISBN 0 8371 9394 4. Price f.14.25 Delius by Arthur Hu,tchings.ISBN 0 8371 3958 9.
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