Alternative Voices in Muslim Southeast Asia
Index Note: Page numbers followed by “n” refer to endnotes A Ahmad, Mahmud, 70 AAII. See Ahmadiyah Anjuman Ahmad, Mirza Mubarak, 215 Isha’at Islam Ahmad, Muhammad Ariff, 70, 74, 75 Abbas Taha, Haji, 25 Ahmad, Shahnon, 76 Abduh, Muhammad, 25, 206, 209 Ahmad, Zainal Abidin Bin, 73 Abdulgani, Roeslan, 211 ajaran sesat (deviant teachings), 41 Abdullah Badawi, 5, 6, 119 Akyol, Mustafa, 127 Abou El Fadl, Khaled, 95 al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din, 25, 98 Aceh Freedom Movement. See Alatas, Syed Farid, 127 Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) Alatas, Syed Hussein, 26, 77, 90, 102, Administration of Islamic Law, 168 121 Administration of Muslim Law Act Al-Attas, Syed Muhammad Naquib, 5 (AMLA), 41, 56 Al-Azmeh, Aziz, 89 Ahmad Abdullah, Syeikh, 25 al-Banjari, Muhammad Arsyad, 161 Ahmad, Dzulfefly, 132 Albar, Syed Hamid, 165 Ahmadiyah, 190, 191 alcohol consumption, by Muslim Arab-educated vs. Dutch-educated youth, 24 scholars, 203–7 al-Hadi, Syed Sheikh, 70, 71, 72 influences in Indonesia, 199–200, Ali, Abdul Mukti, 199 207–13 Aliran Kebatinan, 184 Islamic revivalism, 199, 215 Aliran Kepercayaan, 184 Lahore branch, 200 Alisjahbana, Sutan Takdir, 73 receptive attitude towards in al-Kalali, Sheikh Muhammad Salim, Indonesia, 200–203 25 Ahmadiyah Anjuman Isha’at Islam al-Minangkabawi Khatib, Sheikh (AAII), 200 Ahmad, 24–25 Ahmad, Kassim, 76 Al-Qaradawi, Yusof, 129 221 13 AlternativeVoices_IndexIT-1P.indd 221 13/11/19 6:52 pm 222 Index American Muslim communities, 96 Buang, Saedah, 80 Aminurashid, Harun, 70 Buehler, Michael, 143 AMLA. See Administration of Muslim Bush, George W., 6 Law Act (AMLA) Ampera, Kapitra, 145, 146 C Amrullah, Sheikh Abdul Karim, 25 CASIS.
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