International Journal of Epidemiology, 2017, 1–4 doi: 10.1093/ije/dyx241 Commentary Commentary Commentary: Who was Leonard Darwin? Commentary on Darwin L: ‘Heredity and environment: a warning to eugenists’ in the Eugenics Review 1916 Tim M Berra Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, NT 0909, Australia and Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, Mansfield, Ohio 44906, USA. E-mail:
[email protected] Accepted 25 October 2017 Leonard Darwin (1850–1943) was the fourth son and Leonard had a 20-year career in the military, rising to eighth of 10 children born to first cousins Charles and the rank of major in 1889, and was sent on several expedi- Emma (nee Wedgwood) Darwin.1 Leonard showed an tions to photograph various astronomical events around early interest in photography and was encouraged by his the world. He married Elizabeth (‘Bee’) Frances Fraser in father in this pursuit. He was a rather sickly child, but 1882, and their honeymoon was spent near Brisbane, grew into a healthy adult who lived a long, full life. Queensland, Australia, as Leonard attempted to photo- Leonard’s nearly fatal bout of scarlet fever in 1862 likely graph a transit of Venus. The Royal Society sent Leonard to prevented Gregor Mendel from visiting Charles Darwin photograph a total eclipse of the sun in Grenada, West when Mendel was in Downe. Leonard never forgave him- Indies, in 1886, and Bee went with him. His observations self for this intrusion into history, and 80 years later he on photographing the corona and solar prominences with a reminisced ‘If I prevented my father from meeting Mendel, prismatic camera were published in the Philosophical do you not think that I even now ought to be hung, drawn Transactions of the Royal Society in 1889.3 and quartered?’2 When doctors recommended a long sea voyage for Bee’s failing health, Leonard resigned his commission in 1890, and they sailed to New York, crossed to California and Pre-eugenics life then on to Japan, China and Egypt.