Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Extreme Right- Wing Ideologies in Australian Black Metal Benjamin Philip Hillier University of Tasmania
[email protected] Ash Barnes University of Tasmania
[email protected] Abstract Abstract: This paper will examine the presence of extreme right-wing ideologies in the Australian black metal bands Spear of Longinus and Deströyer 666. We demonstrate how the album artwork, lyrics, and live performances of these bands reflect, influence, and communicate the ideological and political opinions of band members. Our focus is on the strategic conveyance of ultra-nationalist, fascist and alt-right political views in Australian black metal. We combine this analysis of various texts and paratexts by these bands with an examination of how these bands justify the presence of extreme right-wing and political beliefs within their work, drawing on the frameworks of reflexive anti-reflexivity (Kahn- Harris, 2007) and black metal as Gesamtkunstwerk (Lesourd 2013). Finally, we show how fans of these bands deploy their songs as political tools when commenting on social issues, demonstrating that, regardless of the band’s diffusion of blame, their extreme right-wing views become very real to the listener. KEYWORDS: Australian extreme metal, fascism, black metal, popular music, reflexive anti- reflexivity Introduction This paper will examine how the album artworks, lyrics, and live performances of black metal bands in Australia reflect, influence, and communicate the fascist, ultra- nationalist and alt-right political