Weather Distribution turn. temperature «8. F«lr tod»y whh • •«. blgh tcB- Todey rf M. Fair Iwlgnt M« BED BANK MMW. Lwr tonight Hltft High tomorrow M. Friday, fair 1 Independent Daily f with Bttle change in tempera- \ M0U04TTH»0VaHtUeAr~tMT.Wt j • ture. See Weather, page 2. Dial SH 1-0010 liuM dally, Mornltj taroofH, ITNUy. Bacon! Clan VOL. 85, NO. 26 Pall U Rai) 8wik ud u Additional Ualllng RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Signal Corps Probes Contracts FORT MONMOUTH — The Army disclosed today that an jobs was ordered by Col. Howard E. Price, who heads the Ma- investigation is under way going back several years in proce- terial Support Agency, effective July 20. dures affecting the award qf Signal Corps contracts. He has the authority to remove them under the provisions U.S. Considers Bid The probe stems from (he July 12 arrest, and subsequent In civilian personnel regulations. Both men have the right to removal from their jobs, of two key civilian employees in the appeal to the Department of the Army and to the U. S. Civil Coles laboratories at Lincroft, on bribe charges. Service Commission. J. Peter Hoffman, public information officer for the Fort AT RESTAURANT Monmouth command, said' the inquiry will cover all contracts Laverick, Tryon and Schaeffer were arrested at Shadow- in which the two men figured, but won't be limited to them. brook, Shrewsbury, after FBI agents reportedly observed the Meanwhile, the former employees and a third man ar- two Coles men- accept $1,500 in marked money from Mr. Snoy- er, of Santa Monica, Calif., president of the Consad Corps., an To Reds on A-Tests rested with them face preliminary hearings here today before U S Commissioner David Goldstein. electronics manufacturing firm. WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. of- ly 25, will be repaired for "the CHARGED WITH CONSPIRACY The FBI has announced'that Snoyer, who was put in con- advances in the detection and teams operating on Soviet terri- ficials are reported considering remaining high altitude tests." identification of underground nu- William Laverick, 49, of 1 Sunnybank Dr., Shrewsbury, tact with the federal officials by a Chicago newspaper reporter, tory. The Soviet Union has op- a new bid to Russia designed to clear explosions such as would formerly a $15,030 a year director of the Army Signal Material had been co-operating with agents on the scene. However, officials said the posed such inspection. The arrests took place at the close of the Signal Corps break the cycle of American and President will make the f'.nal de- bn prohibited by a treaty ban Support Agency, and Harrison F. Tryon, At, of 50 Wyckham Soviet nuclear weapons testing. on all nuclear weapons tests. The other problems grow out Rd., New Shrewsbury, who was a $14,705 a year logistics chief officials.' dinner party with Schaeffer, Snoyer and an FBI man cision as to whether mere tests ol this Soviet rejection of in- who was posing as an executive in Snoyer's firm. One proposal reported under will be conducted. of the agency, are accused of taking $850 and $650, respective- serious study would call for a The United States is expected spection proposals. A general re- According to stories published in the Chicago Daily News, Policy problems before ban on tests which cause radio- to present the new scientific da- y> its reporter, Charles Nicodemus, contacted Snoyer May 28 President and his advisers were Malcolm'M. (Muggsy) Schaeffer, 38, of 600 Wildwood Rd., active fallout, meaning tests in some officials to ask whether .t West Allenhurst, formerly Laverick's assistant and for three after learning Consad had lost out on a Signal Corps contract authoritatively reported to fall in- ence and find out whether Rus- for which it had been low bidder. Nothing came of the meet- the atmosphere and under water. to two groups. years a free lance manufacturer's representative, and the other These can be detected at great sia will agree to negotiate on an for a partial test ban ing, however. First there two are charged with conspiracy. , distances. Nicodemus reported that Snoyer phoned him at the paper's growing out The FBI has said Schaeffer arranged to have Laverick and Such a ban could be policed prove unobtainable. Washington Bureau June 7 and said he had been solicited for Tryon meet a California electronics manufacturer, Robert Snoy- with present detection arrange- $48,000 in return for an immediate $2,400,000 contract and ments without the necessity of er, who allegedly paid the bribe money. . „..._• (See CONTRACTS, page 2) Removal of Laverick and Tryon from their Civil Service setting up new, international in spection procedures inside the Soviet Union and the territory of other nuclear powers. President Kennedy scheduled Catholic School the latest in a series of nuclear test policy conferences for late this afternoon at the White House. He will go into that meet- ing with Secretary of State Dean Plans Are Told Rusk, Secretary of Defense Rob- ert S. McNamara and other top UNON BEACH - Plans for Aumack La., so that motorists will have access to the church 'pqlicy advisers immediately aft- construction of a Catholic grade er his news conference in the and school from both highway •chool off Rt. 36 are expected to State Department auditorium. be announced in the near future, lanes. The Register learned yesterday. There will be a 32-inch high To Produce Decisions The school will be built by concrete barrier along the center The meeting was expected to Holy Family Catholic Church and of Rt. 36 when the strip is dual produce decisions on U.S. moves will provide instruction for Catho- ized. in the nuclear test negotiations lic children in this borough and According to officials, the being carried on at the 17-nation part of Raritan Township. Con- church plans to build a 1,000-pupil Geneva disarmament conference. struction may get under way school, with construction to start The United States has substan- by next summer. about a year from now, based on tially completed its series of at- present thinking. The church has already pur- mospheric and high altitude tests chased 15 acres of property for It is expected that th> cost will over the Central Pacific which be close to $1 million. n last spring. Underground the school for a reported $30,000. Sep. Frank S. Farley Gov. Richard J. Hushes According to church officials, it Small Debt tests begun earlier have been was a cash transaction, Rev. Joseph G. Fox, pastor, continued in Nevada. said Monday that the debt on TU* nrnnpriv isis located in Karl- a muuuay "iai me utui "" The Soviet government, which resumed testing last September me properiy i» i h church building has not been Hughes toHandOver W after a worldwide moratorium of o^R^°f Rt. M36 , acmss me hghway f«"y retired. It has been indi- l*V.A,.ar?n »™S cated, however, that most Of the almost three years, has an- from the church in a commercial , nounced its intention to hold a tone. debt has been paid off. Duties to Sen. Farley new round of nuclear experi- Variance Granted He said the recent fair held ments. to raise building funds was a TRENTON (AP) — Gov. Rich state nothing. Each member of Fred F. Iverson secretary The United States, meanwhile, of success. ard J. Hughes, a Democrat, will his party will pay for his own th« Raritan Zoning Board of Ad- indicated yesterday that it might Local Board of Education hand over his duties to a Repub- food and hotel costs, Hughes justment reported that th ficials reported that Father Fox conduct a few more high alti- NOT AFTER 6 P.M.— Scenes like this in Middletown after 6 p.m. (7 p.m. Daylight the lican Saturday when he leaves said. church has been granted a use recently obtained information tude tests over the Pacific,, hh the state for a week-long visit Saving Time) ara hard to find and are against the law there. A patrolman Jpotted variinc* for constructiion of the from the contractor building the Hughes plans to return to New to the West Coast. Jersey, a week from Saturdayi Repairs Planned a tcane lika this lait Wednesday night and Donald Lantier, left, Good Humor truck ichooi: '•'•', :' Memorial School addition, regard- Filling the governor's office The governor atoo commented It announced, that the launch- Raritan's Planning Board chair- ing construction of a package . driver, was issued a summons for violation of Middle town peddler ordinance. Code during Hughes' absence will be on these topics: ing pad for Tockets at Johnston man Gilbert H. Bennett said he sewer plant. prohibits sales by transient merchant! aftar that hour. Enjoying a treat yesterday The board feels that a Catholic Sen. Frank S. Farley, R-Atlantic, Highways — He has discussed Island, "heavily damaged by the has been informed by the state president or the state Senate. failure of a rocket launching Ju- afternoon are, left to right, Anne Mac Namara, and Janfs and Mindy Korobow, Highway Department that when school here will go a long way with Highway Commissioner Hughes will attend thp Ameri- Rt. 36 is widened, a jughandle toward relieving congestion in the Dwight R.G. Palmer the possi- Hauser St. The Good Humor Corp. is in the process of fighting tha ban. can Bar Association convention will be constructed adjacent to public school system. bility of widening Rt. 33 to ease in San Francisco and the World's shorebound traffic congestion. Name Giordano Fair in Seattle. Highway Department studie To State Post On Interchange Plan He told a news conference show that there is not sufficient yesterday that his relationship traffic to justify building an east- TRENTON (AP)—Former Mon- Code to Get Court Test with the Republican leader was west toll highway replacing Rt. mouth County Judge John C. Gi- one of trust and confidence. He 33, Hughes said Palmjfer told him. ordano of West Long Branch has TRENTON—The Good Humor dletown Chamber of Commerce designed to curb noise com- Corp. was granted an injunc- to do so. Freeholders Won't said he did not think it would be Ambassador to Washington — been- appointed to the board of monly associated with other tion last night by Judge Ed- Officials of the ice cream necessary to ask Farley not to Hughes said he has not discussed managers of the state reforma- firms in the ice cream vend- ward J. Ascher restraining Mid- firm noted that the firm has sign any bills in his absence. with New Jersey's Congressional tory at Bordentown. ing business. dletown from enforcing a ped- no objections to ordinances Hughes explained he was go- delegation his idea of sending The state institutions depart- A hearing on the summons Take Responsibility ing to the convention to see Syl- dlers' ordinance adopted in which provide reasonable con- representative to Washington to ment made the announcement issued Mr. Lantzer will be held June of last year. trols. vester Smith of West Orange in- (See HUGHES, Page 2) Tuesday. tomorrow in Municipal Court RED BANK — The Board of After a talk with the freehold- stalled as president of the bar The ice cream firm sought Officials ciled ordinances in before Magistrate W, Gilbert Freeholders Will not accept any ers in May, the authority agreed association. That honor comes the injunction after a driver of many communities which are Manson. responsibility for the New Jer- to go ahead with the project, and to a New Jersey lawyer only one of its trucks was issued sey Highway Authority's plan to have included- in their budget once every 25 years, the gover- a summons last Wednesday in provisions to accelerate the work (—) Loss Costly put * new interchange at Red por said. Middletown for selling Ice so the facility may be finished General Counsel cream after 6 p.m. Eastern Hill Rd., Middletown. WASHINGTON (AP)rThere nautics and Space Administra- Job Totals for July by December. Smith is general counsel to the Standard Time (7 p.m. Day- Freeholder Director Joseph C. is an old rhyme that goes like tion. The freeholders re-examined Prudential Insurance Co. tight Saving time). Irwin said this morning "the 1o- this: ' Morrison told the committee the plan at a meeting Monday Hughes said he would be on The ordinance prohibits tran- catioi of any interchange and For want of a nail a horse- that in nearly all launchings To Be Announced after The Register, had published hand in Seattle Aug. 10 and 11 sient merchants from selling references made to property shoe was lost, there are brief moments when a news article describing the for New Jersey Day celebrations wares after that time. By NORMAN WALKER Inous. The June totals showed a •round it are the responsibility the ground station loses radar ownership of properties in the at the World's Fair. For want of a horseshoe a Summons Issued record 69,539,000 employed and of the New Jersey Highway Au- contact with the soaring vehi- WASHINGTON (APHJob totals area of the new interchange. The He said he will make the trip rider was lost, The driver of the truck, 4,463,000 unemployed. The em- thority." cle. At such times 'he rocket for July—one of the major eco- meeting failed to produce a clear with members of his staff/but not For want of a rider a battle is supposed to follow its Donald Lantzer, Island Heights, ployed total is on the verge of Mr. Irwin said that was the nomic indicators on which Presi- statement as to whether the free- with Mrs. Hughes. Then he was'lost, planned path without instruc- was issued a summons by crossing the 70 million mark for final statement of the board on dent Kennedy plans to base his holders would interfere in the added, "she's not going . with tions from the computer. Patrolman Dominic Furiato at the first time in history. the matter which was reportedly l For want of a battle a king- decision on whether to ask Con- matter or not. anyone else either." . 9:50 p.m. Today's job figures will be add- brought under discussion during dom was lost. In the complicated communi- gress for a quick tax cut—are an- The total cost of the project The governor explained she Judge Ascher directed that ed to other government statistical a conference session of board Last week, for want of a hy- cations setup, the hyphen gives nounced today. has been set by the authority would fly to San Francisco the Middletown show cause Aug. 8 reports that Kennedy and his ad. members held last night. phen a U.S. Atlas-Agena rocket a signal to alert the vehicle to Preliminary indications were at $617,000. An additional $50,000 day after his own departure be- why the restraining order should visers have under study in search and $18 million were lost. ignore certain data until radar that the new figures would show The authority which operates will be spent by the authority on cause "we have a thing about not be continued. of a clear indication of which way The hyphen was missing contact is re-established. some improvement over the June the Garden State" Parkway is ex- the construction of a road linking lying in different planes." Saul Zucker, Newark, at- he economy is heading. from a computer equation. The "When this rejection signal job totals, but perhaps not enough pected tomorrow to ratify the the toll plaza with Dwight Rd., The governor said he also torney for Good Humor, said error led to the destruction at v.-as left out," said Morrison, to dispel a widespread belief the The President has said it is dif- awarding of a $443,423, contract if Middletown Township provides planned to discuss with agricul- the firm will attack the con- Cape Canaveral, Fla., July 22 "false information was fed to economy is stuck on dead center. ficult to determine whether the to a Hillside firm for the basic the right-of-way for the road. ture officials in California a pro- of a Venus space probe launch the computer. It commanded stitutionality of the ordinance. economy is merely pausing on the construction of the interchange. The county has refused Mid- posed farm assessment program vehicle and its scientific pack- 'hard left, nose down,' and ve- He said the firm is attack- The statistic being most closely way toward a eradual upward The project was first announced dletown's request that Red Hill which Hughes s^aid may be in- age. hicle responded." ing a similar ordinance adopted watched is the seasonally adjust- climb or actually has become troduced in the state Legislature fn November, 1961, but subse- Rd. be taken over by the county. Officials said at the time that Who left out the hyphen? in Hoboken. ed unemployment rate. In June, stalled with a danger of turning next year. quently the authority dropped it The road has been characterized " mathematical miscue was the "I don't know who the indi- Officials of the firm contend it edged up slightly to 5.5 per cent downward again. after a number of organizations as narrow and winding, and in- 'Hitching A Ride' cause of the flight's failure. vidual was," said Morrison, that the time restriction i.i the of the work force. Kennedy has already promised and individuals opposed the lo- adequate for the heavy loads of Hughes will make the trip bv But yesterdav the House Space "but I would imagine he is a Middletown code is "arbitrary This was taken as an unfavor- to propose an across-the-board cut cation of the interchange at Red traffic anticipated affer the in- 'hitching a ride" on a National Committee heard about the senior engineer with a doctor's and unfair." able sign, since the rate had re- in individual and corporate in- Hill Rd. terchange is completed. Guard plane making training missing hyphen from Richard degree in.mathematics and con- The ordinance was adopted mained steady for many months. come taxes effective next Jan. I. manuevers, the governor said. B. Morrison, launch vehicle di- siderable experience in celes- after the Township Committee Another idle rate increase in July The question is whether faster tax He said the trip will cost the rector for the National Aero- tial mathematics." received pressure from the Mid- would surely be regarded as om- relict is necessary now. Electronics Command Becomes Official Today at Fort

FORT MONMOUTH — Estab- complete the present subordinate New Mexico; the electronics Ma and assign responsibility in a and Col. Bob H. Glover, director for the establishment of the Elec- lishment of the U.S. Army Elec- command structure of the Army teriel Agency in Philadelphia, the complex field of growing import- of research and development. tronics Command headquarters. tronics Command here becomes Materiel Command. These are Electronics Research and De- ance to the national defense. Gen. Hoff also announced that Under the new structure, some official today, according to Maj. the Test and Evaluation Com- velopment Agency and the Elec- Employ Nearly 10,000 hi? deputy would be Col. Waller Fort Monmouth agencies form- Gen. Stuart S. Hoff, wno has as- mand and the Supply and Main- tronics Materiel Support Agency, Government military and ci- E. Lotz, Jr. The post of chief erly headed by the Chief Signal sumed command. • tenance Command. both at Fort Monmouth. vilian personnel permanently as- scientist has not been filled. olficer will be commanded by The Electronics Command's The mission for the Electronics Other smaller activities will be assigned to the headquarters of the commanding general of the mission is the execution of the Command comprises functions distributed over the nation, ini The New Setup the several subordinate com- Electronics Command, who will research and development, pro- formerly performed by the office tially in their present locations, Lt. Col. John C. Moses, who mands and activities are ex- report to the commanding gen- curement and production of elec- of the chief signal officer In as required to perform! the mis- will report here later, has been pected to number between 7,000 tronics material required by the Washington, with the exception of sion. These include the Pro- in charge of advanced planning (See COMMAND; Page 3) and 10,000. The annual funds United States Army. communications and pictorial curement Offices on the West program of the new command is missions which continue to be Coast, in Chicago, and else- The new command Is one of expected to vary between 700 his responsibility. where, the Air Defense Engineer- five "middle management" com million and I billion dollars. mands functioning in designated The command will function ing Agency at Fort Meade, Md., Today's Index commodity fields, under Lt. Gen. primarily within the Continental and the Avionics Field Office at Officers of many key stafl Frank S. Besson. Jr.. command- United States, but personnel will St. Louis, Mo. slots are to be selected. Subject Page Page ing general of thp recently es- travel abroad whfen necessary to The command was created to to the demands of pther higher Adam & Eve 16 Editorials ,.. 6 tablished Armv Materiel Com- maintain liaison with tronos sta- nsure efficient management of a requirements, these assignments Allcn-Scolt 15 Herblock « Movie Timetable 14 mand with headquarters in Wash tioned in foreign theaters, foreign major research development and have been announced by Gen. Amusements 14 ington, D.C. The others are the Hoff: Col. Jules E. Gonseth, Jr., Obituaries I industry and foreign, research production program, *o provide Births 2 Missile Command, the Weapons and development programs. a point of contact between the chief of staff; A.W. Rogers, chief Sylvia Porter 6 Command, the Mobility Com- Major Activities Army and industry to insure ef- engineer; Col. Nicholas C. An- Jim Bishop 6 Radio-Television : 14 mand and the Munitions Com- Major activities under the new ficient use of scarce skills and gel, deputy director of programs Hal Boyle 17 Social 16-17 mand. command are the Electronics Re- professional competence, and to for materiel- management; Col. Bridge 21 George Sokolsky » 2 Subordinate Groups search and Development Activi- provide a point of control to Morton A. Rubin, comptroller; Classified 20-21 Sports '. 11-11 Two subordinate commands ty at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., and which the Army Materiel Com- Col. Carl A. Cuphaver, director Comics - ...21 Stock Market J Mai. <»«"• Stuqrr S. Hoff operating in functional fields at White Sands Missile Range, mand could delegate authority procurement and production, Crossword Puzzlo «-— .- 2Y Successful Investing , 1 , Aug. 1, 1962 FED BANK REGISTER Weather Mew Jersey—Mostly many to- Scores Interchange Plan day, preceded by «o«e morning OBITUARIES Late News Briefs ckwdiness and fog in couui stc- UNCBQFT — A meetlnr of t Q* totalities ifrere al- Hornet will be addfcd, but the tu- Ucmi. ' High in the tt» except the Jjncroft TadependsBU for ready adjacent to Red Hill Rd., tur* development should be or- By The AMNdated Prtw alto favored a cut in federa near 80 along the shore. Clear JOHN H. THORJ-E HERBERT GAJHUSON spending, and praised Defensi Roth was held recently at the if the major iadurtry to, be served derly and plumed to that servlca ALGIERS — Deputy Pranlei tonight, low was pressing for Red Hill Rd., I can b« provided on * progressive MATAWAN — John H. Thorpe, OCEANPORT — Herbert Gar- Department efforts in this direc to 65 except hoitre of Richard Walsh, Coronet Mohammed Boudiaf, released b; tion. could' understand the rush to basis as the population increases. 63, died' yesterday in Ws home, rison, 70, of 274 Eatontown Blvd. guerrilla troops who held him some 50s Ave. build there; but we find neither "Our Township Committee Is 37 Miriam Dr. Born in South died yesterday in his home. Eastern Algeria for 24 hours, re- cooler interio Edward J. Roth, Democratic condition exists. again talking about the subject Amboy, he was the son of thi Born in Newark, Mr. Garrison GENERAL STRIKE sections. Thurs late William and. Viola Dye turned to Algiers today to join BUENOS AIRES, Argentina candidate for Township Commit- "The only certain result is that of the Red HiU Rd. Interchange. was the son of the late Herbert day mostly-su a tremendous cost will be placed It is months since it was first Thorpe. He was the husband of and Sarah Garrison. He had Other quarreling leaders of thi Thousands of riot police were d ny and con- tee, discussed the proposed Red new nation in peace talks. Hill Rd. Garden State Parkway on Middletown Township taxpay- proposed, but our officials are the late Elizabeth Kerchner lived here seven years and for- ployed through Buenos Aires to tinued warm Thorpe. One of dissident Deputy Pre day as a scheduled 48-hour gen with low hi Interchange. ers. Beyond question, the devel- no nearer taking action, even In- merly resided in Jersey City. mier Ahmed Ben Bella's bittere: He said: opments surrounding Red HiU effective action, than when th Mr. Thorpe was a member of Five years ago Mr. Garrison eral strike against govcrnme midity, high 8i Gethsemane Lutheran Church, enemies, Boudiaf was arrested b; economic policies began. to 85 "The residents of Middletown Rd. aided by feeder roads built proposal was first made. retired from Crucible Steel Co., pro-Ben Bella troops of the W Township have viewed, with at community expense, will be "I believe our citizens are tired Keyport, and the Masons in Jer- Harrison, where he had been em- Scattered acts of sabotagi Marine sey City. laya (military zone) No. 1 whif( were 'reported, but the tapita shock and amazement, the arro- accomplished before the township of talk-talk that leads nowhere. ployed as a supervisor. He was visiting his home town of M'Sila Block Islam gant, domineering moves' of the is ready for them in terms of They want action—decisive, Surviving are a daughter, Mrs, a veteran of the Army Engineer generally was quiet after th to Cape May - Winds most Otto Wokle of this place; a son. strike began at midnight. The e: ^w Jersey Highway Authority in roads, schools, police and fire courageous action. Corps during World War X and southwest today and nor times attempting to force an inter- protection and other services. Warren J. Thorpe of Richmond, a • member of the Eatontown FAUBUS WINS tent of the walkout was not tonight and Thursday with speed; "I would suggest that the Va.; two" brothers, Calvin and LITTLE ROCK — Gov. Orva become apparent until norm change on Middletown Township "The Township Committee, by Township Committee stiffen its Presbyterian Church. of about 10 knots. Some clou at Red Hill Rd. In the light Alvin Thorpe, both of this place; Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Is- E. Faubus, soft-pedaling the in working hours. iness with fog this morning, fo inaction, is about to duplicate the backbone and inform . the New a sister, Mrs. Eugene Munn of tegration issue which spread hi: lowed by fair this afternooi of recent articles in the public era of overdevelopment, to which Jersey Highway Authority in abel E. Garrison; a daughter, press, I leave it to Middletown we have already been subjected, Morgan, and five grandchildren. Mrs. Dorothy F. Payseur of this name around the world, swept t NEW** FEDERATION through Thursday. Visibility on clear precise language that there The funeral will be Friday at an unprecedented fifth term i to three miles, occasionally les: Township residents to judge why with another developer's paradise will be no exchange at Red Hi place; two sisters, Mrs. Ida Le- LONDON — Britain and Mi an interchange is being rushed at and taxpayers' nightmare, It is Road now and to challenge the 9 a.m. from the Bedle Funeral vind of Chatham and Mrs. Mabel Arkansas' Democratic primarj laya agreed last night to creal than one mile especially nea: Home, Matawan, followed at 10 yesterday. Block Island this morning, im Red Hill Rd. inevitable that Middletown Town Authority with every legal man- Gibbons of Roseland and three a federation of Malaysia, a m o'clock by services in Gethse- grandchildren. The man who in 1957-58 becaim proving to over five miles this "If the homes and population ship will expand and that new euver possible." tion of 10 million people stretel mane Lutheran Church, with Services will be held at 8:30 a symbol of resistance to the ing in an 1,800-mile crescei afternoon. Rev. Frederick Boos, officiating. U. S. Supreme Court's desegre- p.m. Thursday in the Robert A. around the South China Sea. Extended Forecast Burial will be in Christ Church Braun Home for Funerals. Rev." gation order said his re-election The federation will embra' In eastern Pennsylvania, sout Cemetery, South Amboy. Robert W. Reed, pastor of the proved Arkansas does not wani the present federation of Malay; eastern New York, Connecticu Racial Tension Key Issue Eatontown Presbyterian Church, an extremist in the governor'; the, semi-independent island stal and New Jersey, temperature: MRS. EMILY S. EGUM during the five-day period Thurs- will officiate. Burial will be Fri- chair. of Singapore and the British Bo ALBANY, Ga. (AP) — Racial were arrested one time on a change immediately if they lose FAIR HAVEN-Mrs. Emily S. day morning in Woodbine Ceme- The role of moderate was neo territories of Brunei, San day through Monday are expected tension—how much or how little charge of parading without a this fight. Egum, 85, died yesterday in tier to average two to five degrees tery here. new one for Faubus who courted wak and North Borneo. —was the key issue today in permit. The same charge has Elliott is to hear the Negroes' home, 44 River Lawn. segregationist votes and got them below normal with no very great been used in recent marching complaint, a companion to i day-to-day changes. federal court fight over Negro Bom in Denmark, she had lived mss GERTRUDE S. SCANLON in waves in 1958 and 1960. INDICT 5 MEN demonstrations. petition seeking to desegregat here five months and formerl; mass demonstrations against FREEHOLD—Miss Gertrude S. NEW YORK — Police inves In another development, the public facilities. had resided in Cliff wood Beach. Scanlon, 51, of 23 Kiawah Ave., SEEK SETTLEMENT gation into the mysterious dea TIDES segregation. city filed a cross-complaint to a The date for the hearing on She was the widow of Hans P. (Sandy Hook) died Tuesday in Riverview Hos- UNITED NATIONS (AP) — In of socialite Henry Ogden Phipp Police Chief Laurie Pritcheti suit by Negroes seeking to en- the desegregation suit is un- Egum. pital, Red Bank. donesian Foreign Minister Suban has led to the indictment of fh Today — High 9:21 p.m. am faced more cross-examinations on join officials from preventing certain since the current court Surviving are four daughters, She was born here, daughter drio flew home today to sell Pres men on charges of conspiring low 3:20 p.m. his assertion that mass marches demonstrations. The action en- fight apparently will extend Mrs. Astrid Poulsen of Cliffwood, of Mrs. Mary E. Scanlon and • ident Sukarano on a settlement ' Thursday—High 9:52 a.m. am and picketing by Negroes crea'ted sures city officials of another through this week. Mrs. Emily KIrkirt of Laurence commit robbery in New Jerse 9:58 p.m. and low 3:59 a.m. am the late Michael Scanlon. with the Dutch on West New Gu Narcotics charges also we a tense, explosive atmosphere. Harbor, Mrs. Vera V. Kemnet Miss Scanlon had been em- nea. Hopes were high here an< 4:02 p.m. Pritchett is a principal witnes: of Cliffwood Beach, and Mrs placed against two of the a< (For Red Bank and Rumson ployed as a telephone operator in Washington that a final accor cused men and a sixth was e: in the city's attempt to enjoin Orty Olsen' of this place; 1 for New Jersey Bell Telephone will be signed by mid-August. bridge, add two hours; Sea permanently several Negro lead- Silver Anniversaries grandchildren, and 17 great-grand- pected to be arraigned today. Bright, deduct 40 minutes; Long Company for 33 years. She was But Sukarno first must retreal The men charged ' yesterda ers and groups from staging or children. a member of the Telephone Pio- from his frequent pledge to take Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High promoting marches, picketing, The funeral will be tomorrow were Nicholas Albert!, 28, of Pa lands bridge, add 40 minutes.) For Mrs. Stone, McKnight neers of Red Bank and a com- the Dutch-held territory by Jan. sale, N. J.; Edward Fuchs, 32 boycotting and similar protest at 2 p.m. In the Bedle Funeral municant of St. Rose of Lima 1. Under the preliminary agree- of Hackensack, N. J.; Willian activity in this racial test spot, RED BANK - Deputy Police secretary of the National Sweep Home. Keyport, with Rev. Kirke- Catholic Church. ment worked out at a country CHICAGO (AP)-There were 39 Negroes Jailed Chief Leroy McKnight and Mrs. stakes Regatta Association. gaard, pastor of St. Stephen' Turlington, 25, of Astoria. N. Y few wet spots but generally fa Surviving, besides her mother, estate near Washington, Indones- Charles Lee Delcore, 21, of Mar Even as the legal battle went Lucy Stone are observing their Mrs. Stone is the former Lucy Lutheran Church, Edison Town are a sister, Mrs. John Tansey weather prevailed in the rnajo on, 39 more Negroes were jailec 25th anniversaries of service to ship, officiating. Cremation will ia would not get full control of hattan, N. Y., and Eugene Johi part of the nation today. Hartman. She and her husband, of Marlboro, and four brothers, the territory until next May. Erzolino, 26, of Brooklyn, N. Y. for prayer-singing demonstra- this borough. Kent R. Stone, live at 89 Pros- be in Rose HIU Crematory, Lin- Joseph T., George F. and Wil- Showers dampened areas in thi tions at the library and, city hall den. central and southern plains Mrs. Stone, secretary for the pect Ave. liam Leroy Scanlon, all of this SPY SHIPS LEAVE yesterday and last night. water, sewer, sanitation and place, and J. Raymond Scanlon, DEATH PROBED gion and in sections of the south' The demonstrations, mostl WASHINGTON — Four Russia NAPANOCH — Authorities t ern Rockies and southern plateau, street department, and the build- MRS. MARY C. BONNS living at home. Instrument ships which spied on teen agers, pushed to more thai ing inspector, started working for LONG BRANCH — Mrs. Mary Services will be Friday at 8 day investigated the possibilii A few isolated showers sprinkled 300 the number of arrests in th the borough Aug. 1, 1937. Over Draft Rules U. S. nuclear tests for weeks ii of homicide in the case of 6-yeai Atlantic coastal areas. C. Bonns, 67, of 57 Pavilion Ave. a.m. from the deceased's home, current series of protests. Since the past 25 years she also has followed by a requiem mass at the Pacific steamed away aftei old Solomon Schwartz, whoi Tornadic winds were reportet died yesterday at Monmouth the 200-mile high shot on July 9, December, more than 1,100 ar- been secretary of the Zoning of On Operation Medical Center. 9 o'clock in St. Rose of Lima body was found afloat in tin last night about 20 miles nortr rests have been made as a re- Adjustment. Church, with Rev. John Bowden it was disclosed today, kitchen cesspool of a summe: of Altus, Okla. Bom in Pittsburgh, N. Y. That high altitude test of a hy- sult of demonstrations. Chief McKnight Joined the Mrs. Bonns was a daughter oi officiating. Burial, under the di- camp eight days after he disa, Only minor temperature In yesterday's proceedings, U.S. force Aug. 3, 1937. He was Of Auctions the late Charles and Lydia Rich- rection of the W. H. Freeman drogen device over Johnston Is- peared from the camp. changes were reported. It was land was believed to have given District Judge J. Robert Elliott promoted to sergeant in 1947, and KEANSBURG — A set of rules ard Seymour. She was the widow and Son Funeral Home, will be Francis J. Vogt, assistant dis a little warmer in northern Mid- was kept busy refereing between in 1951 became a lieutentant. In end regulations for operation of of Charles E. Bonns. in St. Rose of Uma Cemetery. U.S. scientists—and perhaps the trict attorney of Ulster County west areas as the cool Canadian Russians—important information attorneys Donald L. Hollowel 1953 he was appointed a captain auctions is expected to be com' Mrs. Bonns was a member of said yesterday that the boy' air edged towards the Greal representing Negro leaders, am pleted by Friday. on the effects of such a mam- Lakes region. and six years later was named the First Presbyterian Church EDWARD FALLON death appeared to be homicide. Asst. State Attorney Gen. E deputy chief following the retire- The rules are being drafted as here. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Ed- moth explosion on communi- But State Police Lt. Edgar Temperatures again climbec Freeman Leveritt, counsel foi cations and radar. Such data is ment of Police Chief Frank W. the result of a temporary sus- Surviving are three daughters, ward Fallon, 49, of 111 Wesley Croswell, in charge of the police above 100 degrees yesterday ir city officials. Reuther, when George H. Clay- pension of a license belonging Mrs. Dorothy Leeds and Mrs, Ave., died yesterday in Allen- considered vital in developing an phase of the Investigation, sail central and southwest Texas am ton was appointed chief. to Gordon Crow, Newark, Del. antimissile system. Pritchett, on the stand fo: John Pierson, both of this place, wood Hospital after a long illness. last night he was leaning towari the Southwest desert region. The about six hours, testified h Married to the former Wanda Mayor'Louis T. Collichio sai and Mrs. Roland Stilwell of Born in Everett, he was the the theory that the death was ac 90s extended through interio i firmly believed an injunction was Tyluki of Middletown, Chief Mc- be received several complaint! Brooklyn; a sister, Mrs. Marjorie son of the late Edward and Mary CONSTRUCTION RESUMES cidental. He added that this di< California into the plateau region. necessary to prevent serious dis- Knight lives at 22 Highland Ave. concerning the method of opera- Smith of Endicott, N. Y., and Ann Cumford Fallon. GROTON, Conn. — Construe not "preclude the possibility of Afternoon and evening showers order and passible bloodshed. He and Mrs. McKnight have two tion of the auction, located in the three grandchildren. Surviving are two sons, Edward brough temporary relief from the tlon of 11 nuclear submarines re- homicide." •No Violence' children, Audrey, 11, and Robert, beach front area. Services will be held at 10:30 Fallon of Lakehurst and Robert sumed today as production work- hot and humid weather in the Under cross-examination 20, who Is a salesman at Mont He said he inspected the opera- Fallon of Rumson; two brothers, Gulf states. a.m. tomorrow at the John W. ers at General Dynamics' Elec- WASHINGTON (AP)-Sen. Hu Hollo-well, Pritchett conceded that gomery Ward, Eatontown. tion with William Herlihy, bor- Flock Funeral Home, Rev. Rob- James Fallon of Atlantic High- tric Boat Division returned to bert H. Humphrey, D-MLnn., sa! Early morning temperatures the first mass inarch of 267 Chief McKnight is an honorary ough clerk, and Capt. Robert ert Reed, a former pastor of the lands, and George Fallon of Bel- their jobs after a 13-day strike. today a "tragic, avoidable gap' ranged from 88 in Laredo, Tex., persons In December did not life member of the Junior Cham- Kronenberger, acting p o 11 c i Presbyterian Church, will offici- ford; two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Work has been at « standstill to International exchange of infoi and 86 in Red Bluff. Calif., to 4! evoke threats of violence from ber of Commerce. Last year he chief, and decided to close thi ate. Burial will be in Hillside Matthews of this place, land Mrs. in the sprawling yards of the na- mation let the drug thalldomld in Marquette, Mich. Some othei onlookers. received a National Recreation auction. Cemetery, PeekskiU, N. Y. Madeline Evernham of Belford, tion's leading producer of nuclear get into thehatids of 1,200 U. resMings and conditions: New "There was no violence," Association award. He also heads The mayor said the auction and two grandchildren. submarines since the 8,700 work- physicians. York 72, clear; Chicago 63, most- Pritchett said, "because law the school safety patrol program used high pressure "pitchmen," The funeral will be Friday at ers walked off their jobs July PHILIP A. KEELEY Humphrey, In private life ly clear; Boston 67, cloutly; enforcement officers were as- here and is an exempt member and that he did not "like th FREEHOLD—Philip A. Keeley, 8:30 a.m. from the Posten Fu- 19 in a dispute that centered on pharmacist, said in a statemen Washington 73, clear; Atlanta 7: signed to keep people moving an of the Independent Engine Com way the operation was run." 72, of 20 Monmouth Ave., died neral Home, followed at 9 o'clock seniority rights in event of lay- prepared for the opening of hear clear; Miami 79, clear; Louis- lo prevent disorder." pany. Mayor Collichio said he woult Tuesday in Holmdel Nursing by a high requiem mass in St. offs. ings by a Government Operation! ville 67, clear; Detroit 61, clear; The defense attorney pursued Mrs. Stone, who reportedly has inspect a similar' operation in Home. Agnes Catholic Church by Rev. St. Louis 63, clear; Minneapolis at length a line of questioning never been absent at a board of Asbury Park, claimed to be run Michael J. Lease, pastor. Burial subcommittee, that sheer IucI 58, clear; Kansas City 65, cloudy; Mr. Keeley lived here seven FAVORS TAX CUT played a part in preventing the on Pritchett's attitude toward adjustment meeting, is a mem- by Mr. Crow, to see how it is run will be in St. Gabriel's Cemetery, Denver 57, clear; Dallas 82, there. years after moving from New NEW YORK—Roger M. Blough drug from causing widespread de- city -segregation ordinances. ber of the local Republican ex- York City, where he was em- Bradevelt. says a cut in federal income taxes clear; Phoenix 86, partly cloudy; Pritchett first testified his ecutive committee and vice presi- MRS. CHARLES E. DITMARS formities among babies in this Seattle 55, clear; San Franciscc ployed with the city Sanitation would help sagging steel Indus- country. officers had not enforced the dent of the Republican Women Department KEYPORT — Mrs. Hazel Dit- try profits by freeing more mon- 54, partly cloudy; Los Angeles 63, ordinances, but later said thai of Red Bank. mars, 66, of 37 Washington St., It was only by chance, fie said clear; Anchorage 52, and Hono Interview Surviving are his widow, Mrs ey to put into plant modernlza he had no choice but to enforce In World War TI she was a Jacoba A. Keeley and a stepson, died Monday in the Ivy House that Dr. Frances Kelsey of thf lulu 78, clear. what was on the city code books. member and secretary of the ra- tlon. Food and Drug Administratioi Louis Meevers Scholte, of thii Nursing Home, Middletown. Blough, board chairman of U.S The attorney also got from tion board. Civil Defense secre- Doctors place. Mrs. Ditmars was bom In found information on the effec Pritchett a statement that lve tary, a USO volunteer and a Steel Corp., the No. 1 producer, of the drug In a letter to the editoi Services will be Thursday at 8 Brooklyn, and was a member of did not consider four picket member of'the committee direct- a.m. from the W. H. Freeman the First Baptist Church here. of one of the world's 4,000 medlca: were a parade, although fou ing the borough's Victory Garden On Drugs journals. and Son Funeral Home and at.9 Surviving are her husband, Births program. NEWARK (AP*) — Three out o'clock in St. Rose of Lima Cath- Charles E. Ditmars; two sons, State OKV For many years she was of four doctors in northern New olic Church, where a requiem Roger James and Charles Dit- Monmouth Medical Center Bicyclist, 5, Jersey who have received sam- mass will be celebrated by Rev. mars, both of this place; her Eatontown Shops Robbed Long Branch ples of the drug thalidomide havi John Bowden. Burial will be in stepfather, Edmund O'Harm of Mr. and Mrs. AchiUe Almerlnl, been interviewed by local health St. Rose of Lima Cemetery. this place, and four grandchil- 44 Lone Oak Rd., New Mon- Hit by Car officers. dren. Beach The doctors Indicated that they The funeral will be tomorrow Bond Issue On Rt. 9 mouth, son, yesterday. NEW SHREWSBURY — Rob- made small use of the drug and SPARANDEO SERVICE at 3 p.m. in the Bedle Funeral TRENTON — Five shore mu- Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Garrett, ert Mahon, 5%-year-old son of LONG BRANCH—The funeral FREEHOLD—Three Rt. 9 eat 104 Herbert St., Red Bank, son, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mahon of that no ill effects had been ob- Home, wfth R«v. Harry Pine, nicipalities this week received ng places were robbed during for Vincent Sparandeo, 85, of 407" permission from the state Board yesterday. 15 Wyckham Rd., was taken to served. pastor of the Baptist Church, of- the night, police reported this Funds The search to trade down any Willow Ave., who died Monday ficiating. Burial will be in Shore* of Local Government to extend morning. Patterson Army Riverview Hospital yesterday aft- night, will be tomorrow at 9 a.m. their debt limits in the amount Fort vMonmouth er the bicycle he was riding, -was remaining samples of the drug land Memorial Gardens, Harlet was continued today by federal from the-Damiano Funeral Home. of $447,500 collectively. Youssoufs Restaurant In Eng- Airman First Class and Mrs. struck by a car driven by Miss A solemn Ugh mass will be cele- ishtown, reported about $100 i Evan R. Peterse'n, 646th Radar Annette Harris, 20, of 90 Strat- and local health officials. Thalido- JOHN BERGAN Eatontown, with plans to con- Okayed mide is believed to cause ba- brated in Holy Trinity Catholic struct a new fire house and first :ash missing. Lesser amount! Squadron, Highlands AFB, daugh- ford Rd. Church at 10 a.m. Burial wil RED BANK—John Bergan, 36 were taken from the Speedy Res ter, Monday. bies to be born with deformities, Riverside Ave., died last night in aid station, got the green light The boy suffered hip and head TRENTON (AP) — A total be in Mt. Camel Cemetery, Wes to float a $128,000 bond issue. aurant and Jersey Freeze, Inc injuries. The hospital described At least nine New Jersey wom- Long Branch. Riverview Hospital. Investigation is being conducted of $1,105,500 in emergency beach en are known to have been giv- Mr. Bergan was president of The proposed structure is ex- Ms condition as good. rosion aid was approved by the pected to cost $108,000, including y Troopers William Gray and Patrolman Edward Holden, who en the drug. lavemore, Inc., 43 West Front St. aul MacLemore of Tennent Bar tate House Commission yester- The U.S. Food and Drug Ad Among other survivors is his land acquisition. The remainder Farmhand investigated, said Miss Harris day and allocated to 15 munic- will be used to build a municipal acks. :old him the boy was riding ministration (FDA) reported thai Doctors Ask wife, Mrs. Anna T. Bergan. ipalities. 20 New Jersey physicians—four Arrangements are under the garage. parallel to her car on Wyckham Most of the money, $847,300, Eatontown's application was Held In Rd. when he suddenly swerved in the northern section of the direction of the John E. Day will go to 10 Monmouth County state and 16 in the south—have For Variance Funeral Home here. the second largest approved this "barter Unit into the auto's path. municipalities to help repair received samples of the drug for RED BANK — Broadmoor Co. CARD OF THANKS week. The largest, $142,500, was Murder The patrolman said the., car public facilities damaged by the submitted by Long Branch for clinical testing. has applied to the Zoning Board W« wish to ilnceKly thank oar rauir Reports Today ASBURY PARK - ent over the bicycle's front storm and flood tides of March friends for Uielr kind expreMlons of, repaving Liberty St., dredging • Charles Thalidomide\ which has not of Adjustment for a variance to •yxnp&tby In our bereavement emiwed Willie Wiggs, 31, a rheel, and that the boy was 5-7. Troutman's Creek, and a beach OCEAN TOWNSHIP — Thi farm la- >inned under the remainder of been sold in the United States but permit construction of an office by tha death oi Daniel De Luca. )orer from Freehold Township, The funds are allocated on a has been distributed for testing, Hra. Annt De Luea protection project. charter Study Commission hen he bike. building for doctors at 252 Broad and Children s expected to release the re scheduled for arraignment to- 50-50 matching basis, but the is believed to cause deformity in St. Brothen and Sifter* Applications also were ap- ay on a charge of murder. The accident occurred at about local matching requirement may proved for Farmingdale, $53,500, ults of its survey of local gov- p.m. No summons was issued. infants if the mother takes the The firm, of which Dr. Alfred rnment ^ this morning to the Detective Capt. Thomas Smith be waived for those municipali- drug in early stages of preg J. Kolarsick is president, recent- NOTICE TO BIDDERS and Monmouth Beach, $23,500. aid this morning that he signed he patrolman said, pending in- ies which lost at least 10 per nnncy. UVLK FarminRdale will build a two- "ownship Committee. vestigation. The First Aid Squad ly obtained a variance allowing The Board of Education of the lion- he complaint against Wigps yes :ent of their tax ratables in th mouth Regional High School, New room addition to Its elementary ook the youngster to the hospital. Two New Jersev women were the construction of a similar The commission's recommenda erday after an investigation in torm. among a list of 38 persons ob- Shrewsbury, New Jeney, hereby In- school, and Monmouth Beach will ions will be made after almost building at 258 Broad St. vltefl the submission of sealed bids for o the death of Oscar Lane, 63 The state funds are being tained by the New York Citv A variance is required because furnishing; MILK to the school for the purchase a fire truck. ine months of study. The group )f 1105 Adams St. iiithorized from the $4 million school year, 1962-1963. The fifth municipality affected Health Department as takers of none of the physicians will re- Bids will be received until 3:00 p.m., ad the aid of a specialist in According to Capt. Smith, Lane mergency beach erosion fund the drug. Seven others received prevailing time, on Tuesday, August T, •was Point Pleasant. r side in the office building. 1963 and Chen publicly opened and - overnment. as involved In a fight July 18 Trapped approved earlier this year by the the drug from a Jersey City phy- read at the Office oi the Secretary, 535 'The building at 258 Broad wil) Hnton Avenue, Kew Shrewsbury, New 'ith Wiggs. Lane died Monday in Legislature. Last month the state sician. be occupied by Drs. Robert B. Jersey. itkin Hospital. allocated $1,819,015 from the fund, Specifications and bid forms may be Lifeguard The Health Department did not Robertson, William L. Wood, secured at Uie Office of the Secretary Contracts Wiggs was jailed yesterday )ringing the total to date to $2,- reveal their identities but said William A. Jamison, Charles on weekdays prior to bid opening be- ending his arraignment. 125,415. tween the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 (Continued) one lived in East Orange and Paterno and Kolarsick. j.m. • Rescued The allocations approved to- th° other In Dumont. The Board of Education reserves the assurances that within three years he would be doing $10 mil- The' Broadmoor Firm is repre- Tight to reject alt bids, to waive any •lion a year in Signal Corps business. ASBURY PARK — Garrett lay include $100,000 to Sea Bright TV identities of the- 20 doc- sented by Benedict R. Nicosia, Informalities and to award orders at 'iberson, 20, of Wanamassa, a or seawall construction; $200,- tors whn rpoMved the rtrup nlso Hs discretion in the best Interests of According to the reporter, Snoyer was advised to tell his Red Bank attorney. The appli- :he Board of Education. Valve Break leguard, is reported in fair con- 000 to Long Branch for seawall were withheld bv th* FDA. Their » HALPH T. KEBV1I. story to the FBI and to encourage the Fort Monmouth people 1 cation wil] be heard at the Becretary ;to believe he would accept. EAST PATERSON (AP) ition in i Fitkin Hospital today construction; $62,500 to Deal for amps wpre released to health nf- board's meeting next Wednesday. Aug. 1 H.67 fter his underwater ordeal Mon- jetty repairs; $25,000 to Allen- ficers In th" communities in- To help Snoyer prepare a bid, Nicodemus reported, a vol- Workmen toiled through the night n East Paterson to repair a lay night. He was trapped in hurst for jetty repairs. volved, the FDA said. NOTICE TO BIDDERS ume of classified Signal Corps documents were shipped to him he outflow drain of the munici- Also $100,000 to Asbury Park In each of four North Jersey FUEL OIL in California. Suddenly, before the documents reached him, racked valve that caused water The Board of Education of the Von- be shut off' completely In the pal swimming pool here as the for jetty repairs; $82,500 to Nep- communities — Newark, Orange, Hughes mouth Regional High School, New however, the contract plan fell through and the award was Shrewsbury, New Jersey, hereby In- given to another firm. ity and in half of neighboring ank was tune Township for jetty repairs; Jersey City and Tenafly — one (Continued) vites uie lubmuslon of cealed bids Mr arfield. leaning. $50,000 to Avon for jetty repairs; doctor was reported to have re- furnishing FUEL OIL to the school for Nicodemus wrote that Snoyer—who meanwhile had man- andle New Jersey problems. the schoolschool.. yearye r, 1962-19S3196219S3. Police reported this morning Giberson was sucked into the $47,500 to Belmar for jetty re- ceived thalidomide samples. Hughes said he thought the sug- tnaBiBidd s wilwiilll bbo e receiveived untiumutul a:u3:0u0 p.p.m.m , aged to have the sum asked of him reduced to $20,000 on pening as he and another Ilfe- pairs; $100,000 to Spring Lake All but the Newark phvslclan prevailinil g time, on TTuesdayd , AugusAt 7, grounds he could not afford the higher amount—was told he Iremcn and equipment have been estion would aid congressmen, .962 ana then publicly opened and n emergency standby basis since ;uard, William Knight of Ocean for new jetty construction. werp interviewpd. The Newark ut added that if the congress- •ead at the Office of the Secretary, 535 should arrange to pay $1,500 as a token for the work done in rove, removed the grate cov- "Also $100,000 to Manasquan for health officer. Dr. Pascal Baioc- rinton Avenue, New* Shrewsbury, New his behalf and to pave the way for future consideration. he water was shut off yesterday men object he will, reconsider. 'ereey. ring the drain to let the water new jetty construction; $100,000 rh'. salH thfl doctor wis on va- Department of Urban and Sub- Specifications and bid forms may be The actions of both Snoyer and Nicodemus dreiV praise ening. It was hoped that the secured at the Office of the Secretary alve would be repaired by 8 a.m. ow out faster. to Atlantic City for bulkhead cntion. Bnlocch' arfded thnt fie rban Affairs — Hughes said he an weekdays prior to bid opening be- from Attorney General Robert F/Kcnnedy. "Mr. .Nicodemus," Knieht and a third lifeguard, construction; $31,500 to Longport <\\A nnt bp!l»ve the doctor treated tween the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 4:00 the attorney general said "was acting in the best tradi- May. as received a voluminous pre- m. Ray Scharf of Wanamassa, took for bulkhead; $56,500 to North oreEnant women. Iminary report from Mrs. Kath- The Board of Education reserves the tions of his profession and for Mr. Snoyer to offer his fullest About half of Garficld's 30,000 turns relaying air to Giberson Wildwood for a seawall; $60,000 right to reject all bids, to waive any assistance, even at the risk of future difficulties for his own rlne Elkus White studying his informalities and to award orders at isiclents and all 20,000 of East while trying to free him. Finally to Lower Township for new jetty It adds UD! More and more roposal for the new cabinet de- ts discretion In me best Interests ft business, reflects honesty, courage and the highest kind of "he Board of Education. 'aterson's citizens were without they managed to tear him loose construction; $10,000 to Middle people use The Register ads each partment. The governor said his RALPH T. KEEVIL. patriotism." ater since 8 p.m. last night. and pull him to shallow water. Secretary Township for bulkheading. er.—Advertisement. staff was reviewing the study. ,U(. 1 , i SIC? E£D BAxS'K REGISTER Wednesday, Aug. L, 1962-3 Successful investing Nason on Education Oldster With Fund Contract Should Close Out at a Loss Physical Fitness Tests By LESLIE J. NASON One of the most difficult of|ward during pull-up. \ By ROSEfcE. SPEAR Professor of Education these tests tor boys Is the "pull- —Kicking the legs \* not per- (Editor's Note: Some six mil- up," or, as we used to call it, mitted. SUCCESSFUL INVESTING , a large and economically Import- UoTfmen have been called up in "chinning the bar." —The body must not swing. Q.—"Two year* ago, I signed ant road, I regard the shares as the draft since 1948. More than Parents can prepare their child —No resting is permitted; ac- ' it contract to invest $25 a month an investment to avoid at this 40 per cent of them were turned for the tests by having him prac- tion must be continuou»—up, in snare* of a mutual fund foi particular time. The market ap- down, mostly for physical rea- tice on bars at playgrounds or down; up, down. a period of 12 years. I'm in my parently has pretty much the sons. This is why many schools around the house so that he will Here are the pull-up standards 60ss, and I hate to accept the same opinion, too, because it is are starting special physical fit- be ready to perform the test suc- for boys: lass I'd have to evaluating C & O shares on an ness programs next month. This cessfully before his schoolmates U| 8 per cent yield basis, a return vt take if I quil is the last of two columns ex- in the fall. HxccUent 1 r so high as to suggest that the • 1 •1 the plan plaining what parents can do to Here is how to do it: Good , *l it A What is you $4 dividend is anything but se- help their child get ready tor it.) BMtitictorr *l it cure. Place the bar high enough so advice to City boys that the feet do not. touch the Poor 11 11 1 me?" L.L. American Telephone's leader with no trees ground or floor whenvarms and If your child is unable to do a A. - I'm ship in communications, plus thi to climb may legs are extended. pull-up in the prescribed fashion, stream of new products which afraid you wen be caught un Grasp bar with palms facing it may take time to develop tha coaxed i n t steadily flow from its research prepared when necessary muscular strength. Ha laboratories, point to expanding forward. Hang with arms and buying some- school opens legs fully extended. Pull body should work up to It slowly. thing which earnings power in the years next month. Here are some suggestions: ahead. I think that Telephone is up until chin is over bar. Lower doesn't fit your body until arms are fully ex- Pull-ups are easier to accom- SPEAR needs. a hard Issue to beat for investors JOINS CABINET — Anthony Celebrezze takei oath in White House roie garden to He might have to start tended. plish with the hands turned with Whether intentional or not, th< who seek a combination of rel- •become the new Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare with President Ken- j the palms toward the body. Have •alesman who sold you this 12- ative safety, dependable income from scratch One complete pull-up Is counted nedy in attendance. Administering the oath is Carton Howell, White House admin- when his school each time the boy places his chin your boy try to pull himself up year contractual plan used poor and probable capital growth—and Or. Noson in this manner—at first. Judgment. He sold you a cap I advise you to put your $4,000 istrative officer. Between Celebrezze and Howell are Susan Marie Celebrezze, left, starts testing over the bar. Repeat as many ital-bulMing plan - hardly the into this issue. for Its physical times as possible. He may also need to take * and her sitter, Jean Anne. In 'right background is Midshipman Anthony J. Cele- fitness program suggesed by the slight body swing to Vtart tha thing most older investors, whc (Mr." Spear cannot answer al Rules: •re searing the end of their ac- brezze, Jr., a Naval Academy student. (AP Wirephotol government as a means of build- —The pull must not be a snap action and he may not be able mail personally, but will answei ing up what Is coming to be to bring his chin completely up cumulating years, should buy. all questions nosslble in hi movement, but a steady pull-up. called the '{soft generation." —Knees must not be raised for- to the bar. Those $25 monthly payments column.) -~~" One or two tries should b« will probably become harder and Bubble Bursts sufficient for the first day. Even- harder to meet in the 10 years tually he should be able to do tha the plan has yet to run; and, be- pull-up with his hands In either cause of this, I advise you .1 Cut Fees for Girl To Travel Abroad position. Further daily practice dose out your plan now. You MIDDLETOWN (AP) — This will bring endurance. ' ' ibly nave to take a sizabli For Service community was shaking its head in doing so, but all things There will be bonus benefits to yesterday over a race for space such a program. The discovery ildered it's probably the best that a little girl nearly won by To Have Abortion move to make. On Pensions that improvement comes rapidly traveling on the ground. PHOENDC, Ariz. (AP) — Mrs. children's television show said will carry over into other activ- Q.—"Which do you think is besl TRENTON (AP) - State pen- Vicky Jacques wanted very Sherri Finkblne, who shared with Tuesday she has been advised ities. There Is a close relation- for a stock investment of $4,000 sion director William J. Joseph much to win the township's an- the world her fear of bearing a that any comment.on her destina- ship between a feeling of physical —American Telephone or the yesterday announced reductions ii nual "Satellite Balloon' launch- deformed child, apparently hopes tion could jeopardize her chance well-being and mental health. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway? administrative fees designed to ing contest. to keep secret when and where of obtaining an abortion. save an estimated $75,000, Caution: Parents should have C.T. With all the ingenuity that she plans to have an abortion. their children checked to be sura A.—American Telephone, with- The reductions, effective Jul; Mrs. Finkblne took the drug 9-year-old girl can muster, she However, it appeared today the thalidomide. blamed for the births 'there is no physical difficulty that out a doubt. I, apply only to those fees pali conceived a plan that had her Finkblnes will travel to a country would have a bearing on the type WMIe the Chesapeake & Ohio ii by the public bodies in reporting of thousands of malformed babies would declared the unofficial winner un which will permit the abortion. in Europe, Canada and Australia. and 'amount of exercise they to the state the Social Security til this week. Back in her suburban Scottsdale attempt. taxes of public employees. Jo- Her husband, 31-year-old Robert Should Ostensibly her helium-filled bal- horne after four days of seclusion, L. Finkbine, says, "We're still ex- ParentPi' s also should make sure seph said improved reporting pro- loon had floated 200-air mile3 to the pretty 30-year-old star of a 4th Straight cedures enabled the reduction. ploring all the possibilities. ^e that a note is on tile at the Norwood, a suburb of Boston, haven't made a decision." school if some physical deficiency He said the reduced fee wit Mass. He appeared et-^the federal restricts the boy from particip- Good Day result in savings to most munic- But yesterday her bubble ating in this type of test. , ipalities, counties, boards of ed- Command building here Tuesday to apply burst.. for extension of his passport to (You may obtain a copy of Dr. ucation and public agencies. The Contest officials disqualiiad (Continued) Include his wife. Nason's "You Can Get Better For Street fee is charged to cover the. state'; era). Army Materiel Command. NEW YORK (AP) - The stock her, contending her satellite nev- This is the passport he used last Grades1'" booklet by sending $1 to administrative costs. er even left the launching pad Troop units and activities that summer when he escorted a group "Better Grades," Box 2180, Gen- market yesterday pushed its se- Joseph said the administrate formerly made up the U.S. Army eral" Post Office, New York.) ries of daily gains to four fee will be permanently reduced Jack Moody, township recrea- Signal Training Command here of high school students on a tour •tralght as volume rose to its from 2 per cent of the Social tion superintendent, told this became the U.S. Army Signal of Europe. He purchased the tha- largest in nearly three weeks. story: Center and School July 1. The lidomide tranquilizers for his Jail, 10-Year Revocation Security tax liability to l per own use during the tour. He Turnover was 4.19 millio: cent. EXPECTANT ANGLERS — Noah Marshall/leader of th» Vicky entered the contest at a school now reports to the com- For Drank Driving •hares compared with 3.2 mi local playground June 29. Like manding general, U.S. Continen- brought some home, and Mrs. Under the new scale there will High School Playground recreational program, assists Finkblne used them. LITTLE SILVER — Miss Janet lion Monday and was the bigges be a minimum fee of $1 for each all other contestants she received tal Army Command. Brig. Gen. •ince July 12 when 5.37 millioi William Moore, 7, of 142 McLaren St., during the Red a net with a return addressed John C. Monahan Is comman- The Finkbines have tried to Jahnes, 526, East St., Long quarterly wage report and a max- find a legal way to end Mrs. Branch, pleaded guilty to driving •hares changed hands. imum fee of $25, he added. Bank Parks and Recreation Committee's Fishing Week post card attached and a small dant of the U.S. Army Signal helium-filled balloon. Center and School. Finkbine's 2'/j-month pregnancy. while under the Influence Of In- Gains of four points by Du at Marine Park. Robert Meade, 5, of 39 Hudson Ave., After a secret panel of doctors toxicating liquors June 10. Pont and 3i£ by International Vicky let the balloon soar above Other activities here having to is at right. Mary Ann Connor, 10, of 20 Linden PI. was the housetops without attaching do with the development of com- advised an abortion, it was sched- Magistrate Richard D. Porter Nickel were Important in help- uled for last Wednesday at Good on Monday sentenced Miss ing to bost the Dow Jones Leaving Post the only girl to catch a fish during the special event. the postcard and net. bat concepts and doctrine be- She took these with her on a come the responsibility of the Samaritan hospital. But hospital Jahnes to three months in jail; dustrlal average 6.49 to 597.93. authorities called it off to await fined her $205 and revoked her International Business Ma- trip the next day with her fam- Army Combat Development Com- ily to Massachusetts. There she mand, with headquarters at Fort clarification of the hospital's le- driving privileges for 10 years. chines closed oft % at 387. gal position. Police Chief James Fix said Of 1,247 issues traded, 680 ad- BoroughPlayground found another balloon, hooked up Belvoir, Va. This organization is known as the Fort Monmouth Of- A suit was filed In Superior patrolman Allen Wright appre- vanced and 339 declined. New the net and let sail. hended Miss Jahnej while she was lows for the year totaled nine. A Mrs, EUen Mae Isaacs found fice, U.S. Army Communications- Court, asking for a Judgment that Electronics Combat Develop- her case came under an Arizona operating a vehicle on Willow Dr. The two new highs were Plough the balloon July 4 and returned She said she had been; con- (when-issued) and Litton Indus Fishing Week field the post card here. ments Agency. The director of law which permits abortion to this agency, which was formed save the ;llfe . Schaefpr and Ann Schaefer, Param Plct medium browns in best position publicans he could not guarantee Mr. Dusinberre has been liifl wlte, by Hllznbeth MacEwnn, wid- Penney JC 40(4 today. ers, was smashed Tuesday night the effort would not be made. member of the board for five ow, by Peed dnted Mny 0. 1981. antl Fa Pw&U 3Z»i recorded May M. 1S61. In Book 3068 lor Pa RR llii Whites: extras (47 lbs. min.) after a long day of flaring tem- Mansfield and Dirksen still were years and is serving his third Deeds of Monmouth County on Page Pepsi Cola 41)4 pers, denunciations and apologies. armed with a debate-limiting clo- year as its president. us. Perkln Elm 37 %-3% extras medium (40 lbs. Being commonly known and desig- Phil El 29 M average) 25J4-26V5; top quality Sen. Mike Mansfield of Mon- ture petition for use if necessary. He is production director of nated as No. 217 Campbell Street, Un- Phlll Pet 47V, tana, the Democratic leader, had manufacturing of Wheelock Sig- ion Beach, New Jersey. Pit Steel 734 (47 lbs. min.) 36^-39; mediums Under it, the Senate would have The approximate amount ot the Pub Sv EAG 61T [41 lbs. average) 27-28; smalls the filibustering Democrats seem to vote within 48 hours after its nals, Inc., Long Branch, and re- Judgment to be satisfied by said Bale Pullman ingly ready to agree to a 10-day Is the sum of *300.00 together with Pure Oil 36 lbs. average) 18-19; peewees introduction. Two-thirds of those sides at 95 Buttonwood Dr., here. the cost of this snlr>. RCA «% 4-15J4. referral of the bill to the Senate voting would have to approve the His running mates for the Bor- Dated June 20, 1963 Reading Co 0% 'oreign Relations Committee. IRA E. WOLCOTT. Sheriff. Repub Stl 38 V4 Browns: extras (47 lbs. min.) debate limitation. ough Council are Jesse J. Mcll- Isadora Rubin, Atty. Revlon 39'* This would have given the Senate Aug. 1, 8, 15. 22 M8.7S Reyn Met 27H 3%38J4; top quality (47 lbs. A number of Republicans, in- ray, an incumbent, and Hadley Oru< Rey Tob 43% min.) T39-41) mediums time to work on other business cluding Goldwater and Tower, S. King, Jr., recently named a Curl Rob Fulton 26% (41 lbs. Del 8t Jos Lead 20U average) 30-32; smalls (36 lbs. before the bill came up again. urged the leaders to wear down candidate by the party's -execu- St Reg Pap 26 However, in order to pass the tive committee after Councilman Doug Alre Bears Itoeb 07% iverage) 18&19& peewees 1*%- Sens. Wayne Morse, D-Ore., Estes Dow Chem Shell Oil 33S 5. move hud to have unanimous con- Kefauver, D-Tenn., and the other Malcolm P. Horton resigned. Oft Pont Sinclair 3194 Duo, Lt Smith AO 2514 sent. Sen. Barry Goldwater, R- filjbusterers by holding round-the- But Kod Socony BOH Ariz., objected. clock sessions. ' „ THIRD BIRTHDAY End John Sou Pac 25 CLAMBAKE AT CLUB PORT MONMOUTH — Karen Brie Lack Sou Ry 49U SEA BRIGHT - Surfrider A short time later a similar at- The group of Democratic liber Irireitone Bperry Rd Humphries, daughter of Mr. and PMC C Bid Brand mi Beach Club held its seventh an- tempt was made. This time Sen. als object to the bill's purpose of Mrs. George Humphries, Willow Bid Oil Cal 08 nual clambake July 21. Greg setting up a privately-owned, gov- Bid Oil NJ ohn G. Tower, R-Tex., objected. St., celebrated her third birthday Any Quantity! Studebaker Hlllman was chairman, assisted The frustrated Democratic lead- ernment-regulated corporation to Texaco Friday. Attending were Donna Tex a Prod by Doug Burkhardt, manager, er then recessed the Senate until operate a global space communi- Cogan, Thomas Schnoor, Jr., Textron and Mrs. Florence FlemmJng. as- cations system. Cartoned or Bulk Tldewat Oil noon to allow committees to catch Laurie, Fred and Glenn Drake, TJraasamer sistant. Ed Hall's orchestra pro- up with a backlog of hearings. They contend lt would be a Un Carbide r Becky and Douglas Shaver and Candled and packed Un Pac ided twist music for the 350 They have been unable to meet giveaway of tax money spent on Nancy Humphries. Unit Alro guests and members who at while the filibuster has been going space research. to your specifications, United Cp TI8 Lines tended. 1. MRS. RUNGE FETED BACK TO ALMA MATER — Former President Herbert US Plywd ,, 38 US Rub 3914 Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of Illi- PAULETTE MURPHY IS IS PORT MONMOUTH — Mrs Hoover, 87, a member of the first graduating clast at US Smelt 42% LAYTON IS SAILOR nois, the Republican leader, had BELFORD — Paulette Murphy, Martha Runge celebrated ,her EIGENRAUCH US Steel 27Vt Stanford Uniyeriity, returned to the campus at Palo Alto Van Al SII 45U GREAT LAKES, 111/— William joined Mansfield in proposing the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert birthday Sunday at the home of Walworth 25}; and it shown in front of tha Hoover Tower and Library, Warn B Pin Of! . Layton, son of Mr. and Mrs. 10-day referral motion with in- Murphy, celebrated her 13th Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Runge, Wn Un Tel 12* Villiam E. Layton, 15 Allen St., structions for the Foreign Rela- birthday July 24 with Mr. and Lakeland Dr. Attending were Mr. FARMS ~Weatg £31 27«(, where he maintains an office. Hoover, who devotes Bus Men S87 White Mot 27'A Jumson, N. J., completed recruit tions Committee to report the bill Mrs. Robert Murphy and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Runge and fam- Woolwth -41H raining June 30 at the Naval back by Aug. 10. He suggested and Mrs. Ernest Kutt of Port ily, • Mr. end Mrs. John Radar moit of hit time now to writing history boolci, is spend- SH 7-2008 Tt BhAT «t>tt SO k 'raining Center here. nother try for an agreement Monmouth. and Mrs, Grace Sweeney. ing two weeks in California. (AP Wirephoto) 4-Wedwtday, Aug. 1, 1962 RED BANK REGISTER FOOD CITY HERE ARE THE NAMES OF THE 25 WINNERS OF FOOD CITY'S LUCKY TREASURE CHEST...

1. Frank Varan*, 33 E. River Road, Rumson 3.91 2. Mrs. John J. Flanagan, 912 Sunset Ave.. Asbury Park 10.82 3. A. J. De Crescenzo, 121 Hullek Street, Lang Branch 33.33 4. Mrs. R. Mulheam, 243 E. Brlnkerhoff Ave., Palisades Park, N. J. c/e Rospos, Third Avenue, Belmar 21.84 5. Mrs. Ruth Suveg, 36 Evergreen Ave., Neptune City 5.01 6. Henry W. Grey, 21 E. River Street, Red Bank 13.09 16. Mrs. Barbara Nelson, 15 Sea Girt Ave., Oceanport 49.37 EMPHASIZE PR O T E S T — Gondolier* line their picturesque craft to block Venice'* Grand Canal In front of Rlalto Bridge. They complained the city la iHuIng too 7.Mrs. Ronald Smith, 106 Warren Ave., Spring Lake 25.39 17. Mrs. L. Fox, 20 W. Lincoln Circle, Red Bank 21.87 many license* to motorboats yvhlch they claim are endangering their mean* of livelihood. 8. Mrs. R. Munson, 183 Rumson Road, Little Silver 9.24 18. Mrs. J. Henshell, 428 Riverdale Ave., New Shrewsbury 10.73 DENNIS THE MENACE by HANKKETCHAM Memorialize 9. Mrs. R. Vltlkalnen, 130 McLean Street, Red Bank 16.23 19. Mrs. Joseph Barbera, 506 Sixth Ave., Belmar 3.00 3 Troopers 10. Mrs. J. Yaun, Tdlmadge Ave., Oakhurst 16.19 20. Mrs. Peter Olsen, 30 Columbia Avenue, Long Branch 22.29 11. Mrs. John Welch, 7 Maple Place, Oceanport 11.00 Killed on Pike 21. Bertha Slaughter, 45 Ridge Avenue, Asbury Park 12.04 TRENTON (AP) — Relatives 12. Mrs. Philip E. Ballly, 16 Holly Drive, New Shrewsbury 28.85 22), Betty Latlmore, 919 Sprtngwood Avenue, Asbury Park 26.32 ol the three state troopers killed on the New Jersey Turnpike last 13. Mrs. Bernlce Belkoff, 113 Second Ave., Belmar 6.20 23. Eleanor Cranford, 615Vi 18th Ave., South Belmar 7.43 month are to receive memorials today honoring the three men. 14. Mrs. Harold Halllgan, 35 Park Ave., Rumson 30.42 24. Suranne Nowickl, 145 Monmourk Street, Red Bank 2.90 The troopers, Milan Simcak, Arthur J. Abagnale, Jr., and Jo- 15. Mrs. Anna Esposito, 29 Pearl Street, Long Branch 27.51 25. Virginia Ruta, 120 Vreeland Ave., South Hackensack seph P. De Frino, were escorting 8.24 a disabled truck from a bridge Winners at their convenience should stop at Superama's Main Office to pick on the turnpike on June 11 when their cruiser was struck from the up their winning certificate entitling them to equivalent FREE Food Purchases! rear by a bus. The three were crushed to death. The certificates are to be pre- DON'T MISS THIS WEEK'S TREASURE CHEST —YOU .TOO, CAN BE A WINNER! sented by Col. Joseph D. Rutter, state police superintendent, to Mrs. Dorothy Simcak, widow of Trooper Simcak; Joseph Abagr nale, Sr., father of Trooper Abag- SWIFT'S PREMIUM nale, and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeFrino, parents of Trooper De- Frino. The memorials were received by Rutter Monday from the Na- CHUCK AAc tional Conference of Police As- sociations. The certificates, presented to Rutter by James J. Vigilante, president of the N, J. Patrol- ROAST JA man's Benevolent Association, honor the "dedication, spirit, and Five Realty courage of three brother officers FIRST CUT who gave their lives to the people Sales Made of the United States." SWIFT'S PREMIUM SHREWSBURY — Walker and OBSERVE SON'S BIRTHDAY Walker, realtors, have announced NEW MONMQUTH - Mr. and the following sales negotiated by Mrs. Clark Norfis entertained at Ib a party for the second birthday CHUCK STEAKS 38 Mrs. Mildred Liming in the of their son William On Sunday. Shrewsbury office. £rie*ent-| were Mrs. Rutledge A ranch style home on Strat- Crouse and children, Anita and ford Rd.,- New Shrewsbury, was Rutt, New Shrewsbury, and Mr. sold by Mr. and Mrs. George and Mrs. Loring Guntner and Mrs. Pauline Silver*, Jersey City. Knoblock to, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Eberle. The Eberles are CHICKENS moving from Rumson. GUEST OP LEEKS BELFORD — Mrs. John Barat- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGuIre ta of Jersey City Is spending sev- ot Norwood Ave., Long Branch, eral weeks with Mr. and Mrs. have purchased a ranch house on Melvin Leek, Edwards Ave. Thompson Ave., West Long Branch, which belonged to Walker and Walker. JERSEY Mr. and Mrs. Haaken Samuel- FRESH son sold their home at 890 River Rd., Fair Haven, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Newman of Philadel- phia. Mr. Newman is employed CORN by Howard Chase Associates, New York. The Samuelsons plan 2-lb. log to build a home at Lake George, C N. Y. All Meat Joseph Hoffman, Red Bank 12 FOR 35 builder, has sold a split level FRANKS home on Alameda Ct., Shrews- bury, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pudarchik of Long Island. TROPICANO FROZEN A lot owned by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Labrecque of Red Bank, 6 OZ. located on River Rd., Fair Ha- ORANGE JUICE 10CAN ven, was purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Austin of Somer- ville. Mr. Austin, who is associ- DOWNY FLAKE FROZEN ^ ^ ated with Scovill, Wellington and Company, New York, is building C 17 BROAD ST. RED BANK a split level house on the lot. WAFFLES IOPKQ. FROWN'S has V2 GALLON ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS ICECREAM 59 TO FIT ANY CELLAR Sealtest V2 Gal. Ice Cream 89c All cellars need ventilation Imported Danish and should be protected against Insects. Prown'i has a combination window PEPSI COLA or COCA COLA to fit your cellar and at attractive prices. j FAMILY SIZE e 5 FOR 88 Princess lines fashion the sun- dress—fitted Jacket continues same flattering shape. A wonder- OPEN These Sizes Right in Stock ful Ensemble to wear from sum- 450 • en mer thru fall. 50 Printed Pattern 9183: Misses' EVERY NIGHT 2 crt 32"x20" 6' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 32"xl6'/2" 5'50 18 dress 3% yards 39-Inch; Jacket FOODCITY 32>x22> 15.. 'TIL 10 P.M. 32»xl8" 5-50 Fifty cents in coins for this AT ATLANTIC S pattern—add 10 cents for each 0 BUDGET TERMS O FREE DELIVERY pattern for first-class mall. Send STORE HOURS: 8 A.M. TO 8 P.M. to Marian Martin, The Red Bank SUNDAYS 'TIL 6 WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY TO B Register, Pattern Dept., 232 West "Between Yanko'f & Reusslllci" 18th St., New York 11, N. Y. D Print plainly name, address with zone, size and style number. FOOD CITY FIRST TIME EVER! Glamor- ous movie star's wardrobe plus OPENS AT 8:30 A.M. 32 Brood St. SHadyside 1-7500 Red Bank 110 exciting styles to sew in our new Fall-Winter Pattern Catalog. FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS SHREWSBURY AVE. AT RT. 35, NEW SHREWSBURY *•••••••••••••••••#Send 35 cents. RED BANK REGISTER Wednesday, Aug. 1, 1962r-5


FLEISHMANN'S — MARGARINE »— HUDSON TISSUES o 4 ;J 39 FACIAL TISSUES SIMONIZ VISTA rB r89 DOG FOOD - 6 r. 49 Vi Gallon C DAZZLE BLEACH Jug Top or Top Sirloin Roast >» 99 Bottom Nabisco Cookies " '&33c Fig NewtonsNABI$eo 31c Round Roast NABISCO N lc > Lancaster Brand 09 Vanilla Wafers 12*os. pkg. 29c Premium Crackers *" lB !„„,. 27c LARGE FANCY BONELESS ib. AB AdveiHHd Prkei Effective Wed. Through Sat., Augu *t 1 to 4. We Reierve the Right to Limtt Quantities. Eye Roast ROASTING SKINUSC UNCASTM tRAMO SUMO Frozen Foods Franks 2 £ 89c Bologna 159pkg c IDEAL 5 LANCASTER BRAND MIBOtT LANCASTER HAND SMOKED UW CHICKENS • Liverwurst- ^3'35c Tongues ORANGE JUICE 8 1 i FREE! 50 MORTON Apple or Peach SEABROOK Lancaster Brand Beef S&fi STAMPS Fir.»id« Sliced IO-OI. • With porchaM "• Kooil- !ng Chtck«ii and coupon Ib. 1 LIVER pkg*. <»49c! BACON PIES 2 49 PEAS 7 at right. ScrTf With Ocesn Spr MBM Seabrook ^ Cranberry Sauce. m For 5-lb. pkgi. PIZZA ; 39 Beans^ 6 SHRIMP Salad box, $3.89 Ib > YOU NEVER HAD IT SO FRESH! mwmmm THERM-OTUMBLER FANCY CALIFORNIA For better .taste—keep it hot, keep 100 S&HSGT^S ACME VALUABLE COVPON it cold!" -Guaranteed dishwasher SEEDLESS safe, unharmed by boiling and IKIWIIV* of Fluid MHk and s THERM-O-TUMBLER freezing. Unbreakable! Stainproof! in AddiHon to your regular ilompi with ;!•»•:•:•.. $ R.g. $1.00! **Q This week's color—LIME! Purchase of 5 or More Only 471 With %i PurchlM fc Thii Coupon Name __—______^______i—___— Name ; Address . , Reg. Limit ont 'couoon ptr shopping aamlly. Address . GRAPES $1.00 Ijlmli One Coupon per Shopping Family Value! Eiplres 8>t.. AM 4. 29 x. Miiill^ji With Coupon and $5 Purchase!

S&H BAKERY GREEN Cherry or Cherry Streussel - FREE! 50 S&H GREEN STAMPS Free! 30STAMPS Ib. With purcheu of a With Coupon in Each 6- Pies 21 JUMBO Sweet-Eating Roasting Chicken CHOCOLATE ICED Name . Ideal Instant Chiffon Cake 59c Address FREE! 30 S&H HONEYDEWS 49 Orecn StamM With Coupon Solid Slicing Coffee at Right and Pure haw of 2 PK9S. DONUTS 1-|r c l 6-OT. Tomatoes ^15 CARMDALE FREE! 50 PERSIAN FREE! 50 S&H GREEN STAMPS far 69 S&H Green Stamps With « $2.00 purchase of HUE! Ice Cream r 59 6 B 13c With Product <<% and Coupon Limes IAH Grwa Stamns PRODUCE 4 WJJTON In Each J Purchase of Sk at Righht FANCY . M«al CaHein-Frut DAIRY » N,ame 5 IDEAL Large Fresh "Grade A" Whits Cucumbers Address Instant ;" 69c Limit On* Coupon Ptr Shopping Family. EVANS SCOHIBS - Kxplrai Saturday* Auouit 4 DEIEROENT lopping Tr""^,'T33c 2,V*o25e TABLETS FREE! 50 IRKS. EGGS SALVO EVANS T/innlmi Walnut in. MH Qr—nl StampStampsi VWith lopping,,,,,,,, g.i.H. ,„ 4yc Saiidwlch Bags «™« 25t Coupon In 10>ozIO*>i. JcJar. Dozen 2 Waldorf Tissue T

?ED BANK—170 Broad St. FAIR HAVEN—576 River Rd. LINCROFT—Newman Springs Rd. at Hurley Lane WEST LONG BRANCH—Rr. 36 and Broadway tied flank Kegister JIM BISHOP: D • ^ tMI H.J. IOT by Mm H. Cat* —< Hwirj Ctey Reporter THOMAS DIVING BROWN, Pabltoher 1128-UU A Quiet Day at the Beach IAMBS 1 HOGAN. Editor ML HAROLD KELLY. GMMMI Manager W. HARRY PENNINGTOM, Production Manager The sunbeams bounce off the sea hot/and silent On the beach, the breakers barely make it, collapsing Member of th« Associated Pwsi 1M MM0UU4 mu it «umu rauuUTUT » uu BM tor nsuBUcwaB « uiun u>ou m in thunder on the sand. The umbrellas look like hun- is tau ampuir u mu u all JtP un tltl dreds of wild petunias. Women sit under them, streak- Member ol American Newspaper Publishers Association ing unguents on their shoulders; their men doze and Member Audit Bureau ol Circulation bake their bellies in the sand. Solemn Tin R*4 luk Rifiiur uiumii no IUMHOIII rtiponaimuiiei tor iypo«r»phjc»i arrora Is tdnrtiumuiu BUI and nptlnl wtt&out ebtrs*. tbu p«rt ol *n »d»»rtu»nieni in wtueh tn. typographic*! «rr«f oeoura. kd children build sand castles; some skip vtrtiMrs wui pi*M« notify tti* Buuifticmsnt Imm«i31ftt«iy ol any arror vrbicb may occur. along the edge of the waves; some sit Tbli aawiMDtr aaaiunu no mpooilbtlltui for ctaumtnts of opialooi ID ittttri from 1U raadira. around mother. SuMcnpUca Frlcu la Advaac* On« nar tlSOO ill month*. MOO Four are sitting around one moth- nisi* ooDf al oossUr. f «nta copy by mail, 9 cintt er. She has a round, pretty face. She WEDNESDAY. AUGUST I, 1962 wears a black bathing suit, a floppy straw hat with blue ribbons for tieing and she laughs at what Kevin is saying Wide-Awake Republicans BISHOP jn he,. ear_ Kevin is two, a wrinkled nose laughter with a figure like a barrel of beer. What The Republican party in Atlantic many years ago. Credit, nonetheless, he is saying is "Happy do do ... Happy do do . . ." Highlands apparently has learned a must go to the present administra- Mother translates for the others. "He is trying to lesson from the defeats it took at tion for finally taking action. If the sing happy birthday to me." The identical blonde twins, the hands of the Democrats in 1958 master plan,—and it will take about 4 years of age, think that Kevin is funny because he and 1959. 18 months to prepare — is imple- can't say "Happy birthday." The mother is Virginia. Lee Frechette, my daughter. She is 25 today. She is The GOP finally regained control mented properly it can mean real progress for the borough. rich because, in Charlie, she has the right man and in of Borough Council this year and so Pamela and Robin, and Jim, 3, and Kevin, 2, plus the far there has been no sign of laissez The governing body also is hav- baby due within a month, she has the right family. faire government. ing a substandard housing code pre- The refrain of all fathers is "It seems as though pared. At the same time it is mov- it were only yesterday." That isn't true. It seems longer As a matter of fact, the accom- ing to force landlords to tidy up ago than that. I had a Packard 120. Elinor and I were plishments of the new administra- run-down sections of First Ave. going on a tour of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The baby tion to date are imposing. These two steps combined can was six weeks away. We drank gin in Washington and "Si! .Democracy works — We changed our government by free elections, started southwest in the morning with heads like Good- The Mayor and Council adopted mean a cleaner-looking Atlantic didn't we ... But It works better in America where military revolts are, how a strict building code—the Building year blimps. Highlands. you say . . . 'muzxled' . . .1" With an Aching Head Officials Conference of America It seems that the best thing for These Pays; We got as far as a town called Leesburg. That was regulations—although much credit the Republicans is the Democrats. all. Finita la moosica. Last stop. All out There was a for this must go to the former As one GOP official put it, pri- THE big driveway curving off to the right and Elinor got Democratic administration Which vately—"They forced us to wake up Labor and Trade Problems into the hospital and Virginia Lee—the name is an laid most of the groundwork. —and we plan to stay awake." WORLD inversion of the town and state—was born in 31 min- The administration has given the By GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY utes. The doctor said it was a strange delivery. "Al! that woman kept saying was 'Oh, my^cning head.'" town its first municipal beach, lo- The will of the people is the only George Meany, president of the AFL-CIO, support TODAY Now it is 25 years later. Some of the old faces are cated off Center Ave. at Avenue D. legitimate foundation of any govern- ing President Kennedy's trade bill, offered some very gone; some new ones are here. Five years ago, Elinor, Lifeguard protection has been pro- ment, and to protect its free expres- interesting data: By JAMES MARLOW her mother and my mother all made the deep and final Associated Press News Analyst vided, and fees have been kept down sion should be our first object. — "Since 1934 the United States has expanded its bow to life within 85 days. Since then, Ginny has had WASHINGTON (AP)-Il Presi to token amounts. volume of exports from $2.2 billion to $20 billion worth four babies, Gayle has had one. The tick of the clock Jefferson. of goods in 1961. During the first five dent Kennedy's first 18 months . The town's Planning Board, with with Congress looked like an ob-is slow and inexorable. months of 1962, exports were running stacle race, it was foreign affairs This is an off day for Ginny. Instead of fretting the backing of the governing body, The people's government, made which truly kept him hopping. at a rate of $20.9 billion, 5 per cent and worrying about the children at home, she is doing has set the machinery in motion to for the people, made by the people, ahead of the same period in 1961. These Events abroad piled up but, be- cause they were scattered over a it at Ship Ahoy Beach Club. Like most mothers, she have a master plan compiled. and answerable to the people.—Dan- goods were produced on American year and a half and none yet hasautomatically watches other little ones frolicking This step should have been taken iel Webster. farms and in American factories. They led to an explosion for the United around the swimming pool. Behind the sun glasses, her represent roughly 4 per cent of U.S.States, many of them may have eyes miss very little. total output of goods and services, in- looked like minor episodes. Your Money's Worth; come to American businessmen, farm- In one way or another, the His One-Time Girl Friend United States had a stake in all Carl Fleming comes over in a flaming red shirt to ers, and -workers, and some 4 million of them and for that reason they SOKOLSKY export-related jobs." were all problems for. Kennedy. ask her if he can watch the four while she takes a Status of Consumers' Protection Programs His most visible mistake was inswim. She says no, thanks. The most work she plans Referring to our relations with the Common Mar- permitting the disastrous U.S.- for today is to walk around the pool to the soda stand, By SYLVIA PORTER ket, Meany made the point: than that, she will sit and look and count her- "If the Common Market achieves its goal, it will self lucky. I live across the street front Ship Ahoy so this past March 15, President Federal Aviation Administration Intensification of action by theemerge as one of the world's greatest mass markets. biggest success was holding firm Kennedy sent an omnibus "Con' has put It Into effect. Federal Trade Commission on Berlin until Premier Khrush I finish some work and hurry over to sit beside my It may include as many as 300 million people. Exports chey cooled off. sumers' Protection and Interest" TV Sets against deceptive trade practices one-time girl friend. • message to Congress which asked and false advertising. Intensifies from the U.S. to Western Europe already amounted to If anything could be called his A law to require manufacture tion on. The babies crowd around. They call me "Pop-Pop" for a batch of new laws as well of all-channel TV sets so TV set over $6 billion in 1961. biggest frustration it was in the as a major strengthening of ex- Stronger enforcement of mai failure to get agreement on dis-and their love for me is built around my boat They owners can have a wider choice "We bought about $4 billion worth of goods from armament or a ban on nuclear isting programs to enhance the of programs. Passed. fraud statutes. Arrests for mat fall over each other trying to ask if we are going on safety and pro- fraud last year were at a second them. Thus the balance of trade was over $2 billion testing. Presidents Truman and Creation of a Consumers' Ad- Eisenhower could understand the Away We Go. Yes, I say. Yes, Yes. Kevin points jection of you visory Council within the Execu- convictions were up 35 per cent. in favor of the United States last year with this po- as a consumer Increased staffs for all major this; they went through it, me, falls over my legs, and says: "Bo . . . Bo . . ." tive Branch of Government and Latin America was one of the of an endless appointment of special assistants Federal regulatory agencies. tential market area, which can grow and absorb more variety of Mixed results, with some getting busy places. Our new little girls Karen, 9, and Kathleen, 7, both for consumer all appro- U.S. products in the future, if the U.S. can negotiate beautiful blondes, help get the babies across the street goods and priate Federal agencies. Done the increase, some not. effectively with it. Further U.S. dealings with the Com- Besides the various bedevil- services in tha It's hardly a grandiose, glit- ments of Cuba's Castro, assas- and all hands, including Mrs. Katherine Rook, our this month. mon Market will be based upon hard negotiation and United States Establishment of a new office tering record but it represents sination ended the 31-year dicta- housekeeper .^getjboard the boat. There is a big white today. some progress. And while the torship of Rafael Trujillo in the for Highway Safety in the Com- bargaining, and these negotiations must be aided by ife raft onjjje^oredeck and all the children sit in it The message merce Dept., strengthening of controversial measures got lost the legislation which enables the U.S. to gradually re- Dominican Republic, armies in was a catch- accident prevention work in thein the shuffle, there is a new Peru and Argentina threw out theThe bj^ytirfarns her bows downstream on the Shrews- all. It included awareness of consumers' inter- duce, through a 'staging' process, the tariffs on a va-elected governments, and civilian- PORTER Dept. of Health, Education and bury and sails sedately toward Sandy Hook. many innocu- Welfare, increased enforcement ests which is all to the good. riety of goods if, and only if, reciprocity is achieved military conflict in Brazil led to ous proposals with which tew of safety requirements by the In- Tomorrow: A program in at the bargaining table." the departure of an elected Presi- Rocky Gets Sea Sick could quarrel. Who, for instance, terstate Commerce Commission. consumer education is on the dent there. I'm on the flying bridge and it is easy to watch way. Anti-American Sentiment In between times, Kennedy got is going to be against stepping up Done or being done; all the children in the raft. Also, by turning around, enforcement of the mail fraud Strengthening of the insurance This has to be recognized if the United States is hearty approval from the Latin Americans for his Alliance for can see Ginny and Katie Rook and Kelly in the ani- laws except someone trying to program of the Federal Savings to retain its seven or eight per cent a year of foreign defraud via the mails? It also and Loan Insurance Corp. Done. Progress, although his hesitancy mated chatter of women. Rocky, our black police dog, included some explosively con- YOUR GARDEN trade. It will have to be bargained for. As the world is in recognizing military regimes Protection of air travelers from showed he doubted progress sits forlornly on the dock watching the boat and cry- troversial proposals. For in- abuses of overbooking.- The Civil now constituted, the free market has been made im- stance, a request for a law that THIS WEEK comes through armies. ing through his nose. He wants to go, but it is impos- Aeronautics Board put out new possible by world-wide government restrictions. The would empower the Federal rules in April. By Garden Reporter Algeria, after months of fury sible. The dog has been on the boat three times, and Trade Commission "to issue College of Agriculture Common Market, which is a growing institution, will and assassinations by the secret Regulation of excessive charges each time he -gets sea sick before the craft leaves temporary cease-and- desist or- for moving of household goods, Rutgers—The State Uni- set up barriers against us in terms of quotas, exchange army, won its independence from versity, New Brunswick France only to be thrown into the dock. ders against the continuation of The Interstate Commerce Com- arrangements, tariffs, or whatever they may feel is im- unfair competitive practices while mission issued new rules thi: chaos by the rivalry of its own The children begin to sing "I'm Popeye the sailor cases concerned with permanent month. portant to them. The Soviet bloc cuts off a part of theMoslem factions. relief from such practices are "Probably the best cat repel- Those old enemies and next- man." When they reach the boop-boop, I make the Radio Interference ient is the dog." world. The United Arab Republic and its Islamic satel- pending before the Commission" lites will sooner or later become a hard economic bloc door neighbors, .Israel and Egypt, mistake of hitting the twin horns. The kids almost jump was interpreted by many busi- Expansion of educational tele- But a dog isn't always a prac- developed rockets. Syria broke out of their skin laughing. Now, they sing chorus after nessmen to mean an accused cor- ision. Law signed. tical solution to the problem oflln Latin America, no such bloc appears yet, but there loose from its union with Egypt. poration wouldn't even have a Stronger enforcement againsi cats that scratch flower beds, ad- India and Pakistan; were still in chorus and, at the proper time, I'm expected to tap chance to defend itself while the nterference in radio. Done. mits Donald B. Lacey, extension is strong anti-American sentiment which needs to be their quarrel over part of Kash- the horns. As I go under Highlands Bridge, the bridge FTC simultaneously acted the home grounds specialist, in reply liquidated. mir. ender comes out and glares down at me. roles of investigator, accuser, CARMICHAEL to a request for advice. Whose task is it to bargain and to negotiate? From Despite its moralizing about prosecutor and judge.' Next best is a piece of chicken the standpoint of the free enterprise system, it would peace, India invaded and seized He thinks I'm nuts. I am. Once or twice, one of wire placed directly over the soil Portuguese Goa. he little ones almost falls out of the raft and the heart, Little Legislation be preferable if each business enterprise could bargain of the bed. This will discourage At home in Portugal, dictator for the moment, beats in fright. By the time we get Not much significant legisla- cats and send them elsewhere. on its own. But this has been made impossible by theSalazar began to have some trou- tion to safeguard the consumer Any bulbs or flowers in the ble. So did dictator Franco in back to the dock, Charlie is waiting to kiss his wife •s such has been passed by this organization of these enormous government-arranged wire-covered area can grow right and managed blocs. Nor can Congress, which has theSpain next door. The United lappy birthday. "What's new?" he says. She shakes Congress. That "cease-and-de- through the openings in the wire States has bases on Spanish anc her head. "Nothing," she says. "Just a quiet day at cist" bill is dead.. So is a bill and foliage soon covers it. constitutional authority to pass legislation on this sub Portuguese territory. which would require firms plan- The Congo got explosive, quiet- the beach." .„. . ' ning to merge into a company of You can also repel many anU ject, negotiate with these vast inter-governmental com- mals by repeated applications w ed down, and may really explode "substantial size" to give "reas- mercial blocs. again in the unsettled dispute be- "The Buainesi Situation Is None Of Your onable advance notice" to the nicotine sulfate spray, but its effect lasts only a few days, ac-i There is then in this world something altogether tween the central government and Business" Justice Dept. So are other bills the secessionist province of Ka- which would greatly increase the cording to Lacey, and rain wash changed which we have to recognize. Although this tanga. authority of the Federal reg- es It off. Congress is not desirous of expanding executive au And Squirrels The United States got more ulatory agencies. Also on the deeply involved in South Viet shelf for this year at least are It's "a lot tougher to discourage thority, it is nevertheless forced to recognize that only the President and the Secretary of State can negotiate Nam to save it from a Commu- the "truth in landing" and the squirrels in a backyard i apple nist takeover, sending in troops "truth in packaging" bills—bills ree. with foreign governments and all international trade and weapons to sharpen the Viet- which need a lot more work be- A gardener in Cranford writes namese in guerrilla fighting. fore they're in shape for passage. he'd like the squirrels to save associations are goven»-ent-owned and controlled. Economy of World Is Shifting There has,been no enthusiasm Nevertheless, a fair number of him just a few pieces of fruit, n this country for getting In- the actions the President re- nd asks how about putting in- It is difficult for the private enterprise system, olved in a war in landlocked quested in his "Consumers' Pro- dividual apples in paper bags or which is fundamental in American life, to recognize Laos. Kennedy's toughness in the tection" message has been favor- plastic screening. the changes we face in the existence of these altered spring of 1961 about stiff-arming ably acted upon or will be soon. Bagged fruit won't color, ac- pro-Communist pushes there melt- Here's a sampling on the "plus" :ording to E. G. Christ, exten- economic relationships. George Meany says: ed away and he finally settled for side. ion fruit specialist, who has no "The AFL-CIO believes that the national welfare a so-called neutralist government A 25 per cent increase in the uggestion far stopping squirrel cannot be served unless the legislation adopted to ex-which may dissolve into commu- staff for the Food and Drug Ad amage except to cover the tree nism anyway. ministration, the largest single vith a net. pand trade takes into account the facts of change, the Meanwhile hev sent American Increase in the agency's history. effects of change and the need to insure the strength troops into neighboring Thailand Probable. MONOPOLY POST of the economy at home. Jn short, the national welfare :o bolster its defenses against any An increased appropriation for invasion by the Communist guer- LINCOLN, III. (AP) - The topwill not be served by an effort merely to suppress rillas of Laos. pesticide regulation. Okay. lost in the Lincoln Americart Le- A higher appropriation for in- trade or ignore those hurt by trade. The nation will also Even Thailand and its neighbor, ;ion Auxiliary has become a Cambodia, got into an interna- ipection of meat and poultry. ichrader monopoly. suffer from efforts to depress the American economy Kennedy won't get as much tional dispute over a temple. This Mrs. Marlene Schroder was in-for the sake of an international balance of payments was settled without shooting. Red money as he's asking but he'll stalled this summer as president. |et some more. accounting or a trade surplus on the books. A trade China massed troops on the main- Her predecessors were Mrs. surplus must be based on domestic strength, not do-land opposite the offshore islands An improved system of -safety] —— Mary Schrader." They were sls- of Quemoy and Matsu but so far lad efficiency of air traffic. The' 6—Wednesday, Aug. 1, 1962ers-inlaw. mestic weakness." nothing ha? come of that ' 1 grim but approved another »0J bus bill financing 28 federal agen- but the House voted onjy $5J mil- R£D BANK REGISTER Wednesday, Aug. 1, 1962—7 SINGER imfllion lot, other civil defense'des. lion. *I—•_. projects . I Kennedy hsd Mked the funds to The House approved 910 million ministration requests. But it still ENM TRAINING for Civil Defense research and!wound up voting tl billion more GREAT LAKES, 111, — Pettr The House upheld Is Rejected ttructioo, research tod develop- study i-ml $65 million to continue; than the "me agencies got to the H. Perrine, son of Mr", and Mrf. tiwa Committee which h*4 ree-j WASHINGTON CAP) - The ment under the Department of De- the present Civil Defense pro- last fiscal year. Most at the la- Lester E. Perrine, K4 Ocean House has rejected President onunended removing Kennedy's fense. He «i«o had asked 441,455,- gram. crease—*1,972.365,000—is for the Ave., Sea Bright, completed re- Kennedy's request (or $588 million $£48,755,000 shelter program re- 000 for stockpiling of medical sup- In all, the House trimmed about National Aeronautics and Space cruit training July 6 at the Na- to launch a fallout shelter pro- quest from the $U.5-bUUon omnl- plies by the Public He»lth Service a billion dollars from various ad- Administration. val Training Center here.


Capf. 1M ky IhM halm tmftfOW. he.

"Just follow the ttreet I've marked out until you come to the museum, than take the first right.. ."

after seven years. Employee Birthday will get three days of paid leavi You'll rub your eyes to make sure all those values you see n the event of death in the im at A&P are "for real"! What a vast selection of famous-brand mediate family. Day Off It was agreed that the employe foods ... all low, low priced to fill your pockets with CASH will extend a probationary perio SAVINGS! On top of this, you get to save PLAID STAMPS of work from 30 to 60 days an In Contract will provide major medical co< . . . The #1 Stamp in the New York Area ... By Far! NEWARK—Employees of four erage for employees and famjl; Monmouth County electrical members, as well as a $1,000 lif wholesale outlets will be cele- insurance policy. A pension pla brating their birthdays as noli' will go into effect in 1964, th days off from work, under the third year of the contract. CALIFORNIA BC«I chuck-BOM in m£± terms of a new three-year con- The agreement covers clerica! Spry tract negotiated by Local 150, In- counter and warehouse emploj ternational Brotherhood of Elec- ees and truck drivers. Pur* Y«gatabl» Shortening c trical Workers. AFL-CIO. The contract, retroactive to WEIER ACCEPTED lib.can •* 31b.can July 1, was agreed with Feldman FAIR HAVEN — Stewart Ib. Electric Supply Co., 264 Shrews- Weier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wi t • •'* POT ROAST 49 Fnth Fruits & y«g«fabftsf bury Ave., Red Bank; Rutkin Ham Weier^ 176 Kemp Ave., ha Specially Mkctal from line quality grain-fed beef, A&P'i "Super-Right" Electric Supply Co., and Rale been accepted at Nathanial Hav Realenwn fnm Ntw Itney Ttm$ Electric Supply Co., both of As- thorne College, Antrim, N. H. H California Roast if perfect for Pot Roatt, priced for Valua — try it I bury Park, and Goodfriend Elec- is a graduate of Miami Mllitar Lemon Juice tric Supply Co., Rt. 37, Toms Riv- Academy, and will enter Hav Blueberries er. thome's College of Business A Raconstlfvfad "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY VEAL SALE! , Ralph J. Aquino, business agent ministration. He recently r< pintQAe. quart do u #SiI §Mll e for the local, said that In a turned home from Rivervie' bot.*»" bot.«» money package, employees were Hospital where he underwent a 1 Cantaloupe " * 19 granted nine cents an hour for appendectomy. SWHI, Jitoy the first year, nine cents more Underwood LEG or RUMP '^KS 49V lbt e the following year and eight cents L0CKW0ODS VACATIONING Peaches *—• 2 29 more in the third year. NEW MONMOUTH — Lesti Fine Eatlnr Vacation benefits now include Lockwood, who is having a thre Deviled Hem two weeks and three days after weeks' vacation, has taken trir. SHOULDER ROAST 69 five years, two weeks and four to Bear Mountain and Philade Seedless Grapes 25' days after six and three weeks phia with his wife and childrei tin Rib Veal Chops 79£ Loin Veal Chops 89; Calihnila—Swtet Jity LITTLE Bartlett Pears 2 Shredded Wheat Frtei NMrity Finn SILVER 4 Ntblieo Brand Green Peppers SHOPPING Spoen 11 ex. ARMOUR CANNED HAMS ..? 2" Sii. plcg. FrtM Murky Firm CENTER DAT DA ACT BONELESS CHUCK CQ b c (531 PROSPECT AVE.) rV I It Vfi»# I "Sapwr-Rlslt" Qnllty Beef •# *\Ib. New Green Cabbage 4 Heinz LOST OUR OUTSIDE Baby Food Chuck Fillet 'IZ1S 59* Ground Beef rJ££Ly WAREHOUSE — Straiiwd CSoppad MUST SELL OUT THIS 19-99° 6- W lleild He Me Or Pe Mo WITH THE PURCHASE OF MM WEEKEND . . .! MOTT'S Fruit Drink can 25 CHAISE LOUNGE Sootkint CHERRY PIE 65* Lunchaon Naplinl lib. and HI-BACK can WITH THE PUKHASE OF MM PMim Whil«orCo!»r.J 4 pkgi. GRAPEFRUIT 3 49' ROCKERS 2ply • • efW FANNING'S GoMonLoof 4* 66 Brwi ami Brtter 2f 45 6 Mr. CIOH Heniesffyie WMHWS Reg. 10.98 Allfurpoi. Uq«WCU»n.r MUMerKrMftB 'Q^jfy CHAIRS TO MATCH R«g.8J8 88 With 10a lp». 12 fluid oi.CQa HEINZ KETCHUP 2 65 offl.bal bottla •* Danish Prune Horn ^ 4S< Redwood Rockers Saucer Chairs l# I HlmHl%lbW I Light Cfaunk Style J cans Q-J (4) Sandwich Month Buy*! 88 Rtg. -J77 Jvory 10.88 / J k Liquid Detergent 100% Whole Wheat BreadP;;:;;::r:,f 23« SNOW CAROLINA RICE A ,V; 35* J Redwood Sawbucks 12 fluid «e0 IphifluldMg Sandwich Bread (3) •t-b*)*.*" «.bot. ™ HAMBORGER of FRANKFURTER pkg. BLOWER Jan* Pirl»r— Sliead of 5'/b«ncliet 4)4%88 Rtg. 7700 Nitltoe-tiKed »r I AkP BrarifJ—Frank Ityli Rag. 29.88 £,\j 99.0IX Lux e C Ann Page Margarine c'^oa Premium Crackers Ptr29 String Beans 2 25 Sandwich Spread Z.'^2*0 (1) LAWN MOWER (1) LAWN MOWER i|||L|AC Jan> Parlar—Twin Pack lib. 6 oi. 9Q0 UAMAAI BATHROOM TISSUE 4A I „ OAfi (Rider) Liquid Detergent aWlllOS Oatmaal or Coconut pig. "* •*•••• "••^ 500-2 ply ih#ttt -> 89 Mayonnaise An p., (Deluxe) llb oi 59« 12 fluid JJc I pr'. 6 fluid Mfi Dole Sliced Pineapple -^ -39° Mary Jane Candy * 00 ox. bor.*" ox. boh *" Peanut Butter 37« 99.00 // Ragu Spaghetti Sauce "r 39* Pope Tomatoes A cV Aiif1 C Grape Jelly Pur. " it;°21r $ p ( : d (31 20" Rotary Mowers (7) 20" Rotary Mowers margannB Corn OH (Go|d ..a,,,) pv,. 11 No-Cal Beverages -- 2 ',!•', 29 C Victory Cream Cheese - - " ZVM H.P. With Impulse Starters Blue Cheer Hack BROADCAST 151/jei. «Qfl I Ib. fl/4 oz. E7f; llflSn CORNED BEEF can •* can •* Nine Lives Cat Food 2 ., 29 Rt* 44.88 3Q88 Naw wuh day ludi Sliced Swiss Cheese Reg. 49.88 ** q l p 6 I Ib. M oi. Me 3 Ib. S>/, «i.« Armstrong Floor CareS(.X, t. :i^9 Fell Liquid Detergent o ,!i^62 Bologna or Liverwurst (I) LAWN TRIMMER pkg. *" pkg. " tt (3) WHEELBARROWS Frozen Food*! Fine Dairy Values! — Top Mast Sardines lmZ Re,. 19.98 10°° 45° Reg. 7.77 t$ BMI, Obloken, Turkey 11 «. pkt- Colend »r White—Mild White Tuna Fish C c (1) PLAY GYM (7) PLAY GYMS Duz Detergent Swanson T*V. Dinner 55 Mel-o-Bit American 55 Pink Salmon ct:;r I Ib. 00 88 Rtg. 29.88 Premium Pack 8 15 ft* 39.88 29 French Frie$R.gul.r;S.Cut5 Z. M Whipped Butter £££& '^^ Luncheon Meat suP.r.RightB.nd llb.7oi.E7e Jlbl. 101/, < A d 2 10% OFF ON ALL AIR COOLERS pl>. 9t Pig. Sweet Peas "»" b .!45« Cream Cheese ,££ -l.tS«7« R&R Boned Chicken 59« b C Su M Regularly 44.95—29.95—19.95 Snow Crop Orange Juice 2 ';„'. 39° Imported Italian Romano 95 Corned Beef z*? lb can U«*l—Two New tied the Americans by home town Belmar, and Capt- David C. Wo- Firemen's isg. The, child getting the bfggest Jerseyans were imong 13 Ameri Monday after * previous list had Slack of Roselle. fish will gtf a prize. cans' wounded in South Viet Ntm Field Day Mr. Chain also said the asso- ciation has launched a Fire Pre- vention Bureau to sponsor a Set Aug. 5 statewide exchange of informa- tion on fire codes, methods of WASHINGTON — Volunteer operation, fire inspections, fire From Our NEW Orchards firemen from all parts of New prevention education and related Jersey have been invited to thework. Serving as temporary pres- Seventh annual Firemen's Fam- ident is Lt. John Flaherty of ily Field Day which will be held Bloomfield. The secretary is Jo- at Butler Park, near here, Sun- seph Floyd, Ridgefield Park. day. William B. Chain, Haddon Heights, president of the sponsor- 91 Violations ing New Jersey State Volunteer Firemen's Association, said dele- PANMUNJOM Korea (AP) — gates representing 240 companies The United Nations Command will attend and others may do socharged the North Korean Com- whether their companies are af- munists yesterday with 91 viola- tions of the Korean armistice be- filiated with the association or tween June 1 and July 20. not. "We extend a cordial invita- tion to all volunteer firemen and The Communists had called a their families to spend the daymeeting of the Armistice Com- with us," he said. mission secretaries to charge MAP PLANS — Three of the top leadership, left to right. Joseph F. Lord, Little Sil- Features will include a water- U. N. aircraft were intruding ver; John Buchanan, Fair Haven, and Joseph C. Hoagland, Jr., Rumson, discuss plans melon eating contest, a tug of over North Korean territory. for the advance gifts campaign in the Rumson area during the first meeting of the LUSCIOUS TREE RIPENED Children's Psychiatric Center of Monmouth County fund drive. Then rememberthis; Freestone Peaches DO YOU 7 out of 10 tonic drinXs ««iade in New Start Campaign for Funds Yellow or white sweet, juicy and plump. America are mixed with bone-dry bitter- Monmouth To Aid Psychiatric Center Fresh picked from our own new peach KNOW sweet, exhilarating; orchard, fully tree ripened, ready to eat. Girl Scout Troop 99 spent five Giaclar Blue EATONTOWN—The first meet- greater service to the communi- days last week at Camp Nomoco ing of the campaign leadership I. THE and worked on merit badges. of the Children's Psychiatric Cen- QUININE WATER They were accompanied by Mrs. At the conclusion of the meet- ter of Monmouth County was held ing, Mr. Daly said, "With suf- Matthew Schink and Mrs. Rich- last week under the direction of TRUTH ard Tustin. ficient number of volunteers to Marcus Daly of Lincroft, cam- peak for the center, what it paign chairman. means and what it needs, the ABOUT The fifthh birthday of Diane The meeting was held at the Sheehan, daughter of Mr. and success of the $371,000 campaign Mrs. Francis Sheehan, Sharon Harding Rd., Red Bank, home of is assured." DELICIOUS ORCHARDS TONICS? Arthur J. White, president of the PI., was celebrated last Wednes- At the gathering were Mrs. SCOBEYVILLE, N. J. Served exclusively at River House, Rumson day. Attending were Gary Fat center's board of trustees. It was attended by about 25 leaders from Marsh A. Bryan, John Buchanan, lone, James and Donna Dean, August Daesner, John A. Duni- Colts Neek-Tinton Falls Maureen and Deidre Daly and all sections of Monmouth Coun- r/. ty. gan, Mrs. Stanley Edeiken, Mrs County Road 537 Kathleen, Virginia, Patricia and Frank E: Gilbertson, Miss Helen Timothy Sheehan. In opening the meeting, Mr. Salesroom open Mon.-Sat. 9*6 Daly said, "It is the responsi- Hermann, Joseph C. Hoagland Jr., Mrs. Ernest Kahn, Dr. ana Sunday 1 to 6 WELFARE Sean Daly, son of Mr. and Mrs. bility of the leadership in this campaign to enlist as many vol- Mrs. I. William Lane, Joseph r Edward Daly, Sharon PI., cele- Lord, William Rahill, Mrs. Mor- PRESCRIPTIONS brated his third birthday last unteers as possible to cam- paign for funds throughout their ton Stern, Robert W. Teegarden HONORED Wednesday at a family party at and Martin White, 3d. the home of Mrs. John Kitson respective communities." of Keansburg. Dr. Robert M. Counts, medi- cal director of the center, nar- rated a series of color pictures MONMOUTH END ACTIVE DUTY during the meeting which ex- FORT MONMOUTH — The Re- plained the operation of the non DRUGS serve Army officers who have profit, out-patient child psychi- completed a 15-day tour of active atric clinje. Dr. Counts also SH 1-5352 duty with the 1155th ARSU. spoke on the plans for the con- 177 E. Newman Springs Rd New Brunswick, USAR School tinued expansion of the center in here are Capt. LeRoy M. Richey, Keep Humidity order to make the clinic of even 224 Hamiltonian Dr., Middletown; Lt. Charles Whittle, 15 Vine Ct., Long Branch, and First Lt. Peter W. Henderson, 39 Circle Dr., Additional Rumson. Disaster Aid Below the Danger Mark Approved TRENTON (AP) — Gov. Rich- with an ard J- Hughes and Albert D. O'Connor, regional director of the Office of Emergency Plan- ning, Monday signed the forma 'ONE OF AMERICA'S GREAT MEAT MARKETS" agreement making an additional Electric Dehumidifier $7.1 million in federal disaster aid available to New Jersey. The extra allocation was au RT 36 E. KEANSBURGthorized last week by President Kennedy. It brings to $17.1 mil- Men. thru TJiiir*. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. lion the total federal funds pro Fri. 9.10 — Sat. 9-9 vided to aid shore areas stricken OPEN 7 DAYS Sunday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. by the storm and floodtides of March 6-7. In a letter to Kennedy express- ing New Jersey's "deepest MEAT CITY IS KING! thanks," Hughes said: "The remarkable comeback of New Jersey's seashore—the prin- 80- COMPARE! WHY PAY MORE? cipal factor in the resort indus- try, our state's single most im- portant economic activity—is test- imony to the effectiveness of the federal action and what we be- lieve have been the,strong ef- forts of state and local govern- ments." Hughes said Monday's action 70- MILDEW grows at 70%. will enable the OEP to act on Leather, furs, books and stored 27 applications for funds to re- valuables are frequently store public facilities that had been delayed by the lack of ad- spoiled. ditional money. From the original $10 million allocation, $5 million had been An electric dehumidifier will wring . provided to federal agencies for 60- work being performed In the the air dry and protect your property state and $5 million was made s available for projects for state, 3 against dampness damage. If you have county, and municipal agencies X excess moisture in your basement, Of this total, 66 applications were approved by both the state u recreation room, laundry, workshop, FRESH FRYER mm tmf DELICIOUS, SKINLESS BA. Disaster Committee and the OEP library or storage room, then you need >bs Seven applications were disap- CHICKEN UVERS55ib Frankfurters 2 79 proved by the OEP. The other 50- a dehumidifier for a full use of these 27 already have won state ap- OUR FAMOUS HOMEMADE P>AP GROUND CHUCK QQ I proval and appear likely to clear areas without musty odors, danger Italian SAUSAGE 59ib Beef Patties 5 the OEP, a spokesman ! for III to health or loss due to rust, mildew Hot or Sweet Hughes said. £ SWIFT'S SELECTED £AC He added that there are stil and warping. An electric dehumidifier LEAN, IKfc.SH A A 40 applications approved by the RUST starts at 40%. Tools, Charcoal Steaks oJJib state Disaster Committee to be will cut home maintenance cost by ' ib furnaces, toys, etc. are often SLICED BACON 29 DELICIOUS LELEGU •* I" P considered by the OEP. * 40 damaged at high Relative stopping the warping of floors and TASTY, EXTRI.XIKA 1.1'.AILEAN\ M g% VEAL CUTLETCl S 75ib It adds up! More and more Humidity. woodwork, the peeling of painted Ib people use Tlie Register ads each PORK CUTLETS 49 3-LB. BOX - $2.09 issue because results come fast- walls and the rotting of stairs FIRST BONUS FEATURE! COMPARE! er.—Advertisement. and beam supports. GENUINE SPRING FRESH, RIB or SHOULDER HEALTH CAPSULES by Michael A. Petti, M.D. 30- See the latest models today at your IF VOU'VE NEVER HAP THE • MUMPS. POES THIS MEAN Reddy Kilowatt Dealer's. He has them 1. VOU'BE SUSCEPTIBLE * in all capacities up to the removal of four gallons of water from the air SAVE 30' to 60' Ib.! per day (in a 24-hour period at 90°F, SMALL GENUINE SPRING A AT I GENUINE SPRING A AT and 90% relative humidity). LEG of LAMB 49ib I Loin Lamb Chops 89ib

! With This Coupon With This Coupon With This Coupon WOOD SWELLING TRENTON OUICK-FRY owor< owar< starts at 40%. Floors and i25coff,J ! MIDGET 25c off, ,J ? panels warp. Doors, drawers and windows stick. | 3-lb. purchase PORK ROLL 2-lb. purchase { Ground Chuck or ca> Save CUBED NOT NECE65ABILY. ABOUT 30% i Vi *TQ£ ' TO 40 % OF MUMPS INFEC- • Ground Round lbs. /* 40c STEAKS TIONS AREN'T RECOGNIZEP. Iffrr good Mi Sat., An*. I I Illrr rood thru Sal.. Am. 4 YOU MAY BE IMMUNE nun JCP&L mm; WITHOUT REALIZING ft • TOMORROW.' TONSILS. Central Power * Light Frleet rffccUre thru Sat rday, .luiru»t 4, We rearrve Ihf right tn limit quantities. tiller Kood thru Sal., AUK. 4 rr»nom)hlr 1'ir typographical rrrbra. *. HMMI Cpml.. giv« Mphil MsimMten. • KIIH Ills not ntandxJlolxodduenutkiiarm RED BA_NK REGISTER Wednesday, Aug. 1, 1962-9

SAFEWAY -• Shop Safeway'Hist national first Day in -Day out, you get the lowest National possible prices.. Plus the exf ra dividend Stores 4% Stamps—Amenta's Favorite! GREEN LSTAMPSJ

TOMV THMI VkTUtDAY. AUG. 4* prlcw .(hcrim ot mil itora. Aro^hovl MrfropelKai. Nmr York, FROM TOP GRADE PORK ' •*•• '<•""<> «•<• WuldiuXr. W. nwm (fit rigM to lh»H qtwifflhi. Non* n>M for ratal*. CUT FROM JISDA 'CHOKE' COIN FED WESTERN STEER BEEF Smoked Butts* 59c ith coupon 100 EXTRA S&H STAMPS below ALWAYS A TREAT - SKINLESS franks 2*, 89c F1MT RATIONAL «r MFEWftY-FIRST IATIOIAL STORES FRESH, NUTRITIOUS, DELICIOUS W/ THfS COUPON Ground Chuck* 69c FREE ™ GOL PAC SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE 1AA S&HGREEM Veal Steaks *89c BACK BAY USOA IVV STAMPS Sliced Bacon * 59c WITH $5.00 PURCHASE OR MORE LEAN, MEATY CHOICE)* , IIMIT ON8 K* ADUIT— CKJAMTTU, TO1ACCO, HER, v UQUOI AND FRESH MIIK tXHUT FROM STAMF OFKR Short Ribs »49« GOOD THRU SATURDAY, AUGUST 4lh


HEINZ KETCHUP 2-43 MARBLE, PLAIN OR 12 H. GREAT GO-TOGETHERS - SOUP N' CRACKERS POUND CAKE ICE CREAM lo«f 33 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP Ml Cracked Wheat Bread AMERICA'S FAVORITE CRACKER ~ S«i Food Savings NABISCO S RITZ CRACKERS 29 Camay Socp 2r,31c COD STEAKS '29c Camay Dash FLOUNDER FILLET «49. KEEPS FOOD FRESHER LONGER 4»i m pjpjp Soap ForAutomaticWashers 10c Off Frozen Food Buys! CUT-RITE WAXED PAPER 2 47 25 oz. QOe 48oz A7c pkg. pkg. REFRESHING, DELICIOUS, VITAMIN ENRICHED DRINK ^Rk RRf^Bk Comtt Spic & Span WELCHADE GRAPE DRINK 3 79 Cltansir Cleanser Orange Juice 146Z. 21 i liz* SNOW PHILADELPHIA Cascade Dux CiOP Dishwasher Detergent MARIPAC — SOLID MEAT Pr»m[um Pkg. 20 oz. M n~ 22 oz. CTr 42 oz--1 °3 Lobster Meat CREAM CHEESE -29 e C 10 pi,. 43 pkg. 3/ pkg. II Fab Palmolive Ajax All Purpose Lux Salvo Large Medium Personal Detergent Soap Cleaner Toilet Soap Detergent Tablets Ivory Soap Ivory Soap Ivory Soap * orr UeOPF ioc ore bor5« Off . C 20oi. bath •15 or. 28 oz. 23 oz. M t\e 48 ox. c 2 bar. 3| C pkg. 4 ban bot. bat. Pk8.40 pka. 4 « 34 Ivory Blue Dreft Duz Ivory Ivory Oxydol Tide Liquid Cheer Sermaseptir Soap Powder Flakes Snow with bleach Detergent 7c orr 3c orr 4< O« ic orr on 12 oz. -2ox. 22 oz. 4 Or ^1 oz. 20 oz. 190Z.AQC- y *9oz.fjfe 62c pkg. OZe pkg. pkg. pkg. pkg. 01** pkg. 01*" pkg. iV f* JJ} 10—Wednesday, Aug. 3, ,1962 RED BANK REGISTER the timber and figure Its value. "After a timber cruise is made, are malting their third harvest live dairy herd to take bis choice Help Offered "A professional forester of the yon will know what you have to from the same woodlot where of the ftpin?wi« Department of Conservation mil sell and you can get Wds from forester* have narked'the trees "If you are a Monmouth Coun- do thi* for you free. Further, a number of buyers. This is the and where the timber was sold ty woodtot owner, there 1* no In Selling more, he will mark the trees that best way to get the most money to the highest Udder. need for you to guess at the value are nurture tad ready to cut plus {com your woodlot "Lent* points out that letting of your timber. AH you need to some th*t might be defective and "According to A. N. Lenti, Rut-)* buyer pick his own trees from fa is ail your coqnty agricultur- Of limber should come out to improve the gers University extension fores- a woodlot can be as deadly as al agents to arrange for market- FREEHOLD - Many* New Jer- woods. • ter, some New Jersey Jarmen letting a buyer go into a producd - Ing advice." sey landowners are selling trees of sawtimber size from their farm woodlots and, county agricultural agent Marvin A. Clark, the woodlots are Im- proving in quality because of these sales. The opposite can be true if the woodlot owner lets the MONMOUTH MEATS buyer select the trees to be cut. 110 MONMOUTH ST. OPEN FRIDAYS BRANCH AVENUE Mr. Clark says: "A woodlot RED BANK LITTLE SILVER owner thinking about making a TILL 9 P.M. sale should find out how many SH 1-5292 741-5350 board feet of timber is really ready to be cut. It's easy to go through the Woods and estimate Fresh Killed—3-4 Ib. size—Split, quartered or cut up 4fe .1% Croups Honor Rev. Edwards Frying CHICKENS 29 BELFORD — Rev. Ralph Ed- LEAN—MEATY HARD WAY TO START — Apprentice Vicente Perucha flndi himself In a wards, pastor of St Clement's Episcopal Church, was honored position definitely not recommended by Spanish toreadors. He suffered a non-serious Sunday night for his first year Injury to his leg when it w»s caught by bull's horn during a pass in Madrid bullring. here as pastor at a reception and catered supper in the church SPARE RIBS hall. SUTHERLANDS IN CAPITAL Through United States contri- LEAN—FRESH GROUND BELFORD —. Mr. and Mrs. butions in aid to under-developed The women's organizations, St. William Sutherland and daugh- Foreign ^ countries, these cations are able, Agnes and St. Clement's Guilds, ter Susan, Main St. spent the and do, order New Jersey-made The Men's Club and Young Peo- weekend in Washington, D. C. Orders Help 4s in large quantities. ple's Fellowship were in charge. ng these findings. Commis- Rev. Mr. Edwards has returned from a month's vacation in New CHUCK CHOP WATCH OUR WINDOWS sioner Adams said, "New Jersey NJ Economy England and Canada. He was TRENTON — The importana has a vital stake in international FOR SPECIALS trade. More job opportunities and presented a purse from the mem- CHOICE—BONELESS •• •• of foreign aid to the New Jersey bers by Robert Krueger. ... DELICATESSEN economy is indicated in a repor! improvement in some areas of New Jersey's economy are pos- Guests present were Rev. and PRIME MEATS just received by H. Mat Adams, Mrs. "William Hodgdon of the HOMEMADE ITALIAN and commissioner of the New Jersey sible as our state increases its AMERICAN SAUSAGE participation in foreign trade. I Methodist Church and Rev. John Ml SALADS Department of Conservation and am confident that New Jersey's Euler, retired minister from the CROSS RIB ROAST 75 THUMAN'S QUALITY Economic Development. Bayshore Community Church of ASSORTED COLD CUTS economic climate will be even Commissioner Adams said brighter as international trade East Keansburg. Economical A t A An I CHOPPED 11001 SKINLESS /I AC IShort Ribs it study by the United States Agen- grows." Mrs. Anna Edwards, mother of si fFRANKS *l3lb |OF BEEF 4 cy for International Development :ev. Mr. Edwards, was present- i BACON Z!5«J BEEF 3 ranks New Jersey seventh in the Under one phase of the United nation in foreign market sales. States Foreign Aid program, ed a corsage. New Jersey manufacturers are in countries are given grants and ninth place nationally as receiv- loans for general' development, ers of orders for foreign aid ship- but are required to buy chiefly CITARELLA'S ments. In an eight-year pe- from American producers. In MEAT MARKET ' riod between 1954 and 1961, New this way, the aid benefits the re- and DELICATESSEN Jersey firms received more than cipient nation as well as Ameri- PROSPECT PLAZA $37 million in aid funds. can firms and workers. WE'VE CRASHED THE Little Silver Shopping Center New Jersey exports $900 mil- In all, firms in 93 New Jersey (OPKM KDI. T» TO 1 lion in manufactured coods. communities provided goods and services through foreign aid funds. Among localities receiving larger portions of the United States funds are Jersey City ($22 million); Fort Lee ($7 mil- FURNITURE PRICE lion); Harrison ($5 million), and WE 200 Bayonne ($4 million). GUARANTEE AND SERVICE FREE EVERYTHING WE SELL! STAMPS Traffic Toll -BARRIER With Every Purchase In Nation You may have noticed that some stocks respond more strongly 3-Pc. Colonial to good new* than stock* of other companies operating in Sets Record Solid LIVING 'Tour Choice" the same field. Such favored stocks are also apt to show CHICAGO greater stability in times of stress. " AV •.:•• traffic fatalities during the first Maple ROOM Hollywood Bed With fainerspring mattress . This emphasizes the importance of being selective-in half of this year rose to an all • Sofa Bed short, choosing the stocks of companies which arc in the time high, the National Safety and box springs or ... Council reports, and predicts that • Matching Chair strongest competitive position. if the trend continues the 1962 It may pay you to ask yourself if the stocks you now death toll may reach a record • Platform Rocker MAPLE BUNK BED own meet this test. If you are not sure, consult us—we have 40,000. • Your Choice of COMPLETE WITH SPRINGS the facts you seed for a sound appraisal. The council said yesterday 18,- 120 persons were killed in traffic Color & Fabric RE©. accidents in the first six months 99.95 THOMSON & MS of 1962, an increase of 1,210 from 48 9 Memorial Parkway, Long Branch CA 2-4310 the total of 16,910 during the same period a year ago. This REG. 199.95 301 Main Street, Allenhurst • KE 1-3500 was a climb of 7 per cent com- ALL MATTRESSES $ 2 Broadway, NX 4 • HA2-5I0O Sheraton-East Hotel, N.Y. 22 • PL 5-8190 pared with a rise in traffic of 20East46thSt.,N.Y. 17• YU6-0400 625MadisonAve.,N.Y.22• PL 1-3800 only 5 per cent. Formica tops will not BOX SPRINGS Howard Pyle, council president, burn or stain! TWIN—Replacement Guaranteed said the council is urging federal, state and local officials to •L. help reverse the present trend. ^uO\V©


s Chest LAYTO • Framed Mirror • Large Double Dresser • Bookcase Bed • Full or Twin CITIES SERVICE 5-Pc. jr DINETTE SET BROAD ST. (HIGHWAY 35) • Large Table • Extra Leaf at Newman Springs Road • 4 Matching Chairs SHREWSBURY TEL. 741-9609 NO Reg. 199.95 "Home of the Big Gallon" BALLOON , PRICES WE GIVE KING KORN STAMPS ' Need Credit? AT WITH ALL PURCHASES JUST SAY . . . . KENNEDY'S "Charge It" "NO EXCEPTIONS" 100 FREE STAMPS Up to 3 Years to Pay "JUST LIKE OLD TIMES" "When Your Dollars Bought You Your Money's Worth" Everything Reduced Lube and Oil Change FREE . . SHOP AND SAVE AT.... Everything OPEN DELIVERY Exactly 5 E FREE . . AS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK LAY-AWAY KENNEDY'S FURNITURE Nights Till FREE . . 69 EAST NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD, RED BANK ADVER- Till FROM 7 A.M. to 10 P.M. 9:00 P STORAGE OPEN 10 AM !til 9 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY. SATURDAY 'till 5:30 PM TISED 9:00 PM 741-9643 Free Parking in Front of Store • Across From Mayfair BED BANK BEGISTEB y, Aug. 1, 1962—1 80th Birthday Is Observed LINCROFT — Thomas D. Law- Ier of Union Beach celebrated h 80th birthday Saturday at a turn- . |ly get-together and barbecue at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kay, Leedsville Dr. 1300 Among those attending were 13 grandchildren and 22 great- IXMMXMAJ grandchildren. Also, his children Mrs. Flo enco Brennan of Bloomfleld, Mrs. SUPER %J MARKETS Elsie Mulvihffl of West Orange, EXTRA FREE David Lawler of "East Orangi Edwin Lawler of Verona, Thomai D. Lawler of West Caldwell am King-Size Savings Free King King Korn Stamps Arthur Lawler of Toms River. Mrs. Charles Devine, the sev- enth child, telephone from Bur- with Bonus Coupons below! bank, Calif, where she is living, Korn Stamps!! They Go Together! Grandchildren and great grandchildren present were Mr. and Mrs. James Hedley and chil- dren James, Michael, Dennis and NOTE: All Bonus Stamp Coupons Kenneth Of Clark; Mr. and Mrs. Another Fantastic ; MAYFAIR j King-Size Savings! Charles Lawler and children, Daniel, Charles Jr., and Sarah Effective thru Tues., Aug. 7,1962! Doris of West Orange; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Obermiller anc daughter Kelli of West Orange; Miss.Betty Ann Lawler of West th%* coupon worth Caldwell, and Mr. and Mrs. John Kay and daughters, Debra and Marsha of Llncroft. HEN TURKEYS Afso, Mrs. James Baron, FREE-200-CXTRA niece, and Mr. Baron of Gler 'Simply IVonderful"-Young Ridge. Mrs. Thomas Lawler and Mrs' Meaty-Double Breasted KING KORN STAMPS Arthur Lawler also attended 8 to 16 WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF with their husbands. p James McGrath Flash Frozen-Oven Rezdy aver. $10 or more r Excluding Fresh Milk and Cigarettes Is Elected By Save Effective thru Tuesday, August 7,1962 4th Degree KofC Mayfair Suer Marints RED BANK - James F. Mc- Grath, 224 River Rd., has been ["Slmpfy Womferfur-Mtlk Fed-Sim White-Young Veal Sab-Sav. 2Oc Ib. elected faithful navigator of the Knights of Columbus, Fourth De- FREE-100-EXTRA FREE-5Q.EXTM gree, Bishop McFaul General As- KINB KORR STAMPS KING KORN STAMPS sembly. Wilt. (hi. coupon and BurdMM «f With this coupon and ptmhoM 2 FOUNDS A IAG OF John P. Murphy of Atlantic legs & Rumps of Veal 49 10 ORANGES Highlands was elected faithful CHOPPED CHUCK captain; Benjamin J. Leon, Hfecfiva Mvw Cnvcffn fhni Keansburg, faithful pilot; Andrew Tvn.. Aug. 7. 1M2 Tu..., Aug. 7, IMX J. Fette, Roselle Park, faithful admiral; Patrick F. Monahan, Shoulder Veal Chops"49« "imply MTonawW East Keansburg, and Joseph "Simply Wonderful"—Milk F«d—Jno Whrr«—Young V«al Sal* Lang, Red Bank, faithful senti- lb lb C nels; Raymond Russomano anc Fresh John T. O'Brien, both of Lonj j Rib Veal Chops **• ** 69 Branch and John V. Dolan o! I "Simply Wonderful"—Milk HA—Sno WhH«—Young Veol Sale Keansburg, trustees; Samuel J. 2 Ib lb Bar-B-Que O'Connor, Belmar, faithful scribe and purser, and Charles' J. Hoyt, Loin Veal Chops **• * 89c Oceanport faithful comptroller. , "Simply Wonderful"—Milk Fed—Sno White—Young Veal Sals lM Ttiiv Tun.. Aug. 1, WH Rev. Michael J. Lease, pastoi 2Oe lb lb Chicken Parts of St. Agnes Church, Atlantic Boneless Veal Stew *™ 69<= Buy the Part you like the Best Highlands, will continue as faith ful friar. "Simply Wonderful"—Moyfair'i Fomouf—Cut from Freih Porkers Save 14c Ib, s Bfc lb LEG or IIIJFREE.100-BaiUl11111 FREE-50-EXTRA SWANSON REASSIGNED Center Cut Pork Chops «» 79* BREAST tB. KINB KORN ITAHM KINB KORN STAMPS LONG BRANCH — Airma Hickory Smoked—Lean—Vh to 3 lb. aver.—Suva 16c Ib. QUARTIR WMl *l» loupon end pvnhaM Second Clais Richard H. Swan- 35 1«hPOUND son, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. b SMOKED HAM BAO OF POTATOES Swansea, 2O4V& Edwards Ave., I: Swift's Premium Daisy Hams 69c NMn being reassigned to Oxnari Tuti.. Aug. 7. AFB. Calif., following graduatio from the U. S. Air Force, tech- nical training coarse for air armament mechanics at Lowry AFB, Colo. Pride of the Farm FREE-50-EXTflA KINS KORN STAMPS BNAI BRTTH OUTING WIm thli coupon and nurchen* LONG BRANCH -Joseph Fin- 1 fOUHD 01 MOB! PKO. kel Lodge, Bnai Brith, will hold Freestone TISSUE SLICED BOLOGNA an outing Sept. 8 at McGuire's n thru Grove, Rt. 35 Middletown. The No. 2 can Tun.. Aw. 7. 1942 announcement was made follow- ing a recent meeting of the ex- Peaches ecutive board of the lodge. Window Wonder Libby's Tomato Juice With thtl eswpon and p*urchat« of PKO. OP 2 PIGOY BACK 7 ;; thru Prince Spaghetti i T«» A«a. J. IMS

tt golkM 39* Vdw. New lew frlol SpetiairGO TOGETHER "Bonus! Swift Whole CMdmi av**.*— Orange Juice Extra Free Stamps On Foots That laird's Apple Sauce »~,I«.I« LINDEN FARMS •* or TROPICANA Canned Soda Und*nH

Tulip Fair Margarine *•*<>• 6 >« *1.00 Real Sharp Cketse 69c FREE-50-EXTRA KIN6 KORN STAMPS CALIFORNIA'S FINEST With thli covoon and purcKok* of f OZ. VAC PKO. POLISH HAM And 1 oz. plo. SWISS CHHSC It's EASY to make smocked EffocKvo thru curtains—just smock on reverse Seedless Tu.i., Aug. 7, 1962 aide for rich pleats. Newl,, Smocked cafe curtains. Grapes Pattern 747: directions; transfer 2 designs to make 2 pairs cur- tains; or one pair each, valance; drapes. Stainless Steel j p Thirty-five cents in coins for T°i! ••* this pattern—add 10 cents for T«nder 15 each pattern for first-class mail. jMixiNG BOWLS Bend to Laura Wheeler, care of !CoopenNo.3-3qtMixlngBowl! The Red Bank Register, Needle- craft Dept., P.O. Box 161, Old ONLY _ Wild Thii I 56 Newman Springs Road Chelsea Station, New York 11. Velu. 99•» Coupon J K. Y. Print plainly pattern num- and pucrhaw of J5 or mot*. ber, name, address and zone. SAVE 40c Red Bank Bonus Stamp Coupons Effective 1 Full NEWEST RAGE—SMOCKED Coupon ojfectivo thru accessories plus 208 exciting Saturday, Augutt 4, 1962. Please Cut Coupons Apart For Speedy Handling! needlecraft designs in our new 1963 Needlecraft Catalog—just OPEN SUN. 9 a. m. to 6 p. nt. him offoctiv* thru Saturday, Auguit 4,1962. Right to limit. Jut! Fashions, furnishings to procbet, knit, sew, weave, em- prolder, quilt. Plus free pattern. Bend 25 cents nowl 12—Wednesday, Aug. 1, 1962 R£D BANK BEC1STER Potato Plant Leaf Drop New Policies Affect AlT Pollution Hits ^dvke Given In Tomatoes By Agent Won't Hurt Poultry Industry FREEHOLD - Under abnor Western Areas FREEHOLD — IT* wnall. to- WASHINGTON (AP)—The poul- could lead to at least a tempo- mato like fruits on potato plants mally high day temperature* or By BOB WOOD burning of trash In home Incin- very low night temperature* the try industry is the first major rary decline in consumption, thus are not tomatoes, advises County shrinking the total market for PHOENIX. Ariz. (AP) — Theerators. The ordinance also pro- flowers on tomatoes and peppers U.S. farm enterprise to feel the hibits industrial smoke of greater Agent Marvin A. Clark. will drop off the plant, says poultry in the European common West—ptrtlcularly the hot, dry pinch of new restrictionist policies market. desert* ot Arizona and the cool than specified density. But noth< They are seed bails of the pota- County Agent Marvin A. Clark. of the European common market. mountains of Colorado—once was ing has been done about auto ex- to and contain the true seeds ol Weather conditions this spring "Higher price* also are ex- mecca for thousands suffering haust fumes. that species. have been normal and ' hav The Agriculture Department re- pected to encourage producers in ports that the price of ready-to- respiratory ailments. Phoenix is covered with an al Mr. Clark says: Many people caused considerable concern the common market to expand cook broilers—which have been output. These two developments They left the crowded cities of most perpetual haze. From the think they are witnessing an un- home gardeners who *re growin, in usual phenomenom when they see peppers and tomatoes. finding an expanding market will make the common market the East and Midwest and sought downtown section, famed land- Western Europe—is expected to marks such as Camelback Moun- this. Actually, they are forget- Actually, if the blossoms drop much lesi dependent on imported the sparsely populated areas with rise from 34.8 cents a pound t0 poultry," the department said. untainted air. tain are lost behind the smoky ting the fact that all potatoes are off it will "only cause a delay in propagated from root cutting'^ the maturity of the fnflt. Even- 42.8 cents in West Germany Aug. Communities nurtured by these mantle. 1. This will reflect an increase V.S. export* of frozen poultry health seekers began to grow at rather than from true seed. tually the plant will set a full to the common market area were >The larger counties—primarily crop and should produce through- of eight cents a pound on the a phenomenal rate. Now these Maricopa (Phoenix) and Pima "The potato and tomato are present tariff of 15.9 cento. 236 million pounds last year. havens of health are combatting (Tucson)—demanded, action. But both members of the nightshade out the growing season. Mr. dart the same force that drove the many smaller counties feared leg- family and are very closely re- says. The European common market sick from other parts of the na-islative action might be aimed at lated. However, they are nol Day temperatures above 85 de-area is setting up agricultural Grassland, tion. their copper smelters. cross-compatible and the fruits grees and night temperatures be- policies which, will raise tariffs Take two examples—Denver, differ in many ways. The frui low 58 degrees are generally the on imports to encourage greater After a one-year delay, Ari- containing the potato seed will cause of blossom drop. Some var- production and trade within the surrounded by the snow-covered zona's legislature passed a meas- Dairy Field rockies, and Phoenix, an oasis in never get as large as the tomato ieties set fruit trailer adverse market area. ure permitting each county to and will never turn red. weather conditions. the American desert. combat air pollution on its own. Members of the common mar- Denver has a growing air pollu- "Seed from these fruits will However, many of these are ket tse Belgium, the Nether- Day Slated tion problem. A U.S. Public Health Service iroduce potato plants but they f t In the experimental stage and lands, France, West Germany, FREEHOLD—Grassland-Dairy study reported that Phoenix had will not be true to. the variety will not be available to New Jer- Field Day, an event which many Dr. William F. Spence of the PA Tl ENC E P A Y S-r Two schoolboys complete Luxembourg and Italy. University of Colorado medical the fourth dirtiest air in the na-from which they came. The sey home gardeners until 1963 or "The new regulations," the de-Monmouth County farmers enjoy tion, although this was disputed >lants will be a complete genetic a modal of tha Eiffel Tower after 11,500 match** and BOO 1964, he added. attending, will be held this year school says pulmonary emphy- hours of work at Hamburg, Wait Germany. Seat* la 1:S0O. partment said, "will raise sub- ' sema, a lung disease, is on theby several Arizona sanitary en- mixture and it would take many stantially the price of imported Aug. 23. Increase. Chronic bronchitis has gineers. years of careful inbreeding to Farewell Barbecue poultry in West Germany, where The giant affair attract* thou- shot upward in the last few years. The burning of trash has be make them true breeding.' County agricultural agents have For Kautzmans the United States exports most sands every other year to the Rut- Dr. Cyrus W. Anderson, past curtailed in the Phoenix area. been trying to induce gardeners of its poultry, The higher prices gers Dairy Research Center near Don't Pull KEYPORT — Mr. and Mrs president of the Colorado Medi- More and more streets are beii Story Hits Home to.grow high quality tomatoes the village of Sussex in Sussex cal Society, says dirty air is ag-paved to curb dust. that resist fusarium wilt. How- Daniel Kautzman, Atlantic St County. were guests of honor at a barbe CALIFORNIA GUESTS gravating sinus disorders and And state health department o! BALTIMORE (AP) — A neigh- Out Rutgers ever,,'if you have planted Rut- The Monmouth County Exten- having a dangerous effect on the borhood news tipster phoned the gers tomatoes already, don't pull cue Saturday, given at the home NEW MONMOUTH — Mr. and icials say, "we are only a fei of Mr. and Mrs. James Cadoo Mrs. Charles Krueger, Clarissa sion Service has been sending lungs'. r editor of a small suburban week- them out', Count Agent Marvin A, cards to many farmers, advising ears away from nationwide us ly Monday to tell him about Broadway. Mr. and Mrs. Kautz Dr., entertained last week for And the worst is to come. A of suppression devices on all ca Tomato Yet Clark adds. them to save the date. 1957 survey indicated that within an unoccupied truck rolling man left Monday to make theii Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hill, Mrs. to combat exhaust fumes." FREEHOLD — If you have Fusarium wilt is a soil-borne home in Hollywood, Fla. Elma Earlywine and sons Ar- It's traditional for farm fami- eight years auto exhaust pollu- downhill and smashing into organism that will eventually In- tion would triple, industrial pollu- made the mistake of planting to- Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ed thur, Lee and'Tony and Pvt. Lyn-lies to combine business with fest the soil where tomatoes have mond Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Rob del Hill of Willits, Calif. Pvt. pleasure, on - Grassland-Dairy tion would increase by a third, VISITED PENNSYLVANIA— interested," said editor mato varieties that are suscepti- been growing. Because the Rut- and household pollution -Would be BELFORD — Mrs. Anna Ed Richard Byrd of County News ble to fusarium wilt, don't pull ert Kofoed, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lysde] Hill, who was stationed Field Day, having a picnic and gers tomato is susceptible to this Septen and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent 15- watching machinery manufactur- up one fifth. wards, Church St., spent sever Week. "This kind of thing hap- Jiese plants out if they are no disease, continuous planting of at Fort Ord, Calif., was on a To battle this condition, Denver weeks with her son and fami pens in the newspaper business Applegate. day leave and will be stationed ers and dealers put new equip- suffering from the disease, ad- this variety will lead to loss of ment though its paces. has restricted to certain hours in Fairview, Pa. ail the time." plants. at Fort Devens, Mass. "Well, I'm glad you're taking rises Dr. B. L. Pollack, exten- It adds up! More and more i' so calmly," the tipster said. ;ion vegetable specialist at Rut- Varieties that can be grown in people use The Register ads each "It was your house." gers. wilt-infested soils are KC-140, issue because results come fast- G RAMAN'S Manalucie and Homestead. er.—Advertisement. VACUUM AND APPLIANCE PARTS CO. 54 MONMOUTH STREET, RED BANK, N. J. The tonic mixer Amer- PHONE SH 7-5623 WHAT'S ica prefers by2-1 over YOU HAVE TIL all other Brands com- bined...bone-dry, bit- •laea l»U AUTHORIZED tersweet, exhilarating AUGUST 10th HOOVER—SALES AND SERVICE BONE GticUr Biua WHITEST. SH7-2800 RED BANK to go to First Merchants National and open a savings NEW AND REBUILT CLEANERS QUININE WATER account that will start earning interest from August 1st. • REPAIRS ON • Interest on Passbook Savings Our rag cleaning specialists take particular car* DRY Accounts GE - HOOVER - ELECTROLUX, etc. to tee that your rugs are as fraih and bright Atbury park IRONS VACUUMS TOASTERS BUT OH- H«d Bank a* possible-. . Mart* Aabary Park PERCOLATORS MIXERS, etc. MammavaM • Briatla PARTS FOR SO-WET? Fair Mavan • Halmdil Hambar Fadara.1 Free Call and Delivery VACUUMS WASHERS DRYERS IRONS Raaarva STatam/Fadaral RANGES TOASTERS MIXERS LAMPS, etc. Served exclusively or Wiltowbraok Inn, Fair Haven Dapoalt Inraraaea Corp.

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SECTION TWO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1962 7c PER COPY Haskell Says .New Jersey Track Sale News Briefs Rumor False DEAL — Rumors that Mon- By The Associated Press mouth Park will be sold to a West coast syndicate are still TRENTON— Federal Judge Hillside, .turned over the bus' flying, but each time they go Arthur S. Lane has denied an coin machine. The robbers up, Monmouth Park officials im- appeal for a new trial by three emptied it of $17.50 then asked mediately ground them without Camden men condemned to die for the driver's wallet. They a moment's hesitation. in the state's electric chair. The found it empty, returned it, Amory L. Haskell, presiden men, convicted of the 1958 mur- then fled on foot. and chairman of Monmouth Park der of a Camden toy store oper- Jockey Club, told a Register re- ator, had appealed on grounds NEWARK — The federal gov- porter last night there was noth- the written confessions submitted ernment has acted to transfer ing to it whatsoever. "There is at their first trial were a result claims to a $2.4 million hoard no truth connected with the ru- of police coercion. Lane ruled found in Jersey City from the mor. I have not even been con yesterday that the trio—Stanley jurisdiction of state Superior tacted by the so-called syndi- Cassidy, Wayne Godfrey and Court to that of U.S. District cate," Mr. Haskell said at the Sylvester Johnson—had made Court. Involved Is an action in- 17th annual round-up hosted by their confessions of their own stituted last week In state Su- Mr. and Mrs. Phillip H. Iselln free will. The judge canceled a perior Court by two brothers who at the Hollywood Golf Club. stay of execution he had previous- claim they owned the Jersey City Harvey I. Wardell, assistant ly granted. He gave the men un- garage in which the $2.4 million, general manager and assistan til Aug. 31 to file a new appeal allegedly belonging to convicted secretary of the Jockey Club, had FOR BETTER EDUCATION — Architect Gerard A. Barba's drawing of $300,000 with the state courts on three one word for the rumor, "Ridicu gambler Joseph (Newsboy) Mo- school to be erected by Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, Highlands. questions concerning the confes- riarty, was found. The brothers lous." sions. The trio's attorney, M. charged that the Federal Bureau In a Register story yesterday, Play area is on back roof of building. There will be additional play space on Gene Haeberle, claimed that the ot Investigation, which took pos- Mr. Iselin in denying the report grounds. The site is off Rt. 36. police had used brutality, keep- session of the money, has no FUND DRIVE — Mrs. Lawrence A. Carton, Jr., left, a stated, "There is as much truth Ing the men without sleep for rightful claim to the cash and member of the Navesink Garden Club, presents a check to it, as if I were scheduled to long hours of interrogation he- that FBI agents were trespassing jump off the Empire State build representing the club's donation to the building fund fore they confessed. But Lane when they confiscated the money. ing this morning. There Is abso- said the confessions were "free Also named in the brothers' ac- of the Middletown Township Health Association to offi- lutely no truth to It." School Cost Is $300,000 and unrestrained." tion was the Internal Revenue cials of the group. Accepting the check is Mrs. Wil- The rumor.was concerning the Service, which has filed a $3.4 sale of the track to a West HIGHLANDS — Construction of a school The classrooms will be 24x32 feet, and the liam J. Noonan, president of the health association, and building to be erected, by Our Lady of Per- auditorium, which will double as a gym- TRENTON — Superior Court million tax Hen against Morlarty, coast syndicate. This latest ru- and the National State Bank of Norman Badenhop, chairman of the association's fund mor had Frank Sinatra and Pe- petual Help Catholic Church will get under nasium, 60x100 feet. Judge David D. Furmaa, way on or about Oct. 1, The Register learned Enrollment at the new school Is expected whose assignment to Hudson Newark, where the money has drive. ter Lawford buying up all the been deposited pending determi- stock they could get their hands today. to be about 250 to start. County caused a stir there, The building will cost an estimated $300,000. The classrooms will be large enough to will be transferred to Middle- nation of what's to become of it. on. This was denied by Mon- mouth Park officials. It will be erected on the property at the accommodate a maximum of about 50 chil- sex County next month. Fur- rear of the church, and. will consist of eight dren. man's reassignment was dis- PASSAIC — An employee at regular classrooms,.and an auditorium. the South Bergen Banana Co., Badenhop to Lead ROOF PLAY AREA closed routinely by the state Rev. James A. Thompson, pastor, said the Because of limited space for a playground, Superior Court Yesterday. No 64 Dayton Ave., was bitten on the left arm by a tarantula Mayor Likes school will open In September of next year. a fenced-in play prea will be constructed on reason lor the move was given. He will start a campaign for pledges In the the back roof of the building, which will have Furman, who lives in Bedmin- spider that was In a bunch of Health Center Drive bananas he was carrying. Wil- fall, Father Thompson reported. The existing one story above ground level and one par- ster, was attorney general un- Sand Put church building is free of debt, and there is tially below (but with windows above the der Gov. Robert B. Meyner liam Moore, M, was given three BELFORD — Mrs. William clinic and nursing facilities of the Injections In St. Mary's Hos- Noonan, president of the Mid- health center, which are available some money already in the school building, .ground). from June, 1958, to January, fund. 1962. He was confirmed as a pital and sent home. Moore dletown Township Public Health to all the present 39,000 residents On Beach This type of play area utility is used In USING BASEMENT Judge last April. During his. said the spiders usually run Association, has announced that of the township. MONMOUTH BEACH - Mayor many New York City schools, where space last two years as attorney gen- away after coming out of the Norman Badenhop, Navesink Riv- The first contribution to the Sidney B. Johnson said last For the past 11 years, the church has been is at a premium. era), state police made 21 banana bunches. But be said er Rd., Locust, will serve as campafgn to raise $25,000 has utilizing the former recreation basement, in Father Thompson said building specifica- night he is "well pleased with the church, for classrooms — eight grades in gambling raids in Hudson Coun- he had to hit the Inch-and-a- campaign chairman of the asso- been made by Mrs. Lawrence A. initial results of sand pumping tions are being prepared, and that bids will four partitioned rooms. • be taken in the near future. ty. Some grumbling followed half-Iong spider four times to ciation's drive to raise funds'for Carton, Jr., member of the civic operations along our beach and his assignment to Superior kiU It after It bit him. affairs committee of the Nave- that the program should be of The four teachers now at the school are 'When the new school is opened, the base- an addition to the health center at members of the Franciscan Order. ment of the church will no longer be used Court duties in the county. Campbell's Junction. sink Garden Club. great benefit to us, particularly Mrs. Carton presented a check at times of storms." The new building will total 17,000 square for classrooms, Father Thompson noted. WEST MILFORD — A woman Mr. Badenhop is president of v/as killed and three other per- for $100, won by her in "a plant- The mayor told a reporter that feet: 6,000 in the auditorium, which will seat The school will consist of all eight ele- TRENTON — The State Com the Robert Badenhop Corpor- 600 persons, and 11,000 for the classrooms. mentary grades. mittee Against New Taxes, Inc sons were injured yesterday ing contest sponsored by the Gar- the Army Engineers "now are when the car in which they were, ation, crude rubber importers, in den Club of New Jersey. pumping sand in the vicinity of Gerard A. Barba, Shrewsbury, Is the archi- Bishop George W. Ahr has approved plans (SCANT) said yesterday that the New York City. tect. for the structure. recommendation of farm leaders riding crashed into a bridge This organization.annually, in Park Rd. and the quality looks for a state sales tax "is not an abutment on Rt. 23. Killed was He is a member of the board coordination with Sears Roe- good." accurate reflection of the farm- Mrs. Eleanor Knoepfel, 56, Wes of governors of Monmouth Medi- buck, presents grants to member He said he had been Informed ers' attitude." Edward T. Magee, Milford. She was a passenger in cal Center, Long Branch. clubs throughout the state who, by a spokesman for the engineers Search For executive director of SCANT a car drven by Charles A. The association's drive for in competition, submit planting that the pumping would continue Ernst Executed; said the state Tax Policy Com- Sturm, 79, Palisades Park. Sturm funds is the first time since its projects involving community bet- to the northern section of Long mission should ignore the re- and two other passengers, Mrs. founding in 1926 that It has asked terment. Branch. Prowler In cent endorsement of a sales tax Gertrude Dinan, 68, Dumont, and the public for contributions. At Mrs. Carton's plan outlined 'Even if some of the sand recommendation by a farmers' Mrs. Lillian SlUnermeyer, 58, that time the population of Mid- four-year scheme for the Middle- brought up is a bit dirty, it can Shore Area Final Appeal Fails tax convention. Magee said farm Weehawken, were injured and ad- dletown was 9,206. The money town Health Center and the pro- be covered by sand from the leaders claim to represent 6,000 mitted to Chilton Memorial Hos- will be used for an addition to the ocean next summer," he said. pital, Pompton Plains. posed new wing. MONMOUTH BEACH - A TRENTON (AP) — With a Roland Ernst,, and one of his farm families. But he added that Meanwhile we will have a prowler on the loose has caused grim remark to death house three sisters. only 54 delegates, less than half strong buffer against future the Borough Commission no end spectators — "You are not going Prison officials said he was up of those present, endorsed the PLAINFIELD — A gunman storm damage. And that is just of trouble, in the past two weeks. to miss anything" — Joseph ali Monday night writing letters sales tax proposal at last week's held op a pharmacy yesterday Seeks to Rescind what we need." Officials reported last night they Ernst took his seat In the elec- to relatives In which he asked convention. "Here is another ex- and escaped with .a quantity of He said he Inspected the beach tric chair last night and-was ex- that they not forget him. narcotics, hypodermic needles have had no success in trying to ample of the leadership of an or- yesterday. "What has been put catch the man. ecuted for the 1939 slaying of his ganization disregarding the wel- and $1(4 in. cash. Police said there appears to be good, strong girl friend Joan Connor. S3 Witnesses fare of its members and making the holdup occurred at Rapps Repair Bill Payment sand, and it is going in at a sec- Reviewing the situation. Mayor There were 33 witnesses In the that organization a tax lobby," Pharmacy, 111 Park Ave. A tion where there was little sand Sidney B. Johnson said he today Ernst, 25, was hit with seven death house, many from the Magee said. clerk, Andrew Masters, said the KEANSBURG — Mayor Loui Mr. Nero said he was con- before. I am sure the results will instruct Police Chief George 2,200-volt shocks and was pro- Camden area. Ernst, who had intruder pointed an automatic T. Collichio said he would seel tracted, by the borough manager will be appreciated." V. Maney "to redouble his efforts nounced dead at 10:07 p.m. The refused to talk with a chaplain at him and demanded nar- to have the remainder of 4h to do the job on the outfall line to apprehend this person," about end came about six hours after earlier, looked over the audience, EDISON — A bus driver cotics. Masters said he gave Borough Council rescind a mo for $2,500 to $2,700 a hole. whom there has been a rising the last of two final appeals for then was heard to say that no- stopped to pick up two fares away one ounce of cocaine, a tion authorizing the payment o: He contended that he was the number of complaints. stays of execution were turned body would "miss anything." Monday night and found him- number of pain-killing tablets, two bills to a Hazlet firm foi giving the borough a break by on- Red Hill Plan down by New Jersey courts. At the time of the slaying of self staring down the barrel of the repair of the borough outfa At one point In the commission 12 syringes, and 10 dozen hypo- ly charging $5,034.24 for repair- meeting he called him a "Peep- Ernst was the second man Miss Connor, a 17-year-old Cam- a shotgun. "All the money dermic needles. sewer line and other work. ing the three holes. within a month to be electro den girl, Ernst had been on pa- you've got," demanded one of Probe Asked ing Tom" anil at another he said The mayor has challenged bill Mr. Collichio said divers from the man was confining his move- cuted In Trenton State Prison role from Bor den town Reformat the bandits. Police said the of the M. M. Nero Constructioi and the 159th since electrocution Wry, where he served a sen- driver, Arlindo Enes, 25, of PASSAIC — A Passalc Valley the Union Beach firm said they ments to "The Tocci Ave. area," water commissioner has accused Co., contending that they are "in- found two places where new By Civic Unit was adopted here in 1907. tence for auto larceny. The state and prowling "ati various hours charged Ernst shot Miss Connor two North Jersey and one New accurate." clamps and patches were applied This letter was received by of the night." Apy Issues Appeal York community of being major Michael Nero, head of the firnr and another place where a clamp because she had filed a com- The" Register for publication: Charles Furnabio of Tocci Ave. Chester Apy, of Red Bank plaint against him for beating ^Goof-Off Age' violators in pollution of drinking has denied the charge. was put on the pipe. Middletown, N. J. water used by a number of brought the problem before the Ernst's lawyer, sought a stay of her. The complaint endangered MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — The borough was billed $5,034.24 The borough will be reimbursed July 30, 1962 commission, saying that "people execution yesterday morning in his parole status, the state said. An educator says this period in North Jersey cities. He also ac- cused a manufacturing concern. for repair of three holes in the for the cost of the work by the The Hon. Richard J. Hughes, on our street have been really Camden- County Court. The ap- Ernst said he had gone to the America has been aptly called outfall sewer and $1,345.96 for re- state because the damage Governor frightened." He asked for "great- peal, which Apy said was based house where Miss Connor was "The Age of Goof Off." The commissioner. Gene Boyle Jr., said sewage is getting into pairs to breaks in sewer lines in stemmed from the storm last State House, er police protection." on new evidence, was denied by baby sitting to talk with hor.' He Dr. Houston Gole, president of various parts of the borough. March. Trenton, N. J. County Court Judge Anthony J. the Ramapo River and tests Mayor Johnson said that "last said he became enraged when she Jacksonville (Ala.) State College ooint to three major violators The bills have been approved Mayor Collichio said the state Dear Sir: Mitchell. slammed the door in his face, and made the comment last night to We, the undersigned Board of winter we had a similar problem which "clearly do not meet our but the mayor has refused t< required an itemized bill for the in other areas." With time running out on his he fired two shots through the a conference of Alabama high minimum standards." He named sign checks for payment. work and that Mr. Nero's item Trustees of the Oak Hill Asso- client, Apy' petitioned Chief Jus- door which felled the victim. school principals. the municipal sewage treatment ization would not stand up under ciation, . Inc., Monmouth County, Cautioned by Mr. Furnabio that tice Joseph Weintraub of the He said he had a Union Beach Middletown, New Jersey, repre- "someone on edge may decide to Ernst's appeal for a commuta- He said a recent survey shows plant of Tuxedo Village, N-.-Y.; firm—Underwater Salvage Co.— an audit. state Supreme Court in Newark tion was turned down last week the average American works sent approximately two hundred put a .22 bullet through him," for a stay. by Gov. Richard J. Hughes. Pre- the joint Butler-Bloomlngdale check' the work and that the firm The following items oa the families within the immediate the mayor replied, "Yes, it may •bout four hours of his eight-hour municipal sewage plant, and the believes the work on the outfall $5,034.24 outfall line bill were proximity of the proposed new Weintraub conferred with the viously, various appeals were de- day, spending the rest of his work be unsafe for a man to walk nied three times by the U. S. American Hard Rubber Co. and sewer at the most should not questioned by the mayor: Red Hill Road Interchange on alone there." six other justices of the court time drinking coffee or soda pop its subsidiaries, Allegheny plants have cost the borough more than 1. $1,440 labor charge for 96 the Garden State Parkway. before denying the stay. Supreme Court, twice by the state Or just "goofing of." and 2 in Butler. $1,000. hours of diving time to prepare Mayor Johnson told Mr. Fur- About an hour later Ernst, ap- Supreme Court and twice by for- In view of the recent contro- nabio, whose automobile was mer Gov. Robert B. Meyner. the line and installation of three versy that has arisen concerning parently with good appetite sleeves to cover three breaks in stolen about three weeks ago, cording to prison officials, fin- As was the case with Fred this proposed interchange/ we that "there are no traces of it, the line. feel that there should be no ;hed his last meal. Sturdivant, who was executed although we have put out a The condemned Camden man here Julv 3, Ernst shared his last 2. $742 to cover cost of having awarding of contracts, and all search notice to Bayonne and activity on this project should be lad received last visits Monday meal with the other inmates and divers stand by in case they were other North Jersey cities." from his parents, Mr. and Mrs. the guards in death row. needed. halted until your office has had an opportunity to make a thor- Eight Convicts Remain 3. $400 for a foreman at the , The dinner consisted of turkey, rate of $40 per day for 10 days. ough investigation. V. C. Diefenderfer mashed potatoes, green peas, 4. $1,050 for hire of a boat and President, cole slaw, lemon meringue pie, tools for 10 days at a cost of $105 115 Fish Hawk Dr. layer cake, ice cream, coffee, day. S. R. Chase and was finished off with cigars. 5. Fifteen per cent figure of 17 Cardinal Rd. Prior to the two July execu- $597.42 for supervision. W. H. Schulze tions, the state's electric chair had not been used since 1956. Borough Workers IS Blue Jay Ct. Dorothea H. Kunes Ernst's death left eight convicts The mayor contends that two Mallard Dr. still in 'death row. borough employees, James Davis, Marion R. Robinson Pickets appeared In front of water plant operator, and Patrol the State House about an hour man William Kryczinski, were 18 Heron Rd Yolandh C. Collinson after Ernst was turned down by used by the Nero firm as divers Weintraub. They carried signs for the job. Fish Hawk Dr. urging citizens to help abolish He also contends, that Anthony the death penalty by wiring Vacarelli, another borough em- Hughes. ployee, was pale} $50 for use of He Forgot A spokesman for the pickets his boat for three to four hours OAK RIDGE, Tenn. (AP) — A termed capital punishment "a on three separate occasions dur- chagrined housewife appeared at barbaric form of vengeances* . , ing the job while the firm ac- Oak Ridge Public Library—book which the state should have out- tually charged the borough $1,050 in one hand .and an overdue no- grown." for the boat. tice from the library in the other. William Lovett of Clinton, N. J., The mayor also contends that "Thls^is truly embarrassing," said the demonstrators rep re- ' scntcd the Hunterdon County a foreman was never at the job. she explained. "My husband has jeen trying to remember to re- Branch of the N. J. Council urn this book for weeks. I'm Against Capital Punishment ai'raid the book really didn't do. (NJCACP) and that many of them Ten Killed much good!" were Quakers. , TAKING SHAPE — Workmen of J. A. Barbosa, Inc., Irvington, put the finishing SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The title of the book? "Tech- GROUNDBREAKING — Dr. J. Berkeley Gordon, medi- touches to one stretch of sidewalk now_being installed on Leonardville Rd. The proj- bus crowded with vacationers llques for Efficient Remember- cal director of Marlboro >Stste Hospital, wields shovel Approve Junta ect involves construction of approximately 3,00.0 feet of sidewalk between Greene round for the beach rammed into ng." to break ground for new recreation area at the hos- TAIPEI, Formosa (AP) - Na- Ave. «nd Orchard PI. The project is the first phase of a Middletown Township train at a crossing near Kyung- Notice pital. Mrs. Harvey A. Pujals of Rumson, right, new lonalist China announced today recognition of the new Junta • program to install sidewalks on all major roads in the township. Leonardville- Rd. u, 200 mllpa southeast of Seoul Teacher-Certified, first and sec- president of the Marlboro Auxiliary, and Mrs. Morton oday; Ten* persons died and ond grades. Oakhurst Country: government which seized power was chosen first because there are four schools located on the street. ibout 50 were injured. Day School. KE 1-1500.—Adv. : Winer of Red Bank, past president, look on. in Peru July IS. U—Wefawky, Aug. 1, 1962 RED BANK REGISTER WCBS-TV Channel WABC-TV Television WNBCTV #OB-T» TELEVISION WNEW-TV Channel 11 WFEfrTV TV Key WEDNESDAY AFTEIUtOOH (4) Death VaUerDty. (11) Newi Military Life 12,-SJ— <2) Movie Us*- (» Lev. of Uf. Your First Previews m 1:M— (4) News By CYNTHIA LOWRY CBS' entry in the stethoscope M» Impression Tonight's top television shows AP Televtiion-Radio Writer ries, "The Nunes." This will hew (I) Merrytoon Circus (5) Theater Five as previewed and selected by TV (7) Jane Wytnan (11) Newi (7) Movie HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Televl- to television's now traditional (11) Merry Mailman Key's staff of experts who attend lion's preoccupation last season format of the older star and the 7: It- (2) Weather 1:05— (4) Mayor of The Town rehearsals, watch screenings and 12: tt— (1) Search for Tomorrow (11) Local Newi l:S0- (5) News was medicine. Next season, it will younger star—i"~ 'n~ 'thi"s case ""the ex- (4) Truth or Consequences analyze scripts In New York and perienced wise nurse and the 7: IS- (2) Newi 1:35— (4) iSermonette Hollywood. be uniforms. (5) Cartoons 7:2S-(11) Weather 2:15— (7) Evening Prayer Of 32 new prime-time network young eager one. (7) Camouflage 7:W- <2) Alvin 2:20- (2) Newi wograms now in production- ' , si'-x• An episode in NBC's "Dr. Kil- 12:45— (2) Guiding Light (4) Wagon Train 2:25— (2) Give Us This Day HOWARD K. SMITH. 'Taxes, ire concerned with military life, dare" series has been stretched (II) Rocky & His Friend: <7) Howard K. Smith THURSDAY MORNING Tax Cuts, and Tax Revisions." md in mood they range from into a whole series about a psy- «;»- (I) News And Weather (9) Golf Tips 8:15— (2) Previews The pros, the cons, and the vari- :omedy to adventure. chiatrist, "The Hth Hour." The U:U— (4) News (11) Honeymooners 6:20— (2) Give Us This Day ations on the tax-cut controversy, ABC, which built its audience usual Klldare-Gillespie casting will (7) News 7:40- (9) Ralph Kiner 6:25— (2) News get an airing from Mr. Smith and and finances with action shows, be observed by giving the mature his provocative guests. Participat- psychiatrist (Wendell Corey) a (») Almanac Newsreel 7:55- (9) Baseball (4) Sermonette has three of them. Two, "Combat 1:61— (2) Burnt and Allen' 8:00- (2) Window on Main 6:30— (2) Summer Semester ing discussants Include Commis- ind "The Gallant Men," are ad- young, handsome aide, a psychol- (4) Trouble With Fathei Street (4) Radiation Story sioner of Internal Revenue Mor- renture stories of World War, II ogist, And, or course, both ths _ . »V___^B_ BV *• . ._ • ll. ^ I* J • —•111 1a^ (5) Cartooni (5) Danger Man 7:00— (2) New* timer Caplin; Brooklngs Institute Infantrymen. "McHale's Men." nurses and the head-men will be (7) Dr. Hudson's Journa (7) Focus On America (4) Today tax specialist Joseph Pechman; ibout the Navy, combines comedy wearing starched white. and three members of the Senate Then there's "Our Man Hig- (») Nuclear Age (11) Bold Journey 7:05- (5) Call to Prayer inl\Xd ttUVCllLUJ.adventure C.i * xivim uibiv ^ *^**» *T~w*m «.—gp (11) Movie 8:30- (2) Checkmate 7:15- (5) News Finance Committee—Sen. Albert NBC has two salutes in a row gins," "ABC's answer to Hazel." 1:25— (S) News (4) Rebel 7:2»- (7) Morning Prayer Gore (D.-Tenn.), Sen. Eugene )n Sunday night: "McKeever and Higgins, played by Stanley Hollo- 1:»— (2) As The World Turni (5) Award Theater 7:30— (5) Columbia Lectures McCarthy (D.-Minn.), and Senhe Colonel," a comedy about life way, is a butler. Carl Curtis (R.-Neb.). 7.30 a military academy, and "En- Carol Burnett is having a sen- (4) Dr. Joyce Brother^ (7) Top Cat (7) Early Bird Cartoons ABC sign O'Toole," which a number of sationally successful tour with her (!) Movie (II) Wanted Dead or Alive 8:00— (2) Captain Kangaroo knowledgeable people insist will summer act and Is In demand for (7) December Bride 9:00- (4) Mystery Theater (5) Sandy Becker (8) Wild Bill Hickok (5) Movie (7) Tommy Seven CIRCLE THEATER. "Battle of !» the surprise comedy hit of the guest shots on top television vari- 1:53— (4) Newi (7) Hawaiian Eye letwork schedule. Then there is ety shows now that she's no long- 8:30-. (7) Little Rascals Hearts." (Repeat) Frequently _^__ ^ * J • . _ ^— mm _ ._ 1 1 I « • «1 t t ^^ ~. V tt ^> *- ^. f*| MBM.ff —J •!••• 2:M- (2) Password (11) You Asked For It 0:00— (2) Amos 'n/ Andy moving, consistently Interesting "Don't Call Me Charlie,' er a "Garry Moore Show" 1:30- (2) Dick Van Dyke (4) Jan Murray (4) Slimnastics dramatization of a marriage • •rhlc lt4VMh concern^^W**W^A AIWs aTilnl Arm# »• |U yI veteriV ^**v mj <- lar. She's holding backy however. (7) Day In Court (II) M Squad because her heart still belongs to (7) Memory Lano counselor's attempts to save a nariaUlOinl CU1andU hi111s9 coloneVUiUUCll Ilitn *Paris €»*iO.. L#«V«tuaa Ubl *I\>M* • *>»•- —— -—o- — 1C:00— (2) Armstrong Circle (I) Favorite Story 1.15- (4) Family couple from a divorce they don't Uniforms other than military Broadway-perhaps playing Fan- Theater 2:29- (4) News I: IS- (5) News want. The scenes showing the will be prominent There will be ny Brlce In a musical. (7) Naked City 2: It— (2) House Party t:30— (2) My Little Margie almost Inevitable breakup are (11) High Road , (4) Loretta Young (5) Topper believable, and the ones in which 11:30— (4) Brinkley's Journal HOSPITAL STORY — Dina Merrill, as the emotionally (7) Seven Keys (7) Beulah husband and wife haltingly face (II) Best of Groucho (9) Star and Story »:J5- (4) News the truth about themselves are tormented daughter of Dr. Gillespie (Dr. Kildare'i super- 10:45—(11) Red Barber (11) Movie 18:00— (2) Calendar Often revealing. Arthur Hill and visor), turni for aid to Dr. Kildare (Richard Chamber- 11:00— (2) Newi LYRIC 2:51— (5) News (4) Say When Clarice Blackburn are well cast NOW AT (4) News lain) in "Oh, My Daughter," a repeat drama of the (5) Movie a-; the irritated husband and the I:M- (i) Millionaire (5) New* BOTH THEATRES , (7) Susie marriage counselor, respectively. "Dr. Kildare" series on NBC-TV Thursday, Aug. 2. The (4) Young Dr. Malone (7) Newt 10:30-(2) I Love Lucy 0 p.m. CBS. " girl hid. at first spurned the physician's assistance. (5) Racket Squad (S) Movie Exclusive New Jersey Engagement (7) Queen For A Day (11) Steve Allen (4) Play Your Hunch («) JacJcLaLanne (7) Gale Storm U:M- (2) Weather DAVID BRINKLEY'S JOUR. Due to tht tremendom • 1:W- (2) To Tell the Truth 11:00- (2) Verdict li Yours response "Boccaccio Hollywood: (4) Weather NAL. "Five-hour Day." (Repeat) AIR-CONDITIONED (4) Our Fin Daughter* . (5) Movie : (4) Price Is Right 1 70" now being shown (5) Medic (7) Ernie Ford Brinkley * curiosity got the better at two theatrei «imul- (7) News, Weather, of him last March, so he went BARONET taneously! (7) Who Do You Tnutr Sports 11:25- (5) News (») Movie 11:30— (2) Brighter Day down to Long Island to tea how ASBURY PARK Zanuck Hailed U:W- (2) Movie the" members of the Internation (11) Abbott And Costello (4) Tonight (4) Concentration !:W— (2) Newt (5) Romper Room Brotherhood of Electrical By BOB THOMAS business. So what happens? The (7) Movie 4:M— (2) Secret Storm (7) Yours For a Song Workers spent their newly-won AP Movie-Television Writer Justice Department steps in to or- 12:30- (9) Crime Does Not JOSEPHt (4) Make Room For 11:55- (2) News extra leisure time. Tune in for HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Darrylder breakup of the marriage un- Pay IEVME Daddy this by-product of the five-hour Zanuck, who never laid any claim der anti-merger laws. The courts (5) Divorce Hearing day, plus a commentary from La- to modesty, might well be amazed will decide the issue. (7) American Bandstand bor Secretary Arthur J. Goldberg at the way some folks in Holly- The other luckless elements on the significance of the short- wood are hailing him as the (11) Laurel And Hardy Cast of Newcomers have been well chronicled ... the 4:20—(11) Junior All-Stars er day as a "full employment- messiah to save the bruised and misbehaving stars . . . the soai device. (Color) 10:30 p.m. NBC battered movie industry. «:»-(2) Edge of Night ing budgets ... the shrinkin: (4) Here's Hollywood Zanuck's ascension to presiden markets. (5) Mr. District Attorney In New NBC Series STEVE ALLEN SHOW. Steve cy of 20th Century-Fox is seen as No company has had quite th( (11) Bozo The Clown plays the piano, gets some Ka- a boon for the whole movie busi- quota of bad luck as 20th Century' 4:54— (7) American Newsstand By CHARLES WITBECK cago, and a family with money. rate instruction, watches people ness. Fox. Some of it was self-induced, 4:55- (4) News HOLLYWOOD — If you've Tom-Tom doesn't know what he on Vine Street, and gives to la- "Now we'll start rolling again," due to lack of vision and show- (11) Mr. Peabody sometimes wondered just how wants, but he can't see working dies from the audience a blind- enthused one film producer. manship and failure to adjust t( 5:0ft- (2) Life of Rlley smogland brains dream up a new for his father or leading his foty test. Also, Tim Conway Indeed there is much to roll. the changing market. But mud (4) Movie TV series, listen to this reason- Dad's life. He's going to try a comes on for a comedy routine, For In the past months the wheels was plain bum luck. (5) Felix and Diver Dan able approach for NBC's fall lot of things, run up a lot of and singers Jerry Holmes and of the film Industry have come Trouble started after Zanuck (8) Looney Tunes Monday night hour show, "It's blind alleys and stick his chin Phyllis Williams perform. 11 p.m perilously close to grinding to a (7) I Married Joan Man's World," a tale of four out when he shouldn't. Tom-Tom WPT. VHTORIODeSICA UDRC ended his long hold on the produc- dintittiii«c«tonr«»»idWiBw «nct» _^ tineai halt. Until recent times Hollywood tion reins at the studio in 1956. (11) Dick Tracy boys who live on a houseboat plays while Wes works and this TONIGHT. Host Merv Griffin has generally been blessed with His successor was Buddy Adler, 5:25—(11) Rocky and His n a small Ohio town. hurts. He also lives on the house- brings on Bill Cullen, Milt Kamen, SOPBIALORIN AN1IAEKBERG ROMYSCflNHDffi an uncommon amount of luck. But an able, well-liked man who con- Friends Peter Tewksbury, a director boat. Nancy Dussault, tap dancers lately the luck—if you want to call 5:Jfr- (2) Movie tinued Zanuck's policies. But he if Robert Young's "Father The fourth resident of the boat Bunny Briggs and Baby Lau- it that—has gone sour. (7) Highway Patrol was struck by cancer, and his Knows Best," and later director- 3 the natural man—an 18-year- rence, and TV producer Mark (8) Movia Take MCA, for example. The long illness and death were a se- producer for Fred MacMurray's old high school senior who plays Goodson, for the round of chit- (11) Popeye merger of the aggressive firm vere blow to the impetus of pro- "My Three Sons," signed a con- a guitar and comes from North chat tonight. (Color) 11:15 p.m. and the healthy Universal Pic- duction. WEDNESDAY EVENING tract with Revue Studios to pro-Carolina, and Walked through NBC. tures operation was hailed as the The pace was never regained 6:01— (4) News and Wrath" duce a series. Cordelia, Ohio, on his way to the birth of a new giant that would (5) Sandy's Hour AMPLE PARKING CHILDREN ALWAYS FREE Governed from faraway Ne Upon arriving at Revue, Pe- big cities to make his fame as a do great things for the picture (7) News York, studl? jxflicy was poshed ir ter's first move was to walk folk singer. This will never hap- (11) Three Stooges varying directions, none of which around the lot for two days to pen, but Vern Hodges doesn't : NOW 1:15- (7) Local News TV Key proved profitable. see what locations he could use. know it. He's for taking it easy. the most 1:29- (7) Weather Many big projects failed to pay "There was a fine town square Once the boys had been put on I \ PLAYING 0:25— (7) Sports A off. Much money was poured into •:»- (4) Local News on the back lot," said Peter, paper, girls followed, along with : -AT- developing the television branch, The Beaver series used part of a grumpy gas station owner who Mailbag JBOTH THEATRES picture (7) Blue Angels but next season will see only one it, but I could easily film the keeps yapping at Wes. Mr. Stott GATES OPEN 7,-OQ PJit-MOVIES AT DUSK (11) Brave Stallion By STEVEN H. SCHEUER half-hour series being made bj 1:4a-(4) Weather other part. The whole area, it is a retired river boat man and you ever, omow»»*iu-iYan in. M sun-finsr SHOW ONIT Question — I have heard the the studio. «:45— (4) News seemed to me, had a nice small' he only likes the river and is records made by Vincent Ed- l The huge Investment In "Cleo- 7: OS— (2) News town, Midwest setting. • never a help to the boys. No c patra"—Itself dogged by bad lucli problem-solving for him. wards and Richard Chamberlain "We could tie this in with the and all I can say is they better and human failures—precluded studio idea about a series The houseboat, the river, the normal program of production stick to acting. I wonder how BIN G CROSBY BOBHOPE^JOANCOUJNS youth," Peter continued, "in small college town brought mem- the top recording stars feel about the home studio. Talent and plo which youth has dignity. Our idea ories back to Ohio-born Tewks- ture deals drifted ulsewhere. MOVIE TIMETABLE having their field invaded by RED BANK in 'My Three Sons' was to give, bury, who now had his charac- these two TV "doctors":—B. S., THE Sudden death of Jerry Wald was CARLTON— :he boys some stature. I wanted ters on paper. The next step was Orefield, Pa. another hard .blow. His films had to carry it a step further in this ROAD TO Summer Kldai» Show Seriep—Klnr to go back to Marietta, and film Answer — They could always been the backbone of the 20th-Fo: tht Wild Stlllloiu 2:00; Road to Honj series and have the boys work Kom 7:00; 0:05, background scenes of the river retaliate by starring Peggy Lee product. out their own troubles. In the HONG EATONTOWN and the small town life. Three and Brenda Lee in a TV series Now Zanuck has moved In t< other shows 'Bob Young and DRIVE-IN — weeks of shooting and Tewksbury about a mother and daughter try to save the company he helpec Road to Horn Konr S:40; 12:30; Llia Fred MacMurray solved the prob- wanted to stay there forever. ATLANTIC 10:35. nurse team. THEATRE found in 1935 when he was 33. lems for the kids. Furthermore, LONG BRANCH "We'll go back in the winter ' iiuiiimids—Ttl. He is a restless, hard-drivln wanted to tackle problems man. His high voice Is accustomec BARONET- to shoot snow scenes," said Pe- Question — Is it ture that Con- TONITE ONLY BOJI' Night Out 3:10; T:1O; «:2(X faced by boys from 14 to 22." Also at Eatontown to barking commands; he was i ter during a hot summer day, nie Francis and the same cast STAGE & SCREEN SHOW ASBURY PARK BORCrfHYLAMOUR his glory re-creating the Norman- With this premise Peter and co-"and I can hardly wait." of "Where the Boys Are" are BOBBY DARRIN MAYFAIR- "LISA" dy invasion for "The Longest worker Jim I lighten went to After the scenery came the making another movie? I enjoyed "TOO LATE BLUES" Klddle Show 11:00 ».m.; Loliti 2:40 Day." work on eliminating parents and cast. Peter didn't want familiar the first film veiy much.— G. H., " i Plus—On Stage 7:00; 10:00. - other supervisors. This is the Twice before he saved the hi;ST. JAMES— Hollywood actors—it would spoil San Jose, Calif. way it turned out. Hero Wes Ma- RICKEY LEE' company. West 8ld« Story 2:30: S:30. the flavor. He looked around in Answer — Connie Francis and 1st Drive-In Showinq cauley, age 21, works at a gas The first time was when he BELMAR Marietta, Chicago, New York and Paula Premiss from "Where the SHORE Thft Emotions station to support himself and merged his bustling young 20th FLY-IN DRIVE-IN— Hollywood, "we were quite thor- Boys Are" are currently In Eur- NOW thru TUE. Bon Voy«i« 8:12; 12:10; Deiert P» his brother, Howie, age 14. The ope filming "Follow the Boys" Century with the tottering Fox trol 11:18. ough," he said, "and I think we empire. two live on a houseboat, follow- went*through about 1,509. which is not really a sequel. GREATEST ADVENTUREAND ROMANCE IN ATHOUSAND YEARS! NORTH OF RED BANK ing a traffic accident in which MARINE "ITie second time was In the ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS "Yet each time we hired an TTieir co-star from "Where the Iheir parents were killed. Boys Are," Dolores Hart, is mak- THEATRE early 1950s when all the film busi-ATLANTIC— actor, the minute he walked' SAMUEL BR0NST0Nrn«.u * " FIlElilands 872-0711 ness was suffering the first stages Too Late Bluei 7:00; >:23; Stars "We couldn't have these two ing another film, also on location Show 8:93. through the door we knew he was CHARLTON SOPHIA J^ ENDS TONITE —7-9 of the television disease. Zanuck living by themselves in a middle- the guy." in Europe, called "The Friend- took a tip from Cinerama am HIGHLANDS liest Girls In the World." Con- class neighborhood," says Tweks- So Glenn Corbett, with five OLIVIA ROSSANO widened the normal screen to Cin-MARINE— fused? So am I. bury. '"ITie do-gooders wouldn't movie credits, became West Ma- | DeHAVILLAND BRAZZI emascope size. His hoopla breath- Llgnt in the Plizza 7:00; »:00. allow it. We had to have these W 'LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA' ed new life into Hollywood. HAZLET cauley. Young Michael Burns, 1 LOEWS DRIVE-IN—" boys off by themselves, so we the most experienced actor of Question — What was the name He could do it again. Cartooni 8:35; Loliti 8:<5; 11:60 up with the houseboat of the TV show which starred Springtime In Scandinavia 11:38. :ame the group.a veteran of five "Wag- KEANSBURG dea." on Trains," Is Howie. Ted Bessell Buddy Hackett a few years ago? CASINO— A cross section of four boys from New York's Neighbor Play- He had a crazy girl frfend in Phantom Irom Another Planet 2:00; 'rom different social stratas for this series but I forgot^ who> Searching for the ultimate 6:90; 9:45; Aialenmfnt Outer Space house plays Tom-Tom, and non- .3:00; 8:10. lonflict purposes was Tewks- actor Randy Boone, a guitar play- played her. • — B. H., San An- . TECftJUCOLOt* PERTH AMBOY jury's aim. Now the Macauley er from North Carolina, is Vern tonio, Tex. SEA FOOD Go AMBOYS DRIVE-IN— 3oys are lower middle-class. Fa- Hodges. Also add Jan Norris as Answer — The situation-come- FREE PLAYGROUND • Children Always Free All the season's delicacies Cartoon 8:45; bollta 8:51; 1:30 tier Macauley had been a me-Wes' girl, Irene Huff, a real find. dy series was called "Stanley" Naked In the World 11:83. and the "crazy" girl friend superbly prepared for your MAJESTIC- :hanic. Son Wes has been in the Tewksbury has finished 10 you've forgotten was none other dining plea. are-. . . . plus a El Cld 2:10; 3:25; »,(0. - \rmy and is finishing up college shows and now he expects to EDISON than TV's sweetheart, Carol Bur- JAMES MASON magnificent view of the ocean hile working in the gas station. write the opening one. "This is AIR CONDITIONED MENU) PARK CINEMA— nett. SHELLEY WINTERS from our beautiful dining room, He's in love and wants to mar-the way to do it," he says. "You MAYFAIR El Cld 2:00; 8:35; 8:49. ry, but he also wants to go to ••LOLITA" perched high above the surf. WOODBRIDGE really know where you want to law school and get his degree. (For an answer to your ques- DRIVE-IN - ;o. Why I remember our first A Rtputotlon for Good Food tion about any TV program or tollta >:4S: 1:10: Night of L/Ova 11:39. To make it even tougher on Wes,show for 'My Three Sons.' It • SPECIAL IUNCHEONS actor, write to TV Key Mallbag, there's absolutely no chance of had no resemblance to what "BOCCACCIO 70" AIR CONDI DON £P • LATE SNACKS MONTCLAIR c/o this paper.) RESTAURANT • COCKTAIL lOUNGI marriage for four years until came later." BOARDWALK > ;LAIRIDGE— SOPHIA LOREN LYRIC 10NG BRANCH. N. J. WindjammeJOHN r BROWN2:00; 1:00E .IS 17 brother Howie grows up. BELFORD — The 17th birth* As an opposite to hard-working J lay of John Browne, son of Mr.Wes, who dreams of a small I FINE FOOD ind Mrs. John Browne Sr., cele- house, kids and a law practice, brated his 17th- birthday Satur- s Tom-Tom, a 19-year-old Sal- TO GO... SALS "Boccaccio 70" :ay in Asbury Park with a group nger type character, a Holden BARONET. SOPHIA LOREN if friends. :aulfleld from a big city, Chi- PIPING HOT TAVERN and Now thru Aug. 5 FISH • SCALLOPS | RESTAURANT AIR CONDITIONED See the nation's RADIO STATION CARY GRANT featuring "TOUCH OF MINK" PARAMOUNT fop horses! Shrimp - French Fries A FAMILY J MILLSTONE Fried Chicken COI.D SALADS ORDER STYLE TAVERN AIR CONDITIONC D, Buffol Salad Plotters A "WEST SIDE STORY" HORSE YOUR Our Specialty ... ST. JAMES ll Reserved Soatt WHTG the "ITALIAN DISHES" SHOW DIAL Finnan Haddie ORDERS TO GO ... Tho Voice of the North Jersey Shore Cove KIM NOVAK AT THE FABULOUS MILLSTONE SHOW GROUNDS 741 -fi46O SH 1-9748 JAMES GARNER L 1410 AM 105.5 F. BARONET , : ROUTE 33 • Between Hightstown and Freehold Open Weil • Sun. 'til 10 P.M. 141 Shrewsbury Ave. "BOYS' NIGHT OUT" MONMOUTH PARK RESULTS 8 Shews Daily: • 9 • 1 • 7:30 • Free AftrocHoni • Rides 102 .Shrewsbury Ave. '"RED BANK AFTER EACH RACE RED HANK Further Theatre Information Call SH 1-9600 I lilwk HTM of K.It, slnlion BED "BANK REGISTER would be extremely reluctant to put money into such Allen-Scott Report Wednesday, Aug. h WZ-XS proposition," - - Sea Kefauver, who has a substitute bill calling Communications Filibuster or government ownership, questioned Katzenbach ilogely on why the administration is opposed to that By Robert 5. Allen and Paul Scott fefauver contended the government should at least >wn 50 per cent of the stock of the undertaking. " WASHINGTON — If. and when the Senate votes Catzenbach did not refute that Instead, he sidestepped on the filibuster-stalled communications satellite bill, >y saying this decision had not been made by him. Dear George, It will be overwhelmingly approved by at least three- 'This bill was determined by the President," said Scientists have proven almost jfourths (75) of that chamber. ieyond the shadow of a doubt he Deputy Attorney General, "and I am supporting it. Jiat there is little likelihood of That is conclusively shown by three backstage feel it is a reasonable and practical measure, and I 'inding Intelligent life on Other I head counts. planets, so why are we wasting avor its enactment' my tax money trying to go The latest of these polls disclosed "If that's the best that can be said for it," de- there? j only 17 votes against the measure—al lared Sen. Gore dryly, "then I'm still against it" B. B. Df them liberal Democrats. Every Re- That ended the meeting—and the battle of the lib- iear B. B.: i publican senator is for this legislation iral dissenters was oa I guess it'c Just * nice break to proposed by the Kennedy Administra- the futile endeavor to find intel- tion and three months ago, passed by ligent life on fte planet earth, NEW RED BUILD-UP—Defense Secretary McNa and it gives people something to the House 354 to 9. do with the tax money other than tnara brought back one piece of disquieting information Only obstacle to the sweeping en- building more expressways we fromiiis latest Pacific conference on the sinister South can't get off, Scott ~~ actment of this bill is the filibuster by Vietnam situation. a group of Democratic liberals. Gen! Paul Harkins, U.S. commander there, re 'ear George: Importantly behind the sharp, cleavage among My boyfriend is an ex-sail- ported it has been definitely established that the 345th or and I just learned he has a them is a significant confrontation that took place in and 346th regular North Vietnam divisions have moved tattoo on his shoulder. Is it true the office of Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield, into South Vietnam through Laos. They did that be- NOT IN SAME CLASS — Evidently Jot* th. Chihuahua It awed by the *IM that being tattooed means you're of this big Borzoi, Fawn Prince** Cerene, following competition at Palliadea Amutamtnt lot of stable character? 'Mont It was largely as a result of this unannounced fore the recent signing of the 14-nation pact for a Park, N. J. Both canine* won prize* in their categories at the annual kid*' dog ehow. meeting that the usually united liberals coalition government' Mlmi split on this issue. Dear MimI: The two North Vietnam divisions total about 12,- parking lot at the newly-opened Of course not It merely means Among those participating In this 000 cpmbat troops. They have no heavy weapons or State Parks, Sandy Hook State Park in Mon- State Tomato ou happen to be tattooed. It "discussion were Assistant Democratic armor. Their arms consist of rifles, machineguns and mouth County is filled to capac- :ould be a sign of a very pru- Leader Hubert Humphrey, Minn., and ity by noon almost every day. dent and foresighted nature, in- mortars. But these Red units are well trained and have Forests Win Nearly 1,500 cars are recorded Crop Called dicating a thrifty streak in your Senators Quentln Burdick, N. D., Albert battle-experienced officers. there from Friday through Sun- boyfriend. Think of all the ex- Gore, Tenn., Estes Kefauver, Tenn., one None have yet appeared in action. But General Much Praise day on normal weekends. No Satisfactory iervicemen who wasted their of the principal filibusters. .:> more than 800 cars can be ac- r.oney on foolishness and have Harkins expects them to be used by fall, in a co-or- TRENTON — Attendance' a commodated at present at any Also present were Deputy Attorney TRENTON (AP) — The state lothing to show for it. dinated drive to cut off Saigon, capital of South Viet- New Jersey's state forests and one time. '•• Agriculture Department said to- General Nicholas Katzenbach, Adminis- Allen nam. parks is growing by leaps and At High Point State Park, last Dear George: bounds this year, New Jer< day that surveys indicated this tration spokesman on this legislation, and Lawrence month additional accommoda- year's tomato crop may be on You get paid for answering sey Conservation officials report. problems and I have enough an- O'Brien, White House liaison chief with Congress. tions became available in a newpar with last year's despite a DIPLOMATIC CHANGES—Despite numerous re- Recent figures released by themotel on the grounds as well as swers to keep you going (or After some general talk about the measure. Mans ports to the contrary, West Germany's controversial Department of Conservation end in rooms at tbe 50-year-old lac? of rainfall. ears. Care to make a deal? Economic Development indicate Lodge. Meals are served, In sea- The Chicago Kid (Retired) field, looking Katzenbach sternly in the eye, asked, "Is Ambassador Kroll is not being recalled from Moscow. a 7 per cent rise In attendance The department said that to this a give-away? As you know, that charge is beta, son, at a restaurant on the mato growers reported little Dear Kid: Chancellor Adenauer, who publicly announced Kroll compared with the five-year grounds. Unfortunately, our problem Is average, and a 21 per cent rise damage front the lack of rain in seriously made, so what about it ? Is it or isn't It would be replaced} has changed his mind and has pri South Jersey. The tomato har- not answers. Our problem is over a comparable period in 1961. For a 10-day period In July, problems. Answers are no prob- give-away?" vately told the Soviet the Ambassador will continue High temperatures early in the Bass River State Forest, in Bur- vest has begun and a spokesmar predicted an average yield of IS lem. We have 23 answers alone "It is not," emphatically replied the 40-year-ok there "indefinitely." That's one of the last pieces of season and the long drought prob- lington County, showed a 24 per on what to do if you're a Los ably have been important factors, cent increase over the corre- to 17 tons for each acre, or an former Chicago University law professor. "If this wer< information Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson cabled average equal to the 1960 an Angeles housewife whose husband drawing visitors to the lakes, sponding period in 1961. Swarts- hates African violets. Unfortu- a give-away, I would not be sitting here supporting it.' to the State Department before leaving for Washing- streams and cool shade of Newwood State Park, in Sussex Coun- 1961 averages, respectively. ton . . . Czechoslovakia is shifting Ambassadors in nately, we have no clients with Jersey woodlands. ty, reported a 16 per cent rise that problem. And we Just picked Washington. Ambassador Miloslav Ruzek, who has in attendance, and Belleplain KENNETH MAGGIO IS « up 16 crates of factory-defect PRO AND CON—Sen. Mansfield raised anothei Commissioner H. Mat Adams State Forest in Cumberland and been here since 1959, is leaving in the fall. His suc-said, "Some of our many vist PORT MONMOUTH — Kenanswers which could retail for major argument against the legislation. Cape May Counties, a 15 per cent next to nothing if we could only cessor is still unnamed . . . And Yugoslav Ambassador tors even take time to write us rise. Most outstanding for the pe-neth Maggio, son of Mr; and "Is the State Department adequately safeguarded about how much they enjoyed Mrs. Salvatore Maggio, Camp- get problems to fit them. Nikezic, who has represented his country since 1958 riod was Parvin State Park in Rephrase your thinking and we in this proposal?" he demanded. "Is the Departmenl their stay. A letter from a Hun- Salem County. In a 10-day period bell Ave., -celebrated his sixtli is also being moved to another post His replacement terdon County woman who spent birthday last Wednesday. Attend- may have an opening for you. given sufficient authority to protect the interests of thi in this July, 30 per cent more The surface has barely been is as yet undesignated . . . Major General Nasiri, head a week of family camping at people visited there than in the ing were Mr. and Mrs. Carmelc country?" Rass River State Forest noted the Maggio, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony scratched in this advice racket. of Turkey's state police, is completing an extensive same period in 1961. Fasciami, Mr. and Mrs. William "The answer to that is yes, for a very good rea tour of U.S. police departments. Purpose of the trip effective spraying carried on son," declared Katzenbach. "The State Departmeir there as well as the forest's gen- The Conservation Department Murtagh, Mrs. George Edwards, Dear George: is to introduce U.S. police methods in Turkey. eral condition. Another letter, announced July 24 conditional ap- Mrs. Elizabeth Orrico and soc I am a Los Angeles housewife assisted in writing this biH. It drafted the provision! from a Pennsylvania visitor, de- proval of 20 new local park sites Victor and Misses Rosemarj whose husband Is simply crazy as part off the Green Acres pro- Fascianl, Mary Margaret and Jo relating to the Department's powers. Those provi LINDA BOUCHET IS 1 man, David, Mary and Dorothy scribed Hacklebamey as the most about African violets—in fact, we beautiful park he had ever vis- gram. Nine municipalities and anne Edwards. hardly have room for the chil- sions are unchanged. They were approved by th NEW MONMOUTH - Linda McCarthy, Eileen Meenan, No- four counties will receive match- Ann Bouchet, daughter of Mr. reen Ryan, Penny Aitken, Sharon ited." dren. What is your answer? House, and are still in the measure." ing state funds for a total of 2,-chases will enable us to meet this L. L. and Mrs. Edward Bouchet. Mill- Gregory Raab, Thais Appleman Sandy Hook Busy 000 acres of new conservation Sen. Burdick wanted to know why the communica brook Dr., celebrated her third and Garry Bouchet. growing demand for public park Dear I. L.t Acting chief of the depart recreation area. Commissioner facilities in New Jersey. Thes« I think my answer Is to get out tions satellite couldn't be government-owned. birthday Sunday. Attending were ment's Forests and Parks Sec- Adams said. "I am hopeful that Mr. and Mrs. Felix Tarantino VISITED BY GRANDSON Intended purchases mark an im of this racket while there's still "If it is felt that private business should be brough tion, Thomas W. Haigh, said the these and future Green Acres pur- portant step In that direction." time. and Mr. and Mrs. touts Bouchet, BELFORD — Philip Bluh of into this project," said the North Dakotan, "why can' Union City; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Coral Gables, Fla., grandson of the government own it and lease it out to private opei Finelli and son Nick, Jersey City; Rev. and Mrs. John Euler, ators?" Mr. and Mrs. John Schubel and Church St., visited here Sunday "That just wouldn't work," asserted Katzenbac! daughters Doreeo and Gail, Lin- en route to Europe where he will croft, and Missey Glowzenskl spend several weeks touring with "Private business wouldn't be interested. Investor Patrick, Kevin and Brian Her- friends. VICTORY MARKET RED BANK OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. FREE DELIVERY 31 W. FRONT ST., RED BANK • TEL SH 7-0508 SH 7-1339 KST GRADE —. FRANKS 49.11 SS CHOPPED 89ib* FULLY COOKED - WHOLE OR SHANK HALF P>/\ NEW IMPROVED HIRES Lighter! Drier! Brighter! 2B0TWSOF HIRES IN SPECIAL Smoked HAMS 59 8 BOTTLE CARTON FANCY YOUNOUNG FRESH - 5-6 LBLB. . M A C FOWL 49 Ib. PORK CHOPS 49.1-„ CHOP BEEF 3 GENUINE CHOICE SPRING - 6 Ib. aver. g\ g± c LEGSofLAMBDa Ib. rest Butterball Govf. Grade A Fancy Hen M .fJfe 10-14 C Ib. TURKEYS49 SAVARIN or f+ f\ Whlre White VI 1 LI A ^ *'/»«. $1 OLD DUTCH \# W FFEE 691 Ro» Meat | UNA 3 «"» 1 TENDER SWEET GARDEN FRYING GREEN-BEANS PLUMS LETTUCE PEPPERS c c 2i29< 19s 2i29 2i29 PLUS DEPOSIT UMIUD TIME OHIYI {offer umu*a to Ui» M la OeeM aa« Moomonm ComllM •erfloed bj tbe Atbmrrut Branch •< «k* i MtUaf Vms—T «t KMT 1Mb M. RED BANK REGISTER 90 Today, Middletown Artist Still at Easel Middletown artUt Henry, Gidiek, who the home of a daughter, Mrs, Edward laid down hli farm intpiemenli and look Dodd, IS New Monmouth Rd., Middle- up a paint brush at the age of 76, cele- town. brates his 90th birthday toddy. Considered a fine example of folk art, The Gulick Farm on Red Hill Rd., left, "Pasture," below, is a nostalgic scene of as it looked in 1888, is one of his earliest animals at the Gulick farm, a painting works, painted jrom memory 14 years which has never been exhibited. ago. Below yight, the 90-year-old artist Mr. Gulick, at work, right, is "cap- poses with granddaughter, Bernice Hen- tured" by the brush of Marion Tush Carl- derson Sencher of Malawan, and great- son, another Middletown artist. On the granddaughter, Cynthia Henderson of easel is "Stairway," an interior scene of South River, at a family party Sunday in the Hartshorne house on King's l/'

VFW Plans Gold .Star Luncheon MATAWAN — The Gold Star Mothers of Monmouth County will be honored Sept. 16 at a luncheon in Buck Smith's Restaurant, East Keansburg. The annual affair is sponsored by the Monmouth County Coun- ias been handled by his son, cil of the Veterans of Foreign By ELEANOR MARKO line, having no ancestors en- Trie staying power of his work day. The latter painting, "Bird- Gregory, an antique dealer, who Wars and the Sixth District La- MIDDLETOWN — It was nottering from the Old World since is exceptional — beginning with lath With Two Cardinals," is lives on the hilltop of the edge dies' Asxiliary of the Veterans until he was 70 when his arthrit- 1776. "This is a statement of his show of six paintings in the mong several paintings he has of the farm. His wife, Alice, of Foreign Wars. ic hands could no longer hold a fact, not a plant," he once New Jersey Artists exhibition hanging in his room at Ivy keeps a scrapbook and records George Brenon, Cliffwood hoe that Henry Thomas Gulick, humorously suggested. Nov. 20, 1948, in the Newark House.; of his work for Gramp, who Beach, senior vice command Middletown artist, started paint- Museum (the same year he Simpson's Influence He is an elder emeritus of the thinks creating pictures is "much ing — just for something to do. started to paint) through to this Responsible for Gramp Gu- er of the Monmouth Council, and Middletown Reformed Church more fun" when the business is Today.on his 90th birthday, the year, when he won a second lick's introduction to Newark a member of Guadalcanal Post which recently celebrated its in another's capable hands. of Matawan Township, is general retired farmer has become es- 125th anniversary and where award in Monmouth Art Foun- Museum was a distinguished artist, the late Marshall Simp- chairman. Mrs. Richard Nebus, tablished as New Jersey's most Mr. Gulick's first paintings dation's fifth annual Winter 'He has had visitors from all son, also of Middietown, who about the country and from Bel- Keyport, senior vice president of "genuine folk painter." were hung publicly. Show in Red Bank and an hon- lived nearby and oftimes gium, Denmark. England, Ger- the Sixth District Ladies' Auxil Residing now at Ivy House From deep in New Jersey orable mention in Monmouth dropped in fo see how the "be- many, France, Peru and Japan," lary, and a member of the Key- Nursing Home, where he happily history comes his family stock College's second annual Festiva ginner" was doing. In 1949 the Mrs. Gulick stated. N —Conover, Schenck and Mount. ol Fine Arts Exhibition on the port Unit, will serve as vice confides, "I see more of my museum purchased "Spring — His wife was the late Charlotte West Long Branch campus in "In April, 1960, he had three chairman. family than when I was at the The Gulick Farm," in addition farm," Gramp Gulick still is Field, who was the first teach- visitors from Tai Pei, Taiwan, More than 100 Gold Star Moth to "The Gulick Farmhouse Din- painting — just for something to er in Middletown's Little Red China. He kept a little visitors' ers attended last year's lunch- ing Room." Another, "Sandy do. Schoolhouse on the Uncroft- book at the farm from the fall ' eon. A program book is planned Hook" (a site which can be Four score years ago his par- Middletown Rd., near Dwight of 1952 to spring of 1961," she for this year. Vincent Gaunt and seen from the highest rise on ents moved from Manalapan to Rd. Capped added. Walter Isemann are chairmen of the Gulick farm) was pur- the farm on Holland Rd., where •Military Rule" Though entries in the book are •ds and boosters. chased by the Montclair Art lapsing, this does not mean that he learned to love the soil, the The passing of time has not Mrs. Harry Kern, junior vice Museum In 1959. Mr. Gulick doesn't' enjoy visi- farmhouse, the animals and thediminished the wit of this out tors. He emphatically does. "I'm president of the Sixth District fields which today still furnish standing man who once ran his Simpson, who headed a Mon- still poor at remembering Will serve as publicity chairman. scenes for his new but smaller farm like a stern colonel. This mouth group made up of artists names," he admitted, but added, Other committee members are compositions — painted mostly sterness has been captured on still well-known in this area "I seem to always remember the Monmouth County commander now from memory. canvas by a nearby resident and (Virginia Stofflet Montgomery, Wilhelmina Dobbins, Dorothy faces." Thomas-' Monahan, Red Bank Brief Instruction artist Marion Tush Carlson, Red Brown Warden, Guilbert, Nor- Post; Mrs. W. Russell Johnston, Born at Manalapan, Mr. Gul- Hill Rd., and the painting has Family Visitors ma Colson, Lucille Chayt, Sixth District Auxiliary president, Mill Gallery Exhibit ick was graduated from Long come to be the family's favorite His consistent visitors are also Emily Kinnier, Emily Bird- O'Brien-Major Unit; Moses Lew- Branch High School, then likeness. It is being shown here his son, Joseph, who handles the sail, Ruth Campbell, Ginette Is, quartermaster of the County TINTON FALLS - An exhibi hold, and Freehold Regional High known as Chattle High School, for the first time as a tribute to running of the 100-acre farm, and Heiman, Charlotte Baumgart- Council, Eatontown Post; Charles tion of costume and set design: School. In 1891. It was in a drawing a rugged character who still ad- daughters, Mrs. Edward Dodd of ner and Sandy Silver), kept Norman, county junior vice com- He has exhibited with the Phil- class at this school that he mits to being "tough." But, Middletown Village and Mrs. by Joseph Reilly, art teacher a Mr. Gulick isolated from in- mander, Manasquan Post, and adelphia Art Alliance, Every- received the only training that frankly, he Is a tonic for aging Raymond Henderson of Mata- Freehold Regional High Schoo' fluences of the work of other Mrs. Lewis Mebus, East Keans- man's Gallery, and Cheltenham has helped him in his painting. blood and is to many an endear- wan. There are eight grandchil- artists. burg Unit. opened Sunday In the Old Mi Art Center. Mr. Reilly had a one- Fresh, nostalgic and naive ing character, the likes of whom dren and four great-grandchi'- Gallery here. The showing wl man show of oils and prints in as a Currier and Ives or there are too few. Time has proven this to be dren. His daughter, Julia Dodd, The next meeting will be held the Old Mill Gallery in 1960. and a granddaughter, Bernic" Aug. 18 at 8 p.m. in the Guadal- continue through Aug. 12. Grandma Moses, the paintings Mr. Gulick's work, continously sound judgment because the Included in the exhibit will be of H.T. Gulick have continued charm of Mr. Gulick's self- Henderson Sencher, are the on'" canal Memorial Home, Cliffwood Mr. Reilly, a graduate of Tyle being sought by collectors, has set designs for the Theater Art to be without influence of any taught art put on Masonite is two other members of the famil" Ave., Cliffwood. ' School of ^|ne,Arts, has designe< been acquired by the Newark Guild productions of Tennessee school of art. They reflect the evident in the spontaneity and who paint. sets and costumes for the 43( and Montclair art museums and Sept. 9 will be the deadline for Williams' "Glass Menagerie" strong Individualistic qualities shadowless records of the hap- Art, which he considers his Street Theater, Philadelphia; thi has been in the company of dis- ticket reservations. opening Aug. 2 at the Old Mill, and simplicity of expression of pier nature of places and work", does not consume a'l Old Mill productions here; thi tinguished artists in shows and "Once Upon a Mattress," the early settlers In America. things. He has a penchant for of Mr. Gulick's time these days.~ Musicrafters, Merchant throughout the East. In 1954 he It pays to advertise in Tht opening in October. He is from a family of emi- received an honorable mention at Intricate patterns — a braided "If anyone will risk the wool... ville; Theater Arts Guild, Free Register.—Advertisement. Set designs for other play nent, educators and represents the Philadelphia Academy ol rug, an oriental carpet, fruit, I knit," he said. "It occupies represented ar e "Oklahoma,' the last generation of pure Fine Arts 149th annual oil ex- a gingham cloth or a room of the mind and keeps me from worrying." He can do It for "Beat the heat," dine on the water "Midsummer Night's Dream," colonial stock In the Gulick hibition, a national show. potted plants. AT THE "Threepenny Opera," "Volpone," This charm and appeal has hours and except for, as he puts He Who Gets Slapped,' "The not been hidden under an ap-it, a "mixed up cable stitch now Grass Harp," "Androcles and the ple basket, however. News- and again," the result is quite Lion," "Brigadoon," "The Match- Adam and Eve papers and magazines have fol- proficient. maker" and "Camino Real." lowed the venerable old gentle- He is an avid reader of world- The exhibition 13 open to the Mlsi Valerie Rubsamen man through show after show wide and local news and has a public daily from 11 a.m. to 5:30 of his work. He enjoyed par- daily intellectual bout with the NEW YORK — Miss Valerie ticipating locally, and won anTribune's crossword puzzle. "I p.m. and Wednesdays and Thurs- Rubsamen, daugher of Mrs. Ida days from 8 to 11 p.m. Alcoholic's Wift honorable mention in a state- can complete the bulk of them," Bennett, 154 Lexington Ave. wide show at the Old Mill Gal- he said pridefully. But he was Fair Haven, was capped July baffled by one on the day of our ASSIGNED TO ENGLAND DEAR ADAM AND EVE: live in California and I want to lery, Tinton Falls, in 1955. For give Texas a break. The talk 15 at St. Luke's Hospital Schoo 10 consecutive years his work interview, a five-letter word for HAZLET — Airman Second I never thought I would ever gets pretty hot on the subject, so of Nursing. was displayed in the Red Bank "an affectionate term for grand- Class Harvey Hyer, Jr., who has discuss my troubles with anyone we thought we'd let you decide. outdoor art shows. The earli- father." Exciting View been stationed for the past 19 except my husband. But I find Miss Rubsamen was one of five Well? est press release and picture Still young in heart, this farm- JERSEY LUbbiEKS — SEA FOOD months at 801 Aircraft Squadron have married an alcoholic. He recipients of an award scholar- concerned his Newark Museum grown artist laughed at the in Ohio, is spending a furlough kept his secret very well until Loyal Tex ship for nursing theories and We will cater your clambake. show and appeared in The thought of missing the word with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. we were married, one year ago. Dear Loyal Tex: How about a practice. Register "on Dec. 9, 1948.' "gramp" and countered: "I'm ON MANASQUAN RIVER'S SCENIC Harvey Hyer, 712 Holmdel Rdj feel as if I'm wedded to a two- great Missouri Compromise? Miss Rubsamen was graduated unexplainable." But to our way before leaving for England where year-old. I've never mentioned Business Chores 83 CHANNEL DRIVE That's my birthplace. from Rumson-Fair Haven Region of thinking he Is an elixir for he will be stationed for the next this to him as I feel I would Success brought Gramp's art Adam al High School in 1961. critics of modern day art. Point Pleasant Beach TW 9-6700 two years. He entered the service hoke if I did. But I'm now so into the realm of business which You men have one-track Closed Toes., open from 12 Noon 'til 10 P. M. dally Aim 7R lQfin afraid of having' a child or chil- dren if I remain with him. It minds. There ARE 49 states WINS INVESTMENT AWARD would be a Sin under the circum- besides your precious native RED BANK— First Eastern stances. state. ANY state Is better than HEY KIDS! LOYAL1 S State of Confusion. Investment Corp. has won the He is apologetic every nighl Financial Industrial Fund Merit when he gets home tight. I would Eve love to invite company to dinner Award Trophy for leading' al and have a drink or two and aDEAR ADAM AND EVE: other firms in sales or the Fund's lovely dinner, but by the time he A girl named Joan wrote you shares in the U. S. during the reduction comes home from a bar ths second quarter of 1962. Jack money Is all spent. He never about her jealous boy friend and takes me out, and says we can't wanted to know what to do. I Stephen Skakandy, president, wil ifford to go anywhere. • will tell her: give that boy thereceive the trophy on behalf of pitch at once, He will only cause CHILDREN 12 YEARS Dress shoes formerly $9.98 and $12.98 I keep making excuses to my his firm from Herbert Johnson you misery. If you lesve him amiiy and our friends for not AND UNDER you'll be doing him a big favor, New York, the fund's Eastern joing anywhere, but I know I'm because he may in time grow up. inly fooling myself. He's a busi representative. TAKE MOM OUT I know, because I went with a tessman and could be so success- boy for three years, and he was ul. His customers phone here SWIMMING... so violently jealous I didn't dare and keep asking where he is. glanqe at anyone else. We were They almost bang the phone in We will have Be our guest Thursday, always arguing. I finally shook my ear. him off and now I'm getting mar- Aug 2 all day 10:30 a.m. $2.99 My husband says he is th« very soon ried to a wonderful guy — and ilack sheep in the family and I'm MUCH happier. to 5:30 p.m. at his family never did one Save $6.99 or $9.99 on every sale pair of French Room Originals. thing for him in his whole life. Learned My Lesson INSPECT OUR NEW He also says he's not doing any. SWIM CLUB AND 40fx80" thing wrong. He seems to really Send your personal questions Casual shoes formerly $5.99 to $8.99 lelieve he is an angel. Half the and problems to Adam or Eve SALT WATER POOL me he doesn't even come to Lowell or both, as you prefer. he-table for a meal, he just stag For a personal, unpublished re- $1.99** $2.99 ;ers (o the divan and goes to ply, enclose a stamoed. ad- Special custom group $12.98 & $14.98 dress shoes $3.99 ileep. Then I can't eat, either, dressed envelope, Mall "to s there any cure for a man this ADAM & EVE, in care of this SAMPLE SIZE SALE lick? newspaper. Lonesome Bride 4-4'/»B DRESS SHOES Dear Lonesome Bride: Al- coholics sometimes are full of Birthday Party self-pity and quite stubborn. Al- coholism is difficult to cure but LINCROFT t- Kathleen Ma- far from Impossible. Sec if he honey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Each Child Must Be 2iOO Michael Mahoney, Swimming Riv- will join the local AA chapter, and you might send for the er Rd., celebrated her ninth birth- Accompanied by day recently at a party at her pamphlet, "Alcoholism — A a Parent Sickness That Can Be Beaten" home. (25c, National Association for Guests Included April Hoffman, Call 842-3090 for Reservation Mental Health, 10 Columbus Belford, Barbara Mahoney, Susan CHANDLER'S Circle, New York 19, N Y.) Wagner,' Kathy Mahoney, Susan Knorst. Margie Walling, Barbara )EAR ADAM: Jean Gibson, Nancy and Barbara DOWN SEA MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER. EATONTOWN. N. J. My wife was born in California Peterson and Maddie Mahoney, Watch this mt I am a Texan. Tve just got Lincroft; MaryLee Mahoney, «0S FIFTH AVENUE • CROSS COUNTY CENTER • WHITE PLAINS • MANHASSET n out of the service and weMiddletown, Kathy Gallagher, newspaper •HEEN ACRES. VALLEY STREAM . ROOSEVELT FIELD • MID-ISLAND. HICKSVILLI SWIM CLUB ire about to set up housekeep- Niagara Falls, N. Y.p and Vir- GARDEN STATE PLAZA ft BERGEN MALL. PARAMUS. N. J, ng. Since I am a mechanic we ginia Lepre, Mary Geminarlo, Monday, Aug. 6! 150 OCEAN AVE. SEA MIGHT, NV can live just about anywhere, but Patty McElroy, Nancy and Dale (tntranc* n«w Sandy Hook Star* Park} that's our trouble. She wants to Winters, Everett. Green Bar RED BANK REGISTER Wednesd»7, Aug. L, 1962—17 Around Monmouth: Eva HAprm TO YOU? Patrol Has foot MAWS Populous Party WILL JUNIOR 86 New Leader HIGHLANDS — At a recent Cooking a Walrus, By MHJU HRUSKA cult were the Hadley King* of meeting of the Green Bar Patrol, By 9:30 Saturday evening, it Fair Haven, the Mike O'Sheas ieemed as though everyone In of Red Bank wit.i their niece the junior leaders of Boy Scout j Monmouth County was fit the and nephew, Fid and John Troop 25, Michael Wilson re- Boiling an Owl Jockey "Club in Monmouth Park. Rabada of Pennsylvania, the igned as senior patrol leader, Add to this a fair sprinkling of Don Chaplns and Shep and post he had held 2'/ years. By HAL BOYLI guests from neighboring counties Muriel Alexander of Rumson, 2 Boyle'^ He was appointed junior assist- and from Pennsylvania and New the Bob Goodmans of Navcslnk NEW YORK AP)—Suppose you York and you have a crowd that and the Dan Carmodys of Mon- mt scoutmaster by Allen Turner, Now about that walrus stew: scoutmaster. Succeeding him will were having a distinguished Eski- "Cut the walrus in smaU pieces nearly strained the capacity of mouth Beach, all at the Rum- mo to dinner, and you found out one of the biggest and surely the. son Hotel's new Sunday night be Joseph Branin, a Star scout and also cut up the skin and blub- who holds seniority in the troop his favorite dishes were walrus ber. Then put them together in the most beautiful thoroughbred rac- buffet supper party. The roast stew and boiled owl. ing clubs in America. beef and the hot shrimp and To back him up, Paul Bedford pot to boil. Add salt and water." Would you know how to go about The Turf Charity Ball and scallop Creole was so delicious, was the unanimous choice for as- As for that boiled owl: I think everyone went back for sistant patrol leader. cooking a walrus, or boiling an "Take feathers off from owl. Carnival is easily the most fash- owl? ionable party of the summer sea- seconds. Kerry Gillespie was elected to Throw away feathers. Clean owl son. It is also the gayest party Hal and Mary Boyd's intimate •eplace Paul as leader of the Rat- Alfred. G. Masch Or suppose this very important and put In cooking pot. Have lots of the summer and the most im little "dinner room" at the Quay tlesnake patrol. Terry Wilson Eskimo hinted that-he doted mos!of water in pot. Add salt to taste." jfortaiit fund-producing charity n Sea Bright is making its pres- and Ricky Meni£ucci were name- o„n bea,. r feet, or soure, d seal liver. "Most of the people like the event of the year. ince felt on the Champagne Cir- named assistant patrol leaders. Masch Gets Would you know how to prepare bear feet better than the meat," Seen dancing to the music of cuit. This is a dress as you The senior patrol leader is the these tempting Far Northern dell- the cook book observes. "We cook Lester Lanin and Billy Sher.r please place with chic. Among ranking officer of the troop and caries? them well, add salt. Four feet were Gov. and Mrs. Richard those present^ throughout the runs the unit. The Green Bar Promotion The four most popular literary would take about one teaspoon of J. Hughes, Jacque and Joe weekend wereffiftftllis and Bart makes the policy and program topics today seemingly are diet- salt. Take them out of the pot and McMahon, the Amory L. Has- Rogers of NfplRoutji Beach. which in turn, is executed by theAt Bendix ing, the hydrogen bomb, the Civil let them get cool. Eat them with kells, Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Helen and Amory HjKll, Jr. of Senior Patrol leader. War, and cook books of all kinds. seal oil." Thomas, the Philip Iselins, Middletown, Dr. and/Ws. Leigh- HAZLET — Albert G. Masch, Perhaps the perfect title for a ton Waters of Jersey City, Jane Wilson is a life scout, a mem 11 Bucknell Dr., chairman of the best-seller today would be "How To appreciate the taste thrill of Alberto Pear, the Francis soured seal liver requires a palate P. Dnickejs, the Hy Cun- (Mrs. William) Glover of Locust Home Agent Reports ber of the Order of the Arrow and Raritan Township Zoning Board to Lose Weight While Cooking the with her mother, and the Guy Is working for his Eagle award. Civil War over a Hydrogen' truly educated to the nuances of ninghams, the John Ellises, of Adjustment, has been appoint- Eskimo cooking. Helen and Amory Haskell, Jr., Chilbergs of Rumson. He joins Eagle Scout Brian Bomb." the Jack Ekdahls, the Ross Dempsey as the other junior as- ed purchasing manager of the But while the market has been The student who submitted this Scotts, Al and Lois Gelling, At (he Rhapsody in Blue in Tomatoes Are News sistant scoutmaster. Brian now Bendix Semiconductor Division flooded with cook books, the fine recipe said: Jinny Logue, Mildred Newton West End were Ira Gershwin, cel- is a member of the staff of in Holmdel. old culinary skills found in Arctic "Soured seal liver is made in Norton, Tom Bartlett, Trav ebrated composer and brother ol Forestburg Camp Reservation, Prior to coming to the Bendix Circle igloos have been overlooked the summertime. Place liver in, Neldlinger and his sister, Ger- the late George Gershwin, with In Monmouth County Michael Whitfield, troop scribe, completely. enamel pot or dish and cover with trude Neidlinger, David and a party of friends. He had cornel has received approval of the Na-Semiconductor Division, Mr. This Iack-^ias been remedied by blubber. Put in a warm place for Charlene Marx, Louis and Eu- to hear "Yvonne." Also present FREEHOLD — Locally grojvnlgreen and yellow squash tional Council for the Eagle Masch served as assistant pur- the publication of SjT~8mall paper- a few days until sour. Most of the / genie Matron, Mr. and Mrs. were NikrandGrac^ Vuyosevich "tomatoes"are' the biggest news peppers^ "eggplant, lettuce and award. " | chasing agent for the Eclipse-Pi- backed cook book of age-old Eski- boys and girls don't like it, except Joseph T. Gauss, Ira and Joan of Fair Haven with Steve Nester the grown-ups and old people. I his week in food marketing, says other salad greens. The Green Bar decided toehold oneer Division of The Bendix Cor- mo recipes. The students of Shish- Miller, the Rolston Waterburys, of Keyport, Ed Brennan with a Mrs. Sylvia F. Meehan, Fruits a car wash Aug. 4, a block dance maref Day School in Shishmaref, don't like it either." Ken Martin, Helen Coronati, party of eight, Emmy Stofflet of Monmouth County home agent. Blueberries grown right here in n conjunction with Cub Scout poration in Teterboro. Alaska, got the recipes from their The best way to top off a native Martha Baer, Frank and Mary- Sea Bright, Dr. and Mrs. Irwin This bright red, firm-fleshed Monmouth County are in volume. Pack 25 Aug. 11 and a beach He has been in the Purchasing mothers. meal, naturally, is with Eskimo rose Contey, Dave and Phyllis Polk of Red Bank and George Department of Eclipse-Pioneer product is a family favorite Peaches are being offered by party later this summer. The Eskimo cookery Is simplicity It- ice cream, made as follows: Dillon, John Rabada and his and Gail Middleton of South Or- h d i ld local growers. Early varieties weekend of Aug. 19 was selected Division since 1951 when he self, and any harried American "rate reindeer tallow Into lister, Flo Rabada, (troi.i Shen- ange. whether used in salads, soups, started as a buyer-expediter. sauces, main dishes, or are clingstones and are offered for a campout on Sandy Hook. housewife wanting to fix a quick small pieces. Add seal oil slowly andoah. Pa.), the Allen Dukes, Dr. and Mrs. Polk left for Eng- in both yellow and white. Som From 1945 to 1951 Mr. Masch iasy meal for her family might Steve Nester, Fred Lehmann, as relishes, cooked vegetable or A committee was appointed by while beating with hand. While land vit jet this week. They will juice. shoppers prefer the white peach was associated with the Hettin- find this recipe for frozen floun- whipping, continue adding seal oil the Ed Golembs, Judy Murphy, spend some time in London and because of its special aroma. the new Senior Patrol leader, con- Summer field grown tomatoes sisting of Michael Wilson, patrol ;er Electronics Company in Carl- ders just the answer for her prob-and water until white and fluffy. Brian Van Nostrand, Marianne about a week motoring through You can take your pick of melons stadt, as shop foreman. Pre- lem: Any berries can be added to It." Crow and Andy Anderson. the lake country of Scotland. are rich in Vitamin C which is from among watermelons, honey- leader Gary Wiles and assistant Greeting guests with trays o! not stored by the body and must patrol leader David Whitfield, to viously, he worked In the pro- "After the flounders are caught, The cook book was prepared by dews, cantaloupes, and cran- duction department of Air Asso- let them freeze.. Eat as much as the students to raise funds for ' orchids, gardenias and camellia be replenished each day. Vitamin shaws. Limes, cherries, nectar- create a special design for the were Marylou Wingerter ol A also is furnished in generous troop neckerchiefs embodying the ciates in Teterboro from 1943 toyou want of it." handicapped children. You can get ines, and plums are in good 1945 and from 1937 to 1943 he That dish has another advantage a copy by sending 60 cents to the Shrewsbury, Karen Mohair ol Lee Cabeen amounts by the tomato, Mrs. supply.- •„. Twinlights motif. Meehan stated. worked in the traffic department for budget-minded wives—it cuts Alaska Crippled Children's As- New Monmouth, Carol Allain In previous years, the troop and Sally Olsen of Middletown. For a free leaflet with recipes, " Fish and Meatpy of Sachs Quality Stores in New down on the gas bill. sociation at Anchorage, Alaska. Is Honored Seasonally large suwpfles ol held occasional meetings. The York City. Michelle Love and Cathy Hill of canning instructions, and buying fithery products are available, Green Bar decided that regular Locust, Peggy Rutan of Mont- MIDDLETOWN — Mrs. Charles guide, send a postcard to the Mr. Masch studied basic elec- ... with the Quinina clair, Julie Donoghue of Atlantic Allaire, Fish Hawk Dr., was host- Shoppers would do well to checl weekly meetings should continue Monmouth County Extension to carry out its ambitious pro- tronics at Radio-Television In- Water that outsell* . Highlands, Jenifer Stanley of Redess at a luncheon and bridge last Service, 20 Court St., stitute in New York City and 7 OUT all other brands also a good choice. Other se- gram to stress advancement with Bank, Susan Goodman of Nave- week* in her home in honor of Ask for bulletin 290, the home packaging at Stevens Institute combined ... bone- sink, Susie Thomas of Evergreen Miss Lee Cabeen. Miss Cabeen, lections include porgies, flounder, the newer scouts. agent advises. cod, bluefish and sea scallops. of Technology, Hoboken. He par- dry, bittersweet, ex- Hill. Middletown and Phyllis daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ticipated in management work- Dillon and Joan King of Fair Cabeen, Crest Dr., Little Silver, Vegetables Red meat supplies are nea TOUR IN JAPAN hilarating Despite the serious drought, their mid-summer low. Porl shop and value engineering sem- OF 10 Haven. will be wed to John Kull of New- IWAKUNI, Japan, — Marine Oltetar Mm ark in September. supply of locally grown vegeta- marketing will start increasin Lance Cpl. Ralph H. Puglisi, son inars at Eclipse-Pioneer Division. bles is still plentiful. Irrigation in August. Beef production wi of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph N. Puglisi He has been a resident of Haz- Guests included Mrs. H. B. is helping, but rain is needed for also start to increase seasonal!1 TONIC The poolside party at Peninsula Vestal, Mrs. William Heron, of 8 Randolph PI., Keansburg, let for five years and is married QUININE WATER dry «oils and to replenish irri- in the next few weeks. Lighl is serving with the First Marine to the former Imogene Myers of House, Sea Bright, Friday eve- Mrs. Robert Patterson and Mrs.gation water. Sweet corn Is an ning was a real wingding evenjCabeen, Little Silver, Mrs. F. G. receipts of lamb have pushec Aircraft Wing at the Marine Teaneck. He has been a member DRINKS important item now as are cab-prices to the highest levels i Corps Air Facility, Iwakuni, , of the Corpus Christi choir of Has- though the temperature dropped i Slender, 3d, Mrs. Jay H. White, bage, onions, cucumbers, parsley recent years. to a point where swimming made 3d, Harvey Schenck and Mrs pan. During its assignment to brouck Heights for 12 years and START one a little shivery. Borden Hance, Fair Haven; Mrs iwakuni, the wing offers aerial also a member of the male choir Enjoying the music of Jules N. G. Clifton, Rumson; Mrs. How- support for the Third Marine Di- and Holy Name Society of St. Jaffe's orchestra were Don and ard Hathaway, Asbury Park, and vision on Okinawa in their field Benedict's Catholic Church, Haz- HEREI Lorna Chapln, Vera (Mrs. Mat- Mrs. Theodore Engberg, Mrs. One Last Good Deed exercises and training operations, let. Served exclusively at Harmony Lounge, Mlddtetow* thew) Cascella, Eleanor (Mrs. Charles Allaire^ Sr., and Jane Al- Vincent) Pace, Ken Martin, the laire, Middletown. BUTTON BAY, Vt. (AP) — cilia Lovell of South Glastbn- Duke Crowells, Hal Boyd, Ber- Before the last of 8,500 home- bury, Conn., who has recently nard Farley,' Brian Van Nos- ward bound girls pulled out of undergone open heart surgery, SAVEI m SAVE! S SAVEI 72 SAVE! ffl SAVEI trand, Peter Ramsay and Da- the Senior Roundup here would like a "swap" or two. vid Thomas, all ol Rumson. Club Holds yesterday they took time to do She has been in scouting 33 Judy Murphy of Sea Bright, a Girl Scout good deed. years. Lynn and Mike O'Shea of Red Word was received that Pri- Girls from far and near The new sales record is Rambler's, but Bank, Daniel Bajrtel of Mon- Picnic, Sale opened their duffel bags and mouth Hills, Mike Colyer of HOLMDEL—The Business and parted with some of their Fair Haven, Andy Anderson of Professional Women's Club of Concert Tonight cherished "swaps" — minia- Matawaa, Emily Richardson of Red Bank held its annual picnic ture Iowa corn. Long Island West End, Liza and Maggie and white elephant sale Thursday ducks, Boston lobster pot, Indi- Condon of Monmouth Beach. at the home of M At Marine Park ana rose and others. Mrs. The Savings are all yours! Ryder here. Fanchon Title of Hartford, Chairmen of the event were RED BANK — The program of Another magnificent fashion the Red Bank Municipal Band Conn., was commissioned to See how little it costs to own a fine new Rambler now! Mrs. Loretta Koenig, Sea Bright; concert to be held tonight at 8:30 drop off the heaping bag of •how Is due at the Sea Girt Inn Mrs. Elaine Smith, Port Mon- "swaps" at Glastonbury. on Aug. 15. mouth, and Mrs. Eileen Rose, o'clock in Marine Park will in- Fashions will be by Doop's of clude the following selections: Monmouth County's contin- Shrewsbury. gent arrived home by char- Rambler dealers sold a record* East Orange and Spring Lake. Mrs. Genevieve Schwedfeger, "His Honor," by Fillmore; shattering 800,000-plus cars in It is the annual summer luncheon "Poet and Peasant," von Suppe; tered bus which deposited them Eatontown, was auctioneer for Monday evening at the Mon- the past 9 months—a third of a of the Family and Children's the white elephant sale. Guests "Bugler's Holiday," Anderson, Service of Monmouth County. with soloists Donald Tison, Doug- mouth Shopping Center, Eaton- were Mrs. James J. Hogan, Fair town. million of them new Ramblers. Mrs. Francis P. Drucker of Haven, and Miss Helen Kosky, las Johnson and Albert Weiss Now we've set our sights on pass- Shrewsbury is general chairman. Los Angeles, Calif. man; "Something About a Sol- The homeward-bound in- She will be assisted by Mrs. dier," Gay; "Indiana State cluded 1,700 staff personnel, ing the million-car mark—offer- Frank Sibley of Red Bank and Bank," Farrar; "Around the men as well as women. Doc- ing exceptional trade-in allow- Mrs. Vincent Keuper of Asbury World in 80 Days," Young; "The tors, lawyers, business execu- ances and deals that will really Park. Duplicate Club King and I," Rodgers: "Army tives and engineers who gave Lists Winners Air Corps," Crawford; "Night up vacations to perform volun- please you. Come and see for Dining at Mayer's Inn, Rum- Beat," Walters, and "El Capi- teer tasks, and paid their own yourself right now! FAIR HAVEN — Members of tan," Sousa. expenses, returned to their pro- ion, following a hectic day spent MODEL SHOWN moving into their new home on the Garden State Duplicate fessions — and to hot baths. Rambler American—America's lowest-priced car, bar none. Blossom Cove Rd., Middletown, Bridge Club held a masterpoint "We couldn't have done with- Also available In 4-door sedans and 2- and 4-door station 34 night Thursday in Willowbrook ABOARD VALLEY FORGE out these volunteers," said wagons. Plus the smartest, lowest-priced U.S. convertible. were the John Schultes, formerly Inn here. WESTERN PACIFIC — George *4O of Fair Haven. Also present were Sheldon R. Frye, Girl Scout per month* the Tom Dowds and the Ed Winners of the Mitchell move- Lockwood, radioman second class, director of site services. Careys of Rumson, Jack Hennes- ment, north and south, were Miss USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Married couples headed for aey of West End, Hugh Meehan Margaret Michel, Atlantic High- Lockwood of 75th Street, West home — but not Lt. Col. War- of Monmouth Park, Phvllis and lands, and Mrs. A. Judson Dun-Keansburg, N. J., is serving den Buchanan who with his Bart Rogers of Monmouth Beach. lap, Brielle, first; Gerry Law- aboard the amphibious assault wife operated the first aid tent. Jim and Marge Smith of Fair rence, Freehold, and L. B. Friar, ship USS Valley Forge, operating Thief of surgical services at Haven and Ann and Wes Blake- River Plaza, second, and William as a unit of our Seventh Fleet in Fort Hood, Tex., he ^Ifa's just flee of Newark. Horlacher, Little Silver, and Jack the Western Pacific area. received orders transferring Stern, Locust, third. him to France for three years. Winners, east and west, were Also on the Chamnaene CIr- PARTY HELD One person was glad to leave Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Bowen. NEW MONMOUTH — The — pretlv Mrs. EdWard Steven- Middletown, first; Mrs. Peter Pol ninth birthday of Virginia Swan, son, of Worcester, Vt., a bride I icastro and Mrs. R. F. Trybylow- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert of one day when she came to INVENTORY I ski, both of Lincroft, second and Swan, Millbrook Dr., was cele- Roundup without groom or I Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Greenfarb, brated recently with a party at honeymoon because a replace- CLEARANCE 1 Eatontown, third. . home and at a movie in Red ment could not be found for DRASTIC Bank. Present were Vicky Western Union telegraph serv- CALIFORNIA TRIP Jacques, Ellen and Kay Boddie, ice on the site. REDUCTIONS..! Ru- MODEL SHOWN LONG BRANCH — Mrs. Janet Blomqulst and Margaret Rambler Classic Sedan—room to spare for six 6-footers. dolph Poll, 376 West End Ave.,and Elizabeth Swan. Gives you big-car comfort and performance, with compact- | On all Made-up I will leave Saturday on a three car ease.of handling. Choice of 4-door models also available. $4370 Arranaements | week trip to California with her per month* sister, Miss Julia Schoepf, New- BACK FROM FLORIDA SHERMAN'S ark. BELFORD — Mr. and Mrs. Lasting Lawrence Krampert, Morris BIRTHDAY TRIP Ave., have returned from a vaca iBeaufy.. tion in Florida. PORT MONMOUTH — The Rambler Ambassador V-8 Artificial "Flowers 114th birthday of Diane Parsells, Sedan—the luxury car with | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Draperies spectacular high performance Parsells, was celebrated last and maneuverability. 250 HP larion Fisher, lnc.| Wednesday in Freedomland, Slipcoven 1 standard, 270 HP optional. 741-9230 Bronx, N. V., and at night with Upholstering MODEL SHOWN friends. Also attending Freedom- 912 Broad St.. Shrews.l I land were Richard and John Bedspreads $1 84 Parsells. Curtains 'S3 Shop-&t-Home Service per month* 9x12 Domestic Phone SH L2MI Sherman's 72 Decorators 168 Broad St.. Shrewsbury ' )|t Monthly pjymenlt bated on manuficiurer'* tufgut*d rntilt ONLY 9 FREE PARKING price, with M down payment, 36-month contract with norm• I carrying charge!, ftderal taxes paid. Don not include optional equipment, whitawill HIM, trantpottition, Insuunea, itite inrl local lues. II any. RAMBLER American Motors-Dedicated to Excellence! TWIN-BORO RAMBLER, Inc. KEYPORT RAMBLER, Inc. RUO CLEANERS When all the summer bargains are gone from Highway #35, Keyport, N. J. J. Kridel, summer will remain. OUR 131 E. Newman Springs Rd., Red Bank, N. J. call now CA 2-5042 ONLY lUlMMIl U tttl WIMMMIHI IMilll i STORE , Aug. RED BANK REGISTER Shrewsbury in Lead Herman Vistal, Brub Hance In Carleton League Monmouth Boat Club Winners LONG BRANCH — Coach Walt The remainder of this week', Deiss' Shrewsbury nine took over make-up contests will determine RED BANK — Herman Vestal competitor Ruff Cook in the a success by whipping a five-boal first place in the torrid Ed the four representatives In the •nd "Brub" Hance scored vic- Wood-Pussy class. fleet. Carleton Memorial baseball league playoffs slated to (tart tories in Monmouth Boat Club's Bill Olsen, continuing his quest The second of the three-rac league last night with a 7-3 deci next week. •\ weekend sailing competition on fcr a third successive Jel cham series for the Lea Russell worn sion over the Long Branch Fire 9 Neptune piaya the Rams Thurs- pionship, won again over a nine- en's Lightning trophy last Satur the Navesink River Sunday aft- Department. The winners closed day in a key contest. Neptune boat fleet. John Kull chalked up day resulted in another victory out their league slate with 11 could move ahead of Shrewsbury ernoon. another Flying Dutchman win for Dide Heron. Mrs. Heron alsc wins and five losses for 22 points. if they down the Rams, defending ] Vestal won the Lightning class and Roger Brown made his first won the opener held June 16. league champions. ! race, while Hance stopped his siart In the Penguin competition Evelyn Vestal was runnerup, The Rams appear certain of a with Gertrude Scott, third. Carleton playoff spot. The fourth berth Herman Vestal whipped a nine will go to Rumson-Fair Haven, Maris Having His Troubles boat Lightning fleet in Sunday' West Long Branch or Ocean action. It was his first win of League Township. the series. Runnerup was Bob Carleton League Home runs by Paul Schissler With Stadium Spectators Marko, with Debbie Scott third Standings and Bob Weir guided Shrewsbury and Roy Knapp fourth. W L T Pts to its triumph over the Fire NEW YORK (AP) — Home from being as good a baseball Hance won his fourth race o Run King Roger Maris is having player as he might be. Shrewsbury ...._ ...11 Department. Weir had the big (the Wood-Pussy series to stay .10 blow, a bases-loaded blast in the his troubles again — or still — lot Neptune "I've been fouled up a slightly ahead of Cook. Ruff, th Rams ... 8 five-run third frame. Schissler with the spectators at Yankee longer than they've been booing newly-crowned State Wood-Pussy Stadium. Rumson-F.H .. 7 poled a home run in the first to me," said Roger. "So that has champion, was second, with W Long Branch .. R get the winners off winging. Maris' latest skirmish with nothing to do with it." young Doug Raynor, third, and people who pay to see the L.B. Fire Dept. . 8 8 Bob Coyle checked the town Ed Runge, one of the umpires Harold "Rip" Lartaud, fourth. Ocean Twp _ 7 8 with seven hits. He fanned 12 Yankes play came Sunday dur- in the doubleheader which the ing a doubleheader with the Chi- Olsen racked up another win In Asbury Park _ .:.. 3 7 and walked eight. Lenny Labrl- American League-leading Yan- Jets, his fourth of the current L.B. IAMA I 12 ola hurled for the Fire Depart- cago White Sox. kees divided with the Sox, said Things were going along pretty campaign. John Perrotta wai Tonight ment, striking out nine and walk- Maris antagonizes the spectators. second and Bob Tepper, third. Rumion-F.H. at IAMA ing one. smoothly until Maris struck out "This thing has been growing In the fifth inning of the second The brilliant Kull added his Aebury Park at WLB The Fire Department scored in all week," Runge said, "He sixth win in seven starts in the Tomorrow game. Two Yankees werei on waves his hat at them . . .! the first when Tom Schlegel base at the time, and the White Dutchman series. WARMING UP — Althea Gibson, the I9S7-S8 tennis champion, who hat taken to Neptune at Rams walked, went to second on a wild Asked about the hat-waving, Brown won the Penguin race. Ocean Twp. at WLB Sox were ahead. Maris said: the golf courses, yesterday played at Rumson Country Club in tha Women's Metro- pitch, and came over on George When Roger returned to his Charles. Long was second and Friday Parfett's single. "All I did was tip my hat to Lee Parks, third. politan Golf Association Jersey Shore Tournamant. Miii Gibson carded 42-38—80. Asbury Park at Rams right field position, fans in the Weir's shot to right center ce- them." M.B.r. SIJMMArtlES Doug Sanderson, Rumion pro, asisted Miss Gibson in practice session bafora toeing stands and bleachers hurled ob- SATURDAY mented the Shrewsbury victory. jects onto the field. Maris said Teammate Johnny Blanchard HUSRHI Trophy (Women) defended Maris. 1. T>irie Heron, 2. Evelyn Veatal, off. The Fire Department wound up lie picked up a golf ball which Gertrude Bcoll. Lombard. Works its season with a 6-8-2 record for had fallen near him and hurled "I would like to tackle them I.linlnlnis 14 points. !t back into the stands so far that, myself, the things they say to V Herman Vestal, 2. Bob Marko, 8. Shrewsbury Fin Ilrpt. Maris," Blanchard said. "They Roy Knapp, 5. Bill DeCozen, Freeman Lead WMGA June Methot Packers For •I. r b! It) I it cleared an exit in the third Heron. 6. At Miller. 7. Marvin Broder, Lalll.lf 3 1 2 J » 1 deck. tell him his wife is running 8. HaroM RecK, 9. Jim Hlckey. Porn,If o o 4.1 1 Boos descended upon Maris In around while he is gone and per- Jetn Schissler,rf K J"3.Parntt.5b 4 1 1 1. Bill Olien, 2. John Golf With 78s; Gibson, 80 \11-Star Game VLabrloia.p .» I waves, and hundreds of white sonal stuff and I want to chal- Bob Tepper. 4. Mickey Olsen. 5. Fred Keeps Lead Fltilf'ald.Ct 4 u'OracUla.e. 4 0 Simon, (j. Tom Gibson, 7. Bob t.ude- GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) — 3 1'Camagna.lf % O handkerchiefs fluttered above the lenge them. I have trouble sit- man, 8. Bob Maxwell, Lynn Thomp- RUMSON — Miss Charlotte De in a 42 and the back nine in 38 Coyle. p 3 2iKono'wiU,ct 0 0 « spectators' heads. ting on the bench when they do son (DNF» Cozen, Westchester, and Mrs. to trail by' two strokes, to still The Green Bay Packers began Id* Wood-Pnsslea For Title concentrating Monday on tim- SOD Afterwards, Marlj said: that. 1. Brub Hance, 2. Rulf Cook, S. Dou| Bernard Freeman, Inwood, re- be a dangerous contender. Sl'nweisa.s* 9 0; t?nfer,3b X « « Haynor, 4. Rip Lartaud, 0. DtcK aale corded 78s yesterday to get the Miss- Gibson birdied five holes. PERTH AMBOY June ing and execution of plays in a (Tomaino.Sb 19 0 "I'm through trying to win "It's enough to make your skin «. Bill Hills, 7. Chattes Wolbaeh, I. friends and Influence people- I crawl." Led Hathaway, fl. Fred Blender, in. jump in the first round of the She got a 2 on the par 3 third Methot of Monmouth Boat Clut 1V4 hour workout In full pads. J» T 9 Jonn Miller. Bill Mationey (DNF) ' maintained her lead established Coach Vince Lombard), Shrewsbury — 30S BOO 0—7 don't give a damn. It's the least Yankee Manager Ralph Houk Firing Dutchmn Women's Metropolitan Golf As- hole, a four on the par 5 fourth, Fire Dept - 100 000 J—I of my problems." dismissed the incident quickly, 1. John Kull, 1. No. 469, 3. Merman sociation Shore tournament at and also birdies on the seventh in last Thursday's opening races pressing satisfaction with the HRScW»«erHR-ScW»«ler, ~W#lr ' . 3B—Ceyl«Cy . It—tt MatthfjB«n, 4. -Manning Winner. to capture the North Jersey physical condition of his squad, Sctilsitier. SO—Coyle 14: Uabrtola Maris, who hit 81 home runs saying, "Things like that are as Penguin* Rumson Country Club. 17th and 15th holes. W«lkt—Coyle «,• Labrlola 1. 1. Roger Brown. 2. Ch«rle» hong. 3. Miss Mary Ann Doctor, Cedar Mrs. Thomas McDarby of Dea' Yacht Racing Association wom- began working on offensive and last season, denied that his trou- old as baseball. I don't think It X*t P&rki, 4. Bill Bryson, B, Berube bles with the public keep him affects, his (Maris') play at all." Brook, was third, with a 79. Golf and Country Club headed en's individual sailing champion defensive formations he plans to ied for fourth were Miss Althea the local golfer with her 42 ship on Raritan Bay yesterday. use against the College All-Stars libson, Englewood, and Miss nines for 84. Mrs. McDarby Miss Methot led a six-boat fleel n Chicago Friday. Bowling *Jancy Albert, 'Greenacres, played the round with Miss Gib after two official races last week. Movies of the Saturday's game- SV( AMORK 3 MAN LBACiUB Miss DeCozen went out in 41 son. The remaining races had to be type scrimmage were reviewed Rcfl Bank Tire . U Horse Show Features Opening -MchellJno's . 18 1J and returned on the back nine in Mrs. John Miller, Rumson sailed yesterday when strong and mistakes pointed out. The Wfstcate Eslo 1»H Kline's Cities Service 15 37 for her 78. Mrs. Freeman Country Club, was the only other winds postponed the balance of offensive and defensive units Sycamorymoee Lanes M% IS'4 went out in 40 and came home in local golfer in the 80s with 44-42 ast Thursday's racing. battled to a 7-all deadlock in that Oeorje'a Amoco ...14 II 3R for her 78. -86. June, and her crew Mrs. C.T. encounter. Phil's Turr Club ia 18 Of Millstone Show Grounds i Satajay 203, Art Gar* Crate's Beverages - .12 II Miss Gibson, who was the Mrs. Norman Nathanson, (Elaine) Engberg, made thei Paul Hornung, the National! «y 200. L. Tlghr 207, Bob Hull MILLSTONE—A grand opening William C. Lynn who will 957-58 women's tennis cham-lHollywood, had low net for the 211. Chet Wooltey 212. Mick Cavanauih victory certain yesterday by win- League's leading scorer, was run- 515. Pat Ambrosia 232, Jo« Calver rf». In the grand style. That's what's present the Governor's Trophy Jion, and who took to. the golf day, posting 90-19—71. ning three of the four races to ning wel! with the offensive Emll Gelle 202, 214; Ron AscIuUIno Wednesday evening, and dis :ourse like a duck on a water Mrs. William Tracy, Essex 225, 2eted yesterday. The Packer squad has been re- Joe Bonikowski of the Minne- cash prizes In this show, which First Pay's Scores At RomMffl son River (off Nyack, NY.) thi. modified champion at Wall Stadi- lob Cerv's major league base- MlM Charlotte. DeCoiee. TrVMtetaest Saturday in Lightnings. A win duced to 35 veterans and nine sota Twins faced only 27 men in has been given the top Class A all career may be over. 41-31—7B rookies. The only veteran still pitching a Carolina League no- um, battled off a late bid by the Mrs. Bernara Fireman, Inwood, 40-3S— a' Nyack would put June In the rating by the American Horse The Houston Colts announced Adams Cup North American fi- missing Is halfback Elijah Pitts hitter for Wilson, N. C, in 1960. Show Association. surprising sportsmen star Don resterday they have asked waiv- Ml.. Man Ann Doctor, Cedar Brook, nals to be held at Miami, Fla., who Is finishing up a tour of He walked one batter but picked Participating in the thow, Stives of Hightstown to cop Satur- es on the 36-year-old Cerv, hefty Ml-. Allhea Gibson, Zn(lraood, 41-3S- starting Aug. 27. Army duty. him off at first base. " m which will run through Sunday, day night's 100-lap Summer me-time New York Yankee, who Tiancy Albert, Giwnatres, 41-3»— Runnerup yesterday was the - »re America's best Jumpers, Classic stock car race by half a! as started only three games this 80 Spray Beach Yacht Club entry, season and was hitting .233. JI-«. lrvlnr Ksofman, Contorr, 4J. hunters, saddle horses and stock car length. M--*. TVm. Tracy, Essex Fells, 40-4*— skippered by Doris Cope, with "If no major league team 82 2314 points. Miss Cope had horses. The unique show will also Stives was the early leader and claims me," said Cerv before Mrs. Philip Barla, Alpine, 43-39—411 Mr*. TTm. Hnckenjoa, Baltusrol, 41-42— series. feature championship calf roping set a torrid pace with his sports- leaving for his Kansas City Tied for third were Lake Ho- home, "I'll retire from baseball.'" sir.. ii-WItt .AltiMdrt, Somerset Hills, and barrel* racing. Contestants men, until Frazee finally caught 45-3!>—84 patcong Yacht Club, sailed by him at about the halfway point Cerv had been purchased by M Gordon rarfc. Glen < •re competing for top prize »4 Barbara Boyle, and Little Egg Stives stayed close throughout the Colts from the Yankees for Mr.. Thomas M.Karbj. Deal. 4tJ»—*4 I arbor Yacht Club, Beach money. There will be three daily he balance of the race and as the $20,000 waiver price. »". "onald McCollum. HorklaiH. 45- 4(V—S5 Haven, skippered by Peg Pulis, performances - 9 a.m., 1 p.m soon as the "two to go" sign Cerv made his major league Mr., .lohn Miller. Ronuoii. 44-41—At each with 20'4 points. Mis came out he pushed the throttle debut with the Yankees in 1951, Mri. Murray Gordon, Kinraond, 45-42— •nd 7:30 p.m. •' v Boyle was awarded third plac< o the floor and nearly caught moving up from the old Kansas M'< Mbtrt Brann. Kail Ormnio, 4«- on a better race record. Martin Cahill, manager of the Frazee at the wire. City Blues of the American As- 41—87 Millstone Show Grounds said, ML. Mildred Haanlirlr, Metochen, 41 Fifth over-all was; Nora Spens, sociation. He went back and 4J—*» of the host Raritan Yacht Club, "Nothing has been spared in our There was no time for the race forth from New York to Kansas Mrs. ScanlA? Foster, Innll Ardea. because of an accident on the Conn.. 47-41—(M with 20 points. Jane Robinson of effort to make this the finest City until he was sold to the Mm. ittrnard Newman, Braidtmra, the Shrewsbury Sailing- and facility of its type in the East. 20th lap. 41—(M Kansas City Athletics in 1956. J/tvt Net Yacht Club, Oceanport, was sixth Our 110 acres include a spacious He saw plenty of action for the M"< ^—man >a(KaniiHi. Hollywood, Third was Frank Myroncuk of M-l»-71 with 12 points. arena, enclosing two show rings New Egypt, driving the new No. A's for three seasons before The series was sailed In Je with seating for 6,000 spectators. M Pontiac, formerly the No. 4 of Kansas City traded Cerv back H's loaned by the host Raritan We also have cafeteria, snack Tommie Elliott. Fourth was Don to the Yankees in 1960 for third 18 Hydros Listed Club. The skippers rotated boats bar and rest rooms. Our parking Stumpf of Ridgefield Park in the baseman Andy Carey. .After the throughout. Yesterday's races area has space for 15,000 cars, No. 41, while fifth spot went to close of that season, he moved were sailed over triangular cour- is fully lighted for night time Jim Hoffman and sixth to Bill to the Los Angeles Angels but in In Cold Cup Race ses of five to eight miles In convenience of spectators. McCarthy of Freehold. 1961 was traded back to the SEATTLE (AP) — Eighteen •ngth. The winds were east- Millstone Show Grounds is also Yanks along with pitcher Tru big hydroplanes were listed as ioutheasterly at 8 to 15 knots. offering other attractions in Tommy Elliott of Toms River man Clevenger for.pitchers Ryne candidates for Sunday's Gold Joe Neiner of the Raritan Y.C. honor of their opening. Every GENE IS BACK—Gene Con- md Elton Hildreth of Bridgeton Duren and Johnny James and Cup speedboat race and $35,000 was the race chairman. Neiner were in strong contention outfielder Lee Thomas. evening at 7 and Sunday at 1 ey, the apologetic wanderer, in prize money when the Lake ^raised the contestants for their p.m., Captain Earl McDonald, throughout the early stages of Although he never played as Washington ' course opened for sportsmanshir> in the series. famous stunt artist, will dive 7.r *a» slapped with the biggest :he race, but both failed to finish regularly as some outfielders qualifying trials yesterday. NJYRA WOMEN'S SERIES Cerv had some big moments l.t Bare: 1. Miss Methot. 2. MlM feet from a steel tower into a ioston Red Sox fine tinea the :he long grind. Seventeen had reached Seattle. Boyle, 3. Mrs. Spens. 4. Mlsn Cope, 5 during his career. He played in "Ms Pulls. 8. Mrs. Rohlnaon. flaming cauldron, an act that h? ed Williams spitting ind- Frazee Eight of these were In the pits, M Hate: 1. Boyle. ?. Spenj. J. Pulls . fascinated people around the ready to try a three-lap run on 1 Cope 5. Methot. 6. Jloblnson. ent—an estimated $2,000. [Yankees, and hit a pinch-hit 3•«•. iox club, Conley said ha Novice winner was Stan Van pinch hitter, having collected 12 30; 6. Robinson, 12. nounced he's quitting at a player and will becom* a Special guests will include th< 3runt of West Long Branch while He played in the 1958 All-Star early today was Miss Madi.wn. assistant secretary of agriculture.'went AWOL. Bob Voorhees was second. game. the hydroplane owned by 10,000 The University of Washington coach (or th* club. This ii his 18th season in the"big citizens of Madison, Ind. The will play two Big Ten football ri- leagues. boats may qualify any time vals this fall. They meet Purdue during the five days preceding and Illinois in home games on the race. Sept. 22 and 29, respectively. THRILL Lame Legged Mantle, Tom Davis TO THOROUGHBRED Top Contenders for MVP Award RACING NEW YORK (AP) - A lame- the Yanks won 15 games and Howard was devastating presently not in the running. legged veteran slugger and an until June 22. While he was out, against the Giants last weekend Likely vote-getters include IT exciting young hitting star who lost 15. In the six weeks since when the Dodgers swept three Leon Wagner of Los Angeles his return the Bombers have had have sparked their teams into games and climbed four games (28 homers and 74 RBI), Floyd BEAUTIFUL a 28-12 mark, barreling into a ahead of runnerup San Francisco. Robinson of Chicago (.320 and commanding leads in the major five-game lead in the pennant Wills paces the Dodgers' feared 72 RBI), Rich Rollins of Minne- league pennant races are top chase. running game with 51 stolen sota (.316 and 70 RBI), Norm contenders for 1962's Most Valu "Mantle's contributions during 1 bases and is batting a creditable Siebern of Kansas City (302 and able Player awards- the 40-game span have been!. 285. 71 RBI) and the two batting Mickey Mantle of the New York considerable - 14 homers for a) Mays, MVP in 1954 and leaders at .332, Pete Runnels of York Yankees, despite a season total of 21, 33 runs batted perennial contender ever since Boston and rookie Manny month's absence with knee Rnd in for a total of 50. He's cur- is the NL's home run leader with Jimenez of Kansas City. thigh injuries, appears without a rently hitting .323. Another factor 32. Robinson, last year's MVP, Pitchers generally have been serious challenger fbr the Amcri in his importance is the inspi- and Aaron, 1957 winner, both pretty well shut out of MVP can League MPV, a prize he ration he has provided the have shots at the triple crown of awards, particularly in recent captured twice before in 1956 and Yankees. batting. Musial, the remarkable years since they have had their 1957. And Tommy Davis, the Davis, 23 and in his third full 41-year-old record collector who special prize, the Cy Young youthful Los Angeles Dodgers season with Los Angeles, has took his first MVP prize in 1943 Trophy. But a handful could be outfielder, has the edge in what been the Dodgers' consistent and has won two since, is gunning high in the MVP voting nonethe- shapes up as a tight battle for standout. He leads the National for his eighth batting title with less, including 19-game winner MVP honors in the National League in batting at .353 and in a current ,352 mark. Don Drysdale of Los Angeles, League. uns batted in with 106. Beyond ManJIe, there is a Bob Purkey (16-3) of Cincinnati, Mantle's value (o the Yankees Davis is likely to pet tough'thin rank of potential MVP'S in Art Mahaffey (14-9) of Phila- LAST 4 DAYS thru Sat can be summed up briefly - they competition in the MVP voiingjihe American league,;with such delphia and relief. slar Elroy faltered while he was sidelined{from teammates Frank Howard]pre-scason possibilities as Roger Face (8-2) of Pittsburgh in the $100,000 SAPLING and they've surged since he's and Maury Wills, Willie Mays Maris of the Yankees, 1B61 win- National League and Camilo SANDY SLINGS A FEW— Sandy Koufax, Lot Ang«l«s Closing Day, Aug. 4 r lrned. The 31-year-old powerjnf San Francisco, Frank Robinson ner "with his 61 homers. Norm Pascual (15-6) of Minnesota Dodger pitching ace, limbers up for tha first time since $2 • Cluhlmuie >4 • tat hcl. hitter tore a thigh muscle and of Cincinnati, Stan Musial of St. Cash and Al Kaline of Detroit, Dick; Donovan (14-4) of Cleveland damaged a knee May 18 and did Lou/s, and Hank Aaron of Mil- Jim Gentile of Baltimore and and Ken McBride (11-3) of Los he was sidelined by an injurod finger. Hera h« toilet a not return to the starting lineup waukee. Harmon Killebrew of Minnesota Angeles in the American. few during batting practice before a game in LA. POST 2 PM- Daily Double 1:50 Monmouth Park Honors Well RED BANK REGISTER Weiaaity, Aug. 1, 19«-rl9 distributed; 5 Days Left Jaipur Favorite OCEANPORT - With just four No horse has been »bl* to win Leading money-winning horse tc days of the Monmouth Part )ur races but 13 have reached to date is Carry Back, 170,947 meeting remaining, records indi- •? winner's circle three times. followed by Affectionately $65 For Choice Stakes cate that honors have been well This group includes Camarader- 044, Green Ticket $49,215. Firm distributed. To date 1,336 differ- s, Clear Call, El Greco, Fixit, Policy $37,180 and Primonetta OCEANPORT — Jaipur, winne iut Admiral's Voyage In th« ent horses have been In action, Green Ticket, Harold Weissman, $32,565. Roman Oabritl of the Belmont Stakes and theBelmont June 9. of which 798 have earned some Precision, Rambunctious, Towson Dorchester Farm Stable retain; ; (Quarterback) Jersey Derby and a leading Jaipur will get stern opposition portion of a purse and 264 have Gal, Will to Live, Watasam, its lead among the owners with as the field includes mch top been winners. contender for the 3-year-old title, Young Beck, and Wide Horizon $70,947, followed by Mrs. Ethe; sophomore stars as Christiana is the 8-5 favorite for the $50,000 D. Jacobs $65,859, Wheatley St? Stable's Cyane, Dwyer Handicap ble $53,759, Mrs. Adele L. Ranc added Choice Stakes today a winner; Adele L. Rand's Green B. J. Hesseltine Moves $49,615, and E. Barry Ryan, $37 Monmoutii Park. Ticket, who has captured five 180. Nine 3-year-olds were-entered stakes this season including three at Monmouth; and Crimson Circle M Farm holds the hig yesterday for the 17th running o Into Women's Semi-Final mark in number of races wo King farm's Crimson Satan, win- the mile and one sixteenth ner of the Leonard Richards and RED BANK — Second-seeded son, 4-1, 6-3; Fred Alt d. Dr. I. J. with 8. Ada L. Rice has won sev Polk, del.: Jack Fowler d. George en and there is a three-way tii Choice, and this will be the fin the Champion 2-year-old last B.J. Hesseltine moved into the Hrlvnak. 6-1. 6-2: William Long d, year. semi-final round of the women's Tim Annln, def.; Jake Umberger d. A for third, each with six. The; start for Jaipur since he nosed Blldner. 6-1, 8-3, 6-2. are Mrs. Joe W. Brown, Joh singles play > in the Red Bank 3rd Round — Dick Emery d. •••••••• Under allowance conditions, Open Tennis Tournament on theFowler, 1-S, 8-3, 6-S. P. Bruning and Mrs. Milton Er- Jaipur and Cyane carry top Marine Park courts yesterday Men's Doubles langer. Bayshore weight of 126 pounds each, Green 1st Round — Bruce Edlngton • Joh with a 6-3, 6-3 vicory over Nancy Savage d. Larry Johnson-Ed Gushue, So far, 463 ditferent owner* Ticket has 122, and Crimson 6-1. B-3. All-Stars Dickson. 2nd Round—William Peard-Al Peskoe have shared in the purse distrib Satan 118. d. Al Budner-Jerry Vlracola, 6-1, 6-0 ution with 210 stables having woi Softball Barbara Woolson also ad- Fowler-Umberger d. William Hager- Other entered are Frank E. vanced to the round of four with man-Doug Btender, 6-3, 6-2; Sterling one or more races. Power's Vimy Ridge, winner of Thompson-Jules Plangere d. Ellington a 7-5, 1-8, 6-4 decision over Kay "ivage. 6-2, 8-2. Monmouth Park set somethinj Conference Laurel's Senatorial Stakes, 132; Boy's Singles of aKjecord last Friday and Sa Bagwell. Last Sunday's Results Montpelier Farm's Mcmgo, who 2nd Round—Edlngton d. Hank Wolff, uray when seven favorites woi Top-seeded Allice Christer, Jer- 6-3, 6-2. v Buck Smith's 14, Old Manor 4 won Aqueduct's Lexington Handi- Boys' Doubles each afternoon. This brought thi sey City, defaulted her first cap, 122; Brookfield Firm's In 2nd Round — William QoWilln-Sta number of winning choices to 16! Middlebrook 9. Maplewood 7 round women's singles match to Croydon d. M. Kaplan-M. Bulllvanl Force, 114; Mrs, J. Bowes Bond's 8-1. 6-0. so far in 418 races for a winnin Lone Oak 6, Wilson Park t Jane Correa. Quarter Finals—Edlngton-Barry Ne Countryside 5, Monterey Manor Ole Buddy Buddy, 114; and »on d. Robert Logel-Dave Craver, 6-2, mark of 39 per cent. Darby Dan Farm's Black Beard, The top-seeded women's 6-3. 4 (10 innings) Hurdle Racing Complete 114. doubles combine of Nornie and Mixed Doubles Standings B.J. Hesseltine moved into the 1st Round—Al Feskoe-Llada tiees d. The hurdle season having bee; With nine going the rac« will finals with a 1-6, 6-0. 6-1 verdict Fred and Ann Bchaffer, 6-1, 8-1 i Wl completed, Chris Wood, Jr., d ~ AMERICAN DIVISION Ham Hagerman-Marge Daly d. Warre W L grots J56.800, the winner over' Nancy Dickson and Mary Wilkinson-Shirley Boll. 6-2, 6-1. rector of this branch of the sport collecting $36,920. Jaipur Is the Lou Strong. Tilda Kruger and 2nd Round—Bill Long-Pat Davldsoi reports that form was good wit Mnplewood 8 cl. Oeorje Wrlght-M. Blake, 8-1. 6-2 Buck Smlth'a 8 leading money winning horse of Roddi Lissner reached the semi- Annln-Karen Detweller d. Marsha five choices scoring in a doze the year to date, with th» Bel- Rapp-Dot Gorauch, 6-3. 1-6, 6-4. races for a 41.6 per cent winnin Middlebrook i finals with a 3-6, 6-3, 8-6 win over Women's Doubles mont and Jersey Derby both ,Dot Gorsuch and Kay Bagwell. mark. Mario's 2 Seml-Flnali — Nornle and B. J. $100,000-plus races. He ilso won - Matches are being played euaHlnR-d^.Nancy.-Dlckson anil ^la Old Manor 2 Leading- owners wereMrs the Gotham and The Withers, every day in all six divisions of Lou Strong; 1-6. 6-0, 6-1. 'NATIONAL DIVISION ' Quarter-Finals — Ttlda Tt. Kruger Henry Obre, $15,365, Norman P i WL and has earned $270,000. the annual tournament. Roddl Llssner d. Dt Dot Qorsucb. Bate $7,140, Windward Farm $7,- Kay Bagwell 3-6, 6-3, 8-«. Monterey Manor 7 4 — BKSBI.TS — 085, Timberland Stable $5,640 PACKERS THEIR PROBLEM — Schools for which these outstanding members of Willie Shoemaker will be Men's fllnftin Women's Singles Wilson Park 7 4 aboard Jaipur as usual, while 1st Round—Bob Weston d. Marshall First Round — Jane Correa d. AUci and M. R. Frankel $4,850. Lead the College All-Star team, playing the Green Bay Packers, National Football League Lone Oak 7 4 lUpp. «-l, 61. CT Christer (default). ing horses were Hunter's Rock Manuel Ycaza returns to ride 2nd Round — Sterling Thompion d. — Barbara Wootsor champions, in Chicago, Friday, starred are: Collins (Maryland), Gabriel (North Countryside i- 5 Doug 8ten Carolina State), Ferguson (Ohio State), Winston (Louisiana State), Ernie Davis Guerln is Green Ticket's pilot, Women'* KlnsJrB Men's Singles (Scores of game between Mario's 2nd Round — Mary Lou Strong d. 2d Round — Toby Frey d. Bill Peari Boy $5,040 an Gem- Ruby $4, (Syracuse), 'Mather (Navy), and Hadl (Kansas). and the colt Is second choice at Ann Schatfir, 6-3, M; Kay Bagvefl d. 3-0, 0-3, 8-6. and Country Tavern not reported) 3-1. Cyane with Eldon Nelson Dot Oorsuch, 1* «•<, 5-3. Boy's Singles 550. Boy'i Hlnglrs 2d Round — Alan Novogrod d. Bol riding, Is listed at 5-1. lit Round — Chrli Dorment d. Jay Demarest 10-8, 6-2; Wolfgang Goubai Tommy Burns was the lead- Blake, 8-0, «-l: Wolfram Ooubau d. d. Doug Raynor 6-4, 6-2. Jack Matlack. 6-1. 6-0. ing hurdle rider with four wins National League Approves Men's Doubles Mike Cooley, Lehlgh's football while three trainers had two vie d lat Round—Frul Alt-Dick Mery d. Oeorfe Hrlvnak-DIck Long, 46. 6-2, 6-1. coach, directed the school's ten- tories each—J« J. Walsh, H. Angels Off 2nd Round—Paul Slmone-Bob Weston Jacobson and D. M. Smithwick. d. Fred Olul-Peter Smith. 6-0, 6-2. nis team to the Middle Atlanti 1963 Slate; Helps Colts Women'• Doubles Conference title in 1961, his firsl Power - Sail lit Round — Ronnie Lissner • Tilda Cloud Nine: Krister d. Betly Sanderson-Ann Lee. year as tennis coach. CHICAGO (AP) — The Nation and pending completion of Houj- «-l. «l; Phyllis Lobdell-Tabs Huber By BILL ROBINSON al League approved yesterday ion's air-conditioned domed stadi- d. lane Correa-Susan Scott, 6-7, 6-4. Lehigh has close to a .500 foot- Monmouth MlieA Doubles another 162-game schedule for um — he would not object. Skowron Slams lit Round—Marshall Rapp-Dot aor- ball record. Over the years Le- Another phase has been reached in the build-up inch d. Lynn Hajerman-Dous; Btender, 1963 at the same time waiving "However, there rhu s t be high has won 334 games and lost Results of the year's biggest boating story, the Americas' Cup a touchy Sunday night playing ban thorough understanding that any ASSOCIATED PRESS ' BED BANK RESULTS 337. The Engineers played 3 Mea'i Sixties 1ST—cimv.: 3 ft 4 yrr: « r. orr 2;oo for heat-bothered Houston only such Sunday night games on get- Golden Haloes slightly ties. competition. The climax will come Sept. 15 when the tar- 3nd Round—Ed Torres d. Bob Samp- Tumbles Beat fB'B&rdt 15.40 9.60 6.4l next season. away nights (when teams leave nished, flowing cloaks somewhat Set. Hedrick 'Ollllgtn) — 12.00 7.2' 12-meter sloop (jretel, instrument of an unprecedented Windy Star (SUv'ion) — — 4.6f The National League officials, for another city) must be cleared smudged, the Los Angeles Angels T.-l: 12 1/5. Also—Secret Pennies. yesterday bada • fond farewell Priacie M., Aretlno, Fanlea. Park challenge from Australia, meets an American defender holding a post All-Star game ses- with the players and the visiting Roy. Bwagman, Sun Tracer, Mis, off Newport, R. I., in a four-out-of-seven series of match sion, also unanimously rejected teams," Frlck said. to cloud 9. Monmouth Park Lehlghton, Fait Accompli. 2D—Clmg.; 4-up: 6 I-; off 2:2SU. any inter-league scheduling of "I know there is a bad situa The exhilarating ride In the K-len H*H (French* 20.80 !>.2O 5.4' races for the most historic and publicized trophy in upper strata came to a screech- BV-THE-MONEY TODAY'S PICKS Nimble FiddJer (Block) — • 5.80 M ;ames durihg the regular season, tion in Houston because of the Teacher (Ailflesa) — — 3.2(1 yachting. as favored by the American ing halt last night as Cleveland SELECTIONS AT OCEANPORT T.-1I12 1/5. AIBO—Jlmzc'. L'kely heat and this will only last until, Pester, Fausta, Beau Fleet, Mon- Right now, the big interest centers on the selec-League. the air-conditioned stadium there scored a run without a hit in the By SAM p.m Prince, Counterway, Crooked Que» seventh inning and handed the By DOnmE GORMAN lion, Vivaldi, The 162-game slate for next is finished." This Is tentatively (Dally Double. 1 and 1. Paid tion of the American defender from one of four can- year would start April 8 and Angels their fourth loss in five 3D—Cl.; 3-4 y.; 1 1/16 m.; olf 2:58!4 expected in 1964. BaUabear Amadis 3reat Borough (Addeaa) I5.0O6.40 didates and on the early workouts of the Australiancloss e Sept. 29. ;ames—their worst slump since Aristo Shopping Center Salonika 'Blum) — 8.20 5.4i The Colts will be able to play the first month of the season. 1 Mikes Beau (Sorrentlno) — — 4.8C n American waters. Gretel, first Cup yacht ever In lifting, for one club only, Sunday nights after May 31 under Sir Rhetto Fencing T-l:47 3/5. Also— Ja. Van. Sycorax, The Angels, who reached first the ban against Sunday night instruction by the league that White Label Mamfleid, step Above, Bright Again, built in the Southern Hemisphere, and her chartered place in the American League El Greco French Brook, Sir Wend. baseball, the league heeded a re- such games on nights when the Noble Countess El Greco 4TH—Clmg.; 4-up; 6 f.; off 3.29, sparring partner, the older American sloop Vim, ar-quest by Genera] Manager Paul on July 4, lost three of four at one Halter illonacelll) B.80 1.60 3.2f! opposing team is leaving town Lady Sputnick Noble Countess Detroit over the weekend and Fog Bank (Aridesa) —5.40 3.8(1 rived in the U. S. in. mid-July. Shipped over by steam- Richards of the Houston Colts, must b« approved byjthe player Sky Diver Royal Way (Brookil ~~ — 4.4 - who said summer heat In Hous- ran into a bunch of re-awakened Bon Appetit T.-l:ll 3/5., Also—Skip Skip. Tommi er, along with two sea skiffs for tenders, they were representatives arid tnl visiting Sky Diver Lucky Boy f>lck, George'* Pride, Elbruz, Coun ton worked a hardship on fans Indians in the opener of their Bull. Sweet Prince, My Best, Lak club. Lucky Boy War Knowledge Erie. unloaded in Port Newark, N. J., recommissioned in at day games. series at Cleveland. Miss Jamie Jack Jouett 3TH—C!mg.: ? yrs.; 6 I.; off 3:58. Commissioner Ford Frick, here The American League, still to Home runs by Willie Klrkland Four Penny (GtMlgan. 7.20 3.20 2.80 Stamford, Conn., and arrived in Newport last week. approve a 1963 schedule, recently Mighty Dancer Carchan c-Old Daddy (Culraone) — 2.60 2.1(\ for Monday's All-Star game won and John Romano supplied the Florida Cracker (Sor'tino) — ~~ 3.60 Their arrival in this country coincided with Sea Mew Tennessee Bandit by the American League 9-4 over went on record as disfavoring punch for the Indians, losers of T-.l:ll 2/5. Alstv—c-Con fine merit. Re- two all-star baseball games. This Ginny's Briar Asphalt Boy munerate, Dr. Kresi, b-Vapor Swirl, the end of a preliminary series of trials for the the National Leaguers, previously 13 of their last 16, and dropped : You Quill, b-The Baron. subject was not brought up atthe Angels six games behind Relnav Reinav b-areafhouie-Schweltier «ntry. American boats in which the won-lost records had taken a strong stand against Asphalt Boy Lick •3-Ball-Bond entry. any Sunday morning or night yesterday's me e 11 ng, National league-leading New York. The «TH—Mdm.; 2 yr«.; 5V4 f : ofr 4:27H. were Nefertiti 10-2, Weatherly 7-4, Columbia 3-8 League President Warren Giles Sea Nurse Rare Defense Abrogate (Orant) 7.00 *.?ft l«n play. Yankees shipped Washington 9-5. Slater Dear (Barrow. — fl.50 4.20 said. In the Hellenic Dancer Jewel's Pride ">e)oy (F.Smttht — — 5.00 and Easterner 1-10. Although this looks like a clear- However, Frlck said that as an other game on the Jewel's Pride Sea Nurse T-l:06 1/. AlBo—St. Patrick MIBH. Giles said a 153-game schedule ihortened AL program, Balti- •ance n Pick, Orey Ruffle, Alibhnl cut picture of how the boats should rate in their emergency measure in view of Fearless Fox (BEST BET) Turn Me In Flower, a-Tarpon Run, Faulejjro, a-My Houston's hot weather problem— was' considered - at yesterday's more edged third-place Minnesota Slater Bid, Volttantf Mlsa, Llmonla.l. chances for being selected as the defender, many session, but the vote for the 162-8-7, leaving the Twins 6'^ games Legend Dancer Heap Big Injun •-North Btar-CoTonlal Acrei entry Turn Me In Hold Me 7TH—Clmir.; 3 yra.: «. t.: off 4:5614. other considerations enter into it game slate was unanimouj. back of the front-runners. The Wide Horlion (Addesa> , 8.00 3.00"f National League was Idle, taking Jaipur Jaipur HUdys Lou (Brouasard) •> — 3.60 3.0C The New York YC selection committee, charged "We hope to have a much bet- Inforce Green Ticket Tanas Man fCuImone) — —• 3,8 Bill Yocum i day off after Monday's All-Star T.- 1:10 2/5. Aiso-^Iherlnn. Count] with picking the boat to defend the cup. The club has ter schedule than this year (the 8 Crimson Satan Cyane Chairman, Varka, Our Son Don. first 162-game NL season), work- ;ame. 8TH—Alw.; 4-y. up: 6. f: oil 5:25. Consecutive home runs by Claret 2nd Claret 2nd Sea Fever (French) 11.20 3.00 2.4 held 18 challenges since the schooner America brought Checking / ing out a program that will avoid Clear Call Clear Call T'm Willing (Knrt*) — 2 40 2 *> short road stands on long hops," Klrkland and Romano In the sixth Bronze Jet fS'ttno) — — 2.60 it home from England in 1851, looks at a lot more Bergamot Route Sixty Six T.-1:O9 4/5. Al«o—Gun Burst, Vnnarl- Giles said. inning pulled the Indians into a i" Mango News, Raison. than won-lost records. Applications 3-1 lead. The Angels battled 9THT—Cl.: 4-up; 1 1/16 m.; off 6:54 Late Scratches Manilla fFrpnch> ll.fio fl.60 4 8 Some races are won by weather flukes, or because FREEHOLD — William Yocum back, tying It in the seventh when Sun Valley (Korte> — 11.80 6.4 lary Bell came on with the bases I. Hubs Six, Double Hoop C. de Cannon (Qlaasner) — ~ 5.s he loser had some sort of great failure. In one race, of Orlando, Fla., arrived at Free- 3. NIndy Baby T-l:44 2/3. Also—Beebrook. So So, hold Raceway last week to begin BASEBALL loaded and gave up a two-run County Seat. FI*lt. Columbia even lost her mast. Nefertiti benefited most TRACK—Fast WEATHER-Cloudy (Attendance 23,155. Handle 12,162,170. the task of administering the By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS double to Bob Rodgers before 'rom this sort of thing, but as the only boat built this office of racing secretary for the National League 'itching out of the jam. year, she impressed them with her quick development. Monmouth County oval's annual W. L. Pet. G.B. In (he bottom half of the inning, meeting, which will start Los Angeles 71 .670 Bell came across with the de- Her two losses were by large margins to Weatherly, cisive run. He led off with a Monday. San Francisco .. 67 .832 Cincinnati .592 walk, reached third when pitcher however, and in her two victories over Weatherly, one Bill, who was Freehold's pre- Monmouth Entries Pittsburgh .581 Dan Osinski threw wild on Ty was on a wind fluke and the other was aided by asiding judge in 1959-60, was trans- St. Louis _... .557 12 Cline's attempted sacrifice and to the racing POST TIME: 2 P.M. ;ear failure on the loser. ferred last year Milwaukee ...... 509 17 scored on Tito Francona's secretary's post by John D. grounder. ' From where we sit, Weatherly still looks like Philadelphia ... .458 22|/2 Vint Race - Puree $J,009 J y.o. Clg 6 furlongs Fifth — Purse $3,500 3 y.o. Clg. I 1/I« miles Cronin, Freehold's executive vice Chicago — .371 Bill Skowron hit a grand slam 1. Son Ronald the boat to beat. Design alterations have made her president. It was a popular move 117 J. Block 6-1 115 Brooks 8-1 Houston .363 32 homer in the first inning for the 1. Shopping Center 2. Fleetwood Miss ,107 conclusively proven by this 115 NB 4-1 Smith 10-1 faster to windward, and she retains all her well- New York .255 43 "ankees and Elston Howard I. AnuuHs 3. Lick •110 French year's pile of stall space appli- 120 NB 8-1 5-2 known reaching and running speed. She only suf- Tuesday'* Results agged a two-run shot in the S. Occidental 4. Nooress 107 Glassner cations which arrive at such a 114 NB 15-1 12-t games scheduled hird, and that proved enough 4. Sir Rhetto 5. Asphalt Boy 116 fers a bit by comparison when the wind goes above pace that Cronin had to stop No 109 S. Brooks 6-1 4-1 Today's Games o. subdue the Senators. Bill 5. Chesty Tan 6. Ginny's Briar 113 Blum accepting by June 1. 120 R. Stevenson 12-1 12-1 18 knots, which Is above the average conditions Chicago at San Francisco Stafford (9-6), coasting with a 9-1 I. Fencing 7. Relnav •112 French Yocum has been to Freehold 114 NB 15-1 3-1 expected. Most important of all, Bus Mosbacher, Philadelphia at New York (N) lead, ran into trouble in the 7. Scot Free Sixth —Purse $5,000 3 y.o. fillies, 6 furlongs r short intervals in recent 115 R. Perna 5-2 Houston at Milwaukee (N ighth and needed relief help 8. Rutgers 12-1 her skipper, has much more experience than his months to keep check on the 115 D. French 20-1 1. Nubile •107 St. Louis at Cincinnati (N) • from Rollie Sheldon and Jim t. Aristo 12-1 opponents and has been putting it to good use on applications for the 60-day meet- 110 D. French 15-1 2. Countess Blaze 112 Pittsburgh at Los Angeles (N) Coates. Coates got Chuck Cottier 10. (A) Lady Daphne 3. Fresh Jane 8-1 ing which, barring postpone- 114 S. Brooks 10-1 112 such crucial matters as starts. to hit into an inning ending 11. BaUabear 4. Jewel's Pride 115 3-1 ments, will end Oct. 13. The 580 Thursday's Games 107 M. Aristone 20-1 Boulmetls doubleplay after five runs were 12. Tarquo 115 5. Castle In Spain •107 Addesa 8-1 The other three boats are all capable, as boats, of stalls in the Freehold barn area Philadelphia at New York,, in. Claude Osteen (5-8) was NB 20-1 Chicago at San Francisco IS. Hubs Sis 109 6. Sea Nurse 115 Shoemaker 12-9 coming through, but Columbia and Easterner seem to will be filled before the week is :harged with the defeat. The NB 15-1 Houston at Milwaukee (N) 14. (A) Double Hoop 7. Hellenic Dancer 112 Gllligan 7-2 have too far to go in an organizational way. All this ended and the overflow will use Vanks played without Mickey A—De-A Stable 6 Quartier entry 8. Sunbonnet Nell 112 Brooks 5-1 off track stabling area at nearby St. Louis at Cincinnati (N) Mantle, who took batting prac- is the personal opinion of the writer. Pittsburgh at Los Angeles (N) Second Race - Purse *!,500 4 ft^up Clg^ furlongs 9. Rare Defense 115 Bnlussard 2-1 horse farms. tice but sat the game out with E. Addesa 5-2 1. White Lable 111 Seventh — Purse $5,000 3 & i y.o., 6 furlongs It may be changed after the next series of trial Yocum could only foresee this in ailing left knee . NB 4-1 American League 2. Dancing Dan 116 1. Windsor Visit •107 French 12-1 races on the New York YC cruise July 27-Aug. 4. year as the best in Freehold's D. French 6-1 W. L. Pet. G.B. S. El Greco 117 2. Legend Dancer 115 Gilligan 6-1 history. Yocum said, "I've 111 NB 8-1 They will not count for the Cup selection, but they New York 62 .614 4. Junes Book 3. aTurn Me In 11* Boulmetis 2-1 watched more than 1,800 horses 117 J. Gerkln 15-1 Los Angeles 57 .553 6 Shore Firemen's 5. Goldendeavor 4. Fearless Fox 115 Barrow 3-1 will be indicative. Most interesting of all will be toin action while conducting the L. Gllligan 10-1 57 .548 6. (A) Noble Countess 114 5. Reeducation •107 Perna 20-1 ;ee how Vim performs with an Aussie crew. She will racing secretary jobs at Lebanon 6M J. Culmonc 3-1 115 Cleveland 52 .515 10 7. Lady Sputnick 114 6. Proud Bull Broussard 8-1 ace on the cruise while Gretel gets a thorough refur- and Hamilton, Ohio raceways, Bowling Loop 8. Teddymate H< W. Peake 12-1 7. aHold Me 115 Broussard 2-1 Baltimore , 54 .514 10 ince the spring." He added, .495 9. (A) Nlndy Baby 117 R. Broussard 10-1 8. Golden Eye 115 Peake 10-.] ishing. Chicago 52 12 "From what I've seen this year's .490 Meets Sunday A—Wlenges-Prickett entry 9. Pete's Jet 109 Shaw 12- Detroit ; 49 12'/2 The selection series to pick the U. S. boat starts crop of horses Is excellent.' .451 Third Race - Purse $4,000 2 y.o. Mdsn NJ foaled 10. Lord Scott 112 Brooks 10-1 iston .. 46 NEPTUNE CITY — The Shore Aug. 15, and at the same time the Aussies will be rac- Cronin okayed 60 of (lie horseS'l.ansas Cjty .433 51/, furlongs 11. Heap Big Injun 115 Glassner 5-1 45 iremen's Bowling League will that raced in the two Ohio Washington ... 39 .386 23 D. French 12-1 Boncrist Farm entry ing Vim against Gretel intensely to pick their helmsman meet Sunday at 2 p.m. at the 1. Miss Calitri 112 campaigns "They're the cream Tuesday's Results R. Broussard 6-1 Eighth — $50,000 added, 3 y.o., Choice Stakes ind crew of 10 from a squad of 26. Neptune City Firemen's Me- 2. War Knowledge 120 of what I saw," said Yocum, a New York 9, Washington 5 S. Brooks 3-1 1 1/16 miles morial building. 3. Sky Diver "7 Boating tip of the week: know your local weather schoolteacher in Orlando during Baltimore 8, Minnesota 7 K. Korte 10-1 1. Cyane 128 Nelson 5-1 Business on the agenda will . 4. Bon Appetit the off season. Cleveland 5, Los Angeles 3 120 NB 15-1 2. Vlmy Ridgo 122 Boulmetls 10-1 jatterns. Each area has certain signs and conditions nclude election of officers for the 5. Take Me Home On drivers, Yocum told Cronin, Only games scheduled 1962-63 season, and receipt of 6. Lucky Boy 120 H. Grant 4-1 3. Crimson Satan 118 Ycaza 8-1 hat tell of possible squalls developing, and each lo- The fans will like Bruce Nick- 4. Inforce 114 Brooks Today's Games. ipplications for all teams Inter- 7. Counterblast 120 NB 6-1 15-1 :ation usually has one "danger bearing." When clouds ells of Orlando, Fla., and Stanley 5. Mongo 122 Burr New York at Washington (2) ested in bowling in the circuit. 8. Admirals Home 112 D. French 8-1 6-1 Banks of Cherry Vallty, III. 6. Ole Buddy Buddy 114 Grant 12-1 ire building there, you are sure to have a squall. (Twinight) Dther important matters also will Fourth Race — Purse $3,500 2 y.o. Clg 6 furlongs Nickells, this year's leader at Los Angeles at Cleveland (2) >e discussed. R. Broussard 4-1 7. Jaipur 126 Shoemaker 8-F : 1. (A) Carchan 119 Northfield Park, Ohio, and Banks (Twi-night) The tournament committee J. Culmone H. Green Ticket 122 Guerln 3-1 2. Jack Jouett 117 2-1 lost to the College All Stars for currently high in the standings Kansas City at Detroit (2) (Twi- rges applications that were sent D. French Black Beard 114 Baeza 10- 3. DJedde! 114 10-1 their fiame Friday night against at Batavia, will bow at Freehold night) ut in June, be forwarded to til NB Nlnth — Purse $4,000, 4 y.o. & up, Clg Wt. m. tur,'Davis to Miss 4. Betty Wood 119 6-1 1. Volborg •108 French in-1 the Green Bay Packers. on opening day. Minnesota at Baltimore (N) iew captains. Team captains also 5. (A) Sea Mew 119 H. Grant 4-1 2. Bergamot 11? Brooks A hospital spokesman said a Yocum said Iris biggest charge Boston at Chicago (N) re urged to attend the meeting 0. Mighty Dancer 118 NB 8-1 3. Clear Call 122 Ill-Star Game diagnosis will be made "in a this year came on the last day Thursday's arnes ir have a representative present. 7. Miss Jamie 114 R. Pcrna 15-1 4. Dixie Line of the Hamilton campaign when Los Angeles at Cleveland A considerable amount of 119 5-1 EVANSTON, III. (AP) - Half few days" but that preliminary H. Bouvalr H8 S. Boulmetls 20-1 5. Cllnter 115 Broussard 15-' examination discounted earlier all eight horses in the final race Boston at Chicago planning has to be undertaken B. Joint Appeal 105 D. Todd 20-1 6. Route SIxly-SIx •114 Addesa lack Ernie Davis of Syracuse reports that Davis had the were involved in a photo finish, Kansas City at Detroit before the season gets underway 10. Tennessee Bandit 110 NB 5-1 7. Claret 2nd 117 Boulmetii M University^ Is undergoing tests in mumps. Davis was admitted Mon< something any racing secretary Minnesota at Baltimore (N) and it is Important that teams A—Bcrnadotte-Erlanger entry 8. Kerry Piper 117 Stevenson 8-lEvanston Hospital today and isday. will chuckle over. Only games scheduled co-operate. , Aug. 1, 1962 RED' BANK REGISTER Ncmcc HELP VANIED-MALE SmJATIONS WANTED, Ftndc FOB SALE APARTMENTS HOUSES FOR PuncmtRMost »* nrst-dass m%-WILL HXU> WITH PAJrTtM, dinners, rr* A caoos to tiu jva RtnwON ~- Thru rwxas. bath. Msu ehule, .excellent »af» *s4 condiaooi, or eOtr occasions. CaD It's a. bliMtr trims not to' bus, ttsxfc. TnixtsbeTnixts a «00 moothlrmoothlr; un— uI wins, AHMOUHClMOfTS M0KL£ HOMES year-round vonc Inquire at corricaas, AJTS Oln smd Rr<. KM a nfuntfsbfA tStSQQ. AjfAflnjl O onlonlyy , BO potspot, arnttr tvim, Unvkux or oafclaul St., R« Bask, or oil half saUOA, €>cekn 42l «n«s --• •• •• ' pore! van AND FOUND al. mtniud nra«t. Dies irees. Zntcre*t*d in LAST — «*»• pun or nan ott ust UsMi • Mr* deAme IT< r.mMAM tor auto suivly Dm, Vt tries on brand new SS-twt* coesol tils Wtk. V* «v«a Brtfgt AT*. • l-x«ar in 36 y*ars ot age. Salary, eoaamlssioi fU<-> to VUmt. 10-jetr tuarstilM. Conu st Avi., Ltttlt Silver. KH H»">. M c* raMh or Cap* cod bouse ana other fringe benefits. Apply u «A4 save. R«nt wltb option to b XKD BUCK'I KBST ISO. amply Pint. .Hfittia SHTTO raw only. The TCP BOYS, « W. Ten»r-s Music Store, «* Uaia Bl ml Street. Red Bank. BH !.«» Lakswood. Unusual ftve-rcom gaiiXea apurtmem rour wtls will lore tills cl«s thres' BOUU Ut RobbtwtUla, It 3. Painting, contractoi YOUNGt LADY - Wishes Ironing to do lot September. XUctrle Iduhsn twe bedroom borne wltli 1U lorely utdun OUKB — AU typss, new and uied al* bedrooms. Luitj rooms and closets, and Ul. bath. Your tdds will1 anjog aart MM Call LO e-Ji: at boms. Call private stairway to raraffs. Quiet fins — Whit* facials buM hound, DEPARTMENT MANAGER ammunition, will sell by pleca atmosphere. R«nt fiSo. Free parking. Play on landscaped rustic-fenced lot. JutT IT la Barltan Townihl 1SW HURON MOBILE HOME — Two whole lot. 787-B110. You will sp (or It's tins condition and bedroomi, air conditioned, good condi- INTERESTED JN AN EXCITINO OP- MADISON GARDENS" low cost. This is reallr hard to bast at tO -Bklp.- call 291-0898. tion. C*». SOB Washington St., Van's PORTUNITY FOR A CAREER IN AMANA CHEST TYPE FREEZER. E: 131 South Bt BH 1-7833 (11,200 LOST •— Tortots* Shell nuui [I RETAILING TN A FINE SIX-STORK SITUATIONS WANTED, Male cellent condition. Holds three monthi Trailer Park Eatontown. EMPLOYMENT THREE ROOMS-Furnlshsd. 41 Locus Approximately »75 per monlmn paya rs alenlt vicinity Fair Haven Library, Frlda; FAMILY CLOTHING STORE GROUP, supply of fpod. A real bargain at 1175 Ave. Red Bank. SualUled O. I. No <'°« »! 3 '?' •venhig July 27- SH T-3788. HELP WAOTED-FEMALE WITH ROOM AT THE TOP. HIGH 8CHOOL BOY — Reliable, ex- BH 7-9OH. LI 2-2923 All othsrs only BOO wn perienced, desires work after school Subject to VA and FHA Approval. LOST — Dot. white with black ipoti WOIUIN — To aell and pack trul and week-ends. Call evenings. 8H T- FOLDING wheel cbalr, 425; me' UNFURNISHED — Three-room apai BOATS & ACCESSORIES If. you are: 1869. lathe, 135: chain block, Vt ton; ah Beacu Agency. MOO Hwy. Si, Middle- put Dalmatian, part terrier. Answe part-time and weekends. Personal n Ot executive caliber steering wheels, 200 wooden tool boxi ment, heat and hot water supplied, new- OB 1-lhi. to "Boso." child's jet, Reward. CO BOAT TRAILERS — Boston Wualen, tervlew only from 9 a-m. to 12 noo Youthful ^and career-minded ly decorated. One three-room furnish «17 Pleaae do not phone. Delicious oi MALE NURSE — Looking for home 2S and fiO cents each; etc. 787-6474. apartment, alt utilities guunllert. * RIVBR PLAZA — Cape Co*, four Aero-Cralt. Hydrodyne. Bel-Air pon- Kiperlenced In boy's and men's case. Reasonable. Contact Box 143. rooms, dining porch full basement, JjOBT — Admiral Farragut Acaaem toon. Alao Sallflah, fiuntlah — Foam- Chards. HI B3T. between Tlnlon Fal clothing Wlckatunk, N. J. RCA WRINGER WASHER — dudes new furniture. Call (or «\ppo)nl Ellte-ftsh. Only {S8.M. Mercury dealers and Colts Neck at BcoDeyvllle, years-old. »5. Call ment, SH 7-0100, LI 2-3781. expansion attic. SH 7^901^ ring. I960 dat«. Initials K.P.O. Reward COLLEGE Bor — Needs IOD, full or SH 1-9163 IH 1-7581. . and serviceice, , mld-aeasomldaeason specials. Boat WOJsJEN — Fujl-time, helping to mt, WE MAY HAVE A POSITION FOR THIIBB-BEDHOOM RANCH -Ful - l Ski * Scooter CenteCenterr , 75 Wnite 61 aomsjmade baked products tn pints YOU AS DEPARTMENT MAN*GK'» part-time, August 4 to September 4. SUMMER SPECIAlfl basement, carport. Situated on 100x100 Red Bank. BH 1-1124. 75 Wnite 61. •urroundlngs. Personal Interviews o LEADING TO BUYER. APPLY IN Has driver's license. OS 1-3532. BUY NOW AND BAVB COMMERCIAL RENTALS lot. Excellent location. Assume 4 % per 1 'rom 3 p.m. to « p.m. Please qo PERSON. LOWEST PRICE EVER cent mortgage after small down pay- TRAVEL - TRANSPORTATION IS PENN VAN RUNABOUT — 30 h.p. LODGB ROOA1 Cor rent Center ment Call PR 4-8S4S. Kvlnrude. in water. Fully equipped. Won*. Belictous Orchards, ~ New 68 key spinet piano 1380 town. Could bs used also for oftta .. POOL WANTED to Hexagon fro: fXO. Call SH 7-4479. Letwen Tlaton Falls Colts 1 J. KRJDEL FINANCIAL MUSIC TOWN space. Approximately 3.W0 to. ft Writ TWO OOOD "BUYS" FOR TUB ECON- Ing St.. Red Bank area. at ScobeyvUle. 600 Hwjr SE lllddleto' 'LODair Box oil. Red Bank OMY4IINDED. RED BANK — Five- •prla INSUttANCB — ttarln*. outsoard-au BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES room bungalow. Near Broad Street. * .BH T-9BW torms. Routon Waterbury. Realtor, SALESWOUAN — A» SS-45. Part-tlm. BROAD AND FRONT STS. cn-ueo 1 to S dally, Friday 1-9. Saturday 9:30 TEN-PIECE DININO BET OFFICES FOB RENT — Center Enclosed porch, til.000. MIDDLETOWN sines 192S. 11 W. Front St.. BH 7-3500. NEW SHELL, servUs station (or lease. Excellent town. Heat furnished. Call Country location. Four-room bungalow. «. SaWm experience preferred. Know: SALESMAN — Outside sales, Industrial Leonardvllle Rd., Belford, Excellent condition. Bedroom aets, marbletop SH 7-1100 ROAU) — Any boat you want to edge ot sewing and fabrics reauirec and contractor accounts, territory table, odd pieces. CO 46 Oarage. 111.000. LAWRENCE. J. AUTOS AND TRUCKS own. Lew bank rates. Financing ar- business opportunity. For Information KEAiyrORELOR . 18 BprlnSi g Bt.St , employee discount, paid vacation Pei Union, Essex. Hudson, staten It. call EXport fl-5537, 8:30 to a p.m. 8INOSR BEWINO MACHINE — Blan STORB FOR RENT — Center oi to" US4 BEL AIR wagon. Blne-passengy rangements completed tn ons call at manent lob for right woman. Baikln' land. Write to K & B Mill Supply Call Red Bank. SH 7-4121. MEMBKK StUL- any ot our offices. TUB UOfJMOUTH Co., P. O. 270, Perth Amboy, N. J. SERVICK STATION AVAILABLE — needle, like new, table and buttonhole TITLE) USTINa. . mds minor repairs. WOO. 84J-1833. US Fanrlo Fair. 113 Broad St., Red Ban! attachment Included, (135. OS 1-2889. SB 7-1M0 Ocean Avs., Sea Bright. COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. IB 1. East Keansburg. two-bay, call FA 2- ALMOST NEW BI-LEVEL — In Im- 1000. PAYMASTER — Shaw-Walker syalen: YOUNG MAN — Mechanically-inclined, 4400 or write Dean Oil Co., Fanwood, ELECTRIC RANGE 40" IDEAL TOR PROFESSIONAL OI maculate condition. Beautiful large J9&4 BUJCK — Hardtop, Standard shin 1 taies. etc Reply P. o. Box 651, Re willing to lenrn, driver's license re- N. J. - COMMERCIAL USB — Apartment, llv. IS OLD TOWN B60 boat wlUi 1M1 Bsnk. or apply Wednesday. Cnief Ac Qulreii. Call 08 1-1722. 130 rooms heated, business building, sec rooms, dream kitchen with eatln» area Oood mechanical condition. Aslctni 40 n.p. Evinrude motor, completely Call U 2-01 lovely ground level playroom, four rood taM.00 CO'4-«03o. countant Molly Pitcher Hotel Red ond floor. Near school. Broad Bt. sized bedrooms. 2% baths. Excellent equipped, electric starter, used very Bank. LOCAL MEN BE YOUR OWN BOSS HAMMOND OKQAN — M3 Spinet mi Shrewsbury. SH 1-5484 for details. 1»5» PLYMOUTH BELVEDERK. pusl little, coat 12.300. Bargain at 11.250. Run a Quit Service Station. Interesting hoitimv with amplifier. Like new. $851 area convenient to good public and button, good tires, radio, healer, Phone 717-0485. After 6 p.m. 747-4757. DENTAL ASSISTANT — Three daVL Personnel director will be In town out-door worK. good Income. High vol- STORE FOR RENT — Choice loc parochial schools. Owner transferred tlon, 41 Broad St. Red Bank. Inquire asking 534,900. RUSSELL M. BOP.US cellent running condition, saoo. OB 14' RUNABOUT — 40 ta-p. outboard week. Experience desired but not nd Thursday morning from ume station located on essary. Writs "A.A.," Box 811, noon to Interview men needed for 37 Leonardviile Rd., BeKord, N. J. trithln. Realtors. 800 River Rd.. Fair Haven. tan. motor with electrlo starter, steering Bsnk. work tn Monmouth County. Those avail- No experience necessary, aulf will SH 7-4532. Member Multiple Lilting U09 AUSTIN HEALEV — 100-OWl: wheel, controls and windshield. Excel able! should apply at that time at the train you and pay you whlla training. SACRIFICE! DRAMATIC, Service. , wheels, overdrive, radio aJiil heate lent condition. BH 1-9W&. Red Bank office, NEW JERSKY 9 to 8 weekdays call HE 6-6609. NlghU, N«w tlw. BH 1-8496. » U5S-27- LUHRS SKIFF — Outngfers. OPERATORS STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. Ask w«flkends call CO 4-316L, NEW 1962 FURNITURE — HOUSES FOR RENT last CADILLAC — Whin conyertlbl. flying bridge, many extra*. "Kit Kal" Sewing machine operators: Pocki lor Mr. Richards. 195 to Per Month TIME FLIES maker, aleaTs setter and collar sette: THREE ROOMS! •Quuippedi , 3Z.S00 miles. supsrB. SH Call alter «, TW 2-3120. ROUTEMAN for Mtablshed laundry THB AOBNCY J5j>j>77 WBro alter t:30. 1 sewout ana straight aaamera. To wor Atttfist U faer* andt won «*drooin tpllt STATION WAGON — 1959 Ford, (our Phone Shore Cos* Co., a Sown Bridge Ays. for right man. Knowledge of Middle- Dear Slrt Why pay outrageous prices with full dining room, IH bUht, Urge door radio, heater, lnterlor-exterlo: 642-1803 Red Bank. town area helcful. Apply, Little Silver WIDE SELECTION OF KXNTAL8 — recreation room, la a fla* location on Cleaners, Branch Ave., Lima Bllver. Come see Three-Room Outfi Furnished ami unfurnished. Immtd- a deadend street, now is the time. pleasing. Tiro snow tires. SH 7-6517 16' FIBERGLASS BOTTOM — Wind- WAITRESSES — Experienced, full . ThB m«n In bualneas for himself llkei shield, 33 h.p. Johnson motor, electric MALE DISHWASHER It that way. He will tell you so, II at* occupano. Samuel Tetcber Acenoy H.700 down an« H23 a tnontU for FHFHA USB FIAT «00 station wagon. 38.00 part-time. Apply in person. Shore Poll you ash him. HI* only limitation ta featuring Contemporary Ii Oceanport Avs., Oeeanport Call or dial tm * montth torto VVAA , To quallfltallfltd mllei. new battery. a» la $175. 195:starter, trailer, $225. S72-O45& Inn, Highway US, HexletT^ Over 21. Call U 2-3500 or U 2-3501. PLYMOUTH tour-door sedan, runs 8(2-9607 • hlfl own ambition. ing room with sweeping sec buyer*. Prlca Iower49d to fMf,900, for d any reasonable offer. OS 1-2966. 2O"-1B61 THOMPSON Club Orui^eue CLERK - Ability to type, general o MANY FURNISHED AND UNFUR- quick B l with 7S h.p. 1952 electric shirt Kvln- •ice procedure. Canterbury Knltte MILKMAN WANTED — Keyport-Mat- Wo have Juat completed conitructlon tional, club chair, two limec NISHED RENTALS - In all prlcel NAVESINK ASSOCIATES, REALTORS 1057 PONTIAC STATION WAdON — rude. Will sleep two on full cushions Ltd., Locust Bt., Keyport.. N. J. awan area. Write to 'A. L.", Box of a BRAND NEW, modern service and sues. Ella Wiltshire Agsocy, 1480 "lal Ohl&en Paul McFarland Has head, 30-fal. Lionel gas tank, ahlp- 511 Red Bank. station on Leonardviile Rd. In Belford, oak step tables, cockta IMns-nassenger on* owner., $875. Call GIRL — For general office work. 40 Ocean Ave.. Rea Bright 812-0004 Harry Ke*rn*y 787.1419/ to-fihore radio, electric bilge pump, bow HOW WOULD YOU answer these five N. J. The facilities couido'i be FINER I table, two lamps; doubli Open aeven days. 934 Hwy 35 Midrfletown ' OS 1-0600 pulpit, compass, bronze outrigger fit- hour week. Apply In person at Grants We are looking for a. capable lessee . .. MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTINO 1960 VAUANT — Four-door sedan d ting, full canvas top. side, bark cov- questions? a person who will grow with the com-dresser bedroom, matfres RED BANK — Immediate occupancy, luxe. V200, radio, heater, low mileage, er. Less than 10 hours on motor. Atk- How much vould you like to earn munity. newly decorated throughout six rooms, RED BANK — Eight-room houie, two <*>• owner. Call after S p.m. OS 1-0441 !n« JJ7M. call 842 JuM atier «:30 p.m.SLEEVE 8ETTER8 and stitchers on 1; In the next five yeara? and spring, two lamps, tw< IMI baths, garage, S150 per month. baths, good area. Presently two four- dies coats. Union shop, 35-hnnr wee 2. fun you mufte Uil» In your present SH 7-3000. room apartment p. C supply house. tn* established successful man earns -m. screened porch, full basement. 9225 21-hour servica. 115,000 a year? pletion of which he chrome, bronzetone or nubia month, GLAZEBROOK AQENCY, 812 97 Patterson AT*., Bhrewstrary. BT ~ JBvlnrudv Sales and Berries DEPARTMENT MANAGER himself for alt phasesmi oE 1700. THB BOATMAN-S SHOP Department or epeclaltr store exper D. Would you llks an opportunity to service otatlon operation. and a renewed guaranteed art. eaoe. Msnr empioyes) bemefJtsL oppo get into management In a short time? WEST LONO BRANCH — Throe bedbed- l«60 * — Oood condition, lur 24 Whart ATe. Red Bask f you arc interested In betterins your* refrigerator for only $398 GAPS. COO — Nm«-jra*r-orZd. pic* M», pa»ed tunlty tor adranoemeat, good startlnj The Individual selected, with a mod rooms, one year's leass, (13(135 -per •alexy. Apply So persooi Lemsr Shop*, self writ* "A. E.", Box Ml. Red •rate Investment in equipment and month. Call after • p.m. CA V-3252. Xhrtu bWroonu, quiet but •onranlent lo- Opta lundaya. and Boudayi cmfltrnsn An., Aabury Park, Bank. merchandise has the opportunity to Easy terms for reliable party. cation. «17,000 Hed Bank ASM. F.E-A. » aml p.m. daallyl A. t MB • 11 SI 1 ^*_dfcK_^_ A. •- S~ 1S87 PLTMOUTH — Fcmr-door sedan YOUNG MAN WANTED for stock. build cx lucrative bustnee* for blm- FAIR HAVEN —• Halt double house, commitment applied ion. •n 6a4 snap*, Bodjr poor, «mg*n» shot BOOKKXEPXR — For moving Good opportunity, steady Only. Write sail. •U-roora duple*. Call tor appolntmtnt trajamdarion (ant, Km goodl A b 8KUF3 — 1IO7 Luhra, SI' cabla. bead, stone* business, double entry system, 741-7484. Dial Til-7200 Owens 1W0, 6fi h.p,, only 20 hours. general ledger, Burrougba costing ma- 'A. B.," Box $ii. Red Bank. gain to mechanlca or tor parts, n P«rhapa you. or a friend, nr» con- BUNGALOW FOR RENT — Furnlsheil FHZLZP J. BOWER* A CO. »ood to anyone, alia, 150. call m-iou Full eauippad. good shape, m water, chine for payroll; state and federal TWO CARPENTERS for sidering aucb «n Opportunity t You are FIELD FURNITURE Real Xstat* Blno* 18*4 alter 6 p.m. «15oa Cost «2000 last year. Many ex- payroll returns. Handwrtte resume work. Steady -work. Call cordially Invited to com* for an In- or unfurnlslKfl, throe rooms, close u WALTER. B. OVERTOIf tras. BOWTELL, 291-2100. P. O. Box 947, Red Bank. SH 1-1144 terview and Inspection of our station 7-11 E. Front St., Keyport, N. Fort Monmouth, quiet neighborhood. Aftlllat* 1962 17- THOMPSON wHh 40 h.p. John- on Thursday, Aut^ist 2, between the Fhoos LI 24099. 60 White Bt Red Bank MUST SELL THIS WEEK son outboard motor. Call LI S-1S13 PAINTERS WANTED hours of 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. KEANSBURG—25 * palmer Place, loui Oppoeite Municipal Parking I*ot 1982 Cherrolet Impala, 349 h.p. four after 7:S0 p.m. MDCKETART—WHh social writing si 'all between 6 and 7 p.m. STORE HOURS: speed transmission, poattracuoa, many peiienct, 1115. HO 20681. ,_._, rooms, bath, XS5. One-month security, other extra.. 11.850. SH 7-066X WANTED Sincerely, 9-6 Monday thru Saturday >wn utilities. Adults only. 787-0619. TURNABOUT. Good Condition, Call SXCRZTARY-KxecuUvs, |6f> EXPERIENCED MARINE mechanic. 1853 FORD — Two-door. Best Oder. Year-round position, excellent opportuni- JALF of two-family house, newly dec- LITTLE SILVER — Ranch type two SH 1-83B The Shell Oil Company 9-9 Thursday and Friday orated, oil burner, hot water, rent 1110. bedrooms, dining and living room, Bee at <2 John St. BK0RETARY-J85 ty. Sandy Hook Bay Marine, 872-1450. Apply at 21 Peters PI., Red Bank. screened porch, extenaton attic, at- Red Bank 12' RUNABOUT — 18 h-p. Eyjnnide 'RODUCT1ON CONTROL — Young tached garage. Near river and trans- 1959. IDqulpped. Inquire BOOKKEEPER — Own transportation, FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW — All-yes] 1959 RAMBLER AMERICAN — Two 872-1220 man, high school graduate, opportunity house. All Improvements, rent reason portation. Call 842-1802 6 to I p.m. or door, loaded, automatic, mechanical? *S5 for advancement, liberal employee ben- DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT — On motel GRAVELY TRACTOR daytlma weekends. perfect, accept trade of. station -wagon SAILINO WNOKx" — O'Day. 7-11 efits. Canterbury Knitters, Ltd., Locust grounds for lease or sale. Excellent leel sans mowers, perfect for estat able, Inquire 261 Sea Breeze Avenue, Jr *70a Call SB 1-68DL lolded flberglas bull, no maintenance, STEN0ORAPHKR-J6O Bt.'. Keyport. N. J. money maker. LI 2-1700. juts 73" swath, steering sulky, rotar E. Keansburg. 787-5033. VAIL HOMES — Four-room unit. New alumlnum^pars, dacron sail, one-year- Minds. Asking 3300. Moral mm M3-2962 DOCTORS — Partners wanted (or nur». plow attachment Included. Total cos FAIR HAVEN — Excellent residential ir SH 1-9827 evenings. 1958 FORD FAIRLANE — 400 convert. old, buyioc larger boot cost (300 newBDWARDB EMPLOYMENT AOEHCi" 'REE MAN — Preferrably experienced new I9S0, well sell for f<00. 811 1-8603 neighborhood. -Immaculate unlurnlshed Ibla Very good, condition. Best offer. 'our price BOO. BH 1-8603. CO Broad St. Red Bk 18-27. Pruning, feeding, cabling. Bart ing home m Monmouth County. I have lett Tree Experts, Character references the land, local and state approval. POWER MOWER — Locke 25". with two-bedroom ranch, attached garage. SEVEN.ROOM luxury ranch- Three 3 arand Ave., Atlantic Highlands. SMALL BAILBOAT — Two-weeka-old Immediate possession. References. bedroom, Xwo baths, spacious Urine INTERVIEWERS for occasional dooL squired. Call 8H 1-0511. Am ready to build. For quick action sulky, used two seasons, excellent con- room, pine panelled den, patio, finest 1951 CHJSVROtET — Two-door, radio, for sale, salt pries. Call after 4:30. to-door research surveys. No selllrur. write "A.M.," Box 5X1, Red Bank. dition, $163; also power edeer and 700. heater, runs good, quick sale, 1100. 842-1B17. trimmer used one season, $40. Hand RAY STILLUAN achool district. Owner bultdlns; new Eiperienct and/or college preferred LCCOUNTANTS—Seniors, Juniors, open Shrewsbury SH l-8»0t e. Principal! only. Write "A, D.". John Collins, 700 Ocean Are, Sea - — 1«5S IAJHRB customlied skiff. CA 2-8287. fools. SH 1-73*6. Bright. Box SU, Red Bank. 110 h.p. Chrysler, bydrauuo controls. CLEANINO WOMAN — Two days i iANKING—Background in banking re INSTRUCTION NORGE AUTOMATIC WASHING MA ATTRACTIVE six-room country house, 1993 CHBVROUCT — Two-door hard- Excellent condition. CA 2-0590. unfurnished. Holmdel. References. Im- ECLUDED SPOT/— This choice lot week. Reliable references, must havi Quired, degree preferred, (100 CHINE — In good condition. Reason' was handed down from father to pon — top, good running condition. Must sell, »9 CHRIB CRAFT — 1W runabout. i car. Call 842-1980. FRENCH TUTORING by a native able. BH 1-5136. mediate occupancy. B46-4567. -*- M3-2S80, evenings. and no wonder t Relaxing under 18 n.p. ETlnrude, deck -windshield, red RUOIflTKRBn NURSE — « to 2 or BOOKKEEPER — Accounts receivable Parisian, with a University education. TOWER CAPRI — Portable typewriter. IEANSBURG •— Three nice rooms «ni many tall trees while your ejes and black. Fast boat asking $293, Rum- and payable, to *t00 842-3058. Used twice $23. jath. H5 per month plus utilities, year- 1038 CHEVROLET — Classic condition, son. 842-1111. to 1. Apply 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. River- wander over the laurel, azaleas, ptch- radio, heater, beautiful throughout. Ex- crest Nursing Home, Ctmpln Ave.. Rei SH 1-3253 y lease. CHATEAU REALTY. Kr- yflaada and Ivy that cover this rest- cellent for youth driver. BH 7-297tt. 22- SKIFF" Sheltered cabin navy Bank. IAUESMAN— Outstanding opportunity Estate. 787-5884. 'ul scenery. Gives you that 'away with International corporation, $7,000 rom It all" feeling. Cool bree«t (rom INHERITED THIRD CAR — Will sac- top two banks, head, two fish wells, COOK — General, sleep out, family o! MERCHANDISE. BANK — Seven-room unfurraahed rifice 1851 Bnlck. whitewalls, radio, 90 h.p. Chris Craft' engine* Ideal for louse, garage, corner lot. Available he adjoining lake add to this delight- fishing end family pleasure. SH 7-37U. two. MS. DWARDS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY MERCHANDISE WANTED kugust 15, yearly lease. Call SH 7-3008 •ul setting. Five-year old ranch (cus- ' keater. Excellent condition. Must be aHJWARDS EMPLOYMENT AQENCY 60 Broad Bt. Red Bank FOR SALE tom built) Enus; and tight, it has all teen. (USO. After 8 p.m- BH 1-8942, SAILBOAT — Sneakbox. Marconi rig, 00 Broad 81. Red £ WANTED 'ot Information. MOVINQ—Very reasonable etrl's Eng- C8ED ORIENTA" the necessary appointments — three MM PLYMOUTH CONVBRTTBLH — lib and mainsail, IS* sails. Used two IOOFTNO- SALESMAN — Married man UNGALOW — Five rooms, bath. Fair bedrooms, l»/j baths, beamed ^celling, weeks, flberglas bottom. Excellent con- »ver 30 years of age with experience ii lish bicycle. Five-piece dinette set, CHINESE AND Pi .aven. Yeafs leas. JI(O a month. Hew top, mechanically perfect. Call dition. $345. Call HU 7-8899 after 6 TEACHER — Certified first and second voting and siding business. Must hav< odd bedroom chests and ntsht tables, FRIEDMAN OALLEIIIEB ireplace, wood elding, built-up crushed between 6 and 7 p.m. 872-0240. m_ or 741-S80S. ades. Oakburst Country Day school. ar. be bondahlo and qualified to hire 7H yard stairway carpet Garden 4-3143 Evenings CA 3-7485. SH 7-3735. granite rool\ The price !• only $18,750 S5 1-1600. and train new men In the field. Salary, tools. Lawn mower. 32 Sllverton Ave.. TWO-BEDROOM RANCH — Furnished, — there'! no Kimmtcks here, the loca- 1958 PONTIAC CONVKrmBLB — Foil YEHOW JACKET — Windshield, bonus and car expenses. Call PR 5 Little Silver. PIANOS and musical lnstrumentl September to July, Walk, to school tion Is good. THOMPSON * BARTELL. power. Must be seen, to be appreciated. teering and hardware 5350. 635 Poole OIRLS WANTED — For pleasant tele 0706 for appointment. wanted. Highest prices paid. H. Ten. .11 222-56S2 after it p.m. ealtors. SH 7-MOO. ?35 River BxL, Fair Haven^ Ive. Union Beach. CO 44383. phone work, days or part-time evenings. FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGE zer. 308 Main St, Lakewood. FO 3-2190. 1956 PLYMOUTH — Four-door, econom- Apply 100 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank. :UTTER WANTED — Experlertced on Electric water heater USED UPRIGHT PIANO — Good-play LINCROFT ~ Eight-room ^pllt ranch, ical six-cylinder, standard shift, orig- SPEED SKIFF — 18'. »5 h.p. Inboard. ikirts and sportswear, excellent salary, BH 7-1131. corner lot, dlnJng-kltchen area, fenced, THREE SALESPEOPLE THREE Ing condition. Call landscaped. 8H 1-2906. No broken. inal two-tone finish. Clean car, perfect 1750. 1. Full or Tart time. 111 year-round job. CA 2-1680. NRW HOLLYWOOD BED. dishes, oth- SK 7-1167 WANTED TO RENT condition. J23O. Call 787-1634. 2. Guaranteed salary. er furnishing, rugs, dining room set FIRST: O3«) TAKES this » tOUt. 00FEJ13 AND SIDJNG- MECHANICS OLD FURNITURE — Antiques, chins, iMALL HOUSE — Unfurnished, couple, 1930 J3CEP — Four-wheel drive, can- l a. Familiar with Matawan-Hazlet area. Apply 9 a.m., INSULATION A SID-Dry coods, PRone SH 7-2248. glassware, art objects and bric-a-brac. —> -htldren, option to buy, call TW S- ... r tires, perfec. t Motor ')iew condition, head, - alacUlo 4. Car necessary. G CORP.. 005 Main St., Asbury Par*. THE SIMPLE BEAUTY or this four- vas top and cunaln, new I blira. srool valos, 6I2-UO5. - 5. Leads supplied. Immediate cash lor anything and ev-0217. condition. S59& Rumson. 842-1111. SALE erything Ruscil'a. 25 Sast Front St, bedroom brick colonial home is very Q. Tear-round position. SH 1-1693. BURNISHED APARTMENTS — Many Impressive, four baths, atone fireplace, 1958 Riviera Bmek — Fournloor hand Apply In person Lullaby Diaper Serv- iELP WANTED—Male - Female COOK & DUNN RUBBEHIZED VEL- Lpartmenta wanted. Must be nicely fur- enclosed porch overlooking tbe water- top, power steering; radio and beater, BUSINESS NOTICES ice, 711 Main BL, Avon, N. J., 8:30 to VET LATEX. H.99 gal. (Compare with lished. For male adults only. Will dls- 'ront, 190 foot bulkhead and dock on whltewalls. Very good condition. SH !• " p.m. others at J8.59 gal.) Free dellverr. :uss renting on a daily, weekly or •Iver. Alto three-room paneled gvent T714. NOTICE TO JOB APPLICANTS: nonthly basis. Writs "A.P.," Box fill, ottage Included, priced for immediate FOR TRBX WORK. CtQ tree ssrnce. RAND 8XW2RS AND OPERATORS — The Red Bank . Register, does not PROWN'S PETS AND LIVESTOCK led Bank. SaTD M61 — UxosBent l &«w opplns;, trimming*-" '—, re moral•, cal—-.l -L --I Night shirt, 4 to 11. Good pay. excellent ial* »«,00O. top, two new tires. 1815. Phons I 1- knowingly accept help wanted adver- 31 Broad Bt Red Bank an 1-7500 r tne estimates. Full Insnrsuiee condition*. Steady work; fall or part- sements from employers covered by GERMAN SHEPHERD AT STUD — To ANTED — Two-bedroom apartment Dial 741-7200 SO3. irage. tima. IrvlQK Lelcht Co., 1001 2nd Ave ie' Fedeial Wage-Hour Law If they ELECTRIC ROASTER with cabinet approved females only. Champion sired infumlshed. Red, Bank-Fair Haven t»i*, Aibury Park. brollert electric hair dryer, electric Red Oate Farm's Blitz. Preuflaenblut ires. Interracial. Write "A.N." Box PHILIP J. BOWERS ft CO. MOTOR SCOOTERS — New Scoot-a- SUDDEN BERVICB — Cellars, attics, fer less than legal minimum wages. sharpener, hand painted steins, bric- Real Estate Sines 1994 X^ong, only 60 pounds, two models, (149 yards. Also light trucking. Reasonable. Seginnlng Sept. 31, 1961, employees and Osnabruckerland blood lines. Call til. Red Bank. and fl79. Carry In car or boat. Cush- STATISTICAL TYPIST-SECRETARY — engaged In lnterstata or foreign com- a-brac antiques, crystal, sliver tea set BH 1-0095 after 4:30 p.m. WALTER a OVURTON man. Lambretta and Vespa dealers, 787-185S or LO 8-8388. For CPA; aome steno. Handwrlte re- nerce or In the production of goods table lamps, vacuum cleaner, sliding Af till ate i CHARLES HOWDR — , Mason Con. lume to P. O. Box 947. Red Bank. glass cabinet, book shelves, household POODLES — Schnauzers, toy Yorkshire White St. " Red Bank Boat Ski and Scooter Center, 71k Whit' >r such commerce must be paid not terriers. Super bargains on. small male FURNISHED ROOMS Opposite Municipal Parking Lot «C7 Bed Bank. SH 1-1124. tractor. No Job too small. SH 7-447B or HOUSE WORKER. — Care of children, 'S3 tlian JL15 an hour and at least 63B Sycamore Ave., poodlea. HO 24025. BH 14172. laundry. Other help kept, references, (me and one«ha!f for hours worked Shrewsbury. 'UBNISHED ROOMS — Newly decor- 'OB MONTANO — Mason Contractor. permanent BH 1-3465. fter 40 In a workweek, unless speclf- FRIQIDAIRB COLLIE — Male, eight months, pure, .ted. Private entrance, sitting room, ln- cally exempt. Employees of certain bred, champion blood lines. AKC. sa MOBILE HOMES Ituccolng plastering, concrete work. WAITRESSES Excellent condition. Call after 6 p.m. lulre 43 Peters PL, Red Bank between TOP OF THB HILL, TRIES, 114 Ave.. Red Bank.' SH 7 irgo retail, service, construction, and LI 2-2721 ' ble and white, reasonabe. 291-9147. ind 7:30 p.m. 'REES, TREES — Custom-built new •RIC1ID FOR QUICK SALE — MobUe Experienced. BIu« Jay Dinar, OS Main her enterprises must be paid not tome. Science kitchen, sunken living loa*, 41xff completely tumUned and St., Katontown, sa than $1.00 an hour after Sept. FRIOIDATRE POODLES — Standard, two male, one .OOM — Private home, Wallace St oom with- fireplace,, dining room, Blfr T. S35. female, six-weeks-old. Brown. Excellent >r responsible business man. S10 per air condlUoned. Call after 6. PR 7-0630. tINE-UP SPECIALIST — Alignment, DENTAL ASSISTANT — P«»onable, 2961, but no overtime for such em- pedigree. Call evenings SH 7-325S. hree-four bedrooms, two full tile bh 3rakes. Latest Test Eaulpmsnt. By an-Murt type, own traniportatlon, Wodnei- loyment Is required until Sept. 3, SH 1-5708 eek. Maid service. SH I-4S43. xposed full buement, two-car carg AUTOS AND TRUCKS polntmmt only. CA a-5»17. day, Friday, Saturday. Interviews Fri- 963, If you ara offered less by cov- BLACK FUR COAT.--WIU1 four mink BASSET PUPS — Champion Mock LTTRACTTVE nicely furnished room Call us. See It today. Priced (24,880, day from 3 to 6 p.m. S3 Harding Rd. ed, employers, or if you bava ques- chubby. Irresistible, beauties, Gibson congenial business personp, , we of THOMPSON & BAKTELL, Realtors. IEEK-BND PAINTERa — We paint lons concerning this law or other tails on collar, perfect condition. 81ze g louses Inside and out. Fences, gsrages, Red Bank. 50. Prloa>*35. 787-6520. 0-5561. ew electrilti c kitkitchenh . NeaNe r towntwn, yet BH 7-5600. .ctlvlUes ot the U.a Department or esldentlal. SH 1-8394. etc. Our free estimate will really sur- RELIABLE. WOMAN tor child cart, and abor, call or writ* U.S. Department FIRST ONE TAKES 11 It. West- DOBERMAN PINSCHER PUPS—AKC {OUSE OF EXTRAS — Dip tm thl prlss yoo. Can BH 1-2699 after i pro. light homework, llve-tn. f Labor at Rooms 201, 202, Old Post Inghouse refrigerator. Good condition. champion stock, excellent watch dog. XNOLE ROOMS — Clean and com-TOOI, duck the beat. Immaculate ranch, LI 2-0105. iltlee Building. 202 East State 8t, 150. Can be seen any time, 21 Carmen good temperament. Reasonable. 787-3127 Drtabte. Reasonable rates. Garage. ull baieroent, three bed room •, l'i AUTOS AND TRUCKS 'renton. N. J. Place, Red Bank, or calt after 5 p.m.,DACHSHUND PUPPIES A.K.C.—Breed lentlemen preferred. 92 Wallace St mths, quiet street. St. Mary's pariah. SH 1-2057. Sxtras include Venetian blinds, refiig- LINING MAKERS EDWARD3 EMPLOYMENT AaENCY males and females, wormed, and Inoc ,H 1-5382. •rator. washer and dryer. And of Experienced. lining maker* for chil- Executlve-SaleB-OMlce-Domestlc i'late-1. KRYPORT PET SUPPI3ES RUMBON HOTEL ourse, your 15x32 concrete pool. See CADILLAC-OLDSM0B1LE dren'* and ladles' coats and car coats. ncBrlty and ability with high ethics HAMMOND Rt. 35, Cllffwood. LO 6-5569. irsclc-us livhig, charming atmosphere today — It can be yours tomorrow, McCARriiy Piece work. Shore Coat Co.. 22 Bridge IN PLACEMENTS ne or two-room suites, day, week oi iking |21,R00. THOMPSON Jb BAR- Ave., Red Bank. Broad Bt. Red Bank ORGAN STUDIO ear round. Enioy private beach club, ELL, Realtors. SH 7-5600. SHADYSIDE 7-0577 ocktall lounge, continental dlnlnx Broadway at 4th Ave. AVON SEUfl ITSELF— Full or part OF ASBURY PARK REAL ESTATE FOR RENT jom. 10 Waterman Ave.. Rumion. One MMEDIATE OCCUPANCY — Three tune. Several territories open [or :HOOL. BUS DRIVERS wanted for Electrovlce Organ 1229. alf block South of Sea Bright bridge. ledrooedroom ranch,, garagegara , basement, lot mimen Interested In having a good lening of school In September. Apply Estey Chord Organ _. 325. APARTMENTS 00x1500x1500. 4H5i GG. LL OS 1-2235. CA 2-1234 Long Branch CHEVROLET, steady Income. Experience unneces- l person R. Helfrlch & Son, Laurel Hammond Extravolce 645. 12-2000. sary. BH 1-4343 or write: Mrs. Marga- ve.f West Keansburg. Hammond Chord Organ 8-8 595. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Attractive LUMSON — Tastefully remodeled. «n- ret Gulotta, P. O. Box 190, Red Bank. Wurlltzer Spinet Organ - . 625. three-room apartment, convenient to oom horn* with low taxes, makes BARB EMPLOYMENT AOENCY Conn Spinet Org 695. everything, garage available. 291-0005. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE an interesting buy. Conveniently Convertible BALLET AND TAP TEACHER — Well ualltled Personnel For Quality Orders seated. A sound value for the eco- SPECIAL SAVINGS 10 Broad Long Branch CA 2-4747 Hammond M-3 Spinet (blond) 795. qualified, wanted for September. SALES AND BERVICB OCEAN GROVE — Unfurnished, 3-4 HOUSES FOR SALE omlcally minded buyer. Reduced for •60 Chsvy Monia Coupe CA 9-0089. rooms, bath, yearly. Best location. ctJon 414.300. GLAZEBROOK AGEN- Clearance Sale! ACS EMPLOYMENT AOENCY RENTAL AND INSTRUCTION •60 studebeker OonTerUbl* EXPERIENCED WAITRESS — Apply Irery order A applicant our speclaltv. Available. Hot water heat. PR 5-4780. IIW SHREWSBURY — Four-bedroom ;y, Avenue of Two Rivers, Rumson. •00 Dodge Station Wagon In parson, Bow Knot, 69 Broad Street, Broad St. Red Bank SH 7-3494 Open Dally Till 9 — Saturday Till 5:30 anch, two baths, garage, fireplace, 42-1700, '62 CADILLAC "69 Chrysler 2-dr. Hardtop Red Bank. COOKMAN AVE. AND MAIN ST. SEA BRIGHT — At the beach. Three asement, large fenced lot Many ex- 'G»Ford 2-dr. Hardtop IXPERIENCED OPERATORS rooms, brand new, beautifully finished, -as. Owner, LI 2-1501. 1DDLETOWN AREA — For the most '62 OLDSMqBILE F-S5 '59 Plymoutli 4-dr. Sedan esses, good salary for right parties. PR B-03O0 air conditioned. August 1 to September . ___ modem llvlns, -we ofter this giant split '58 Chevy Station Wagon 'HI take two learners. Phone 767- J35O. 842.3355. After 5 p.m., S42-1S6S. ,ITTLE RILVER ftTTTTrt Trrn rrrrT level. Features are brl«ht. Bunny eat- '62 OLDSMOBILE 88 'o7 Ford 4-dr. Sedan 6 TYPEWRITERS. ADDING machines. K)ms, llvlns room with flreplace. ulh-|lU UtcheR_ ;. fulul formaformal dlnlns room, HELP WANTED-MALE All makes new or used. Quaranteed. p room. lirs;e rten, tiled kitchen and '60 CADILLAC '57 Chevy 2-dr. Sedan 'IZZA MAKER WANTED — All kinds Low as $25. Serplco'a. 101 Monmouth THREE-ROOM UNFURNISHED apart- adous ilTlng room, fofouur mbl« Ded- •5a Chevy 4-dr. Sedan PORTER — Year-round position. Full St Next to theater SH 7-0485. ment, all utilities included. Available Lth, finished attic, two car farage, omi with walk-in closets, 1% tileWed d •59 OLDSMOBILE S-88 •5fl Bulck 2-dr. Hardtop employee benefits. Must be strong*, will- kitchen help. Day and nfKht shifts all-to-wall carpeting, Venetian blinds. ths, full basement wltiv recreation 4 M Itesteurant. 619 River Rd. August 15. CA 2-1120. :reens and storm windows. l>ocated '56 Plymouth Convertible ing to learn, neat appearance. Apply lr Haven. SH 7-9270. MAPLE DESK oom, one-car attached garage. Nicely '59 FORD, STICK '58 Ford 2-dr. Hardtop personnel office, Monmoum Medical Qood condition APARTMENTS — Furnished, High- 100x150 lot. Near shODnlni? renter mdacaped half-acre lot. Full price '55 Plymouth 4-dr. Bedan Center, Long Branch. N. J. IXPERIENCED CASHIERS — FOOD SH 7-0564 lands. SSO month, all utilities supplied, id school. Call owner. BH 7-3196. tilv J18.5OO FIRESIDE REALTY. OS '55 Chevy Station Wagon in,,1,1-.. Apt. 13, Huddy Ave. or call BUY A NEW CADILLAC! EXPERIENCED PLUMBER — Drlv HECKEHS. Immediate openings In DESKS — S15 up, files S15 up, chairs, EVEN-YEAR OLD RANCH — Five any others to choose from. led Bank area. Apply ACE EMPLOY- 872-0912. ooms, fireplace, baseboard heat, two AIR HAVKN — Bungaow, five rooms er'a lfcenia required. Call EENT AGENCY, 12 Broad St., Red adding machines, typewriters manual NEW OLDSMOBILE! 291-0833 and electric, office equipment, etc. tins, two-car garage. 123,750. RED- wo bedrooms. Full cellar, attic M x ' RH 7-3494. bargain prices. New or used. AAC Desk FURNISHED — Four room apartment, EN AGENCY Realtors, 301 Maple 00. Low taaxes. Near schools, bus, Or uied ear BOW during our 00th YOUNG KAN for sales and stock |RL OR WOMAN — Wanted as candy Co. Rt. 35. Oakhurst, KB 1-3990. bath, utilities included. Ingulre 140 c comer Bergen PI. Bed Bank. hopping. S15.QQ0. SH 1-7037. T«nr eont«it, and get a free chanca 13S la ,\n;, All. Highlands work. Drivers llcenie required. Bas- tendant. BOY OR MAN wanted as Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank. •9100. Member Multiple Listing. '""•• III...I, .v,, rn ,,( HI. .,. kln's Fabric Fair, 113 Broad St., Red GAS WALL OVEN and four-burner 'INTON FALLS AREA — Large three- to win half your money back. r iher. Must be over 18. Apply Carlton RUMSON — Three rooms, unfurnished UXURIOUS NEW split level home. Bank. eater. 90 Monmouth St. counter top stove, like new. edroom ranch, two baths, California 231-1101 • Open -til S p.m. 747-9761 heat, water supplied, near school, bus. Ixcluslve neighborhood, entrance foy- yle kitchen with dinette, extra large %S0. 65 River Rd., Mr. Pryor 842-1632. r, living room, formal dining room, aneled den with bar, wall-to-wall car* AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS [tra large kitchen, three bedrooms, etlng full dry cellar. Excellent neigh- WE REPAIR RED BANK — Furnished, two rooms baths, family room witn fireplace, rhood. Must see to appreciate, call Aluminum window screens, vanetlan with bath, private entrance. Call SH 1- two-car garage, over ^ acre. $27,- vner 8H 1-4819 or LI 2-OTM tor ap- I blinds, aluminum storm window Klaus 9830 or SH 1-8879. 10. Call builder. LI 2-2717. Mntment. Inserts. Fast service. Fres delivery. ritOWN'B 32 Broau St. 8H 1-7500. A QUIET WORD TO ELECTRIC FENDER BASS. BLOND — And plush hardshell case, t!40. PA 1- 3436. 1 TWO — 4'x6' wooden storm windows. BARGAIN HUNTERS.. I Suitable for cold frnme. First {10 lakes CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY all. Call PR 07839. A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! || PACKING BOXES — Wood, good for NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Bhlpplns machine parts. Tool boxes, etc., well made, covers, hinges and locks. 25c and 50c. 787-6474. Adding Machlnea—T^pewrilera BnDding Contractor [ZENITH FREEZER — Family-sire, Painting and Decorating 135 NEW upright, ono year. ADDINO UACHINEB — Typ«wrlters USD BANK ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CARIi a JONES—Painting and dec CA 2-4046 sold, rented, repaired. Sr Ico'p "lo"t windows^ aiding. awnlngt. orating. General contracting. Fres MonmoutQ BL, Red Bant, T-0183. SH 7-2603 r- SH 1-4823. estimates. Call BH 1-4313. 24 hours. FAIRLANE ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE Antiques Wanted TOM SLATE — Painting and Decor- Cesipool Cleaning ating. General Contracting, fully In- FALCON Rent A Piano $12 per Month Old Dolls, i-uns. Jewelry, out glass, sured. Twenty years experience. Free Thunderbird furniture, civil War DOOM. Appraisal! 8EPTI0 TANKS, dry wells serviced. estimates. BH 1-8491 after 8 p.m. SALAXIE liKNADB, MASON-MAMLIN. SOH11EB made. Oilman. SH 7-1 HI. Leeching field added. Backliotf' work. FORD: CABLE-NELBON. KVBHKTT. BTKCK a a wiison. SH liste Hohman Ave. A Mam BL. Asbury Pk. Appliance Repairs Plumbing and Heating APPLIANCE REPAIR and Installa- Open dally till 9 Sat. till 5:30 tion, nesldentlal and commercial wlr- Fuel OU—Heating RONNIB KREOAV - Plumblnr snd PU 6-0301 heating. OU burner service. 21-noui COMET Inr Allen Electrlo. BH 7-0612. FUEL OIL ft HEATINO—Call BH 1- service. BH 7-182J. APPLIANCE REPAIRS — Relrleor- 0610. Oil Delivery, Inc.. Service 6 METEOR SLEEP LATER atlon and air conditioning service. Sales. 3 Herbert SL, Red Bank. JOIN TH€ HAPPY MONTEREY WINDOW SHADES Prompt, guaranteed. 747-9153. Radio and TV Repair SHI FIXIT RBFRIGBRATiON — Home Improvement* A-Z CHORUS TODAY. MERCURY II Why get up with ths blrdsT Oel room Wasners, dryors, air conditioners, any Radio-Television Reptlr dstkenlng shades. Immedlata ssrvlcs, household or commsrclsl appliance. WORKING MAN'S contractor—Alter- Ice. rrompt. Reasonable. SO Bervlce cUarse only 13.60. Call 2S4- ations, additions, painting, masonry, mouth Bt., Bed Bank. BH 1-7,833. PROWN'S 6710. 1110 High Ave., Union Beach. and all thoss llltls Jobs, avanlngs Co || 3] Broad BL IWd Bank BH 1-7500 817U Roofing, Siding and InsulaUon Auctioneer SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! LINCOLN CONTINENTAL I TRADE IN your old rurrmure with no Insurance Insulation A Siding Corp. Certlflsd I down payment and let • new parlor B. a. COATS — Aa essential Auction Johns-Minvllle contractor. PR i-MOT I or dloing room set at sata prices. Wfl. Appraisal Sarrlca "anywhere." 288 ABILITY - OEnVICH! . Dependability or Ad»ro dtnimayer 291-0302, Ham Left Furniture Inc., Hwy S3, Norwood Ava;, Doal, Poont KSUogg when you lnsurs your HOMB, AUTO, ALL OK USED CAR BUYS. Middtetown. SH 1-3212, opsn svenlngs yacht, outboard. Insurance throuitb OL8ON CO., iNa—Roonng. gid II till 0 p. m. ARM8TRONO AGENCY, all 1-4500. Insulstlon. Installed and irusrantwd Auto and Truck Rental tor ID y>»rs>. PR IMnOtSBflWi IliSDUCINa EQUIPMENT— Fur rent or DIsaATISFlffiD witn present insur- sale. Free delivery. Bouth Jersey Surgt- AVIE—Rent K new car or truck, tow ance? Want a better deal? Call Dunn " ' BHadyslde 7-2814. rates Maple Ave., Red flank. 811 7- Insurance Agency SH 1-&333. Tel, Answering Service 0309. PR «-62lt. Pally 7 a.rn.—10 p.m. LEI US BE your secretary No nHd to miss calls 24 hour answsjrlng LUCITE HOUSE PAINT Building Contractor Painting servlcu SH 1-47O0. • save 11.63 a gallon ODD JOBS — Painting at Its finest. Regular IK.50 por gat. Sale price $0.1)5. A. J. PICONE — Uaths. kitchens re- Residential and commercial. Lowest By Dupont. Free delivery. PHOWN'S, modeled. Ceramlo tile. Sales. Instal- rat*s. avans. SH 1-8517. Vacuum Cleaner Repair ENGLISH 32 Broad St., Red Bank. BH 1-7800. lation. 02 Leonardvllls Rd., Leonardo. KLKCTHOLUX 201-2977 or 291-2120. SH 1.6000 AGENCIES SH 7.4545 Bervles I WE HUX AND SELL, anythlnit and II DUILDUm — New homes room ad- Painting and Decorating 008 Prospect Ave., tdttle ailvsr. JTor I everything. Olva the highest prices. BCD SANK. ditions, bsiement snd altlo rooms, LOUIS CABBAN — Painter, dtoorator, prompt home servloe or free oheohip Sine. 1904 — MONMOUTH & MAPLE, RED BANK Call William Loft Furniture, Inc.. Hwy. kitchens, garage, repairs and alter* papsrbangsr, 2ft years «xperltnpe. 43 on your Blaotrolux, cau FB URI •' 135, Mldnletorm SU 1-3211 Open avs- atlon*. Bsrbsrt slisnrauch, an 14301 Coapla Art. BB 1-1701 attsr I p.m. BH i-ano, I'nlngs till S p.m. " HOUSES FOR SAJJE • LEGAL NOTICE • HEP BANK REGISTER Wedoe&dUy, Aug. 1, 1962—21 STEVE ROPER By SAUNDERS and OVERGAJRD

JBMQ WVLis FB1CB — U4M 555 «b «tt*liBe 5681. . mouth County, New Jersey, filed In transaction 10. A sly look 30. Mosquito: a fruit TWO-ACRE PARMETTE—Shade trees, ths Office* of the Clerk of Monmouth 17. Dry 16. Maladjust- carrier of SJ.Wlthla dogwoods, outbuildings, four-bedroom County, New Jersey, on December 11, ed person yellow- By WALT DISNEY Colonial wita old charm and modern 1957. In Caie 64, Sheet 11. 19. Handsome 37. Foot dtgUfl MICKEY MOUSE' eSwenlmcM. 08.000. HAROLD TJNDE- l(Th» above description la In accord young man 18. In Spain, fever 38. Blunders MANN, Real Batata, Eatontcrwn. LI 2-anca with a survey made by Craig river 31. Cut short 40. tittle *tr! 1THASA 1103. Plnnegan dated August 20. 1858 and 22. Merchant SURPRISE revised December IS, 1958 and re* •hip officer 3 4- S • IO ENU71NU3 vised April 23, 1659. Z to- 7 » I JUST F1NISHBC "BE3IN0 the same premises convey?, 20. Bride's BRICK AND STONE — Beven-room R6APINS AN INTEKES71NS ed to the mortgagors by deed of Calf, attendant II ri. upllt level, three bedrooms, IV, baths, Inc., bearing even date and to be (3 wdt.) AWSTEKY BOOK,/V\INNIEJ lull dry basement, extra large two-car recorded simultaneously herewith; thro Karaite, 2S4 years old, custom-built by mortgage being given to secure a part 28. Carpenters' 13 (4- owner, near the shore. 128.000. of the consideration for said convey' tools Dial T41-T2M ance. "BEING also known as and by the 29. Sea 15 Id PHILIP J. BOWERS * CO. street address 2 Bromley Drive, Haz- between Real £Btate Since 1894 let, Monmouth County, N. J." ! % WALTER 8. OVERTON Italy and V IT IB Affiliate The approximate amount of the Judg- Greece 60 Whita St. Red Bank ment to be satisfied by aal& sale ts A '^ % % Opposite Municipal Parking Lot the a urn of |19,200.00 together with the 30. An to •xx. 24 a5 costs of this sale. ai Dated July 2, 1962 Aleutian Island 1b rt SPIC AND -SPAN — Pour-bedroom IRA E. WOLCOTT, Sheriff. 31. Farmer's home, two baths, fireplace, large en- Nathan Bodner, Atty. closed porch, modern kitchen, pam- July 29, A^y. 1, 8, 13 $33.39 routine 19 ltke grounds. $28,900. REDDEN teaks u AGENCY. Realtors, 301 Maple Ave., ^< oomer Bergen PL, Red Bank. 7*1- 11-195 30 WOO. Member Multiple Listing.. HIIERJFF'8 SAIJB insect SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY 39.B!adc-and- % W< YA % % THE PHANTOM By LEE FALK RUMSON — RIVER RIGHTS. Wooded 34- y as- *7 in Vb acres. Nearly new, three-bedroom IJtW DIVISION blUB ranch, foyer. UvlnK room with raised MONMOUTH COUNTY A hearth fireplace, formal dining room, Docket No. I, 1B76440 40. Spanish CA1L COOKIE. HE large 1962 kitchen with barbecue and title » x FOURfYOU "\ THESE SKULL WOWS THIS fYWT dishwasher. Screened porch attached CHARLES WETB8MAN. Plaintiff v«: fOUfl OF YOU CbULDN'T ^ NEEP AM ARMY. \*ARK5--WHEN Of THE WORLD. two-car garage. Many extras. Asking FRANK J. ROSS and JOAN P. ROSS, 41. Daughter 41 4X HANDLE THAT GUV ? J HE LIKE TO TORE / HE LEPT— HE 131.5O0. See It today! .HAL.L BROS..Defendant* of Zeus US AWRT.' J LEPT THEM-- Rpaltors. Member .Multiple UstfnK, 813 By virtue of a writ of execution In River Rd., Fair Haven. SH 1-7686. the above stated action to me di- 42. Bury « 44 rected, I shall expose for sale at pub 43. Awaits a PON'TCOME HAZLET — 7}j-rpomsplit level at- He vendue, at the Court House In the CFF.BOSS- tached garage. Near schools. $18,000. Borough of Freehold, County of Mon decision Principals only. 787-3023 evenings. mouth New Jeraey, on Monday the RANCH-TYPE HOME on the Shrews- 20th day of August, 1962, at 2 o'clock, bury River. Large living room, fire- P.M. Prevailing Time, place, two good-sfza bedrooms, odl heat. All ths defendants' right, title and 222-3033. Interest, II any. In and to th« follow SACRIFICE—Owner transferred, three- ing: bedroom Cape Cod on quiet dead-end All that tract or parcel of land and sttreet. In finest neighborhood. Just preralaei, hereinafter particularly de minutes to Red Bank station. Deal scribed, .situate, lying and being In Bridge Column ths Township of -Raritan, In the Coun- direct and save. 115.900. Call SH 7-4736. ty of Monmouth, and State of New MATAWAN — Lets go to the country. Jersey, and designated as Lot 126 in If you listen to older people, Ride out at your first opportunity Block O. as shown and laid down on you'll get a lot of bad advice. THE HANDS and «ee this lovely four-bedroom Cape map entitled: "Map oC Section TWO. Cod. Modem kitchen and living room, Garden Parkway Home*, Inc., Raxitan They'll tell you to watch out for South dealer full cellar, located on leu than one Townahlp-Monmouth County, New Jer< acr*. No down payment to qualified fey, Scale 1"—W, December 10, 1954," the horsecars and to play third North-South vulnerable Ql'a, tll,M0. filed In tha Monmouth County Clerk'a hand high. If you're still living NORTH MARK TRAIL By ED DODD Office August 11, 1965 In Case 42-21 A A 10 9 CASEY'S AGENCY Being also Known and designated u in the hor^g and buggy age, you 21 Sycamore Drive Raritan Townihlp can afford to follow both of these (J942 WT THE VAW1 BROTHS® JL M3T WATCH VOUR STER. BROKER (Haslet). New Jersey. O K 6 5 2 / ARE TOUOH BABIES, MARK-BUT VOUVEX AN" W THE WAV, THERE'S OP IN OMB OF HER CABINS. AND VOUUa Bwy Si and Fleetwood Dr., Hailei The approximate amount of the judg warnings. ment to he satisfied by laid rale fi V MIXED WITH SOME RUQOED CHARACTERS 1 A WONPERRIL WOMAN UP Bt?6LAOTO KMOWTHEVHAVE . (Walker Building) th» mm of (2,850.00 together with thi Here's a typical situation In WEST EAST T BEFORE SO m NOT WORRIED THERE NAMED ALEX Ml 1X3 2M-S<42, night phone M5-18M, costs at thin sale. " which it is fatal to play third si, K 6 42 4 J - 53 ON THAT SCORE/ _Wt?9 SPENT HER LIFE reuunc 01EEUCAP RSHHO/ OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Dated June 27. 1962

JunsZI) SAGITTARIUS ( address the horse may ho Inspected, and accepted hlrtder have executed the People will seek your advice, but you may Proceed cautiouily with new romantic nUSTAVK VEIRMAN, Prop. contract, or If no contract has been not want the reiponiltiilily o[ giving if, entanglements for the next few weeks, BO executed, within 45 days after the July 26, Aug. 1 (6.60 date of tho opening of bids, upon do CANCER (Jun. 22 to July 21) CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 fo Jin. 20) mnnd of the bidder at any time there- Pursuit of philosophic thought cm giro Avoid disclosing i>criionat pUns un|e*a after so long a« ho has not been no- you much-needed peice of mind. you wish to chance their Wing ilym'ttl tified of the accrptancn of hln bli!. LEO (July 22 to Aug. 21) AQUARIUS (J*n. 21 -to Fob. 19) The Borough Council reserves the A mixture of good ami adverse aspects Some rearrangement or cancellation of right to reject'nny nnd all bidn, wn.lv6 call for your bcit aenieof humor todiy. plans may he decenary lue in tho day. Use, The nny InformalitlM and nwurd contracts t as mav bn (leenifM. best for ihn inter- VIRGO (Aug. 22 fo Sept. 22} PISCES (Ftb. 20 to March 20) est of thn Borough of Fair Haven. You may loie • big opportunity If you Someone may poie a. tricky queitlon. Register Classified By order of the Borough Council. lit'pleasure interfere with buiineis. Think carefully before giving in answer, ROY W. NELSON. © 1962, FWd Enlerpriiea. Inc. Borough Clerk, uly 37, 11, Aug. 1 117.04 I speak for UJ abroad are essen- , Aag. 1, 1962 BED BANK REGISTER tially Englishmen. FranWy, I toinlc the Soots go fawn better fn Scots Irteed Over America than the limeys, but Seek to Save 'Precious y to this distorted propap - White House Errot ganda from Englmldd peoplle Air and Airport Space' tbtotA sometUBM target timt we EDINBURGH, Scotland (AP)- "The American President are • nation'." NEW YORK (AP) — the Re-senger» from planes to 200-mile- A geographical goof in the White should be - ashamed of himself. In running down the history of glooti Pim Association ^suggests an-bour trains on short haute House has a number of Scots Edinburgh is the capital of Scot- the clan Kennedy, the Weekly '• the poulblltty of diverting pas-along the northeastern seaboard. irked. ' land and is not in England, de- Scotsman said the early Ken- The object would be to con- Someone in President Ken- spite what many foreigners— nedys were neighbors of Robert •V LEGAL NOTICE - serve "precious air and airport nedy's office addressed a letter: and the English—seem to think. the Bruce, King of Scotland. space" in the densely populated "Edinburgh, England." This sort of thing could cause "The origins of the family in U-1M area from Boston to Washington, "Edinburgh is, of course, the more trouble in Scotland than Scotland are uncertain," ex- •BEBIFF-S SALE a whole fleet of proteus ships plained the paper. "Some gen- SCMOUOB COURT OP NEW JERSKI In a report issued Sunday, the capital of Scotland. IAW DIVISION Calling a Scotsman an English- in the Holy Loch." ealogists think the Kennedys BEBCKN COENTY association also said that some Gordon Melrose of Glasgow: originated in Ireland — but Sir Docket NO. I. MM41 northeastern states are not tak- man is like calling an Alabamlan BDITH DURMBN, Plaintiff vs. JO- a Yankee. "Coming from an American James Fergusson, in his book on SEPH a. O1ILBEKT and FLORENCE ing care of their needs for out- President wKo is always so anx- the clan, believes they are indig- X. GILBERT Defendants door recreation. What happened was this: By vlrtua ot a writ of execution tn A Scottish newspaper, the ious to be correct in his dealings enous to southwest Scotland." tin abov» stated action to me di- The report said this is the re- with the emergent states in Afri- This would Jibe with the fact rected. J shall exposetor vale at pub- Weekly Scotsman, is running a Ilo vendue, at the Court House tn th»sult of a lack of interstate plan- series on Scottish clans. When ca, it is a bit thick that Mr. Ken- that the President's more recent Borough of Freehold, County ot Mon* ning and a tendency of most zsouth. New Jeraey, on Monday the the story of the clan Kennedy nedy does not seem to realize ancestors came from Ireland. 13th day of August, 1862, at 3 o'clock, states to avoid "picking up the was published, the editor sent a that Edinburgh is in Scotland, Many southwest Scots crossed to P.M. Prevailing Time. check" for needed recreational All tBe defendants' right, title and copy to the White House. and has been for a long time." Ireland centuries ago. interest. It any, ID and to the follow- facilities. The editor was delighted to re- John M. Bannerman, chairman ing: All that certain tract, *c. In the Thirty planners representing ceive a letter from President of the Scottish National Party BIRTHDAY CO0K0UT Borough of New Shrewsbury, County eight regional areas on the east- Kennedy's office, thanking him end former president of An NEW MONMOUTH — The 11th Of Monmouth and State of New Jer- birthday of Barbara .Coyle, "I ern seaboard signed the report. for forwarding the information Comunn Gaidhealach (the High- Being known aa Lot No. 29 as shown about the clan Kennedy. But theland Association of Scotland) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- on Map entitled "Map ot Ranch Man- Research Education walking in his Loch Lomondside liam Coyle, Swartzel Dr., was . or, Newman Springs Road, New address on the envelope was: Shrewsbury Borough, New Jersey,' The report was organized by "The Weekly Scotsman, North garden in his kilt remarked: celebrated at a cookout. Present dated February 21. 1852, made by Hen- the Regional Plan Association, ry F, Labrecaue, Surveyor. Red Bank, Bridge, Edinburgh, England." "Good God." were Kim and Tracey Andrews, Mew Jersey, and duly filed In the a civic organization working for his compo- Ellen Stensgaard, Barbara Kel- Monmouth County Clerk's Office on No' W H AT TO DO NOW?— Sparky the bear cub views an upside-down tortols* i That did it. After recovering Timber 12, 1KS3, In Case No. 23-28, co-ordinated development of the at Jungleland, an animal zoo at Thouiand Oaka, Calif. Turtle wat turned over by an Under a large headline the sure he said: ly, Patricia Moeller, Linda and Being commonly known and desig- State-New Jersey-Con Stephen Accera, Trudy Wood, nated aj No. 43 Howard Avenue, New attendant for a photographer and Sparky obliged by poking it* note into the aituatlon. current issue of the paper says: "Don't snub the Americans for •hrembury, New Jersey. t metropolitan area. The "Oh, Mr. Kennedy—not a very this. Put the blame on the Eng- Ruth Barry, Adele and Timothy Betas - the same premises conveyed by Oerard C. Honking and June K. was sponsored by the good way to make friends and lish. This is just hi line with the Coyle, Mrs. Blanche Coyle, Mr. Sorting, his wife, to Joseph 8. Gilbert ftieth Century Fund, which Office space now occupied by I the new state Labor Department and Mrs, Hjalmer Hansen and and Florence E. Gilbert, his wife, by.,* influence people." emphasis which England puts on dead dated March 2, 1057. and record- ft ees research and public edu- State Unit the department will be de-lbui)ding on John Fitch Way is Individual Scotsman repeated itself, and the fact that they Mrs. Harriett O'Malleran. ed in the ojifee of the 'County Clerk cation on current economic ahd of Monmouth County, In Book 2741 at mollshed soon to make way forcompleted in October, 1963. what the Scotsman said, but innever refer to Great Britain in Deedi, page 139. social questions. the State Cultural Center. The Groundbreaking for the Cultural more forthright terms. Said David their international relations. This It pays to advertise in The The approximate amount of the Judgment to be satisfied by Bald Bate The report discussed problems To Move To hotel space will be retained until Center is set for this October. Steele of Edinburgh. is caused because the people who Register.—Advertisement. Is the turn or 12,200.00 together with the costs of this sale. in the so-called "megalopolis," Dated June 15, 1962 the highly urbanized region ex- IRA K. WOIXOTT. Sheriff. tending from Boston to Washing- Hildebreeht Open 9:30 to 9:30, Sot. to 6 •Jamuel L. Blber. Atty. JalT IS. 25, August 1, • ton. TRENTON (AP) — The state .--„._.. IMM ; Major subjects explored were has leased rooms on three floors SHKJIlFf SL SAXJ5 land development planning, the of the HotefHildebrecht Fn down- SCPEBIOK COURT OP NEW JERSEY theory that the area is a basic GHANCEBV DIVISION economic unit, the common use of town Trenton to house offices of Huffman & Boyle Special Purchase MO.VMOCTH commt outdoor recreation areas, and the state Conservation Depart- Docket No. T 474-(l Hagyar Savings and Loan Associa- transportation. ment. tion of New Brunswick, N. J. (a New A "modernized, high-speed rail Jensy Corporation), Plaintiff vs: Jes- The lease is for an 18-month ae' B. Cftewnlna: and Mercedes1 o. system from Boston to Washing- period at a cost of $51,570 a year Chemlng. husband and wife Defend- ant* ton might possibly save precious to the state. By vlrtua ot a writ of execution In air and airport space by divert- mar ths above* stated action to me dl- Charles F. Sullivan, state di- ' fected, I shall expose for sale at pub- ing short-haul air passengers to rector of Purchase and Property, Ifc vendue, at the Court House In therailroads," the report said. Air S *t *> and 7pc. Dinettes, Borougn of Freehold, County of Mon- said the state plans to take over mouih, New A Jersey, on Monday the space, it added, "would be left 30U> day of August, 1962, at 2 o'clock, 27 rooms on the hotel's second P.M. Prevailing Time. for long-distance service which floor, seven on the first floor, and All that tract or parcel of land, cannot be matched on the •ltuate, lying* and being tn the Borough the Mirror Room restaurant. ! of Red BanX In the County of Mon- ground." xncruth, in the state of New Jersey. all with mar-proof table tops BZatNMTTNa at a. stake standing Is Ctte Monorails ths northerly line .of West Bergen Army Anniversary Place, said atake being distant In an The group signing the report easterly .direction -along: the northerly agreed that modernizing the pres- TOKYO (AP)—Red China yester- line of West Bergen Place 45 feet 7-Piece Family Size Dinette from a paint where ths northerly line ent rail system would be more day observed the 35th anniver- of West Bergen Place Is Intersected sary of the founding of'its Com' by the westerly line of lands of the practical than "experimenting Seaboard Zee Company, said point be- with radically different kinds of munist "liberation army." A Comfortable seating for the whole family 1 fnc also distant easterly us feet from the intersection ot the northerly" side rail systems"—such as monorails. broadcast said the army is main- of West Bergen Piece and the easterly taining its readiness to take For- Browntone finish frame. Table measures 36'x •We of Pearl Street; thence (1) north They foresaw automated passen- Sa— * minutes east parallel with the ger trains attaining speeds of upmosa. 48", opens -to a full 5 ft.! Washable Vinyl fabric westerly line of lands of the Seaboard Tee Comnany, 136.79 feet to a stake: to 200 mph on improved, stand- seats and backs, ^ble top is Mar-Proof plastic. thence (2> »outh IS* 11 minutes east The report said that the 38 mil- 94.33 feet to a stake: thence <3) south ard roadbeds. IT* 41 minutes eait 60.40 feet to a The report said, however, that lion people who live in the mega- •take; thence (O south 2* west TO feet to a stake standing In the northerly more facts are needed "to deter- lopolis share the same outdoor line of West Bergen Place aforesaid; facilities. For example, it said, thence <5> along the northerly line of mine whether a major study of a West Bersen Place north 8S* west 45 high-speed rail line would be residents of northern Connecticut feet to toe point or place of Begin- 59.95 ttlna;. . * - fruitful." go to Cape Cod, Mass., while southern Connecticut is "inun- Being known a* 34 West Bergen In discussing outdoor recrea- Reg. $99 PItce. Bed Bank. New Jersey. tion, the report said there is dated by New York State resi- The approximate amount of the tudr- dents seeking beachfront." merit to be satisfied by said sale la "competition among many states the sum of 19,700.00 together with the Jones Beach, a New York state •osta ot tnls sale. to avoid" their financial responsi- Dated July % 10(2 bilities, "each hoping that neigh- park on Long Island, was re- IKA X. WOLCOTT, Hherlft boring states • will pick up the ported to serve persons living as Tract* j. Takaci, Atty. r July Z», Aug. 1, «, 18 ifi.m check." ar south as Baltimore. ' OPEN 3 DAYS THURSDAY and FRIDAY 10 A.M. 'TIL 9 P.M., SAT. 'TIL 6

I i


22-A MAIN STREET LI 2-9747 EATONTOWN 1 MOLE NORTH OF EATONTOWN CIRCLE • IN THE CENTER OF EATONTOWN 5-Piece Set. Special Value! SELLING OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK Table and chairs have self-leveling glides ! 5-Piece Oval-Table Ensemble OF LYNCH'S BOOTERY OF PHILADELPHIA. A VERY FINE STOCK OF Browntone'finish frame. Table is 30'x40", ex- >44 Use either as a stylish 36"x36" round FAMOUS NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDED WINTER, FALL AND tends to 48". Chairs are covered in washable) Reg. $69.95 table, .or extend it to a large 48" Oval! SUMMER FOOTWEAR AT BARGAIN!.AND SUPER SAVINGS! Vinyl. Table top is Mar-Proof plastic. 49.95 Mar-Proof plastic top table, self-leveling SEE THESE FAMOUS NAMES glides, Vinyl covered seats. Frames in smart, sturdy Browntone. Rtg.S79.95 Buster Brown, Endicort-Johnson, American Junior, Junior Grades, Pedwin, Step Master, Sun Dial. BEST BUYS FOR


Ad sizes at fantastic reductions—see- 7-Piece Colonial Dinette 3-Piece Apartment-Size Set ing Is believing! Over 1,000 pairs— Seats 6! The large 36"x48" table extends to a Perfect for cozy dining. Table top is Mar- full 60". The chairs are covered in a charming Proof plastic. Measures 24"x36". Chairs all 1962 styles. Colonial print Vinyl fabric. The table is self- 109.95 are covered in washable Vinyl. Browntone 29.95 edged, has a Mar-Proof top that resists stains, frame. Table is in a lovely Tan Wood , VALUES TO $10.00 NONE HIGHER burns, spills. . , Keg. $159.95 color. Specially priced . for this Eventl Ret]. $39.95 10 AM STARTING FRIDAY SPECIAL 10 AM OPEN EVENINGS HACKENSACK LADIES1 7962 ONLY SPRINBWLD ORAHOE MaidenfomT and Darlene Swlmsults —< 00 Budget your purchase // you wish f POMPTOH PLAINS sixes, 30-38. Two-Piece, One-Piece, 9 Use our W-Dayii No Carrying Charge. RAMSCY ultra styled knits, fine lastex. VALUES TO 25.98 Plan, (Small Service Charge) or our EATONTOWN Extended 18 Month Plan., jolly insured, Rt. 35 Circle, Eatontown, LI 2-1010 THIS ITEM ON SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY! for your protection. .'- Opposite Monmouth Shopping Center