U.S. Considers Bid to Reds on A-Tests

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U.S. Considers Bid to Reds on A-Tests Weather Distribution turn. temperature «8. F«lr tod»y whh • •«. blgh tcB- Todey rf M. Fair Iwlgnt M« BED BANK MMW. Lwr tonight Hltft High tomorrow M. Friday, fair 1 Independent Daily f with Bttle change in tempera- \ M0U04TTH»0VaHtUeAr~tMT.Wt j • ture. See Weather, page 2. Dial SH 1-0010 liuM dally, Mornltj taroofH, ITNUy. Bacon! Clan VOL. 85, NO. 26 Pall U Rai) 8wik ud u Additional Ualllng RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Signal Corps Probes Contracts FORT MONMOUTH — The Army disclosed today that an jobs was ordered by Col. Howard E. Price, who heads the Ma- investigation is under way going back several years in proce- terial Support Agency, effective July 20. dures affecting the award qf Signal Corps contracts. He has the authority to remove them under the provisions U.S. Considers Bid The probe stems from (he July 12 arrest, and subsequent In civilian personnel regulations. Both men have the right to removal from their jobs, of two key civilian employees in the appeal to the Department of the Army and to the U. S. Civil Coles laboratories at Lincroft, on bribe charges. Service Commission. J. Peter Hoffman, public information officer for the Fort ARRESTED AT RESTAURANT Monmouth command, said' the inquiry will cover all contracts Laverick, Tryon and Schaeffer were arrested at Shadow- in which the two men figured, but won't be limited to them. brook, Shrewsbury, after FBI agents reportedly observed the Meanwhile, the former employees and a third man ar- two Coles men- accept $1,500 in marked money from Mr. Snoy- er, of Santa Monica, Calif., president of the Consad Corps., an To Reds on A-Tests rested with them face preliminary hearings here today before U S Commissioner David Goldstein. electronics manufacturing firm. WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. of- ly 25, will be repaired for "the CHARGED WITH CONSPIRACY The FBI has announced'that Snoyer, who was put in con- advances in the detection and teams operating on Soviet terri- ficials are reported considering remaining high altitude tests." identification of underground nu- William Laverick, 49, of 1 Sunnybank Dr., Shrewsbury, tact with the federal officials by a Chicago newspaper reporter, tory. The Soviet Union has op- a new bid to Russia designed to clear explosions such as would formerly a $15,030 a year director of the Army Signal Material had been co-operating with agents on the scene. However, officials said the posed such inspection. The arrests took place at the close of the Signal Corps break the cycle of American and President will make the f'.nal de- bn prohibited by a treaty ban Support Agency, and Harrison F. Tryon, At, of 50 Wyckham Soviet nuclear weapons testing. on all nuclear weapons tests. The other problems grow out Rd., New Shrewsbury, who was a $14,705 a year logistics chief officials.' dinner party with Schaeffer, Snoyer and an FBI man cision as to whether mere tests ol this Soviet rejection of in- who was posing as an executive in Snoyer's firm. One proposal reported under will be conducted. of the agency, are accused of taking $850 and $650, respective- serious study would call for a The United States is expected spection proposals. A general re- According to stories published in the Chicago Daily News, Policy problems before ban on tests which cause radio- to present the new scientific da- y> its reporter, Charles Nicodemus, contacted Snoyer May 28 President and his advisers were Malcolm'M. (Muggsy) Schaeffer, 38, of 600 Wildwood Rd., active fallout, meaning tests in some officials to ask whether .t West Allenhurst, formerly Laverick's assistant and for three after learning Consad had lost out on a Signal Corps contract authoritatively reported to fall in- ence and find out whether Rus- for which it had been low bidder. Nothing came of the meet- the atmosphere and under water. to two groups. years a free lance manufacturer's representative, and the other These can be detected at great sia will agree to negotiate on an for a partial test ban ing, however. First there two are charged with conspiracy. , distances. Nicodemus reported that Snoyer phoned him at the paper's growing out The FBI has said Schaeffer arranged to have Laverick and Such a ban could be policed prove unobtainable. Washington Bureau June 7 and said he had been solicited for Tryon meet a California electronics manufacturer, Robert Snoy- with present detection arrange- $48,000 in return for an immediate $2,400,000 contract and ments without the necessity of er, who allegedly paid the bribe money. „..._• (See CONTRACTS, page 2) Removal of Laverick and Tryon from their Civil Service setting up new, international in spection procedures inside the Soviet Union and the territory of other nuclear powers. President Kennedy scheduled Catholic School the latest in a series of nuclear test policy conferences for late this afternoon at the White House. He will go into that meet- ing with Secretary of State Dean Plans Are Told Rusk, Secretary of Defense Rob- ert S. McNamara and other top UNON BEACH - Plans for Aumack La., so that motorists will have access to the church 'pqlicy advisers immediately aft- construction of a Catholic grade er his news conference in the and school from both highway •chool off Rt. 36 are expected to State Department auditorium. be announced in the near future, lanes. The Register learned yesterday. There will be a 32-inch high To Produce Decisions The school will be built by concrete barrier along the center The meeting was expected to Holy Family Catholic Church and of Rt. 36 when the strip is dual produce decisions on U.S. moves will provide instruction for Catho- ized. in the nuclear test negotiations lic children in this borough and According to officials, the being carried on at the 17-nation part of Raritan Township. Con- church plans to build a 1,000-pupil Geneva disarmament conference. struction may get under way school, with construction to start The United States has substan- by next summer. about a year from now, based on tially completed its series of at- present thinking. The church has already pur- mospheric and high altitude tests chased 15 acres of property for It is expected that th> cost will over the Central Pacific which be close to $1 million. n last spring. Underground the school for a reported $30,000. Sep. Frank S. Farley Gov. Richard J. Hushes According to church officials, it Small Debt tests begun earlier have been was a cash transaction, Rev. Joseph G. Fox, pastor, continued in Nevada. said Monday that the debt on TU* nrnnpriv isis located in Karl- a muuuay "iai me utui "" The Soviet government, which resumed testing last September me properiy i» i h church building has not been Hughes toHandOver W after a worldwide moratorium of o^R^°f Rt. M36 , acmss me hghway f«"y retired. It has been indi- l*V.A,.ar?n »™S cated, however, that most Of the almost three years, has an- from the church in a commercial , nounced its intention to hold a tone. debt has been paid off. Duties to Sen. Farley new round of nuclear experi- Variance Granted He said the recent fair held ments. to raise building funds was a TRENTON (AP) — Gov. Rich state nothing. Each member of Fred F. Iverson secretary The United States, meanwhile, of success. ard J. Hughes, a Democrat, will his party will pay for his own th« Raritan Zoning Board of Ad- indicated yesterday that it might Local Board of Education hand over his duties to a Repub- food and hotel costs, Hughes justment reported that th ficials reported that Father Fox conduct a few more high alti- NOT AFTER 6 P.M.— Scenes like this in Middletown after 6 p.m. (7 p.m. Daylight the lican Saturday when he leaves said. church has been granted a use recently obtained information tude tests over the Pacific,, hh the state for a week-long visit Saving Time) ara hard to find and are against the law there. A patrolman Jpotted variinc* for constructiion of the from the contractor building the Hughes plans to return to New to the West Coast. Jersey, a week from Saturdayi Repairs Planned a tcane lika this lait Wednesday night and Donald Lantier, left, Good Humor truck ichooi: '•'•', :' Memorial School addition, regard- Filling the governor's office The governor atoo commented It announced, that the launch- Raritan's Planning Board chair- ing construction of a package . driver, was issued a summons for violation of Middle town peddler ordinance. Code during Hughes' absence will be on these topics: ing pad for Tockets at Johnston man Gilbert H. Bennett said he sewer plant. prohibits sales by transient merchant! aftar that hour. Enjoying a treat yesterday The board feels that a Catholic Sen. Frank S. Farley, R-Atlantic, Highways — He has discussed Island, "heavily damaged by the has been informed by the state president or the state Senate. failure of a rocket launching Ju- afternoon are, left to right, Anne Mac Namara, and Janfs and Mindy Korobow, Highway Department that when school here will go a long way with Highway Commissioner Hughes will attend thp Ameri- Rt. 36 is widened, a jughandle toward relieving congestion in the Dwight R.G. Palmer the possi- Hauser St. The Good Humor Corp. is in the process of fighting tha ban. can Bar Association convention will be constructed adjacent to public school system. bility of widening Rt. 33 to ease in San Francisco and the World's shorebound traffic congestion.
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