78 HUDSON RIVER BASIN 01343060 WEST CANADA CREEK NEAR WILMURT, NY (National Streamflow Information Program Station) LOCATION
78 HUDSON RIVER BASIN 01343060 WEST CANADA CREEK NEAR WILMURT, NY (National streamflow information program station) LOCATION.--Lat 43°21'58", long 74°57'29", Herkimer County, Hydrologic Unit 02020004, on right bank 15 ft downstream from bridge on State Highway 8, 2.6 mi southwest of Wilmurt, and about 3.0 mi upstream from Hinckley Reservoir. DRAINAGE AREA.--258 mi2. PERIOD OF RECORD.--April 2001 (maximum only), June 2001 to current year. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 1,257.97 ft above NGVD of 1929. REMARKS.--Records good except those for estimated daily discharges, which are poor. Satellite and telephone gage-height telemeter at station. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 15,000 ft3/s, Apr. 14, 2002, gage height, 11.82 ft; minimum, 34 ft3/s, Sept. 14, 2002, gage height, 2.23 ft. EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Peak discharges greater than base discharge of 6,500 ft3/s and maximum (*): Discharge Gage height Discharge Gage height Date Time (ft3/s) (ft) Date Time (ft3/s) (ft) May 24 1130 *12,500 *10.94 No other peak greater than base discharge. Minimum discharge, 101 ft3/s, June 28, gage height, 2.64 ft. DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND WATER YEAR OCTOBER 2003 TO SEPTEMBER 2004 DAILY MEAN VALUES DAY OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1 850 1,130 1,210 748 e240 184 2,510 581 579 112 1,210 854 2 677 938 e780 640 e230 203 3,810 609 750 157 801 570 3 621 1,550 e640 844 e240 400 2,750 909 589 134 483 403 4 1,440 1,540 e500 1,370 e240 478 2,080 889 469 114 450 319 5 2,920 1,230 e470
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