Reading a Timeline Name: Use the timeline to answer the questions. Answers The History of Video Games

The Magnavox Odyssey The 1. B is released. It is the first Space Invaders is the releases its first The tamagotchi virtual home video game first game to record handheld console. pet is released for the 2. 2 system. players high scores. The Gameboy first time. 1972 1978 1989 1996 3. 1958 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

4. 1978

Willy higinbotham Atari released the first home Nintendo releases its first releases its first console. 50 creates a table tennis console with removeable console in America. The The Playstation. 5. game on an oscilloscope, cartridges. NES. 1994 the first “video game”. 1977 1986 1958 6. 1972 1986 1) Which happened earlier? A. Nintendo released the gameboy or B. Nintendo released the NES B 7.

2) How many years after the PlayStation was released was the Tamagotchi released? 2 8. No

3) What year was the first video game created? 1958 9. Use Line 4) What year did games start to let players record their high scores? 1978 10. Use Line 5) What is the span (number of years shown) of this timeline? 50

6) What year was the Odyssey released? 1972

7) What year did Nintendo release the NES? 1986

8) Sony released the PlayStation 3 in 2006. Could you put this event on the timeline above? ( Yes / No )

9) What is this timeline about? The history of Video Games

10) What event happened in 1994? Sony releases it first console. The PlayStation.

Social Studies 1-10 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Reading a Timeline Name: Answer Key Use the timeline to answer the questions. Answers The History of Video Games

The Magnavox Odyssey The arcade game 1. B is released. It is the first Space Invaders is the Nintendo releases its first The tamagotchi virtual home video game first game to record handheld console. pet is released for the 2. 2 system. players high scores. The Gameboy first time. 1972 1978 1989 1996 3. 1958 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

4. 1978

Willy higinbotham Atari released the first home Nintendo releases its first Sony releases its first console. 50 creates a table tennis console with removeable console in America. The The Playstation. 5. game on an oscilloscope, cartridges. NES. 1994 the first “video game”. 1977 1986 1958 6. 1972 1986 1) Which happened earlier? A. Nintendo released the gameboy or B. Nintendo released the NES B 7.

2) How many years after the PlayStation was released was the Tamagotchi released? 2 8. No

3) What year was the first video game created? 1958 9. Use Line 4) What year did games start to let players record their high scores? 1978 10. Use Line 5) What is the span (number of years shown) of this timeline? 50

6) What year was the Odyssey released? 1972

7) What year did Nintendo release the NES? 1986

8) Sony released the PlayStation 3 in 2006. Could you put this event on the timeline above? ( Yes / No )

9) What is this timeline about? The history of Video Games

10) What event happened in 1994? Sony releases it first console. The PlayStation.

Social Studies 1-10 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0