The American Philosophical Association PACIFIC DIVISION EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING PROGRAM WESTIN GASLAMP QUARTER AND U.S. GRANT HOTEL SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA APRIL 16 – 20, 2014 : new books for spring HUMOR AND THE GOOD LIFE REPRODUCTION, RACE, IN MODERN PHILOSOPHY AND GENDER IN PHILOSOPHY Shaftesbury, Hamann, Kierkegaard AND THE EARLY LIFE SCIENCES Lydia B. Amir Susanne Lettow, editor (February) (March) PHILOSOPHIZING AD INFINITUM LEO STRAUSS AND THE CRISIS infinite Nature, infinite Philosophy OF RATIONALISM Marcel Conche Another Reason, Another Enlightenment Laurent Ledoux and Corine Pelluchon Herman G. Bonne, translators Robert Howse, translator Foreword by J. Baird Callicott (February) (June) NIHILISM AND METAPHYSICS HABITATIONS OF THE VEIL The Third Voyage Metaphor and the Poetics of Black Being Vittorio Possenti in African American Literature Daniel B. Gallagher, translator Rebecka Rutledge Fisher Foreword by Brian Schroeder (May) (April) THE LAWS OF THE SPIRIT LACan’s etHics and nietzscHe’s A Hegelian Theory of Justice CRITIQUE OF PLATONISM Shannon Hoff Tim Themi (April) (May) AFTER LEO STRAUSS EMPLOTTING VIRTUE New Directions in Platonic A Narrative Approach Political Philosophy to Environmental Virtue Ethics Tucker Landy Brian Treanor (June) (June) LIVING ALTERITIES FEMINIST PHENOMENOLOGY Phenomenology, Embodiment, and Race AND MEDICINE Emily S. Lee, editor Kristin Zeiler and (April) Lisa Folkmarson Käll, editors (April) LUCE IRIGARAY’s PHenomenoLOGY OF FEMININE BEING Please visit our website for information Virpi Lehtinen on our philosophy journals. (June) SPECIAL EVENTS Only registrants are entitled to attend the reception on April 17 at no additional charge. Non-registrants, such as spouses, partners, or family members of meeting attendees, who wish to accompany a registrant to this reception must purchase a $10 guest ticket; guest tickets are available at the reception door as well as in advance at the registration desk.
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