DECLINED: Meetings 14-16 August

Name Replied to... Response Gai Brodtmann Fiona - Psychologists (19th July) fully committed Scott Ryan Fiona - Psychologists (19th July) no need - has met AME Shayne Neumann Fiona - Psychologists (19th July) declined - no explanation Ian Macfarlane Fiona - Psychologists (19th July) declined - no explanation Tony Crook Fiona - Psychologists (18th July) declined - has met Mandie Janelle Saffin phone call to me - 18-19 July declined - no need Greg Combet email to me - 20 July declined - busy email to Fiona - 18th JUly "no point in meeting" Glenn Sterle email to Fiona - 18th July no time to meet Laurie Ferguson email to Fiona - 18th July already on side email to Fiona - 19th July unable to meet Warren Truss email to Fiona - 19th July prior commitments email to Fiona - 19 th July diary is full John Cobb email to Fiona - 19th July unavailable Andrew Leigh email to Fiona - 19th July diary is full Scott Ludlam clergy & psychs - Phone call to me ask Sarah HY instead Jane Prentice clergy - email to Carolyn Nola Marino clergy - email to Carolyn Michael Keenan email to me Mark Dreyfus phone call to me unavailable, but supportive Brett Mason email to Carolyn Judi Moylan email to Fiona unavaiable Dean Smith email to me no need for meeting, send info Rob Mitchell email to Fiona & Carolyn unavaiable Barry Haase email to Fiona & Carolyn unavaiable email to Fiona unavaiable Graham Perrett email to Fiona unavailable Lee Rhiannon email to Fiona unavailable Penny Wong email to me re Clergy unavailable John Faulkner email to Carolyn unavailable Anna Burke email to Carolyn unavailable Anne McEwen email to Fiona unavailable Stephen Smith phone call to me unavaiable. Adam Bandt email to me - Clergy no need for meeting email to me - Psychologists / Clergy unavailable Mark Butler call to me - Psychologists / Clergy unavailable / supportive email to Fiona / Carolyn unavailable Julie Owens email to Carolyn unavailable Bob Katter email from Carolyn unavailable Bernie Ripoll Docs & Psychs unavailable Christine Milne email to Carolyn unavailable Craig Emerson email to Fiona unavailable Sean Edwards email to fiona unavailable Catherine King email to Fiona unavailable Joe Ludwig email to me (clergy? psychs?) unavailable Lisa Singh phone call to me (can meet clergy only) unavailable for docs/psychs Stephen Jones email to Fiona unavailable. email to Fiona unavailable Darren Cheeseman phone call to me No need to meet - supporter email to Carolyn "Your views have been noted" email to Fiona unavailable Doug Cameron phone call to me unavailable for docs/psychs/clergy Gary Humphries email to me - Docs/Psychs unavailable Nicola Roxon email to clergy unavailable Michael McCormack email to me re clergy unavailable phone call to me unavailable Partrick Secker email to Fiona declined Stephen Parry email to Fiona declined email to Fiona declined DECLINED: Meetings 14-16 August

Sharman Stone email to Fiona unavailable Ron Boswell email to Fiona not interested Bronwyn Bishop email to Fiona unavailable Bob Carr email to Fiona unavailable Mike Kelly email to Fiona unavailable Nick Xenophon email to me re Clergy & Docs/Psychs unavailable Sid Sidebottom phone call to me - Clergy unavailable George Christensen email to Fiona unavailable Dick Adams email to Fiona & Carolyn unavailable Penny Wright email to Fiona unavailable Robert Oakeshott email to Fiona & Carolyn unavailable Andrew Wilkie email to Fiona unavailable Kate Ellis email to Fiona unavailable Rowan Ramsey email to Fiona unavailable Steve Gibbons email to Carolyn unavailable Mal Washer email to Carolyn unavailable Chris Back email to Fiona & Carolyn unavailable email to Carolyn unavailable phone call to me unavailable Gavin Marshall phone call to me - Clergy & psychs no need to meet Gary Gray phone call to me no need to meett