FROM CREATIVITY TO CLEANUP FISHING THE FLORIDAKEYS Irma changes an The cold is making arts residencyiN forsome brisk the Tortugas, 4A island fishing, 1B VOLUME 65-NO.5 STAY CONNECTED /KEYSINFONET NEWSAll DAY. YOUR WAY. WWW.FLKEYSNEWS.COM FACEBOOK.COM WEDNESDAY JANUARY17,2018 50 cents THE FLORIDAKEYS 7786790 22222 CRIME FRONT LESSONS FROM IRMA AKeyswomaN,a County official: pill mill, homicide Defying and abikegang evacuation Beverly Augello allegedly picked up paymentfor man and Ferdinand Augello order is the killing of adoctor’s wife. Prosecutorssay he was had arelationship which cen- Augello trying to to coveruphis drug ring. tered on James Kauffman’s medical practice,” prosecutors ‘Russian cutors said. said. “In the summer of 2011, BY GWEN FILOSA “Ultimately, James Kauff- James Kauffman solicited
[email protected] man made the decision to kill Ferdinand Augello to murder roulette’ April Kauffman and, based on Kauffman’s wife, April Kauff- ASummerland Key artist information and belief, Kauff- man. This appears to be for was arrested last week after man told Augello that April numerous reasons largely Debris removal, communication and prosecutors in Atlantic City, threatened to expose the ille- centered on April Kauffman’s housing issues dominate aBig Pine N.J., said she is connected to gal [oxycontin] distribution threats of divorce. James Keymeeting with county officials. the 2012 murder of awoman network they had established,” Kauffman stated he would allegedly ordered by her doc- according to alengthy state- sooner kill April than grant the tor husband when she threat- ment released Jan. 10 by At- divorce and lose ‘half his em- BY GWEN FILOSA ened to expose his pill mill- lantic City Prosecutor Damon pire.’ ”
[email protected] dealing ring.