August 1, 2019 • Legal Notices • the Weekly Newspapers • 305.743.0844
AUGUST 1, 2019 • LEGAL NOTICES • THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS • 305.743.0844 ROUND FOR DISTRICTS II, to Quiet Title to Real 0.891215 CLEARWATER, FL 33755 IV AND V Property, known as Block A07-12 PHONE: (727) 441-2635 MONROE COUNTY 14, Lot 28, Lake Surprise Jennie M. Joy Individually FAX: (727) 461-4836 TOURIST DEVELOPMENT Estates, Key Largo, and as Trustee of The Website: www.staacklaw. COUNCIL PB4-162, and you are Jennie M. Joy Revocable com Pursuant to F.S. § required to serve a copy Trust dated March 14, Publish: 50.0211(3)(a), all of your written defenses 1996 July 25 and August 1, 2019 published competitive to it, if any, on Plaintiff’s 19221 SW 92nd Rd. Miami The Weekly Newspapers solicitation notices can Attorney to wit: FL 33157 be viewed at: www. Richard M. Behr 2017 floridapublicnotices. Attorney for Plaintiff 1,754.40 NOTICE OF APPLICATION com, a searchable 93351 Overseas Highway, 0.8772 FOR TAX DEED Statewide repository Suite 3 A07-37 2019-10 for all published legal Tavernier, Florida 33070 Richard Lloyd Wymer Notice is hereby given NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CONSIDER notices. Requirements (305) 853-5900 Mary Louise Sutliff that ADOPTION OF COUNTY RESOLUTION for submission and the on or before August 26, 13900 Carlton Dr. Davie, 5T WEALTH PARTNERS LP selection criteria may 2019, and file the original FL 33330 holder of the following NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that on August 21, be requested from with the Clerk of this 2017 Certificate(s) has filed 2019 at 1:30 pm, or as soon thereafter, at the Harvey Government Center, 1200 DemandStar by Onvia Court, at the Monroe 1,754.40 said Tax Certificate(s) Truman Avenue, Key West, FL 33040, Florida, Monroe County, Florida, the Board at www.demandstar.
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