John Evelyn Evelyn Esq

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John Evelyn Evelyn Esq JohJohnn EvelyEvelynn - anan EnglisEnglishh VirtuosoVirtuoso BookBookss fromfrom thethe GardenGarden LibrarLibraryy atat DumbartonDumbarton OaksOaks WashingtonWashington,, D.C.D.C.,, oonn microfichmicrofichee Advisor:Advisor: JoachimJoachim Wolschke-Bulmahn,Wolschke-Bulmahn, DirectorDirector StudiesStudies inin LandscapeLandscape ArchitectureArchitecture,, DumbartonDumbarton OaksOaks HM IDIDCC JohJohnn EvelynEvelyn - anan EnglishEnglish VirtuosoVirtuoso ThThee GardeGardenn LibrarLibraryy aatt DumbartoDumbartonn OakOakss yearyearss abroad,abroad, inin Holland,Holland, ItalyItaly andand Evelyn'Evelyn'ss diaries,diaries, whichwhich hehe wrotwrotee oveoverr ownsowns a numbernumber ofof seminalseminal worksworks byby France,France, andand returnedreturned toto EnglandEngland inin severalseveral decades,decades, areare ofof significantsignificant JohJohnn EvelynEvelyn (1620-1706),(1620-1706), thethe EnglishEnglish 1652.1652. EvelyEvelynn wawass ononee ooff ththee firstfirst historicalhistorical importancimportancee andand provideprovide virtuosovirtuoso andand writer,writer, whowho waswas a pivotalpivotal members ofof thethe RoyalRoyal Society,Society, insightsinsights intointo a momentousmomentous periodperiod inin figurefigure inin seventeenth-centuryseventeenth-century becominbecomingg itsits SecretarySecretary inin 1672.1672. botbothh EnglishEnglish andand gardengarden history.history. InIn thethe intellectualintellectual lifelife iinn EnglandEngland.. EvelyEvelynn leftleft 1650s,1650s, EvelyEvelynn wrotwrotee a comprehensivecomprehensive anan immenselyimmensely richrich literaryliterary heritage,heritage, OneOne ofof hishis firstfirst andand mostmost importantimportant treatisetreatise onon allall aspectsaspects ofof gardeninggardening andand whichwhich isis ofof greatgreat significancesignificance forfor publicationpublicationss waswas Sylva, oorr a DiscourseDiscourse gardengarden design,design, hishis Elysium Britannicum.Britannicum. scholarsscholars ofof variousvarious disciplinesdisciplines whowho areare ofof Forest-trees, a treatisetreatise whosewhose Or the Royal Gardens inin ThreeThree Books.Books. interestedinterested in,in, forfor exampleexample,, ththee historhistoryy ooff motivationmotivation waswas toto maintainmaintain thethe supplysupply ThisThis workwork was neveneverr publishepublishedd in its intellectuaintellectuall lifelife,, ththee historhistoryy ooff ofof timbertimber forfor thethe RoyalRoyal Navy.Navy. ItIt createdcreated entirety,entirety, althougalthoughh partsparts ofof itit werewere architecture,architecture, oror gardengarden history.history. WithWith thithiss greatgreat publicpublic interestinterest andand appearedappeared inin publishepublishedd separately.separately. EvelynEvelyn did,did, project,project, tetenn ofof hihiss publicationpublicationss araree mademade severalseveral revisedrevised editionseditions inin 1669,1669, 1679,1679, however,however, expanexpandd andand revisrevisee iitt overover a accessiblaccessiblee ttoo a widewiderr audience.audience. 17061706 anandd 1729.1729. EacEachh editioeditionn containscontains forty-yearforty-year period.period. InIn 1993,1993, thethe thethe twotwo appendicesappendices Pomona, oorr anan departmentdepartment ofof StudiesStudies inin LandscapeLandscape JohJohnn EvelynEvelyn,, ththee sonson ofof RicharRichardd EvelynEvelyn,, appendix concerning fruit-trees,fruit-trees, in ArchitecturArchitecturee aatt DumbartoDumbartonn OakOakss helheldd a wawass borbornn atat WottonWotton HousHousee inin Surrey.Surrey. relation toto cider, anandd Kalendarium symposiusymposiumm oonn JohJohnn Evelyn'Evelyn'ss Elysium DurinDuringg hihiss life,life, hhee pursuedpursued a broadbroad Hortense. Evelyn'Evelyn'ss Sylva wawass probablprobablyy Britannicum. rangrangee ofof interests,interests, suchsuch asas writingwriting andand ththee mosmostt influentiainfluentiall seventeenth-centuryseventeenth-century gardegardenn EvelyEvelynn travelledtravelled widely,widely, bookbook onon forestry.forestry. andand,, durinduringg ththee 1640s,1640s, hehe spentspent severalseveral IllustIllust rationration from:from: Evelyn,Evelyn ,J. J .Memoirs Memoirs of o fJohn John Evelyn Evelyn Esq. Esq .F.R.S..... F.R.S.,.. .London, London, 1827.1827. CoverCo ver illustration:illustration: EvelynEvelyn J.J. Silva,Silva ,or, or ,A A discourse discourse of of forest-trees,... forest-trees,... York,York, 1776.1776. ScopScopee 1100 titletitless NumbeNumberr ofof fichefiche 121211 SizeSize ofof fichefiche 101055 x 148148 mmmm FilmFilm typetype PositivePositive silversilver halidehalide ReductionReduction ratioratio VariesVaries accordinaccordingg ttoo ththee sizsizee ofof ththee originaoriginall InternaInternall Eye-legiblEye-legiblee headerheaderss witwithh titletitle onon eacheach fichefiche findinfindingg aidsaids TheThe collectioncollection EvelynEvelyn,, J.J. KalendariumKalendarium hortense:hortense: or,or, Evelyn,Evelyn, J.J. Sylva,Sylva, oror,, A discoursediscourse ofof EvelynEvelyn,, JJ.. Silva,Silva, oror,, A discoursdiscoursee ooff ThThee gard'nersgard'ners almanac,almanac, directindirectingg whatwhat hehe forest-trees,forest-trees, andand thethe propagationpropagation ofof timbertimber forest-treesforest-trees,, anandd ththee propagationpropagation ofof timbertimber iiss ttoo ddoo monthlmonthlyy through-outthrough-out thethe yearyear andand inin HisHis MajestiesMajesties dominionsdominions.. .... toto whichwhich isis iinn hihiss Majesty'Majesty'ss dominionsdominions.. .... TogetherTogether withwith whatwhat fruitsfruits andand flowerflowerss areare iinn Ed.7.Ed.7. annexedannexed Pomona,Pomona, or,or, AnAn appendixappendix aann historicahistoricall accounaccountt ooff ththee sacrednessacrednesss anandd LondonLondon:: T.T SawbridgeSawbridge,, G.G. WellsWells andand concerningconcerning fruit-treefruit-treess inin relationrelation toto cidercider.. .... ususee ooff standingstanding grovesgroves ...... York:York: A.A. Ward,Ward, RR.. Bently,Bently, 1683.1683. 127,127 [9], [9 pp.] pp. London:London: Jo.Jo. MartynMarty n andand Ja.Ja. Allestry,Allestry, TT. CadellCadelI,, JJ.. RobsoRobsonn andand T.T DurhamDurham;; 2 microfichmicrofichee 1664.1664. [xvi][xvi],, 120,120, [2][2],, 20,20, [2][2],, 21-50,21-50, [2][2],, LondonLondon:: W.W. CreechCreech;; Edinburgh:Edinburgh: OrdeOrderr nono.. EJ-3/1EJ-3/1 55-83,55-83, [1][1] pp.pp. JJ.. Balfour,Balfour, 1776.1776 .2 2vols. vols. 5 microfichemicrofiche 1717 microfichmicrofichee EvelynEvelyn,, JJ.. ThThee lifelife ooff MrsMrs.. GodolphinGodolphin byby OrderOrder EJ-1/1EJ-1/1 OrderOrder nono.. EJ-4/1EJ-4/1 JohnJohn EvelynEvelyn ooff WoottonWootton.. Esq.Esq .London: London: WilliaWilliamm PickeringPickering,, 1847.1847 .xviii, xviii ,265, 265 ,[1], [1], Evelyn,Evelyn, J.J. Sylva,Sylva, oror,, A discoursediscourse ooff EvelynEvelyn,, J.J. SilvaSilva,, oror,, A discoursediscourse ooff [1[1]] PPPp-- forest-trees,forest-trees, andand thethe propagationpropagation ofof timbertimber forest-treesforest-trees,, anandd ththee propagatiopropagationn ooff timbetimberr 4 microfichmicrofichee inin HisHis MajestiesMajesties dominionsdominions.. .... toto whichwhich isis iinn HisHis Majesty'sMajesty's dominions,..dominions,.... togethertogether OrdeOrderr nono.. EJ-8/1EJ-8/1 annexedannexed Pomona,Pomona, or,or, AnAn apppendixapppendix withwith anan historicalhistorical accountaccount ofof thethe concerningconcerning fruit-treefruit-treess inin relationrelation toto cidercider.. .... sacrednessacrednesss anandd ususee o off standinstandingg grovesgroves.. EvelynEvelyn,, JJ.. MemoirMemoirss ofof JohJohnn EvelynEvelyn Esq.Esq. Ed.2.Ed.2. London:London: Jo.Jo. MartynMartyn andand Ja.Ja. Ed.5Ed.5.. London:London: HenrHenryy Colburn,Colburn, 1825.1825. F.R.S.ER.S.,, authoauthorr ofof thethe "Sylva","Sylva", &c.&c. &c.,&c., Allestry,Allestry, 1669.1669 .[xlviii], [xlviii], 247,247, [1],[1], [iv],[iv], 67,67, [1][1],, 2 volsvols.. V.1:V.I: 50,50, [2],[2], 330,330,2299 leaves leaves ofof plates; plates; comprisincomprisingg hishis diary,diary, fromfrom 1641-1705-6,1641-1705-6, 33,33, [3][3] pp.pp. V2V2:: 393,393, [1][1],, [8],[8] ,88, 88, [2],[2],17 17 leaves leave ofs o plates.f plates. andand a selectionselection ofof hishis familiafamiliarr lettersletters,, toto IrregulaIrregularr paginationpagination.. WitWithh notesnotes bbyy AA.. HunterHunter.. whichwhich iiss subjoinesubjoinedd ththee privateprivate 9 microfichemicrofiche 1818 microfichmicrofichee correspondencecorrespondence betweenbetween KingKing CharlesCharles OrdeOrderr nono.. EJ-2/1EJ-2/1 OrderOrder nono.. EJ-10/1EJ-10/1 I1.. anandd SiSirr EdwarEdwardd Nicolas,..Nicolas,.... London:London: HenryHenry Colburn,Colburn ,1827. 1827 .5 5 vols.vols. Evelyn,Evelyn, J.J. Silva,Silva, oror,, A discoursdiscoursee ooff EvelynEvelyn,, JJ.. TerraTerra:: A philosophicalphilosophical discoursediscourse EditedEdited fromfrom thethe originaloriginal mss.mss .by by William William Bray.Bray. forest-trees,forest-trees, andand thethe propagationpropagation ofof timbertimber ooff earthearth.. NewNew editionedition.. York,York, London,London, A newnew edition.edition. inin HisHis Majesty'sMajesty's dominionsdominions.. .... inin twotwo books,books, EdinburghEdinburgh:: W.W. Creech,Creech, 1778.1778 .viii, via ,194, 194, 3636 microfichemicrofiche togethertogether withwith anan historicalhistorical accountaccount ofof thethe [2][2] pp.pp. OrdeOrderr nono.. EJ-7/1EJ-7/1 sacrednesssacredness ofof standingstanding groves.groves. Terra,Terra, a 3 microfichemicrofiche philosophicalphilosophical essayessay
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    This is a repository copy of The politics of London air : John Evelyn's 'Fumifugium' and the Restoration. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: Article: Jenner, M. (1995) The politics of London air : John Evelyn's 'Fumifugium' and the Restoration. The Historical Journal. pp. 535-551. ISSN 1469-5103 Reuse Items deposited in White Rose Research Online are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved unless indicated otherwise. They may be downloaded and/or printed for private study, or other acts as permitted by national copyright laws. The publisher or other rights holders may allow further reproduction and re-use of the full text version. This is indicated by the licence information on the White Rose Research Online record for the item. Takedown If you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing [email protected] including the URL of the record and the reason for the withdrawal request. [email protected] The Historical Journal, 38, 3 (1gg5),pp. 535-551 Copyright 0 1995 Cambridge University Press THE POLITICS OF LONDON AIR JOHN EVELYN'S FUMIFUGIUM AND THE RESTORATION MARK JENNER Gniversig of York A BSTR A C T. Historians have commonly described John Evelyn's pamphlet about London smoke pollution, Fumifugium, as a precocious example of environmental concern, This paper argues that such an interpretation is too simple. Evelyn's proposals are shown to be closely related to political allegor_vand the panegyrics written to welcome the new[v restored Charles 11.
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