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TOTAL OF 10 PAGES ONLY MAY BE XEROXED th t 1 1 1 ' \• \ '•I •1\ I • \ ' ,/ • ' ', r 1 ' ' - DIVERSITY OF MARINE BENTHIC COMMUNITIES FROM NEARSHORE ENVIRONMENTS ON THE LABRADOR AND NE\~FOUNDLAND COASTS BY JOHN BARRIE B,Sc. 0 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY OF NEWFOUNDLAND JANUARY 1979 ST. JOHN'S NEWFOUNDLAND ABSTRACT: The structure and species diversity of benthic communities were examined fromsamples collected by SCUBA and Shipek grab from sand bottoms on the Labrador coast and in Conception Bay Newfoundland. The effects of the uhysic~l environment on the benthic community were studied using the factors of depth, distance offshore, substrate type, substrate diversity and exposure to open water. Two communities were found in the areas surveyed; one on finer sands in protected environments characterized by Prionospio steenstrupi and Pectinaria granulata and one on coarser sands in more exposed environments characterized by Diastylis sp. and Nephtys longosetosa. Three species found in Labrador, Laonome kroyeri~ Amphiophiura convexa and Onisimus affinis were new records for the Labrador coast. Species diversity was found to be greatest at medium exposures, where heterogeneity of the environment was greatest and on substrates with the greatest diversity of grain sizes. Variations in numbers of species between Newfoundland and Labrador and between sites with similar physical conditions was found to be due to non-burrowing species. Attempts were made to explain differences in number of species for sites on the Labrador coast and between Newfoundland and Labrador sites on the basis of differences in exposure, substrate conditions and predation. lll ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. D.H. Steele for assistance and guidance in all aspects of this thesis. I would also like to thank Dr. J.M. Green, Dr. C.C. Davis and Denis Thomson for numerous suggestions and improvement of the text. I would also like to express gratitude to Dr. Patrick McLaren and Geological Survey of Canada for providing the equipment and opportunity to collect samples "on the Labrador", and also for providing financial and physical assistance during the field season and for providing the data on sediment analysis. I would like to thank the following for assistance in identifica tion: Diana Laubitz and Judith Fournier from the Canadian Aquatic Identification Centre at the National Museum in Ottawa for verifica tion and identification of ophiuroids and polychaetes; Dr. D.H. Steele for verification and identification of amphipods; Leonard and Monique Vassallo for moral support and for assistance with amphipods and molluscs. I am also grateful to Dr. Jake Rice and Dr. B. Kim for suggestions in the statistical analysis and to Roy Ficken for all photographic reproductions. I would also like to thank the entire crew of the 'Regina B' for keeping the boat afloat and especially to Buchanan Barrie for assistance in the field work and Bill Reynolds for moral support. Also I am grateful to Bob Pottle who assisted with diving in Newfoundland. ... iv Financial support at Memorial University was provided through teaching assistantships in the Biology Department and a Memorial University Fellowship. v ~· TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract ..•..•..•..•....•.•..•...••...••..•...•......•........••.•. iii Acknowledgements •.•.•.•.•.•...•........•••............•..•.....•.•• i v Table of Con tents ••........••.•.•••••...•.......•....•.•...•.....•. vi List of Tables ...•..••.•....•...•.•••••.....•...••.....•.••.•.•...• viii List of Figures ........•.....•..•....••.......•..•..••....•....•.•. ix Introduction ..•....•.•.••.••.........•.....•.....•..•..•.•........• 1 Materials and Methods .••.•....•.••......•.......•.................. 3 I Sampling Techniques ..•.••....••.•......•.....•..•..•..•...... 3 II Analysis ........•.•.•.....•..•............•.•................ 11 III Exposure •....•.••.......••..•..•............••............... 12 IV Species - Area Curves •.•.••....•.........•................•.. 13 V Sediment Analysis ...•...••.....•••.•••...........•..•.•.•.... 14 VI Regression Analysis ••..•.••..•..•••••.•••..•••••••....•.••.•. 15 Areas Surveyed .•......••.•..••..•.••.•.•.••..••..••....••..•..•..•• 17 I Cartwright ..•....•..•..........•.•...........•.........•...•. 18- II Pack's Harbour ......••••.•..•.••..•.•.•...••......•.•.....••• 18 III North Strand •..•..••..••......•.•....•..•..............•...•. 18 IV Ponsonby Island .....•..•...•••......•.......•.•....•......... 22 V Pot t 1 e ' s Bay • . • • . • . • • . • . • • • . • . ..•..• 2 2 VI Nain Islands ...•.•••.......•..••••...•.••....•.••....•••.•..• 22 a) Meta Cove .•.....•.............•.....•...•••.••..•...•..•• 26 b) Rhodes Island ••.......•....•..••...•.••.•................ 26 c) Hills bury Island ....•....•.........•...•..•..•........... 26 vi Page d) Shot Islet ................•............................ 30 e) Siurakuluk Island ...•...•.............................. 30 f) East Red Island ........................................ 30 VIII Conception Bay •..........................•................ 30 Results •..........•........•..........................•..•....... 34 I Sediment Composition ...................................... 34 II Composition of Grab Samples ............................... 34 III Species-Area Curves .....................•......•.......... 37 IV Cluster Analysis .............•............................ 44 V Regression Analysis ....•.................................. 52 Discussion .....•........•........•.......................•....... 61 I Benthic CoTIJIDunities ....•..•............................... 62 II Species Diversity ......................................... 67 Summary .......................................................... 7 6 Literature Cited ................................................. 78 References for Identification .................................... 82 Appendix A: Mean diversity values for all sampling sites •.....•. 86 Appendix B: Correlation coefficients for factors used in regression analysis ................................. 87 Appendix C: Analysis of variance summary table for multiple regression analysis ..........•...................... 88 Appendix D: List of species, collection sites and depth range of collections ...................................... 89 Appendix E: Tables of quantitative data for benthos from each site with sample information ........................ 95 vii LIST OF TABLES Number Page 1. Sediment size classes for sediment analysis ................... lS 2. Percentages of species and numbers in the taxonomic groups for Labrador and Newfoundland samples ......................... 34 3. Mean density of infauna from different substrates ............. 36 4. Occurrence of common species from two communities on fine sandfrom Labrador and Newfoundland ..............•............. Sl 5. Variance contributed by each significant variable (F test, p<.OS) in the stepwise multiple regression .................... 59 viii LIST OF FIGURES Number Page 1. The M.V. 'Regina B' A. Stern view B. Bow view. 4 2. Map of Sampling sites in Newfoundland and Labrador ........... 5 3. Shipek grab sampler A. Sampler about to be lowered B. Retrieval of sample •...............•..................... 6 4. SCUBA Sampler A. Diver pushing sampler into sediment B. Diver filling sample to same depth as Shipek grab C. Diver removing sample from sediment ...................... 8 5. A. retrieving SCUBA sample B. washing sediment from sample ............................. 9 6. Sorting and picking fauna from sample ........................ lO 7. Frequency distribution of sediment grain sizes used to classify substrate types. A. one grain size used to classify substrate B. two grain sizes used to classify substrate C. two grain sizes used to classify substrate ............... l6 8. Collection sites near Cartwright, showing sectors facing open water used to determine exposure index .................. l9 9. Collection site at Pack's Harbour ............................ 20 10. Collection site for SCUBA samples at North Strand and path of vessel for Shipek grab samples ............................ 21 11. Collection site at Ponsonby Island ........................... 23 12. Collection site in Pottle's Bay .............................. 24 ix Number Page 13. Collection sites near Hopedale ............................... 25 14. Paths of vessel for collection of Shipek grab samples near Nain .....•................................................... 27 15. Collection sites from Meta Cove and Rhodes Island (Nain Islands) ..................................................... 28 16. Collection sites from Hillsbury Island and Shot Islet (Nain Islands) ...........•.............•..•..........•.......•..... 29 17. Collection sites from Siurakuluk Island and East Red Island (Nain Islands) ............................................... 31 18. Collection sites in Conception Bay Newfoundland .............. 32 19. Species-area curves for samples from different substrates in Labrador ..................................................... 38 20. Species-area curves for polychaete from different substrates in Labrador ....•............................................. 39 21. Species-area curves for samples at Meta Cove taken at random and over an expanding area .•.......................... 40 22. Species-area curves for sites from Newfoundland and Labrador with substrates of fine sand and very