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Turritellidae WMSDB - Worldwide Mollusc Species Data Base Family: TURRITELLIDAE Author: Claudio Galli - [email protected] (updated 07/set/2015) Class: GASTROPODA --- Clade: CAENOGASTROPODA-SORBEOCONCHA-CERITHIOIDEA ------ Family: TURRITELLIDAE Lovén, 1847 (Sea) - Alphabetic order - when first name is in bold the species has images Taxa=464, Genus=24, Subgenus=7, Species=177, Subspecies=12, Synonyms=243, Images=106 accisa , Colpospira accisa (R.B. Watson, 1881) acicula , Turritella acicula W. Stimpson, 1851 - syn of: Turritellopsis stimpsoni W.H. Dall, 1919 acropora , Turritella acropora W.H. Dall, 1889 acuta , Gazameda acuta J.E. Tenison-Woods, 1876 - syn of: Gazameda tasmanica (L.A. Reeve, 1849) acuta , Turritella acuta J.E. Tenison-Woods, 1876 - syn of: Gazameda tasmanica (L.A. Reeve, 1849) admirabilis , Turritella admirabilis R.B. Watson, 1881 - syn of: Turritella maculata L.A. Reeve, 1849 ahiparanus , Stiracolpus ahiparanus (A.W.B. Powell, 1927) ahiparanus , Zeacolpus ahiparanus A.W.B. Powell, 1927 - syn of: Stiracolpus ahiparanus (A.W.B. Powell, 1927) alba , Turritella alba H. Adams, 1872 algida , Turritella algida J.C. Melvill & R. Standen, 1912 alternata , Turritella alternata T. Say, 1822 - syn of: Bittiolum alternatum (T. Say, 1822) anactor , Turritella anactor S.S. Berry, 1957 andenensis , Neohaustator andenensis (Y. Otuka, 1934) andenensis , Turritella andenensis H. Watanabe & Naruke, 1988 - syn of: Neohaustator fortilirata (G.B. III Sowerby, 1914) andenensis , Turritella andenensis Y. Otuka, 1934 - syn of: Neohaustator andenensis (Y. Otuka, 1934) andenensis tsushimaensis , Neohaustator andenensis tsushimaensis T. Kotaka, 1951 annulata , Turritella annulata L.C. Kiener, 1843 aquamarina , Colpospira aquamarina T.A. Garrard, 1972 - syn of: Colpospira cordismei (R.B. Watson, 1881) aquila , Turritella aquila A. Adams & L.A. Reeve in L.A. Reeve, 1849 - syn of: Turritella conspersa A. Adams & L.A. Reeve, 1849 aquilea , Turritella aquilea A. Adams & L.A. Reeve in L.A. Reeve, 1849 - syn of: Turritella conspersa A. Adams & L.A. Reeve, 1849 archimedis, Archimediella archimedis A. Brongniart, 1823 archimedis , Turritella archimedis L.W. Dillwyn, 1817 - syn of: Turritella terebra (C. Linnaeus, 1758) areolata , Turritella areolata W. Stimpson, 1851 - syn of: Tachyrhynchus reticulatus (J.W. Mighels & C.B. Adams, 1842) ascencus , Stiracolpus ascencus J. Marwick, 1957 - syn of: Stiracolpus pagoda (L.A. Reeve, 1849) ascensus , Zeacolpus ascensus J. Marwick, 1957 - syn of: Stiracolpus pagoda (L.A. Reeve, 1849) atkinsoni , Colpospira atkinsoni (R. Tate & W.L. May, 1900) atkinsoni medioangulata , Turritella atkinsoni medioangulata J.C. Verco, 1910 - syn of: Colpospira atkinsoni (R. Tate & W.L. May, 1900) attenuata , Turritella attenuata L.A. Reeve, 1849 auricincta , Turritella auricincta E.C. Von Martens, 1875 - syn of: Turritella aurocincta E.C. Von Martens, 1882 aurocincta , Turritella aurocincta E.C. Von Martens, 1882 australis , Colpospira australis (J.B.P.A. Lamarck, 1822) australis , Turritella australis J.B.P.A. Lamarck, 1822 - syn of: Colpospira australis (J.B.P.A. Lamarck, 1822) australis , Ctenocolpus australis J.B.P.A. Lamarck, 1822 - syn of: Colpospira australis (J.B.P.A. Lamarck, 1822) australis diffidens , Ctenocolpus australis diffidens T. Iredale, 1925 - syn of: Colpospira australis (J.B.P.A. Lamarck, 1822) australis diffidens , Turritella australis diffidens T. Iredale, 1925 - syn of: Colpospira australis (J.B.P.A. Lamarck, 1822) austrina, Banzarecolpus austrina (R.B. Watson, 1881) babelica, Orectospira babelica (W.H. Dall, 1907) bacillum , Turritella bacillum L.C. Kiener, 1843 banksii , Turritella banksii J.E. Gray bathyalis, Vermicularia bathyalis E.J. Petuch, 2002 bayeri, Turritella bayeri (E.J. Petuch, 2001) bayeri, Torcula bayeri E.J. Petuch, 2001 - syn of: Turritella bayeri (E.J. Petuch, 2001) biangulata , Turritella biangulata H.M.D. de Blainville, 1825 - syn of: Turritella bicingulata J.B.P.A. Lamarck, 1822 bicarinata , Vermicularia bicarinata G.P. Deshayes, 1843 - syn of: Vermicularia spirata (R.A. Philippi, 1836) bicarinatus, Armatus bicarinatus A.N. Golikov, 1986 bicingulata , Turritella bicingulata J.B.P.A. Lamarck, 1822 bicolor , Turritella bicolor A. Adams & L.A. Reeve, 1848 - syn of: Turritella cingulifera G.B. I Sowerby, 1825 binaestriata, Turritella binaestriata J.T. Kuroda biplicata , Turritella biplicata H.G. Bronn, 1831 bisuturalis , Turritella bisuturalis T. Say, 1822 - syn of: Boonea bisuturalis (T. Say, 1822) blacki , Zeacolpus blacki J. Marwick, 1957 - syn of: Stiracolpus pagoda (L.A. Reeve, 1849) blacki , Stiracolpus blacki J. Marwick, 1957 - syn of: Stiracolpus pagoda (L.A. Reeve, 1849) brevialis , Mesalia brevialis (J.B.P.A. Lamarck, 1822) britannica , Turritella britannica T.A. de M. Monterosato, 1890 - syn of: Turritella communis A. Risso, 1826 brocchii , Turritella brocchii H.G. Bronn, 1831 - syn of: Turritella turbona T.A. de M. Monterosato, 1877 broderipiana , Turritella broderipiana D'Orbigny, 1840 bundilla, Colpospira bundilla T.A. Garrard, 1972 caelata, Turritella caelata O.A.L. Mörch canaliculata , Haustator canaliculata A. Adams & L.A. Reeve, 1850 - syn of: Turritella cingulifera G.B. I Sowerby, 1825 canaliculata , Turritella canaliculata A. Adams & L.A. Reeve, 1850 - syn of: Turritella cingulifera G.B. I Sowerby, 1825 candida , Turritella candida L.A. Reeve, 1849 - syn of: Turritella gemmata L.A. Reeve, 1849 capensis , Protomella capensis C.F.F. von Krauss, 1848 - syn of: Turritella capensis C.F.F. von Krauss, 1848 capensis , Protoma capensis C.F.F. von Krauss, 1848 - syn of: Turritella capensis C.F.F. von Krauss, 1848 capensis , Turritella capensis C.F.F. von Krauss, 1848 capricornicus, Stiracolpus capricornicus T.A. Garrard, 1972 - syn of: Zeacolpus capricornius T.A. Garrard, 1972 capricornius, Zeacolpus capricornius T.A. Garrard, 1972 captiva , Turritella captiva C. Hedley, 1907 - syn of: Turritella declivis A. Adams & L.A. Reeve, 1849 caribaea, Turritella caribaea D'Orbigny, 1842 carinata , Turritella carinata H.C. Lea, 1833 carinatula , Turritella carinatula J. Fleming, 1828 - syn of: Turbonilla lactea (C. Linnaeus, 1758) carinifera , Turritella carinifera J.B.P.A. Lamarck, 1822 carlottae , Turritella carlottae R.B. Watson, 1881 - syn of: Zeacolpus vittatus (F.W. Hutton, 1873) cathedralis, Protoma cathedralis A. Brongniart, 1823 cerea, Turritella terebra cerea L.A. Reeve, 1849 cerea, Turritella cerea L.A. Reeve, 1849 - syn of: Turritella terebra cerea L.A. Reeve, 1849 cerithium , Turritella cerithium J.R.C. Quoy & J.P. Gaimard, 1834 - syn of: Zeacumantus diemenensis (J.R.C. Quoy & J.P. Gaimard, 1834) chordata, Turritella chordata H.H. Suter, 1908 chrysotoxa , Turritella chrysotoxa J.R. le B. Tomlin, 1925 cingulata , Turritella cingulata G.B. I Sowerby, 1825 cingulifera , Turritella cingulifera G.B. I Sowerby, 1825 cingulifera , Haustator cingulifera G.B. I Sowerby, 1825 - syn of: Turritella cingulifera G.B. I Sowerby, 1825 circumligata, Colpospira circumligata (J.C. Verco, 1910) clarionensis , Turritella clarionensis L.G. Hertlein & A.M. Strong, 1951 clathrata , Gazameda clathrata L.C. Kiener & P. Fischer, 1873 - syn of: Gazameda iredalei H.J. Finlay, 1927 clathrata , Turritella clathrata L.C. Kiener, 1843 - syn of: Gazameda iredalei H.J. Finlay, 1927 clealandiana , Turritella clealandiana W.E. Leach in J.E. Gray, 1852 - syn of: Graphis albida (F. Kanmacher, 1798) clorionensis , Turritella clorionensis L.G. Hertlein & A.M. Strong, 1951 - syn of: Turritella clarionensis L.G. Hertlein & A.M. Strong, 1951 cochlea , Turritella cochlea L.A. Reeve, 1849 columnaria, Glyptozaria columnaria B.C. Cotton & N.H. Woods, 1935 columnaris , Turritella columnaris L.C. Kiener, 1843 communis , Turritella communis A. Risso, 1826 communis extensa , Turritella communis extensa T.A. de M. Monterosato in G.S. Coen, 1933 - syn of: Turritella communis A. Risso, 1826 communis laeviscula , Turritella communis laeviscula G.S. Coen, 1933 - syn of: Turritella communis A. Risso, 1826 communis soluta , Turritella communis soluta M.E.J. Bucquoy, P. Dautzenberg & G.F. Dollfus, 1884 - syn of: Turritella communis A. Risso, 1826 concava , Turritella concava E.C. Von Martens, 1880 - syn of: Turritella alba H. Adams, 1872 concava , Turritella concava T. Say, 1826 - syn of: Terebra concava (T. Say, 1826) congelata , Turritella congelata A. Adams & L.A. Reeve, 1849 congelata , Haustator congelata A. Adams & L.A. Reeve, 1850 - syn of: Turritella congelata A. Adams & L.A. Reeve, 1849 conspersa , Turritella conspersa A. Adams & L.A. Reeve, 1849 constricta , Turritella constricta L.A. Reeve, 1849 - syn of: Gazameda iredalei H.J. Finlay, 1927 cooperi , Turritella cooperi P.P. Carpenter, 1864 cordismei , Colpospira cordismei (R.B. Watson, 1881) cordismei , Turritella cordismei R.B. Watson, 1881 - syn of: Colpospira cordismei (R.B. Watson, 1881) coreanica, Haustator coreanica T. Kotaka, 1951 - syn of: Turritella coreanica T. Kotaka, 1951 coreanica, Turritella coreanica T. Kotaka, 1951 cornea, Turritella cornea J.B.P.A. Lamarck, 1822 costulata , Turritella costulata A. Risso, 1826 - syn of: Turbonilla lactea (C. Linnaeus, 1758) costulata , Turritella costulata H.P.C. Møller, 1842 - syn of: Eumetula arctica (O.A.L. Mörch, 1857) costulata , Turritella costulata J.W. Mighels & C.B. Adams, 1842 - syn of: Acirsa borealis (C. Lyell, 1841) coursisi, Turritella coursisi I. Marche-Marchad, 1959 couteaudi, Turritella couteaudi J.F. Mabille & A. de Rochebrune, 1889 crenulata , Colpospira crenulata J. Donald, 1900 - syn of: Colpospira curialis
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