Wave 34, March 2016 tracked: , Chillies, Corn, Green Peas, , Leeks, Lettuce

This project has been funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia using the levy and funds from the Australian Government. 2


1 Executive Summary 3 1 Tracker Ad-hoc Questions 13 1 Overall Vegetable Tracker 16 1 Broccoli 20 1 Chilli 40 1 Lettuce 60 1 Sweet Corn 79 1 Green Peas 99 1 Kale 119 1 Leek 139 1 In the Media 159 1 Background & Methodology 163 3

Wave 34: Executive Summary 4 Industry Insight.

Over the past three years, the Harvest Tracker has shown us that consumer satisfaction, endorsement and interest in new varieties of vegetables has increased over time (1%, 4% and 10%, respectively). The importance of having vegetables available has similarly increased (13%) and we know that the underlying trigger across all commodities is the health benefits of vegetables. Why then, one might ask, don’t we consume the recommended amount of vegetables based on maintaining good health?!





Importance Satisfaction Endorsement Interest (New Varieties) 5 Industry Insight continued.

As the key note speaker at the Sensory Consumer Science conference in Sydney recently, Professor Hans Van Trijp from Wageningen University in the Netherlands suggested that although health is important, a “new age” motivation such as this must add on to (not substitute) traditional priorities such as taste, convenience and price. As humans, we are heavily influenced by instant gratification rather than long term advantage, and we see this in the day-to-day choices that we make, regardless of the importance we say we place on health.

So, what can be done to help consumers achieve their long term goals whilst helping growers sell a product that is predominantly chosen because it is healthy? Through many years of research, Hans would suggest pairing health benefits with immediate gratification in the marketing of a product. For instance, health + my immediate comfort = vegetables are sold on the benefits it provides older consumers, strengthening bones, warding off diabetes, helping to reduce heart disease, fighting cancer. Or health + convenience = root vegetable snacks, powdered solutions for shakes. Or health + taste = super sweet corn or peas.

If we can match the stated importance with the level of consumption it will be a “win-win” for the health of the country and the success of our growers. Broccoli Grower Action Plan. 6

Wave 34 Fast Facts – Broccoli

7 Consumer sentiment is in line with the Vegetable of consumers stated that having specific health Average for all vegetables tracked thus far. There are 38% and nutritional benefits was a trigger to purchase. high levels of satisfaction for broccoli.

7 On average broccoli is purchased 4 times per month and consumed 10 occasions per month. Mainstream retailers are the main purchase locations.

7 Consumers typically purchase 800g of broccoli per 1. 2. occasion, relatively consistent with previous months. Broccoli is perceived to be good value for money. Insight: Insight: Individual heads of broccoli are the preferred format. There is low interest in new There was only one new product 7 National pricing analysis revealed an average of varieties of broccoli, with both launched in Australia containing $6.09 per kg, which is substantially higher than purchase and consumption broccoli as an ingredient over the November 2015 prices. declining this wave. last three months.

7 Overall awareness of broccoli types remains low. Over half of consumers are unable to recall any Short Term Long Term variety. Recommendation: Recommendation: 7 The key motivations for purchasing broccoli are Reinvigorate interest in broccoli health and ease of preparation. The main barriers to With the interest in specific health purchase are that broccoli is not available in their through promoting broccoli leaves benefits on the rise, look to partner area and that they don’t want to waste any. as a superfood, which are packed with other vegetables that full of nutrients and fibre. This consumers consider particularly 7 Broccoli is expected to remain fresh for a week. awareness of utilising the whole healthy, including kale, Expectations of freshness are stable and in line with vegetable minimises waste, and previous waves. and sweetpotato. Any new supports the stem to root products should call out health philosophy. benefits and vitamin content on pack.

Chilli Grower Action Plan. 7

Wave 34 Fast Facts – Chilli

7 Chillies hold strong importance to consumers and was the recalled last spend by are likely to be recommended to family and $3.90 consumers in Wave 34. friends. There is strong future purchase intent for chillies.

7 Chillies are purchased 4 times a month and consumed on 11 occasions per month. Purchase is from mainstream and specialist retailers. 1. 2. 7 Consumers generally purchase 300g of chillies, Insight: Insight: with recalled last spend at $3.90. Overall, chillies are perceived as fair value for money, slightly Roasting chillies is on the rise Purchase and usage of chilli declining this wave. and consumers are open to plants are consistently on the rise, yet awareness of chilli 7 Pricing analysis revealed the average national experimenting with chillies when price for long red chillies was $19.19 per kg, cooking a new recipe. varieties fell this wave. slightly higher than prices in November 2015. Short Term Long Term 7 There is a high level of recall for chilli varieties. Jalapeno and birds eye have the greatest Recommendation: Recommendation: awareness amongst consumers. Different cooking styles will Consumers need to be educated 7 Main triggers for purchasing chillies are to use as appeal to adventurous cooks, on the different varieties of an ingredient in dishes and taste. The key barriers chillies to ensure their repertoire to purchase are not wanting to waste any and such as adding chilli to their consuming enough for their needs. roast vegetables for an of usage is expanded. This will increased spice and heat create the need for multiple 7 Chillies are expected to remain fresh for sensation. Inspire consumers at varieties rather than one variety approximately 11 days, and this freshness is met that meets all needs. most of the time. point of purchase with new recipe and cooking ideas. Lettuce Grower Action Plan. 8

Wave 34 Fast Facts – Lettuce

7 Lettuce holds high levels of importance and is the average consumer rating of lettuce’s satisfaction with consumers. Future purchase 6.6/10 value for money. intent has remained stable.

7 Lettuce is purchased on average 4 times per month and consumed approximately 13 times per month. Purchase is primarily from mainstream retailers. 1. 2. 7 On average, consumers are purchasing 700g of Insight: Insight: lettuce, which is consistent with the previous wave. Recalled last spend was $2.70. Value for money is Positively, short shelf life is Taste is increasing as a trigger perceived as good. decreasing as a barrier to to purchase lettuce.

7 Price tracking revealed an average price of $2.64 purchase, with a subsequent per Iceberg lettuce head. This is higher than prices increase in length of expected Long Term from November 2015. freshness. Recommendation:

7 There is a high level of awareness of lettuce types, Short Term Use taste descriptors to further especially Iceberg and Cos. differentiate lesser-known Recommendation: 7 The main motivations for purchasing lettuce are lettuce varieties as a influence to health and complementing other food. Not wanting Maintain high levels of purchase. Varieties such as to waste any and already consuming enough are butter, oak and mesclun have the key barriers to purchase. consumer satisfaction by continually communicating low awareness with consumers, 7 Lettuce is expected to stay fresh for just over a expected freshness and and managing consumers week. Expectations of freshness are met most of longevity through best before flavour expectations may the time, consistent with previous waves. dates. encourage trial. Sweet Corn Grower Action Plan. 9

Wave 34 Fast Facts – Sweet Corn

7 Sweet corn holds high levels of satisfaction and new products were launched globally over interest for consumers, and they are likely to 114 the last three months. recommend sweet corn to family and friends.

7 Purchase frequency of sweet corn is around 4 times per month and on average sweet corn is consumed on 6 occasions per month. 1. 2. 7 On average, consumers purchase 0.9kg of sweet corn, with recalled last spend $3.30. Perceived Insight: Insight: value for money is good (6.9/10), which is higher This wave has seen an increase in East of preparation is one of the than the previous wave. main triggers to purchase. perceived value for money and 7 Analysis of pricing nationally revealed an average purchase of sweet corn because it’s price of $0.96 per cob, which was lower than in versatile. November 2015 ($1.42 per cob). Long Term Short Term 7 Awareness of sweet corn remains very low, with Recommendation: over two thirds of consumers unable to recall a Recommendation: type. Explore New Product Development For vegetables to become a staple (NPD) opportunities centred around 7 Taste is the primary trigger to purchase. Ease of and regularly in the shopping basket, convenience. Examples include preparation is becoming a stronger influence on consumers need to perceive the pre-cooked sweetcorn in ready-to- purchase across waves. Already consuming vegetable as versatile. To increase enough and not wanting to waste any are the main heat vacuum sealed packaging, barriers to purchase. this perception, provide consumers which is appealing to general with cooking instructions, different consumers but also the hospitality 7 Consumers expect sweet corn to remain fresh for cooking styles (BBQ, microwave) and industry. approximately 8 days, and this longevity is likely to alternative cuisine and recipe ideas, be met most of the time. highlighting the suitability for all meals. Green Peas Grower Action Plan. 10

Wave 34 Fast Facts – Green Peas

7 Green peas hold high levels of importance and of consumers purchase green peas because consumers are likely to recommend peas to family 65% they taste great. and friends. Future purchase intent looks stable.

7 Green peas are purchased on average 4 times per month and consumed on 10 occasions per month. Purchase is primarily from mainstream retailers.

7 On average, consumers are purchasing 600g of 1. 2. green peas, which is slightly lower than the previous wave. Recalled last spend was $3.80. Green peas Insight: Insight: are perceived to be good value for money. This wave sees an increase in Adding colour to a meal, 7 Price tracking revealed an average price of $13.53 complementing other food and expense as a barrier to purchase per kg of snow peas, which has increased this wave. adding texture has increased as a green peas.

7 Over half of consumers are unable to recall a type of trigger to purchase. green pea. Snow Peas and Snap Peas have the highest level of recall. Short Term Long Term

7 The main motivations for purchasing green peas are Recommendation: Recommendation: taste and ease of preparation. Already consuming enough and price are the key barriers to purchase. Consumers want to know this Ensure that multiple sized pre- information when purchasing packaged options are available to 7 Green peas are expected to stay fresh for 8 days. Expectations of freshness are met most of the time. peas. Outline the ‘crunchy’ or consumers. Smaller packs with ‘crisp’ texture it will add to a dish, one or two servings will reduce as well as the ideal cooking style the amount of investment to achieve that texture. Packaging required by consumers and thus should have clear windows so the perception of expense. consumers can see the bright green colour. Kale Grower Action Plan. 11

Wave 34 Fast Facts – Kale

7 There are high levels of interest in kale, with 7 is the expected length of consumers likely to recommend it to family and freshness for kale. friends. There is strong future purchase intent, with days one third of consumers indicating they intend to increase the amount they currently purchase.

7 On average, kale is purchased 4 times per month, and consumed 9 occasions per month. 1. 2. 7 On average, consumers purchase 700g of kale. Insight: Insight: Value for money is perceived to be fair. There is greater awareness of Taste is declining as a trigger to 7 Analysis of pricing nationally revealed an average different kale varieties. purchase. price of $4.10 per bunch, which is slightly higher than in November 2015. Short Term Long Term 7 Awareness of kale varieties has continued to Recommendation: improve, however 59% of consumers are still Recommendation: unable to recall a type. To further differentiate kale Manage consumers expectations with flavour 7 Health and nutrition are the primary triggers to varieties in the consumer’s purchase. Already consuming enough and wanting mind, highlight the alternate descriptions on pack. Providing a variety are the main barriers to purchase. flavour and texture profiles that recipe ideas where kale is an ingredient, rather than the hero 7 Consumers expect kale to remain fresh for a each varieties will bring to a week, and this longevity is likely to be met most of dish. Promote this information of the dish. This may encourage the time. on-pack and at point of sale. trial with consumers who are less familiar with the vegetable. Leek Grower Action Plan. 12

Wave 34 Fast Facts – Leek

7 Consumer sentiment for leeks are in line with products containing leek were launched in the Vegetable Average. 5 Australia over the last three months.

7 Leeks are purchased on average twice per month and consumed four times per month, slightly lower than the previous wave. Purchase is primarily from mainstream retailers. 1. 2. 7 On average consumers are purchasing 700g of leek. Recalled last spend was $3.10, with value Insight: Insight: for money perceived to be fair. Purchase from markets and Leek is primarily being cooked in soup. However, new product 7 Price tracking revealed an average price of bunched leeks are on the rise. $2.32 per leek, relatively consistent with past development overseas is also waves. Short Term incorporating leek into main meals. 7 Awareness of leek types is very low, with 85% Recommendation: of consumers unable to recall a type. Investigate alternative supply Long Term

7 The main motivations for purchasing leeks are channels for leek distribution, Recommendation: to use as an ingredient in dishes and that they including farmers and public taste great. Already consuming enough and not markets. Additionally, explore Investigate new product wanting to waste any are the key barriers to multiple formats for distribution, development that includes leek purchase. including individual and bunched in pre-prepared meal products. Promote alternative cooking 7 Leeks are expected to stay fresh for over a leeks. week. Expectations of freshness are met most styles at point of sale to of the time. encourage a greater versatility in usage of leek. 13

Wave 34: Response to Ad hoc Questions One in 10 consumers have purchased vegetables online, consistent with levels 14 in Wave 19. Those who had purchased online cited convenience and delivery. However, the large majority had never ordered vegetables online as they preferred to see, pick and choose their own fresh vegetables.

Purchased Vegetables Online Reasons

Yes 10%

Wave 34 No 90%

Yes 13% Wave 19 No 87%

QAHW34Q1 Have you ever purchased vegetables online? Word Cloud= the larger the word, the more times it was mentioned by respondents Wave 19 N=696, Wave 34 N=624 The key triggers to purchasing fresh vegetables online are based on 15 convenience. In contrast, the key barriers to purchase are consumers’ preference for examining and selecting their own vegetables, and concerns of freshness and quality. Triggers Barriers

Other The convenience of getting my 7% 65% order delivered It takes too long for the vegetables to be 9% delivered

Shopping online is quicker and a I do not save enough money if I shop for 51% 22% time saver vegetables online I am concerned about vegetable deliveries 26% happening when I am not home I am supporting Australian farmers 17% when I shop online Shopping for vegetables in-store is more 35% enjoyable

Vegetables I receive may not accurately match 36% The quality of the vegetables is what I ordered 14% better I do not want to pay for deliveries when 38% purchasing vegetables online

The prices online are better than I am concerned about the quality of the 10% 60% those in-store vegetables I am concerned about the freshness of the 62% vegetables

Other 10% I prefer to examine and select my own 76% vegetables

QAHW34Q2 What are the main triggers to purchasing fresh vegetables online? (N=63) QAHW34Q4 What are the main barriers to purchasing fresh vegetables online? (N=624) 16

Wave 34: Overall Vegetable Tracking 17

Top 20 Vegetables Carrots Purchased Last Month Potatoes Tomatoes Onion Lettuce Carrots, potatoes and tomatoes Capsicums Broccoli continue to be the staple vegetables Cucumbers most popular with consumers. Pumpkins Sweetpotato General vegetable purchase in March Celery 2016 appeared lower than previous Beans waves. The biggest declines in Zucchini purchases were seen in baby broccoli, garlic, cucumber, broccoli, capsicum Garlic and lettuce. Sweet Corn Spring Onion Peas Baby Broccoli

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Wave 29 Wave 30 Wave 31 Wave 32 Wave 33 Wave 34

Sample Wave 34 N=1092 (base in higher as Q appears in Screener) S8. Which of the following fresh vegetables have you purchased in the last month? 18

Category Health Explained.

The following questions were asked to understand consumer sentiment about the vegetables, which can be tracked over time.

The Harvest Project Average is the average of all commodities tracked thus far in this program.

8 How important to you is having a range of commodity available in the store where you usually shop? 8 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the range of commodity currently available? 8 How likely would you be to recommend commodity to your family and friends? 8 How interested or disinterested are you in new commodity varieties? 8 In the future, are you likely to buy? Category health and consumer sentiment remains strong, 19 especially for endorsement and interest compared with the Vegetable Average.

Kale and green peas have strong future purchase intent, while other commodities appear stable.

Sweet Green Vegetable Broccoli Chillies Lettuce Kale Leek Corn Peas Average

Importance 6.4 6.9 6.7 6.8 7.2 6.6 6.5 6.4

Satisfaction 7.1 6.6 7.6 7.0 7.1 6.4 6.6 6.6

Endorsement 7.1 7.1 6.8 7.5 7.3 7.2 6.9 7.0

Interest (New Varieties) 6.1 7.1 6.2 6.6 6.8 6.8 6.5 6.3

Future Purchase More 8% 14% 8% 15% 16% 32% 15% 15% Same 91% 85% 91% 83% 83% 66% 84% 83% Less 1% 1% 2% 2% 1% 2% 0% 1%

Vegetable Average is the mean of all commodities from Wave 1, up to and including current wave. 20

Broccoli. 21 Both consumption and purchase frequency of broccoli have slightly declined this wave. Average Average Purchase Consumption 3.9 times 9.5 times Purchase is typically from per month per month mainstream retailers, with specialist

vegetable retailers also a popular 4.5 times, Wave 26 10.5 times, Wave 26 channel. 4.1 times, Wave 30 10.5 times, Wave 30

Purchase Channels 61% 59% 58% 57% 56% 54%

35% 32% 33%

20% 22% 21% 20% 20% 19% 17% 19% 13%

4% 3% 3% 4% 4% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 0% 1% 0% 0% 1% 0% 2% 2%

Coles Woolworths Specialist Independent Markets Aldi Direct from Gourmet Online Costco Convenience Other Fruit and Supermarkets the grower Independent Stores Vegetable Retailers Retailer

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q1. On average, how often do you purchase ? Q2. On average, how often do you consume ? Q5. From which of the following channels do you typically purchase ? Sample: Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=303 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 22 Average Spend and Price Sensitivity.

Average weight of Recalled last spend Value for money purchase

The average consumer The average recalled last On average, consumers typically purchases 800g of spend in March was perceived broccoli to be broccoli, which is $3.30, which has good value for money consistent with the previous continued to decline over (6.4/10). This has waves. the last three waves. remained stable with the previous wave.

800g, Wave 26 $3.50, Wave 26 6.2/10, Wave 26 800g, Wave 30 $3.40, Wave 30 6.4/10, Wave 30

Q3. How much do you typically purchase when you shop for it? Q3b. To the best of your memory how much did this cost on your most recent typically purchase? Q4. Please indicate how Poor to Good Value you think this product is? (0-10 scale) : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. Sample: Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=303 : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. Individual broccoli heads are the main format purchased by 23 consumers. Pre-packaged formats in small and large containers, bags and trays are also purchased options.

97% 94% 98%

5% 6% 5% 3% 4% 2% 4% 3% 2%

Individual Broccoli Pre-packaged in small Pre-packaged in large Pre-prepared formats container/ bag/tray container/ bag/tray

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q4b In what fresh formats do you typically purchase Broccoli? Sample: Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=303 Online and In-store Commodity Prices. 24 Broccoli.

Darwin, NT Woolworths: $5.98kg Coles: $6.90kg

The average price for broccoli Brisbane, QLD Woolworths: $6.88kg / $6.88kg in Australia was $6.09kg Coles: $6.90kg / $6.90kg

Adelaide, SA Woolworths: $4.98kg / $4.98kg Sydney, NSW Coles: $4.90kg / $4.90kg Woolworths: $6.90kg / $6.90kg Perth, WA Woolworths: $5.98kg Coles: $6.00kg / $6.00kg Coles: $5.50kg Canberra, ACT Woolworths: $6.00kg Melbourne, VIC Coles: $6.00kg • The average price of broccoli was substantially higher at $6.09 per kg, compared to $3.69 Woolworths: $6.00kg / $6.90kg per kg in November 2015. Coles: $6.90kg / $6.00kg • Prices were relatively consistent between states and retailers. • The lowest price was $4.90 per kg and the highest price was $6.90 per kg. The retail price range this wave was $2.00 per kg. Hobart, TAS Pricing was carried out on 16th March 2016 between 10am-12pm. Woolworths: $5.98kg Prices are displayed Online / In-store. Green text indicates promotional price. Coles: $4.90kg 25

30% 27% Broccoli 33% 32% 38% Overall awareness of broccoli 27% types is relatively consistent 7% across waves, with just over 8% Baby Broccoli half of consumers unable to 6% 3% recall a type. 5% Chinese Broccoli 2% Consumers recall ‘Broccolini’ Other varieties recalled are 3% and generic names, such as Calabrese, Arcadia and 3% Purple Marathon. 2% ‘broccoli’, with very few 1% consumers able to name 1% Other specific types. 0% 52% 55% Do not know any varieties 57%

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q6a. What varieties of are you aware of? (unprompted) Sample: Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=303 Health and convenience continue to be the main influences on broccoli 26 purchase. The main barrier to purchase is broccoli not being available in their area. This wave sees a noticeable increase in taste as a trigger to purchase.

Triggers Barriers

65% 4% As they are healthy 68% 4% I grow my own 67% 4% 61% 4% Easy to prepare/cook with 60% 3% I don't like the taste 62% 4% 51% 4% They taste great 48% 7% Inconsistent or poor quality 55% 6% 45% 11% I don't know how to fit any more vegetables into To add variety to my vegetable 6% 46% my daily diet selection 52% 7% 45% 8% Cooks quickly 40% 7% Other 43% 13% 34% 13% To add colour to a meal 34% 15% Short shelf life 41% 15% 27% Specific health and nutritional 42% 41% 19% I consume enough to balance my diet benefits 38% 21% 31% 23% To complement other food 32% 20% Expensive 36% 22% 38% 25% To use as an ingredient in dishes 37% 28% I don't want to waste any 36% 28% 33% 28% Not available in my area The whole family likes them 31% 35% 31% 28% Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16 Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q7. Which of the following reasons best describes why you purchase ? Q8. Which reason best describes why you don’t buy more often? Sample: Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=303 27

Dinner is the main meal occasion Top 5 Consumption Occasions for broccoli consumption. Wave 30 Wave 34 Cuisines typically cooked remain 11% relatively consistent this wave, Dinner 77% 79% used broccoli Family Meals 62% 59% when cooking a with Australian and Chinese new recipe cuisines being most popular. Weekday Meals 46% 50% Weekend Meals 39% 40% 14%, Wave 26 Quick Meals 39% 35% 13%, Wave 30

70% 59% Typical Cuisine Cooked 60% 51% 47% 50%


30% 18% 20% 16% 12% 7% 6% 10% 4% 5% 0% Traditional Modern Chinese Thai Vietnamese Indian British Italian Snacks Other

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Australian Asian European Snacks

Q10. What cuisines do you cook/consume that use ? Q11. Which of the following occasions do you typically consume/use ? Sample: Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=303 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. Broccoli is generally steamed and stir-fried. Carrots, potatoes and 28 cauliflower are most likely to be served in combination with broccoli, consistent with the last three waves.

Accompanying Vegetables

Carrot 68% Top 10 Cooking Styles Wave 26 Wave 30 Wave 34 Steaming 66% 68% 67% lettu Stir frying 57% 47% 47% Potato 63% Boiling 39% 36% 35% ce Microwave 26% 26% 25% Soup 16% 13% 15% Sautéing 11% 10% 11% Cauliflower 39% Slow Cooking 10% 7% 10% Raw 12% 10% 9% Frying 8% 9% 7% carr Roasting 8% 6% 6% Sweet 36% Potatoot

Pumpkin 34%

Q9. How do you typically cook ? Q10a. And when are you serving which of the following do you also serve together with this? Sample: Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=303 29 Importance of provenance has increased this wave, sitting above the Vegetable Average. Knowing that broccoli is grown in Australia still remains highly important information for consumers.

Vegetable Average 6.5

Wave 26: Jul-15 6.9 8.5

Wave 30: Nov-15 6.7

Wave 34: Mar-16 7.3

Q14. When purchasing , how important is Provenance to you? Q15. And when purchasing Chillies, how important is that it is grown in Australia? Sample: Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=303 30

Broccoli is expected to stay fresh for just Expected over a week, consistent with past waves. to stay Expectations of freshness are being met fresh for most of the time. 7.7 days

7.4 days, Wave 26 7.7 days, Wave 30 Expectations Met

Wave 26: Jul-15 3% 6% 11% 63% 17%

Wave 30: Nov-15 2% 7% 12% 63% 16%

Wave 34: Mar-16 1% 7% 13% 62% 16%

Never Met Rarely met Met some of the time Met half of the time Met most of the time Always met

Q12. How long do you expect to stay fresh for, once you have purchased it? Q13. How often is this length of freshness met when you buy ? Sample: Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=303 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 31

Broccoli Product Launch Trends. There were 334 new broccoli products launched globally over the last 3 Broccoli Global Launches months. Top categories for launch were fruit & vegetables and meals. These January – March 2016 launches occurred primarily across Europe and Asia Pacific.

Country Region

3% USA 15% 7%

South Korea 10% 21% 44% Germany 8%

UK 7% 26%

Canada 6% Europe Asia Pacific North America Latin America 334 Global NPDs Middle East & Africa

Top Pack Formats Top Claims

7% Microwaveable 37% 9% Categories No Additives/ 36% 36% Preservatives 9% Fruits & Meals Ease of Use 24% Vegetables 21% 22% Ethical - 16% Environmentally 18% Friendly Package Flexible Tray Soup Skincare Carton Flexible stand-up pouch 7% Low/No/Reduced 7% Allergen 14% Flexible sachet 33

Broccoli Product Launches: Last 3 Months (January – March 2016) Summary

• A total of 344 products containing broccoli as an ingredient were launched globally within the last 3 months, which is up from the previous wave.

• There was only 1 product launched containing broccoli launched in Australia in the past 3 months (see upcoming slide for more detail).

• Europe (44%), Asia Pacific (26%) were the top regions for broccoli product launches.

• Flexible pack formats (36%) are the predominant form of packaging for launches in the last 3 months. This is consistent with the previous waves.

• The top categories for launches were fruit and vegetable products (22%), meals (21%), and soups (7%). Source: Mintel (2016) • The core claims used for launches centred around convenience and health, with microwaveable being the top claim (37%), no additives or preservatives (36%) and ease of use (24%).

• The most innovative launch found was Raw Broccoli Powder in Sweden (see upcoming slides for more detail). 34 USA was the dominant country for broccoli product launches. Fruit & vegetables, meals and soup were the main product categories.

Top Launch Countries Top Launch Categories

15% USA Fruit & Vegetables 22%

South Korea 10% Meals & Meal Centers 21% 8% Germany Soup 7% 7% UK Skincare 7% 6% Canada Baby Food 7% 3% Poland Processed Fish, Meat & 6% Egg Products 3% France Snacks 6% 3% Ireland 334 Juice Drinks 6% Global 3% Hong Kong Launches Healthcare 4% 3% Japan Side Dishes 3% 35 Microwaveable is the most used claim on broccoli products, with no additives/preservatives also a popular claim. Flexible packaging is utilised across all regions, consistent with past waves.

Pack Formats Used Top Claims Used

Flexible 36% Microwaveable 37%

Tray 16% No Additives/Preservatives 36% Global

Carton 9% Global Ease of Use 24%

Flexible 39% Microwaveable 37%

Tray 21% No Additives/Preservatives 32% Europe

Europe Carton 12% Vegetarian 24%

Flexible 29% No Additives/Preservatives 38%

Flexible Stand-Up Pouch 15% Microwaveable 22%

Asia Asia

Asia Pacific Pacific Bottle 10% Babies & Toddlers (0-4) 20%

Only regions with n >30 are displayed

Innovative Broccoli Launches: 36 L3M (January – March 2016) Natural Polyphenol Antioxidants

Trader Joe's Thai Sweet Amy's Gluten Free Pesto Iglo G'sunden Appetit! Organics Happy Baby Chili Veggie Burger Rice Crust Pizza Broccoli Patties Superfood Munchies (USA) (USA) (Austria) Broccoli, Kale & Cheddar Baked Cheese & Grain Trader Joe's Thai Sweet Chili Veggie Amy's Gluten Free Pesto Rice Crust Pizza is Iglo G'sunden Appetit! Broccoli-Laibchen Burger is a delicious blend of Asian made with homemade pesto, garden-fresh (Broccoli Patties) have been repackaged and Snack (USA) vegetables and rice with Thai sweet chili organic tomato slices, and organic broccoli are now available in a newly designed pack. sauce. The kosher product is described as florets, partly skimmed mozzarella and The quality product is free from flavour Organics Happy Baby Superfood Munchies a perfect blend of sweet and spicy and said Monterey jack cheeses. The kosher and enhancers and artificial flavourings and can Broccoli, Kale & Cheddar Baked Cheese & to be great by itself, on a bun or crumbled organic certified product is free from GMO, be crisply oven baked or fried. It retails in a Grain Snack has been relaunched with a on top of a salad of leafy greens. It can be trans fat, MSG, preservatives, rBST 300g pack containing four units, featuring the new name, previously known as Happy Baby heated in the microwave, and retails in a hormone-free milk, animal enzymes or Forever Food Together and Facebook logos Happy Munchies. The kosher and USDA 10-oz. pack containing four patties. animal rennet. It retails in a 11.2-oz. recycled as well as a QR code. organic certified product contains 3g and recyclable pack. wholegrain, 32mg choline to support brain and eye health and nine essential vitamins and minerals.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: Other (Functional), Kosher, Organic, Babies Kosher, Microwaveable No Additives/Preservatives, Kosher, No Additives/Preservatives, Ethical - & Toddlers (0-4), Gluten-Free, Antioxidant, Low/No/Reduced Fat, Organic, Gluten-Free, Environmentally Friendly Product, Social Wholegrain, Brain & Nervous System Low/No/Reduced Transfat, Low/No/Reduced Media (Functional), Low/No/Reduced Allergen, Allergen, Ethical - Environmentally Friendly Ethical - Environmentally Friendly Package, Package, Hormone Free, GMO-Free Ethical - Environmentally Friendly Product, Ethical - Human, GMO-Free

Source: Mintel (2016) Innovative Broccoli Launches: 37 L3M (January – March 2016) Natural Polyphenol Antioxidants

P.F. Chang's Home Menu Lebepur Raw Broccoli Brad's Raw Garlic-Ity Split! Condieta Linha Baixa Beef with Broccoli Powder Broccoli Poppers Calorias Filet Mignon with (USA) (Sweden) (USA) Spices, Paulista Couscous, and Broccoli Cream P.F. Chang's Home Menu Beef with Broccoli Lebepur Broccolipulver (Raw Broccoli Brad's Raw Garlic-Ity Split! Broccoli Poppers (Brazil) has been reformulated with better tasting Powder) is now available. It contains 100% are said to be an excellent source of living

beef. It comprises beef with a savory garlic gently dried and ground organic broccoli nutrients and enzymes, as well as a source Condieta Linha Baixa Calorias Filé Mignon soy sauce and broccoli. The USDA certified, and is said to be perfect to increase the of vitamin A, vitamin C, iron and calcium. com Especiarias, Cuscuz Paulista e Creme microwaveable product is retailed in a 22- value of green smoothies quick and simply This USDA organic certified raw product is de Brócolis (Filet Mignon with Spices, oz. pack featuring a Facebook logo. with just a small amount. This 100% pure free of GMO, gluten and soy and is suitable Paulista Couscous, and Broccoli Cream) is raw product is free from additives, is for vegans. This snack is made with 1/4-lb. now available. This gourmet, healthy dish is suitable for vegans and retails in 125g pack of veggies and seeds and is produced with microwavable, and contains no colorants or featuring the EU Green Leaf and BIO logos. vegan cheese made without nuts. preservatives. It is low in calories, and retails in a 300g pack.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: Microwaveable, Social Media No Additives/Preservatives, Organic, Vegan Organic, Gluten-Free, Antioxidant, No Additives/Preservatives, Low/No/Reduced Allergen, Vegan, No Low/No/Reduced Calorie, Microwaveable Animal Ingredients, GMO-Free, Social Media

Source: Mintel (2016) Innovative Broccoli Launches: 38 L3M (January – March 2016) Natural Polyphenol Antioxidants

Nacho Loco Broccoli & Tesco Edamame Stir Fry Organique Vegee Baked M&M Meat Shops Tempura Ricotta Burritos (UK) Organic Veggie Snacks Vegetables (Brazil) (Czech Republic) (Canada) Tesco Edamame Stir Fry is now available. The product is described as a selection of Organique Vegee Pecený Zeleninový Snack M&M Meat Shops Tempura Vegetables are Nacho Loco Burritos de Brócolis com Ricota vegetables with Edamame beans and pea (Baked Organic Veggie Snacks) are now comprised of zucchini, spinach, cauliflower, (Broccoli & Ricotta Burritos) are ready to shoots. It is ready to cook, has been available. This organic, vegetarian, baked, carrots, red and yellow bell peppers and heat and serve. The microwavable product washed, and can be prepared in five non-fried, gluten-free product is made with broccoli, all lightly coated in an exclusive, is mildly seasoned and retails in a 520g minutes. This vegetarian product retails in a carrot, beetroot and broccoli, contains 60% crispy tempura batter. This product, which is pack containing four burritos, and featuring 280g pack. less fat than regular potato crisps, no trans a source of fibre and low in saturated fat, a recipe suggestion, Facebook and fats, no cholesterol and no GMO. It is said retails in a 500g pack. Instagram page links. to be oven baked at low temperatures to maintain the great flavour and retails in an 85g pack featuring EU Green Leaf, EKO and GF-certified logos.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: Microwaveable, Ease of Use, Social Media Vegetarian, Ease of Use Low/No/Reduced Cholesterol, Low/No/Reduced Saturated Fat Low/No/Reduced Fat, Organic, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, Low/No/Reduced Transfat, Low/No/Reduced Allergen, GMO-Free

Source: Mintel (2016) Australian Broccoli Launches: 39 L3M (January – March 2016)

M.E.B. Foods Superfoods Chia, Spinach, Kale & Broccoli Organic Wraps

M.E.B. Foods Superfoods Chia, Spinach, Kale & Broccoli Organic Wraps are now available. According to the manufacturer, spinach contains more nutrients than any other food on earth; and is loaded with vitamins A, K, D, E and other trace minerals. It is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and contains anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory antioxidants and alkalizes the body. Kale contains a type of phytonutrient that appears to lessen the occurrence of a wide variety of cancers including breast and ovarian.

Claims: High/Added Fiber, Other (Functional), Microwaveable, Organic, Vitamin/Mineral Fortified, Antioxidant, Bone Health, High Protein, Social Media

Source: Mintel (2016) 40

PumpkinChillies.. Consumption frequency has increased 41 this wave, whilst purchase frequency remains stable. Average Average Coles and Woolworths remain the Purchase Consumption primary purchase channels for chillies, 3.7 times 11.1 times per month per month with specialist retailers seeing a continuous decline over the past four 3.8 times, Wave 26 12.0 times, Wave 26 waves. 3.7 times, Wave 30 10.4 times, Wave 30

65% Purchase Channels 58% 57% 55% 54% 51%

40% 34% 31% 29% 26% 26% 23% 20% 19%

8% 8% 10% 4% 4% 5% 4% 5% 4% 4% 4% 2% 2% 2% 2% 0% 1% 1% 0% 0% 2%

Coles Woolworths Specialist Markets Independent Aldi Gourmet Direct from Online Convenience Costco Other Fruit and Supermarkets Independent the grower Stores Vegetable Retailers Retailer

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q1. On average, how often do you purchase ? Q2. On average, how often do you consume ? Q5. From which of the following channels do you typically purchase ? Sample Wave 26 N=201, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202 42 Average Spend and Price Sensitivity.

Average weight of Recalled last spend Value for money purchase

The typical consumer Recalled last spend on Consumers’ perceived purchases 300g chilli purchase was value for money was of chillies, consistent $3.90, relatively relatively fair (6.1/10), with all previous consistent with the which has slightly waves. previous waves. declined this wave.

300g, Wave 26 $4.00, Wave 26 6.4/10, Wave 26 300g, Wave 30 $4.00, Wave 30 6.4/10, Wave 30

Q3. How much do you typically purchase when you shop for it? Q3b. To the best of your memory how much did this cost on your most recent typically purchase? Q4. Please indicate how Poor to Good Value you think this product is? 0-10 scale Sample Wave 26 N=201, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202 43 Individual chillies are the main format purchased, followed by pre-packaged small trays.

95% 92% 90%

20% 20% 22% 11% 7% 9% 5% 3% 5% 4% 2% 4%

Individual Chilli Pre-packaged in small Plant Pre-prepared formats Pre-packaged in large container/bag/tray container/bag/tray

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q4b In what fresh formats do you typically purchase Chillies? Sample Wave 26 N=201, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202 Online and In-store Commodity Prices. 44 Chillies (Long Red).

Darwin, NT Woolworths: $19.98kg Coles: $20.00kg

The average price for Chillies in Brisbane, QLD Australia was $19.19 kg Woolworths: $17.98kg / $17.98kg Coles: $18.00kg / $18.00kg

Adelaide, SA Woolworths: $19.98kg / $19.98kg Coles: $15.00kg / $15.00kg Sydney, NSW Perth, WA Woolworths: $15.90kg / $15.90kg Woolworths: $24.98kg Coles: $20.00kg / $15.90kg Coles: $25.00kg Canberra, ACT Woolworths: $19.00kg Coles: $20.00kg Melbourne, VIC • The average national price per kilo in Chillies was $19.19 per kg, slightly higher than Woolworths: $19.00kg / $24.00kg November 2015 ($18.64 per kg). Coles: $20.00kg / $19.00kg • There was little price variation between retailers, but differences between east and west coast. The cheapest price was in Adelaide ($15.00kg) and the most expensive ($25.00kg) in Perth. • The retail price range was $10.00. Hobart, TAS Pricing was carried out on 16th March 2016 between 10am-12pm. Woolworths: $20.00kg Prices are displayed Online / In-store. Coles: $20.00kg Green text indicates in-store promotional price. 45

Over one third of consumers 29% Jalapeno 37% cannot recall a type of chilli, which 36% 25% has consistently increased over Birds eye 28% 27% the last three waves. 12% Habanero 20% 18% 8% Cayenne 5% Jalapeno and Birds eye remain the 7% 7% Thai 2% most recalled types. Consumers 7% 4% are also prompted by colour. Long 6% 6% 4% Scotch bonnet 4% 4% 2% Serrano 0% 2% 1% Banana 5% 3% Red Green Yellow 1% Mexican 1% 22% 22% 3% 1% 39% Do not know any varieties 34% 32% Chilli colour recall Wave 34: Mar-16 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 26: Jul-15

Q6a. What types/varieties of are you aware of? (unprompted) Sample Wave 26 N=201, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202

Three key triggers continue to drive chilli purchase: use as an ingredient in 46 dishes, taste and complementing other food. Not wanting to waste any and consuming enough for their needs remain the main barriers to purchase.

Triggers Barriers 76% 4% To use as an ingredient in dishes 72% 4% Not versatile for my cooking style 71% 4% 69% 4% They taste great 67% 6% Inconsistent or poor quality 67% 4% 61% 5% To complement other food 60% 8% Lack of variety available 60% 7% 35% 9% To add colour to a meal 35% 11% I want a variety of vegetables in my diet 36% 10% 31% 14% As they are healthy 29% 9% Other 31% 12% To add variety to my vegetable 35% 10% 27% 9% Short shelf life selection 31% 12% 37% 16% Easy to prepare/cook with 36% 16% Expensive 31% 17% 29% 24% It's versatile 29% 21% I grow my own 24% 25% 21% 30% Tradition/habit 18% 30% I consume enough to balance my diet 24% 28% 27% 30% The whole family likes them 20% 26% I don't want to waste any 22% 29% Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16 Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q7. Which of the following reasons best describes why you purchase ? Q8. Which reason best describes why you don’t buy more often? Sample Wave 26 N=201, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202 47

Chillies are popular in Asian and Top 5 Consumption Occasions Indian cuisine, consistent with Wave 30 Wave 34 previous waves. 31% Dinner 76% 74% used chillies Family Meals 63% 59% when cooking a Consumers are typically eating new recipe chillies for dinner. Chillies are also Weekday Meals 53% 51% Weekend Meals 51% 51% popular when cooking new recipes. 42%, Wave 26 Quick Meals 48% 44% 41%, Wave 30

70% Typical Cuisine Cooked

60% 49% 47% 50% 56% 40% 38% 25% 30%

20% 28% 10% 12% 10% 4% 12% 0% Traditional Modern Chinese Thai Vietnamese Indian British Italian Snacks Other

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Australian Asian European Snacks

Q10. What cuisines do you cook/consume that use ? Q11. Which of the following occasions do you typically consume/use ? Sample Wave 26 N=201, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202 Onions and tomatoes are the main vegetables that are served with 48 chillies. Consumers prefer to stir-fry chillies. There has been a consistent decline of soups as a cooking style over the last three waves.

Accompanying Vegetables

Top 10 Cooking Styles Onion 57% Wave 26 Wave 30 Wave 34 Stir frying 74% 76% 78% Frying 44% 45% 40% lettu Tomato 54% Raw 31% 27% 32% ce Sautéing 33% 30% 30% Slow Cooking 38% 32% 29% Roasting 23% 19% 25% Capsicum 48% Soup 36% 28% 22% Grilling 11% 16% 17% Steaming 7% 5% 9% carr Garlic 46% Baking 14% 14% 8% ot

Carrot 39%

Q9. How do you typically cook ? Q10a. And when are you serving which of the following do you also serve together with this? Sample Wave 26 N=201, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202

49 Importance of provenance increased this wave, but still sits below the Vegetable Average. This may be due to consumers only purchasing a small amount of chillies per shop compared with other vegetables.

Vegetable Average 6.5

Wave 26: Jul-15 6.3 7.3

Wave 30: Nov-15 6.0

Wave 34: Mar-16 6.2

Q14. When purchasing , how important is Provenance to you? Q15. And when purchasing Chillies, how important is that it is grown in Australia? Sample Wave 26 N=201, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202 50

Freshness expectations have remained stable this month with over one fifth of consumers stating that Expected their expectations were always met. to stay fresh for The expected shelf life of chillies has improved 11.2 days this wave to approximately 11 days. 10.9 days, Wave 26 10.4 days, Wave 30

Expectations Met

Wave 26: Jul-15 4% 7% 69% 18%

Wave 30: Nov-15 2% 7% 9% 61% 21%

Wave 34: Mar-16 1% 5% 10% 64% 20%

Never Met Rarely met Met some of the time Met half of the time Met most of the time Always met

Q12. How long do you expect to stay fresh for, once you have purchased it? Q13. How often is this length of freshness met when you buy ? Sample Wave 26 N=201, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202


PumpkinChillies .Product Launch Trends. There were 3439 new products launched in the last 3 months that contained Chilli Global Launches chilli as an ingredient, noticeably higher than the previous wave (2800). The majority of these launches were in the Asia Pacific and Europe. The top product January – March 2016 launches categories were sauces & seasonings and snacks.

Country Region

5% 3% India 14% 7%

UK 8% 51% China 7% 33%

USA 6%

South Korea Asia Pacific Europe 5% North America Latin America 3439 Global NPDs Middle East & Africa

Top Pack Formats Top Claims

Vegetarian 24% 7%

9% Categories No Additives/ Preservatives 22%

31% Sauces & 9% Snacks Not Specified 20% Seasoning 25% 32% Ease of Use 17% 13% Processed Meals Products Flexible Jar Tub Tray Flexible stand-up pouch 20% 10% Microwaveable 15% 53

Chilli Product Launches: Last 3 Months (January – March 2016) Summary

• A total of 3439 products that contained chilli as an ingredient have been launched globally in the last 3 months.

• There were 60 chilli products launched in Australia – slightly lower than the previous wave.

• The two main regions for launches are Asia Pacific (51%) and Europe (33%).

• Flexible packaging (31%) and jars (13%) remained the main formats used for chilli launches.

• Top categories for launches are sauces and seasoning (32%) and snacks (25%).

• The key claims used are vegetarian (24%) and no additives/preservatives (22%).

• The most innovative products are Sushi Chilli Mayonnaise from Norway, and Source: Mintel (2016) Jalapeño Chilli Ketchup from Sweden (see upcoming slides for more details). 54 India and UK have had the greatest number of launches over the past three months. The majority of products are launched as sauces, snacks and meals.

Top Launch Countries Top Launch Categories

Sauces & Seasonings 32% 14% India Snacks 25% 8% UK Meals & Meal Centers 20% 7% China Processed Fish, Meat & 10% 6% USA Egg Products Savoury Spreads 3% 5% South Korea Soup 5% Germany 2%

4% Indonesia Bakery 2% 3439 France Side Dishes 1% Global 4% Launches 3% Mexico Fruit & Vegetables 1%

3% Thailand Chocolate Confectionery 1% Vegetarian is the key claim used on products containing chilli. 55 Flexible formats are the main type of packaging used, consistent with the previous wave.

Pack Formats Used Top Claims Used

Flexible 31% Vegetarian 24%

Jar 13% No Additives/Preservatives 22% Global

Tub 9% Global Ease of Use 17%

Flexible 38% Vegetarian 32%

Jar 13% No Additives/Preservatives 23%


Asia Pacific

Pacific Flexible Stand-Up Pouch 9% Halal 20%

Ethical - Environmentally 21% Flexible 23% Friendly Package

Tray 18% Microwaveable 20% Europe Europe Jar 14% Vegetarian 19%

Only shown regions > 30 products launched Innovative Chilli Launches: 56 L3M (January – March 2016)

Santa Maria Chilli ShellPride Baked Salmon Göteborgs Utvalda Crostini The Co-operative Loved by Flavoured Tortilla Chips with Chipotle and Honey with Rye and a Pinch of Us Cook in 30 Mins Piri Piri (Denmark) (Mexico) Chilli Chicken (Sweden) (UK) Santa Maria Chilli Flavoured Tortilla Chips ShellPride Salmón Horneado al Chipotle are available featuring a new improved con Miel (Baked Salmon with Chipotle and Göteborgs Utvalda Crostini med Råg & en The Co-operative Loved by Us Cook in 30 recipe. The Tex Mex chips are made with Honey) is handmade with a touch of fine Nypa Chili (Crostini with Rye and a Pinch of Mins Piri Piri Chicken has been relaunched sunflower oil, baked over an open flame and spices to highlight its unique taste and Chilli) is said to be for Swedish tastes and with a new brand name and packaging. The can be eaten with a dip. The crispy product texture. The cooked, boneless and ready to suitable for simple starter dishes, as a side product comprises piri piri marinated is suitable for vegetarians and retails in a eat product is microwaveable and retails in to salads and soups, or for luxurious chicken breasts with peppers, onions and 185g pack. a 200g pack. snacks. The product is baked with olive oil slices of corn on the cob with a sachet of using the high quality and carefully selected spicy piri piri sauce. It is said to be perfect ingredients, and retails in a 100g pack, with a side of crispy fries, a green salad and featuring recipe suggestions. creamy coleslaw.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: Vegetarian Microwaveable, Ease of Use NA Ethical - Environmentally Friendly Package

Source: Mintel (2016) Innovative Chilli Launches: 57 L3M (January – March 2016)

Liang Pin Pu Zi / Bestore Dang Spicy Chili & Lime Putri Bali Sweet Spicy Heinz Jalapeño Chilli Spicy Flavoured Stewed Flavored Toasted Coconut Balinese Peanuts Ketchup Iron Egg Chips (Indonesia) (Sweden) (China) (USA)

Liang Pin Pu Zi / Bestore Xiang La Wei Dang Spicy Chili & Lime Flavored Toasted Putri Bali Kacang Kapri Bumbu Bali Rasa Heinz Tomato Ketchup med Jalapeno Xiang Lu Tie Dan (Spicy Flavoured Stewed Coconut Chips have been repackaged with Pedas Manis (Sweet Spicy Balinese (Jalapeño Chilli Ketchup) is now available. Iron Egg) contains high protein. This tasty a new design. The crispy snack is said to Peanuts) are now available. This product is The product retails in a 250g pack. product retails in a 128g economy pack have a tart, zesty front note followed by a halal certified. containing individual units and featuring a kick of heat and a sweet, nutty aftertaste. QR code. The vegan product is a good source of fiber and free from GMO, gluten, dairy and cholesterol.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: Economy, High Protein Low/No/Reduced Cholesterol, High/Added Halal N/A Fiber, Gluten-Free, Low/No/Reduced Allergen, Ethical - Environmentally Friendly Product, Ethical - Human, Vegan, No Animal Ingredients, GMO-Free, Social Media

Source: Mintel (2016) Innovative Chilli Launches: 58 L3M (January – March 2016)

Marketside Parmesan and Sanghavi's Red Chilli Rice Lofoten Sushi Chili Kronfågel Fried and Sliced Garlic Sauce'n Toss Wing Papad Mayonnaise Chicken Fillet with Caesar Sauce (USA) (India) (Norway) Taste (Sweden)

Marketside Parmesan and Garlic Sauce'n Sanghavi's Red Chilli Rice Papad is Toss Wing Sauce is described as a classic Lofoten Sushi Chili Majones (Chili Clover Sunflower Oil Cooking Spray with microwaveable and suitable for vegetarians. blend of bold aged parmesan cheese flavor Mayonnaise) is now available on the Chilli Extract is quick and easy to use and The crunchy product retails in a 250g pack. in a creamy vinaigrette, and balanced with market. This product retails in a 90g pack. ideal for all the cooking needs. With 86% savory mustard and hot chili peppers. The less fat than butter and 46% less saturated product retails in a 4-lb. 4-oz. pack. fat than olive oil, this non-stick sunflower oil emulsion can be used for healthier cooking every day. This vegetarian product retails in a 120ml recyclable pack.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: N/A Microwaveable, Vegetarian N/A Ease of Use

Source: Mintel (2016) Australian Chilli Launches: 59 L3M (January – March 2016)

Andersen Cacao Creations Saxa Natural Red Chilli and Nando's Lemon & Herb Woolworths Created With Raw Organic Chocolate Salt Blend Mild Peri-Peri Rub Jamie Spicy Asian-Style Bark with Rose Petal, Salmon Mango and Goji Berry

Moser Roth Finest Dark Freedom Farms Deli Originals Prawn & Bakers Life Lime Chilli Chocolate with Chilli Portuguese Butterflied Mango Dip Wrap Kit Chicken

Source: Mintel (2016) 60

Lettuce. Purchase and consumption of lettuce have 61 both slightly declined this wave, with consumption occurring once every two days on average. Average Average Mainstream retailers remain the primary Purchase Consumption channel of purchase for consumers, 4.1 times 13.9 times however there has been a noticeable per month per month decline in purchase from Woolworths this wave. 4.2 times, Wave 26 13.1 times, Wave 26 4.4 times, Wave 30 14.7 times, Wave 30 Purchase Channel 63%63% 61% 62% 61%


38% 32% 28% 26% 23% 22% 20% 21% 18% 18% 15% 15%

4% 4% 4% 3% 3% 2% 2% 3% 2% 2% 3% 2% 1% 0% 1% 1% 1% 0%

Coles Woolworths Specialist Independent Markets Aldi Direct from Gourmet Online Costco Convenience Other Fruit and Supermarkets the grower Independent Stores Vegetable Retailers Retailer Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q1. On average, how often do you purchase ? Q2. On average, how often do you consume ? Q5. From which of the following channels do you typically purchase ? : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. Sample Wave 26 N=312, Wave 30 N=304, Wave 34 N=304 : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 62 Average Spend and Price Sensitivity.

Average weight of Recalled last spend Value for money purchase

The typical consumer Recalled spend on Consumers’ perceived purchases 700g lettuce was $2.70, value for money is good of lettuce, which is remaining consistent (6.6/10), which is higher consistent with the with the last wave. than the previous two previous waves. waves.

700g, Wave 26 $2.90, Wave 26 6.4/10, Wave 26 700g, Wave 30 $2.70, Wave 30 6.3/10, Wave 30

Q3. How much do you typically purchase when you shop for it? Q3b. To the best of your memory how much did this cost on your most recent typically purchase? Q4. Please indicate how Poor to Good Value you think this product is? 0-10 scale Sample Wave 26 N=312, Wave 30 N=304, Wave 34 N=304 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. Individual lettuce heads are purchased by the majority of 63 consumers. This wave sees a noticeable decline in purchases of pre-prepared formats and individual lettuce leaves.

87% 88% 87%

33% 28% 28% 25% 26% 21% 21% 17% 14% 16% 15% 15% 12% 10% 10% 5% 5% 3%

Individual Whole Pre-packaged Pre-prepared Individual Lettuce Pre-packaged Baby/mini formats Half Lettuce Lettuce Small Bag of formats Leaves Large Bag of Lettuce/Lettuce Lettuce/Lettuce Leaves Leaves

Wave 34: Mar-16 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 26: Jul-15

Q4b In what fresh formats do you typically purchase Lettuce? Sample Wave 26 N=312, Wave 30 N=304, Wave 34 N=304 Online and In-store Commodity Prices. 64 Lettuce (Iceberg).

Darwin, NT Woolworths: $3.00ea Coles: $2.90ea

The average price for lettuce Brisbane, QLD Woolworths: $2.48ea / $2.48ea in Australia was $2.64 each Coles: $1.50ea / $1.50ea

Adelaide, SA Woolworths: $2.50ea / $2.50ea Sydney, NSW Coles: $2.30ea / $2.30ea Woolworths: $2.90ea / $2.90ea Perth, WA Woolworths: $2.98ea Coles: $2.90ea / $2.90ea Coles: $3.00ea Canberra, ACT Woolworths: $2.98ea • The national average price for Iceberg lettuce was $2.64 each, which was higher than Melbourne, VIC Coles: $2.98ea November 2015 ($2.22 each). Woolworths: $2.90ea / $2.90ea • The cheapest price was $1.50 per head in Brisbane and the most expensive at $3.00 in Coles: $2.90ea / $2.90ea Perth and Darwin. • The retail price range for lettuce was $1.50 per head.

Hobart, TAS Pricing was carried out on 16th March 2016 between 10am-12pm. Woolworths: $2.50ea Prices are displayed Online / In-store. Coles: $2.50ea Green text indicates in-store promotional price. 65

62% Iceberg 69% 62% 60% Cos 58% 53% 22% Rocket 21% 19% 13% A large proportion of consumers are Butter 13% 8% aware of different varieties of lettuce. 6% Oak 8% Iceberg and Cos continue to have the 8% 7% greatest level of recall. Red 7% 5% 2% Mignonette 3% Several lettuce types recalled are not 5% 3% Coral 3% actually lettuce, although consumers 3% 1% perceive them to be, such as rocket, Baby Lettuce 7% endive and radicchio. 3% Mesclun 3% 2% Other types consumers are 7% Other 6% aware of were radicchio and 7% endive 14% Do not know any varieties 17% 15%

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q6a. What types/varieties of are you aware of? (unprompted) Sample Wave 26 N=312, Wave 30 N=304, Wave 34 N=304 Purchasing lettuce is triggered by health, complementing 66 other food, and ease of preparation, consistent with the previous wave. Not wanting to waste any and already consuming enough are key barriers to purchase.

Triggers Barriers

50% 3% As they are healthy 53% 4% Lack of variety available 53% 3% 55% 5% To complement other food 51% 6% Inconsistent or poor quality 51% 6% 42% 9% Easy to prepare/cook with 46% 8% I grow my own 43% 7% 39% 6% I don't know how to fit any more vegetables 5% They taste great 41% into my daily diet 42% 8% To add variety to my vegetable 29% 10% 28% 10% Other selection 37% 12% 33% 15% It's versatile 34% 10% I want a variety of vegetables in my diet 34% 12% 30% 18% The whole family likes them 40% 11% Expensive 34% 13% 33% 29% To use as an ingredient in dishes 27% 28% Short shelf life 33% 23% 31% 29% I like the texture 32% 27% I consume enough to balance my diet 33% 31% 26% 38% Tradition/habit 30% 43% I don't want to waste any 31% 36%

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16 Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q7. Which of the following reasons best describes why you purchase ? Q8. Which reason best describes why you don’t buy more often? Sample Wave 26 N=312, Wave 30 N=304, Wave 34 N=304 67 Australian cuisine remains the most popular style cooked, with Top 5 Consumption Occasions all cuisines remaining consistent with the previous wave. Wave 30 Wave 34 Lunch 64% 67% 6% used lettuce when Dinner 61% 67% cooking a new Lettuce consumption continues to recipe be most popular during lunch and Family Meals 53% 49% dinner occasions. Weekend Meals 42% 49% 11%, Wave 26 Weekday Meals 41% 48% 9%, Wave 30

70% Typical Cuisine Cooked 58% 60% Other cuisines include 50% salads and sandwiches

40% 46% 30% 20% 13% 16% 20% 12% 5% 3% 3% 10% 2% 0% Traditional Modern Chinese Thai Vietnamese Indian British Italian Snacks Other

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Australian Asian European Snacks

Q10. What cuisines do you cook/consume that use ? Q11. Which of the following occasions do you typically consume/use ? Sample Wave 26 N=312, Wave 30 N=304, Wave 34 N=304 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 68 The majority of lettuce is eaten raw and served with tomatoes, capsicum and cucumber.

Accompanying Vegetables

Tomato 87%

lettu Top 10 Cooking Styles Capsicum 54% Wave 26 Wave 30 Wave 34 ce Raw 81% 80% 76% Other 13% 17% 21% Stir frying 7% 6% 3% Soup 4% 3% 2% Cucumber 52% Grilling 0% 1% 1% Steaming 3% 2% 1% Slow Cooking 1% 1% 1% carr Baking 0% 1% 1% Carrot 51% Sautéing 3% 1% 1% ot Microwave 0% 1% 0%

Onion 42%

Q9. How do you typically cook ? Q10a. And when are you serving which of the following do you also serve together with this? Sample Wave 26 N=312, Wave 30 N=304, Wave 34 N=304 69 Lettuce provenance is slightly higher this wave. Knowing that lettuce is grown in Australia remains highly important information for consumers.

Vegetable Average 6.5

Wave 26: Jul-15 7.1 8.4

Wave 30: Nov-15 6.9

Wave 34: Mar-16 7.0

Q14. When purchasing , how important is Provenance to you? Q15. And when purchasing Lettuce, how important is that it is grown in Australia? Sample Wave 26 N=312, Wave 30 N=304, Wave 34 N=304 70 Expected shelf-life has increased this wave and is expected to last for around Expected 8 days. to stay fresh for These expectations are being met most 8.4 days of the time, which is consistent with previous waves. 7.7 days, Wave 26 7.7 days, Wave 30 Expectations Met

Wave 26: Jul-15 2% 11% 13% 61% 12%

Wave 30: Nov-15 4% 9% 17% 60% 11%

Wave 34: Mar-16 2% 10% 11% 61% 15%

Never Met Rarely met Met some of the time Met half of the time Met most of the time Always met

Q12. How long do you expect to stay fresh for, once you have purchased it? Q13. How often is this length of freshness met when you buy ? Sample Wave 26 N=312, Wave 30 N=304, Wave 34 N=304 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 71

Lettuce Product Launch Trends. There were 173 products launched globally over the last three months that Lettuce Global Launches contained lettuce as an ingredient. The main regions for launches were Europe and North America. Product launches were primarily meals and fruit January – March 2016 & vegetables.

Country Region

3% France 12% 13%

UK 12% 14% 54% USA 12%

14% Brazil 11%

Germany Europe North America 10% Asia Pacific Latin America 173 Global NPDs Middle East & Africa

Top Pack Formats Top Claims

6% Ease of Use 38% 10% Categories Ethical - Environmentally 25% 34% Friendly Package 12% Fruit & No Additives/ Meals 20% Vegetables Preservatives 46% 35% 21% Not Specified 11% Juice Savoury Drinks Spreads Flexible Tray Tub Carton Bottle Social Media 12% 2% 11% 73

Lettuce Product Launches: Last 3 Months (January – March 2016) Summary

• Globally, there were 173 products launched, relatively consistent with the previous wave.

• There were no products containing lettuce as an ingredient launched in Australia over the last 3 months.

• The majority of products were launched in Europe (54%) and North America (14%).

• Flexible formats (34%) and trays (21%) were the main packaging formats used.

• The top categories for launches were meals (46%), fruit and vegetables (35%) and juice drinks (12%), which was consistent with previous trends.

• The key claims used over the past three months were ease of use (38%), environmentally friendly packaging (25%) and no additives and preservatives (20%).

• The most innovative launch found was a Organic Shampoo from Japan. Examples can be found over the next slides. Source: Mintel (2016)

74 The main countries for products launched were France, UK and USA. Consistent with previous trends, launches were in meals, fruit and vegetables and juice categories.

Top Launch Countries Top Launch Categories

Meals & Meal Centers 46% 12% France Fruit & Vegetables 35% 12% UK Juice Drinks 12% 12% USA Savoury Spreads 2% 11% Brazil Hair Products 1% 10% Germany

Snacks 1% 10% Spain

7% Japan Sauces & Seasonings 1%

173 3% Italy Skincare 1% Global Launches 3% South Africa Soup 1%

3% Czech Republic RTDs 1% 75 Top claims used included ease of use and ethical & environmentally friendly packaging. This was consistent with Europe, the region with the most launches in the last three months. Flexible packs and trays were the most commonly used formats.

Pack Formats Used Top Claims Used

Flexible 34% Ease of Use 38%

Ethical - Environmentally Tray 21% 25%

Friendly Package Global

Tub 12% Global No Additives/Preservatives 20%

Flexible 43% Ease of Use 46%

Ethical - Environmentally Tray 23% 28%

Friendly Package Europe Europe Tub 14% Social Media 19%

Only regions with n >30 are displayed Innovative Lettuce Launches: 76 L3M (January – March 2016)

Ready Pac Bistro Bowl Renaissance Food Group BluePrint Organic Ready Pac Foods Bistro Sesame Miso Chopped Hamburger Fixin's Dandelion Drive Raw Bacon Caesar Supreme Salad (USA) Vegetable and Fruit Drink Salad Kit with Grilled (USA) (USA) Chicken (USA)

Ready Pac Bistro Bowl Sesame Miso Renaissance Food Group Hamburger BluePrint Organic Dandelion Drive Raw Ready Pac Foods Bistro Bacon Caesar Chopped Salad comprises crunchy Napa Fixin's have been repackaged. The product Vegetable and Fruit Drink comprises Supreme Salad Kit with Grilled Chicken cabbage, Romaine lettuce, celery, carrots contains fresh green leaf lettuce, ripe red dandelion, romaine, cucumber, bell pepper, comprises crisp romaine lettuce, and topped with white meat tomatoes, and zesty red onions described celery, red onion, lemon and sea salt. The microwavable grilled white meat chicken, chicken, fire-roasted edamame, almonds as a BBQ must have. This product saves low calorie, 100% juice beverage is made grape tomatoes, shredded cheese, bacon and sunflower seeds, crunchy Wonton strips time of cleaning and slicing vegetables and with cold-pressed juice which is never with a classic Caesar dressing. This USDA and sesame ginger miso dressing. The US retails in a 9-oz. pack. cooked, and it is a good source of calcium. inspected product provides 9g of protein per inspected product retails in a 6.5-oz. pack serving, and retails in a 15-oz. pack serving that includes a fork. four.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: Ease of Use No Additives/Preservatives, Ease of Use Low/No/Reduced Calorie, Kosher, Microwaveable, Ease of Use Low/No/Reduced Sugar, Organic, Gluten- Free, Low/No/Reduced Allergen, Ethical - Environmentally Friendly Package, Social Media

Source: Mintel (2016) Innovative Lettuce Launches: 77 L3M (January – March 2016)

Kikka Chicken Spring Rolls Bonduelle Le Selezioni Belaya Dacha Dlya Kikka Seasoned Squid (USA) Mini Green Lettuce Berezhlivyh Iceberg Salad (Italy) Lettuce (USA)

Kikka Chicken Spring Rolls are now (Russia) Bonduelle Le Selezioni Lattughella (Mini Kikka Seasoned Squid Salad is now available. The fine product retails in a 6-oz. Green Lettuce) has been added to the available. The fine product retails in a 3-oz. pack with two rolls and peanut sauce. range. This product is described as tasty Belaya Dacha Dlya Berezhlivyh Salat pack. and crunchy, contains whole leaves of mini Aysberg (Iceberg Lettuce) is grown under a green lettuce, has been washed and is real sun, washed in spring water and ready ready to use. It retails in a 100g pack to eat. This economy product retails in a containing 2 portions, and bearing the 0.2kg pack. Facebook logo.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: N/A N/A Economy, Ease of Use N/A

Source: Mintel (2016) Innovative Lettuce Launches: 78 L3M (January – March 2016)

Ateliê do Sabor Be Wrappy Ready Pac Bistro Bowl Bonduelle Salatlust Playback Organic Tuna, Tortilla, Carrot, Santa Fe Salad Caesar Beetroot & Apple Salad Mix Shampoo Lettuce and Seasoned Salad (Germany) (Japan) Mayonnaise Wrap (USA)

(Brazil) Bonduelle Salatlust Rote Bete - Apfel Playback Organic is a new haircare range Salatmischung (Beetroot & Apple Salad featuring over 95% natural formula with 100 Ateliê do Sabor Be Wrappy Wrap de Atum, Ready Pac Bistro Bowl Santa Fe Salad Mix) is now available. This fresh salad mix kinds of botanical ingredients including over Tortilha, Cenoura, Alface e Maionese Caesar Salad has been repackaged in comes with French dressing in a separate 10% organic extracts to repair damaged Temperada (Tuna, Tortilla, Carrot, Lettuce newly designed a recycled 12.5-oz. pack cup, red beets, apples, cherry tomatoes, hair from within, condition moisture balance and Seasoned Mayonnaise Wrap) is now containing two 6.25-oz. units and featuring and a sachet of Seeberger vital seed mix. in scalp and leave the hair moisturised, available. The product retails in a 170g pack the Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest logo, as The product is suitable for vegetarians and radiant and manageable. The products are featuring a Facebook link. well as a fork. The product comprise of crisp vegans and retails in a 230g pack featuring not tested on animals, feature a botanical romaine lettuce, white meat chicken, fire the Facebook logo and containing a fork. green fragrance and are free from BHT, roasted corn, Monterey Jack-Colby cheese silicone, mineral oil, synthetic fragrance and topped with tortilla chips and a creamy salsa PEG. ranch dressing. The chicken used in this product are raised without antibiotics.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: Social Media Ethical - Environmentally Friendly Package, Vegetarian, Cobranded, Vegan, No Animal Organic, Refill/Refillable, Botanical/Herbal, Ease of Use, Social Media Ingredients, Social Media Damaged Hair, Ethical - Animal, Brightening / Illuminating*, Moisturising / Hydrating, Silicone Free, Mineral Oil/Petroleum Free

Source: Mintel (2016) 79

Sweet Corn. 80 Whilst average purchase occasions have declined this wave, average consumption Average Average has increased. Purchase Consumption 3.6 times 6.6 times Purchase remains primarily through Coles per month per month and Woolworths. This month sees a slight downwards trend in markets and Aldi as popular purchase channels. 3.8 times, Wave 26 6.8 times, Wave 26 4.0 times, Wave 30 6.1 times, Wave 30

63% Purchase Channels 61%61% 61% 60% 59%

35% 34% 32%

24% 22% 20% 21%20% 21% 18% 18% 15%

5% 5% 3% 4% 4% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 2% 0% 2% 2% 1%

Coles Woolworths Specialist Fruit Independent Markets Aldi Direct from the Online Costco Convenience Gourmet Other and Vegetable Supermarkets grower Stores Independent Retailer Retailers Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q1. On average, how often do you purchase ? Q2. On average, how often do you consume ? Q5. From which of the following channels do you typically purchase ? Sample Wave 26 N=304, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=310 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 81 Average Spend and Price Sensitivity.

Average weight of Recalled last spend Value for money purchase

The typical consumer Recalled last spend on Consumers’ perceived purchases 0.9kg sweet corn was $3.30, value for money was of sweet corn, which which has declined from good (6.9/10), which is remains consistent with prices recorded in the slightly higher than the the previous wave. preceding two waves. last wave.

1.1kg, Wave 26 $4.10, Wave 26 6.7/10, Wave 26 0.9kg, Wave 30 $4.20, Wave 30 6.6/10, Wave 30

Q3. How much do you typically purchase when you shop for it? Q3b. To the best of your memory how much did this cost on your most recent typically purchase? Q4. Please indicate how Poor to Good Value you think this product is? Sample Wave 26 N=304, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=310 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. Individual cobs and small trays of corn remain the most 82 common formats purchased. Pre-packaged large trays are also a relatively popular format.

78% 71% 71%

57% 54% 48%

21% 20% 17% 13% 13% 11% 7% 8% 5%

Individual Sweet Pre-packaged Small Pre-packaged Baby/mini formats Pre-prepared Corn Tray Large Tray formats

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q4b In what fresh formats do you typically purchase Sweet Corn? Sample Wave 26 N=304, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=310 Online and In-store Commodity Prices. 83 Sweet corn.

Darwin, NT Woolworths: $1.00ea Coles: $1.00ea

The average price for Sweet corn Brisbane, QLD Woolworths: $0.98ea / $0.98ea in Australia was $0.96ea Coles: $1.00ea / $1.00ea

Adelaide, SA Woolworths: $0.80ea / $0.80ea Sydney, NSW Coles: $0.60ea / $0.70ea Woolworths: $1.20ea / $1.20ea Perth, WA Coles: $1.20ea / $1.20ea Woolworths: $0.50ea Coles: $1.20ea Canberra, ACT Woolworths: $1.00ea Melbourne, VIC Coles: $1.20ea • The average price for sweet corn in March was $0.96 per cob, which was lower than Woolworths: N/A / $1.00ea November 2015 ($1.42 per cob). Coles: $1.00ea / $1.00ea • There was little variation between states and retailers. The cheapest price was $0.60 in Perth. The most expensive price was $1.20 in several locations. Additionally, multiple states and retailers had a special price promotion of 4 for $2. • The retail price range was $0.60. Hobart, TAS Pricing was carried out on 16th March 2016 between 10am-12pm. Woolworths: $1.00ea Prices are displayed Online / In-store. Coles: $0.80ea Green text indicates in-store promotional price. 84

11% Sweet Corn 13% 9% 10% Awareness of sweet corn Baby Corn 11% 6% varieties remains very low, 4% with only one quarter of Yellow Corn 3% 5% consumers able to recall a 3% type. White Corn 2% 4% 2% Other types include Polka-dot Corn 2% Sweet corn in general super sweet, silver 1% queen and majestic remains the most recalled 3% corn Other 1% type. 1% Do not know any 69% 67% varieties 73%

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q6a. What varieties of are you aware of? (unprompted) Sample Wave 26 N=304, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=310 The key triggers to purchasing sweet corn are taste and ease of 85 preparation. Key barriers for consumers include already consuming enough and not wanting to waste any.

Triggers Barriers 76% 3% They taste great 75% 5% I grow my own 74% 6% 57% 5% Easy to prepare/cook with 61% 5% Lack of variety available 63% 6% 58% 10% I don't know how to fit any more vegetables 8% The whole family likes them 51% into my daily diet 45% 8% 9% To add variety to my vegetable 46% 46% 8% Inconsistent or poor quality selection 45% 8% 40% 6% Cooks quickly 35% 12% Other 44% 11% 46% 8% Short shelf life As they are healthy 47% 8% 43% 11% 16% 33% 16% Expensive To complement other food 33% 17% 38% 24% 37% 25% I want a variety of vegetables in my diet I like the texture 30% 20% 38% 22% 38% 24% I don't want to waste any To add colour to a meal 37% 25% 33% 32% 24% 26% I consume enough to balance my diet It's versatile 23% 26% 28% Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16 Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q7. Which of the following reasons best describes why you purchase ? Q8. Which reason best describes why you don’t buy more often? Sample Wave 26 N=304, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=310 86

Top 5 Consumption Occasions Australian cuisine continues to be Wave 30 Wave 34 10% most utilised for sweet corn meals. Dinner 66% 69% used sweet corn when cooking a Family Meals 58% 52% new recipe Dinner and family meals remain the Weekday Meals 42% 43% main meal occasions for corn. Weekend Meals 35% 39% 13%, Wave 26 14%, Wave 30 Quick Meals 39% 35%

70% Typical Cuisine Cooked 60% 60%

50% 47%

40% 27% 30%

20% 14% 9% 9% 6% 10% 5% 6% 5%

0% Traditional Modern Chinese Thai Vietnamese Indian British Italian Snacks Other

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Australian Asian European Snacks

Q10. What cuisines do you cook/consume that use ? Q11. Which of the following occasions do you typically consume/use ? Sample Wave 26 N=304, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=310 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. On trend with previous waves, consumers prefer to boil, steam and 87 microwave sweet corn. Grilling sweet corn continues to be an increasing trend amongst consumers. Potatoes, carrots and broccoli are regularly served as accompanying vegetables.

Accompanying Vegetables

Potatoes 54% Top 10 Cooking Styles Wave 26 Wave 30 Wave 34 Boiling 54% 58% 53% lettu Steaming 46% 46% 42% Carrot 49% ce Microwave 31% 25% 28% Stir frying 24% 25% 22% Grilling 14% 17% 18% Soup 20% 18% 17% Broccoli 36% Roasting 14% 12% 10% Raw 6% 9% 8% Slow Cooking 8% 6% 8% Frying 5% 6% 5% carr Beans 33% ot

Green Peas 29%

Q9. How do you typically cook ? Q10a. And when are you serving which of the following do you also serve together with this? Sample Wave 26 N=304, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=310

88 There has been a slight increase in importance of provenance this wave. Consumers still perceive that knowing that their sweet corn is grown in Australia is highly important information.

Vegetable Average 6.5

Wave 26: Jul-15 7.2 8.1

Wave 30: Nov-15 6.9

Wave 34: Mar-16 7.2

Q14. When purchasing , how important is Provenance to you? Q15. And when purchasing Sweet Corn, how important is that it is grown in Australia? Sample Wave 26 N=304, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=310


Sweet corn is expected to stay fresh for Expected to stay just over a week, consistent with previous fresh for waves. Expectations of freshness are 8.2 days being met most of the time.

8.0 days, Wave 26 7.8 days, Wave 30 Expectations Met

Wave 26: Jul-15 7% 10% 63% 18%

Wave 30: Nov-15 5% 9% 60% 25%

Wave 34: Mar-16 3% 6% 11% 54% 25%

Never Met Rarely met Met some of the time Met half of the time Met most of the time Always met

Q12. How long do you expect to stay fresh for, once you have purchased it? Q13. How often is this length of freshness met when you buy ? Sample Wave 26 N=304, Wave 30 N=302, Wave 34 N=310 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 90

Sweet Corn Product Launch Trends. There were 114 sweet corn products launched globally over the last three Sweet Corn Global Launches months. The countries with the most launches were China and Japan. Key categories for launches were fruit & vegetables products, and meals. January – March 2016 Flexible packaging was most popularly utilised.

Country Region

4% China 11% 7% 8% Japan 11% 16% India 9% 65% South Korea 7%

Asia Pacific Europe Australia 5% Latin America Middle East & Africa 114 Global NPDs North America

Top Pack Formats Top Claims

Microwaveable 9% 28%

28% Categories No Additives/ 11% Preservatives 23% Fruit & Meals Ease of Use 19% Vegetables 12% 22% 31% 18% Not Specified 18% Snacks Soup Flexible Can Flexible sachet Tub 15% 10% Vegetarian 14% Flexible stand-up pouch 92

Sweet Corn Product Launches: Last 3 Months (January – March 2016) Summary

• There were 114 product launches in the past 3 months globally that contained sweet corn as an ingredient, slightly higher than the previous wave.

• There were 6 products launched in Australia over the past three months.

• Asia Pacific (65%) and Europe (16%) were the key regions for launches.

• Flexible packaging (28%) remained the most common format used for products.

• The main categories for launches were fruits & vegetables (31%), meals (22%), and snacks (15%).

• Claims used on products included microwaveable (28%), no additives/preservatives (23%), and ease of use (19%). Source: Mintel (2016) • The most innovative product launched was Corn Juice from China. Other examples can be found in the following pages. 93 China and Japan were the countries that had the most launches. The key categories for sweet corn launches were fruit & vegetables, meals and snacks.

Top Launch Countries Top Launch Categories

11% China Fruit & Vegetables 31%

11% Japan Meals & Meal Centers 22%

9% India Snacks 15%

7% South Korea Soup 10%

5% Australia Baby Food 6% Processed Fish, Meat & Egg 4% Brazil 5% Products

4% USA Bakery 4% 114 Global 4% Indonesia Sauces & Seasonings 4% Launches 4% Vietnam Juice Drinks 3%

3% France Breakfast Cereals 1% 94 The main claims globally were microwaveable, no additives & preservatives, and ease of use. This was consistent in Asia Pacific. Flexible packaging is primarily used for sweet corn products.

Pack Formats Used Top Claims Used

Flexible 28% Microwaveable 28%

Can 18% No Additives/Preservatives 23% Global

Flexible Sachet 12% Global Ease of Use 19%

Flexible 30% Microwaveable 28%

Flexible Sachet 18% No Additives/Preservatives 26%

Tub 12% Ease of Use 22%

Asia Asia Pacific Asia Asia Pacific

Only regions with n >30 are displayed

95 Innovative Sweet Corn Launches: Natural Polyphenol Antioxidants L3M (January – March 2016)

CP Cooking Kit Chicken Maggi Nutri-licious Pazzta Verdi Fresh Refreshing Nacho Loco Chicken & Cake Cheese Macaroni Pasta Tarifa Smoothie with Kiwi, Cheese Burritos (Singapore) (India) Corn, Banana, Lettuce and (Brazil) Matcha Tea Maggi Nutri-licious Pazzta Cheese Macaroni CP Cooking Kit Chicken Cake contains Pasta has been repackaged with an chicken meat wrapped with bean curd skin (Spain) updated look highlighting that the product Nacho Loco Burritos de Frango com Queijo and it is said to be quick and easy to cook, has been made from 100% semolina and to Verdi Fresh Referscante Tarifa Smoothie (Chicken & Cheese Burritos) are available delicious on its own or as a versatile require only five minutes to cook. The Zumo de Fruta y Verdura con Extractos with a new recipe. This ready to heat and cooking ingredient. This halal product can vegetarian product contains two serves of Vegetales Kiwi, Maíz, Plátano y Lechuga serve product is mildly seasoned, can be be deep fried, microwaved, steamed, boiled required six daily serves of cereal. It retails con Té Matcha (Refreshing Tarifa Smoothie microwaved and retails in a 520g pack or cooked in the oven, is free from added in a 70g pack containing a sachet of with Kiwi, Corn, Banana, Lettuce and containing four burritos, and featuring a preservatives and retails in a 350g bag that Tastemaker, featuring cooking instructions. features a QR code. Matcha Tea) is now available. The gluten- recipe suggestion, Facebook and Instagram and lactose-free product is also free from page links. added sugars and contains 89% fruit and 10% vegetables. It provides 41% of the recommendable fruit and vegetable daily intake. The product retails in a 250g pack.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: No Additives/Preservatives, Microwaveable, Vegetarian, Time/Speed Low/No/Reduced Sugar, Gluten-Free, Microwaveable, Ease of Use, Social Media Halal, Time/Speed, Ease of Use Low/No/Reduced Allergen, Low/No/Reduced Lactose

Source: Mintel (2016) 96 Innovative Sweet Corn Launches: Natural Polyphenol Antioxidants L3M (January – March 2016)

Orion New Pop Roast Corn Shineway / Shuanghui Run I Want Moor Snacks Tasty Bernardi Steamboat Instant Flavour Popped Corn Kou Xiang Tian Wang Chicken Flavoured Corn Processed Fish with Chips Sweetcorn Flavoured Snacks Vegetables (South Korea) Sausage (China) (New Zealand) (Indonesia)

Orion New Pop Roast Corn Flavour Popped Shineway / Shuanghui Run Kou Xiang Tian I Want Moor Snacks Tasty Chicken Bernardi Steamboat Instan Daging Ikan Corn Chips are made of whole corn kernels Wang Yu Mi Fen Wei Xiang Chang Flavoured Corn Snacks are now available. Olahan dengan Sayuran (Instant Processed popped into a thin chip shape instead of (Sweetcorn Flavoured Sausage) has been The product retails in an 60g pack. Fish with Vegetables) is completed with an frying. This product retails in a 55g pack repackaged. It can be served directly from extra broth and chili sauce. The halal bearing the HACCP logo. the pack, or can be flash fried, microwaved, certified product contains all the ingredients deep fried and barbecued to serve. This for a steamboat dish and retails in a 300g product contains greater than or equal to pack. 10% sweetcorn, and is now available in a newly designed 480g pack containing ten 48g units.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: N/A Microwaveable N/A Halal, Time/Speed

Source: Mintel (2016) 97 Innovative Sweet Corn Launches: Natural Polyphenol Antioxidants L3M (January – March 2016)

FamilyMart Famí by Besto Premium Umaibo Wasabi Gong Xiang Wei Lai Corn Bugles Fresh and Aromatic Cassava Balls Sauce Beef Steak Corn Juice Seaweed Flavoured Rice (Thailand) Snack (China) Snack (Japan) (China)

Gong Xiang Wei Lai Yu Mi Zhi Yin Liao FamilyMart Famí by Besto Mun Tip (Corn Juice) has been repackaged and is Bugles Xian Xiang Hai Tai Wei Miao Xiang (Cassava Balls) are now available. This Premium Umaibo Wasabi Sauce Beef Steak now available in a newly designed 300ml Mi (Fresh and Aromatic Seaweed Flavoured microwaveable product retails in an 80g Corn Snack features a tangy and refreshing pack featuring two QR codes. This product Rice Snack) has been relaunched with an pack containing two sticks. flavour. It is made with GMO-free corn and is described as a healthy grain drink, and upgraded formula and is now free from retails in a 9g pack. contains greater than or equal to 20% of artificial flavouring. It is made using corn juice content. sunshine corn and processed according to an advanced technique to blend the real corn juice into the snack.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: Microwaveable Premium, GMO-Free N/A No Additives/Preservatives

Source: Mintel (2016) Australian Sweet Corn Launches: 98 L3M (January – March 2016)

Hydale Mayo with Sweetcorn Colway Corn Relish Edgell Red Kidney Bean Salad

Chicken Snack Kit with Crackers Edgell Red Kidney Bean Salad is described as a Colway Corn Relish is made with a traditional corn relish combination of quinoa and black bean in a smoked Hydale Mayo with Sweetcorn Chicken Snack Kit with recipe and a classic blend of corn kernels and capsicum. It paprika dressing. It is packed with flavour and is high in Crackers contains 100% chicken breast, is a good source is 98% fat free and contains no artificial colours, flavours protein. This ready-to-eat product can be enjoyed of protein and has no artificial colours, flavours or or preservatives. This product is suitable for vegans and anywhere, has a 4.5 health star rating and retails in a preservatives. The product retails in a 103g pack vegetarians and retails in a 300g jar. containing six crackers and a spoon and napkin included. 200g pack.

Claims: Claims: No Additives/Preservatives No Additives/Preservatives, Low/No/Reduced Fat, Claims: Vegetarian, Vegan, No Animal Ingredients High Protein, On-the-Go, Ease of Use

Source: Mintel (2016) 99

Green Peas. 100 There has been a decline in purchase and consumption frequencies of green peas this wave. Average Average Purchase Consumption 4.2 times 9.9 times Green peas are generally purchased per month per month from mainstream retailers, with

specialist vegetable retailers also a 4.5 times, Wave 26 10.1 times, Wave 26 popular channel utilised. 4.7 times, Wave 30 10.6 times, Wave 30

Purchase Channels

64% 62% 61% 60% 58% 57%

32% 34%34% 23% 24% 21% 20% 22% 22% 19% 17%17%

4% 4% 4% 4% 5% 4% 3% 1% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% 3% 1%

Coles Woolworths Specialist Fruit Markets Independent Aldi Online Direct from the Costco Gourmet Convenience Other and Vegetable Supermarkets grower Independent Stores Retailer Retailers

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q1. On average, how often do you purchase green peas? Q2. On average, how often do you consume green peas? Q5. From which of the following channels do you typically purchase green peas? Sample Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=306, Wave 34 N=307 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 101 Average Spend and Price Sensitivity.

Average weight of Recalled last spend Value for money purchase

The average consumer Recalled last spend on Consumers’ perceived typically purchases green peas is $3.80, value for money is 600g of green peas, which has declined good for green peas slightly below the over the last three (6.5/10), marginally previous wave. waves. increasing from the last two waves.

700g, Wave 26 $4.30, Wave 26 6.3/10, Wave 26 700g, Wave 30 $4.20, Wave 30 6.3/10, Wave 30

Q3. How much leek do you typically purchase when you shop for it? Q3b. To the best of your memory how much did this cost on your most recent typically purchase? Q4. Please indicate how Poor to Good Value you think this product is? (0-10 scale) : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. Sample Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=306, Wave 34 N=307 : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 102 Amount Purchased Individual green peas are the most common purchase format. if Selected (Wave 5) There has been a decline in purchase of pre-packaged large trays over the last three waves. 51% Mean Half Pumpkin 1.1 51%

78% 78% 31% 77% Whole Pumpkin Mean 1.4 32%

41% 39% 36% 33% Mean Quarter Pumpkin 18% 1.4 15% 13% 31% 6% 6% 8% 3% 5% 3%

Loose Pre-packaged in small trays Pre-packaged in large trays Pre-prepared formats Baby/mini formats

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q4b. In what fresh formats do you typically purchase green peas? Sample Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=306, Wave 34 N=307 Online and In-store Commodity Prices. 103 Snow Peas.

Darwin, NT Woolworths: $16.48kg Coles: $16.00kg

The average price for Snow Peas Brisbane, QLD Woolworths: $11.48kg / $11.48kg in Australia was $13.53kg Coles: $11.50kg / $11.50kg

Adelaide, SA Woolworths: $15.98kg / $15.98kg Sydney, NSW Coles: $16.00kg / $11.50kg Woolworths: $11.50kg / $11.50kg Perth, WA Coles: $11.50kg / $11.50kg Woolworths: $19.92kg Coles: $19.90kg Canberra, ACT Woolworths: $11.50kg Melbourne, VIC Coles: $11.50kg • The average price of Snow Peas in March was $13.53 per kg, noticeably higher than Woolworths: $11.50kg / $11.50kg November 2015 prices ($11.87 per kg). Coles: $11.50kg / $11.50kg • There was variation in prices across states and retailers. The lowest price was $11.50 per kg in multiple locations and the highest price was $19.92 per kg in Perth. • The retail price range this wave was $8.42 per kg.

Pricing was carried out on 16th March 2016 between 10am-12pm. Hobart, TAS Prices are displayed Online / In-store. Woolworths: $14.98kg Green text indicates promotional price. Coles: $13.50kg 104

40% Snow Peas 35% 33% 28% Green Peas 25% 23% 25% Snow Peas and Green Peas Snap Peas 23% are the most commonly 18% recalled varieties. 22% Sugar Peas 23% 17% Half of consumers are still 6% unable to recall a type of pea. Baby Peas 8% 3% 4% Garden Peas 2% 1% Do not know 45% 53% any varieties 54%

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q6a. What types/varieties of are you aware of? (unprompted) Sample Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=306, Wave 34 N=307 Taste and ease of preparation are the key drivers of purchase. In contrast, the key barriers to purchase are already consuming enough and expense. There is an 105 increasing trend in colour, texture and complementing other food as triggers to purchase. Triggers Barriers

65% 2% They taste great 65% 1% Too inconvenient to prepare 65% 5% 66% 7% I don't know how to fit any more Easy to prepare/cook with 56% 7% 64% 7% vegetables into my daily diet To add variety to my vegetable 50% 9% 50% 8% Inconsistent or poor quality selection 53% 7% 51% 8% As they are healthy 60% 9% I grow my own 51% 9% 37% 8% To add colour to a meal 45% 11% Other 48% 10% 44% 12% To use as an ingredient in dishes 40% 11% Short shelf life 48% 12% 35% 24% I want a variety of vegetables in my To complement other food 42% 24% 45% 19% diet 50% 25% Cooks quickly 49% 25% I don't want to waste any 45% 22% 40% 21% The whole family likes them 45% 22% Expensive 41% 28% 33% 25% I consume enough to balance my I like the texture 34% 29% 38% 32% diet

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16 Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q7. Which of the following reasons best describes why you purchase green peas? Q8. Which reason best describes why you don’t buy green peas more often? Sample Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=306, Wave 34 N=307


Green pea dishes are most popular in Top 5 Consumption Occasions Australian and Chinese cuisine, consistent with past waves. Wave 30 Wave 34 Dinner 74% 78% 21% Family meals 64% 61% used green peas Meal occasions tend to occur during when cooking a dinner meals. Weekday meals 48% 52% new recipe Weekend meals 43% 46% Quick meals 50% 44% 23%, Wave 26 19%, Wave 30

70% Typical Cuisine Cooked 57% 60% 53% 51% 50%


30% 26% 16% 11% 20% 13% 12% 15% 6% 10%

0% Traditional Modern Chinese Thai Vietnamese Indian British Italian Snacks Other

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Australian Asian European Snacks

Q10. What cuisines do you cook/consume that use green peas? Q11. Which of the following occasions do you typically consume/use green peas? Sample Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=306, Wave 34 N=307 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 107 Consumers prefer to serve green peas with carrots and potatoes. Green peas are generally stir fried and steamed, consistent with past waves.

Accompanying Vegetables

Top 10 Cooking Styles Carrot 67% Wave 26 Wave 30 Wave 34 Stir frying 59% 59% 57% Steaming 49% 54% 53% lettu Potato 52% Boiling 42% 40% 42% ce Raw 32% 40% 35% Microwave 23% 26% 25% Soup 20% 16% 19% Broccoli 39% Slow Cooking 13% 13% 15% Sautéing 14% 12% 13% Frying 9% 9% 9% carr Mashing 8% 5% 5% Capsicum 38% ot

Onion 38%

Q9. How do you typically cook green peas? Q10a. And when are you serving green peas which of the following do you also serve together with this? Sample Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=306, Wave 34 N=307

108 Importance of provenance has remained stable this wave. Knowing that green peas are grown in Australia remains the most important provenance information for consumers.

Vegetable Average 6.5

Wave 26: Jul-15 7.0 8.2

Wave 30: Nov-15 7.2

Wave 34: Mar-16 7.2

Q14. When purchasing green peas, how important is Provenance to you? Q15. And when purchasing green peas, how important is that it is grown in Australia? Sample Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=306, Wave 34 N=307


Expected Consumers expect green peas to remain to stay fresh for fresh for over a week once purchased, with 8.3 days this expectation being met most of the time.

9.2 days, Wave 26 8.2 days, Wave 30 Expectations Met

Wave 26: Jul-15 7% 8% 61% 21%

Wave 30: Nov-15 1% 7% 10% 62% 20%

Wave 34: Mar-16 6% 8% 60% 24%

Never met Rarely met Met some of the time Met half of the time Met most of the time Always met

Q12. How long do you expect green peas to stay fresh for, once you have purchased it? Q13. How often is this length of freshness met when you buy green peas? Sample Wave 26 N=309, Wave 30 N=306, Wave 34 N=307 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave.


Green Peas Product Launch Trends. There were 540 green pea products launched globally over the last three Green Peas Global Launches months. The majority of launches were from the USA and China. Categories for launches were snacks and processed products. Key packaging for green January – March 2016 pea products was flexible formats.

Country Region

4% 2% USA 12% 19% China 12% 46% France 9%

29% Germany 8%

Europe Asia Pacific Canada 7% North America Latin America 540 Global NPDs Middle East & Africa

Top Pack Formats Top Claims

7% Low/No/Reduced Allergen 29% 7% Categories Gluten-Free 26% 8% Processed 40% Snacks No Additives/ Products Preservatives 25% 24% 11% 14% Social Media 17% Meals Bakery 10% 10% Flexible Tray Carton Tub Bottle GMO-Free 16% 112

Green Peas Product Launches: Last 3 Months (January – March 2016) Summary

• There were 540 launches in the past 3 months globally that contained green peas as an ingredient, noticeably higher than the previous wave (441).

• There were 8 products launched in Australia over the past three months.

• Europe (46%) and Asia Pacific (29%) were the key regions for launches.

• Flexible packaging (40%) was the most common format used for products.

• The main categories for launches were snacks (24%), processed products (14%), and meals (10%).

• Claims used on products highlighted health; low/no/reduced allergen (29%), gluten free (26%), and no additives/preservatives (25%).

• The most innovative product launched included Sea Salt Flavoured Protein Source: Mintel (2016) Chips from Brazil. Examples of these can be found in the following pages. 113 The majority of launches occurred in USA and China. The key categories for green pea launches are snacks, processed products and meals, relatively consistent with the previous wave.

Top Launch Countries Top Launch Categories

12% USA Snacks 24% 12% China Processed Fish, Meat & Egg Products 14% 9% France Meals & Meal Centers 10%

8% Germany Bakery 10%

7% Canada Sauces & Seasonings 6%

6% UK Baby Food 4%

3% India Other Beverages 4% 540 Global 3% Netherlands Hair Products 4% Launches 2% Italy Desserts & Ice Cream 3%

2% Taiwan Side Dishes 3% 114 The main claims being utilised included low/no/reduced allergen, gluten free and no additives & preservatives. Flexible packaging was primarily used for green pea products, consistent across regions. Trays, cartons and flexible stand-up pouches were also popular formats.

Pack Formats Used Top Claims Used

Flexible 40% Low/No/Reduced Allergen 29%

Tray 11% Gluten Free 26% Global

Carton 8% Global No Additives/Preservatives 25%

Flexible 39% Low/No/Reduced Allergen 26%

Tray 21% Gluten Free 22% Europe

Europe Carton 10% No Additives/Preservatives 20%

Flexible 42% No Additives/Preservatives 28%

Bottle 12% Vegetarian 20%

Asia Asia

Asia Pacific Pacific Flexible Stand-Up Pouch 11% Ease of Use 12%

Only regions with n >30 are displayed

Innovative Green Peas Launches: 115 L3M (January – March 2016) Natural Polyphenol Antioxidants

Monoprix Chicken Breast Pinskey Food Breakfast- Shengxiangzhen Garlic Modern Table Meals Pieces in Crispy Multigrain Lunch-Dinner Italian Style Flavoured Green Pea Homestyle Mac & Cheese Breadcrumbs Spaghetti Beef Bolognese (China) Bean Pasta & Veggie Kit (France) (China) with Lentil Rotini

Monoprix Aiguillettes de Poulet Panure (USA) Pinskey Food Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner Yi Croustillante Multigraines (Chicken Breast Shengxiangzhen Suan Xiang Qing Dou Jiang Niu Rou Yi Fen (Italian Style Spaghetti Pieces in Crispy Multigrain Breadcrumbs) (Garlic Flavoured Green Pea) is sourced Modern Table Meals Homestyle Mac & Beef Bolognese) features a soft texture, and The product is made with French origin from Taiwan. This product retails in a 150g Cheese Bean Pasta & Veggie Kit with Lentil is free from preservatives. This product can poultry, and retails in a 250g pack that pack. Rotini contains vegetables, creamy white be heated by microwave, and retails in a provides two servings and features cheddar sauce and rotini made from green 320g pack featuring two QR codes. preparation instructions. lentils. It is free from gluten, GMO, artificial preservatives and artificial colors. It contains 24g protein and 5g fiber per serving and is said to be yummy and easy to prepare in less than 15 minutes. This product retails in a 12-oz. pack.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: N/A No Additives/Preservatives, Microwaveable N/A No Additives/Preservatives, Gluten-Free, Low/No/Reduced Allergen, Time/Speed, Ease of Use, GMO-Free

Source: Mintel (2016) Innovative Green Peas Launches: 116 L3M (January – March 2016) Natural Polyphenol Antioxidants

Saffron Road Cucumber Felicia Bio Linea Legumi Chia Star Coconut Caramel Beyond Chicken Feisty Dill Baked Lentil Chips Organic Green Peas Fusilli Cream Protein Shake Buffalo Poppers (USA) Pasta (Germany) (USA) (Germany)

Saffron Road Cucumber Dill Baked Lentil Felicia Bio Linea Legumi Organic Green Chia Star Coconut Caramel Cream Protein Beyond Chicken Feisty Buffalo Poppers are Chips contain 4g protein per serving and Peas Fusilli Pasta is now available. This Shake is now available. The plant protein now available. These seasoned vegan 70% less fat than potato chips. According to vegan and kosher certified product is made product comprises organic coconut milk, nuggets are made using 100% plant protein the manufacturer, lentils are low in fat, high exclusively with Pedon organic green peas, organic chia seeds, pea protein, quinoa and do not contain GMO or antibiotic. The in fiber, and a natural source of protein. is a source of iron, and is rich in protein and protein and sea salt, and is said to be product retails in a 255g pack. These chips are gluten free and said to be fibre. It contains no gluten, cooks in four to balanced, satisfying super foods. It has irresistible and crunchy with exotic flavours. five minutes, and retails in a 250g pack, been cold pressure protected and is free The kosher and halal-certified product is bearing the EU Green Leaf and AB Organic from soy, dairy and gluten. It s exclusive to plant-based and retails in a 4-oz. pack, logos and a recipe suggestion. The Whole Foods, and retails in a 10-fl. oz. bearing the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram manufacturer claims to use 100% clean pack. and Pinterest logos. energy. This product was on display at Biofach 2016 in Nuremberg, Germany.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: High/Added Fiber, Kosher, Low/No/Reduced Organic, Gluten-Free, Low/No/Reduced High/Added Fiber, Kosher, Organic, Vegan, No Animal Ingredients, GMO-Free Fat, Halal, Gluten-Free, Low/No/Reduced Cobranded, Gluten-Free, Low/No/Reduced Allergen

Allergen, Social Media Allergen, Ethical - Environmentally Friendly

Product, Vegan, High Protein, No Animal Ingredients

Source: Mintel (2016) Innovative Green Peas Launches: 117 L3M (January – March 2016) Natural Polyphenol Antioxidants

Sweet Earth Natural Foods Traditions d'Asie Prawn Ha ProTings Sea Salt Flavor My Best Veggie Vegetarian Tuscan Veggie Sausage Cao Dumplings Protein Chips Schnitzel Cordon Bleu (USA) (France) (Brazil) Style (Germany)

Traditions d'Asie Raviolis Vapeur Ha Cao Sweet Earth Natural Foods Tuscan Veggie Crevette (Prawn Ha Cao Dumplings) have ProTings Chips de Proteína Sabor Sal Sausage is now available. This vegan, all My Best Veggie Vegetarische Schnitzel been reformulated. They can be steamed or Marinho (Sea Salt Flavor Protein Chips) are natural, microwaveable, sustainable, Nach Art Eines Cordon Bleu (Vegetarian microwave heated and retail in a 240g partly now available. These baked snacks are cruelty-free, vegetarian, product is Schnitzel Cordon Bleu Style) is now recyclable pack that serves two to four suitable for vegans and provide 15 grams of described as plant-based patties made with available. This product is made from a persons, contains eight 25g dumplings, a protein and 120 calories. This kosher fennel, rosemary, kale, and barley for rustic, wheat and soya protein base and is 20g sachet of sweet and sour sauce and a certified product is free from gluten and hearty flavor. It features 67% less fat and described as meat free chops filled with 20g sachet of soya sauce, and features a GMOs, can be enjoyed on-the-go and 60% less sodium than pork sausage, 0g of meat free ham and melting cheese, then consumer competition. retails in a 28g pack. cholesterol and 15g of protein. coated in breadcrumbs. The product retails in a 200g pack featuring the European Vegetarian Union logo.

Claims: No Additives/Preservatives, All Natural Product, Low/No/Reduced Cholesterol, Claims: Kosher, Gluten-Free, Low/No/Reduced Low/No/Reduced Fat, Microwaveable, Claims: Claims: Allergen, Vegan, On-the-Go, No Animal Low/No/Reduced Sodium, Vegetarian, Microwaveable, Ethical - Environmentally Vegetarian Ingredients, GMO-Free Ethical - Environmentally Friendly Package, Friendly Package Ethical - Environmentally Friendly Product, Ethical - Animal, Vegan, High Protein, Social Media

Source: Mintel (2016) Australian Green Peas Launches: 118 L3M (January – March 2016)

Trade Mark Coconut Collective The Happy Sol Food Company Pulsin' Maple & Whey Crisp Protein Organic Coconut Milk Super Greens+ Detox Blend Snack Bar

Trade Mark Coconut Collective Organic Coconut Milk is The Happy Sol Food Company Super Greens+ Detox Pulsin' Maple & Whey Crisp Protein Snack Bar is natural free from soy, dairy, cholesterol, gluten and lactose. The Blend is described as the go-to alkalising blend with and high in protein. The product contains 15g of protein delicious drink features a creamy texture, and is perfect added probiotics. It contains seven shades of detoxifying and features a low glycemic index. It is suitable for with cereal, in tea and coffee, or as a refreshing beverage. green blended with a rainbow of fruits, coconut water and vegetarians, contains no GMOs, and is gluten-free. The kosher and halal certified product is a good source of pea protein, plus a healthy punch of prebiotics and According to the manufacturer, it is made using renewable calcium, and retails in a 1L recyclable pack featuring the probiotics to provide a supergreen nutritional boost to start energy and gently prepared at a low temperature, and EU Green Leaf logo and a Facebook link. the day the healthy way. It can just be added to a favourite retails in a 50g pack, featuring the QR code. coconut water, smoothie or spring water with lemon for an on-the-go detox boost.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Low/No/Reduced Cholesterol, Kosher, Organic, Halal, No Additives/Preservatives, All Natural Product, Vegetarian, Low/No/Reduced Glycemic, Gluten-Free, Gluten-Free, Low/No/Reduced Allergen, Ethical - Low/No/Reduced Sugar, Organic, Gluten-Free, Digestive Low/No/Reduced Allergen, Ethical - Environmentally Environmentally Friendly Package, Low/No/Reduced (Functional), Low/No/Reduced Allergen, Vegan, On-the- Friendly Product, High Protein, GMO-Free Lactose, Social Media Go, Ease of Use, No Animal Ingredients, GMO-Free, Social Media

Source: Mintel (2016) 119

Kale. 120 Average purchase and consumption of kale have remained relatively consistent this wave. Average Average Purchase Consumption 4.2 times 9.0 times Kale is typically purchased from per month per month mainstream retailers. This wave sees a noticeable increase in purchase from 4.1 times, Wave 26 8.8 times, Wave 26 specialist retailers. 4.3 times, Wave 30 9.4 times, Wave 30

Purchase Channels

52%51% 48%49% 45% 39% 37% 35% 33% 29% 27%27%

17%16% 14% 13%12% 9% 10% 6% 6% 6% 3% 5% 5% 4% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 0% 1% 1% 0% 1%

Woolworths Coles Specialist Fruit Markets Independent Aldi Direct from the Online Gourmet Costco Convenience Other and Vegetable Supermarkets grower Independent Stores Retailer Retailers

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q1. On average, how often do you purchase kale? Q2. On average, how often do you consume kale? Q5. From which of the following channels do you typically purchase kale? Sample Wave 26 N=200, Wave 30 N=205, Wave 34 N=202 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 121 Average Spend and Price Sensitivity.

Average weight of Recalled last spend Value for money purchase

The average consumer Recalled last spend on Consumers perceived typically purchases kale is $4.20, kale to be fair value for 700g of kale, a slight increasing from the money (6.0/10), which increase from the last wave. has continued to previous wave. decrease this wave.

700g, Wave 26 $4.60, Wave 26 6.5/10, Wave 26 600g, Wave 30 $3.80, Wave 30 6.1/10, Wave 30

Q3. How much kale do you typically purchase when you shop for it? Q3b. To the best of your memory how much did this cost on your most recent typically purchase? Q4. Please indicate how Poor to Good Value you think this product is? (0-10 scale) : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. Sample Wave 26 N=200, Wave 30 N=205, Wave 34 N=202 : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 122 Amount Purchased if Selected (Wave 5) Bunched kale is the most common purchase format, consistent with previous waves. 51% Mean Half Pumpkin 1.1 51%

88% 31% 85% 83% Whole Pumpkin Mean 1.4 32%

33% Mean Quarter Pumpkin 1.4 17% 31% 13% 9% 9% 9% 8% 8% 7% 7% 5% 4% 2%

Bunched Pre-packaged in small Pre-packaged in large Pre-prepared formats Pre-prepared mixed container/bag/tray container/bag/tray vegetable formats

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q4b. In what fresh formats do you typically purchase kale? Sample Wave 26 N=200, Wave 30 N=205, Wave 34 N=202 Online and In-store Commodity Prices. 123 Green Kale.

Darwin, NT Woolworths: $3.98ea Coles: $2.50ea

The average price for Green Kale in Brisbane, QLD Woolworths: $3.98ea / $3.98ea Australia was $4.10 per bunch Coles: $4.00ea / $4.00ea

Adelaide, SA Woolworths: $4.48ea / $4.48ea Sydney, NSW Coles: $4.50ea / $4.50ea Woolworths: $4.00ea / $4.00ea Perth, WA Coles: $4.00ea / $4.00ea Woolworths: $3.98ea Coles: $2.50ea Canberra, ACT Woolworths: $3.98ea Melbourne, VIC Coles: $4.00ea • The average price per bunch for Green Kale was $4.10 in March, higher than Woolworths: $3.98ea / $4.00ea November 2015 ($3.26 per bunch). Coles: $4.00ea / $3.98ea • The cheapest price was in Perth and Darwin at $2.50 per bunch and the most expensive at $4.50 in Adelaide and Hobart. • The retail price range was $2.00 per bunch.

Hobart, TAS Pricing was carried out on 16th March 2016 between 10am-12pm. Woolworths: $4.50ea Prices are displayed Online / In-store. Coles: $4.00ea Green text indicates promotional price. 124

12% Awareness of types of kale has Curly 14% 15% continued to improve this wave; 8% Russian 4% however, almost two thirds of 6% 7% consumers still cannot recall a variety. Tuscan 7% 4% 4% This wave sees greater recall based Baby 3% 1% on colour. 3% Covolo Nero 2% 0% 2% Flat Leaf 0% 0% 2% Kalette 0% Green Purple Red Black 0% 1% 17% 8% 9% 2% Winterbor 0% 0% 85% Do not know any varieties 61% Colour recall for kale types 59%

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q6a. What varieties of kale are you aware of? (unprompted) Sample Wave 26 N=200, Wave 30 N=205, Wave 34 N=202 The key drivers of purchase for kale are health related due to its specific 125 health and nutritional benefits. This wave sees a continuous decline in taste and complementing other food as triggers to purchase. In contrast, already consuming enough is the key barrier to purchase.

Triggers Barriers 62% 5% As they are healthy 60% 8% Not versatile for my cooking style 61% 7% Specific health and nutritional 61% 6% 61% 4% I don't like the taste benefits 55% 7% To add variety to my vegetable 45% 8% 39% 6% Inconsistent or poor quality selection 44% 7% 46% 6% I don't know how to fit any more Easy to prepare/cook with 30% 11% 33% 8% vegetables into my daily diet 26% 9% Cooks quickly 24% 10% Other 27% 9% 36% 12% They taste great 29% 17% Short shelf life 25% 18% 29% 21% To use as an ingredient in dishes 34% 20% Expensive 24% 22% 19% 26% It's versatile 21% 23% I don't want to waste any 21% 26% 22% 25% I want a variety of vegetables in my 20% I like the texture 21% diet 19% 26% 29% 29% To complement other food 20% 22% I consume enough to balance my diet 17% 26% Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16 Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q7. Which of the following reasons best describes why you purchase kale? Q8. Which reason best describes why you don’t buy kale more often? Sample Wave 26 N=200, Wave 30 N=205, Wave 34 N=202


Australian and Chinese cuisine Top 5 Consumption Occasions are popular for kale dishes, consistent with past waves. Wave 30 Wave 34 Dinner 57% 51% 20% Family Meals 37% 47% used kale when cooking a new Meal occasions tend to occur Weekday Meals 29% 33% recipe during dinner and family meals. Quick Meals 31% 32% Weekend Meals 22% 24% 18%, Wave 30

Typical Cuisine Cooked 80% Add kale into various dishes 60% they cook 41% 40% 29% 22% 21% 16% 20% 8% 14% 14% 6% 5% 0% Traditional Modern British Italian Indian Thai Chinese Middle Snacks Other Eastern Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16 Australian European Asian Other Cuisines

Q10. What cuisines do you cook/consume that use kale? Q11. Which of the following occasions do you typically consume/use kale? Sample Wave 26 N=200, Wave 30 N=205, Wave 34 N=202 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 127 Consumers prefer to use kale mainly with carrots, onions and potatoes. Kale is generally steamed, eaten raw or cooked in stir fries.

Accompanying Vegetables

Top 10 Cooking Styles Carrot 41% Wave 26 Wave 30 Wave 34 Steaming 34% 39% 40% Raw 26% 31% 36% lettu Onion 32% Stir frying 42% 39% 36% ce Soup 21% 19% 18% Boiling 19% 15% 16% Sautéing 22% 22% 16% Potato 26% Other 10% 17% 14% Roasting 10% 13% 13% Slow Cooking 9% 8% 12% carr Baking 10% 11% 10% Tomato 26% ot

Capsicum 24%

Q9. How do you typically cook kale? Q10a. And when are you serving kale which of the following do you also serve together with this? Sample Wave 26 N=200, Wave 30 N=205, Wave 34 N=202

128 This wave sees an increase in the importance of kale provenance. Knowing that kale is grown in Australia is highly important information for consumers.

Vegetable Average 6.5

Wave 26: Jul-15 7.2 8.5

Wave 30: Nov-15 6.6

Wave 34: Mar-16 7.0

Q14. When purchasing kale, how important is Provenance to you? Q15. And when purchasing Kale, how important is that it is grown in Australia? Sample Wave 26 N=200, Wave 30 N=205, Wave 34 N=202


Expected Consumers expect kale to remain fresh for to stay fresh for approximately a week once purchased, which 7.0 days is being met most of the time.

6.1 days, Wave 26 6.8 days, Wave 30

Expectations Met

Wave 26: Jul-15 2% 8% 10% 62% 18%

Wave 30: Nov-15 4% 9% 13% 53% 20%

Wave 34: Mar-16 3% 7% 14% 59% 15%

Never met Rarely met Met some of the time Met half of the time Met most of the time Always met

Q12. How long do you expect kale to stay fresh for, once you have purchased it? Q13. How often is this length of freshness met when you buy kale? Sample Wave 26 N=200, Wave 30 N=205, Wave 34 N=202 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 130

Kale Product Launch Trends. There were 187 kale products launched globally over the last three months. Kale Global Launches The majority of launches were in USA and Canada. Categories for launches were snacks and juice drinks. Key packaging for kale products were in January – March 2016 flexible packaging and bottles.

Country Region

5% 3% USA 36%

21% Canada 10% 46% UK 7%

Japan 5% 26%

North America Europe Australia 4% Asia Pacific Latin America 187 Global NPDs Middle East & Africa

Top Pack Formats Top Claims

10% Gluten-Free 40%

Categories No Additives/ 28% 40% 12% Preservatives

Juice Low/No/Reduced Snacks Drinks Allergen 40% 12% 25% 21% Organic 39% 16% Fruits & Meals Flexible Bottle Vegetables Ethical - Environmentally Tray Tub 17% 10% 32% Friendly Package Flexible stand-up pouch 132

Kale Product Launches: Last 3 Months (January – March 2016) Summary

• There were 187 launches in the past 3 months globally that contained kale as an ingredient.

• There were 7 products launched in Australia over the past three months.

• North America (46%) and Europe (26%) were the key regions for launches.

• Flexible packaging (28%) and bottles (16%) were the most common formats used for products.

• The main categories for launches were snacks (25%), juice drinks (21%), and meals (17%).

• Claims used on products highlighted health; gluten free (40%), no additives/preservatives (40%), and low/no/reduced allergen (40%). Source: Mintel (2016) • The most innovative product launched was Organic Kale Powder in New Zealand. More examples can be found in the following pages. 133 The majority of kale launches occurred in USA and Canada. The key categories for kale launches are snacks, juice drinks, meals, and fruits & vegetables, relatively consistent with the previous wave.

Top Launch Countries Top Launch Categories

36% USA Snacks 25%

10% Canada Juice Drinks 21%

7% UK Meals & Meal Centers 17%

5% Japan Fruit & Vegetables 10%

4% Australia Soup 5%

4% Ireland Healthcare 4%

4% Spain Baby Food 3% 187 Global 3% Germany Sauces & Seasonings 3% Launches 3% India Processed Fish, Meat & Egg Products 3% 3% Mexico Skincare 2% 134 The main claims globally were gluten free, no additives & preservatives, and low/no/reduced allergen. Flexible and bottle packaging are primarily used for kale products.

Pack Formats Used Top Claims Used

Flexible 28% Gluten-Free 40%

Bottle 16% No Additives/Preservatives 40% Global

Tray 12% Global Low/No/Reduced Allergen 40%

Flexible 30% Gluten-Free 53%

Bottle 17% Low/No/Reduced Allergen 52%

North North

North North America

America Tray 15% Organic 49%

Flexible 31% Organic 40%

Ethical - Environmentally 40%

Bottle 21% Friendly Package Europe Europe Tub 13% Gluten-Free 29%

Only regions with n >30 are displayed

Innovative Kale Launches: 135 L3M (January – March 2016)

Sukin Super Greens El Granero Integral Plus Supereats Chili Lime Kale + Organics Happy Baby Detoxifying Facial Scrub Organic Kale Food Chia Chips Superfood Munchies (Singapore) Supplement (USA) Broccoli, Kale & Cheddar

(Germany) Baked Cheese & Grain Sukin Super Greens Detoxifying Facial Snack (USA) Scrub, suitable for all skin types, is made El Granero Integral Plus Organic Kale Food Supereats Chili Lime Kale + Chia Chips are with a blend of kale, spirulina, chlorella and Supplement is now available. This organic described as deliciously crispy, super tasty parsley to promote a healthy, glowing product is high in fiber, and contains and super nutritious snacks made with kale, complexion, imparting detoxifying Organics Happy Baby Superfood Munchies vitamins A, K, C and B9 and minerals such which is low in calorie and packed with antioxidants and vitamins on the skin, whilst Broccoli, Kale & Cheddar Baked Cheese & as calcium, iron and potassium. It is a vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, Omega-3 and jojoba beads and bamboo are said to gently Grain Snack has been relaunched with a source of protein, and helps to eliminate the important antioxidants, and chia seeds, a exfoliate. Pineapple, licorice and lime peel new name, previously known as Happy liquids in the body. Furthermore, this prized possession of the Mayans, Incas and are said to promote a clear, radiant Baby Happy Munchies. The kosher and supplement acts as a natural anti-acidic due Aztecs for their protein, fiber and omega 3. complexion, and a burst of cranberry is said USDA organic certified product contains 3g to its high content of glutamin, and retails in to provide an invigorating scent to refresh wholegrain, 32mg choline to support brain a 200g pack. The product was on display at the senses. and eye health and nine essential vitamins Biofach 2016 in Nuremberg, Germany. and minerals.

Claims: No Additives/Preservatives, Vitamin/Mineral Fortified, Aromatherapy, Botanical/Herbal, Claims: Claims: Claims: Antioxidant, Exfoliating, Ethical - Other (Functional), Organic, No Additives/Preservatives, Other (Functional), Kosher, Organic, Babies Environmentally Friendly Package, Ethical - Botanical/Herbal, Digestive (Functional) Low/No/Reduced Calorie, Kosher, Gluten- & Toddlers (0-4), Gluten-Free, Antioxidant, Environmentally Friendly Product, Ethical - Free, Low/No/Reduced Transfat, Antioxidant, Wholegrain, Brain & Nervous System Animal, Brightening / Illuminating*, Paraben Low/No/Reduced Allergen, Vegan, No (Functional), Low/No/Reduced Allergen, Free, Vegan, No Animal Ingredients, Carbon Animal Ingredients, GMO-Free Ethical - Environmentally Friendly Package, Neutral, Sulphate/Sulfate Free, Mineral Ethical - Environmentally Friendly Product, Oil/Petroleum Free Ethical - Human, GMO-Free

Source: Mintel (2016) Innovative Kale Launches: 136 L3M (January – March 2016)

Sweet Earth Natural Foods Tio Gazpacho Organic CleverFoodies Scramble GoodFoods Garden Greens Tuscan Veggie Sausage Gazpacho Verde Chilled Leafy Greens Mix-In for Spinach and Kale Dip (USA) Vegetable Soup Scrambled Eggs, Omelets (USA) (USA) & Frittatas

Sweet Earth Natural Foods Tuscan Veggie (USA) GoodFoods Garden Greens Spinach and Sausage is now available. This vegan, all Tio Gazpacho Organic Gazpacho Verde Kale Dip comprises spinach, kale, natural, microwaveable, sustainable, Chilled Vegetable Soup comprises tomato, artichokes and rBST-free Greek yogurt. It cruelty-free, vegetarian, product is green pepper, cucumber, avocado, kale, CleverFoodies Scramble Leafy Greens Mix- contains 40 calories and 2g fat per serving described as plant-based patties made with spinach, red onion, jalapeno pepper, mint, In for Scrambled Eggs, Omelets & Frittatas and is free from artificial colors, flavors and fennel, rosemary, kale, and barley for rustic, garlic, olive oil and apple cider vinegar. The is now available. It comprises spinach, kale, gluten. The high-pressure processed hearty flavor. It features 67% less fat and vegan and USDA Organic certified soup is tomato, broccoli rabe and garlic, and is product retails in an 8-oz. pack featuring the 60% less sodium than pork sausage, 0g of high pressure processed and never heated, described as an all natural mix to prepare Facebook, Twitter and Instagram logos. cholesterol and 15g of protein. It is high in and does not require a bowl but can be fast and delicious scrambled eggs, omelets protein, free from nitrate and antibiotics and drank straight from the bottle. The product and frittatas. This vegetarian product retails in an 8-oz. recyclable, pack retails in a 12-fl. oz. recyclable pack and the provides 60 calories per serving, and is free comprising four units. manufacturer states they donate 5 cents per of gluten, preservatives and added sugar. bottle to Development in Gardening.

Claims: No Additives/Preservatives, All Natural Product, Low/No/Reduced Cholesterol, Claims: Claims: Organic, Ethical - Environmentally Friendly No Additives/Preservatives, All Natural Claims: Low/No/Reduced Fat, Microwaveable, No Additives/Preservatives, Gluten-Free, Low/No/Reduced Sodium, Vegetarian, Package, Ethical - Charity, Vegan, Ease of Product, Low/No/Reduced Sugar, Use, No Animal Ingredients Microwaveable, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, Low/No/Reduced Allergen, Hormone Free, Ethical - Environmentally Friendly Package, Social Media Ethical - Environmentally Friendly Product, Low/No/Reduced Allergen, Ethical - Ethical - Animal, Vegan, High Protein, Social Environmentally Friendly Package, Media Time/Speed, Ease of Use, Social Media

Source: Mintel (2016) Innovative Kale Launches: 137 L3M (January – March 2016)

AH Kale Stew Pacific Northwest Kale Go Superfood Organic Kale Chungjungone Smart Bab (Netherlands) Chips Cheezy Crunch Kale Powder & En Seafood Rice Chips (New Zealand) Sprinkles

AH Stamppot Boerenkool (Kale Stew) has (USA) (South Korea)

been relaunched with a new 550g pack

design and a new formula which now once Go Superfood Organic Kale Powder packs again features smoked sausage. It Pacific Northwest Kale Chips Cheezy Chungjungone Smart Bab & En Seafood a powerful punch of nutrients, including comprises creamy freshly mashed potatoes, Crunch Kale Chips have been repackaged Rice Sprinkles contain seven vegetables vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, potassium mustard gravy and fried bacon. This product with a new packaging design. This raw, and seafood. This product retails in a 24g and magnesium. Kale is said to aid healthy is free from gluten, artificial fragrances and USDA-certified organic product is described pack containing 3 x 8g units. digestion and provides the body with flavours, and can be prepared in the as the ultimate in plant-based snack and is antioxidant protection as well as fibre and microwave. made of locally sourced, organic raw kale along with vegan sunflower cheddar. These essential nutrients for everyday good health. kale chips have been air-dried at 112 The 100% pure kale can be added to degrees and utilize real, superfood cooking, smoothies, juices and salads to ingredients. energise and super charge the immune health.

Claims: Claims: No Additives/Preservatives, All Natural No Additives/Preservatives, Microwaveable, Product, Organic, Gluten-Free, Claims: Claims: Gluten-Free, Low/No/Reduced Allergen Low/No/Reduced Allergen, Ethical - No Additives/Preservatives, Other N/A Environmentally Friendly Package, Ethical - (Functional), Low/No/Reduced Sugar, Environmentally Friendly Product, Ethical - Organic, Gluten-Free, Antioxidant, Digestive Human, Vegan, No Animal Ingredients, (Functional), Immune System (Functional), Social Media Low/No/Reduced Allergen

Source: Mintel (2016) Australian Kale Launches: 138 L3M (January – March 2016)

M.E.B. Foods Superfoods Simmone Logue Fine Food Sukin Super Greens Woolworths Created with Chia, Spinach, Kale & Beef Bean Empanada Nourishing Chia Seed Oil + Jamie Gorgeous Green Broccoli Organic Wraps Garden Pea & Quinoa Dip

Sukin Super Greens Nourishing Chia Seed M.E.B. Foods Superfoods Chia, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Waters, Peas, Spinach, Simmone Logue Fine Food Beef Bean Oil + is a daily face oil blend that is said to Kale & Broccoli Organic Wraps are now Quinoa, Cucumber, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Empanada is said to be handmade with provide a hydrated and healthy complexion available. According to the manufacturer, Kale, Lemon Juice, Mint, Salt, Acetic Acid, love. This product retails in a pack with a rich perfect balance of omega 3 and spinach contains more nutrients than any Garlic, Basil, Chlorophylls containing two 140g units. 6, chia oil, minerals, antioxidants and amino other food on earth; and is loaded with acids to target fine lines and reinforce the vitamins A, K, D, E and other trace minerals. skin's moisture barrier. It is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and contains anti-cancer and anti- inflammatory antioxidants and alkalizes the body.

Claims: Claims: No Additives/Preservatives, Claims: Claims: High/Added Fiber, Other (Functional), N/A Botanical/Herbal, Antioxidant, Anti-Ageing, Microwaveable, Organic, Vitamin/Mineral Ethical - Animal, Moisturising / Hydrating, No Additives/Preservatives Fortified, Antioxidant, Bone Health, High Reduces Fine Lines / Wrinkles*, Paraben Protein, Social Media Free, Vegan, No Animal Ingredients, Carbon Neutral, Sulphate/Sulfate Free, Mineral Oil/Petroleum Free

Source: Mintel (2016) 139

Leek. 140 On average, leeks are purchased two times a month, and are consumed once a week. Average Average Purchase Consumption 2.2 times 4.2 times There is an upwards trend in purchase per month per month from Coles, whereas purchase from Woolworths has declined over the last 2.2 times, Wave 26 3.9 times, Wave 26 three waves. 2.4 times, Wave 30 4.4 times, Wave 30

Purchase Channels 56% 55% 53% 53%52% 48%

36%36% 34%

24% 21% 21% 20% 20% 20%18% 15%15%

3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 1% 0% 0% 1% 1% 2% 0% 2% 2%

Coles Woolworths Specialist Fruit Markets Aldi Independent Direct from the Online Costco Gourmet Other and Vegetable Supermarkets grower Independent Retailer Retailers

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q1. On average, how often do you purchase leeks? Q2. On average, how often do you consume leeks? Q5. From which of the following channels do you typically purchase leeks? Sample Wave 26 N=206, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 141 Average Spend and Price Sensitivity.

Average weight of Recalled last spend Value for money purchase

The average consumer Recalled last spend on Consumers’ perceived typically purchases leeks was $3.10, lower value for money is fair 700g of leeks, slightly than the past two for leeks (6.1/10). lower than the waves. previous waves.

800g, Wave 26 $3.30, Wave 26 6.2/10, Wave 26 800g, Wave 30 $3.50, Wave 30 6.0/10, Wave 30

Q3. How much leek do you typically purchase when you shop for it? Q3b. To the best of your memory how much did this cost on your most recent typically purchase? Q4. Please indicate how Poor to Good Value you think this product is? (0-10 scale) : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. Sample Wave 26 N=206, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202 : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 142 Amount Purchased Individual leeks are the most common purchase format. if Selected (Wave 5) Bunched leeks are another popular option and have increased in popularity over the last three waves. 51% Mean Half Pumpkin 1.1 51%

76% 74% 74% 31% Whole Pumpkin Mean 1.4 32% 37% 32% 26% 33% Mean 11% 9% 9% Quarter Pumpkin 1.4 4% 1% 2% 31% Loose Bunched Pre-packaged in small Pre-packaged in large container/bag/tray container/bag/tray

Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q4b. In what fresh formats do you typically purchase leeks? Sample Wave 26 N=206, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202 Online and In-store Commodity Prices. 143 Leek.

Darwin, NT Woolworths: $2.98ea Coles: $2.00ea

The average price for Leeks in Brisbane, QLD Woolworths: $2.48ea / $2.48ea Australia was $2.32 each Coles: $2.50ea / $2.50ea

Adelaide, SA Woolworths: $2.48ea / $2.48ea Sydney, NSW Coles: $2.50ea / $2.50ea Woolworths: $2.00ea / $2.00ea Perth, WA Coles: $2.00ea / $2.00ea Woolworths: $2.98ea Coles: $2.20ea Canberra, ACT Woolworths: $2.20ea Melbourne, VIC Coles: $2.00ea • The average price for an individual leek was $2.32 in March, relatively consistent Woolworths: $2.20ea / $2.20ea across waves. Coles: $2.20ea / $2.20ea • The cheapest price was in Sydney, Canberra and Darwin at $2.00 and the most expensive at $2.98 in Perth and Darwin. • The retail price range was $0.98.

Hobart, TAS Pricing was carried out on 16th March 2016 between 10am-12pm. Woolworths: $2.50ea Prices are displayed Online / In-store. Coles: $2.20ea Green text indicates promotional price. 144

Awareness of leek varieties is low, with 85% of consumers unable to recall a type. This is consistent with past waves.

Q6a. What varieties of leek are you aware of? (unprompted) Sample Wave 26 N=206, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202 Using leeks as an ingredient in dishes, taste and adding variety are the key 145 drivers of purchase. In contrast, the key barriers to purchase are already consuming enough to balance their diet and not wanting to waste any. This wave sees a noticeable increase in health as a trigger to purchase. Triggers Barriers

72% 3% To use as an ingredient in dishes 75% 3% Inconsistent or poor quality 75% 3% 57% 3% They taste great 63% 4% Lack of variety available 57% 3% To add variety to my vegetable 46% 5% 44% 10% I grow my own selection 45% 5% 52% 7% Easy to prepare/cook with 57% 6% Not versatile for my cooking style 43% 6% 44% 9% I don't know how to fit any more To complement other food 46% 8% 42% 8% vegetables into my daily diet 30% 17% As they are healthy 28% 13% Other 36% 11% 28% 24% It's versatile 30% 22% Expensive 31% 20% 22% 24% I want a variety of vegetables in my The whole family likes them 27% 24% 25% 23% diet 22% 23% I like the texture 25% 28% I don't want to waste any 21% 28% 27% 25% Cooks quickly 26% 28% I consume enough to balance my diet 18% 33% Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16 Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16

Q7. Which of the following reasons best describes why you purchase leeks? Q8. Which reason best describes why you don’t buy leeks more often? Sample Wave 26 N=206, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202

146 Australian, British and Chinese cuisines are most popular when Top 5 Consumption Occasions cooking leeks. Wave 30 Wave 34 Meal occasions tend to occur during Dinner 70% 69% 24% Family meals 57% 56% used leeks when dinner. Approximately one quarter of cooking a new consumers used leeks when cooking a Weekday meals 39% 42% recipe new recipe. Weekend meals 34% 34% Quick meals 28% 33% 26%, Wave 30

Typical Cuisine Cooked 80%

60% 44% 36% 40% 27% 26% 20% 20% 10% 9% 5% 4% 1% 0% Traditional Modern British Italian Indian Thai Chinese Middle Snacks Other Eastern Wave 26: Jul-15 Wave 30: Nov-15 Wave 34: Mar-16 Australian European Asian Other Cuisines

Q10. What cuisines do you cook/consume that use leeks? Q11. Which of the following occasions do you typically consume/use leeks? Sample Wave 26 N=206, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave. 147 Consumers prefer to serve leeks with potatoes and carrots, consistent with past waves. Leeks are generally cooked in soups and stir fries.

Accompanying Vegetables

Top 10 Cooking Styles Potato 54% Wave 26 Wave 30 Wave 34 Soup 68% 55% 59% Stir frying 37% 45% 44% lettu Carrot 43% Sautéing 33% 39% 37% ce Slow Cooking 30% 23% 30% Frying 22% 31% 26% Steaming 17% 12% 18% Onion 29% Roasting 8% 15% 13% Boiling 12% 11% 13% Baking 11% 15% 12% carr Raw 4% 4% 6% Garlic 25% ot

Celery 24%

Q9. How do you typically cook leeks? Q10a. And when are you serving leeks which of the following do you also serve together with this? Sample Wave 26 N=206, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202

148 This wave sees a slight increase in the importance of the provenance of leeks, sitting in line with the Vegetable Average.

Vegetable Average 6.5

Wave 26: Jul-15 6.7 8.4

Wave 30: Nov-15 6.4

Wave 34: Mar-16 6.5

Q14. When purchasing leeks, how important is Provenance to you? Q15. And when purchasing Leeks, how important is that it is grown in Australia? Sample Wave 26 N=206, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202


Expected Consumers expect leeks to remain fresh for to stay fresh for just over a week once purchased, which is 8.7 days being met most of the time.

8.9 days, Wave 26 8.6 days, Wave 30

Expectations Met

Wave 26: Jul-15 5% 7% 56% 31%

Wave 30: Nov-15 3% 8% 59% 28%

Wave 34: Mar-16 5% 3% 62% 29%

Never met Rarely met Met some of the time Met half of the time Met most of the time Always met

Q12. How long do you expect leeks to stay fresh for, once you have purchased it? Q13. How often is this length of freshness met when you buy leeks? Sample Wave 26 N=206, Wave 30 N=204, Wave 34 N=202 : Indicates LOWER score than current wave. : Indicates HIGHER score than current wave.


Leek Product Launch Trends. There were 641 leek products launched globally over the last three months. Leek Global Launches The majority of launches were in Germany and France. Categories for January – March 2016 launches were meals and soups.

Country Region

4% 2%1% Germany 14% 20% France 11%

UK 11% 73% South Korea 11%

Europe Asia Pacific Netherlands 8% Latin America North America 641 Global NPDs Middle East & Africa

Top Pack Formats Top Claims

8% Microwaveable 31%

10% Categories Ease of Use 24% 31% Meals Soup No Additives/ 10% Preservatives 22% 28% 18% Ethical - Environmentally 17% 18% Processed Sauces & Friendly Package Products Seasonings Flexible Tray Carton Tub Jar 15% 14% Not Specified 15% 152

Leek Product Launches: Last 3 Months (January – March 2016) Summary

• There were 641 launches in the past 3 months globally that contained leeks as an ingredient, substantially higher than the previous wave (433).

• There were five products launched in Australia over the past three months.

• Europe (73%) was the key region for launches.

• Flexible packaging (31%), and trays (18%) were the most common format used for products.

• The main categories for launches were meals (28%), soups (18%), and processed products (15%).

• Claims used on products included microwaveable (26%) ease of use (24%), and no additives/preservatives (22%). Source: Mintel (2016) • The most innovative product launched was the Natural Vegetable Sausage from South Korea. Other examples can be found in the following pages. 153 The majority of launches occurred in Germany and France. The key categories for leek launches are meals, sauces & seasonings, soups and processed products, consistent with the previous wave.

Top Launch Countries Top Launch Categories

14% Germany Meals & Meal Centers 28% 11% France Soup 18% 11% UK Processed Fish, Meat & Egg Products 15% 11% South Korea Sauces & Seasonings 14% 8% Netherlands Snacks 11% 7% Spain Fruit & Vegetables 6% 4% Poland 641 Side Dishes 5% Global 3% Indonesia Launches 2% Austria Savoury Spreads 2%

2% Denmark Baby Food 1% 154 The main claims globally were microwaveable, ease of use and no additives & preservatives. Flexible packaging is the most commonly used pack format for leek products.

Pack Formats Used Top Claims Used

Flexible 31% Microwaveable 31%

Tray 18% Ease of Use 24% Global

Carton 10% Global No Additives/Preservatives 22%

Flexible 24% Microwaveable 32%

Tray 23% Ease of Use 24% Europe

Europe Carton 13% No Additives/Preservatives 21%

Flexible 57% Microwaveable 29%

Flexible stand-up pouch 10% Ease of Use 25%

Jar 8% Time/Speed 24%

Asia Asia Pacific Asia Asia Pacific

Only regions with n >30 are displayed

Innovative Leek Launches: 155 L3M (January – March 2016)

Auchan Ready Mix Carrot, San Telmo Soy Fillets Saeromi Busaneomuk Jumbo Fried Rice with Pork Pumpkin, Leek and Haricot (Spain) Natural Vegetable Sausage Roast Mix (South Korea) (Netherlands) (Spain) San Telmo Filetes de Soja (Soy Fillets) are now available. This product is ready to grill Jumbo Nasi Goreng met Babi Pangang or fry, is a source of protein, is low in Saeromi Busaneomuk Natural Vegetable (Fried Rice With Pork Roast) has been Auchan Ready Mix Zanahoria, Calabaza, calories and free from cholesterol. It is said Sausage is made of domestic pork, reformulated to feature an improved recipe. Puerro, Judia Verde Redonda (Carrot, to be ideal with casseroles, stewed domestic potato starch, domestic The ready-to-use product is made with pork, Pumpkin, Leek and Haricot Mix) is now vegetables, green salad and sauces. The vegetables and roasted salt. It contains no egg and leek, and can be prepared in the available. The microwavable product is said soy is claimed to be four times richer in wheat flour and is free from gluten, acidity microwave. The milk-free product retails in a to be ideal for puree, and retails in a 200g protein than other legumes and meat regulator, artificial sweetener, synthetic 500g pack, providing one portion. pack. preservatives, raising agent, colouring agent and flavour enhancer. This product retails in a 200g pack bearing the HACCP logo.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: Microwaveable, Ease of Use Low/No/Reduced Cholesterol, No Additives/Preservatives, Gluten-Free, Microwaveable, Low/No/Reduced Allergen, Low/No/Reduced Calorie, High/Added Fiber, Low/No/Reduced Allergen Ease of Use Other (Functional), Cardiovascular (Functional), Digestive (Functional), Ease of Use

Source: Mintel (2016) Innovative Leek Launches: 156 L3M (January – March 2016)

Crai Vegetable Soup with Dolmio Smooth Bolognese Ella's Kitchen Toddler Tesco Finest Sweet Pink Cereals Sauce with Hidden Cheddar + Leeks Multigrain Lady Apple Leek & Herb (Italy) Vegetables Wheels Stuffing Mix (UK) (USA) (UK) Crai Zuppa di Legumi e Cereali (Vegetable Soup with Cereals) has been relaunched Dolmio Smooth Bolognese Sauce with and was previously under Crai Pronti Più Ella's Kitchen Toddler Cheddar + Leeks Tesco Finest Sweet Pink Lady Apple Leek Hidden Vegetables comprises a tomato brand name. The product consists of a deep Multigrain Wheels are now available.The & Herb Stuffing Mix comprises toasted sauce with 100% natural ingredients. This frozen legumes and cereals soup, which is USDA organic and kosher certified product ciabatta style breadcrumbs made with extra vegetarian sauce provides one of the five-a- rich in fibre and cooks in 12 minutes in the is described as an unsweetened light virgin olive oil, croutons, dried Pink Lady day recommended portions of fruit and pan. It is formulated with extra virgin olive oil multigrain snack that is free from artificial apples, dried leeks and dried herbs. This vegetables, and retails in a 500g pack and retails in a 600g pack which provides colors, artificial flavors, concentrates, GMOs premium product is suitable for vegetarians featuring a recipe suggestion and is two servings. and salt. It is said to be great for picnics, and is said to be ideal as an sufficient for four portions. shopping trips, car journeys, lunch boxes or accompaniment to pork and poultry. It even for munching at home, and is suitable retails in a recyclable 130g pack. for toddlers from one year of age.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: High/Added Fiber All Natural Product, Vegetarian No Additives/Preservatives, Kosher, Organic, Vegetarian, Premium, Ethical - Low/No/Reduced Sodium, Babies & Toddlers Environmentally Friendly Package (0-4), Ethical - Environmentally Friendly Package, On-the-Go, GMO-Free

Source: Mintel (2016) Innovative Leek Launches: 157 L3M (January – March 2016)

Tartex Vegetarian Pâté with Fürstenkrone Jamie Oliver by Pan Alpine Hot Dog Herbs Delikatessmomente Leek Compliments Ultimate (Italy) (Netherlands) Salad with Ham Creamy Chicken and

(Germany) Veggies Bake

Pan Hot Dog Alpino (Alpine Hot Dog) is now (Canada) available. This frozen product is made with Tartex Plantaardig Smeerbaar Broodbeleg Fürstenkrone Delikatessmomente sausage and sauerkraut, is ready to cook met Kruiden (Vegetarian Pâté with Herbs) is Lauchsalat mit Vorderschinken (Leek Salad Jamie Oliver by Compliments Ultimate and retails in a 320g pack containing two organic, vegan and gluten free. The product with Ham) is now available. This product Creamy Chicken and Veggies Bake is now units. retails in a 45g pack featuring the EU Green retails in a 200g pack. available. This meal with lovely sweet peas Leaf logo. has been made using chicken raised without antibiotics, contains no artificial flavours or preservatives, and made using planet-friendly humanely raised chicken. This classic meal comprises creamy chicken with chunky vegetables, tender potatoes, leeks, carrots, onions, and lovely sweet peas, all together in a classic creamy sauce flavoured with thyme and bay leaves.

Claims: Claims: Claims: Claims: Organic, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, N/A No Additives/Preservatives, Microwaveable, Ease of Use Low/No/Reduced Allergen, Vegan, No Cobranded, Ethical - Environmentally Animal Ingredients Friendly Package, Ethical - Environmentally Friendly Product, Ethical - Animal

Source: Mintel (2016) Australian Leek Launches: 158 L3M (January – March 2016)

Temptation Bakeries Chicken & Hanabi Tasty Bites Korean Maggie Beer Sweet Potato, Pear & Leek Party Pies Vegetable Gyoza Ginger Soup

Temptation Bakeries Chicken & Leek Party Pies are Hanabi Tasty Bites Korean Vegetable Gyoza are easy to Maggie Beer Sweet Potato, Pear & Ginger Soup is described as creamy chicken filling with hand made puff prepare and can be pan fried, steamed, boiled, described as a rich, earthy vegetarian sweet potato soup pastry. This microwaveable product is said to be baked microwaved or deep fried. The product retails in a 675g with added piquancy of ripe pear, the warmth of fresh from scratch, using premium ingredients, locally source pack containing 50 pieces. ginger and indulgence of thick cream. The microwaveable when possible. It contains no artificial colours or flavours product can be simply heated and added with swirl of rich and retails in a 600g recyclable pack featuring the Award and thick cream. It is suitable for vegetarians and retails in Winning Family Bakery and the Australian Made and a 500g pack. Owned logos.

Claims: Claims: Claims: No Additives/Preservatives, Microwaveable, Premium, Microwaveable, Ease of Use Microwaveable, Vegetarian, Ease of Use Ethical - Environmentally Friendly Package

Source: Mintel (2016) 159

In the Media. General Vegetable News 160 (January – March 2016)

 A study led by Monash University has found that a shopping trolley of healthy food is costing rural and regional Victorians more than those living in the city. This has raised concerns that a nutritious diet may be out of reach for some families.

 The research found that the price of fruit and vegetables across the state rose by 12 per cent on average, while non-core foods such as sugar, margarine and oil fell by 3 per cent.

 One of the key findings was the fluctuation in price of fruit and vegetables compared to other food groups. This may result in varying levels of consumption of these foods.

 While the exact reason for the price difference was difficult to pinpoint, Dr Palermo stated that things like transport costs and lack of competition within smaller towns could have driven prices higher.

http://www.abc.net.au Commodity News 161 (January – March 2016)

 Broccoli has been linked to a  Disaster Bay Chillies on the New  The Northern Territory’s only  Columbia Fresh Product in the growing list of health benefits, South Wales South Coast has commercial lettuce grower says United States announced a such as reduced risk of been producing a chilli wine. the summer has hit production new sweet corn that is suitable cancer and osteoporosis. pretty hard. for the food service industry  The wine is made from chillies and retail grocers of all types. that are fermented for six  New research has suggested  Due to the heat and some The sweet corn is currently months. This is then put through humidity, produce has only been that consuming broccoli could a fine filter to remove any yeast available in 6-inch long cobs, is also slow or reverse blood- available locally, with sales to pre-cooked and vacuumed so that once in the bottle it can’t Darwin forgone. vessel damage and re-ferment. packed, offering an amazingly long shelf life when kept atherosclerosis due to high  Mr. McKosker said the lettuce cholesterol.  The flavour is said to be an market had changed in recent refrigerated. unusual mix of sweet and years and the whole-head market medium-heat. had “diminished dramatically in  The sweet corn variety is bi- favour of cut leaf”. "The cut leaf is coloured (mixed yellow and probably 70 per cent of our white kernels) that has a fresh market, whereas five years ago, crunchy taste. the whole head was 7 per cent of our market."

http://www.wsj.com/ http://www.abc.net.au http://www.abc.net.au http://www.restaurantnews.com Commodity News 162 (January – March 2016)

There was no green pea specific  Demand for kale has been  Belgian growers will soon be news to report this wave. quickly growing in popularity in allowed to export leek to Europe. Indonesia. Belgium only exported apples and pears to  The winter months have the Indonesia until now, but in highest consumption volumes limited amounts. for the vegetable, which is highly sought after due to its  The target audience isn’t for nutritional properties. Greater Indonesians, but for the 11 knowledge of new culinary uses has also assisted in its million Western tourists rise, being used in salads, fruit coming into the country every smoothies and baked dishes. year.

http://www.freshplaza.com/ http://www.freshplaza.com/ 163

Project Harvest Background & Methodology 164 Background to the research. There is an increasing need in Australia’s Horticulture Industry to monitor and gauge consumer perception of and behaviour in relation to fresh vegetables.

Colmar Brunton has been commissioned to conduct a monthly on-line tracking project following specified vegetables across a three year period; monthly trend analysis; and additional ad- hoc projects to assist in this understanding of consumers.

The following report is designed to supplement an online Interactive Research Tool (IRT) and details the findings of the monthly on-line tracking program and trends analysis components.

This wave’s report (Wave 34, March 2016) focuses on: 1 Broccoli 1 Chillies 1 Lettuce 1 Sweet Corn 1 Green Peas 1 Kale 1 Leek

This current report will highlight any observations in regards to these specific commodities.

This project has been funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia Ltd using the vegetable levy and matched funds from the Australian Government.


Online Methodology. General consumer Questions

 Consumers were recruited via an Online Panel. If the Demographics consumers met the recruitment requirements of sufficient vegetable consumption (monthly) they were asked to complete the online questionnaire. Vegetable Consumption

 All consumers completed general demographic and consumption questions. If consumers purchased any of the specific commodities within the last month they would complete 1/7 Commodities those questions. A minimum of N=500 consumers completed the questionnaire. Commodity Specific Questions  Topics covered in the questionnaire were vegetable purchase and consumption, category health, price and value perceptions, Category Health triggers and barriers to purchase and preparation and cooking preferences. Purchase & Consumption Habits  An additional two ad-hoc questions were asked at the end of the questionnaire. The subjects of these questions are supplied by Price Perceptions & Average Spend Horticulture Innovation Australia prior to each month to get feedback on topics of interest at that time. Triggers/Barriers to Purchase

 The questionnaire took 15 minutes to complete. Preparation Preferences  Questions asked appear on the bottom of each page of this report. Unless stated otherwise, all scales were 0 -10 scales, with higher scores indicating greater agreement/liking/importance etc. + 2 Ad hoc Questions per Month 166

Broccoli Chilli Lettuce Sweet Corn Green Peas Kale Leek n=303 n=202 n=304 n=310 n=307 n=202 n=202 Gender Male 39% 50% 41% 41% 40% 36% 39% Sample. Female 61% 50% 59% 59% 60% 64% 61% Age Consumers represented most states 18-24 y.o. 3% 1% 2% 2% 4% 2% 0% and territories, as well as both metro and rural areas. 25-34 y.o. 6% 14% 6% 10% 10% 17% 8% 35-44 y.o. 13% 11% 8% 14% 13% 13% 10% Demographic information about age and household structure was also 45-54 y.o. 16% 19% 19% 23% 18% 20% 15% collected to examine differences 55-64 y.o. 30% 28% 28% 26% 25% 24% 32% between life stages. 65+ y.o. 32% 27% 37% 25% 30% 23% 34% To qualify for the questionnaire, Household consumers... Single Income no Kids 24% 23% 23% 21% 20% 12% 16%

1 Were aged 18 years and over Double Income no Kids 17% 17% 14% 14% 17% 18% 18%

1 Purchased fresh vegetables at Young Families 7% 13% 6% 11% 7% 13% 11% least once a month Established Families 19% 20% 19% 25% 21% 25% 15%

1 Purchased at least one of the Empty Nesters 33% 28% 38% 30% 35% 31% 40% monthly commodities (broccoli, Location chilli, lettuce, sweet corn, green New South Wales 11% 23% 12% 16% 19% 23% 22% peas, kale, leek) within the last Victoria 17% 22% 16% 15% 16% 16% 19% month South Australia 22% 7% 23% 21% 15% 13% 13% Queensland 17% 23% 17% 14% 18% 15% 20% 1 Were the main or joint grocery Western Australia 19% 13% 18% 19% 19% 24% 16% buyer. Tasmania 8% 5% 8% 9% 6% 3% 6% Australian Capital Territory 5% 6% 4% 5% 5% 3% 2% Northern Territory 2% 0% 2% 1% 2% 1% 2% 167 Trends Research: Our Approach

9 Colmar Brunton has used a combination of both desk research and in the field market research to explore the trends for each vegetable commodity being tracked this month.

9 Our main source of secondary data for this report was collected from Mintel Global New Products Database (GNPD).

9 This data source is used to analyse products launched around the globe in the last three months (L3M) that contained each vegetable being tracked as a core ingredient.

9 Trends are determined at a global and regional level.

9 Claims and pack types used for the launched products are explored and the relevant product categories are determined. Specific examples of products being launched around the globe that are particularly innovative are displayed for reference.

9 Trend reports are provided monthly and will reflect the 7 commodities tracked in the preceding period. Product Launches Last 3 Months (L3M) See below for the format that will be used to summarise the trend data collected for each How to Read Summaries commodity.

Country Region

4% USA 12% 5% 28% 15% UK 12% Commodity What regions new Top countries where Germany 10% products were launched products were launched. South Korea 8% in. 48%

Canada Asia Pacific Europe 4% North America Middle East & Africa Number339 Launches of Launches Globally L3ML3M Latin America

Top Pack Formats Top Claims

No Additives/Preservatives 35% 18% Top Categories Low/No/Reduced Allergen 20% 6% 50% Top claims made by Top7% pack formats used Snacks Bakery productsOrganic that19% were 7%for products. Top28% categories that11% launched. 12% products were launched Vegetarian 18% Breakfast Dairy Flexible Tub in. Carton Flexible stand-up pouch Cereals 6% Gluten-Free 18% Bottle Other 8%