BAtrIKLEY ScfUNDEtrl // Ai..r O{STAL Jol..RtlAL FRCII{ BAlvf I

hru*mry ffiffi The S*fiKLEY SAUffDEftis printrd rsnthiy ir' 8ar{i*ld, British Cnlu*bi I, Canxd*, $srsnd clerr lail r*gi*tr*tisn nu*bar $*14. F*st S${iue n{ c*iIing**Eer{ield, B.C.

$ubsrriptIonr r&y be rrdered or rsnsl*&d by phoning qur Sa*field nulberr 7 ?st*32&7 or by *riting ta us TT"Ig Ssl9NKL€Y SSUhIT}€ft 8c*ct {? t. Elarnf ieldt. [|.t. V$Ft T,tsO

$ubgcription prirae fcr lf$6r In Ss*{i*ld - *10.*0 far l? issuca *est nf f,*ntda * ff3,?0 for lt issurs 11,5.*. - *18.5* for 1? issus* $vsr*eee * f1*.50 {os' l? issues $vsrssxa friret 4Iass - *33"$0

:i *SVSSTISiMSHfiTEf, l,/fr p*ge , - f 'r4$ " Sr l/{ pagn , . $ *r . l/? p*ge " ttrg,$0 Full prg*, , f36.+CI Clarsified eds ar* FFI€E ! ! il r*il ;l 1l il I I



": TFE Iv{A$T}IEAD ' j€snn€r*r.?1, co-'editor

Wetve Just retursed from a short trlp to l{isconsln to vlslt my folks, so the paper ls a few days leter than usual this rnonth" Next rnonrh'reril be back on.-Eamfield-Llige,whicb meanEcloger t+ the 5th then to the l0th, It was catrdln lYlsconsln,and ir snc"red three tlmeg while we rv€re there. I tend to forget .lus:: why thls part of censda ls nlcknarnedflotus landt Errtil I visit , spot rhere tJre snow keeps getting deeper and you have to remember t* sear yo$r cost.:vben ysu steF outslde. l{e were welcomedb3/ a lovely, pelting 'tg?rshE*i.raln oni our ret$rn tq vancouver, followed by i geek trf . Ttrtt crreeles aafidaffodttvsr=-€trardr.*tif- flng the alr. ltrr good to be back.

YAl,trtTii\iES Thic month w€ begin a rilree-part seriee cf cCIntributi{.:n: flcm the chileirenst sur *cfu+cl" Mrs" L!ndl*:,:uscierr i;i Kindergarteil, 4 Flrst Grade ltng s Sscond sr*'j* studenis i:i,,r.. prepared the February co$trlbutlons for us" Si**e Vai*nrir:r,: Day wlll soon be heren they eech tel! us whet frlendsiiipneans ti, them. Thank you, chlldren! In Mareh uetll hear frorn Mrs, l)*y- tonrs class of Grade 3 and 4 studentc, and in Aprtl Mr. Burk*ts group of Grades 5 through I ssudentcylll flnlsh up the series" Now, before you read any further, tell me ln one or ttlo $eil- tences, ryhat ls a frlend? Eve Brand hee $ent a speclal Valentlne for Ktde thls m$nth-" see her reclpe for yogurt pop$ on Page 10. COVER STORY Our cuver srtl$t for February ls Ltnds Haylock. She drew the strlking batd eagle o|t our front cover as rell as the mouse ln the strawberry petch on our back cover. cltff anil Llnde have been getthg ready rto movo tnro thelr new home on Burlo Island thle rprlng, whtch mean&.theyrve becn really buey" Thank you, Llnda, for ta*lng tlms out'from liouse buttdtng to ererclce one of' your other creatlve taleats. {Thanks also for looking after oui. houre plants *,htle ye sere awayll A REMINDER Chlef Art Peterc has eeked u$ to remlnd everyo$e that the lriumber l.iine Reserve and the Reserves on the lslande are etllt cloeed to the publlc. Recesrchers from the lytarlne Ststlon are the only non-Ohlaht people allored, wlth apeclal permlsslon from the Bend,


CSTHRAL ffi{TRACTffi & CABTNETtvlAKER - ARGTLEST. r ._BC),X5J1 ESTIII'I'{THS Ltrt' PRICES ALBERilI,B.C. VgT 7M9 Fhone 7?8-337S v24-32&1 sfisfitEv 'Jalur* IVr i{urb'er 2 $suil$Es F*brurry l?86 lhoughtr fo:' Vrlentine'a 0ry. 3 Lrttrrr ta thc Editsrs rnd thr Comunlty { In Herory s{ 9crbird llec Ebbr Jrnnings 6 Coert 6uerd liers Drvo hcaetror I Fror ths Lighthourc Evr Brand l0 Prq:r {ror the Part R. Srsce Scott 12 Principel'r fieport Rod Burkc l4 Red Crosr Shailr Chlrbers 16 fiegionel Boerd Report Al Benton tl Vi ri t {rol Youth tli th A lli rsi on 18 tfy tlrti vc Lrnd Leith Boultcr 28 ' Bird o{ the tfonth - frans lde Tellrnd 22 Chslch Nerr Rev. Vern llcEechern 24 fiIberni 9ellry lluseur Dirplry 26 Did You l(nor? 0rve Hegrtror 27 ln lly 0pinion Jrrel Fcrrit Jl Firr Dcgrrtrent Sernicr Sterrrt 32 Corrunity Hrll Updrtr Pat Bereir 3{ frether Pater Jenitir 36 2 I4ilff{r$ n.ffi Uit'Ex{rlls.5 ryly }VT{ATTS A T'RTEhD? by Kl*&rgarten" Grados One and Two $omoone you can pl*y vlth, sald Ciarllr Clapple. Sorueoneyou !ike, sald Msrlena Dennts. Someoneyou carc for snd love, sald Cheryl frrnsmore. $orneoneyoil can play outslde wlth, said tlsrol,e Nockemus, S*meonqyou lik* e lot and pluys wifh y6ur sald *andy Buckler, $omeone n&o cares about you, ssld Csmeroil Burke. l$omeonevho helpc yuu, eald Korrl Denntr. $omeoneyou aan go boatlng wlth, cald Brton Surger, Someona you can ralk wlth, ssld Alex Ceruerun SomoonoyCIu can flght slth nnd thsn stlll be frlende wltho rald Jlrn Borker. $omeono you ceo do ruaglc urlth, aald Joey Dennlr. Sorneo*e you can rtat oysrnlght rltb, sald lan McPhee.

3 LETTERS.TO T -}MEDITfrRS ' ilFaarJeanne, tu'lornWlekham le snjoytn$ her Bnrtlsy $s{,amdcrso much and ehe would llke to thnnk everyonevho sent her *uch lovely cardc and lettere over Chrletmsesnd her blrthdey. She reelly appreclates lreartng'th* local neys co pleasekeep wrltlng us" Thank you, Nora Flower ?6?S CavendlghAve. Vlctorla, B.C. v8R ?C6 ,*t.lf* Dear Jeanne, Many thanks fon sending the paper to me. I entoy readlng tt. I phonedMrs. lVlckhamln Vlctoria. It wss good to hear her voice agaln. I also got a letter from her daughter. Thankc agaln, Murlel Chtrholm Ucluelet, B.C. **t*r X'JeerJesnne and Jlrn, $slserse*r*nd n subscrlptlonto my slster ln Hnglard. Itts e real bnrgntn ttf Itm r**dlng tt rlghtl" Yau two sesm to be havlng a busy tlme of lt. Is lt really true rhat peopletget away from lt allt ln the bush? Sybll and I were yery touchedby EbbatsiIn Memorlamtln the fall lssue. Irm suro Mum and Ded vould have been both surprlsed and pleased with lt. Slncerely, GrahamElliston **it'* Dear Jlm and Jeanng We enJoy the tJournali ag tt Ir ltk€ heartng from you each rnsnth. We enJoyyour column and Jlmrl, the waathcrr'tho reclpes, al! of lt as ve both do a lot of reading. Congrstulatloncon the aev chlldrensbook iTopekat. lt hag a rlot of depth and rGntlment for thoge of uE who are older. After readlng the story I ras remlnded of the old hl'mn iPreclous [ilemorles, How They L!nger!. Our love, Aunt Slsoy and Unclc Gug Granta Pass, Oregon 4 jeanne& Jirn, l{cre'c my chequc for &n t86 cubecrlptlon to the Barhley Sounder. Keep up the good work. Chcer* fronnthe Pralries" Rich*rd klmen , * * Tr*ErotoAlberta Dear Jim aird Jcanae, itenn yiu fsr'the per*onel note enclo*sd wlth the Janul*ry copy of the $ogudcn l{e accept Jrour Invltatlsn to subacrlbe, lfe had recelyed a copy of the Octobcr cditlon and been fiort lrn- pressed. Oneeagaln, tbank you for your w*lcomlng flote, V*lerie andAlan Burger Brlan ? Corey S Barnflaldfr{arlne Statlon ti*** Dear Jeanne end Jlm, Congratulatlongon your eecond, deltghtful bookn rTopeka*l We enJoyedit so much, I have baked Evs Brandte dellclou* Chrlstrn*s Frutt Brald. W* enJoyedlt ver,r'much. {Natice I ugedthe past t€nss*} [ wlll bake lt again. Have a good yefir, both of you. Gerry Serber Eyansvllle, Indlana ***f'* Hi: Readlngyour books really keepeone young tf you perrnlt your Insplration to folloy through wlth you. Keep on reachlng lnto th&t bigger world of relatlonehlps and dreams. Thank yau for glvlng us Hemmy and Topeka eE guldcs for reachlng beyond an other\plse mundansworid. Uncle Otto Dear Jcanne, Navatro, Ohlo An lmaglnetlon that can rnake Harnrnyend'Topeka so bellevable ls a. talcnt to be treegured. I hEvo fu*t ftnlshed readlng tTopekat and rereadlng tHammyr-- &fid entoyed thcrn even more thtg tllre. : . I have bsppy merrorlep of Vanconver Island--fkhlng {and catchl,ngll salmotrat Nanalmo In the 50ts and vleltr to the Butchert Ga.r$en.r,!u! :Era have neysr boen oG th€ we€t cc*sr, Thenk -vouand li"ppl' Ne*' Year. ' Charl+tte Crerbei Navarre, CIhin-r

*! Ihl MEnSRY OF' $EASIRD b{AC by Ebba Jennlnga The communlty w&s stuclred on $unday morning, Fobruary 2, -rvhonnrord c*arc of the sud&n p*roing of t$s*bhdlr Mffi In the lfet Cosst Hc*pltal at Psrt Albernl, espoclelly rlnce v*ry fen' rctl- laed that he hEd boes flosu out st durk the prerrloul evenlng wlth what eppe*Eedto bs a ttroke. fut*Kinnonlr{*ntroce Staberrsonsas born on Aprtl 5, l9l3 ln $ydne3.,$.C. rt{acr was his usuel namabut rnore often than enougt he uraccslled tseablrd! or ?seabirdMscr after hls bost and hlu e*rly hsrmeker*. If there wsrs Gthsr b{ecrr around ha eomctlman ,irould b'e celled by the nickn*rne $&Tcvtsh" $*aaehowhe seernedluot s$other tsgmfhlder, E$ he had been around fer a good thirty yesr$. He shsred uueh of hie earller fflsr$ wlth pe*pls chrough storler nnd ccn'r*r$6tlsn, Eo thet hls pe$f t*eeeimeflnternrlugled ivtth hls prerert, becouing lik* time, nr*asuretress,axd or:e forg*t that he brd not alreys llved {lr Saw* flelS. Ff*s ltfe lp*c*ffie wnven ir:trpthe llvst of meny" ${ewns exrfl,&# ell' r**riy rrnde*n with *trr:regs*d hcr*g*i *finsie- rir),Ttsra $*i'lssof hur:i*r and kl*dnes.g,I man $f bsth the sea snd the shore, f{e had hls ttme tG msurn, ur{th the l$ss of both Barents wfuen he was v*ry your?S. H* leerned early the mesntngof herd*hip and hard work during htr lcggtng cari?pdays, S{e experlenced lllnegs end suff*rtng from lnJury, He spent a seven yeer appr€$tlce$hip learnlng the trade of a hutcher end would p*eo *iong htc knowl* edge cf rnoat ts msny, He would do up the carcass for you CIrshow ycu hov, lncludlng the tanning of the hldc. Durlng the manngerr* lroltd*y flns at the Bumfleld B.C' Packer'e Stsre Mac rrould be seen behtnd the rneat countsr" The kttchan crsw will firlse hlm when lt cor$esttme to esrv€ the maat et tho next Co&mnnlty Hall dI*ner festlrlty. He hed hlr tlme for patlancs &$ he flshed fcr sslmon oil the $EABIRD III or loircd hi* frlend oc th€ ARAEELTA ln *earch of t$ns. flo kept so eye out and helped many a chlld flrh for perch off the ftoat. In turn, some vould Joln htm for trcut f[chlng tn rhs str€an ilr st the lake. Hs looked forw*rd to lolnlug*them at home for he knew the pan would bc hbt, awaltln6 the cetch, and perhaps there vss e ple for deglcrt,

(Contlnuedon Page 35! ffiAsT GTIAFS by Davtd Hegstrorn O.l.C.

lffe haye had slx lncidents thls year to date, The otd Barn* fleld Llfe Boat ls rrtll *tanding ln at Toflno $,{R statlon" Yti'eheve Jusr recelved *ord frorn sAR/fe rhat rho otc gsrdrtela Llfe Boat wlll be on dkplay ar Expol8s dr:ring $.ARweek, May t2 lo M^sy18' tfle rlll have sn speil hsueo wlth s dlepley and rides In B*nnftcld $t sorr€ tlme,eluring thet week. If you ire-ln vsncouver durixg sAR week.dodnop In st the KitsllEno c,G, b&$e.They pien to harre yany dlsplays, deitronstratisn$and drllls curing lhst r*.eek, wlrh mEny dtfferent sAR un{ts taklng p&Fr* I wttl have copieo sf the Expo/s6 Marlne Advl*ory Bo*klet io dlsrribut*"

If *nyone tn tsarnfleldand aree wish€s to s,tlt*ln I Radl*- telephoneopcrators Reetrlcted Certlflcate plaaeecontect me here et the C{i stutl*n. lf I get anougtrn*m€s, I wlil have a T.O.C" {?edtelnepectce'come tn nnd glr* rhs 4-5 fu*urc6urse. I c{oheve $,:}r$eguldes thet I can lend tG ysrr" You m*st h*r,s sn p_,O.lE,C,ts *.*{rrates VI{F ra*$i*',! ills* hese rasio llceneefol.m.s svafleble oi: requ*sI .

ffiuFrEY ,r'-. &nst[ser ratirfisd cusfomsfl

't Sesfi eI d osn cookUooki PACrflc Sith neerly J00 recipce fror tha ?$ 3N,!PllT coots rnd frirnd: of cootr in $043 SqJft S{rts Sf Srrfirld. $ound rith tro ringl 723 23Ae for eiry rr{erlnce in the tiichcn. , Proceedr go to tha Earfiald Colaunity Hall dish;rshpr fund. llttt Billt !3"Ig e FlIOIT THE L IC*fTFf,]tISE by Eva Brand 8A$T CFTOCOLATEtnUSSE

6 squaressernl-s,reet chocolate {1 oz. each} t square unsripetenedchoco I ste eggs 2 T. Liqueur of your cholce 3 T" iclng sugar 2 cups wtrippingctresn, *trtpped

Melt and caol all the chocolete Comblne the chocolate , I whole aB5, 2 egg yolkr; mix well. Stir in 3 T. of ycur favorlte tiqueur, Beat ? egg whltes unrll foamyn add 3 T, lclng suger and besr uncll glos*y snd stiff" Fold the whipped cream Into the egg whltes, Cerefully fold the chocolate mtxture lnt* the cresm rnixrure, Spcon intcr ln


Yogurt Pops; Ysu need a b,lenderfor thls. Blend tsg€ther ?*50 grsrn$plaln:"'ogurt, I 14 os, can dralned, sllced peaches, ll4 cup {or lees} sugar, ll2 tsp alrnond€xtract, I tsp lemon Julce, until pure6,r'!.Pour lnto popslcle maker or p6per cupo and lnsert etlcks. flveeze urrtll flrm" Make 6 to 8 pops. 0strom'$Machine @ $tropLtd, sssssssssss$s$ssssgss$sss$s Fishsrmsl'sSuflFlks . lhrdyrere $ FE& El8crrrc_ S lrfiFer{NlFrsdusts, llsrlfio B*ilvty s s Dot{EsTrc-coMPrERcIALS HerineFud Strtbn s I|DUSTnIiI. S Ifi$TrltttTI0ilS & RgPAIn$ AutomobibGso $ sS H$rrticalChfi*. TidcTrbles Phoue 72E-3323 S 6AMFtgL&,n,c. Irs$t{ 84 | ?gt8pfis966 7t8"33}l $$$$s$$$s$s$$$s$$$ss$$$ss$$ r11 Tt+ dlrectort *f i{C'D$ slsh to thsilt the latlsxlng pconle who served for ths psst yrlr as volunteer dir*chrs of our lnvis'turint arm, Island fiesi Lnve$tmcrtsCorporalion :

Ff$:{rgo-tow Ta1'!or'sFlover $hops Bert Sotrokoff -\uier Valu Ken#old*mlth TaioutoSomininn Bsuk Ferekl!{c#regor Surn$erto Bumc}er Henri S,lcKlffion Nonfrlstand Coflege Dsvid Srmandy Northteland Cotlelie

Duriflg lhat iirne, they approved l$ srngtl buiness nroo,rsals for a t$tal oI ffls,Sm in financi;slassistance, resulting in {3'nei jobs in the region. tn !$F, the Corporation erpsets to invest gn additiorrsi |?90,000for {? sdditionsl jobs.- ItDS, 3039. {fb Avo.,foil AlberniVty 2BS ?X4"t?{l

1t PAfiIS TR0M THE PAST by R. Bruce Scott f,xtractc frorn the CErmanehPotnt Llghthousedlarles. Entries made by llghtkeeper W.P, Dayktn vtth reference ro atgnulltng shlpr"

July 14, lg02 l0: l5 p.m. Tartar paeoedlnbound; gave C.P,R.nlght signal - blue, red, blue rocketg {and rnadea rnes$of lt}. I aRsweredwlth rocket and repnrted her to Vlctorla. July t 5 Recelved cheque from Lloyds for last yearrg wcrk reporting shI pe, Dec. ? 1:lSSs"$r" Kagu Maru lnboundslgnalled, but could not report elther"rvny; ltr:edown" Could not rnakesut h€r whistte on sccs$nt *f t9:* n':i.seme{i* hy the surf" Slowlngheavlly frorn thm*ast with slese *ird v'nlr:. llec" 3 Strong SW gmle.Very hoavy surf and rough se*. QueenCtty rsrnainerJet anchor ln SanJuEn. {Not much protectlon there}. Jan. 14, 1903 Bad nlghr ro see a llght; brlght moon and too much curf to itear a whlstle" Feb.24 3:00 a.m. Kaga Maru tnbound;reported to Vencouverdlrect, July I7, 1908 A steamerryhlstllng SW sr 9i30 p.m, I geve her three blasts on the fog alarm to glve her her baarlngri, March E, 1909 ll:00 p,m, Augtrsllsnboat tn slght; reported,to Lloyds and $eflttle Garette vla Bamfleld. May 3, l9ll 9;00 p.m, Clo-oose called and said a *rnall launch wlth signals of dtstfess flylng. Eamfteld llfeboat se$r out and came in agaln; the Artrelat Pachensout of commlsslsn. 12 The followlng cllppings from a n€ryspaperwere gummedln the diary. The Captaln Replles Says he dld not use hlr blanket for en enslgn.

Captaln Pedereen, of thc collier Telluu, takes sxceptlon to the deepatchfrom Carmanahon September12, telllng of ta genulne tramp comlngIn from rhf ses ln thlck fog rith her blanket up for an enstgn"i Captaln Pedsrcon-seyu In a letter to the Colontst, that tre dtd not ure hls blaniqei for an enalgn. He sayn: ai expected to hear the fog s/hlstlc ryhenoff Carmanah,but I dld not, lVhen the fog llfted, Carmanahcould be geen one mile off. The lighthousekeeper then started to blov hts vhlstle and asked for communlcstion, but wlth a naked flagstaff" I then made 6 remark to my officert, nlet hlm ulone; hets got no flag; must be a Jap.n Letter to the Edltor re the Tellus.

$ir, accordlng t$ an qrticle ln the Weekly Colonlst of {Sctsber?5th, Captain Pedersonof the S.S. Telluatxkes ercepclon t*r a de*patchfron thls slgnal station. In the flrst plece lf was not reportctJ thet lie wes *sing ht* blsnket for an ensign. He 1tr&u nilt withln n miie of here wheu the fog llfted. The flngsraff was nCIt naked when hl* attention yas called by Morse code on the whietle" The steal$erps$sed here st 9.3$ o.rfi.1the fog slarm was stoppedat 9,00 fl.ln,egfter ths staameryas olghted. She was not withln from two to trro and one hslf nlles from here; had no slgn, {not even & btanket}, nolther dtd she holgt srly or ansver my nign*l,8.D., meanlngwhat ohip te that?, so thet I could make a report. If the captaln means Swedish mllcs he vtll be near the dtstancehe sryc hs rras, Ltke the captaln, I made the remark tc my offlcers, (I mean my asslstants)not ts bothsr wlth her; she yas elther a forelgner or a tramp, and the captaln uslng the enslgn for e blsnkCt. tr beg to Iniirm the captain ther€ ale no Jnpe herer or forelgners of any klnd. I notlce that a Japaneoe rtesrner alwayi has the decency to ansrrera rlgnal rhen pisslng, whlch ls more than can be seld of some other forelgners. Slgned,lV.P. Daykln Keeper C-armanahLtght Statlon Carmanah,Novcnrber ? TOm m{rrhl"m 13 PRINrcTFALSREPCIRT by Rod Burke

tiavlng mts$€dthe January'edition of the BARKLEY SOUNIIE$I becauseof the ChrtstrnasVacstlon there ssem to be msny smgll item$ af nevs in, around aud about the school. I would.flrst of all llke to lntroducs end welcome twc nefit students to f,rlc Godson.Brlan Burger in Gra.Je2 Jotnedue after the Christrne*break, and CandyBuckler, who has just iolned M*. Llndsayfc Kindergarten class" Wo hope both of those students sestle In qutckly and enJrrybecoming I part of our echool. Our entollmentie currently dg, the htghesttotal of the year' Our atudent$sre lntendtng to bccom€more ectlvsly lnvolved wlth the SARKI"ffiY $SLJN{IER productlon. Ws af,€ planning class con- trlbutions by each ef the three clasoes, beginnlng wlth tlre Junlnr primnry clasc n'hoseefforts can be found In thl* edltlon of the paper" The exerclse Is s very prectlcsl and beneficial one for the st*dente and it la hopedth*y wil! achleve enloymentand $atisfacti$n by partielpating" 1"ll* P".&"T"Sror.ij? h*l,t h**n very bu*y eeaist{ngwlth e*h*c! c$nc*rirs, and we ver"yffiLlch nppreciate til€lr ef'fcrts" $ru Jenu*ry ?Sth rre liad n bctrls which wno qulte su*eo*sful* and we thailk the ci:*$munity for thelr suppCIrt.In**denrally, the nsxr Parentsr:r'!serinsis schedilledfor Fmbru*ryXEth at ?l3S at Pa*he- na, and ls open t* anybodywho le intorseted. f would also llks to thank Mrs. Hlleen Scott and the f.$lk fronr Rogal for ttreir genarousdonatlon of $100. Some of thle lnoneywill be ueed fcr suppllasto do $omeba,llc S{omef,conotmlcs wirir the students fit scltool. Tha;lks sre also extended tc Mr. Joneswho h*s donnteda very comprmhenslveestlectlon of Be*utt* ful S"C. magaelneewhlch will be an Inter*stlng and useful add- itioo to sur Library r6sourcs$, Speaklng of tho library, .the floor ln the Vancouver Regtnnal sectlon has been repieced and rscsrpstod and ws ars upgrndlngthe hoatlng $ystsrnto mnke lt s ruore.lnterestlng and comfortablo place..The Parentrs grcup ha's bought I new set of eneyclupediacfor ths schoot and tiiete, wlth tho new set of The CanadlenEncyciopedla, whlch ls belng donauerltCI evsry Pnbltc School, hsve sartnfrnlyupdate.d our re* search capacttles. Surlng the last two rseekgwo hav* had two hr:t dog lu*chen" Thesehave ralsedover $70 which le to be our centrlbution tc the t4 Variety Club appeal,a very worthwhltecaure. I would llke to thank Mary S*holey 6t the Post Offlce for hor efforts ln playtng Poet Lady and gtvlng porents the opportu- nlty to obtaln thclr chlldreurs photographsbefore Chrietma*. Ir ryss yery close to the rlre but the photographer dld a good Jotrtn havlng them ready In tk*e. In concluslon, a couplc of polnts of Informatlon that you moy vleh to take advantageof. Tent*tively March I I th has been the date for a vlsit to tho *ehool by TornmyToi*pkins, the nsfi:- r*ilet. He wlll be glvlng s pr'&sorisstlonIn tii* ConrrnunltyFlall *t ls:3*, and if afiy par€ilts or rnereberaof ths communttyare Inter* s$ted ysu fiffervelcnrne to sttsnd. Theneie no admlseloncharge w" Tommy le apons*red by Al*an to glve the*e presentetlon$ tr achools"On Februnry 3$th a B.C*Hydro $afet}, crew will be r:on"rlng to the eehool to glv* R pressntstlon to the students on electrl- cel sefety.

M-s.** ffi%*l**.*,-*$r " -ff;dfl-d,.**.S - *Yof*r* ,dj*L;ffi" R.EDffiCISS Le s-€1-s:a!:s"glgs"*sq.g-B*nert*tss.-l-Q-{-A Nurnberof <-Patlent Vlslts t220 !r{unt.}rerof &nergency Out -Pat lents 127 Number of F{orneVislts 3r8 Number of FmergencyFlome Vlslts 45

Th€ tstal number of patlents seen in 1985 was 1710, Total patlent losd wEs up slightly tn I985. I nish ts thank Pat Garcla for dotrng weekend and hollds,tr retief. Aleo Rits Flannngan and Loulse Srossgr*ve *ho did rellef ryhll* I was on holidays and during ffiy edu*atic?fial lesv$, I ryould ltke ts thank the C*;lst $uard fsr their cofitin$ing $upport and cooperatlon aad Klngfisher Chart*rs for tran$psrtins patl*nt* ffcross the inlet. ln addition tce gttc)*eE?ot m*rutioilmd sbgve, 1 wuuid lllce to rhank the r:esidents wh'; clonursdrlr$e and effort t* the Outpost Flaspital. \\e er:kn,tprledffi*:wlth thsnks the glft of $50,S$ fr*nr H.egel $ales snd bso' 'Thismllni*s dcln&tedflom Sstromrs snd Generel $torers g*lee. moaey will be used to purcha$e I set of badly needed dishes for the nur"ss$residence. AR ernergency bag wtll be pur- chased wlth money ralsed at ths Red Cross Carnlva!. As pert of the general rnalntenence actlyltles the Outpost wn* painterdn*tep* repluced and new footinge bullt. Arnong the R,ed Crosa personnel ts vlslt Bamfteld and the CIr^ltpoetHospltal were Faye Wlghtman, Dlrector of Healrh and C"om- munity Services; Carsl tsoykn, Outpost Manager; Polly Jang, Admln- Ittrative Asristant; Mr, George Weber, Secretary Oeneral; and Brian Gllbertson, Comrnlssionerfor B,C. A nurclng conference was held vtth Mary Lou Sraser and.ber replacement each tlme they vlelted Anacla. Reepectfully Subnnltted Shetla Chsr$ers R,N.

16 REiJi,Jf{AL BOARD RgTffiT hv A: 1,,.

Once sgatrnlt l* rine for' e r*psrt frsm thc $teglonal Eli** tqfrct" Flrst sf all lt glv*s rne Sreet pleasure io report t$ g*il that we flnally have ,6 n€w Bamfield Settleme*t Plan" !t ftrss appfoyed by the Minlcter CIf Munictpnl Affatrrs c:r Jan" 2?nd snd glven flnat eppr*vul by the ft,tglonai $$ard s& the ssm* dey' ffogrie* of tl"re plan wlll ire svaN[*ble fr*rm th* Regio$sl l]lstrl*t l:'i F*rr Alb*rni in the n*st fe'ff we*ks, If you heve any qu{*sg{ii$$ *bsut fhe new pian, glve rne a call. The r*cond matter ve*Xchl* causing $smeconsternnti*n aruund tl'l* harb{lur ls liquor !ie*nslng. As ti'rost rtf yCIttheve praira'*rly hssrd by ni:unr-Term Chrtrstien [s im th* proc*s$ uf appiylng flrr * tr)uh L[**ns* fnn the Bsrmf{eld T"rall* fulofiel, As requirert & s*rvsy of ali residslrts wi.tirin u n;ie hrxif rnile r;ad{ueI f*ei t?tlll in*re w;ll b* *mpt* *Fp*rtuntrt.i,fsr *fft'-'teC r*sid*ntt t{r rcak* ti:eir v!*:,w* k;=(:$.n"Wfu*e di;e.* cor'le*ti: rue is th;i'r I i:*ve f,-r*n.:o';i:t tltr*,*gh dl$i;xifrsi{,}r'rswith th* licl;rr'r 3n$p*:*tff t}:*[ tiie l*s::ii;i!* tt + r*;rist"gfk,rlr *N;h*r *pe,r*ti*ll:r i* ffii*:r:fi*rlr;?,if s.:l:ls$ri{lodila*r r{*t{.',.t-tf.hy rh* l!}qur"l;l' S*iitr;1* i}trx {ri,r.t:t.'*'ii {,l*;i* ,;\ i;"jr; j':i.';'" ",ldl'",ri;.'i 'ri"xt uqii.hcl$t ,sn r*fs.r ridltli,t {i{ $?jilb#'r' '-:l' il*.i6i:hn,'ii;1'1 , gi',i.::,;ir, l"hts scarcely seerl:.sfair *r *quil*i:i*:" I have thereforc euggestec!t$ B:.irca'1-,1{};ado s,s $i:rrJ':srerysi the Conrrnur:fty.A,ffeirs Sroup gh8t we harie s C,:mrnuniry Aff*lr* !ftaetlng. Sh* hes mcheduledig for &,X*irday,F*foruery i$th sr 7;.${/ p,rn. Ar that t{ffrrs X expect to hat,e ffil:{:"ffiinS*rsnetirri fi-,j'ffi ti'1ri Liquor Bourd, snd wlll aiso atf$ffipt l13tli'!$rv"sr sny $*her cc'ffi*er";i$ ycu rney haye. John Olren from the Alfoerni Cluy*qust $ev€lopit*r:* $*clety wtil algo be ettending ti:l* m*etlng ts repCIrt Gn rlt* activltles of the Soclety, snd to &n$qreryour question$. One other metter concernliltg {furnruunrltyAffalro }v!*etlngs wlifch I s'ould llke to rn€ntfion is the rn&tter of a Sh*inr]sn for tlieim" I wlll flll In on a tempCIrsry basis for th{s nne*ting lf nece*sary, but a regular Chairman le requlred lf you vlsh to re$une regtrlar fiBet lngs. Flnally I *'ould ilke ts report that Kent Ollls has agreed t* be my alternate on ths Reglonal Board for thls tsrm. I arn pleased by Kentrs asslstancen and would slso llke to thsnk T'orn Schnr{dt for the asslttance he has given me and the tlme he has devoted tcr the responslbillttes as my Alternete far the last two.yesrs,


A girr:upof seven young people frosn tJle Sfurcy ship Ahll',STA.9IS Trefleet ehe,A,naela Communlty Hall {n PachsnaBny on Febr*ary 5th rnd *th" On both evenlngr they preeeuted n0ccup*ticn of tl:c [;xl*nd€na mueical productlon celebrstlng the comlngof the gcop*l to eho poople of the south $,eslaia*{$s- T}re gr*up con- slsteii of four yoilng people from FiJl, te"s fr,ursTopanga nnd ane nI fr;*m the ![4*ur{tr{bes of New Zesland. . Th* dnn*era end olngnro wsr* full of en*husln*rnfer s.wleat t they trere doing, and for thelr audl*nce ag neli. lt was obvious ttrtt th*y had spent msny lrours rehna:sing the Fijte* dane*s and rhe *omge,FlJIan, M*unl and Christlsn. {$om*snemsntlCIiled ta me thet tttey hpd br:renhelped ln thelr daficesby r *horeogreSrherfrorir nHalril") the ltJewYork pr*ductlon of fne $r'r"orspy{srit throrrgtr

AriA$TASlslsr,tt severcl cos:une'skirts ehenge-q,wearing authentlc clothlns fronn Topanga and grass {lttc bark, reetly} frorr: F!jt, AfEer the soilth se* lgland nstlves had presented th*tr dances o$ the eecond evenlngu the nativec of Paehenaand Bsmfteld danced ts*-*refurnlng the *ngerta{nment an{ll f*llawe}rlp, t$ tfuc I delighr of e!1. I The grouB wtll bq tsurlnC Vaneouv*r lslnnd uncll ,4prlt, wllen thelr .uhlp Ie esi?edr:ledto tak$ ths$ to Mexleo. Th*re they wii! work as ?'slu*teei'e, cCIil$tr{Jc{trngn*w }rourlng for tfue fliousands of people left homeiors by the recent earthquake, The Cirrtetian f*tercy $htp Ai\'ASTASIS {(irmk f*r R.eeurrectinn} carrles S?,{peoplen s*rvlng orr b

itst*AlrDT$ilft$ 1$ [4Y N{TIVH I"AhIL} by i"i r Tl-l m{"tLTFJr

I often long to be s con:lc writ€r .,.*,1$ tlre sense th&t i xo*uld inspir* lar.lght*r s$CIngmy audlente. Comedy is one 'of the 'rougliestrcles t* play. Now *nd then I msnege to wark tn a btt of I sBflr's, hut seldorn is lt funny. I I think the reafon, the rnaln c6use of my faiture, is that I \ "erneelds,rn anrused and not often ln sn upb*at frerne of m[nd, ltfs as if tr w*re carrylng the q,orld oil nny uhouldene * in aome way re*ponsible for what is galng dosn. Betlreen you end rne, werre nst *laim6to* gocd a job, are we? Fiere I slt* hl6hiy erlticai cf the fed*ral gsvernment f*r rhe l'lr*g* &rfis*nts they ellocets to whet rnost *f us c*nsider iin- v.,'*rthy llrCIjsict$and c&riss$, llke tsx I*eph*i*s, whiie wlth the *ther h*r-rritf:e3:rps estrsctl*g the ryherew{th*l fr*m che belea- g,":r-r:*,.1gri;i:r $uln bit by rlny blt, gesollne t{!H, d**ivtd*;xed p*n- )-,:i il i; S, ij t t:l i lt,r. ll!iqr f:"'r* *ler6;1rm*n rvh+ ple**s th* #*#$e sf thcrs* i:T iilri,it'ir,illvic;iri* si&h* n*J,s*S t:';i":piAt* And S*lt* U$ {#,qive *ntll fL 'rr !i:,'l;x. iri:r rir,t-;ftt]'!-*']"(\*1 t{:} piij/ ihe *t)sts of s*:nr*in;d# ili$$i$fiilr.y' i..)vf.}ri-$s;it:tci1;,*api* wi:* huve ruij,rs on the rn

2S altltough I ,nlways adrdlred snd llked Pierre hlmself" I harre rnalntslned for years that th* only dlfference betrBesn them ls rlnr snd iloutn, and nothlng has ocsurred recenrly f{r change that vlew, Anyone ryho reeds the pap€rs dlscov*rs that the roles heve been reverCIed;the cr|tic beccnnlngtho rnlmor lmng* of tho.Behe replaced. Turner crles abcut the FCs deitng the thlngs he dld, whlle Mulroney $esms to harre studled st the feet of rh* Llberal governtnect which preceded hlm. M*anwhile nCIon€ $s€rn,st* really give * damn about the huge debt" A load that mnyonevould flounder under if lt were spllt up sfiieng us and we had to pay our ehare. We hear snd read that lt dos$notreelly ffi$tterr glfi*e ws $we nnost of lt to ourgelvea. Wl:n? a crock! Is lt any w'enrJerI vonder? Am I thinking tos rnuch? A.,rntr b*l*g nrlsied by pre*u repr:nr,*? Anr i pe*slrnistic snd unsble ta vrrlte a *heery rRes*age?Why d*:l!t X put or E irappy fa*e and go with ffu* fiow of un*onc*rn iEk* th*y di: on F*rlAsment F{ill qt r*eEtrt{mein the subsldiaed din{ng ro*nnT 'lbliy Why dontt I relax anri just wuit for my monthly chequ*s? dsesnut s{rln*sile &eb,{{:emy $fiaf* 'l-his *f mtnd and comfort me? afterrl$t:n cur &,# leasitsk*d fsr t{me *n loeal t*leviei** an*l I hllrrc he*u fiugermd rtl hs uh* cheery, ug:hg*rtand *,t'mtiJ,i:, hcst * s frll, I presume, f*r *he Se$lr-.:ll**irergoptimisr:t a,s h* teile us ahc'.rt the g**d Sife hls b*as' 3* br{ng{ng rlowm th* clr.lnl* ne'" to put under our trse" Sin*e sne cailn*t thr*w up $n front of cnrieras, I suppose If!l onee eg*!* put or: s scildleur espresslon and give the appear- ance of swal!{r\il'lflgit all, I kncw trull trate rnyself ln the mornlng and wonder If he stlll respect$ rite. Mexnwhile,, I affi gotng to try my lcvel best to eoncentrate on rny good fortune that by the tlme &y neflve Isild ls well and traly wasted ltli have tlved out rny allsrted span nnd wlll have joinect the heavenly host, such ag lt l$. And {tve bsen havlng some doubts about ihat, evsn. Irrn seriausty c$ficerned that I mey be sent back lster tCI tske the course agala. I r*ust coneult my hypnotheraplrt rnd take a loah at sueh a future. Then I can leEye e letter ts my uev personallty, remlnding him of tuch flne pointl as the efflcecy of nylonr rrhen con$ortlog wlth the lonely one* whersver tbe war ls, WIth eny luck, the post offlce wllt get lt there before llhe mal€{s} rny/hts entrsnce. 21 B I RN Of' T}{E MONTT{ by trdal{e I land wq,Ehts Hoitdsyc &r€ over - flu ls over - and I can ftnd no resson to g*of off any longer * so here goea for the Blrdc" ?hle ru$nth I ftncl th* lilrcn &re $n nly nnlnd.Tlny, perky snd *ver o.n ths rnove, th*se llttle blrds ere essler ts spot during che n'lnter $€&ssn * at least I find it s$* Tlrough tbere &re reportedly tlxty-rhree opecleeWorld 18id*, *nly t*n epp*ar oil ths hfortir Am*rlcan ccntinent, 6f whtrchetght sre fsund ln varlous psrts of . $lx of tties* *peeie* appser ln Erltlsh flolumblaomo$t pr*ml- nsntiy the WInter \#ren whl*h lc x year-r*rr$c!re*id*nt along the frsa$t, The Rock Wren al*o ls s€nt but does not *Fp*sr ts $s rnu*h further nsrth than ths tlp of Vafic*ut'er Island- The +rh*r tlrit!$h Co!unrbla arrivale u*umilyappe*r only durixg the br**dlng se&*sr* througilcut dif fer**c sre&s *f the str.$tr".{rr*e*Tlr* .i:l,r-x;srWr*rr, B*-rvlck?r,hdnr*i,r nnd (knyo* Kfrens ap$ryar ir: E*utb*r"p*r*;i$ *f itnePr*vX,:l*e, whlie ;{*e!geWre* **d flar,*l!i're *Fpr**r in rh* drserern.nrovlftcsc, and thlckly in the *{r$ter$ perts of t!:e $tntms" Ths {J*ctue Wren henge out fn tfte soutfrwester$ {itftt$s" A* ml6ht he expecisd of n ?r*rdthat lnhsh$r*T*xa$ rh* fl**r:u* $dr*ru$*em$ t* tre th* glant bf the *pe*A*e*$rse;{urlflE ul} t$ S* lnch*lsln lengtli, #ur lit*le Wlsrer Wren {s ontry4 lnche* lomg,wlrh * stcbby little tall !:eld *tnatghr up elmoCIrpolnelng over the bask, Thrs* snbsp*cles&ra showrs"Sur ft,C, birds sre dark brnsnnwith d*rher hrovrn irerrl*g s& th* lclw*r bre*st and flankn, Tho f;astern brlrds heve trscss of moitltng trn * lt6hr brovrn CIs?the buffy-color*d breeet, *nd the Ale*aians verslrln l$ $Jightly iarger and $sr eften g&en, ss they srs vary $scretl?e ln thelr msve*?sntg".The W{nter Wren resms ts evold the rnidwastsr$ St*tes, snd the far fisrthoastsrn sr*as of e*nsda, .6$.wsllss ssms of th* prairles" r Thls. ltttlg fellow ha* a grest sotrg with pter:ty of volume for such * small slzs. In tThe Birds of Canadet lt ls descrlbed as an amazlngporformance, wlth a sustalned{up to elght or nlne seconde), loud and *xtrsmely varled pl,ocesslonof rapld notes, occaslonallyInterrpersod wlth a trlll or ellght p&use, after ryhlch the 6ong Soe.son agaln, the notes tumbllng over one 22 anorher, Thelr elarm nots is fi deiuble fkip-klpr Gr just tktp' rerninlscentof the note the 5o16 Sparrow us€s, bur eharper ln v0lce. The Family name ls TRSSI"CD]'TIDAH, end t]re Winrer Wren ls tofi Trp-sbgLle,s,tqeslogv-Les lftffi*tffiendous namefor suchs llttle bundls of featherr! I_f ton 6r€ currous, In Freneh ti Is called Le Troglbdyte des for6rs. rnd Next tlrne firll dabbl* {n e f*n mors of rhe lffren f*mily, bur tng for now * llappy Blrdtnglt rre ! ;he )u$ nl- :he rot Id" trl'y :he 3Ar ine rts ffim$ffiff$w$d Ynm$fim Ww*w$ ttit :h* $#S fj$sl ffi{5t$ SS{.rS#}qSf W{YsdSd$Sfttf gQ& frn s$s.ffiKgsx,{set {.i$s,{rir$F#J{f6 ESt#$dE$, SS{.& SSE[S6.

'gerbv Shone 6f, write ter (ss4) ??8*3e31 rds :ed P"8, $gx 7 tot ffiagefl.etrd,B,#, nho vQRtss far ate rcd $r0sTs lne 9sr Bob and Hllesn P*ttlgr*w ;€f ne c{txrcH NElws by Rev. Vern McEachern Foliowtng ls our schedulofor the next slr *eeks: Sunday,Feb. 2nd: No servtce Sunday,.Feb.Sth: ll:00 a.m.rcrvic€

Wednesday,Feb, l?th: U"C"lry.Potluck Supperat 6:00 p.rr. folloned by AnnualCongrcgatlonsl Meetlng In the Hall. $unday,Feb. l6th and 23rdzl1:00 a"m.fsrylcss $undaynhlarch 2nd: No servlce

Sunday,March 9tir: ll:00 a.m.cervlee

As I type this, we are rnor€than a month past Dec. 2lst snd the days ar* beglnningto lengthennoticeably. The sunt$ray$ are Setting!$fi"{:ingsr snd buried bulbe are cendin$ uF fresh *ho*ts of green" Striththes* slgnsr:f new life, can epring be far behtnd?Ir Is go*C to g€t the dull days of January behlnd us and look fsrrssrd t$ *pr!ng. Eaeter is early thlu year ond the seacsfiof Lent beglns Feb" i2th, ,4,shlryednesday. This ls the tlma for annusl meetlngsIn the church, a tlme f*r the prf;#entstionof reFortE, flnanclal snd otherwlse, for the past year und strlking ne\r budgetr and plans for the eneulng yenr, Sur annualcongre&stlonsl meetlng wlll rake plece on lYed- nesdny, Feb. l?th, followlng the U.C.lil. Potluck Supper ln the CornmunltyHall. We lnvite all of our congregatlonto attend the. annual xneeflng.Everyone ls lnvlted to the potluck supperwhich beglnsat fi:00 p,m, Slnce our Decembercolurnn ya$ wrttten, another bereavement touched our communlty in the destlr of Lloyd Cameron of C.ourtenay, fsther of Robert cameron and grandfather of Marnls, Erooks and Alex cameron of Bamfleld. Mr. cameron r'ac strlcken suddcnly durlng a vlslt to Bamfieldon Dec" t8th. Detalls of hts lrfe and rnemorlal are recorded tn the January tssue of thls paper. lf,e ertend our slncere sympathyta the Cameronfarnlly tn thelr grle- vous loge of a husband,father and grandfather. 24 t had the prlvllege and pleasure of vlsltlng Florence Peel and her brother,-HughMiller, tn their Victorla Epaftmenton Det. 3lst. Florence ls looklng well, galn!ng velght and moblilty' recelvlngregular phyelotherspyat the Arthrltls Centre, and gettlng out for walks mpgt days. She sends her love and best wtsheJ to frlende and famlty ln Bamfleld, slso thanke for the ChrlEtrnascards and flowerlng plant from our church. Thatts about lt for now. Kgep vell, hang ln, and God blesg.'

PORT, Wffiffi st fiiltrffiroffi ''8[TT€ROUTBOERSS Iil THI LONSRUNi, CAlYflS.t' CAilIAVENTLRA rqfii.tA$TAR ruTS Lund Alumtnrtrnc Road Runner Trsl lerr I,IARINAAffiSSORigS.FULL PARTSAIS SnR,VICg 3i183THIR9 AVENUE PORTALEERi{|, LC. V9Y-454 7?4"$7

?5 Ge o6 00 ga otooooo9s90Qcooo€t o J0tft{ GIsFoRlfs ., STEPHEil$ SXfiMT ilgTAt tTD g S.C. LAilDSURVSYOR o : St*lnless Ssoke Pl.pes e $ubdiYtslons, lepostingso Yenti lator s e o I Topographic I Hater and Gaa Tanks I a Foreehore Lessss t Aluminum Freeaer Trays 0 Geaeral Sheet lletal o c Banf Lel.d 7 28-3&67 Fhone 6 ilflfce 753-9181 s 723-2116 or 723-7623 o Hanriima 7 22-2391 " 4921 Bute Street {t& s,oo od€ oo 000 6soo0easo 0d oolt

ALI}E)RF{I VALLSY fid"J$ffiE{ Ctty of Fort Alberni Parke and Reereation Conrnlssion $CHS Cf'Jv:rRH 4?$5 W* I I ace $t . For t Al bern i , B.C" VSY 3Y6 ?23-g l8 t 'T.l'ris ys*r is the sentenuiel rf the fa*:+*s *lsst spikes ofi tire*i:*dlar:F*rifir R+riilva3r-i9SS is clso th* i*Sth y*nr thai: sJts iixq*ir**lit & l.J$ru*iiffiiJRn!lwmy h*s *per**ed and is the ?$ttr anntrver$ary '.[he of the rallrosdfs errlvel in Port ,A.!b*rnl, Albernl Valley Museurnls mmrking rh€se hisrorla evenr$. vuirh two epecial exhibits, n$**em and $teein ls a travelling exhtblt frorn the Glenbow Museun?in Cmlgary" Through photagraphe and docum*ntg it rec*unts the st'rry of the C,P.R" ln Western Canada from congtr$t:tion days to the l930rs. There le more tlran railroade to thir *tony, F$te&rn and Steeln delves into rnany facets of the C.RR,o from steamshtps and hotels to the North lYest Rebeliion, and €ven ro the barbs of Seneraftoils of poiltlcal cartoonlots, At the same tlme, the Museurn ls mountlng an exhiblt abour Vancouver lrlandrs ovn H*qutmalt & Nsnslmo Rullway. For msny yesrs now I eP.R. subsldlary, th6 E. & N. reshaped Port Albernl whBn lt extended ltr trsck$ here ln l9Il. This shor is tllus- trated wlth artlfacts, photographo, and documente. Many heve been generouely loaned by the B.C. Provtncial Museum, the Albernl Dletrlct Hlstorical Soclety, and prlvate source$. The exhibltr wlll be chovtng In the Temporary Exhtblts Gallery of the Museumuntll Msrch 30th. 26 DI$ YOU KNSW? by Dave Flegst rofi

t. DawsonCreek is the largest inlnnd shipplngpoint for grain ln B.C. t 2, Chrletlna Lake, in Kooteney countryf is sald to be the clearest, warmestlake tn Canada"

3. fach flnger and toe nell tskes'about slx rnonthsto grow frcrn Its base ts the top.

4, The lung* contaln s total cf 3001000mlllton caglllartes - ilny blood vesrels - whtch would stretch 2400 K (t400 mtles) if lald ead to end,

5. The largest Srocer)' stofe chain ln the world ls Safew*,u Stor*e I nc, of Oaklsad" Californin, U.S,A. Sales tn I9?4 vere $8,l8S,lS0rCICG.As of Decernber,1974 rhey had aR 6$$er veluenf $S16,?43,0**anci ?4t4 st*res" 6" The worldts largest store ls R"H.Mrcy & C+" at f3roa.lwaynr:,-i 34thSt" ln New York Ciry" It covers Sfi.Sscres - Ernploys1lu4r3fr peoplewho handle4001000 iL€rns, $ARH YH' KilDSITffi?II "-oilLY Arft.*ATOng? Gestetnsr k J #t$mT$ffi fw m5r tarsl Al|o lrlll 1r{g r}31 uo*s. m& $utvEY 8.(, fsrtd Surveyow RiehardA.H. Mrmimer, B,C.L,$, 109-e25Canada Are., htncnn, S,C. P,0, 8or 425 (748-4332) eEs?ETl*c co#sEs 81's1"EL*s V9L 3Xg r*ar ocrrutf r.t tJ"?t a.tB !$il*a Fcfi orrtr,t a c:rfmill 38t5l8l Gestetnorha 27 $iffir{il trif"r,a{ *t It?68 T6F{T}| Al/[fiUE t?3i-383tt

4.t I slLdf ffi&B&+ I re t PAISdT{gH?N[ LTg" . FAritrf i **r"**rff | qrrtotrf,t fr . t L{firl CoVE'r{lB€l s *ttt lt tiLrt| r cta |,!c ttrt * tafittr*o $otttliiclsrSt rfJuet a Fuf f'tn aLongl" Fncifi* nisn Air$fuBwnil,td" 'HcKAY MABTI{BAfr0 ffiLAfitRI Chc,rtef,€ d }'iARI}{HRSPAIR$ and All ryp€s of viring Scheduled Servlce Reside:r t I al *Conaercial Msrtae*Industr{al F*R S{:I.IfiDUtgFfLIffH?S TS: Fhone? 2 S-33?$o r 7tS--33fa5 Ssmf"l'*1d, Tof ir:r:' l{*neino Fo::L &lb*Eni' V*:nc'itlver f {r-rN }, PS8'r AL$filiHr 734-.4495 SAt"$NryffiR$,FAffiffiI.$ S'ORTLTEHTS TO; Hot Springs Cove and ANP MURP}IY Hay poincs t,o Tai:sls fbrrlsters and $ol lci e$rs PHOSE T0rIi{0 - 725-3295 Pffi,T ALBERNI 4770 JohnctonRd. CHAR,TERSAVAILABLE TO: -'.# ??d-Tt6t P.0' Sox I l0O U.S.A Yictoria, Vancouver lV{tIAttrO 40 CavanStreet Port Reafres ' ?s:l-S8fl P.CL Hor ?78 (Hest Coast TraiL)

PACITIC TI}T AIBLITBS LTII. |I-U[RY Ct-llrl 1196 f/OTffi, VESICLE Box GS.IERALCt VI L L IT tCrATtO.l Port ALbernl, B.C. I DMRCE At\D FAI.iILY trtW YgY 7MI $ mr'Fn"t.Ir AI0 ffii/iffiIAl Lllv T RSAL ESTATEAI\D bfrRTGAGES t IYILLS AhD ESTATES fN lifif 0PlNlON by J*mes Ferrls * Co-EdIror I sseld llke to hsv* been able ts comu€nt oF shc Cnmrnuniry Affairs rrre€tlug but th*t rytll hav* ts walr for next month. Thc ls*ue of ltquor lr egeln ralslng l* head and I wonld s$sum* rhsi the cEmnnunltywlll be *r dlvlded sbout lt Er lt alwayr has bsen" Ths rtrl*r ond regulatis** rognrding llquor llce**ing sre *nough trl bog6le th* rnlnd" I re*lltc thet the province ls trylng hsrd to sttrect tourlets, bat I "sonder hsw felr lt ts to sllor unllmlred licen*lng ts tourlot-orlonted *etebllsh$entoEnd an the sth*r hand co requlre commuaisy€pprovsl for a Ptrb. I do aat thlnk thss there shculd be two *ets sf otaadarde, on& fon tk*ee on the alC* of ttrc Gods snd enother fsr thoss of ss wfio huvs a tandency te ulde wlth tfu+ dovit {a*tl*fonrlst}, Je*nn* and f lr€flt out to Facheua ths otfusr ntghr f$ ses t*e SsurPrPe*tflc fslks" They are frem e sril*slonahip that tour* rfue w*rld, spreedtng the good rord fer *nd w!de. T*e young pe*Fie trsr€ very slncer+ ln their fatth, snd & csr**lis lnner p*s*e seeme+dqt: erae$Etefrs:* the;:n.Ths sh*s that *hey Fnt sn we$ pf*-' f*ssl*rrni **<* lus*restlris. I wtlwid s*fli"tlrr*tfumt i* i&$s r"o,trs,**;;* tftsntl{s but I hur'* r:* w'&} eo judge tfuxt. &}l {* nil, afi l*i:tli" e$tins even!ng" I am wrlting this st 5;00 p.ra" and the ru$ ic stlll shlnl*g. {t makas y*u feel ss th.$ughsprl*g le not too far away. I hes* i:ad no wild urge to go gardening, bur tt ry*uld b* nlce to *ee thlngr $tsrt to Sro{r gr&sn agaln" Ysu hsve ts lefivs fnngds *o re*$l*e hsr* fortu$*te l*'e &re ts Itve here" {,tur henlth csre lg eecsndto $one, snd te *vatlahle ec a!1. That is not true of our rratghborsto the south, Ysu can gsr good care thers lf you have money, or lf you ar6 tso poor to p&y. The mtddle class takes it up the gazss, [ven u*dsr Medlcere, thers lc a hoepital charge of ovor SItl0.00 a day. It decs no* tnks long'ro go broke vtth madlcnl p*ymsnrallke thar. X get * Itttls updst wtth the doornoayeru,,whc $ee nsth{ng good sbout sur country. Count your bleesinge!! : Doutt 8et co$plalrunt, though, or ]'ou wlll lose lt all. t$e have to Prdtect Our rlght+ end prlvlleter. ltc htve lt good be- ceu$s somssns fo'right fgr lt, Wc ove tt fo them end to ouroglve.* -to kaep the faltlr and sirps,our hef$tet*" Your llbarttw arb v*rg q{fskly moded If. you .dri'not.malntelncon$rart vigliance. 3t tr I f You ntay have heard lt before, but our C;clrnffi*altyAffairs i ffieetlns$ ha"re a lerge Tete fenlly grsup In gttendence, Flret l tliere ls Dlck T*te, who hoad! the famlly and r*rtc to run eyery* I thing" Hie wlfe, Ag! Tate, ltker to stlr tlilngs up n'henever ehe can. The nephew, Irrl Taten always rubr peopie the wroilg way and the nelces, Flesl and Vogr Tate, pour caid ryater on Just about 6very proposal, Aunt lml Tate lr all for iryi*g sorn€thlog n€w Just becafise$omeoue olse ls drlng lt. Courln Devas Tate r{ll always thrary * wrench ln thc vork$. Try not to Joi$ the f*mlly"

g.q &*s-.L!-E

i4' Ftberglasc Runabout 2S HP Johnson Trai ler $t lse See Sick tuktr-eod KamsheeStore Phone: ?28-341t

AAAdFIAI-^D VOLUNTEHR F IRE DEFARITVfiNT by Bernlce Stevsrt, $ecret6rF

Efrergencylrlrrber: l$n-eisrgenclcs: ?28-3:llt ?tE-3433

The regular Annual Meetlng of thc Bamfleld Volunteer.Flre Department wlll be held on Wednecday,February l?, at 7:30 pn. Everyone ls welcome to attend Tuerday ntgirt ls tl-adier Nlghtt et the flrehalL Come end enJoyan evening out, playlng darta, pool or card gameo. The FlrerranfsBall wlll be held Frlday, Februery l4th at the Communlty Hall. Muslc by Joey Schmldt. Pteqale tlckots can be purchasedfrom Loretta Amos{728-3418), Stcve Demontlgny(?28- 3355) or myself {728-3495), Support your Ftre Depertrnent by - attending the dance, and wetll all have a good t{rne s3 vrell" . \" "t+ T'k* f'trltr*wlng b rs sf infeir;n*ltf** lvsie gn'ilsn fr*m * 1'll* C*ttstraern, pui:liohed r5,ihe Cen*dlnn Starielayd.*A*eocl&t!*n-

Flcture TulrcMrat l.tot &Iuptrod* Whaehappene tf you ecetde$tclly knock ovsr s chalr and ir i slamsup agsin$t your talevlstsn rcne*u? The C'$.A" tefta tsle- vlsione to €n$ur€ thst, ln the sv€nt of am accld*nt, the plcture l tube wlll not lmplode" In the C"$".A*l*trorrtory, a gteel on a pendulumlr swung lnto televltion acreensi The ccreenscaonst implode, and murt rernalnintadt. Craclrs ere ellowed, but glarr fragmentshenvler than one grar,'Ieannot be oxpeiledmore thsn 1,5 metres from the screen. In *ddltlon, there cannot be any holes In the gcreen.

t{.g!t_F:vqr" Te.rt Guarde*galn$t- Fgglp gggtg. Ts mnke sure you dontt burn your sculp when you dry y*ur hnlr, CS..d' tests ths alr ternp*ragurecomlng from halr dryers" Tho rnodelbelng tested ls clampedto a c$unrerropand swltched on Hlgh. The alr blows ontCIa grld t.$ *m {one t*ch} eway from the end cf the dry*r" Theren*couplesln the grid mearur,ath* tsnlp*rs* ture nrh{chle re*q:rd*dern s cfuaflt" The fi.$,A, stendurel**" dr**slng equlprnent$tate$ shnt the Em*aimumtenxpsrst{"tr* of *fi* uir exhsr.rstsennot reglster more than IOSofr,

RgtW. J{g:rgngrAryds, Return your w*rrnnty card the asrneday you recelr* lt. Ths cerd not only provldes you with protectlon lf the product breaks dovn, lt alao allorrs the companyto reach you lf the rnanufacturer has to recall the produet for sny rsason.

:cHo ToYoTrtro. THUCI( 3^il-Ag DONNA GREEN l&Gt i|8PiSsfftlTArlvE

fu* tL-7lg rtr? ?!{ttD Avl. REt: ?a3-ldoo Fort Arrtiill" fc.

33 EMfivI,,hIITY I{ALL UPMTE ' ,,1: by Fat Geicia, Director : Hory tlme flleE,.".I rse my lart Update war ln the October paper, So meny €?entr have taken plnce rlnce thsn. A.ll ruc- t cesaful and wcll-attended, Thece Ineluded the Chtldr€nst Hal- loweenParty, the Hallowesn Dance, the membersfChrlstmas Party and the Nefu Yearrs Eve dlnner dance. The non-proflt actlvltlee are ln full rwlngo wlth basket- ball, pleyochool and exercloea. The School Chrlstrnns csncert, tbe [J.f,-l{" Potklcks amd Communit.uAftatrr meetlngr nr* also ln thls estegsry. Rentsl actll'ltles !neluded the SehoCIlSoand Election, the Red CrossCerniv*1, tlre Craft Srle end a woddlngr€c€ptlsn, At rh* prs$€rlt tkn* ve are preparlngfor the Annual Moeting *t the end tlf February, Julie Ollir bne klndly egroed ts danete her ttnrs to dolng the book,r for the annual flnanclal report-- thnnk*, Julie" At th* $srnetlrne the phone c*rd l* belng updated !n t{me for the rnnrnbershlgrdrive whlch fo!lnws the annua! exe*tlng, F.onFerernmm h**n generoilsly otferod fr*mF$ter$pace ss , gh$r ci's don?tl:amve t* nedo tfuowhmls thl*g arery tirne--ghank*, l Ron. Tlle eheln a*rqss the servlce rosd w*s detrib*rateiy drlven over snd c$nsequsritlythe eye bcltu pulletl out of the sturnp. We a*k ,yor,rto pleas* obssnvelt as e *ervlc,eroad only, untl! we get the clnrnageflxed. The co$tume prlaer et the Halloween Dence went to the fol trowlng: Best Couple Ceoff and ht Llnd*ay hftst Grlglnal l\,blsle and Mltclr hrhfihee Best [.ady Lorralne Fbg*trmr . Best Nhn Jtm Scott I At rhe Chlldrencr Halloween Party Sasha Hall, Ira Wytonf Iiila*spence, rhomss wereprlze crlnner$. ffil:J.x,rb Blngo every Thursday, Whlet GarneFebruary let, Communlty I Af f alrs Moetlng February l0thn U.C,W.Potluck and Annual Meetlng Fabruury l2th and FlremanrsBall February l4th. 34 He had hls tine to bulld, Durlng hls leers ln the ecmmunlty he dld mnjor c/ork oa ths SEASIRD III, where he llved on boerd until he butlt s sCItlags 6fi the htll with s panoram{e vlew of B*rnfteld Inlet. He rae able to* get I shske clalrn and cut the fklcdltng shakesto gheaththe ralle. .He"didntt think much of a roof 6, gnd-eo used Surcld ehlngles, Hle taberert Seottteh thrlft had hlm plle hle st$mp$to dry out for sood fcr the hescer r&thsr than truch them ssay. He watched wlth **,re whee supervlelng g*vernn*nt buttditrg that the lob was done ln a correct manner, and the cr*s learned from hi*. He ves aften seen slth his carpenterre apro$ st Ostroretr, helptng or dolng various needed repeire. Sniy if the task w*s done dld he reop to pa$eth* tl$!e cf dey *'lth otkers, He had ht$ ttms to pla*t snd hervect. A fev fl*wdrs, elirubs, trees s*d v*ger*bles grceed hie cCIttege grcund$. :He sharE"if*nd compsred lhelr Bttb= dfrC*{pelTEy #Ifil"Tiigfib-olri E'dd-' vlth ths surpl::s rn*de Jam and gri*kle*. In the uprlng elqae frlenCs vere invited t*r cllmb the hill fnr fr,:sh rirubanbp!e, FIe had hls ti;ne to speek, to take x *tsut3 for friends.and nelgtrb*ur*. lfe had * grser respe*t f*r the rlghrs of 'gh*se'w'h* ci:oseta llve a qulel life ln ths,r cLlnlrnunlty.T;,e:s'.*'its 3lwe1i fv{aser*und srtientirne wss hervy $mthe*r }rand:"ar ght h**.ts tr;i'* blcwn ln, *nci meny a rrorldly g'rr:*$ thfrougftty discussed, thougtt perheps nat re*clved" He had hls tlm* of Joy, his tlffie CIf love" Folks reJotced for ?cimrhen he and Zena wei's merrled In the $prtrig of fSi. Hts plcasure ln growing thtngs expended es he helped ker in her Iovely garde*, They elao fed the wlldllfe In theii' qulet, sunny corner honre In Grnppl*r Creek. They had tlrne to coftpete for salmon at the e*d cf the rod. They had tkae to share eaeh *thers famllles and frlends and vlslt wlth them ln hornesbeyond Bam- fietrd,lnciuding the one who llved ln and calleC him Uncle Mec. In the quiet evenlngshe no longer tet hls lmagina- tion run rrlld in the crving of a cedar root for a l*mp or lust reomethlngr. Insteed,he msde Zena a hookedrug 'for wlth a deer, end wlth some needles learued to make slippers famlly aind frlends. In Jater years he concludedthe grace at hls table by asking for,a bldselng upon all klnfolk of those present. Somehowtt seems that tfte real message*'as for help for those who are akin In splrit--those who are atso trying ln their own vay to stand by their convictlons and help ln a kind way to support thelr fellow 35 man, His blessing included those that ns€d help tCI retsln their inregrlty and not hurt a nelghbour or a friend, and those vho are searching to share the llttle thtngs of rlfe ylth someone, sr to shere ore of the wondere of nature before rhey too reac.h thalr se8$on, their tinns of Beace. He le *urvived by hts w{f*, Ze*a, three s.tepchtldren: Ros* Eurkholder and famlly of Parksville, B,C., Gereld Burkholder and farnlly of Port Albernl, B"C. snd Juanlta Vandertas and famlly of Vefnon,. B.C.; two brsthers: Gcorge Koberrson and fanrily of Victori*, B,C. End Pat Robertson and famiiy of Gabrlola island" H.C, and many nleces and nephew*. T* hls wlf*, Zena and family, brothers Fat and Ceorge and familles, aur deepest syrflpsthy. We share !o your lass and ve are rlcher for the l:ours of frfend*blp he slrared ryirh us ln Bamflei& Fiis klndr*d sptrit lingers oni Mernonial servlces *"ill bc Hd in' Barftfl€.lt*fscr +h+ h+rrfrg* $eason irr April, Tir*e vlli be announcerl.

14Ep"T1{E!q. by . Peter Jsn! t t s hibther Nature ln January was reaily perforrnlng. We had more than e*nugh of 'rW Wt days {wet and vlndyi. Only three dayx Trlthout mlserable preclpltatlon" Seven dsys wlth at l€ast sorce gunshlna" No fog. Thlrteen days vlth strong south east cr nest wlnds. System after sysrem came thraugh, lt seemedllke they were comlng one great wave after another. fuiyhow, ye survlved. It was nnildfor January, The highrof lSoC wae on rhe l2th, when we were the hot spot for the whole of Canade. There was only one mlnur temperature,-0.5oC on the 20th. It{eanmaxlmum g6cc t lv{eanmlnkaurn 3.40C lvlean temperature 6.6oC Ldst yearrs Januarymean was 3.6.C,. vlth t9 days of zero or belry. No snow thls January, but 17.74lnchesr of ralni Average preclpltetion for January ls 14.9 lncheg. 36 I l ffigberm*#us&ssn &un*Sndg Ltd' {?tS tebo Avsnus. P,O" Sox 1150 POR1eI"BEHllI A. Eeneliuh, President Fhsne: 223-tglZ

-IIODERH fnAl& A$D HEISURING EOUIpI\tEli? -SPECIA&IAED PAIUTIIIG *$ll{D 8f,A.ETIl,G *8S*,trIY EQUXPltgt{T REPTIRS *UFIIOL$TB$Y R&PLIRS *SUTO GIceS$ EgPtr&C.s$S{f w&xsYt Asl*S;Ruetpre*f ing {? 3ten:r t{*rrantYi

emcryrssynmdssvirr F$hr*glass ftepair


Suwtt- $en, -etd. !.oCAL AX' LOXO DI'.rAflCE AUTO I xalvr gu?v ?o!Yl!ro r itgotttv

soR ztr-HOUR?swt t{G r ComFfrlr Colflrlon filp$ru & tulntlngi - C6rg,Xrucfrs, llotat ffomes,8oEfu. Phene ?23-50e3 ff oece,toggfng_ fg"clg ! f-c-€ry^gq.grg . sEcot{DclAss }|AIL Regtetratloh Ho" 6014


0stroms l'lachine Shop c/o Een'l Delivery Banfield B.[. VORlBO