Hru*Mry Ffiffi the S*Fikley Sauffdeftis Printrd Rsnthiy Ir' 8Ar{I*Ld, British Cnlu*Bi I, Canxd*, $Srsnd Clerr Lail R*Gi*Tr*Tisn Nu*Bar $*14
BAtrIKLEY ScfUNDEtrl // Ai..r O{STAL Jol..RtlAL FRCII{ BAlvf I hru*mry ffiffi The S*fiKLEY SAUffDEftis printrd rsnthiy ir' 8ar{i*ld, British Cnlu*bi I, Canxd*, $srsnd clerr lail r*gi*tr*tisn nu*bar $*14. F*st S${iue n{ c*iIing**Eer{ield, B.C. $ubsrriptIonr r&y be rrdered or rsnsl*&d by phoning qur Sa*field nulberr 7 ?st*32&7 or by *riting ta us TT"Ig Ssl9NKL€Y SSUhIT}€ft 8c*ct {? t. Elarnf ieldt. [|.t. V$Ft T,tsO $ubgcription prirae fcr lf$6r In Ss*{i*ld - *10.*0 far l? issuca *est nf f,*ntda * ff3,?0 for lt issurs 11,5.*. - *18.5* for 1? issus* $vsr*eee * f1*.50 {os' l? issues $vsrssxa friret 4Iass - *33"$0 :i *SVSSTISiMSHfiTEf, l,/fr p*ge , - f 'r4$ " Sr l/{ pagn , . $ *r . l/? p*ge " ttrg,$0 Full prg*, , f36.+CI Clarsified eds ar* FFI€E ! ! il r*il ;l 1l il I I / I ": TFE Iv{A$T}IEAD ' j€snn€r*r.?1, co-'editor Wetve Just retursed from a short trlp to l{isconsln to vlslt my folks, so the paper ls a few days leter than usual this rnonth" Next rnonrh'reril be back on.-Eamfield-Llige,whicb meanEcloger t+ the 5th then to the l0th, It was catrdln lYlsconsln,and ir snc"red three tlmeg while we rv€re there. I tend to forget .lus:: why thls part of censda ls nlcknarnedflotus landt Errtil I visit , spot rhere tJre snow keeps getting deeper and you have to remember t* sear yo$r cost.:vben ysu steF outslde.
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