
BAtrIKLEY ScfUNDEtrl // Ai..r O{STAL Jol..RtlAL FRCII{ BAlvf I hru*mry ffiffi The S*fiKLEY SAUffDEftis printrd rsnthiy ir' 8ar{i*ld, British Cnlu*bi I, Canxd*, $srsnd clerr lail r*gi*tr*tisn nu*bar $*14. F*st S${iue n{ c*iIing**Eer{ield, B.C. $ubsrriptIonr r&y be rrdered or rsnsl*&d by phoning qur Sa*field nulberr 7 ?st*32&7 or by *riting ta us TT"Ig Ssl9NKL€Y SSUhIT}€ft 8c*ct {? t. Elarnf ieldt. [|.t. V$Ft T,tsO $ubgcription prirae fcr lf$6r In Ss*{i*ld - *10.*0 far l? issuca *est nf f,*ntda * ff3,?0 for lt issurs 11,5.*. - *18.5* for 1? issus* $vsr*eee * f1*.50 {os' l? issues $vsrssxa friret 4Iass - *33"$0 :i *SVSSTISiMSHfiTEf, l,/fr p*ge , - f s.so 'r4$ " Sr l/{ pagn , . $12.ss *r . l/? p*ge " ttrg,$0 Full prg*, , f36.+CI Clarsified eds ar* FFI€E ! ! il r*il ;l 1l il I I / I ": TFE Iv{A$T}IEAD ' j€snn€r*r.?1, co-'editor Wetve Just retursed from a short trlp to l{isconsln to vlslt my folks, so the paper ls a few days leter than usual this rnonth" Next rnonrh'reril be back on.-Eamfield-Llige,whicb meanEcloger t+ the 5th then to the l0th, It was catrdln lYlsconsln,and ir snc"red three tlmeg while we rv€re there. I tend to forget .lus:: why thls part of censda ls nlcknarnedflotus landt Errtil I visit , spot rhere tJre snow keeps getting deeper and you have to remember t* sear yo$r cost.:vben ysu steF outslde. l{e were welcomedb3/ a lovely, pelting 'tg?rshE*i.raln oni our ret$rn tq vancouver, followed by i geek trf . Ttrtt crreeles aafidaffodttvsr=-€trardr.*tif- flng the alr. ltrr good to be back. YAl,trtTii\iES Thic month w€ begin a rilree-part seriee cf cCIntributi{.:n: flcm the chileirenst sur *cfu+cl" Mrs" L!ndl*:,:uscierr i;i Kindergarteil, 4 Flrst Grade ltng s Sscond sr*'j* studenis i:i,,r.. prepared the February co$trlbutlons for us" Si**e Vai*nrir:r,: Day wlll soon be heren they eech tel! us whet frlendsiiipneans ti, them. Thank you, chlldren! In Mareh uetll hear frorn Mrs, l)*y- tonrs class of Grade 3 and 4 studentc, and in Aprtl Mr. Burk*ts group of Grades 5 through I ssudentcylll flnlsh up the series" Now, before you read any further, tell me ln one or ttlo $eil- tences, ryhat ls a frlend? Eve Brand hee $ent a speclal Valentlne for Ktde thls m$nth-" see her reclpe for yogurt pop$ on Page 10. COVER STORY Our cuver srtl$t for February ls Ltnds Haylock. She drew the strlking batd eagle o|t our front cover as rell as the mouse ln the strawberry petch on our back cover. cltff anil Llnde have been getthg ready rto movo tnro thelr new home on Burlo Island thle rprlng, whtch mean&.theyrve becn really buey" Thank you, Llnda, for ta*lng tlms out'from liouse buttdtng to ererclce one of' your other creatlve taleats. {Thanks also for looking after oui. houre plants *,htle ye sere awayll A REMINDER Chlef Art Peterc has eeked u$ to remlnd everyo$e that the lriumber l.iine Reserve and the Reserves on the lslande are etllt cloeed to the publlc. Recesrchers from the lytarlne Ststlon are the only non-Ohlaht people allored, wlth apeclal permlsslon from the Bend, FLEMM{NGMIKKELSEN CSTHRAL ffi{TRACTffi & CABTNETtvlAKER - ARGTLEST. r ._BC),X5J1 ESTIII'I'{THS Ltrt' PRICES ALBERilI,B.C. VgT 7M9 Fhone 7?8-337S v24-32&1 sfisfitEv 'Jalur* IVr i{urb'er 2 $suil$Es F*brurry l?86 lhoughtr fo:' Vrlentine'a 0ry. 3 Lrttrrr ta thc Editsrs rnd thr Comunlty { In Herory s{ 9crbird llec Ebbr Jrnnings 6 Coert 6uerd liers Drvo hcaetror I Fror ths Lighthourc Evr Brand l0 Prq:r {ror the Part R. Srsce Scott 12 Principel'r fieport Rod Burkc l4 Red Crosr Shailr Chlrbers 16 fiegionel Boerd Report Al Benton tl Vi ri t {rol Youth tli th A lli rsi on 18 tfy tlrti vc Lrnd Leith Boultcr 28 ' Bird o{ the tfonth - frans lde Tellrnd 22 Chslch Nerr Rev. Vern llcEechern 24 fiIberni 9ellry lluseur Dirplry 26 Did You l(nor? 0rve Hegrtror 27 ln lly 0pinion Jrrel Fcrrit Jl Firr Dcgrrtrent Sernicr Sterrrt 32 Corrunity Hrll Updrtr Pat Bereir 3{ frether Pater Jenitir 36 2 I4ilff{r$ n.ffi Uit'Ex{rlls.5 ryly }VT{ATTS A T'RTEhD? by Kl*&rgarten" Grados One and Two $omoone you can pl*y vlth, sald Ciarllr Clapple. Sorueoneyou !ike, sald Msrlena Dennts. Someoneyou carc for snd love, sald Cheryl frrnsmore. $orneoneyoil can play outslde wlth, said tlsrol,e Nockemus, S*meonqyou lik* e lot and pluys wifh y6ur sald *andy Buckler, $omeone n&o cares about you, ssld Csmeroil Burke. l$omeonevho helpc yuu, eald Korrl Denntr. $omeoneyou aan go boatlng wlth, cald Brton Surger, Someona you can ralk wlth, ssld Alex Ceruerun SomoonoyCIu can flght slth nnd thsn stlll be frlende wltho rald Jlrn Borker. $omeono you ceo do ruaglc urlth, aald Joey Dennlr. Sorneo*e you can rtat oysrnlght rltb, sald lan McPhee. 3 LETTERS.TO T -}MEDITfrRS ' ilFaarJeanne, tu'lornWlekham le snjoytn$ her Bnrtlsy $s{,amdcrso much and ehe would llke to thnnk everyonevho sent her *uch lovely cardc and lettere over Chrletmsesnd her blrthdey. She reelly appreclates lreartng'th* local neys co pleasekeep wrltlng us" Thank you, Nora Flower ?6?S CavendlghAve. Vlctorla, B.C. v8R ?C6 ,*t.lf* Dear Jeanne, Many thanks fon sending the paper to me. I entoy readlng tt. I phonedMrs. lVlckhamln Vlctoria. It wss good to hear her voice agaln. I also got a letter from her daughter. Thankc agaln, Murlel Chtrholm Ucluelet, B.C. **t*r X'JeerJesnne and Jlrn, $slserse*r*nd n subscrlptlonto my slster ln Hnglard. Itts e real bnrgntn ttf Itm r**dlng tt rlghtl" Yau two sesm to be havlng a busy tlme of lt. Is lt really true rhat peopletget away from lt allt ln the bush? Sybll and I were yery touchedby EbbatsiIn Memorlamtln the fall lssue. Irm suro Mum and Ded vould have been both surprlsed and pleased with lt. Slncerely, GrahamElliston **it'* Dear Jlm and Jeanng We enJoy the tJournali ag tt Ir ltk€ heartng from you each rnsnth. We enJoyyour column and Jlmrl, the waathcrr'tho reclpes, al! of lt as ve both do a lot of reading. Congrstulatloncon the aev chlldrensbook iTopekat. lt hag a rlot of depth and rGntlment for thoge of uE who are older. After readlng the story I ras remlnded of the old hl'mn iPreclous [ilemorles, How They L!nger!. Our love, Aunt Slsoy and Unclc Gug Granta Pass, Oregon 4 jeanne& Jirn, l{cre'c my chequc for &n t86 cubecrlptlon to the Barhley Sounder. Keep up the good work. Chcer* fronnthe Pralries" Rich*rd klmen , * * Tr*ErotoAlberta Dear Jim aird Jcanae, itenn yiu fsr'the per*onel note enclo*sd wlth the Janul*ry copy of the $ogudcn l{e accept Jrour Invltatlsn to subacrlbe, lfe had recelyed a copy of the Octobcr cditlon and been fiort lrn- pressed. Oneeagaln, tbank you for your w*lcomlng flote, V*lerie andAlan Burger Brlan ? Corey S Barnflaldfr{arlne Statlon ti*** Dear Jeanne end Jlm, Congratulatlongon your eecond, deltghtful bookn rTopeka*l We enJoyedit so much, I have baked Evs Brandte dellclou* Chrlstrn*s Frutt Brald. W* enJoyedlt ver,r'much. {Natice I ugedthe past t€nss*} [ wlll bake lt again. Have a good yefir, both of you. Gerry Serber Eyansvllle, Indlana ***f'* Hi: Readlngyour books really keepeone young tf you perrnlt your Insplration to folloy through wlth you. Keep on reachlng lnto th&t bigger world of relatlonehlps and dreams. Thank yau for glvlng us Hemmy and Topeka eE guldcs for reachlng beyond an other\plse mundansworid. Uncle Otto Dear Jcanne, Navatro, Ohlo An lmaglnetlon that can rnake Harnrnyend'Topeka so bellevable ls a. talcnt to be treegured. I hEvo fu*t ftnlshed readlng tTopekat and rereadlng tHammyr-- &fid entoyed thcrn even more thtg tllre. : . I have bsppy merrorlep of Vanconver Island--fkhlng {and catchl,ngll salmotrat Nanalmo In the 50ts and vleltr to the Butchert Ga.r$en.r,!u! :Era have neysr boen oG th€ we€t cc*sr, Thenk -vouand li"ppl' Ne*' Year. ' Charl+tte Crerbei Navarre, CIhin-r *! Ihl MEnSRY OF' $EASIRD b{AC by Ebba Jennlnga The communlty w&s stuclred on $unday morning, Fobruary 2, -rvhonnrord c*arc of the sud&n p*roing of t$s*bhdlr Mffi In the lfet Cosst Hc*pltal at Psrt Albernl, espoclelly rlnce v*ry fen' rctl- laed that he hEd boes flosu out st durk the prerrloul evenlng wlth what eppe*Eedto bs a ttroke. fut*Kinnonlr{*ntroce Staberrsonsas born on Aprtl 5, l9l3 ln $ydne3.,$.C. rt{acr was his usuel namabut rnore often than enougt he uraccslled tseablrd! or ?seabirdMscr after hls bost and hlu e*rly hsrmeker*. If there wsrs Gthsr b{ecrr around ha eomctlman ,irould b'e celled by the nickn*rne $&Tcvtsh" $*aaehowhe seernedluot s$other tsgmfhlder, E$ he had been around fer a good thirty yesr$. He shsred uueh of hie earller fflsr$ wlth pe*pls chrough storler nnd ccn'r*r$6tlsn, Eo thet hls pe$f t*eeeimeflnternrlugled ivtth hls prerert, becouing lik* time, nr*asuretress,axd or:e forg*t that he brd not alreys llved {lr Saw* flelS. Ff*s ltfe lp*c*ffie wnven ir:trpthe llvst of meny" ${ewns exrfl,&# ell' r**riy rrnde*n with *trr:regs*d hcr*g*i *finsie- rir),Ttsra $*i'lssof hur:i*r and kl*dnes.g,I man $f bsth the sea snd the shore, f{e had hls ttme tG msurn, ur{th the l$ss of both Barents wfuen he was v*ry your?S.
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