Published under the Authority of' His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya.

[Irol. XXV1.-No. 9641 NAIROBI, , 1924. [PRICE50 CENTS]

Re~gisteredas a Newspaper at the G. P. 0. Published every Wednesday. -- -,


Govt. Kotice No. 283-Arrivals, Departures and Appointments, etc...... 770

,:I ,) ,, 284-A Bill Intituled An Ordinance to Suppiy a further Sum of Money for the Service of the Period frorn January lst, 1925 to 31st December, 1925 ...... 771 ... 9:) 9, ,, 285-Cession of Jubaland-Text of Convention .. ... 772

,:' J, ,, 286-TvIasters and Servants (Amendment) Ordinance, 1924.-Notice of Disallowance ...... 776

JI ,, ,, ' 287-The Justices of the Peace Ordinance, 1910-Appointment ... 776 Gen. :Xotices Nos. 645-670-Miscellaneous Notices ...... 776-'783 770 TllE OFFIOIAL GA ZETTE September 3, 1924.

. GOVERNMENI' No'rlcz N (). 288.

APPOINTM ENTS. S. 18816/2004. S. 1470-

EswAnp Joslpl.l O'FARRZLL, to be Acting Registra.r of tzhe Pr

.G0'v Ic ItxalEx'r N1f o'rlc E N o . 28 4 .

l'Eis Excellency the Governor has approvet.l of the follovy-iëlg Session of the Legislative Council.

E . J . JVA J JDINGTON , (/lerlc to J/zg Legbolati'vö Uoztz/zcï/.

A. B il)


A n O rdinance to Supply a further Sum of M oney for the Service of the P eriod from Janu ary 1st, 1.925 to 81st D ecem ber, 1925. 1. This Ordinanco m ay be ttited as ' 'T'. he Supplem entary skort Title. Appropriation (Railwaac) Ordmanee, 1924. ' ' 2. T'he publie revenue for 1he above period and. other funds Publio of the Colorzy and. P'rotectorate of Kenya are laereby ehargetl revezme towards th e serviee of the period of twelve m onths ending thê Ob&l'R'efl. thirty-first day of Decem ber, cme tllousatkcl nine huntlrecl and. twenty-flve, wit'h a. further sum of two million six hundred ancl eighty-follr thousand three hundred and ninety-jix pounds in addition to the sum s providecl by the Appropriaflon Orclinance, 1924. 8. Tlle m oney granted by this Ordinance shall be applied Application to the purposes and serviees expressed in the Schedule annexed Of money hereto granted. . 4. T'he Treasurer ol the Colony ancl Protectorate of Kenya Treasurer's is hereby authorised and required, from tim e to time, upon warrant aoihority fo1

or order o f i h e G o'kv ernor . to pay out of the revenue and other PZYOORL' ftlnds of tlae Oolony and Protectorate, for the several services specifled ill the Sehedule, the saicl sum of two m illion six hundred ttntl eiglaty-f our ihousancl ihree huncll'ed and ninety-six pounds which will com e in course of paym ent during 1he periocl of twelve m onths ending on fhe lhirf y-first clay of D ecembez:. one thougand nine hundred antl twenty-flve.


H eads o.f E'zpczhdïfzlrt?. x4zmrtn'?z'?zfy.

Railway and M arine Revenue Serviees 1,803,896

Railway and M arine Renewals, B etterm ent and Insurg.nee Fund Serviees . .. 880,500 Total 2,684,356 GovssxxEx'r Norlcs N o. 285.

CE SSTON OF JUBAL AN D . A telegram has been received from the Secretary of State to the elect that a Convention regarding the Cessiqn of Jubaland was signed on 15th July, 1924, by Represeutatives of His M ajesty's Government and of the Government of H'fs Majesty the tfing of Ttaly. 2. The text of tllis Convention, which laas been ptzblished in Com m and Paper :194, is appended hereto for general inform atiotl.

5. E . S. M ERRTCK , Nairobi. for Colozzïcl Secïetary. 28à/1 vsugîgst, 192.1 .

ARTICLlz 1. H is Britannic A'fajesty, in lais 'own name, and on hîs own behalf , a.nd, by virtue of his protectorate over Zanzibar in the name a'nd on behalf of lqis Highness tlae Spltan of Zanzibar, so far as the latter Ilnay be concerned., transfers to His A'Iajesty the King of ltaly a.ll sovereign riglqts and. title over that portio'n of Afl-ican territory lying between tlne preseut Ttalian colony of Southern Som alfland and a new boundary lin.e to be deterlzninèd a,s follows : From the eonfluence of the rivers G anale and Daua, along the course of the D aua up-stream to the southern point of the sm all southerly bencl of tlae latter river in the vicinity of M alka Ré ; thence in a south-westerly direction in a straight line to the centre of the pool of Dum asa ; tbence in a south-westerly direction in a straiglzt lizze towards Eilla K alla (wlaich rem ains in British territory) to such meridian east of Greenwich as shall leave in Ttalian territory tlle well of E1 Beru ; thence along tlae sam e m eridian southwards until it reaches the botm dary pbetween the provinces of Jubaland arld Tanaland ; thence along that provincial bouzldary to a point due north of the point on the coast tlue west of the southernm ost of the four islets in the immediate vicinity of Ras Kiannbone (Dick's Head) ; thenee due southwards to such point on the coast. Ras Kiam bone (Dick's H ead.) and the four islets above m entioned shall fall within the territory to be transferred to ltaly. ' ln tlle event, however, of it being found by the Cem m ission z'eferred to in Article 12 that the well of El Beru does not contain water either suflicient or suitable for the m aintenance a.t that point of an Ttalian frontier post, then the line, as between E l Beru and Eilla K alla, shall be so drawn by the Cchmm ission as to include in Ttalian territory the neighbouring well of E1 Sham a.

x RTICtaE 12 . The above boundary is shown on the attaclaed m ap ,* and all reference in the above description of the boundary are to this map.

In the event of differences between the text and the m ap, the text will prevail.

* Not reproduced.

$ Q x.j.RTlcr=E 3.

The ltalian Governm ent agree to the cancellation of the Treaty of Cem m erce between ltaly and Zanzibar of the 231-d M ay , 1885. ' L' Tn accordance with the provisions of the Copvention of Saint-Germ ain-en-Laye of the 10th Septem ber, 1919, ltalian subjects in the protectorate of Zanzibar shall enjoy the same rights and privileges and receive the treatnnent British subjects.

xiRTICLsl 4.

The ltalian Governm ent shall indem nify the Governm ent of H is Highness the Sultan of Zanzibar for atay loss of net revenue arising out of the present transfer of territory, and sha'lt pay to the latter, as a.n irtclem nity whieh shall in no v'ise represent a tribute iznplying any survival of sovereignty, the annual sum of Y1,()00, representing the proportionate Bhare of t' he annuity which has laitherto been paicl by tlae British G overnm eht to the G ovexnm ent of Zamzibay.

The Ttalian G overnm ent shall be entitled at any tim e to elfect the discharge '()f any obligation undertaken under the . preceding paqragraph by m eans of the paym ent of a lurop sum of :25,000 to the Governm ent of H is Tlighness the Sultan of Zanzibar. *


The Italian Governm ent undertakes that, if it shall a,t any time desire to abandon al1 or any part of the territory transferrefl .t0 it as above, it shall offer the sam e to the British Governm ent upon such terms as may be just. In the event of any differences between the two G overzl- m ents as to the term s of transfer, the question shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with such procedure as tlae Council of the League of Naptions m ay prescribe.

ARTICLE 6. British subjects, other than tlaose persons who have become British subjects by the annexa.tion of the colony of Kenya, ordinarily residerlt at the date of the coming into force taf the present convention in the territory transferred under article 1, shall, unless within six m onths of the cozoing iiato iorce of the present convention they opt for Ttalian zlatiolaality, l'etain their British nationality without being called upon to withdraw from the said territory or to part with theîr property. ln the event of their not opting for ltalian nationality alad of

their desiring to withdraw from the -tlansferred territery , they shall be at liberty to do so within twelve m onths îrenj tlae com ing into force of the present convention. British-protected p ersons and British stlbjects who l'lave becolzle such by the annexation of the Colon.y of l(e nytt , ordinarily resident in the transferred territory, will aeq tlire ltalian natianality and eease to be British-proteeted perkfm s ltnd British subjects respectively. Provided, however, t.l :at such persons, not being Som alis. or belonging to the 31u4 ive ; . races of the area transferred , shall have the rlglat to resain t'. IeTr existing nationa.lity on conflition tlnttt theè' wit htlraw f rorn 1 he -transferred territory within twelve naonths frc)m the conai l)g ' i 1)te force of tlle p. res-ent convention. 774 TH E OFFICIA L GAZETTE Sepiember 3, 1924.

The sazne right is conferred ola such a, num ber of Somalis who are separaied from tlleir families by tlae new frontier as 4he wells and pasttusage in tlae territory tlefm ecl in the Annex to this article can support, having regard to the present and reasonable future requirem ents of the tribes or sections of tribes plready there, provided tlaat suc,h persoos m ust be intlividually z'egistered befole they aze allowed to cross into british territory.

The eom m ission referrecl to in article 12 shall (lecid.e as to the eapacity in this respect of the saîd wells. and pasturages, and. as to the number of persons who m ay a'vait them selves of this right.

Persons who withdraw from the transferred territory under lhis articl'e shall be entitled to carry with them their m ovable property of every. clescription withotzt paym ent of export duties of any kiull. They 41a,11 Ilot î1a respect of s'twh property be 'stzbject to import duties of any kind in the Colony of Kenya. They shall be entitled to retain their im movable property în 1he transferrecl territory.

TLe territory lying within a straight line from the Lorian Swamp to Saddi : a straight line from Saddi tg E1 Beru : the line deflned in article 1 'from El Beru to its juliction with the Tanaland-lpbaland frontier : and a straight line 'from the said junction to the Lorian Swamp.


All concessions or rights to properties in the above territories which have been recognised as valid by the former G overnm erlt, antl are laeltl by private persons or corporations

at the date of the transfer of those territories, shall be z'ecognised as. valicl by the Ttalian Goverum ent, to whom shall be 'transferred a,ll rîghts and obligations of the form er Governm ent under the said concessicms. Tt is agreed that the concessions and property rights shall be exercised in accordance with the g'eneral laws a,ncl regulations in force in the Italian colony of ltalian Som aliland , and .that 'the Ttalian Governm ezlt m ay impose on the concessionnaires and proprietors a11 limitatiops necessary for the exetmtion of works of general utility, upon g'ranting to such persons the .sam e compensation or indem nity as that to which Tta'lian sub- jects. -vould be entitled in sinnilar cases.

AsTlcruu 8.

-411 treaties, conventions and agreem ents between the G overnment of H'is Britannic M ajesty and the Government of 4-l ëis A'lajesty the lfing of l'taly , applitzt-.tble to the ltalian ColozqzAz of ltalian Som aliland., and. at predent iu force, shall be extendecl ta tlae territory uow transferred ir1 accortlallce with the present agl-eernent.

-<.Tlct,s 9 .

The two Goverlnmentq undertake that they will r'espqc'tively 'endeavour to prevent any m igration of Som alis or other nàti ves '' across the frontier defu ned in article 1.

g. '' . i If , lloweNer, the erlquiries of the Oom m ission referred to n article 12 show tllat in the neighbourhood of the secto'r of Tthe new frontier tunning from E1 Beru to the Jubala'nd- analahd bcundary there exists a. shortage of pasture for the tpribes situated on the Ttalian side of the frontier , and. îfç these enquiries also show that during tlle rainy season there is on the British side of tilat sector and in the region bounded on the by the new frontier and. on the Nvest by the line Goochi- Eibba-E l-Tulli-La.kola-Toor G ucla-Ram aguda m ore pasturage available than is required for the tribes i'n British terrîtory, then the Com mission will have power to decide that for a certain period, not less than five years, Semalis or other na.tives of the transferred territory m ay during the raiily season cross the bcmntlary to such a iistance ancl in such num bers as tlle Com m ission m ay prescribe, it being understood that in no case shall such Som alis or nahtives be allowetl to pass to the west of' the line Gooclai-Ribba.-El-Tulli-L ak-ola-Toor Guda-Ram aguda. The decisions of the Com m ission slAall be earried into effect by' the authorities concerned, and. at tlae end of the perigtl se prescribecl the position will. be reconsidered in a, fkiendly spirit in the light of the experience gained alld of the reqtpirem ents at that tim e of tbe tribes in British territory.

.A.ltr.gICraE 10. The two Governments shall come to the necessary agree- ments with regard 'to tlle special conditions of time atld place. for evacuation by the British troops of the territory to be. trsnsferred and. Ahe etAtrv of Ttalian troops ; they shall settle in ctmsrtltation with tlle lccal nuthorities the conclitions of transfer to the Ttalia,n Governrnent of the Goverument building's existing ' within the territory which the lattèr m ay wish to acquire from the British Governm ent a.ncl of the wireless telegraph installa- ticm at Kism ayu.

The Ttalian Gôvernm ent agrees to respecl the rights of ' Sudanese pensiomers t'ep aining at Yonte, in accorclance with the general laws and. regulations of the Ttalian colony of Southern Som aliland, and to m ake provision for the upkeep of ' the cem etbry at Kism anyu and. tl'e J'ennër m em orial.

k,t.I4.'rTcLr: 11.

The two G'overnments agree to consult together with a view to frarning and putting into fop'ce reeitironal Jneasures for the. control of the itlicit ivory trafflc across the frontier clefnetl in. article 1 of the present ctm verltion. '

A Rl'lc LE 12 .

The m anner i. n which the present agrèe'rkent sl'la.ll be'

carried out shall be set.tled on the spot by a' ' com m ission com pzsed of British and 'ltalian efûcial's appo'inted for the purpose b y the two (iovernrnents. Until the. .whole bollndary' shall llave been dem arcated by an accurate survey, the pTicials: ' th us a,ppointed shall be enlpoweretl to dettide , provitletl Ctn arzreetuent can be reached , uucler whiell ('ïlr-w ertlno-ettt vrater cf lccal imlaorta.nce situated near tlle' b'tju'n dary shall' 'eonae . 'In tlre e'çent gf an agreenlent uot beluk f ound possible. . the Iloints in clikpute shall I.'ye .settled b.v an . acbtlrate survey in. accortlauce u'ith tlae l'ille dest-ribetl in al-tiele' 1.

Tlle prezent coùventic?n shpell be ratifled ancl the ratifleations: exchanged in London as soon as possible.

In witness whereof the undersigned, havi'ng prodkcecl tllcir

full powers, found in gootl and due form , laave signerl. tlae present

convention and ha47e' affxed tlpereto thçir seals. , TIIE OFFIOIAI,

G' o'v>iitxusx'r Noilcx Nz-' o. 2 86 DISALLOW ANCE OF ORDTNANOE.

TH E. Seeretary of State for the Colonies has been pleased to notif v that His A'lajesty 's power of disallowanee has been exereiset-l 'w-itla respect to tlae under-m entionecl Orclinanee : ' TTïI'!î Af AFITER Axo SER.'V-ANI'S (AMENDMEN'I') OuolxAxcE, 1924. ' ' (No'. 'V11 oy- 19.24) . By rzomm and of H is Exeellency the Governor.


(-.1 l t??-/v- '/ () 'f b f, (' t'hzt ').z (- ; I f.g .

é3 qJ . Govsltxzllsx'l' Nor.tcs . N'. o . 287. 1 0359/5,/3. Tha bas'-s of teuk-i er to be a royalty paym ent per 1().t) stackecl cullic feet of A'fultugu. pe,r 100 TH E, JUSTICES OF 'T'H E PEACE stacked cubic feet of Olive and per 100 stacked eubic feet of ail other woods but in no case will a royalty ORDEINANCE, 1910. tlzan Shs. 30/ - per 100 cubie feet in respeet of M uhugu be aecepted. APPOINTMENT. 4. Successf ul tentlerers will be requiretl to enter IN pursuance of the powers confeqrretl upon m e by into a contract to cut not less ihan 5 ,000 stacked Seetion : of 1he 'Justices .of the Peace Ordinanee, cI ubie feet every month in any one coupe 1S'10, 1(, 1'4 obert Thorrle Corplclo.nj Knight Com - 5. A sum of six hundred shillings (Sh. s 600-00) o ander of the M ost D'istinguishecl Orcler .of Saint to be depositecl with the Conservator of Forests t?

M iehael and Saint George, Govemlor antl Com - t'he time of entering into the contract and. before any m ander-in-chief of the Colony ancl Proteetorate of cutting can take plaee (to be held as security for K ehya, do he-reby appoint Arthur Cecil H oey, Esq. , the performanee tmd observanee of the term s of the to be a Justsee of the Peaee for the Uasin Gishu contraet and to be liable to forfeittlre as liquidated District. çlamages in the e'vent of fmy breach of them) 6. Full details of the term s of the contract. m ay Glven uncler mx hamcl and the Omcial Seal, this be had on application to the undersigned 27t.1: day of August, 1924. 7. T'he position and areas o'f the c. oupes are indicated on m aps in the om ces of the Forester CORNND ON , Ngong T'toatl ancl of the Conservator of Forests, Goveè-nol-. Nairobi, and the eoupes m ay be inspectetl by arrange-, m ent wîth the Forester, Ngong Eoad Forest , P.O. , G >:x>;1tA.t, N owcE N o. 645. K îkuyu . 8. Sealetl tenqlers m arkel I f Tenclers

NOTICE. SALE OF SUIRPI-.US GOVERNA iENTP AIECH ANICAL TIIAN SPOl)'1' STORE S 1.925 .,1.117:,?.f4,4 T3'aining (l()?!.rJ?c . Ai ESSIRS. M utar and Oswald, Auetioneers,. 1. -.E T is notifled f or gerleral inf orm ation thai the Nstirobs , will sell by publie auc' tion without reserve 3rd B atptalion the King 's Afriean i-tifles ' ' A ' ' R eserve , Force 'a-ill be cailed out on the 25th Januar-j- , 1925, on Afonday, 15t.h Septem bt? r. I9. 24 , at 10 a .z'n . a: for tlle Anuu al Course of one month 's training, uncler the yard of the Publ'ue Avorks Department , Nairobi , the Oflkeer Com m anding z t-i' ' R eserve Training at a iarge quantity of m eehanical transport stores. consîsting of :

SNTRATNING AND DESPATCH OF RESERVISTS. z1ll .&cé. e ?.r i81' .fl : Ford cnr spares, ' .l-èii.'sident in Kisui'nu (inciusive) Kisii and Dodge car sptpres, Af l ln-l i as Distrl, et wiu' 1 entrain at Kisu:zlu Station (?n or aboo.t 24th January, 1S'25. Auto ezl' BpEtre'l, ' .'tesident in N' ancli Area entrain at A'lohoroni StCttion on 24th January, 1925. and :a. large va riety of general m otor car and aotor ) ètlsident izl Lumbwa Area entrajzl tt Lumbwa cyela aecessories, inelucling one new H arvey-Frost Stlttion on 24th January, 1925. Vulcaniser (large type, witll spares).

ltesiclent in Elclam a Ravine and. Kabarnet. Ap'a ehtrain at Londiani Station on 24 th The item s for sale will be on view during oëce J'aleluary, 1925. hours on Friday, the 12th, ancl Saturtlay, the 13th ltesident ai Kitui and M achakos Area September. (reaspeetively) will entrain at Kibwezi and Kapiti Plaing Statlon on 2:4th January, 1925. A catalogue showing all partieulars of term s, 2. I15 is requestecl that al1 coneernecl will kinclly eonditions of sale, etc., m ay be obtaineâ on an4 warn azay Rejervists resident in their districts and/or after the 2:3rd August Irom the Auetioneers or at employl#d on farms to report to the Distriet Com - m issioners of the station at which they are to be the ofllces of the Uganda H erald on and after 26th entraintrd for Nairobi on the day prevlous to the August. . date speeified for entraining. . '

Nairobi , Nairobi, 9th August , 1924. 18th August, 1924. C. H . FO'W LE', Maiob', Jo'r Ojjleey Ctlwzzntzlztirïzw Tî'oop8, H . L. STKES, Colo?wt/ a'nd Pzm/iélcftlra'àtp oj .Jfc'/z?/tz. Dfrrcft)r oj Pnblic W tlzàa.

G>:xEr4.&.L NoTlcE N o. 648.

LztBoult RllcltulTlxg Plavlrs IssuEo Ix TuE REsloEx,r Côxxlsslqxrglt's OF1?IgE, NAIROnI.

(%*() . 'l'o wllom issued. Date of issue. REAIA itxs.

4tla Feb., 1925

N'ai robi.1 F. R. C. M ARSIIALL, 1 s t S e p t e t ri 1.) e r, 1 9 2 4 . for .I?ey'ï#8'?zl Comml8sionev. Glxxltzïla NorlcE No. 558.

ONE oë tlle Judges of the Supreme Oourt of K enya will proceed on circuit and hold sittittgs ol the Stp reune Court at tLe places ancl on the dates hereinafter naeutioned.


NAKURC, 3n1) SEPTEMBES, 1924. Ditt.rict .2?tvï.'?à0'?/. Heaking of objectlons to tlle J'urors and. Assessors List. Civil Appeal No. 23 of 1924. Heppes a's. M ugo wa M angi Jl 71 'J 25 of 1924. Njeroge wa Kibebe r8. Karnau wa Kisuku Civil Case No. 8 of 1924. M agubhai arap Kaos re. K ingol'a wa Afyvanika 6. of 1924. Kabubo wa Maitho 'vs. Kamau Waojeje #; 7 of 1j 924. Nimo wa Kague ',vs. W aujohi Gitprb #; 4 of a 924. W airimu D/o Gateio 'vs. Kïmit.e . wa K.eiro J$ 10. of 1924. W awerlz wa Muzoni wg. W ambura S/o Kingora 7: 11 of 1024. Gezo wa Gogoio v8. Karanja wfx Wanheri ;' ) 1 .S 1 3 of 1:924. Afachazrïa wa Dipai vs. Alasekini 14 of 1924. Chege wa K elaengo w,v. Ndegwa wa K abete ld of 1t1 '2k, K elnani wa Karima rs.. Maeharekia wa Kahuhe 19 o' f 1924. George Doering 'v8. Kiug Skeltou aud Co. 20 of 1924. N douga wa K arobia als. Gtu-e Ruo

2 1 of 1924... .stzleman bin M ahomecl r.%. (M islli binti 22 of 1924. Svarljechi D/o Gaseni z',v. Murioki >) A) 2:3 of i 924. Mugato S)'o Barisitau v.%.. Muzungui (Ndorobo') .

.' .' ) 7 2,4 of 1924. Ndonhe wa Xdekei %v. hvabeti . ' 7 .1 .)7 ::$ of 1924. M acharia wa M acharia rs. K ïgwe'ru wa K izoi . J 7 ;; . 2.6 r c)f 1924., M alcolm antl Co. 'vs. Brallance and. Ooltart

,r,.. 27 Qf 19,24. M bqzia w> Chege C?4. Suku 28 of 1924. .M acllari: wa Ng.eroge 1)e. Keribia ' 29 of 1924. ' M oltoro wa Gasungo 'p&. Kichuki wa' K echolli 30 of 1924. M lzthoni wa lthere 1.,8. M aeharia wa Icbaga. Klsgxtr, 10,1?H SEIPTRMB' 1t, 1924. Distt4 ct .&cgï.s.àz.p. Hearing of objections to th.e J. urors arttl Assessors List.

Civil Oase No. 1 of 19b=4. Alàxwell Bros. rs. Gown lnstitute 'J )3 of 1928. Londiani Stores 'vs. ' Atlràaram ' KAX-&.MEGA, l7q?u, Sslor.rcwieuit, 1924. Criminal Case No. 60 of 1924. Rex, 1:s. Nasiebanda biuti Rula 77 69 of 1 924. Rex. 1)s. 1. Esia S/o Onyaiti and another $8 of 1924. Rex. 'v8. 1. Almasi biu Musa. 2. Asmani bi n M obalned 79 of. i 924. Rex. 'v8. 'Wambiya s/o Mukusi 80 of 1924. Rex. r8. Kibrot s/o Muneria 8 l of 1924. Rex. .0.3.. Okote s/o Okwaio 82 of 1924. Rfax. 'vs. 1. Owolo S/o Nasindi. 2. Ogoi S/o (lkumu 84 of 1924. Rex. rs'. 1. Khau kha s/o Kimallai. 2 . W epondi wa Wranda

Crimïnal Case N o. 48


N airobi, . E . J . O '.F' 'SA' .J). .REL, : ' ' .19th J'uly, 1924. Reg'istrar, kv'lz/lz:z?z: Cou'rt of Kenya. t .' . ' . . . GEXEIAL N orrlcx No. 557.

IN H-IS M AJESTY'S (IOUIRT OF APPEAL F0R EASTERN AFIU CA. Nairobi, 17th .July,' (924. L. LLOYD-BLOOD, A. Special Session of His MajostyJs Court of Regiutrav. Appeaq for Eastern Africa has been be H. M. Ctwrf of aII?ZPt,ISJ holden a#M ombasa and to commence on W eclnesday, fo'r A'tzyfyzv?z Afvica.

Appellant . Respondent. Appeal from.


Rex ltex

#* ltex ' ,, Eex 7: ltex ltex Rex

Rex Rex

GvkxExxL z'lorlcœ No. 649. GINERAL NolxcE Ng. 650. IN HIS M AJESTY'S SUPREM E COURT OF KENYA, IN H IS MAJESTY'S SU P'REME COURT OF KENYA, AT NAIROBT. AT NAIROBI. ' INSOLVENCY JURISDICTION. INSOLVENCY JURISDICTION. Cwusl No. 1 oF 1924. Cwuss No. 19 oF 1919. TN Tlrs MATTER oF 1'1u Luzucx Dzsqmzci' CoultTs A CT) 1.858 ) Ix TliE MAT'I'ZR oln JAMNADASS Goltrhm NoAss k Co. , AND INSOLVENTS. TN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION BY R' ACHAEL ' d'lqt) a!1 ttz whom it zrzay cfpncern. 'XO3DR. UFF THEREUINIDER7 . AND ON the applifzation of M essrs. Daly & Fi ggis, Advoehktes f'oz' IN 'xlu 'Mx'rq mlt f)yn GEORGE W OODAAJFF) A 1aUN.&II(;. wlïomsoevtr if the insalvllnts, filed on the 18th July, 1924, and on reading' u m alr callcern. '(-, .i-aolkl reading the appliûtation filed Jn tlle allove cause the affidav?t .of Jamnadass Vith'albhai, one of the insolvents, on tho 21st day ef August,, 1924, and the a'ffidavit. .of Rachael àïz-oodt-uff, dated the 20th Jay of August, .1924, fiied in dated the .'è2th day of J'tzly, 1924, in supoprt, and on reading support tilereof , alad upon hearirtg E. Barret', Estj, -, Advoeate oJt bebalf of the applqcant, Rachael W oodrufl, this Court the report of trhe Receiver, U medbhai Bhalabhai, dated the (-10th order that AYrs Jlaclnrte) Nvoodrtiff be and slle is hereby 12th day o'k' July, 1924, atld upotl heariuz E. K. Figgis, Esq. , appoiutecl the Al anager ot tho estate of George, Afoodruff, a Lunatic, with power to raise a suna ntlt exceeding K.C., it is ordered that the insolvents be discharged f orth- Shs. 10,000 on the security o.f the property of the said lunatic foz' the purpœes of' the payment of t'he said with, antl it is also ordered that the lkeceiver be hereby lunatic's debts ancl f or the establisltznent and maintenance diseharged. of the said lunatic's f amily. Given under my hand and the seal of tlze Dated tlais 3th,h day of August, 1924. 2:5rd day of August', 1924. JOSEPH SHERIDAN, JOSEPH SHERIDAN, Jltdge. Judge. GENERAL Norcz No. 651. IN H IS AIAJESTY'S SU PREME COURT OF KENYA, PIROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION. AT NAIROBT. I N' SOLVEN CY JURISDICTION . XDMINISTRATO.R GSNERAL 's C.&I7SE N(). 77 OF 1925. 'CATJSE No. 7 o:n 1924. SUPREME Coult'r CAtTss N o. 34 ola 1S24. Ix T1:E MATTEX ()F W . E. F. DE LAcar, pzcsAsEo. IN Tztl MATTEI: oz= R. 'W . AlclloNxsyus, K. S. PATV,, MAGAN- BIiAI N' . PATEI,, UMEIIBRAI M . PATEL ANo POPATLAL T() all to whom it may concern. Govlxpll, TRADING As 'TE1E EAST AFRICAN Pxoovcy: CoM- TAKE NOTICE that the account. of the estate of the Pxxx (ExPottT Dlmxitizqxxal, Dyzswus. above-named AV. E. F. de Lacy, deceased, has heen lo'dged with the Registrar of the Supreme Court at Mombasa, and EX-PARTE TIIE CRETITOR- NARANBIUI S. PAT>m. that he has appointed the 15th day of , at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, f or passing of such ace,o unt To all to whom it may concerza . .

. NOTICE is heretly given tllat the petitiol'z of Naralzbhai S. Patel, a clerlt reslding and serving in the General Post Mombasa, Offlce, at Nairobi, for an order toat' the above-named debtors 26th August, 1924. R. -W . McDonnell, K. S. Patel, 'Alaganbhai N. Patel, Umed- bhai N. Patel and 1.> opat lal Giovindji ?trading as The East African Produce Company, Nairobl and elsewhere, be W . A' 1. KEATINGE, declared insolvelats under the Provincial Insolvency Act of .4 dîn-ivti8 Jz'c/.f?r 6#. (.?kezt#. 1907, will be heard at Nairobi, or1 Friday the 12th day of September, 1924, at 10-,50 a.m. Dated this 1st day of September, 1924. GENERAL NOTICE N0. 655. E. J. O'FARRELY, D6ynty Z'6r/ï.sf fcrr. IN THE RESIDENT M AGISTRATE'S COURT , AT KISUMU .


GEXERAL Xo'zïcz No. G3-z. Alul AHMED; LA'I)Z ol 0Im KlsuBtv, 'DEG ASETI. IN HIS M AJESTY'S SUPREM E COURT OF KENYA, TAKE N' OTICE that application having been made in this Court by Ahmed Saleh, Arab, of Old Kisumu AT M OMBASA. , for aprobate of the W ill of Ali Ahmed, late of Old Kisumu, INSOLVENCY JURISDICTION. who died at Old Kisumu on the 18th day of , tkis Oourt will proceed t,o make a decree in the same , tmless Cluss No. 8 oF 1924. cause be shown tty the contrary and appearance in this T)E : ESRAIJIM Szplzc. respect entered on or bef ore the 27th day of September, 1S24. IIX-P.&1tTr. 1'llz C'REDITORS- SCOTT ELLIS & Co. PURSUANT to a petition, flled on the 50th day of K isum u, M ay, 1924, by M essrs. Scott Ellis & Co., Ltd., M erchants, 27th Atlgust', 1924. of .'M ombasa, one of the creditors of the above-named debtor, on reading tize saiv' l petitioz), and on hearing t'he evidence of the petitioning creditors, and upon also. hearing G. B. RIM INGTON, W . S. 'G right, Esq., Advocate f or the petitioning creditors, Dintrict DJctycfe. and upon also hearing Ebrahim Sidik the above-named debtor and A. C. Ross, Esq., his Advocate, and other creditors present, it is ordered tllat tzhe said deitor be and is héreby Nol's :- Tlb6 Will abone-named k'.s now l6/àtl adjudged insolvent, and whereas it appears to. the Court qszcf/ and ozfraz that the appointment oî a Receiver ()i' tshe property of the to fngpccffozl at the &ozf0.(. said insolvent is necessary, ît is' also ordered that a receiving order be mad.e agaillst the insolvent and the Ofllcial Receiver of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya is hereby appointed lteceiver of the property o.f the said insolvent. Given under my ha3ld and the seal of the Court, this 25th day of' August, 1.924. ' GBNERAL NoTlcE No. 656. ERIC T. JOHNSON , 4 cf i'n,g J ?f (1flt; . IN THE RESIDENT M AGISTRATE'S COURT, AT KISUMU .

PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION . Cxuss No. 7 oyx 1924. NOTIIY OF APPLICATION FOR PROBATE OF THE W ILL OF AIiIMIJD BIN I'IASI-IAM: LATE OF OLD KISUMU GSNERAL NoTlcs No. 653. , DECEASED. TAKE N Or1'ICE that application having been made itï this Couxt by' Saleh Arab, and Abdulla Saleh, Arab, of Old PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION. Kislzmu, f or Probat, e of' the W ill of Ahmed bin Hasham ADMINISTRATOR C1 EJNERAL'S OAUSE XO. 81 OF 1920. Jate of O1d Kisumu, who died at Old Kisumu on the 16th, SIJPREM? COUB.T CAUSE Nf). 67 oF 1020. drty of August, 1924, this Court will proceed to make a decree .in the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and IN THE MATTER OF VLRICK BRITHN, DECEASED. appearanee in this respect entered on or before the 27t.11 day '150 all to whom it may concern. of September, 1S24.

TAKE NOTiCE that the account. of the estate of the ' above-named 'Ulrick Bruhn, deceased, has been lodged with .K lsum u , the Eegistrar t)f tht) Supreme Court a.t Mombasa, and that 28th August, 1924. Jae ba.s appointed the Qîth day of September, 1924, at 2 o'clock in the af ternoon, f or passing pf sucla account. G. B. RIM INGTON, Afombasa, Dhtriet Delegate. 27:h Augtlst', 1924. W . A1. KEATINGE, -1 rir ??. f î%l'.9 ( ?' tt f'() :' t;l #? ?? t! 3'(à !'. Nol'lù :- 1'11 e Jlrïll above-named ?',s now t'/c/zrlazcé and fpyfr'p, . to fnszaccfït)zl at r/àc (.'lollvt . 'GEN;ILtZI.L X OTICE NO. 657. GllNettA! . NoTlcl No. 66() PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION . SIJPREME Couyt:r Cxcrss No. 21 f)bn 1924. ADMINISTRATUR GENSXAL'S OAusp No. 69 oF 1924. lx TuE MATTEIR o:a FREDERICK CHARLES KENWARD, Ix l'u>: Mxqrz'zlt oy- LALJI ArAl-AssApAs, sscExsEl). L.&TE OF ELIIORET, DECEASEI). To a1l to whom it may concern. To all to whom it may concern. TAKE NOTICE that on or after the 18th day . of P'( TRSUAN' T to an order of the Supreme Court of September, 1924, I intend to apply to the Supreme Court of Kellya. dated the 25th day of Atzgtzst, 1924, by whieh Charles Kenya at Mombasa, for an ortler to administer the estate Norman Lewis, M anager of the National Bank of South of th e above-named Lalji Valabhadas, who died in India Af rica, Etd. , Nairolli, was appointed Administrator of' tlt'e about 11 years ago. .estate $)f the late Frederick Charles K enward, who died at M om basa, Eldorel; on the 19th February, 1924. 28th August, 1924. TAKE NOTTCE that a11 persons lzaving any claizps against the estate of tlle latq 1=4 rederick Charles Kenward W . Af . KEATINGE, are req uîred to lodge and prove stzch claims before the said Atlmini8trator J6ncrc#. Charlei! Norman Lewis on or bef ore the 15th day cd October, 1924, flfter which date only the claims so proved will be paid alid the estate distributed according to law. N'airob lr GEXERAf. No'rrcs No. 661. 291 h August, 1924. IN HIS M AJESTY'S SUPREM E COURT OF KENYA, BARRY, DELANY & RU SSELL, AT NM ROBI. Solicitor.n jor C. 5T . Len? 2.s. Czvls CASE No. 154 o:n 1924. IN TI

NOTICE is hereby g'iven that the order' , dated the 14th 7GExsR,t.L NOTTJE Xo. 6594. day of August, 1924, confrming the reduction of the capital of tlle above-named C.ompany f rom /2,000,000 to 11,278,498 and the yninute. approved by the Court shewing with respect IN Jd TS MAJESTY'S SUPIV M E COTJZ'T OF KENY.V, to tlae eapit,al of the Company as altered the several part'culars required by the above Ordinance was registered AT NAIROBI. t)lr thc Eegistrar o.f Joint. Stock Companies. PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION. The said minute is in the words and figures f ollowing :- ' 1924. f.At;sE N o. 25 0y'. t dThe capital of E.S.A.I. Limited and reduced is Nort'lfwc ()'F Appy-lcArrloN y'olt PROB-&7?B ():n '1'I.tx MTILL oyn laencef orth ;t) 1,278,498 divided into. 1,278,498 shares of J 'kzvss Osw-,vluo DvztEs, r-A'rE oln N AI1tOBI, DECEASEr#. C. 1 each instead of .C2r000,000 divided into 2,000,000 shares of /1 each. At the time of the regi'stration of ' TJkKE N OTICE that application having been made. in this minute 278,500 sllares numbered 721,001 to ' - this C 'lurt ba,, Jol'in Clifton Shaw of N' airobi, for Probate 747.000 inclusive, 747,501 to 1,000,000 inclusive are and of the M 7ill kf' James Oswald Dykes, late of Nairobi, who are to lse deemed to be i'tzlly paid up 499,993 shares d ied a'. N' aig-ol?i t)'? tlae 5t1) daz raf August, 1924, tbis Court llumbered 1.,500,008 to 2,000,000 incluslve have not yet will pl'oceecl to malte a. decree in tlne same unless cause be been issued and on 500,000 shares numbered 1,500,000 sho-arn to tfte centrary aud appearance in this respect entered inclusive the stzm .of 12/- per share has been and shall on or tlefora tbe 24th day of September, 1924. be deemod to have beeu paid ttp thereon and on flve shares pumbered 1,500,005 to 1,500,œ 7 n.o sum has '' 'Nairob l7 been or shall be deemed to have been paid up theroon. 25t1: August? 1924. Nairobi, JOSEPH SHERIDAN , Dated the 28t.h day of Atlgust, 1924. Jll(lfle . TIARRISON & CRG SW ELL, Solicitor.n jor t !.4 allo l'ty-'rttrn ed C ()k'ny6r?tg-


'GENERAL NoTlcl No. 659 IN I'IIS M AJESTY'S SUPREM E COURT OF KENYA, AT NAIROBI. PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION. ClvlL CASE N(). 360 o:n 1922. 3 Ilwflxls'rltll'olt GENERAL'S CAvss No. 37 o:a 1924. Suz>xzarz Cotm:r CAvsx No. 46 olr 1924. IN TR'E MATTER OF INDUSTRIAL AND PROVD ENT SOCIETIES Ix 'ruE MxTTen oe Kxu l Jxlstsu&mlt GxwoEvlx, AcT 1893, oscEAsEo. AND IN TaE MATTER oya TIU COMPANIES ORDINANCE, 1921, To all to whorn it may concern. T.I.KE NOTICE that the acconnt. of the estate of the ANo above-rkamed Kaeki Jamshedji Gandevia, deceased, has been IN TI.IE MATTER 0F 'I'1.1S BRITISI EAST AFRICA DISABLIP lodged with the Registrar of the Suprel'ne Court at Mombasa, OFFICEY COLONY, LIMITED. and th:zt he has appointed the 15th day of Oetober, 1924, rtt 2 o' tlock in the afternoon, f or passing of such accotmt. To whomsoever it may concern. MTHEREAS in tlhe above case, by an order made by this .A1()mba sa, Court on (he 16th day of February, 1923, the above-named 2815:'1 August, 1924. British East Africa Disabled Ofllcers Colony, Limited, was ordered to be wound up by this Court, and E. B. Gill, Esq., W . M . KEATINGE, Chartered Accountan't of Nairobi, was appolnted Omcial Administrabor J6zpyrcf. Liquidator oi' the sai'd Company. -1.11 persons clairfting to be creditors of the said Company must file partieulars of their claims in writing supported by affidavit together with any documents on which they rely in ' ORDINANCE. proof of their claims on or before the 28th day of February, 1925, with the Registlra,r ol' this Court at Nairobi, af ter lfo. 17 OF 1912. which date tlae Court will proceed to settle the Schedule 'of ' the names of altd debts severally due to stlch creditors and . lj any persons havf lzg in tlaeir possession any property or monies Ct3 r/xy,p bsk' x'. ''> .J. r . lj4 z. lxk.. N. xu s Nxq .. ; e,-. y ;x# ,.w. belongjng or due to the said Company shotzld forthwith hand . . N .'i r' - ' . à. uA q .f .) .k A J' ....--a = *...... : ... .rz g$ y /# iv' r ...- .....- . .z .t. .-.'Aq ''''.'-. - y. . .' ' J N. . . .. s .. Dtt:l:.:y .. k. . ;tr ,..f j.'jy . ;.''.. w-...... j...... / ..*'x .= ' ' . . ..r . j v...... # ee'-.' 7 .x-k.Na g'. jk.pz yé/.j : .j6k. ) j' .w -. .- c- .-.-.y . ' ag . 'z . p g . r D . ,z 1st day of September, 1924. xz' z' = - - . Ut 1I . .( '''''a .. -<- N-.- z'. 7e. V''>-v.s ',.ty: iî)hL 1.!t1 f '%w. .- . -- => x: 'g .* ' . ' . k. 1' JOSEPH SHERTD AN, p ;. . . a ..$ * j .; . 'wN' x. cap x. - . . ,< ucy . 4 xazm ./ t'b ' ..-.-. J'ttdge. y w- J 4,/ ( . ' T)$j )k -'+'.-- z'-. /j? l. , l .:c. w' l . K.r-. ' GENERAL x o'rlcs 2. ko. t$fJ:. tl lk 1 ï 1 o. NOTICE.

N OTICE is hereby given tllat A'1I.. H . 1-1. Heatley of . Kamiti Ranch, has lay an assignment, dated the 6th day of'. To all to wllom it mây ctmcern. Atlgust, 1.S24, conveyed aftd. assigned the whole of bis real TAKE N OTICE thatp an applieation f or the reg-istratio alld personal estate whatsoever and wlleresoeA'er sitaated to as a Trade Mark of the label shown above to be us* ed ln Arthur Hornb y of Na,iro:bi, as Trustee acting on behalf of colllzection witll goods mentîolted in Class 47 of Part 11I n the credftors. tlae Schedule to the a.bove-mentioned Ordinanee of of candl , in respeet All ereditors are z'equested to relzder detailecl iizvkaices tcl es, common soap, detergent's .; illumiuating, heatlng u or labricating oils ; matches ; and starch blue and other, tlle Trustee, c / o A'lessrs. Dultn , Hornby & Co. , Cicili a Bu'ild.- preparations f or latmdry purpozes, has , been lod ged by illgs, Naîrobi, without ftlrther delay. 'svjlliam Gossage L%- Sons 'R , Limlted, of 'svidlaes, Lancashire, Nairobi, llngla/lts. ; Soap Allarluf ac. tarers. .ziddress for service : C / o essrs. Atlcinson and Avright ' Dated this 25t11 day of August, 1924. , Aclvocates, Atombasa. expsrTahtie label wfll be registered as a Trade M ark after the -% . 11O1-.t N B Y , on of the period mentioned in Section 13 of the said 7'r'!z.sf c e. Orclinanoe, providetl no notice cd opposîtion is receivecl. A specimen oi' the Trade mark th: registration of is applied f or can be seen at the ofnce of the underswigkniecdh at Atf ombasa. . DISSOLUTION OF PARTXERSH IP. A 'l' 0yab a,s a . .

N orrlcE . 21st August, 1924. To a11 to wllom it may concern. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnt'rsllip 'ibroerly subsisting betvees Dyal Singh s / o I-lira Ram a.lad N athu lêam s/o Ganda, Qam. in the name and style of 13yal Sirlgh, N atllu' Ram k Co, , at' Kyambu. has been dis- solved by mutual conselat, by tlae retlrement therefrom of Nathu Ram as and f rom the 12th day of August, 1924, arld 'J5HE P-irf ENTS AN D DESIGN S ORDINAN! CE , 1915. the business will be carried on solely by the saic) Dyal Singh, tvdîsaa'lFlcxTE t'az- ENTU v Ix Tz under the name and title of Dyal Slngh, Nathu Ram & Co. -l>; Rsc-usqrltar O>> PAqrlrxrl?s . All elaims against the flrm must be rendered, and kal1 (/l'î'tilicate ,'.V/. 9i). claîms due to the llrm must be paid to the said Dyal Slnglè %AHIS is to certifly that au entry has bee'n macle in the ibrthwith. wïlegistez. ojï P. atents i r' the llame of (Robert Baker Kowlooia-ca.ntorl , c/0 T he Dated at N airobi this 25th Clay of August , 1924. .!.l.aî1w a.)r, 1X' ong Kong, Chilla the Sehedr/le hel'eto. , as appears 1'11 F. H . KELLY, tll 'tnh ïs certbf-îeate :'s issued i n pursuaiace of Section 8 of .z1 (lltocate /.r?r Dpfzl ,%'in.fll.. e above-loefltioned Ordinance. Date , l8tlA NOTICE No. 665. . A ugust , 1924. 'tZzk'r'EXT Ol?t?tc>; SZAL TIRADE M ARKS ORDINANCE. . m M . KEATINGE , No. 17 or 1912. Iteflizià'ra'r. SCHEDULE LIZTOSE. . .

To xrm To wliox A.T xA.'z CoxcKnN. A7,l( ??p.?/ e ?' oj .4 pplication . 98. TAKE NOTTCE that an application for the registration Ih rf ('. oj -.1 Lpplicatiol't. 18th August as a Trade M ark of the label shown above to be used in , 1924. Aïattê (? oj zlpgl/ïccr? t. lt obert Bak er. connection with joods mentioned in Class 42 of Part 11èT of ,c1 )(ir fiq .?' tt (# q;l the Schedule to the above-mentioned Ordinanee, in respect oj Applécant.- c jo The xowloou-calltola flailway of f oods and i'ood ingredients, more partîcularly milk and H ong Kong, China. , AT'l(îl1 Iler tznf rnilk f oods, dried and powdered milk, evaporated milk, l'- ./ #cf f, oj f/erf ifcll't c oj Wef/zsrz'cf ion in f/lc condensed milk, sterïlised milk, cream, sterilised cream , and wltetl -isz-nr/loe??., No. 174989 , dated 17t.h October, 1920. a1l other manuf actures of rnilk, has been lodged by Nestle x ' V:z/7zz6 oj /.lc./cp.l-s.--lmprovements in Railwa arl d Ançlo-swiss Condensed M ilk Co., of Cbam and Vevey way Sleepers ,y and Tram- s . Switzerland ; and St. George's Housa, 6 and 8, Eastcheap, London, E.C. , Enqland. Address f'or service :-C / o Messrs. Docw'v! e'rtty, e,$c., fled in Itqginlzry Atkinson and W rtght, Advocates, M ombasa, 2 Two Copies of Letters Pateut granted 'in England. Tbe label will be registered as a Trade M ark af ter the . Two Copies Complete Specificatio expiration of the period mentioned in Section 13 of the said England n accepte,d in , 7tl) February, 1922. Ordinance, provided no notice of opposition is received. .5. Two Copies Drawings in relation t A specimen of the Trade iMal' k the registration of which o the Patent ïs applied for can be seen at the ofhce of the undersigned at 4.- Aflidavit. . Mèombasa,. 5. PAoWller Of Attorney fn favour of V essrs. M orrison & M ombasa, a n. 21st August, 1924 M ombasa, ' 18th Augtlst 1924. W . M . KEATINGE : Regimtvar oj 7'zctfc Ma,rks. W . M. KEATINGE, Itegintrar oj Patentn and Dee py. G>:XAIItAL ',ç()TI()E NO. 668. G ycxyzltetl- N o'rlc 1:. THE PATENTS AND DESIGN S ORDTNANCE, 1S15. CER'./ FICATE o:n ENTRY IN 'REIIISTRST ()F PATINTS. CURRENOY BOARD. f-/ezrf/cctf: No. 99. NIITICE. 7'H Ib1 is to certifiy that an entry has been made in the N O'1'fO F1 is hereby jl'iven that the L'tight-lza'ncni Q.egistez. ( 'f Patents in the name of Thomas Gaskell Allen, ()f 106, N'ictoria Street, 'W-estminster, London, England, as llalf oLç C,llrrenry Note No. ..Y5- 1 0146 fer Shs. 5 has appears iq'q the Scbedule hereto'. been presented to the (rurrerlcy Ofllcer for payment Tllis certillcate is issued in pursuance of Section 8 of by The Stalzdard .'B ank of South Africa Ltd., the above-mentioned Ordinance. N airobi, A.ï?y 'person clainair)g to be entitled to Date, 18th August, 1924. payment in respect of the said llalf note, should PATSNT O)F'FIcE SBAL. communicate forthwitll with the Cnrrency Ofllcer. '1n the absence of any such claim being establisheâ W . M . KEATINGE. within three months ot tllis date, payment for the Reghtrar. said llalf note will be made to the saitl Stantlard. Bank of South Africa Ltd., Nairobi, arld. tlle half SCHEDULE. note will be callcelled. Nairobî, h-umber t?/ Application.--og. zznd August. 192 4. Dto-r: o f .1 /?2p?;'ccJi7fp??..- 18th August, 1924. LYarne oj z'Iyylïccnt.-rjyhomas Gaskell Allen. R. CLIFTON GRANN UM , Add' t')/ Applicsmt .-106, Victoria Street, W estminster, Londtln, England. ' C'm ency Ol/ccr. zvwzn.r/)er and #cf c oj C'erfï/fccle oj ./ittqçzù'lzcfït?'rt in tlbe r-fnfrct;l Eingdom.- No. 207858, dated 9tl1 June, 1922. ' Nature t?/ Pcfczàf.s.-lmprovements in or relating to systems of ra ising liquids.

Documeztt.), efc.r 6. led fn Ilegistry :- . 1. Two Copies of Letters Patent granted in England.

2. T'wo Copies Complete Speclfkcation accepted in .lngland, 10th December, 19275. 5. Two Copies Drawings in relation to the Patent. 4. A'fdavit. 5. Power of Attorney in favour of M essrs. Atkinson & W right.

M ombasa, 18th August, 1924. W . M . KEATINGE. Reflistrqr c/ Patentp and Dp.qfgp.q.

GI:NEIU L Norlcs N o. 669.

CURREX CY BOARD. NoTlcx. NOTJOE is hereby given tlaat the left antl right- hantl halves of Currency Notes Nos. -Y 800 67 and 1 .-6Az 119'73 respectively for Shs. 5 Lave been presented to the Ourrency Ofllcer for payment by The N ational Bank of South Africa Lt(l., Nairobi. Any person clairning to be entitled to payment in respect of the said Lalf notes sllould comm urlicate forthwith with the Currency Oë cer. In the absence of any sueh claim being established within three moutlls of this date, paylnent for the said half' notes will be made to tlae said National Bank of South Africa Tatd., Nairobi, antl the half notes will be cancelled.

N airobi, .R. CL IFTON GRANNUM , 23r(1 August, 1924. Cnn eney O/#c:7. RA TES OF SUBSORIPTION TO ç< OFFICIA L GAZETTE.'' Sh. Cts. For one year 25 00 six znonths . . . 13 three montl'ls (excluding postage) 6 50 ): three ,, (including ,, 7 50 Sing'le copy (excluding postage) ... 0 50 (including ) ... 0

Sh. Price' of one copy between 1 and 3 months o1d 0 do. (lo. 3 and 6 do. 1 do. do. 6 months and 1 year o1d do. (lo. 1 antl 2 years o1d 3 do. over 2 years o1d ...... , . . 4 (Postal charges must be adtlecl to above if forwarded through the Post).


Z1.JJ Notioes tzlzts Adrerthem evtts by T'rïètzfe A dvertI-seng m ay be fezltfcz'td at or sent Jïrecf by post to the Olce of the OJICZWJ Gazette, Ntzïzrosï, for ï'rl.ser/ïtazz at the tz?4f/zorï.sef.f rate.g V payînent. T/z/ OAce hozzz.s ave fzo'??z 9 a'.m. to 4 .'p.'(n,., oïosing at tl'ne o'clpcà on Stzfzô/rtftyd. 2JJ N otçces tzzlé Advertisemenis 'z?z- f be JrcwrzzW. To dtz'z): delay,' N otioes tzzzl Atlvertisemevtts s'szzf direct by post shosr/tf be (rcctlzrzzlptzp,zee# by 'rcwsïffcwce. Matter Jo'r publioatio'n s/ztlzf/tf reaoh f/zts Etlitor 'not later f/ztzzl 3 o'c/tacà o'n Afozètffzp (fiervtoon i1t efzc/è week.

AUTHORISED SCALE OF CH ztlttk ES. Sh. Cts. 'For Itlsel-tlon iu id Of.f icial Gazette '' (collzlnzl) . . . 32 00 (half column) . . - 00 (quarter coltzznn or less) 0b

Sh. Uts. Price of a bonnd 'Volume of d< Oëcial Gazette '' 25 f.): do. âo. Blue Book . .. 20 ()0 do. do. Ordinances and Reglzlations... 15 ()() âo. Ordinances (per, copy) ...... 3 00 (lo. Ohronplogical Index (1876r1910) ...... t 10 (.)0 (Postal claarges zzlust be adyded to above 51 forwarded tlarpugh the .Post).

N O T I C E .

- ,1'IIE bouncl copies of Ordimances, Vol. 11., 1923'(New Series), can be obtainecl from the lloverurneut Press. Price Shs 7/50 pt,r copy. Posted Shs. 8/20. ' THE bound copies oi Proclamations, Rules and Regulations, 'Fol lI, 1928 (New Series), can be obtaineâ from the Government Press : Price Sh. 7/50 per copy. Posted Sh. 8/60.