June 10, 1924

For the confidential information

of the Board of Trustee Record of Minutb of Board of Trustees Meeting June 10, 1924 Sheet No.


The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees was called at

3 P. M., with Vice President Elliott in the chair. The following members were presenMot:rtort:n," Geddes, Mrs. Haggard, Mr. Holliday, Mr. Qpealy, Governor Ross, Mrs. Dr. Crane, Mr. Fuller and Mr. Smith.

Mr. Elliott reported the illrpss of President Prosser and M~ R-os~er~ j 11 Yle.,,, deep regret was iexpreSged over his inability to be present.

The minutes of the ~larch meeting of the Board were approved as read, as were the minutes of the intervening meetings of the Executive

Committee and t~e Agricultural Committee. Dr. Crane presented the finished copy of the budget for

the coming fiscal ~rear. The attention of the Board was called to the various reductions and to the increase in salary for Mr. Heathman. Mr.

Quealy moved that th~ budget be approved as drawn. This motion was seconded by ~~s. Haggard and carried.

Upon the recomnendation of the President Mr. Arthur R.

Himbert, instructor in the department of Commerce, was gra~ted a .leave of absence without pay from September 1924 to . I~s. Haggard moved that Dr. Crane, Mr. Prosser and h~. re-tLcoleu.m HOlliday be authorized to install the Federal petruleum laboratory at an la6orai<;y, estimated building cost of $3550, and to purchase necessary apparatus at an approximate cost of $6893. These purchases are to be made through the office of th~ Fiscal Agent and all equipment is to remain the property of the University., Architect Hitcllcock and Mr. Reistle, who repre~ents

·the Bureau of Ydnes, are to be consulted in connection with the establish- ffient of the laboratory. The motion was seconded and carried.

Mr. F. A. Holliday, who is a member of the Executive

Committee of tbe Association of Governing Boards of State Universities Record of Minuls of Board of Trustees Meeting June 10 1924 Sheet No. 28

and Allied Institutions, was authorized to attend a meeting of the

Association to e held in in June. Tae expenses of this trip

will be borne b the University.

Dr. Crane was given authority toa:t on the request of the Delta

Delta Delta sorrrity for permission to build a home on the campus.

Mr. HOlliday gave a written report of his investigation of our

electric lightirlg and power system which included a survey of the Uni­ versity tunnels and piping system. At the conclusion of Mr. Holliday's

report 1tr. quealY moved tbat a committee be appointed to oonduot further

investigation or this problem and endeavor to get all available information,

including accurate figures and rates from the local power company, and

report to the Elecutive Committee who are hereby given power to act.

This motion was seconded and carried.

The PreSident was authorized, together with the Secretary and ca~us the Fiscal Agen[b l to prepare a partial building bUdget containing

improvements wh ch may be carried out this ~~er. This is made

possible by the decrease in the ~~unt of money needed to carryon present work.

The Board then adjourned to dine with President Crane at his home.

The Boar1d attended the Senior class night play in the University

Auditorium and hen returned to the President IS office for the evenir~

. ~ession.

The effrr~s of President Crane to obtain the balance remaining BLL' c.f in the Bureau of Anirral Industry ~d as sho;vn on the books of the State Anivnal lY1du.,;I"--r Auditor were extlained to the Board. Governor Rcss agreed to see the ru..nJ

State Board of harities and Refonns regarding the disposition of this


I;, ___1-! ______-....i __ Record of MinJ es of Board of Tt11stees Meeting June 10 lfE4 Sheet No.

Dr. prane mentioned the int9rest which the University will be

called upon to pay for the money which is being borrowed to carry on

building opera~ions. This is clearly an expense which should be

charged to the building fund and Governor Ross agreed to meet Dr. Crane

in Cheyenne at a~ early date for an interview with other state officials

in an effort t secure payment of this interest from the University

Building Improvement Fund.

The rl'ig feeding experiment and the ammonium alum experin~nt

as recommended by the AgriCUltural Committee were approved by the Board.

The Board approved the appointment of Miss Evangeline Jennings

of Caldwell, Ilaho, for the position of Home Demonstration Agent for Sheridan Count I for the year beginning July 1, 1924, at a salary of $20OC.

Upon motion of Mr. C~ddes Mr. Fuller was authorizea to pur-

chase the la~d knovln as the A. J. Weaver tract lying across the road

just east of tie present campus. A cash payment is preferred by the

Board and Mr. Fuller was instructed to endeavor to close negotiations

on this basis. This motion wa.~ seconded by Mr. Quealy and carried.

Mr. Fuller was authorized to purchase the remaining four lots

adjoining the fortheast corner of the c~s at a price of $7125.

Mr. ruller recommended that a fire proof vault be constructed in the space 1, University Hall just north of the Fiscal Agent1s offics) the door Openijg into the north wall of the University main office.

The recommenda ion was approved. This approval carries with it the

preparation of plans and specifications by Architect Hitchcock sugject

to the approva of President Crane. 'Power \Vas granted to the Executive

Committee to 1 t the contract.

A m tion was made by Mx. HOlliday that the Board pay a bill

I II I: Record of Minu es .of Board of Trustees Meeting June 10 1924 Sheet No. 30

i3dl -for bee for bee supplies contracted by Mr. Corkins without the issuance of a su-FI~I i eS purchase orde1' The motion was seconded and carried.

At this point the Board adjourned to meet again at g:30 a. m.

Wednesday. * * Wednesday, June 11 * * It was mOred by Mr. Quealy tbat the contract between ~tr. J. A. J, A, Johnson. I Johnson and tbr University for the construction of the library bUilding

be changed so Fbat 95% instead of 85% will be the amount to be paid Mr.

Johnson wben the building is fully completed, subject to the consent of

the bonding co~any. The Executive Committee was granted power to make

this payment. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Haggard and carried.

The apPointment of Miss Margaret l,lurphy of Sheridan as bookkeeper

in the secretarYIS office was approved. Miss ~rphy is to re.ceive a

salary of $100 per month effective June 12.

The following academic degrees and diplomas recommended by

President crani and the faculty are hereby granted by the Board of Trustees .J)eo"'''J::ees THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS ()

Master of Arts Walter F. Woods, Jr.

Bachelor of Arts Wi th Honor Zoe Condit Maybelle Lee E. Crete Wood

Bachelor of Arts Sue Warren An arson Samuel Halley Annalee Bloom~r Ilary Josephine Irby Laurabelle BO~bme Goorge Arthur Layman A. I'rillard Br6kaw Home r C. Man.., LaMont A. Collom Greta Neubauer Ralph E. Conw~ll Helen M. Post Rose E. Crawford Dan E. Reas Leona Gage Eva Mae Smith Lydia Tanner I ' Record of Minufes of Board of Tro,stees Meeting June 10 1924 Sheet No. 31


If TID; DIVISION OF COI,1I<1ERCE Bachelor of Commercial Sciences Robert W. Jobnson Harold Scott 'QuiCk J. Irl Pritchard

THE DIV ISION OF MOSIC Bachelor of Music Eugenia Lee Ger.trode Catheruie McKay Supervisor's Diploma Ruth May Hauner

THE COLTEGE OF AGRICULTURE'ter of Science Walter B. Koehler

Bachelor of Science Ve lma p. Beaumont 'Arthur Lester King Floribel Kroeger RoweI?2- C. Basb, ouCk Florence Ki sor Ida-Florence Ward


Bachelor of Science - With Honor Paul Francis r vine Sergei N. Grimm

Bachelor.of Science Arnold Carlson Kiyoj i Tanabe


Bachelor of Arts Adrienne HanmoM Thoma. Joseph Kelly George Edward Pendray Edna Margaret I"bnson Isabel Elizabeth Scofield


France sM. Avent Isabe11 Huling Mary" Margare t Mahoney Neva Juanita Crain Clara Kenly Laura -C· Powell Ruth !~. Ge.,.naway Estelle Kinney Gertrude Ruch Catherine Gillies Corrinne Kinnamon Carolyn Welborn


Dorothy Bell


Bachelor of Laws George Arthur 'fayman Marion K. QuiCk Robert Montell Warner

The I resent officers of the Board, namely Mr. Prosser _ El..etTon of offic.e::rs President, Mr. ~lliott - Vice President, Ur. Geddes - Treasurer~ Mr. Record of Minu~es of Board of Trustees Meeting June 10 1924 Sheet No. 3:;1- ,

.Heathman - Deruty Treasurer, I~. Smith - Secretary, Mr. Fuller - Fiscal

Agent, were n minated for reelection. Upon the motion of I~. Holliday,

seconded by Mr. Quealy, the Secretary was instructed to cast a un- animous ballotI for the election of these officers for the coming year.

The BoT then adj~d S~i~.

~~. Smith Secretary
