THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE lCOLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA. Published under the Authority of' His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya. [Irol. XXV1.-No. 9641 NAIROBI, September 3, 1924. [PRICE50 CENTS] Re~gisteredas a Newspaper at the G. P. 0. Published every Wednesday. -- -, TABLE OF CONTENTS. Govt. Kotice No. 283-Arrivals, Departures and Appointments, etc. ... ... ... 770 ,:I ,) ,, 284-A Bill Intituled An Ordinance to Suppiy a further Sum of Money for the Service of the Period frorn January lst, 1925 to 31st December, 1925 ... ... ... ... ... 771 ... 9:) 9, ,, 285-Cession of Jubaland-Text of Convention .. ... 772 ,:' J, ,, 286-TvIasters and Servants (Amendment) Ordinance, 1924.-Notice of Disallowance ... ... ... ... ... ... 776 JI ,, ,, ' 287-The Justices of the Peace Ordinance, 1910-Appointment ... 776 Gen. :Xotices Nos. 645-670-Miscellaneous Notices ... ... ... ... .. .776-'783 770 TllE OFFIOIAL GA ZETTE September 3, 1924. GOVERNMENI' No'rlcz N (). 288. APPOINTM ENTS. S. 18816/2004. S. 1470- EswAnp Joslpl.l O'FARRZLL, to be Acting Registra.r of tzhe Pr<lrslla RowruANo FILLZTJ'L, to be Resident Commissioner, Supreme Court, wifh effect f rom the 16th August, 1924. Nyeri, Kikuyu Province, with effect f rom the 50th Augusts 1924. ' S. 22. Jonw AugtTsTrs GII-BERT ELLloTr, to be Itesident Commis- M AGISTERIAL W ARRANT. sioner, Rumuruti, with offect f rom the 16th June, 1924. ERNEST DotzgraAs EMLE'V to be a M agistrate of the Second Class, with power to , hold a Subordinate Court of the S. 21502. Second Cl!,:s in tlw Kitui Distriet Ukamba Province, whilst holdlug his present appointment, as Assistant District TuoMAs ROBERT J'OSEPI.I RIIIGR-AX, to be an Assistant Superin- Commissioner, Kitui. tendenb of Police, with effect from the 51st December, 1923. J. E . S. M EEIU OK for tlolcsïtzl Secreiaru. TCLgdï ldg F8ôTETTT8ITE OF 4Eh?l, .G0'v Ic ItxalEx'r N1f o'rlc E N o . 28 4 . l'Eis Excellency the Governor has approvet.l of the follovy-iëlg Session of the Legislative Council. E . J . JVA J JDINGTON , (/lerlc to J/zg Legbolati'vö Uoztz/zcï/. A. B il) fntituled A n O rdinance to Supply a further Sum of M oney for the Service of the P eriod from Janu ary 1st, 1.925 to 81st D ecem ber, 1925. 1. This Ordinanco m ay be ttited as ' 'T'. he Supplem entary skort Title. Appropriation (Railwaac) Ordmanee, 1924. ' ' 2. T'he publie revenue for 1he above period and. other funds Publio of the Colorzy and. P'rotectorate of Kenya are laereby ehargetl revezme towards th e serviee of the period of twelve m onths ending thê Ob&l'R'efl. thirty-first day of Decem ber, cme tllousatkcl nine huntlrecl and. twenty-flve, wit'h a. further sum of two million six hundred ancl eighty-follr thousand three hundred and ninety-jix pounds in addition to the sum s providecl by the Appropriaflon Orclinance, 1924. 8. Tlle m oney granted by this Ordinance shall be applied Application to the purposes and serviees expressed in the Schedule annexed Of money hereto granted. 4. T'he Treasurer ol the Colony ancl Protectorate of Kenya Treasurer's is hereby authorised and required, from tim e to time, upon warrant aoihority fo1 or order o f i h e G o'kv ernor . to pay out of the revenue and other PZYOORL' ftlnds of tlae Oolony and Protectorate, for the several services specifled ill the Sehedule, the saicl sum of two m illion six hundred ttntl eiglaty-f our ihousancl ihree huncll'ed and ninety-six pounds which will com e in course of paym ent during 1he periocl of twelve m onths ending on fhe lhirf y-first clay of D ecembez:. one thougand nine hundred antl twenty-flve. SCH EDULE. H eads o.f E'zpczhdïfzlrt?. x4zmrtn'?z'?zfy. Railway and M arine Revenue Serviees 1,803,896 Railway and M arine Renewals, B etterm ent and Insurg.nee Fund Serviees . .. 880,500 Total 2,684,356 GovssxxEx'r Norlcs N o. 285. CE SSTON OF JUBAL AN D . A telegram has been received from the Secretary of State to the elect that a Convention regarding the Cessiqn of Jubaland was signed on 15th July, 1924, by Represeutatives of His M ajesty's Government and of the Government of H'fs Majesty the tfing of Ttaly. 2. The text of tllis Convention, which laas been ptzblished in Com m and Paper :194, is appended hereto for general inform atiotl. 5. E . S. M ERRTCK , Nairobi. for Colozzïcl Secïetary. 28à/1 vsugîgst, 192.1 . ARTICLlz 1. H is Britannic A'fajesty, in lais 'own name, and on hîs own behalf , a.nd, by virtue of his protectorate over Zanzibar in the name a'nd on behalf of lqis Highness tlae Spltan of Zanzibar, so far as the latter Ilnay be concerned., transfers to His A'Iajesty the King of ltaly a.ll sovereign riglqts and. title over that portio'n of Afl-ican territory lying between tlne preseut Ttalian colony of Southern Som alfland and a new boundary lin.e to be deterlzninèd a,s follows : From the eonfluence of the rivers G anale and Daua, along the course of the D aua up-stream to the southern point of the sm all southerly bencl of tlae latter river in the vicinity of M alka Ré ; thence in a south-westerly direction in a straight line to the centre of the pool of Dum asa ; tbence in a south-westerly direction in a straiglzt lizze towards Eilla K alla (wlaich rem ains in British territory) to such meridian east of Greenwich as shall leave in Ttalian territory tlle well of E1 Beru ; thence along tlae sam e m eridian southwards until it reaches the botm dary pbetween the provinces of Jubaland arld Tanaland ; thence along that provincial bouzldary to a point due north of the point on the coast tlue west of the southernm ost of the four islets in the immediate vicinity of Ras Kiannbone (Dick's Head) ; thenee due southwards to such point on the coast. Ras Kiam bone (Dick's H ead.) and the four islets above m entioned shall fall within the territory to be transferred to ltaly. ' ln tlle event, however, of it being found by the Cem m ission z'eferred to in Article 12 that the well of El Beru does not contain water either suflicient or suitable for the m aintenance a.t that point of an Ttalian frontier post, then the line, as between E l Beru and Eilla K alla, shall be so drawn by the Cchmm ission as to include in Ttalian territory the neighbouring well of E1 Sham a. x RTICtaE 12 . The above boundary is shown on the attaclaed m ap ,* and all reference in the above description of the boundary are to this map. In the event of differences between the text and the m ap, the text will prevail. * Not reproduced. $ Q x.j.RTlcr=E 3. The ltalian Governm ent agree to the cancellation of the Treaty of Cem m erce between ltaly and Zanzibar of the 231-d M ay , 1885. ' L' Tn accordance with the provisions of the Copvention of Saint-Germ ain-en-Laye of the 10th Septem ber, 1919, ltalian subjects in the protectorate of Zanzibar shall enjoy the same rights and privileges and receive the treatnnent British subjects. xiRTICLsl 4. The ltalian Governm ent shall indem nify the Governm ent of H is Highness the Sultan of Zanzibar for atay loss of net revenue arising out of the present transfer of territory, and sha'lt pay to the latter, as a.n irtclem nity whieh shall in no v'ise represent a tribute iznplying any survival of sovereignty, the annual sum of Y1,()00, representing the proportionate Bhare of t' he annuity which has laitherto been paicl by tlae British G overnm eht to the G ovexnm ent of Zamzibay. The Ttalian G overnm ent shall be entitled at any tim e to elfect the discharge '()f any obligation undertaken under the . preceding paqragraph by m eans of the paym ent of a lurop sum of :25,000 to the Governm ent of H is Tlighness the Sultan of Zanzibar. * ARTICLE 5. The Italian Governm ent undertakes that, if it shall a,t any time desire to abandon al1 or any part of the territory transferrefl .t0 it as above, it shall offer the sam e to the British Governm ent upon such terms as may be just. In the event of any differences between the two G overzl- m ents as to the term s of transfer, the question shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with such procedure as tlae Council of the League of Naptions m ay prescribe. ARTICLE 6. British subjects, other than tlaose persons who have become British subjects by the annexa.tion of the colony of Kenya, ordinarily residerlt at the date of the coming into force taf the present convention in the territory transferred under article 1, shall, unless within six m onths of the cozoing iiato iorce of the present convention they opt for Ttalian zlatiolaality, l'etain their British nationality without being called upon to withdraw from the said territory or to part with theîr property. ln the event of their not opting for ltalian nationality alad of their desiring to withdraw from the -tlansferred territery , they shall be at liberty to do so within twelve m onths îrenj tlae com ing into force of the present convention. British-protected p ersons and British stlbjects who l'lave becolzle such by the annexation of the Colon.y of l(e nytt , ordinarily resident in the transferred territory, will aeq tlire ltalian natianality and eease to be British-proteeted perkfm s ltnd British subjects respectively.
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