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Stirs Marimrough Oaeandmus iNET PRESS RUN “I THE WEATHER. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Cloudy tonight. Probably show­ OP THE EVENING HERALD ers Tuesday. Little change in tem­ for the month of May, 1920. perature. 4,915 anthpBter lEufUing feraUi ____________________________ ______________________________________________ „ ----------------------------------------------- ------ --------------------- Cotaa- (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE VOL. XLIV., NO. 223. Classified Adrertising on Page 8 Will Fly to Paris CHARCOAL PIT I Best Speller in U. S. OAEAN DM U S Sen. Warren, Dean of Congress, I TOBACCO BILL EXPEa SUNKEN RESUME PAPER Begins Eighty-third Year Today OF NATION NOW $.51 TO COME TO ‘TRAGEDY’ STIRS I Washington, June 21. — Thcj.common sense, a willingness to Ira- dean of congress in age and ser­ prove himself every day and a de­ IS SURFACETODAY MARIMROUGH M A W SOON vice, Sen. Francis E. Warren, Re­ sire to serve his nation first, his <» ■■ publican of W'yoming, today enter­ constitutents second, to the best of ed his eighty-third year, cne of the his ability.” oldest men ever to serve in the na­ While in the Senate, W'arren has More Money Goes to Lady This Evening or Tomorrow American Writing Paper tional legislature. seen eight men elected to the presi­ Little Town “ Agog” Over With a record of ne.arly 34 y.'irs dency. They were Presidents Harri­ in tue Senate, W.a;re i lias succeed­ son, Cleveland, McKinley, Roose­ Nicotine Than Ever Was Morning Set for Final Most Excitement in Years Company Reorganizes; ed to the post formerly held by velt, Taft, Wilson, Harding and •'Uncle Joe” Cannon. His advice to Coolidge. Aside from his deanship, Effort to Bring Up the May Dispose of Plant; office holders, based on his ex­ Warren also holds two more unique Spent for Booze; 88 F as Hunt for “Burned” periences covering three decades ot honors— he Is the only Medal-of- American political life, is this: I honor man in Congress and its only lion Cigarettes in Year. Tomh of 24 Men. Man Goes On. 4 Ready in 24 Hours. "The public servant must have ' union army veteran. ______ I I Washington. June 21.—The New London, June 21.—With A reorganization of the Amerl- j state police and others yester­ ESTATES SEIZURE United States spends by far more 24 bodies of the crew believed to can Writing Paper Company com-1 COP BEATERS LOSE day tore down a charcoal pit be­ for tobacco than it ever did for li be within the hull, the navy will pleted at tlie firm’s main offices in j longing to TA’iHiam Cassella that quor. attempt late today or tomorrow stood just over the town line from Holyoke. Mass., Saturday means j IN TROLLEY RACE FAILS IN GERMANY More money is annually burned morning to raise the sunken sub­ that the braneli of tliat company ; Marlborough in Gilead, in a vain i Pauline Bell, 13, of Clarkson, Ky., up in sacrifice to My Lady Nicotine Lieutenant A. P. Snody, Rear Ad­ marine S-51 from the ocean grave where It has rested since seven search for the i-euiains of Howard | defeated 2 5 boys and girls from all located in Oakland will soon be in i in this country than all the rest of miral Moffet’s aide, has just been ■\Vilcox of Marlborough, presumed operation. The Herald learned j the -world combined. months ago when it was rammed to have been burned to death, try­ over the United States to win the Vote Is 27 to 1 in Favor But Americans this year will con­ picked to accompany Captain Rene and sunk by the steamer City of 1925 spelling championship at authoritively today that either of I New Britain Youths, Flee in Fonck of P’rance on the attempt to Rome, fourteen miles east of Block ing to extinguish the pit fire which two plans ill regard to the Oakland j sume probably $1,500,000 worth of had gotten beyond his control. Washington, D. C. tobacco, on the basis of May tax fly from America to Paris. Island. Only three ot the crew of They found bones, which the state mill will be followed by the Ameri- ! Electric Car, Police Fol­ Too Few Go to Polls to collections of the Bureau of Inter­ 37 were saved. Nine bodies have police took away with them for can Writing Paper Company. 1 nal revenue, made public today, in­ so far been recovered. expert examination and determina­ ' The mill will be operated as a dicating that smoking is increasing After two months of labor 130 I branch of the writing paper firm in tion of the question whether they low in Another. Validate It. rapidly. feet beneath the sea on the ill- were those of a human being. KEPT MUM ABOUT ' the very near future, or the local 88 Billion Cifiarettes. 200 ,0 0 0 AT MASS fated submarine, twenty divers Cassella visited the charcoal j plant will be sold, in either case it Treasury figures showed that the and a fleet of salvage vessels were plant Saturday night, but could 1 is practically assured that opera- prepared today fOr their supreme Plainville. June 21.— Four New Berlin. June 21.— Although the country will consume approximate- find no trace of Wilcox who had ; tioiis will be started at tlie mill effort. A “ towing bridle’’ was at­ GIFT OF $12 5,0 00 movement for dispossession of /the 'ly 22,600,000,000 cigarettes. 6,- OPENING CONGRESS been left in charge and who had j soon. Britain youths will be tried before 087.000,000 cigars, 378,843,000 tached to the stern of the vessel, no helper except Wilcox’s coat, ■ Friction AVithin Finn a justice of the peace here this ev­ former German royalty has been pounds of smoking and chewing to­ the last step prepartory to the at­ hanging on a limb near the pit. j I The Oakland mill has been shut ening on a variety of charges. In­ defeated, the German press today bacco, and 33,700,000 pounds of tempted resurrection of the sub­ There was evidence that the pit j • down for nearly two years. A tax cluding resisting arrest and escap­ regards the result as “ a victory! snuff, marine. tender had been fighting an overj Vare Backer Didn't Mention i matter caused friction within the ing from an ofLcer. They were Eucharistic Festival Gets ■\Veathcp Favors ' that is but little better than de­ Tobacco taxes for the year end­ hot fire. i I firm and nearly all tlie activities taken on the western outskirts for ing June 30 were estimated at Weather conditions were report­ Police Called In Own Contribution When were stopped. Tliis past week the a motor law violation last night by feat.” $366,277,000. a gain of $21,000,- Under Way— Message of ed favorable although a sudden Casella. fearing that his cm- ' ‘ tax niatier was adjusted and the State Policeman Miller and ord­ Many newspapers declare that 000 over last > ear. Cigarettes alone advent of a choppy sea will cause ployee had fallen a victim ' , linn reorganized. ered to the village. Instead of tlie great vote cast for disposses­ contributed $229,364,000 to the postponement of the project. to his own efforts called j on Witness Stand. j The local mill is one of the best obeying they abandoned their au­ sion is “ an ominous victory” for public treasury in the eleven the Pope Is Read. When the signal is given the in Constable Roy Pettingale o f! I in the American Writing Paper tomobile, beat up the policeman Bolshevism in Germany. months ending June 1, represent­ eight pontoons hugging the sides Marlborough and Pettingale sum-1 : Company’s string through New and boarded a passing trolley car. The proposal to seize the estates ing a gain of $26,000,000 over the of the submarine will be pumped moned the state police. Then the ' England. It is in excellent condi­ Caught Near New Britain of the former princes was defeated, same period last year. full of air. The vessel is then ex­ search was begun in earnest, and Washington. June 21.— Probing 1 tion and the machinery is in the Miller rounded up some local not by the vote cast against it but Judging from the production fig­ Chicago, June 21.—With a gi­ pected to rise toward the surface. eventually the big earth covered the campaign funds of Representa- | be.-^t of shape. A former executive constables and commandeered by abstention. The plebiscite, in ures, every man, woman and child gantic open-air mass, attended by Owing, however, to her battered pit was completely demolished, to tive William S. Vare, victor in j of the local mill told the Herald another trolley car, which gave order to be effective, had to have in the country would smoke over more than 200,000 persons, includ­ condition and the corrosion of the sea. the exact reaction to this en­ the effect of ruining a lot of char­ Pennsylvania's recent senatorial j today tliat the plant could resume chase, capturing the party on the ballots cast by a majority of the 700 cigarettes this year. At the ing twelve cardinals and hundreds coal and putting Cassella badly out the manufacture of paper within 24 outskirts of New Britain. qualified voters. package-a-day rate, however, the gineering feat cannot be forecast of pocket. primary race, the Senate “ slush of other distinguished Catholic even hy naval experts. Some pre­ hours. The youths gave their names as 27 to 1 For Se4zurc.
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