iNET PRESS RUN “I THE WEATHER. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Cloudy tonight. Probably show­ OP THE EVENING HERALD ers Tuesday. Little change in tem­ for the month of May, 1920. perature. 4,915 anthpBter lEufUing feraUi ______„ ------Cotaa- (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE VOL. XLIV., NO. 223. Classified Adrertising on Page 8 Will Fly to Paris CHARCOAL PIT I Best Speller in U. S. OAEAN DM U S Sen. Warren, Dean of Congress, I TOBACCO BILL EXPEa SUNKEN RESUME PAPER Begins Eighty-third Year Today OF NATION NOW $.51 TO COME TO ‘TRAGEDY’ STIRS I Washington, June 21. — Thcj.common sense, a willingness to Ira- dean of congress in age and ser­ prove himself every day and a de­ IS SURFACETODAY MARIMROUGH M A W SOON vice, Sen. Francis E. Warren, Re­ sire to serve his nation first, his <» ■■ publican of W'yoming, today enter­ constitutents second, to the best of ed his eighty-third year, cne of the his ability.” oldest men ever to serve in the na­ While in the Senate, W'arren has More Money Goes to Lady This Evening or Tomorrow American Writing Paper tional legislature. seen eight men elected to the presi­ Little Town “ Agog” Over With a record of ne.arly 34 y.'irs dency. They were Presidents Harri­ in tue Senate, W.a;re i lias succeed­ son, Cleveland, McKinley, Roose­ Nicotine Than Ever Was Morning Set for Final Most Excitement in Years Company Reorganizes; ed to the post formerly held by velt, Taft, Wilson, Harding and •'Uncle Joe” Cannon. His advice to Coolidge. Aside from his deanship, Effort to Bring Up the May Dispose of Plant; office holders, based on his ex­ Warren also holds two more unique Spent for Booze; 88 F as Hunt for “Burned” periences covering three decades ot honors— he Is the only Medal-of- American political life, is this: I honor man in Congress and its only lion Cigarettes in Year. Tomh of 24 Men. Man Goes On. 4 Ready in 24 Hours. "The public servant must have ' union army veteran. ______I I Washington. June 21.—The New London, June 21.—With A reorganization of the Amerl- j state police and others yester­ ESTATES SEIZURE spends by far more 24 bodies of the crew believed to can Writing Paper Company com-1 COP BEATERS LOSE day tore down a charcoal pit be­ for tobacco than it ever did for li be within the hull, the navy will pleted at tlie firm’s main offices in j longing to TA’iHiam Cassella that quor. attempt late today or tomorrow stood just over the town line from Holyoke. Mass., Saturday means j IN TROLLEY RACE FAILS IN GERMANY More money is annually burned morning to raise the sunken sub­ that the braneli of tliat company ; Marlborough in Gilead, in a vain i Pauline Bell, 13, of Clarkson, Ky., up in sacrifice to My Lady Nicotine Lieutenant A. P. Snody, Rear Ad­ marine S-51 from the ocean grave where It has rested since seven search for the i-euiains of Howard | defeated 2 5 boys and girls from all located in Oakland will soon be in i in this country than all the rest of miral Moffet’s aide, has just been ■\Vilcox of Marlborough, presumed operation. The Herald learned j the -world combined. months ago when it was rammed to have been burned to death, try­ over the United States to win the Vote Is 27 to 1 in Favor But Americans this year will con­ picked to accompany Captain Rene and sunk by the steamer City of 1925 spelling championship at authoritively today that either of I New Britain Youths, Flee in Fonck of P’rance on the attempt to Rome, fourteen miles east of Block ing to extinguish the pit fire which two plans ill regard to the Oakland j sume probably $1,500,000 worth of had gotten beyond his control. Washington, D. C. tobacco, on the basis of May tax fly from America to Paris. Island. Only three ot the crew of They found bones, which the state mill will be followed by the Ameri- ! Electric Car, Police Fol­ Too Few Go to Polls to collections of the Bureau of Inter­ 37 were saved. Nine bodies have police took away with them for can Writing Paper Company. 1 nal revenue, made public today, in­ so far been recovered. expert examination and determina­ ' The mill will be operated as a dicating that smoking is increasing After two months of labor 130 I branch of the writing paper firm in tion of the question whether they low in Another. Validate It. rapidly. feet beneath the sea on the ill- were those of a human being. KEPT MUM ABOUT ' the very near future, or the local 88 Billion Cifiarettes. 200 ,0 0 0 AT MASS fated submarine, twenty divers Cassella visited the charcoal j plant will be sold, in either case it Treasury figures showed that the and a fleet of salvage vessels were plant Saturday night, but could 1 is practically assured that opera- prepared today fOr their supreme Plainville. June 21.— Four New Berlin. June 21.— Although the country will consume approximate- find no trace of Wilcox who had ; tioiis will be started at tlie mill effort. A “ towing bridle’’ was at­ GIFT OF $12 5,0 00 movement for dispossession of /the 'ly 22,600,000,000 cigarettes. 6,- OPENING CONGRESS been left in charge and who had j soon. Britain youths will be tried before 087.000,000 cigars, 378,843,000 tached to the stern of the vessel, no helper except Wilcox’s coat, ■ Friction AVithin Finn a justice of the peace here this ev­ former German royalty has been pounds of smoking and chewing to­ the last step prepartory to the at­ hanging on a limb near the pit. j I The Oakland mill has been shut ening on a variety of charges. In­ defeated, the German press today bacco, and 33,700,000 pounds of tempted resurrection of the sub­ There was evidence that the pit j • down for nearly two years. A tax cluding resisting arrest and escap­ regards the result as “ a victory! snuff, marine. tender had been fighting an overj Vare Backer Didn't Mention i matter caused friction within the ing from an ofLcer. They were Eucharistic Festival Gets ■\Veathcp Favors ' that is but little better than de­ Tobacco taxes for the year end­ hot fire. i I firm and nearly all tlie activities taken on the western outskirts for ing June 30 were estimated at Weather conditions were report­ Police Called In Own Contribution When were stopped. Tliis past week the a motor law violation last night by feat.” $366,277,000. a gain of $21,000,- Under Way— Message of ed favorable although a sudden Casella. fearing that his cm- ' ‘ tax niatier was adjusted and the State Policeman Miller and ord­ Many newspapers declare that 000 over last > ear. Cigarettes alone advent of a choppy sea will cause ployee had fallen a victim ' , linn reorganized. ered to the village. Instead of tlie great vote cast for disposses­ contributed $229,364,000 to the postponement of the project. to his own efforts called j on Witness Stand. j The local mill is one of the best obeying they abandoned their au­ sion is “ an ominous victory” for public treasury in the eleven the Pope Is Read. When the signal is given the in Constable Roy Pettingale o f! I in the American Writing Paper tomobile, beat up the policeman Bolshevism in Germany. months ending June 1, represent­ eight pontoons hugging the sides Marlborough and Pettingale sum-1 : Company’s string through New and boarded a passing trolley car. The proposal to seize the estates ing a gain of $26,000,000 over the of the submarine will be pumped moned the state police. Then the ' England. It is in excellent condi­ Caught Near New Britain of the former princes was defeated, same period last year. full of air. The vessel is then ex­ search was begun in earnest, and Washington. June 21.— Probing 1 tion and the machinery is in the Miller rounded up some local not by the vote cast against it but Judging from the production fig­ Chicago, June 21.—With a gi­ pected to rise toward the surface. eventually the big earth covered the campaign funds of Representa- | be.-^t of shape. A former executive constables and commandeered by abstention. The plebiscite, in ures, every man, woman and child gantic open-air mass, attended by Owing, however, to her battered pit was completely demolished, to tive William S. Vare, victor in j of the local mill told the Herald another trolley car, which gave order to be effective, had to have in the country would smoke over more than 200,000 persons, includ­ condition and the corrosion of the sea. the exact reaction to this en­ the effect of ruining a lot of char­ Pennsylvania's recent senatorial j today tliat the plant could resume chase, capturing the party on the ballots cast by a majority of the 700 cigarettes this year. At the ing twelve cardinals and hundreds coal and putting Cassella badly out the manufacture of paper within 24 outskirts of New Britain. qualified voters. package-a-day rate, however, the gineering feat cannot be forecast of pocket. primary race, the Senate “ slush of other distinguished Catholic even hy naval experts. Some pre­ hours. The youths gave their names as 27 to 1 For Se4zurc. real cigarette smoker consumes It has been discovered that Wil- 1 fund” committee today delved in-! John Baragli, owner of the auto Only 15,431,000 votes were cast, about 7.300 fags a year. church dignitaries, the second dict she will bob to the surface cox is very much alive and probably | to the $125,000 contribution ot involved; Thomas Dunber, Joseph less than half of the qualified vot­ 10 Billion Incieasr. day’s program of the Eucharistic like a cork within a few minutes. aware of the fact that his remains Albert M. Greenfield, Philadelphia ; Ray and George Farley. ers. The plebiscite therefore be­ Cigarette consumption this year congress was launchud today. Others consider the possibility of were being sought in the pit. The | the vessel buckling from the sud­ millionaire and Vare “ angel.” | came immediately invalid but of the will be about 10,000,000,000 great­ John Cardinal Bonzano, papal hones perhaps were the remains of votes cast 14.889,703 were in fa- den strain. Greenfield, recalled to the stand | SIX CASES CROWD er than in 1925. Use of smoking legate, and eleven other cardinals, his lunch. PRESSER, LATELY NEAR ■vor of dispossession, 27 times as Last Touches was sharply criticized for failing > tobacco will increase, but that ot attended the mass. Lost Control j many as those cast in opposition, cigars will decline on the basis of Final adjustment of the bow to tell the committee about the ; Addresses were made by Cardi­ and stern pontoons and the towing It appears that the fire got away and this is the fact which has wor­ present figures. No great increase nals Von Fulliaber of Germany and from Wilcox Wednesday evening. gift when he testified on June 9. j TOWN COURT TODAY FREEDOM, PACES COURT bridle on the S-51 will put into mo­ Senator Reed, chairman. de- | ried many of the newspapers, who in cigar smoking is anticipated un­ Dubois of France, Archbishop Dan­ Rather than face the humiliation tion the actual operation of rais­ manded that Greenfield explain , indicate it as showing a strong til women take over this last exe­ iel Mannix of Melbourne and David of explaining his failure to Mr. trend toward Socialism and Com­ ing the craft, Lieut. Com. Ed"^ard why he previously told the com- | cutive male practice. I. Walsh, former United States Cassella, Wilcox after working the j Crook Whose Parole Was Block- Ellsberg. in charge of operations, mittee he had "no connection” j munism. The record collection of liquor Senator from Massaenusetts. by Gov. smith, Goes on “ It is a victory little better than said today. entire night in a fruitless attempt ! with the Vare campaign other than j Assault Case and 1 taxes took place in 1919. when the A day of solemn service and pa­ to control the blaze, left the char- | Trial for Escape. defeat,” said the Lokal Anzeiger. gox’ernment obtained $483,050,000 A message sent to tlje naval de- I to “ raise a few collections.’’ Green- geantry, with more than 1,000,000 parlment at Washington said: coal pit at daybreak. He remained | “The attack has been repulsed but from this source. Based on gains ! field earlier said that he had \ persons attendipg masses in Chi­ T.alce George. N. Y., June 21.— ■with heavy losses. Bolshevism has “ Weather promising. Dove off, in seclusion in the woods for two i raised “ only about $50,000.” j Speeders Keep Police­ of the last few years— principally cago's more than '300 Catholic Brought here from Sing Sing hand­ made serious inroads into the attributed to the tremendous use scoured and buoyed out stern lov­ days and two nights. Later he went j No Discrepancy | churches, inaugurated the congress ing bridle. Worked on adjust­ cuffed to a guard. Izzy Presser. no­ ranks of the bourgeoisie.” of cigarettes by women— the liquor to the home of a friend of his, |j “ There is no discrepancy in my | Sunday. ments of bow pair of pontoons. Christopher Ryan in Marlborough. 1 men Busy. torious crook, was scheduled to go The Democratic press is more peak will be surpassed within a Beneath the great arches of the ! testimony,” said Greenfield. “ I ■ on trial in the Warren County The ascent will be made, it was Solved! ] only answered questions. You nToderate in tone, but declares tiiat comparatively short iime. Cathedral ot the Holy Name, heav­ court today on a. charge of having the. vote v\'i!I effectively pave the said, as soon as the bow and stern A Herald reporter dispatched to | didn’t ask me whether I contrib­ 2.‘> .Million From Rum. ily draped in wheat, symbolical of pontoons are adjusted and lashed. the scene today found Wilcox at i I Raphael I.aiizano of 170 Bissell escaped from a Great Afeadow pris­ way for a just settlement of the Liquor taxes will add about the bread, the first day of the uted or how much I contributed." 1 on i-oad camp at Bolton Landing Operations today were largely the home of his friend at 1:30 this Wayne B. Wheeler, general street was before the court this claims of royalti'. $25,000,000 to the federal meeting took place. nearly five years ago. Dnibbiiig For Princes. treasurv this year, while collec­ confined to the testing ot twenty afternoon. His discovery turned tlie counsel of the anti-saloon league, |I morning on the charge ot keeping Official Oi>ening. air lines which carry compressed tragedy into a comedy for Marl­ A littio more than a month ago Vorwaerts, tlie Socialist organ, tions of fines and other receipts un­ Officially opening the congress, was excused for the day, it was i liquor with intent to sell and the Presser was within a few days of asserts the vote was a moral drub­ air to the pontoons. borough folks. It had been the learned, so the committee could ex- der the, proiiibition law x\ ill be Cardinal Bonzano delivering the Commander Ellsberg and Cap­ actual sale. Yesterday morning. being released from Sing Sing on bing for the princes. This paper about $4 00,000, a heavy decline cause of excitement in that town pniine the Pennsylvania witnesses. Pope's message, sounded a plea for parole when the order was revok-1 .secs in the result a decisive swing tain E. S. King, commandant of and as time went on more and more Greenfield said he was a mem­ Chief ot Police Sami’ol G. Gordon from 1925. unity, putting forward the hand of the Submarine Base, supervised and Sergeant William Barron paid cd by Gov. Smith. i Althou.uh separate figures are of the residents became interested ber of the Vare business men's to the left. This newspaper also universal brotherhood to all pjo- the Lanzano place an unexpected Presser declared he had not] not maintained for smoking and the operations. in the mystery. committee. All the money he charges tliat terrorization and ples. which he grouped as “ our visit. They caught the man red- taken "Ercncli leave” from the cliewing tobacco, the cheving hab­ raised, he added, was paid to the threatened boycotts K'ept thousands separated brethren.” handed in a sale and brought jirison camp but Itad been kidnap­ away from the polls who desired to it, according to the auUioritics. is The papal legate read a special regular Vare treasurer. away from the premises a large ped. Tlie 'Warren County grand on tlie decline, excciiting among BYRD MAY BE HEAD “ Eight years ago you were vote for dispossession. message from the Pope in which NEW ENGLAND COAL quantity of home-made beer, wine jury indicted him for escaping Chancellor Marx loday called In­ men whose business prevents the reigning Pontiff said: l)roke. weren't you? " asked Reed. from jail but the indictment was smoking during a greater part of “ 1 would say I accumulated ^ and a quart bottle of whiskey. to conference the variotis party “ Other things also we would OF NAYY AERONAUTICS ] Lanzano. a.skcd for a continu- dismissed on recommendation of leaders and immediately began the . the day. Court attaches and legal have you in our words urge upon most of my wealth since 1913,” 1 ancp of ills ease until tomorrow James L. Long, state prison super­ and professional men are in this RATE HEARING ON answered Greenfield. consideration of a new compromise the charity of those who gather in I in order that he miglu secure coun- intendent. roval I class and are said to account for “ You know Mr. Mitten of the law for the return of the Chicago. ■\Ve mean the return to Pole Fiver Considered for Post sol. Because of tlie seriousness of Later, when Presser came up be­ I about half of the chewing tobacco Philadelphia Traction Co? Hid he I properties to their owneis. the Roman church of our separated of Assistant Secretary Under I. C. C. Begins Examination of I the offense Judge Johnson grant- fore the parole board, It was dis­ • sold. brethren which must be sought and or any of the officers make any covered that a penalty of 9 24 days Wilbur. Cheaper Fuel Problem for contributions to the Yare cam­ I ed his request. Lanzano has been furthered that ‘all may be one.’ We I before the court on two previous imposed for the escape had been the Northeast. paign?” GOV. TRUMBULL GETS mean that the work of the missions Washington. June 21. Lieut. j occasions charged with keeping li- remitted. Tlie Warren County is to be far more widely spread, Greenfield said he did not know grand jury then reindicted Presser Commander Richard E. Byrd, who Atlantic City. June 21.— More of any. I quor with intent to sell. in order that temple and altars to and it is on this indictment he goes WESLEYAN DEGREE} “ PEACHES” BROWNING made the first air trip over the than one hundred coal operators, Charges Illegality ■A.s.sault Case Christ, hidden under sacram'ental Oiizo Carlotta was before the bn trial today. North Pole, is being favorably con­ railroad officials and mine union The first charge ot illegality was veils, may be multiplied in lands sidered for appointment as assis­ representatives were In attendance court on the cliargn of assault on TO HAVE A CASTLE not yet subjected to His sweet yoke made today by Senator Reed. liis brother-in-law, Lonis Desi­ tant secretrry ot the navy in charge today at the Interstate Commerce His LL. D. Only Honor Con-1 and that new adorers of the Eu­ Reed said the finance committee mone. Mrs. Desimone was unable of aeronautics. It was learned here Commission’s hearing to examine of the Business Men's committee of SLAYER OF INDIAN ferred on Non-Graduate a t! charist may be added to those who to speak English and as she was a Million and a Half It Is to Cost; j today. railroad freight rates on bitumi­ Philadelphia had violated state Commencement. now adore.’’ The post was created in the re­ material witness, tlie case was con­ So Says Schoolgirl’s Realtor j Message to Non-Catholics. nous coal from Kentucky, West election laws hy accepting contribu­ tinued until tomorrow in order to GETS UFE SENTENCE cent legislation expanding the 1 Middletown, June 21. — Nine Cardinal Mundelein of Chicago, Virginia and Pennsylvania to the tions to the Yare campaign fund have an interpreter present. I Husband. i naval air service. Byrd, who Is on Kew England states. without making a return to the ------I honorary degrees and 103 degrees^ who welcomed Cardinal Bonzano Three motor vehicle violators j and his staff to Chicago, caught the the retired list, would be eligible, The Interstate Commerce Com­ secretary of the commonwealth. were liefore the court. Anthony 1 Burkhart. Nephew of W. K. lin courses were awarded during tlio I Now York. June 21.— “ Peaches” and his friends would regard the mission established temporary This charge came during exami- Hale. First of Osage Ring to 'course of Wesleyan j Hcciian Browning, the “ real life spirit of the Pope’s message, de­ De Tmeas of Oak street paid a fine | claring that the congress had a appointment as a partial recogni­ freight rates ranging from $1.10 to nation of Greenfield. ^ ninety-fourth annual commence-] Cinderella.” is going to have a ot $10 and costs fop speeding. He, Be Punished. the world out­ tion of his history-making polar $1.30 on bituminous products rout­ Greenfield explained that the was arrested yesterday afternoon I ment here today. Honorary degrees 1 castle at War.tagh Bay Park, Long | distinct to awarded were as follows: Master, side of the Catholic faith. flight. ed through Clearfield, Pa. Western finance committee, of which Chas. about 4:30 by Sergeant William j Pawhuska, Okla., June 21.— T..lfe Island. I Port6F H- Adsnis, of IVIhsss^ Pennsylvania operators objected on H. Tuft, president of the Metro­ Barron. De Ducas was driving . of Arts, Cornelius Reach Berrien, of | Her millionaire husband. Edward I chusetts also Iras been mentioned imprisonment was meted out today New York, and Franklin Thomas] (Contlnued on Page 2.) the ground ot discrimination. Re­ politan Trust Co., of Philadelphia, north on Main street at a speed of j to Ernest Burkhart, first of an al­ W. Browning, the “ Cinderella' for the post. cently, the temporary rates expired was chairman, was a subsidiary ot 3S to 40 miles an hour. leged ring of murderers of Osage Kurt, of Boston. man.” Is going to build it for her. and the New England states applied the General Vare-Beidleman cam­ Louis Breen of Center street Doctor of Divinity. Roy Bullard It will be sort of a sixteenth birth­ Indians. Chamberlain. Hanover, N. H., to the commission to have them paign committee, and all the money paid a fine of $10 and costs for Burkhart, nephew of William K. day gift for his bride. James Maxon Yard, Shanghai. Chi­ GIRL AIDS IN CAPTURE SMITH COLLEGE GIYES made permanent. was turned over to the general driving without a license. He was Hale, so-called “ King of the Osage Browning announced plans for Rail freight rates on bituminous committee. arrested by Officer R. H. Wirtalla. Hills,” changed a plea of not guilty na, and William Braham Tower. the $1,500,000 castle today. It will coal from the fields ot the three The finance committee came Speeding to guilty ten days ago after having New York; Doctor of Science, Hen­ be situated on a 300-acre estate, OF $24,000 SUSPECTS MRS. FISKE DEGREE states to Newport News. Va., and within the law, Reed said, and the Ralph E. Dalton ot Bridgeport stood trial for ten days In connec­ ry Sewall. of Denver; Doctor of containing a 2,100 feet canal lead­ thence by water to New England law was violated because the com­ pleaded guilty to speeding and tion with an alleged plot whereby Laws. Elmer Truesdell Memll, ing from Great South Bay right to will be Investigated also. mittee treasurer did not receive driving his car without a license, the Osages, America’s wealthiest Santa Barbara. Edwin Walter K^m- the door. The castle will have thir- Springfield Saleswoman’s Mem- Confers M. A. on Actress as the money collected. and a fine ,ot $15 and costs was Red Men, had mysteriously met merer, Princeton, N. J.. and John ty rooms. ory Leads to Arrest of Three First of Living American Harper Trumbull, governor of Con­ i SURPRISE PARTY FOR imposed on each count. He was death. Hale will be tried in Sep­ “ Peaches,” who married Brown-, ^qj. Robbery, Women of tbe Stage. MISS ALICE SIMONS arrested hy Officer R. H. Wirtalla tember. necticut. who is the one non-gradu­ ing a few months ago while she was ‘ ate of Wesleyan given an honorary on Adams street yesterday after­ Judge Jesse Wortqn pronounced attending High school, will be six­ New York, June 21.— Three men Northampton, Mass., June 21.— Miss Alice Simons of 606 Vernon AMHERST CONFERS LAW noon. The., officer testified that sentencce. degree today. teen Wednesday. were held by police here today in First of the living American street was surprised at her home Dalton was driving at- a speed of connection with a $24,000 safe rob­ actresses, who by her sensltivenessi Saturday evening by about seventy- 4 0 to 4 5 miles an Lour and when bery in the store of John F. Lynch, insight and literary ekill, has five of her friends and relatives, DEGREE ON MELLON stopped he found he was without 127 Bridge street, Springfield. through a long and honorable guests coming from Broad Brook, a license. Mass., three weeks ago. They gave career retained for our stage thA A Dode car • driven by Dan­ Countess, Sixteen Years Old, ONCE AGAIN BRIAND Wapplng, Addison and different sec- their names as'C. W. Warthy, 40, Interest of Intelligent- citizens at iel Malley of 827 Middle Turnpike lions of Manchester. The party Secretary of Treasury One of Weds Third Husband in Conn. cook, and Edward Turner, 21, home and inspired respect for It was arranged In honor ot her ap­ East, and a car driven by Mrs. Nine Honored by Massachu­ Joseph Haley who runs a store at IS AT FRENCH WHEEL chauffeur, bot’h colored, and Louis abroad.” proaching birthday. A merry eve­ New York, June 21.— Countess Adelalne Petrige, 16, is the Goldfarb, all of this city. That was the tribute paid to ning was spent by, the aid ot danc­ setts College. Bolton, came together Saturday night on the Bolton road near bride today of David Raymond Wheeler, 32, an official of a The sharp memory ot Pauline Mrs. Minnie Mader.n Fiske, by ing. games and music. Several ex­ Renews Attempts to Form Cab­ Huot, daughter of a Springfield, President William Allan Neilson of hibitions were given of the Charles­ Amherst, June 21.— Secretary of Bill Martin's place a few hundred mortgage company of this city. This Is the countess’ third mar­ the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon feet east ot the Manchester town inet When Herriot Quickly Mass., policeman aroused the Smith College today in conferring ton. A bountiful repast was pro­ riage. She and Wheeler were married, after a brief courtship. authorities’ suspicions that the upon the famous actress the honor­ vided by the ladles, and the men was among the nine men who re­ line. Malley was driving from Abandons tbe Job. ceived honorary degrees at the Bolton and struck the Haley car In Greenwich, Conn. trio was connected with the ro)(- ary degree of master of arts at the comWlned In giving Miss Simons a forty-eighth commencement exer­ beautiful hand-painted comb, brush 105th commencement exercises at which was on the right hand side Whirlwind romances have marked the career of the coun­ Paris, June 21.— M. Briand Is bery. Amherst college today. Secretary ot the road. It was turned over The day before the robbery oc­ cises. and mirror set. tess. She Is the daughter of the Hurwitz family of Paris bank­ meeting with new obstacles in his -Mellon received an LL.D. Other and strange to say none of the renewed efforts to form a cabinet. curred, Warthy entered the jewelry Others honored were Dame ers. In 1924, when fourteen, she was married to Arthur Singer <»------^ honorary degrees were: Doctor ot occupants of either car received a M. Herriot, who undertook the store, where Miss Huot sells post­ Rachel E. Crowdy, secretariat ot Delightful Laws, Joseph B. Eastman, Amherst scratch. Both cars were damaged. in Paris, according to Frank Wheeler, brother of the present formation of a cabinet at the end of cards, and made a small purchase, the League of Nations, doctor of 1900, chairman of the Interstate After the collision Malley disap­ bridegroom. After nine months the bride sued for divorce last week, quickly abandoned the after displaying keen Interest in laws, and Henry M. Tyler, profes­ Summer Reading ! Commerce Commission; Doctor of peared but was later found in the the layout of the establishment. sor emeritus of Smith College, doc­ and Slngel settled $7,500,000 on her, Wheeler said. task. This afternoon M. Poincare “NEIGHBORS’ Letters, Gilbert Grosvenor, Am­ woods hy the officers. Chief Gor­ returned for a prolonged confer­ Miss Huot said. She described the tor of .literary humanities. herst 1897; president of the Na­ don and Sergeant Barron Investi­ Next she married Count Petrldge, a Russian nobleman. ence with Briand, whom he is aid­ customer and has come to New WIVES” tional Geographic society and edi­ gated the accident, and as It took She obtained a divorce after seven months. ing In the Cabinet making. York to Identity the prisoner. TREASURY BALANCE. tor of the National Geographic place in Bolton, Malley was turn­ Warthy and Turned have con­ First Installment Two months a^o she came to New York to perfect her “ I am returning later,” said M. magazine; Doctor of Humane I^et- ed over to the state police. He will Poincare as he left M. Briand’s fessed the robbery. Goldfarb Is held Washington, June 21.— Treasury: Page Ten , ters. John Howland. Amherst. 1876, probably be charged with driving kndwledge of English and met her third husband. office. "Thero are some difficul­ on a charge of receiving stolen balance as of June 19: $249,942,-| while under the influence of li­ TODAY president of Union Theological Seni- ties.” goods. 432.97. inary, Mexico City, Mexico. quor.


which Is good is not easy. But priate Miame for such a decoratira 1 Cnderwocd ...... 55 N Y, N H & H 441s 44 44% to attempt less Is to stultify both plan bat would also be symbolic of Union Mfg. Co...... 27 Pan Am Pet . 7314 7 3 SILK C i n BAND Turmoil of Doctrines Is intelligence and character.” it and its beaatlfnl blending of LOCAL STOCKS Whitlock Coil Pipe .. — Pennsylvania . 53 5214 5 3 colors. The Installation of the I1-' U. S. Envelope pfd. .106 People's Gas .12 314 122 14 123 lumlnatlng plan is a big task and Bonds. Pierce Arrow . 2814 2714 2814 that the work will be properly Htfd. Elec. 7’s .260 270 Rep Ir & Steel 511s 5Hi Sll-* AT PAWTUCKET Everywhere, Says Angell ‘THE RAINBOW’ NEW done. Mr. Pinney plans to take ]Fnrnl»hefl by Pntnnm ft Oo^ East. Conn. Pow. 5’s . 99 Reading...... 9 7 1-2 9 6 "s 97 his electricians to Greenwich 6 Central Row. Hartford, Conn.) Conn. L. P. S’-R’s ...lOSVa 10914 Ch R Isl & Pac 52% 51% 52% «>■ where they will be instructed In Rid Ask Cona. L & P 7’s . . . .114 116 Sooth Pacific .105% 104% 104% mark him woefully unworthy of DANCE RENDEZVOUS detail as to the manner In which \otna Cas. & Sur. . . . 7R0 7R0 B’dpt. Hyd. 5’s ...... 10414 106 So. Railway .118% 117^4 118 li Wins Two Prizes in Big Con­ Yale President Seen Conflict his Intellectual and moral heri­ both the mirrored ball and the rest ^etna Life ...... 7OR 71". St. P a u l...... 11% Id a 11% tage. of the lighting system must be Automobile ...... 310 320 Studebaker .. 53% 52% 52% Social standards also, have re­ constructed. I Conn. General...... 172,'i 1775 Union Pacific .15114 150% 15114 test Last Saiturday— For­ in Every Relation of Life; laxed, Dr. Angell said. Rebuilding New England Hotel Hartford Flro ...... 515 525 New York Stocks U S Rubber . . 65 64 64 "Far more serious Is the flood Finney’s Bolton Site to Be Already a big crew of carpen­ Htfd. Steam 'Oollor . .675 U S Steel___ 138% 137% 137% of corruption which has flowed ters under the direction of Con­ National Fire ...... 730 750 U S Steel Pr.128 14 128% 128% ty-five Bands in Line. Blames 'Xomplacent Insu­ from the pornographic press In tractor Claude Truax has so alter­ Phoenix...... 57 5 585 Westln’house . 69% 69% 69% Unusually. Attractive — High the last few years. Often under the ed the exterior of the old New Travelers...... 1260 1280 West. Union .146% 146% 146% "transparent and nauseous pretense England hotel that It is no longer At. Gulf. W. I. 451s larity, Confusion of Law Public UtlUty Stocks. The Silk City Band of Manches­ of promoting art, or of forwarding recognizable. A wide enclosed .-Vm Beet Sug. 2 4 Work Is Started. porch has been completed on the Conn. Power Co. ...310 320 Am Sugar Ref. 70’4 ter won two prizes at Pawtucket physical education, or of disclosing ('onn. LP 7% pfd. . .109 112 Am Tel & Tel.14114 1 MISS VIOLA M. SMITH Saturday. The first prize was and Morals; Points Dan­ essential trutKT suggestive and de­ north and east sides of the build­ Htfd. E. L. com...... 305 310 won for the best all-around band moralizing material has been cir­ ing. This will be used for ban­ Anaconda . . . . 48 "The Rainbow,” the name of Htfd. Gas com...... 61 66 Am Smelting .14 01s 1 WINS WATKINS CHAIR and the second for appearance and culated far and wide. Nor has quets and such and will also be So. N. E. Tcl. Co. . .152 157 Am L o c ...... 107 li 1 music. There were forty-five gers to Democracy. the stage and the cinema been al­ the new ball room to be construct­ available for light lunch parties. ways guiltless in purveying to To the southeast of the new dance ManiifactiirinR Stocks. Am Car F’dry.l01i4 hands in the contest, representing ed by Frank L. Pinney at the New prurient curiosity and to animal hall, a natural grove will be used .\in. Hardware...... 8 2 S3 Atchison ....1 3 6 ’4 1 Massachusetts. Connecticut and England Hotel site In Bolton, was The judges In Watkins Brothers and Rhode Island. passion. These Influences inevi­ for outings, picnics and such. Sev­ .tmerican Silver .... 26 30 B & O ...... 961s" cogswcll chair contest have award­ New Haven. June 21.— Contem­ started this morning and will be Beth Steel ‘B’ 42-’‘s The Silk City Band has been tably make fOr coarseness In feel­ eral Hartford business organiza­ Acme IVire com...... 15 IS ed Miss Viola Mae Smi’.lt of 31 porary thought in the United States ing and thought and ultimately ready for the grand opening on tions, Including the Hartford Ad­ l!igelow-Htfd. pfd. ..100 Chili Copper . 3 3’ v; very successful this year so far. Ridgewood street the first prize, They have won prizes at Plain- presents a "distracting turmoil of leave their scars on character. July 15. vertising club, have already asked Blgelow-Htfd. com. . . S3 86 Cons. Gas N Y 9 6's her essay liaving been judged ttie Experts Choose Name Col. Fuel Iron 43 hi ville, Hartford, and again at Paw­ discordant doctrine relating to Sees Menace to Family Mr. Pinney for dates for their an­ Bristol Brass...... 6 3 best submitted. As of first Before naming his new dance nual outings. j Collins Co...... 150 160 dies & Ohio .132’-:; 1 tucket Saturday. The hand is every major interest of life.” "The increasing frequency of di­ pr’ze. Miss Smitii receives the cogs- So President James Rowland hall, Mr. Pinney, a member of the Grading Front of Property i Colt Fire A nns...... 2 7 28 Cruc Steel 7 3 % 73 % composed of twenty-three mem­ vorce and the frivolous grounds Hartford Advertising club, con­ Can Pacific 162^1. 163 wtil chair which she described in bers. James Alley is leader and Angell of Yale University yester­ upon which it is often sought, ex­ The entire front of the proper­ Eagle Lock ...... 9 7 103 her story end which is illustrated sulted an especially appointed com­ ty is being re-graded by 'William Erie ...... 3 5 % 3 5 % Frank Taggart, major. day told Yale’s graduating class in hibits a change in the position of Eafnir Bearing ...... 85 95 in IVatkins Bro'hers annoin'cement mittee of advertising club mem­ Grady, under direction of George Eric 1st ...... 41hi 40 Vi 41 % At Pawtucket Manchester was hi.s baccalaureate address in Wool- marriage, which unquestionably EuU’r Br’sh Class A 52 bers who decided that because of Johnson, engineer. There will be Gen. .-\sphalt . 71% 6 9 % 71 on another page of tonight’s also represented by the Center sey hall. contains a menace for the sanctity Hart & Cooley ...... 17o 190 the unique decorative feature the a number of gasoline service lilt. Sil. pfd...... 103 107 Gen Elcc ___ 86% 85 8 5 % Herald. Miss Smith, a senior in the Flute band and the Talcottvillc Among the movements which of the family and the stability of local high school, gave an interest­ name “The Rainbow” would be es­ pumps attractively appointed at I.'ndcrs Erary & Clark S3 81 Gen Mot...... 146% 1 4 4 % 1 4 t •■’ 4 Drum Corps. "threaten to cut deep into the in­ the social order. Radical voices pecially applicable. Mr. Pinney Great No, Pfd. 77% 7 6 % 7 7 ing description of the ch.air which tegrity of our American ideals and are occasionally heard urging the the front of the property and a Jewell Belting pfd. . . 80 visited many dance halls In this small building, already completed, Kennecott Cop 55% 5 4 % 5 5 she selected, telling why it appeal­ traditions,” he listed a complacent abolition of marriage and the na­ .\ew Brit. .Mach. pfd.106 section and in Florida and in .the will be used for soft drinks, Inspira Cop . . 2 4 14 2 3 % 2 4 % ed to her most. CLARK-PECKHAM insularity, an inability to dlstin- tionalizing of children. One need Niles Bt. Pd. N. Stock 19 21 more costly ones observed that a smokes, and such. Eouis & Nash.135 135 135 guisli between the fields appro- not lose one's equanimity in the North & Judd ...... 21 2 5 chrystal ball was used as the cen­ Twenty-five men are working on Eehigh Yalley 8 7 8.", 8 6 % face of such a proposal, but it J R .Montgomery pfd. — 100 I'liatc to legislation and those of tralized attraction and that around the alterations and Improvements .1 R Montgomery com. — 90 Marine Pr. . . 38 '4 3 7 3 8 '■> WEDDING SATURDAY must be frankly recognized that morals which has led to attacks on these the color scheme and decora­ today. Peck, Stow and that with its passing would Smyth'Mfg. Co...... 370 — North Pacific . 74% 7 3 % ' toric Lebanon Church— To morals, and an indifference to re­ Greenwich he found a genius who ABOUT TOWN Torrlngton ...... 6 6 6 8 N Y Central .141% 141 % 141 % ligion. go many of the most beautiful and for eighteen years had been with Live Here. I’oiiil.s to Mi.staken Psychology sacred o f human relations. the General Electric company, The annual Eighth grade picnlo ■More specifically. Dr. Angell "Not less marked than these which manufactures the chrystal of the Eighth district Is being held The Baptist church in the liistoric trends in personal ethics is the dis­ balls, and who had designed and this afternoon at Bolton Lake. old town of Lebanon was tlic scene I'oinied to the menace of a ’’porno­ turbance in the field of religious graphic press" and the “ literature built a mirrored ball for a huge About 125 went to the lake to en­ of a pretty wedding Saturday after­ thought and belief. We speak of Masonic affair held in Greenwich. joy boat races, , a ball noon at four o’clock, wlien Miss of disillusionment colored by the ourselves as a Christian people and teachings of a half-baked and fre- This ball, which Mr. Pinney game and dog roast. , Gladys Marguerite Peckham, daugh­ yet paganism, atheism and com­ promptly purchased, is the only ter; of Mr. and Mrs. Myron C. Beck­ (liiently misinterpreted psychology plete religious indifference appear of instinct." one of its kind in the world. It A notice of the annual meeting ham of Manchester Green, heranic to be not uncommon among us. cost $1,000, is 36 Inches in diame­ of the Second school district (Man­ ' the bride of William James Clark, Democracy, he showed is being Despite the concession to tradition SUITS ’ ter and contains 750 round mir­ chester Green) Is printed elsewhere son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert P. vigorously assailed both at home in the case of marriage ceremony and abroad. rors. It will be suspended in the in today’s Herald. Among the Im­ Our suit business this season is almost double our ^ Clark of Buckland. and to the offices of burial, many portant Items Is a proposal to add "We have been disposed to look center of “ The Rainbow” and in The chancel was itanked with of our contemporaries— and some each of the four corners will be to the present school building. ^ last season’s record. We attribute this larpe increase in syringa and otlicr white flowers with supercilious contempt upon very iiec'/t folk among them— tlie advccates of anarchy, commun­ strong reflector spotlights which sales to our concentrated buying and the quality of mer- ^ against a background of red beech have no feeling of need for relig­ the leader of the orchestra will The Baord of Selectmen has call­ leaves, palms and carnations pro­ ism and tliorough-going socialism,” ion in any of the ordinary affairs manipulate with the use of a ser­ ed a formal hearing on the re-estab- ji chandise purchased. Being sold to you at prices that ^ vided by a Manchester florist. he declared, “ but in many parts of of life. ies of electric buttons which will llshment of proper street lines on i appeal. ^ Friends ttnd relatives of the young Europe they count their disciples Disbelief is Widespread not only control the entire llghtjng Autumn and Porter streets for a couple tilled the church. by the million and the last decade "Many of them do not believe in effect in the hall but will also reg­ week from tonight. Informal hear­ The wedding march from Lohen­ has seen many foci of revolutionary the existence of God, except as an ulate the spotlights and constantly ings have already been held on the grin was played by Miss Margaret ^ Ask About Our Ten Payment Plan | —Elite Studio Photo. ol'inions forming in our own coun­ idea created by the human mind. the color scheme. From question. Robinson of Bnckl'nnd, assisted by try. They do not believe in the truth Miss Viola M. Smith Henry Schonrock. of Thompsonville, the mirrored ball which, because "It is no longer a mere theory, or value of religion, nor do they of its great weight will be sus­ Harry Leeburg of 172 Center rornotist and leader of Colt's hand. hilt iiu actual condition with which accept its teachings. As a relig­ street has returned from New Miss Helen Swisher, soprano of pended by a huge chain, will be This novel contest was held a we are confronted — a condition ious system, Christianity is as carried waves of crepe which, York City where he has been in Hartford sang "At Dawning" and I $25.00 to $52.50 |month ago to help Watkins Broth­ \xhich we have often dealth with meaningless to them as the cult when subjected to the reflected the interests of Cheney Brothers. ers select the best cogswell chair, "I Love You Truly.” every stupidly, matching fanatic of Isis Or the Eleusinian mysteries. colored rays, will make a beauti­ The ceremony was performed by BLUE SERGE SUITS, .'>29..")0. J retailing at fifty-five dollars, for enthusiasm with intolerance and They group all religious beliefs as ful sight. The Advertising club The shimmy dance wasn’t half their buying syndicate. The Con­ the pastor, the Rev. Andrew G. Lit­ so Interesting as a fellow with a Extra Pants, $5,00. ^ I'rnte force. superstitious and myths, with no committee decided that "The Rain­ necticut Furniture Buyers Associa­ tlefield. the single ring service being .Secs DcniocrHcy Menaced diffirence except that some are bow” would not only be an appro­ bay window doing the Charleston. tion. Over two dozen chairs in dif­ used. Wliilo Americans have come to wholly extinct, while others flour­ The maid of honor was Miss Mar­ %\SS\SSSS%%KSW\\ ferent styles and covers were re­ attach an almost religious sanctity ish, albeit in a decline. ceived as samples. Then they In- garet Lynch of Hartford and the "They look down, often with bridesmaids Miss Elizabeth Conly to tlie principles of democracy,” he vUod the public to assist them, of­ ! said. "Italy appears to have lurn- smug self-satisfaction upon those fering me of the chairs as a prize of Windsor Locks and Miss Edna who' pretend to religious convic­ Clegg of Hartford. Frederick ' I'd her hack anon it with gestures to the person submitting the best of nnetiuivocal disrespect. tions as perilous of meagre intelli­ essay in which he told why a cer­ Clark was his hrotlier's best man gence and archaic customs. Th§y I Straw Hats I I and the nsliers were his twin con- ‘Russia will have none of it and, tain eliair was preferred. All others do not accept the major ethical ' fins. Robert H. Pickles and James in certain new countries born of who entered the contest have re- tile A’crsaillcs Treaty, It is display­ conceptions of Christianity. The ' T. Pickles of Windsor Locks. Christian doctrine of love for one's S T A T E . ' eeived certificates which entitle The bride who was given in mar- ing signs of fatal illness. In Great ! each to a five dollar credit on any Bi'itain one i,f the most powerful neighbor, they regard as a senti­ i $2.45 and up I ' riage by her father wore a gown of mental eccentricity, or as a gro­ I t ODAY ! cogswell chair selected during the I white crepe satin. Her veil of and ('fioctive democracies ever I coming year. created, we see the social order tesque perversion of natural bio­ I tnllc fell from a wreatli of orange logical laws, which they think of I I1 The contest has created interest blossoms and her shower bouquet gravely menaced by the clash of A SELECTED CAST I in terms of the jungle. outside of Manchester, as shown by was of Madame Butterfly roses and chtss interest, and the outcome Is a reprodnetion of one of the an- "All this Indifference to relig­ in a Gorgeous Film of Apache Love I lilies of the valley. not yet wholly clear. Thanks to un­ ion and contempt for Christianity I nouneemont advertisements run in The maid of honor wore pale pink popular legislation, we are witness­ the Herald at the opening of the is projected against a background georgetU' tind carried pink roses. ing in our own country an attack of strife Inside the Christian 7 George H. Williams | contest which was reproduced in Miss Conly's dress was also of pink upon the binding force of law “PARIS” Retail Review, a • eckly merchan- Church— at least In American georgette and Miss Clegg, the other which constitftes the most insidi­ Protestantism— which is far from dlsing paper which clips ----- and --re bridesmaid, nnuesmam. wore ecru » ----- lace ----- over Don’t Miss This Picture Tonight Known by his quality merchandise. ^ ous menace to the stability of our edifying, however inevitable. produces all the best advertise- green taffeta and her arm bouquet institutions that has arisen since ments and advertising____^ ideas from w:l^ of pink roses.______All All wore lofcrolarge the Civil War. Differences on Scripture papers all over the coui.try picture hats. "One wing of the controversy is "Despits our deep allegiance to committed to a view of the iner­ E.'Hewing the ceremony a recep­ democracy as the best guaranty of tion wa,-:; held at the large, old- rancy of Scripture interpreted as a spiritual and political liberty yet faithful record of historic fact, 200,000 AT MASS fashioned farmhouse of the bride’s devised, we are obliged to admit Tuesday ^nd Wednesday i.rnndmother. Mrs. F. E. 1-oster at which refuses to be reconciled with that wo have not always known the disclosures of modern scholar­ Lehanon. Tlie guests which num­ how wisely to distinguish between AS CONGRESS OPENS bered more than one liundred and s'! p The effort of the other wing the fields appropriate to legisla­ to find in the Scriptures valid fifty citme from New Haven, M ind- tion and those still under the jur­ i Service-Qu2Jity-Low Prices | sor Locks, Thompsonville, Norwich. isdiction of morals, how to elude teachings upon matters of moral fContinu.’ d riom page 1) and religious Importance, without Rockville, Willimantic, Hartford the po.s.silile tryanny of majorities, commitment to meticulous accu­ and Manchester. how to prevent the pernicious mls- "Uar be it from us to look upon racy in matters of scientific or his­ i Tlte bride's gift to the groom mse of mi-i rities to defeat the real this emigres.^ as a demonstration of was a gold wrist watch and to her toric consequence, seems to the nnr ?t renut it and numbers. It is our wishes of tlie people how wholly to maid of honor a silver mesh bag. avoid corruption in administration. first group disloyal and essentially liope ti'.nt till' example of our vivid To Iter bridesmaids site gave silver blasphemous. \ Delicatessen Specials | ;M ::',chi7icnt to the holy euebarist We are therefore forced to concede bracelets tuid to the lady musi­ that our form of democracy is still "Moreover, the whole attitude ;tn:l et ident acpreciation of the gift cians, necklaces. . of religion to science is at stake. ili.'.t is ours therein may encourage a very imperfect tool for the pro­ The groom's gift to the bride motion of the higher Interests and One group boldly insists that re­ tlmce e:;nu'.-l. lioncst ones to learn wa.s a string of I'earls, to liis best ligion must accept the established t For Tuesday i for themselves of this marvelous the larger freedom of mankind. man, a watcli chain and to the Revolution Not a Novelty findings of science, maintaining coiulcccnsiou on God’s part to us ushers gold cuff links. that loyalty to truth is of the es­ in: m’ ns." ‘‘Political and social revolution Mr. and Mrs. Clark left on an Is nothing new in history, and sence of all true religion. The oth­ U idinal Mundelein declared unannounced wedding trip. On er party insists that the revealed 111'.', tile " of wrecked homes” doubtless it has a long life ahead. their return they will make their Its importance at this stage in the truths of religion transcend In au­ anil the 'restless and unhappy souls homo for the present with the thority evidence gleaned In any of the world, the growing disre- development of civilization lies grooms’ parents, Mr. and ^Irs. Del­ not in the fact that it is occurring, other way and that there is a great Fresh Strawberry Pie siK‘( t tor law and order" showed body of religious doctrines upon bert P. Clark at 159 Adams street. but that it i.s so commonly direct­ there is somet'.iing "wanting in the The bride has been employed in which science must not be allowed life of our people today." ed to a charge in the basic theory The Biggest Event Of The the office of tlie Phoenix Insurance of Government and the social to lay a profaning hand.. The Day- (Jlitteiing Broeossion Company and is popular in lodge ten trial Is only a symptom of a Chicn.goan and the thousands of structure. Season circles here. The groom is with "When the Soviet, for example, distemper which permeates large laymen from all sections of the Colt's Patent Firearms Company. parts of the country.” world olit'.incd the first close attempts to suppress religion and Entire Week Starting Today 4 0 c e a c h proi'oscs to permit only one social "It is into a world disturbed in glimpse of the eleven cardinals all its deepest convictions that and other distinguished church group a voice In Government, If you have never haIade Strawberry Pic, GLOBE HOLLOW POOL frankly oppressing other groups: you are about to enter, a world of dignitaries attending the congress trifle wistful as Its gaze turns jou'xo missed something. ^ Sunday at a procession which pre­ when the Anarchist proposes to dissolve all Government, the most backward to the golden past, a ceded the solemn pontificial higli TO OPEN JUNE 28TH world wavering and uncertain of Carnival Opens mass at tJio cathedral of the Holy fundamental questions of social A LIMITED M.MBER OF FRESH BOILED BEETS, ethics are Instantly Involved— its spiritual destiny. To play a 15c lb., 2 lbs. 25c. Name. man’s part in it will challenge your Four police sergeants, mounted Globe Hollow will open officially man’s right to freedom of thought and speech and opportunity, the finest sensibilities, your keenest PICKLED BEETS, TOO, AT SAME PRICE. on white horses, r°de ahead to sig­ on June 28 but Fred McCormick, Intellectual powers and the strong­ nal the advance of the prelates; the lifeguard, will be at the pond obligations of social justice and the like. Ostensibly political and est sinews of your character. It then followed, in glittering uni­ all this week getting things ready. is no fit place for a moral weak­ CAPITOL PARK forms of white and gold, the boys There is a lot of work to be done economic, the principles concern­ 2 POUNDS PICKLED PIGS’ F E E T ...... 25c « ed are, many of them, essentially ling. Although it was never eas­ of the Yisitation band. before the season is started and for ier to make a living, to live nobly 2 POUNDS POCKET HONEY CO.MB TRIBE...... 25c ^ Behind tlie band came the Very this reason It was thought better moral and even religious. For the educated man to be indifferent to was reiver' more difficult. To prove I.A.MB FOR STEWING...... 18c Ib yt. Rev. Msgr Denis J. Dunne. D. D., to hold the opening off until next all things Is hard, to hold fast that TONIGHT Rev. Francis A. Ryan and Rev. Monday. issues of this character would OFR HOME .MADE SAUSAGE .MEAT...... 30o lb. ^ Joseph F. Morrison, all of Chica­ The delay will not inconvenience Opening Feature— go. In their rear came the cross very many local people for the hearer, carrying aloft the glitter­ weather has not been the best for ALL STAR BOXING CARD ing imago of the crucified Christ. swimming this summer and prac­ The cross hearer led a procession tically all of those who have used Appearing Tonight— BODINE of New Haven, BAT- Corned Beef Special of acolytes who were followed by the pond so far have been childi'en. TALINO of Hartford, and Others— BOBBY GARCIA 270 altar hoys in purple and crim­ This week Lifeguard McCormick Don’t be a victim of postal WILL BE INTRODUCED. LEAN RIB CORNED B E E F...... 10c lb. son and 300 stirpllced ecclesiasti­ will put up the planks and cal students of Quigley seminary. will fix the bathouses so that they BAND CONCERT— FREE COUPONS FOR COUNTRY FANCY BONELESS BRISKET CORNED BEEF ...... 25c lb. Trie st-s I’reccdo Cardinals will be ready for use on Monday. STORE AND FORD AUTO — SPECIAL FEATURES. Then followed a long line of brothers, Carmelites, in white MASONS MEET TOMORROW C. 0. D. FRAUDS Tomorrow Night PILLSBURY’S BEST FLOUR...... $1.34 bag manels and cowls. Augustlnlans FOR LAST CONVENTION. and Christians in black, Trapplst, Benedictines and others. In their Manchester Lodg:e of Masons Mammoth Country Store—500 Prizes Free SWEET SFNKIST ORANGES...... 35c doz. rear, walking four abreast, came will hold the last communication If you receive a notice from the Post Office that Free Dancing Band Concert the priests— pastors and assistants until fall tomorrow evening, when you have a C. 0. D. package which you have not of parishes in great cities, small they will have a double session. Get your entries In for Charleston Contest Wednes­ country missions and from across The first will begin at 5:15 and the ordered, call day and Amateur Night Thursday. the seas. regular communication at 7:30. Cardinal Bonzano, representa­ The season just closing has been Meet Me At Capitol Park— ^Where The Crowd Goes. tive of the holy see, walked slow­ one of the busiest on record. Al­ NEXT SUNDAY— though the officers have worked Manchester Public Market ly behind the mass officers. In MANCHESTER AILEEN RIGGIN AND . the splendor of crimson capes, em­ hard there are still between 2 5 and broidered robes and gold chains, 30 candidates who have not receiv­ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CAPITOL PARK POOL NOW OPEN. A. Podrove, Prop. Phone 10 large jewelled crosses and rings ed their degrees, so that in the fall adding a magnificent- touch, came the lodge will start with plenty of the other ten cardinals. work ahead. PAGE Ti MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MONDAY, JUNE 21,1926. EASTERN STAR PLANS COLONEL HUNTER WAPPING C. OF C. TO VISIT LOCAL COUPLE KEEP. TOWN ADVERTISEMENT Mrs. Mary Foster, mother of “A GOESTy NIGHT” a t m . TO OPEN NEW STORE Walter N. Foster, of Foster street, TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ON who has been spending a few weeks NORTH END P U N T MARRIAGE SECRET a u t u m n s t r e e t in t h e t o w n TO SPEAK HERE here, left last Friday, for her cot­ OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTI­ ON MAIN STREET TOMORROW tage, at the Wllllmantic Camp Plans are well under way for CUT; grounds. “Guests’ Night” which Temple You are hereby notified to ap­ The Pleasant 'Valley club held Its On Friday Members Will Chapter, 0. E. S.. will observe Wedding Took Place EigBt pear at the Hall ,of Records In said plays of modern plumbing, heating meeting at the home of Mrs. Harry Wednesday evening in Odd Fellows Town of Manchester, on the twenty- and refrigeration devices to he Mass Meeting at Armory Walker last Thursday afternoon. hall. This will be the last meeting eighth day of June, 1926, at seven Exhibits Latest in Oil Burn­ found anywhere in this section of About a dozen ladies attended. This Spend Afternoon and Eve­ before summer and a large gather­ Months Ago — News o’clock, standard time, In the after­ Connecticut. The store lends itself Tomorrow Evening to Aid will be the last meeting of the sea­ ing of the members is anticipated. noon, then and there to be present, well to the purpose being high and son. Miss Fannie Walker was assis­ Officers and members of Euclid and to show cause, it any you have, ers, Washing Machines Leaks Out at Party. well lighted and having two fine tant hostess. ning at Bon Ami Co. Chapter No. 79, of Windsor Locks why a public highway should not display windows, one of them be- Recruiting Drive. All tho schools of South Windsor will he guests on this occasion. The be laid olit by the subscribers, and Plumbing Fixtures in Ijig 3. corner window so that it have closed for the summer vaca­ visiting officers who will put on Selectmen of the Town of Manches­ the initiatory work are as follows: attracts attention from a consid­ tion and the several teachers have This xveek Friday is the closing Another secret marriage involT- ter, within said Town as follows: erable distance down Main street. returned to their homes. All the Worthy Matron—Mrs. Esther ing a Manchester party was reveal­ Colonel D. Gordon Hunter, of the meeting of the Manchester Cham Blackburn. LAYOUT OF AUTUMN STREET Purnell Building — At E.xhibits Infantry, Colonel Harry B. teachers of the Wapping Center her of Commerce membership be­ 169tli Worthy Patron—Allen Phillips. ed today with the announcement The Westerly line of Autumn Mr. Grezel has gone to consid­ r. S. P. and D. officer and schools have been asked to return fore the summer vacation season. Street Is bounded and described as erable expense to redecorate the Bisscll. Associate Matron—Mrs. Olive that Miss Eldna M. Hansen, of 'Ver­ tractive Store. Colonel William C. Cheney will be to their duties next fall. The picnics The Orford Soap Company has is­ follows to wit:— Beginning at a interior of the store and make It the speakers who will ad- sued a general Invitation to every King. non and Manchester and George W. among which the teachers planned for Secretary—Earl Deming. merestone at the Intersection of the attractive. Much time has also dress the gathering at the Howitzer their pupils xvero greatly enjoyed member of the Chamber to be Its Johnston, of 68 Woodbrldge street', Southerly line of Porter Street with been spent in arranging the dis­ Treasurer—Mrs. Georgia La­ Comiiany mass meeting at Die ar- hy all the scholars. guest at an inspection of tho plant xvere married October 14, 1925. For the Westerly line of said Autumn Tomorrow marks the opening of plays within. All of it has licen morv tomorrow evening. The put- from three to five o’clock, at an in­ tham. well worth the effort. As visitois The dramatic club of Wappiug Conductress—Mrs.i Ellen Pickles the past eight months the couple Street said merestone being at the Alfred A. Grezel’s new store In pose of the meeting is to arouse in­ Grange, motored to Coventry, last formal reception in the Hollister have succeeded in keeping the news Southerly end of a circular curve enter the store they will find to Associate Conductress — Mrs. the Purnell building. Main street terest in National Guard affairs and Friday evening, where they were street school for the purpose of of their wedding a secret. ■ ; Radius 15.0 feet Central Angle 68 the right of them o modern steam Eleanor McLeod. opposite Park street. In It the Diiis secure more enlistments in the royally entertained by the members meeting the Now York officers of Nexva Leaks- Out. Deg. 32’. Thence Southerly tangent public will find one of the best dis- heating unit of the latest type for Howitzer company. the company from six to six-thirly Chaplain—Mrs. Nell Fie Douglas of' Coventry Christian Endeavor Mar.slial—Mrs. Minnie Jones. The first news of the marriage ; to said curve 197.25 feet to a mere­ the average home all set np and Need ao Men- o’clock: and at a salad and straw- in working order and to tlie left a society. They treated the club to a Organist — Mrs. Mabelle Nugent. came yesterday afternoon when It; stone. Then by deflection angle to ■\t present there is room foi 1)C- herrv shortcake dinner in the was announced at a lawn party held ' hot air heating unit all sot np and line Slipper previous to the play. Adah—Miss Doris Nicholson. Left of 5 Deg. 34' (253.90 feetl to tween twenty and tliirty more men. The Federated Workers will liold i-chool hall at six-thirty. The din­ at Mrs. Johnston’s home in 'Vernon. a point in a 40” Maple Tree. TOWN ADVERTISEMENT equipped. The heating units in­ They are netuied to give Die eom- ner followed hy speaking Ruth—Mrs. Mabel Partridge. stalled in the two types of fiirnac- their annual outing at Cry.stal Lake It was revealed that the pair were Thence bj' a deflection angle to Left , pany the reiiuireil strength to go to and an entertainment program. Esther—Mrs. Helen Mix. married by Rev. A. E. Whitten, pas­ TO ALL property OWNERS ON both new Silent Nokols. next Tuesday, June 2 2nd. The Martha—Mrs. Susan Bidwell. of 3 Deg. 14 ” ( 524.45 feet) to a es are I eanip next niontli at Niantic. H This is bound to prove an im­ tor of the Vernon Methodist church. PORTER STREET IN THE TOWN around the sides of tlic society has invited the Parents- Electa—Mrs. Mary Nicholson. I merestone. Thence by a deflection Arranged I there should lie a shortage, how­ mensely popular affair. Bon Ami Earl Carter, of this town w'as best angle to the Right of 9 Deg. 17’ 30 OF MANCHESTER. CONNECTI­ store are plumbing fixtures, lloff- Teachers Association to join with Warder—Mrs. Daisy Ford. gas water heaters, ever. Die company will go to camp is Manchester’s second licst known man and Miss Frances Johnston* (277.08 feel) to a merestone. CUT:— man automatic I just tlie same according to Colonel them at tliis picnic. If there are any Sentinel — Huliert Scott. wlio have no way to go. please product and is probably ex­ sister of the groom, xvas the brides­ Thence bv a deflection angle to Y'ou are hereby notified to ap­ and bathroom fixtures. A large I Hunter. But with the approacli- tensively advertised, in fact there Royal -Matron Mrs. Lucius Fos­ pear at the Hall of Records in said portion of the store is given over notify Mrs. Raymond H. Burnham, maid. ' Right of 9 Deg. 18’ ( 444.34 feet) to I ,„,,nt of the iUt('en-day camping are few, if any national products ; ter iiiqioiuted committees several Both the young couple are 'well a merestone in the Southerly lin Town of Manchester, on the twenty- to the display of the complete line ! iieriod and all its appeals there is Mrs. Albert E. Stiles or Mrs. John weeks ago and they have been of Frigidalre products and Die A. Collins, and a way will be pro­ liettor known than Bon Ami. It is | known in Manchester. ^Irs. John­ of Ashworth Street. Thence by a eighth day of June, 1926, at seven I everv possibility that the eompany shipped V and used in ’every conn- , wiirkiug entiuisiasticallx' to make ston was formerly employed at the o’clock, standard time, in the after­ Maytag washing maehines. deflection angle to the Right of 2 I will' secure Die noeessary onlisl- vided. try on the face of the earth and I the exeiit a success. The present Carlyle Johnson Machine Company noon, then and there to be present, office is located in the rear of Die j Deg. 29’ (324.0 feet) to a mere­ i iiients. Iieople come from far and wide to officers of Temple Chapter will act j in the office and now is employed at stone in the Northerly line of Oak and to show cause, if any you have, store. . , ! To Semi Out .\utos. inspect the plant where it is made, as recei'lion ■•ommittee. Mrs. Ered- The Nokol aiitomatie oil burnt i liy the Tolland County Ford Agency Street. Thence by a deflection why a public highway should not j Automobiles will hi' sent out HOLLISTER ST. WINS yet hoxv many Manchester people crielta Siuess heads the committee on Brooklyn street In Rockville. angle to the Left of 3 Deg. 16’ be laid out by the subscribers. has been handled tiy Mr. Gre/.el t oniorrow for the haiuiuet which will he serv­ its introduction to this to".n itlie Howiuer Coiiipany iiave ever lieen tlirough the Orford She has sang several times in radio (42.45 feet) to a merestone in the Selectmen of the Town of Manches­ since levelling to offer transportation to Soap Company factory on Hilliard ed at 6:30. Miss Florence Snow Is concerts. Mrs. Johnston is a grad­ ter, within said Town a.s follows: by a local denier, lie has met with ! the armory for any pievsoiis who are DISTRICTS 1-8 MEET eliairniau of tho decorating com­ Southerly line of Oak Street in selling Ibis St reel uate of Rockville High school with Thence liv a deflection angle to the LAYOUT OF PORTER STREET splendid success , . , i init'resled in the success of the It is evident that many Cham- mittee and Mrs. Vicioria M'addell, the class of 1919. She later at­ The Southerly line of said Porter burner to Die public of Maiiclicstei favors. Left of 12 Deg. 59’ (140.93 feet) i o.nipauy, Uefieslniients 'vill be Just Noses Out ■'Manchester lier members appreciate the oppor­ tended the Connecticut Business to a merestone. Thence hy a de­ Street is bounded and described as and vicinity. , , , I servml free to Die visitors. T lie This spring Mr. Grezel took ox­ Green When Percentages Are tunity tints offered as tlie cards College at the Center. flection angle to tlie I,eft of 2 Deg. follows to wit:— Beginning at a 1 muss meeting will lie called at exiiressiiig intention of attending Telegrapli Operator. 54’ ( 593.5 feet) to a merestone. merestone in the Southerly line of er the agency for the Frigidaiie Figured— l-nion Takes Most system of electric refrigeration. o'elock. both Die plant inspection and the Mr. Johnston is well known, es­ Tlience by a deflection angle to the East Center Street as Establi.shed Iiisiiect .Xdditioii. Frigidaire is one of the liest re­ Points. dinner are ecniiiig in rapidly. pecially at the North End. He is Left of 2 Deg. 07’ to a merestone May 4, 1914, said merestone being In addition to boosting Die enlist- The meeting Is necessarily lim­ MAN DROPS DEAD employed as telegraph operator for 63 3.84 feet Easterly of the East line frigeration plants for household imuit of the Howitzer Company, the 301.8 feet to a merestone. Thence use on the market today. Besdes A mere one tcn-tliousandths of ited to members of the Chamber 1 the New York, New Haven & Hart­ bv a deflection angle to the Right of Holl Street. Thence Easterly on mass meeting will also afford the the unit which can l)e instalU'd in a imiiit siqiarated tlie Hollister of Commerce except where special ford Railroad company at Vernon. of 8 Deg. 47’ ( 382.62 feet) to a Arc of circular curve to Right (Cen­ tirst imblic omuirt nil it y to view the street from tho Mancliester Green invitations are issued direct by the merestone. Thence hy a deflection tral Angle 12 Deg. 52’) (Radius anv refrigerator Dieie is a com­ interior of Die new lieadhouse at ON TROLLEY CAR plete line of Frigidaire eabinets school Saturday afternoon when Orford Soap officials. TIRES POP IN BLAZE angle to the Left of 9 Deg. 41 10.4 feet) 691.71 feet to a mere­ Die ariiiorv. Maiiehester peoido percentages were figured at tlie field Members are urged to send their LIKE BOMBARD>lENT. stone at Point of Tangency of said with the units ronihined wiDi Die 'realize Die wonderful improvo- (208.99) feet to a merestone refrigerator itself. These calnnets little meet for Districts 1 to 8 grammar cards in at once in order that rea­ Thence by a deflection angle to Left curve. Thence Easterly tangent to iiient which Die addition has schools. Tho Union school at the sonable time may be given for Bridgeport, June 21.—Losses to­ last described curve 103.96 feet to are of steel construction fini.-^hcu the armory. D will be of 15 Deg. 56’ (258.72 feet) to a enamel both inside and brouglit to nortli end won the most points cap­ dinner preparations. Windsor Resident, on Visit taling $50,000 resulted from a fire a merestone at Point of circular in white any hiody's time to visit merestone. Thence by a deflection are very compact and j widl wortli turing 102 while Hollister street. that last night swept through a angle to the Riglit of 17 Deg. 39’ curve. Thence on Arc of said circu- out. They thc arniory tomorrow evening. \ ' winner liy percentage of school warehouse of Cannon street, owned efficient. Besides keeping food in ' (332.09 feet) to a merestone on or ar curve to Left (Central Angle siz,c captured 51 points. Here, Suddenly Expires hy J. A. Ernemann and occupied ; Deg. 40’) (Radius 1380 feet) the refrigerator at a perfect tein- i by a number of automobile acces­ near the Xortlierly line of Higliland perature automatically one can i Over 1200 youngsters gathered at ORANGEMEN HOLD Street. 136.48 feet to a merestone at Point MISS ALICE BARBOUR Die Community club playgrounds sory concerns. Two firemen and a of Tangency of said curve. Thence freeze water in the trays in the at the Center. volunteer worlier were slightly The Easterly line of said Autumn cooling unit and also many kinds for the meet. All brought lunch­ Street is bounded and described as Easterly In a straight'line Tangent eons and remained during Die after­ MEETING TONIGHT hurt and adjoining buildings were to last described curve 585.77 feet of desserts. TO MARRY N. Y. MAN threatened. follows to wit:— Beginning at a There are many different kinds noon and early evening. The to a merestone at Point of circular i.eslie S. Greggs, of Windsor Biles of auto tires numbering merestone at the intersection of the of xvashing machines on the , , m;ir- , Eighth graders from Manchester de­ Southerly line of Porter Street with curve. Thence on Arc of said cir­ feated the Burnside grade team 14 perhaps a thousand were destroy­ 1: t today but among the real le.ul- made A Special meeting of Washing­ dropped dead of lieart disease late the Easterly line of said Autumn cular curve to Right (Central Anglo Auiiouneeiiieiit has to 4 in a hall game xvliich followed ton T.. O. E. No. 117 will he held Saturday afternoon on a Manches­ ed, together with nine automobiles. ers 'n the washing machine iiusi- .■Uiee Tires burst under the heat, creat­ Street said merestone being at the 23 Deg. 35’) (Radius 218.74 feet) is the Maytag which is sold of Die eimageiueut of the field meet. in Orange hall this evening com- ter Green trollc.i' cai' at the Cen- Southerly end of a circular curve 90.03 feet to a merestone at Point ness ('nnielia Barbour, daughter of Mr. Uihlinns were awarded individ­ ing an effect of bombardment. Grezel. It is well con- Barbour menciiig at 7:30 daylight saving ter. Radius i2.41 feet. Thence South­ of Tangency of said curve. Thence bv Mr ' will and .Mrs. l.ueius Barm’ ual prize winners and a silver cup Accompanied hv his wife, 51r. structed, easily operated and .;ui Delano time. It is Imiiortaiit that every erly in a straight line tangent to Easterly tangent to last described of Hartford to Mori went to the Hollister street school. member he present as action will Gregg was on liis way to spend the IT DAMAGES THEM was-h a big washing in a very little and Mrs. said curve 169.20 feet to a mere­ curve 288.87 feet to a merestone at Brown, sou of Mr. The individual winners were as fol­ he taken relative to the present week-end visiting at the home of put the egg beater to stone. Thence by a deflection Point of circular curve. Thence on Thatcl lor Magoiiii Brown of laik lows : status of tho lodge. Several consti­ his danuliter, Mr.s. Samuel H. When you ^'o'ne will also find an attractive allow the cogs to get angle to Left of 5 Deg. .^4 (_50.4_ Arc of said circular curve to Right a von 111 New York City. Miss Bar- Quarter 5Iile: Robertson, Rubac- tutional clianges are contemplated Stevens, of 62 Hamlin stre^'U The soak, do not displav of plumbing fixtures of hour made her debut last Octohe.u feet) to a merestone. Thence by a (Central Angle 6 Deg. 24’ (Radius all kinds. There are many cus- ka, Coleman and Zabadka. and will be discussed at tliis meet­ eouple reach'-1 tho Center i deflection angle to the Left of 3 657.77 feet) 73.47 feet to a mere­ tomers who cannot visualize She is a graduate of the Lthi 1 Relay: Eiglitli district, Manches­ ing. Hartford trolley an l transferred to t Deg. 58’ (526.79 feet) to a mere stone at Point of Tangency of said Walker school, Simsbury, and at- ter Green. Hollister. Tlie special meeting is called at the car hound for tjie Green. plumbing equipment from cata­ tcmlcd Die Bryn Mawr College. stone. Thence by a deflection an- curve. Thence Southeasterly logues hut when they see the lix- 5 0 yard dasli (under 8 5 pounds); the request of tho supremo grand Drops to i-'loor. It Pays to be Especially -le to the Right of 9 Deg. 06’ tangent to last described curve easily She is a member of Die Junior Vaifro, M. G.: De Hope. Hollister; master who i.s planning to attend Mrs. Giegg entered the car .Irst. litres on display the> can Boacue ami the Town ami County Silircse, Keeney; Nackowski. Hollis- (212.15 feet) to a merestone 505.11 feet to a merestone. Thence see the arrangements that ean be tlie trienniiil council of the order Her hnshand her As he Particular About Thence by a deflection angle to the by a deflection angle to left of 3 made in their own house. ter, , . which meets this yetir during Jul\ walked down the aisle to his seat, Right of 8 Deg. 05’ (76.13 feet) to Deg. 04’ (134.81 feet) to a mere­ ^ She is the only granddaughter of 50 vard dash (over 9:> pounds): in l.omlon, England. Mr. Gregg sndiienly dropped to tli-^ PLUMBING Mr. Grezel has worked hard to and great granddaughter ol a point in 36” Ash Tree. Thence stone at Point of circular curve. bring about this model display 5Iikolte. Hollister: Nackowski, Sth it is urgently leqnestcd by the floor. There were several persons —both material and workman­ bv a deflection angle to the Right Thence on Arc of said circular curve 11,e late Col. Henry Hudson White district: Coleman, Sth; Robertson, officers of tlie locttl lodge tliat in tlie car at tho time. Motorinan room for the convenience of Man­ Hie late Elisha Ulintou Hilliard ship. Upon the quality of ma­ of 1 Deg. 5 4’ (428.50 feet) to a to Right (Central Angle 68 Deg. chester people. It lias reiiuiied a Stli. every memliers he jiresent prompt I.\’ Axel Hansen was in cliarge. point in tlie South line of Ashworth 32’) (Radius 15 feet) 17.94 feet to , ■ Manchester. 51 r. Brown ^ at- Running broad jump (under 9e at tlie honr dt'signated. I-lfforts hy Hanson, Motonran terial and competency of the deal of planning and represents a t.nded SI. BailBs school and is a Street Extension. Thence by a de­ merestone at the intersection of big investment I'ut lie lias confi­ pounds): Nackowski. Hollister: Edward Custer of the Cross-town workman depends the degree niemher of the class of 5 ale l.)-(o De Hope. Hollister; Phelps. Man- flection angle to the Right of 2 Deg. said Southerly line of Porter Street dence that it will he appreciated TAXICAB COMPANY and bystanders to revive Mr. (ireg;; of satisfaction and service re- 3 3' ( 325.73 feet) to a merestone in with the Westerly line of Autumn aiid of ihi’ Bhi Beta Kappa. Alpha i-lu'ster Green: Marks. Sth district. N. V. BANDITS’ VICTIM [iroved futile. by the public. Besides tlie retail Mil and Wolf's Head socic- (he Northerly line of Oak Street Street. business Mr. Grezel maintains a Bclta 1 Running high (under 9;i); Examiner Called. ceived. Extension. Thence by a deflection The Northerly line of said Porter large force of plumliers and steam tie: rht'lps. Manchester (Ireen: Miko- Now York. June 21.— Four well- Medical Examiner Dr. William angle to the Left of 7 Deg. 35’ Street is bounded and described as fitters and has done many of t lie 1 lite. Hollister: Nackowski, Hollis- dre.ssed youths with drawn revol­ R Tinker called. He pro- (41 32 feet) to a merestone in the follows to wit:— Beginning at a largest plumliing and lieatiiig jolu^ol tur- Calve. Manchester Green. vers calmly roldu'd Dip Yellow nonneed death due to lieart failure. South'line of Oak Street Extension. merestone in the Northerly line of and business Running high (over 95): Miko- Taxical) garage in tlie Bronx (>arly The liody wa.s taken to Holloran JOSEPH C. WILSON in public luiildings It Thence bv a deflection angle to the Porter Street said merestone being town during the litc. Hollister; Ruluicka. Sth dis­ today. They forced the night mana­ Brottiers’ undertaking parlors, Plumbing In All Its Branches. blocks erected in trict; Tanner. Stli district; Brooks, Left of 7 Deg. 0’ (150 feet) to a at the Southwest corner of land of past few years. IJ i ger and cashier to thrown up their was later removed to Windsor. Service Of The Best Kind. merestone. Thence by a deflection Adaline A. Miner (Formerly Wil­ Sill district. _ Burial will he in Talicate ceme Tliere wore events for girls in Hu. hauds while they looted the sate. 28 Spruce Street Tel. 641 angle to the Left of 4 Deg. 14’ iam Munro Property) Thence East­ Tliey got ?o,500. terv in Wind.ior. ( 245.5 feel) to a merestone in the erly In a straight line 201.92 feet Every man tliak striveth for (he .-,0 yard dash, running high am South line of East Maple Street. to a merestone. Thence by a de­ iiia.stcry is temperate in all tilings. liroad jumps, olistacle relay and Thence by a deflection angle to the flection angle to the Right of 1 Deg. — 1 For. 1):’2.-). limp the Shot.” Left of 0 Deg. 31’ (305.0 feet) to 17’ (227.31 feet) to a merestone at a merestone in the North line of the Southeast corner of said Miner's I'se. do not almse: neither absti­ East Eldridge Street. Thence by a land. Thence by a deflection angle nence’ nor excess ever renders a GREASE YOUR CAR deflection angle to the Left 1 Deg. to Right of 0 Deg. 12’ ( 169.65 feet) Today is feast day of St. Aloysius man happy.—5'oltaire. New Ail’ Method 33’ (339.3 feet) to a merestone. to a merestone at the intersection of Gonzaga, eldest son of the Marquis j Reaches Every Spot 'I'hence by a deflection angle to the Westerly line of Jju'nro Street with of Castiglione. The young saint i.s ■ Right of 8 Deg. 24’ (382.18 feet) the Northerly line of said Porter Springs and Body Squeak said to have made a vow of per- j sprayed with Kantrust. to a merestone. Thence by a de­ Street. Thence by a deflection petual charity when 9 years old. 'ORE THROAT flection angle to the Left of 9 De angle to Left of 0 Deg. 10’ (280.88 Today is first day of summer. | “ Gargle with warm salt water Cars Called for and Delivered. !V ( 200.01 feet) to a merestone. feet) to a merestone. Thence by a The United States Constitution i — *hen anph' over throat— iih s Thence hv a deflection angle to the deflection angle to the Left of 9 was established between nine states , Left of 15 Deg. 56’ (259.34 feet) CampbelFs Deg. 03’ (95.0 feet) to a merestone. when ratified by New Hampshire’ to a merestone. Thence by a de­ Thence by a deflection Angle to the 8 C Filling Station flection angle to th.e Right of li Left of 46 Deg. 42’ (50.55 feet) to June 21, 17 8.8. V A P O R y a WEEK OF Today is birthday anniversary of , 'l)eg. 39’ ( 338.31 feet)_ to a mere a merestone. Thence by a deflec­ VOoct 17 Million Jan Used Yearly Main and Middle Turnpike. stone on or near the North line of tion angle to the Left of 7 Deg. Dan Beard. j Phone 1551. Highland Street. 44’ (51.9 feet) to a pierestone. For a more particular descrip­ Thence bv a deflection angle to the \\SSSSS%SS%S%SS%%%SSS%SSS^ SPECIALS tion reference may be had to a Map Left of 15 Deg. 52’ (48:8 feet) to on file in the Town Clerk’s Office an Iron Pipe in the Westerly line '4 Manchester. Conn., Entitled "MAP of Parker Street. One Big Special eacli day this week at prices that you cannot resist. SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF For a more particular descrip­ No teleplione orders and none sent C. 0. D. All bulky articles deliv­ .\ETUMN STREET FROM POR- tion reference may be had to a Map ered Free, others are Cash and Carry. • , • TFR STREET ON THE NORTH TO on file in Town Clerk’s Office, Man­ ‘‘Happy Holmes” told you about our specials for today in his unique HIGHLAND STREET ON THE chester, Conn., Entitled ’’.MAP I Bill Streeter | SOUTH. SCALE l ”-40’. MANCHES^ SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF ad Saturday, viz.: TER CONN., Dec.. 1925. J. FRANK PORTER STREET FROM EAST BOWEN, ENGINEER,” In 4 Sheets CENTER STREET ON THE WEST ^ IS NOW WITH I Mahogany Finished End Table ...... $2.79 Sheet 1 of 4 sheets. Sheet 2 of TO AUTUMN AND PARKER sheets. Sheet 3 of 4 sheets. Sheet STREETS ON THE EAST.” Scale THE J Fumed Oak Tabourette...... of 4 sheets. The above described l ”-40’, Manchester, Conn., Dec. Watch tliis space for further specials each day. lines are shown by Red Lines on 1925, J. Frank Bowen, Engineer. said Maps. 2 sheets. Sheet 1 of 2 Sheets, Sheet 1^ APPROVED—June 21. 1926. 2 of 2 sheets. J. FRANK BOWEN. APPROVED—June 21, 1926. Depot Square Service Engineer, J. FRANK BOWEN, approved—June 21. 1926. Engineer. Canopy ROBERT V. TREAT. APPROVED—June 21. 1926. Tuesday, JOHN H. HYDE, ROBERT V. TREAT, and Garage C \RL E. JOH.\NSSON. JOHN H. HYDE. and Stand ROBERT J. SMITH. CARL E. JOHANSSON. at June 22, THOM.tS J. ROGERS. ROBERT J. SMITH, 4i harry W. KEENEY, THOMAS J.'ROGERS. I N . Main and N. School Streets Extra WELLS A. STRICKLAND. HARRY W. KEENEY, Only Selectmen of the Town of WELLS A. STRICKLAND, Manchester. Connecticut. Selectmen of the Town of A copy of original order in Select­ Manchester, Connecticut. men’s Office. A copy of original order in Select­ Phone 15 Brambach Adjustable Padded Back Couch Hammock, $12.98 JOHN H. HYDE, men’s OfiBce. Secretary. JOHN H. HYDE, Our Special for Tomorrow (Tuesday). This adjustable p a d d e d ^ Secretary. EXPERT CAR REPAIRING H-6-21-26 The world’s "best small ^ H a m m o c k , covered with heavy striped, waterproof duck. (A real $24.50 H-8-21-28 grand piano. Known the)^ Promptly Done world over. Not a cheap ^ Heavy steel frame with chains for hanging. There is real comfort Comply BATTERY WORK at grand, but finest quality at and durability in this hammcKk. Offppod special for Tuesday at with the Authorized “Willard” Service a low price. Results of Station. 103 years of piano building.: New Law Carbon Burning. Reasonable Prices Convenient Terms. INSURE YOUR CAR Auto Electrical Work. Electrical Appliances Repaired Willard I write all kinds of Aatomoblle Free Crankcase Service. Firestone G . E. Keith Furniture Co., Inc. Insurance; also Fire and Life. Batteries Tires and Tubes KEMFS CORNER MAIN AND SCHOOL STREETS SO. MANCHESTER, CONN. JOHN BAUSOLA' ^ Free Battery Service. | 5 “ Everything Musical” Thomas V. Holden With Barrett & Robbins 14 William St. ' Pbone 97-18. 913M«inSt ' Phone 39-2


able Inclination to science, an In­ American dollars at seven to fifteen j times its wholesale price. And at j jHanrI|PBt?r herent love of cold -water and Ice in large quantities, a disposition to the wholesale price of a couple of • Gucuittg Hrralb spend much of his time far from dollars a bottle the "champagne” | the madding crowd and a dedd- makers have an enormously profit-1 a iM A TU R E PUBf.lSHED l!Y able business. | TPIE [lERAl-D PRINTING CO. j edly keen business sense. He la FoMncJcd by EUvooci S. Ela I also, proportionately to the import- To the citizen sombrely Impressed | By ARTHUR N. PACK Oct. 1. 18!!1 ^ ance and perils of the kind of ex- by most of the aspects of prohibi- j Every Evening Except Sundays and tion, this matter of the Broadway! President, 'The American Nature tiolida.vs. I ploring he does, just about forty- Association. Enterc:! at tbo Post at Man- | j^ye times the most over-advertlsed champagne comes as a highly edify­ Chester as .-Second Class Mail .Matter. , United States. He ing relief. The victims are fools In the far north, when the mall SUBSC 1:1 P TlO.N K.A rE1'; By Mall and spendthrifts, anyhow; wasters must be delivered to lonely fur- six dollars a year; .sixty cents a has had the most persistent and suc­ traders’ posts or the native mis­ month for shorter perlod.s. cessful press agenting achieved by and show-offs whose vanity and By carrier, eighteen cev.M week. hunger for the admiration of other sions, or the death-defying serum any public figure in the country, Single coliios. three cents. a very must be sent to sufferers in the dis­ sPECl.M. .\Ln’i:i: I'l.'-’iNC repre- save perhaps the unwelcome volume respons e or tant mining camps, the dog proves 5ENTAT1\'E; H.imiltun-De Eisser. great deal of the lurid extravagance as nowhere else the friend of man. Ine. -J." \\ . ‘O 4:id .gtreet. Now York heaped upon Harry M. Daugherty. which has come to be accepted by Though no man can trace his »nd’ fil'J N 'Tth Michigan .Avenue. Mr. MacMillan and a party have Chicago. many thoughtless young people as a origin, he has made good in a land J.; The .Manchester i:\enlng Herald la left on another one of those sum­ normal and desirable' standard of -u'here performance counts more Dn sale in .New York City at Sehultr, a mer vacations of his on the remotest than pedigree. With his aid much News Stand. Sixth .Avenue and 4L’nd American life. Street aiul tfnd Street entrance of edge of the Arctic danger zone— of the northland has been explor­ The supposedly soplstlcated wis- ed; he played a big part in solving Grand Central Station. remotest from the danger— and as ••International News Service has the enheimers who have been paying an the mystery of Sir John Franklin usual the press bureaus have fallen txcluslve rights to use for republlca- average citizen’s month’s rent for and his brave companions; by his tiou In any form all narvs dlspiUchea j for reams of free publicity, which help Peary reached the north pole. Eskimo Dog credited to It or nut otherwise credit­ a short quart of yellow ink with a ed In this paper. It Is also exclusively Mr. MacMillan will capitalize next And for long, though steam on rut'.t'.ed to use for republlcation all crooked stick In it— total cost on land and sea, or motor car, or pace) 100 or 200 pounds of food ’ winter. the local or undated news published Mulberry street probably sixty cents airplane, solve most of the trans­ for souls starving in the wilder­ her »ln." 1 But this time the press agents ness; or who, perhaps, takes to the ■—no longer look like Kings of Dia­ portation problems of the world, I liave slopped over. Tliey have the faithful dog will be the stand-j mission hospital the crippled or MOND.W, JUNK 21, 1926. monds but like Jacks of Dubs. I foolishly featured the fact that by of the rank and file of those of | sick who otherwise would perish All up In salute to Mulberry alone. Such is the faithful Eskimo I three w-omen, relatives of the cen­ the north who need to travel in | SLOTH ^\TNS. Bend! winter. i dog. tral figures in the expedition, are Think of a creature who needs | ------Tiici'c uro ubout forty million going along. only one meal a day; who even ini Send a stam])cd addi-cssca en- toters in Cermauy. A little more That just about shows up the the bitter cold of the arctic night I vcIoik; and (iiicstions of lact liaving than half a million among all these whole caliber of the MacMillan "ex- needs no bed but a corner in a i to do Avith nntnro will be answered people voted’ the propo.sal to snow drift; who hauls through the Thy the consulting staff of Xatuie , ploratiou.” The ladies will be per- trackless waste for 50 miles a day I >lagu7.1no of \\ashington through conS.scate the huge estates of the'! fectly safe. They will undergo I if so bo his driver can stand the 1 arrangements made by this paper. former (Icrmau royal family. More i' no hardship. They xs lll uudouht- than fourteen millions voted in! edly have a lovely time. They will i f W T O fingers. . . . 1 cial institutions which !)Iellon dom­ favor of the seliture. Yet the pro­ RO up north a little way, take a New York. June 21.— New Y'ork’s Banking places that cater to inates didn't square with Reed s posal fails. peck from afar off at the vasty colorfn! “ foreign settlements” are , those wishing to change foreign | idea of the law. It '-\kes a lot of nerve for a Re­ This seemingly coutradictory re- wastes of the Arctic, see a -walrus, a continuous magnet for visitors. . i moneys. . . Agents, representatives! The Syrian quarter...... A slice! and all the by-products of business! pnhliL-.yi senator to disagree— and Bult was brought about by the con- a whale and an Eskimo, dodge the stick to it— with a ■ Republican BtitutlGiial provision that any meas- of Arabia, Palestine, the old Orient I .... ton-id weather that we shall prob- ...... Take an elevated to Rector| These peoiMe have little in com-! president of the t nited States. tire submitted to a national refer­ ! atily get in August, and then, early street and walk over to Washington' mon with the rest of the city...... All these things Reed has done. One may not agree with him in endum must receive the athrmatious . . . .A . in the autumn, come proudly back, . . .There you are district; xhey do not know what is going on to o^ strange contrasts. . .Ban’x bui.d- into the city’s life. . . . This is their all . .respects, . but it's only fair of half the electorate. In the pres­ with bauds to greet them and a lot nerve. ent case the number of votes polled ings magnifying the squalor of the, land. . . . And yet, just around the admit he s got of silly newspapers to make an ex­ dwelling places... Overlapping on | corner, loom the spires of the city j was less than fifty ]ier cent of the traordinary fuss over them. three side streets. Rector, Morris, han and down upon the waterfront! He has ability, too. total: so that even if every one of 'ITiere are still living, probably, and Carlisle. ... the jangle of noises tell of the city’s ^ When Senator Smoot fell ill, he Everywhere the color and smells | great water traffic. turned the current session s tax those who went to tlio polls had de­ forty old Connecticut whalers who l)ill— the premier administration clared for the sci'iurc of the of the Orient. .. .Cobblestoned In-j —------would have thought they were on a ner courts...... Men with stocking-1 measure of 19 26— over to Reed to Miss Smith and th« princes' estates, their action xvould manage. It was a great compli­ picnic if they didn’t have to go three less feet. .'Women with noses pierc-: prize winning chair. have gone for nothing. or four luindred miles deeper into ftd for rings. . . . But few xvear nose ment from such a veteran to so vonng a solon. Reed did the job It is none of onr in this the frozen wastes than MacMillan i^gs in America. . . . Other women 1 S t e w a r f e fi'oin the inner desert country....! as well as Smoot could have done country, -whether the Germans take ever went— and do it about every -WASHIKGTON" It himself. away from their deiiosed royalties Almost negroid in complexion....! voyage. But they didn’t take their First the Dutch lived here and i u t t e r s Indeed, Reed has had a promi­ the vast properties which those in­ wives along. Their kind of busi­ built many of the present buildings nent part in all important legisla­ ANNOUNCING tion in the last two years— ever dividuals and their ancestors grab­ ness wasn't for women. Nor did .... Then came the Italians, then b y CHARLES P. STEW.ART the Irish, then.the Greeks.. Some since he got himself fairly settled bed from their people when they any of them ever make a nickel out Washington, June 21.— Senator at his Senate’s desk. Judges’ Awards in the were in a position to do so or houses contain relics of all three David Aiken Reed had Woodrow of a lecture tour. races.... An Italian vase, left be­ He’s a party man, hut an ex­ whetber. for that matter, they deed Wilson as his lawyer once. tremely independent one. This newspaper, for one, does not hind .... ' Reed was a Princeton freshie. over all the rest of the German A French piece of furniture . . plan to give more than fifty col­ A soph picked on him. Reed grab­ The fact is, whatever else one property to the Hohenzollern and umns of free space to the MacMil- An Irish inscription upon the walls bed a rotten tomato and threw it COGSWELL CHAIR CONTEST .... And the marvelous rugs of may think about the pop­ other princely families— though lan-Metcalf outing this summer. If at the soph. It missed. It went ular election of senators, it has Syria upon the floors. ... through an open window and hit such proceedingsmight rightly others want to. they can. Also, if Windows with strange collections generally made 'em cowardly. We take pleasure in announcing i\Iiss Viola i\Iae Smith of 31 Ridge­ a nice old lady smack in the face. They're afraid of the individual enough he the just concern of Ger­ they want to, they can go into ecs­ of Oriental pipes. The "tetum,” a Despite his apologies, the old lady wood Street as first prize winner in o ur recent Cogswell Chair Contest. many's creditors when nc.xt she water pipe. • . • The water is rose voter as they didn’t used to be. tasies over the adventures of some­ had Reed pinched. They’re consequently at his beck To I\Iiss Smitlt goes the liandsonie Cogswell chair wliich she desciibed in scented. . . . shall seek to heg off on the score of body who has just crossed Fifth Dr. Wilson, Princeton czar, and call. her essav and wliich is illustrated above. All other contestants have re­ Coffee houses and cafes every few knew freshies and sophs. He knew being a poor debtor. But the in­ avenue at Forty-second street. doors...... Inside are long, rough Reed's different. He won’t he ceived certifcates 'witli a credit value of $5 on an\ cogsttell cliaiis theg cident does serve as an example of Reed's provocation. He felt the old bo.ssed. board tables...... And coffee so i ladv should have accepted the the folly of making any popular thick one could stick a finger in and When ho means ‘‘dunder lieads” niav select during tlie next year. , , . . , , , , . .. NO APPLESAUCE. ! apologies. So he appeared for “ dunder heads” is what he says. ‘ We wish to thank all those wlio sliowed tlieir interest by entenn-r the refereiidum. anywhere, contin.aent leave a dent...... All day long President ^Angell of Y’ale Reed and got him off. contest and assisting us to select tlie best chair for our bii) mg Syndicate on the polling of a fixed proportion they seem to gather around the cof­ brought no barrel of applesauce fee cups...... If one is fortunate of the potential vote. , _ Thus it will he seen that Reed along with him on the occasion of enough to gain ha J nerve. Nobody can pick on him il Those eitizens of any country! will be produced, and more ^ »ter nas uei vc. his baccalaureate address to his who decline to nssnmo their share pipes, and perhaps some flat , and ^g^et ^ DAILY POEM graduating class yesterday. Camp­ WATKINS BROTHERS. I n c . in tho job of I'linning that country dancing girls. .. . ' imme town of Pittsburgh now. bell’s "Last Man,” apostrophizing by performing the simple act of ST. BETERSBL'UG, FL.\. BU.ANCH— THE W.ATKLNS-LI.MB.VCHER CO. the setting sun on the 'vs'orld’s last voting, when their constitution en­ filled with books in Arabic script. . it Jecause he day of all, conjures up no more when they refused RAIN dows them with the franchise, And gold and red illuminations . . . | Pennsylvania luridly grim picture than did Dr. ought not to ho considered in any The old goldsmiths, pounding on lit-j fellow senator, George Wharton Angcll as he warned the graduates tie anvils placed In their laps. ... fellow senatoi, Ge Why do ya kirk when it rains a political relation of any kind. To bit, and why dors it n^akc ya throw against the smokily darkling chaos These disappear fast-----The most Pepper. slipped to permit a stay-at-homo vote to in­ famous has gone ...... Too much The tip has been a lit’. Jiu.t wait a while, til! tlie into which existence has resolved him that he’s due to get his, like clouds have gone, and then take a fluence any kind of election— as it pepper .hep the «me c„„.e. always can when a public proceed­ itself. look at the old front lawn. * That President Angell’s nerves ference . The manufactured sells . „ r, • Think o’ the trouble it save ya, ing is made contingent on the ap­ As have been set on edge by the seeth­ man. Hrlps ya to sidetrack the NOTICE proval of a fixed proportion of the lU “p ;h "^ ;r.p r^ ”'.‘ ^The'.r'.spreTl's^^^ sprinkling can. Think o’ the growth Notice is hereby given to the ing conflict of doctrines— political, electorate— is to put sloth and , that the gard^u'.s gained. How TOLLAND legal voters of the Seventh School economic and religious— into ■which cowardice in tlie saddle. This Ger­ I ’bout the muscles that are not District that the annual meeting America along with all the rest of e s r will be held at the District school man incident is well worth remem­ dunder I strained? Dr. Harris W. Price accompanied'v the world is plunged, there is little Like aged men leaning against each! depends, that the> Maybe ya planted some seeds house in said district on Monday bering. COSTS GO UP AS by his aunt, -Mrs. Florence Essex, evening, June 21, 1926 at seven doubt. He delivered what Is prob- last week—-waitin’ and hopin' ta left Saturday for Groton, \ermont, °‘ ThV?ngm?n"^.V.‘ with rugs that 'took nerve to urge a prohihi- see them peek. Fate serves tliis o’clock p. m., standard time al STRANGE (AMISSION. ai'ly the most pessimistic baccalau­ weTe made hv the hands of a half! tion referendum in a dry Senate _ where they will be tlie guests of .Mr. I Biickland. Gann., for the following disli in its garden cup: tho rain Brice's mother, Mrs. Honr\' Tillot- A Singular ease is tliat of Roger reate to be heard at any college or dozen generations. .. .If yon hap-i It took nerve for a regular conies down an’ the seeds come up. BUSINESS GROWS 1 purposes to wit: ^ Vnow rues ...... If you! Republican senator to champion .-:0U. I , To chouse a moderator. McDermott, youth, who was arrest­ school in the United States this Nature, ya know, has ta have a .Mrs. I.. Ernest Hall and daugh-j don’t look- out...... They're sharp young Senator Boh La Follette in To hear the. report of the dis­ ed in New York because he did month. the upper house of Congress. drink. Maybe a man doesn’t stop tor, -Mice Hall, wi re guests Friday | -• traders...... Watch an Armenian trict officers. But it took Bomething^more than Their It took nerve to tell Secretary ta think. Cut out tlie frettin’— of .Mr. and .Mrs. .Vrehie Hall in 1 nothing to prevent his bride of 17 pick out the real article ’cause what do ya gain? Tlie most To elect the district officers for nerves to prompt that kind of an ad­ but once over of the Treasury Mellon that an in- Connecticut’s Increase of 7 .Manehester. . . ; ' from committing suicide. As the sensitive fingers run tax rebate obtained by finan- yon can do is—just let it rain. the ensuing year. dress— it Avill he found elsewhere Y'ou can't fool those come Tlie upper grades nf the Hick's] story comes. Mrs. McDermott de­ .-'.lemorial scliool and No. 7 and No. . -I- To see if the district will vote clared her intention of taking her in this issue and is worth reading Per Cent in Nninber of ;i scliools picknicked at Cry.stal i to lay a tax to meet the dis­ tricts obligations. own life. “ Don’t do it in front of and thinking about. It took cou­ Whither Away, Old Thing? Lake Friday. | _ Tlie schools in Tolland closed ■ a. To see if the uistrict will vote me,” the young husband is reported rage. Stations Brings Rise of to appropriate funds for Nothing is surer than that, dat­ Fridav for the siinimor vacation. | to have said;•‘Til go into this store Miss Taylor. \-ho lias h-en t-ach- , necessary repairs. Avhile yon do it.” IVherenpon the ing exactly from Armistice day, Expense in Greater Ratio. ing at Grant's Hill the past year lias ' 6. To transact any other business girl took two bichloride tablets. 1918, the whole world, in its polit­ h ‘M, engaged to teach in East Hart- | proper to come before said ical, social, religious, ethical and ford. Miss Rnl)y Bowler who lias | meeting. That they failed to kill her has no Dated ;>t Manchester. Conn., this economic viewpoints, has been liecn a successful teacher liere l.m- bearing on the responsibilities of Gonnectient entered the year o. ■overal years, lias resigned and wdl 16th day of June, 1926. the young man. more or less off its head. It has 1 926 witli 7 percent u-ore tile- alKuid Normal school, and ANDREW J HEALY The case is said to he without never gotten its feet on the ground photio statinn.=i than it had t.i- > ar (.’orry, tho toaclier at I'ne Ki-.'r.' DAVID ARMSTRONG EDWARD P. STEIN. precedent. A’et it would appear since that day -when all sense of re- A scliool the past ;-ear, is to lea.aii ta proviotis, but Instead of thi ■ itv District Committee. that. If tho facts are as related, sponsibllity went pop. It has been . Windsor. crea.snd busitu’ss r'iluc'.r't t-.nit Tluicc from T. Hand wlio wiB. there slionld be no question about j running a temperature. Yet poll- i i i Y\ a m operating costs a it doc- ill I'rac- ■ radimto from tho UticliVille High .Xiu'il 18. 177.5. :i> / the liability of the husband, since | ticians, sociologists, churchmen, 'Ay ti 'ally all entorpri. c. . telephone ■■chool this year tire Helen Spa.rro-v. Soti.g—Flower of Liberty. the act of cnlFablllty was perform-1 ethicists and economists keep on costs incr ;od in a ri'll metical I'ro- F;1i( 1 Ba.ct’os and Scrah Ghorches. •Vcl [[—Home o.' Rev. Jonas Clark, ed in New York. In that ' state ! xvlth their advocacies and formulas . ression with the inec-e.-e ol oi lU William C. Partly attended Lexington, .Mass., .Midnight of tlie Di.strict Preachers' meeting at | .lame Date. . .r. there is a criminal statute against j just as if it were a perfectly well \ , L W ■' Tlie larger the toleelnno svst-'ni. My^-'io Tue.sdev and We,dne.'"day. 1 Son.g—Revolutionary Tea ^ world that only needed admonition attempting to commit suicide. It the more complex it liecomes and ’ '.-tlr.-..' Cliarles H. D.-.niela who has i Act III- Events In Philadelphia. iias not been enforced for many and compass to come out all right. the more it costs to provide tele- I'- en in Hartford and Windsor most scene 1 -Dr. Franklin’s Hcjme, July


put to considerable expense. other­ TWO AMERICANS HURT explain to them more full about the ' COW POISONER BOUND wise in connection with the affair. IN FRENCH RAIL WRECK NOTICE merchandise, and ask them to sign BARTHELMESS RETURNS It is said that the mentality of the ANDOVER Tours, France, June 21.—Two NEW C. 0 .0 . PLAN and return the enclosed card with accused is not of the highest but ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. OVER AT HEBRON TRIAL Americans were among the injured their full name and address in or­ AFTER LONG ABSENCE The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. that he seems a pleasant well mean­ Notice is hereby given to all legal der that further communications ing fellow. in the wreck yesterday of the Frances Fredericks is very ill with Paris-Bordeaux express. Six per­ voters of the Second School District may be properly addressed. Either of the Town of Manchester, Oon« TO DUPE PUBLIC pneumonia at St. Joseph’s hospital sons were killed and thirty injured the card is an order to ship the ‘‘■Ranson's Folly," which comes in Willimantic. (Special to The Herald) necticut, that the annual school goods which is probably never read when the train jumped the track to the State theatre tomorrow and Airs. A. H. Benton recently gave Hebron, Conn.. June 21.—The c a r n iv a l o pen s to n ig h t at Vouvray, seven miles from here. meeting will be held in the assem­ hy the one who signs it, or else bly hall of the school building OB AVednesday is first picture Dick a whist party in honor of Airs. case ot Robert Lester, accused of .at CAPITOL PARK Mrs. Mary Louise Leben and her there i.s a blank space left wliere Barthelmess has made on the Helen Gatchell who is to leave poisoning cows owned by Louis [Monday evening. June 28, 1926, at Pick Young People as Sub­ an order is subsequently printed in, son. Raymond. 5, of Boston. Coast in over seven years. “Han­ soon for California. Mrs. Gatchell Ellenberg, a New Y'orker who has o'clock, standard time, for tha and the next thing the signer knows, in St. Gatian hospital here. Mrs. . . . . son’s Folly" was filmed at the is confined to her home at the pres­ a farm in Hebron, was tried before Lebei. is suffering from a badly in-1 purposes, to wit: I he is notified that there is a C. 0. D. The most momentous week in jects of Latest Scheme; Marshall Neilan Studio under the ent time with an infection in her Justice ot the Peace H. Clinton juied leg. Her son's injuries are I 1st To choose a moderator. package at the post office which he direction of Sidney Olcott. Col­ ankle and her trip will be postr the season is scheduled to start to­ I 2nd To hear the report of th® n . i|T I II I can have on payment of a certain Perter, Friday, June 18, at 2 p. m. night at Capitol Park, Hartford’s slight. 1 onel George L. Byram, a retired poned for about three weeks. Lester, who is only 16 years ot age, I District Auditor. Deing Worked W orked Here. i sum ot money, and the result 1s al- U. S. Army expert, superintended Mrs. Thomas Lewis was a caller wonderful amusement park on ! 3rd To hear the report of th® ** I most invariably the same. Com- confessed that he did the poisoning A\’ether*field avenue, and the op­ the costume and military detail. in Hebron Friday. to avenge what he considered was i District Collector. ------I paratively few ot these packages In this picture Dick plays the ening gun will be fired with a pro­ The Rev. John Fitzgerald of New unjust treatment of his uncle, Al­ j 4tli To hear the report of th® I are refused and returned to the role of “Lieutenant Ranson,” A'ork spent AA’ednesday night with gram of seven all star amateur TOWN ADVERTISEMENT District Treasurer. Tliis if KUli jii’tlrlr prepared senders. If they are, the senders which was made famous on the bert Egan, who had some time pre­ bouts, hold under the auspices" of his sister, Mrs. Lewis Phelps. viously been hired to take care ot 5th To hear the report of th® for Tlie Herald by the loral Chniii- are only out postage. stage by Robert Edeson. This is Mrs. L. B. AA’hitcomb. who has the Connecticut Amateur Athletic HEARING ON ASSESSMENT FOR District Committeeman. ber of Commerce. The Post Office Department has the second Edeson stage play Dick Ellenbcrg’s stock. At that time the Union. Boxers known throughout THE CON.STRUCTION OF SIDE- been very ill with tonsilitis for the youth was living with hi.s uncle on 6th To elect the following offi­ ------i had all the trouble of double for- has selected for the screen. the past week is now reported better. the state will compete tonight and AVALKS OR CURBS OR BOTH ON cers for the District for the ensuing a place located in Hebron on the HOLE STREET; — As an illustration of the keenness' ^yarding, notifying the consignee, other one being “Classmates." A large number attended the the entire array of talent will be year: end up-to-dateness ot certain indi-1 ]n,i(}ing the package for the legal old road to Colchester, and helped presented in rapid fire order. “Ranson's Folly" is an adapta­ Christian Endeavor social Friday J. Armstrong & Jennie District Treasurer viduals engaged in the gentle art | tliirty days, and notifying the send- tion of the famous story by Rich­ in the care of the stock on the evening. The following program The renovation of the entire Armstrong, Martha Sheehan, AA'il- District Clerk of gyping the public, there has come! for return postage. The Post ard Harding Davis. It takes Bar­ Ellenberg place. The uncle. who was presented: Musical selection park has now been completed and liam J. & -Alargaret Sinnamon, John District Collector to light within the last few weeks, j Qf^pp department is thus unwitting- thelmess back to the time of the by Gilead trio, pantomime by Ed­ was in poor health, has since died Capitol Park now presents an ap­ & Julia Haberern, David .Muldoon, District Auditor a brand new development of the; ]y lending itself to deliberate fraud Indian wars. He plays the role of ward Gatchell. Burton Lewis and and the nephew saws he "wanted to District Committeeman "merchandise hy mail" game. Pn-| besides submitting itself to a tre- get even with Ellenberg" so made pearance that by far outshines any -Angelo & ('ongetta A'ince, .Angelo Lieutenant Ranson, an adventur­ Guy Bartlett: two solos, “The and all previous decorative 7th To see if the District will doubtedly many communities have ' ^.ipndous burden and Inconvenience, a trip from his grandmothei’s home A’ince, -Aliehael J. Barry, Richard ous soldier who embroils himself Cameo” and “Lying Little Daisy" schemes. The glistening swimming levy a tax. adopted the same methods with re-1 Undoubtedly some remedy will be in sundry difficulties on account in Colchester, to do the poisoning. Allen. -Andro and Annie Suhy, bv Miss Mildred Briggs, of Bloom­ pool presents a wonderful appear­ Christopher AVilson, Rebecca J. 8th To see if the District will gard to the unsolicited merebandise j found for this, but it must come of his dare-devil disposition. field; a reading. “The Minister’s The ’s mother was killed by a by mail problem that has been ad- {jirough national legislation, as un- ance and the sand beach extending AA’right, AA’illiam L. Fitzgerald, Ali- vote to authorize its Treasurer to Miss Dorothy Mackaill is seen Blunder” by Miss Essie Frink, and bolt of lightning about three years over one hundred and fifty yards borrow money not exceeding a cer­ vocated by the Manchester Chamber 1 dpr the present laws, flie Post Office opposite the star. She has the part two impersonation readings by Eu­ ago, in AA'estchester. where the chael and .Annie Kunsky, Mary Wil­ by approximately fifteen yards son Ford and Samuel Ford, and Jo­ tain amount to me-et the necessary of Commerce and this has led the , department is powerless to prevent of a daughter of a AVestern pio­ gene Platt, of'AVapping. After the family then lived, and the boy has promoters of this selling plan, to | wide, makes one think they are seph Kalinovski, obligations of the District or to tak® neer. After a series of thrilling program a scries of games were led a somewhat uncared for jxis- actually at the seashore. up existing note, notes or other ob­ devise a now plan by which they] Warning, episodes she finally wins the hand tence, it is said. He lives now with Owners of proiiorty abutting side­ enjoyed and later in the evening A’esterday’s capacity attendance ligations of the District, arid giva would bo rolioved of the uncortain- jiie Chamber of Commerce re- ot the dashing soldier. refreshments consisting of punch i his father in Marlborough. walks or curbs or both on Hull ty of collection attendant upon the ' pp^js its familiar warning to pay in the park and the swimming Street. the District’s obligations therefor, Others in the cast are Anders and cookies were served. It will be recalled that Mr. Ellen- when in his opinion it is for th® present plan. ' no money to anyone for anything, Randolf. Pat Hartigan, William pool taxed the resources of the big A'ou are hereby notified that the herg, about the time of the poison­ organization operating it. and to­ interest of the District to do so. There have been various phases unless you know what you are get­ Norton Bailey, Brooks Benedict, ing, which happened around April Selectmen of the Town of .Manches­ of this development due to Individ- night an even larger attendance 9th To see if the District will’ ting. It also urges anyone re­ Colonel C. C. Smith, Pauline Neff, LOC.AL MANAGERS .ATTEND first, received in New A’ork an ter. Conn., acting under ami pursu­ tial interpretation and ingenuity, ceiving communications of any na­ A. & P. STORES OUTING. is looked for. Tomorrow night a ant to Section 20 ( 396) ( Bill vote to build an addition to tha and Billie Bennett. “April Fool" card statir.v that his present school building or in soma but they all revolve around the ture with which they are unac­ More than fifty full-blooded mammoth country store will be No. 929 1. Special Laws of Con­ mail C. O. D. proposition. quainted. particularly those involv­ Practically all the local manag­ Hebron place had been burned to thrown open to those holding tlie otlier way provide more space for American Indians have parts in the ground. .Arrived in Hebron he necticut, 1915, entitled "An Act Pick on Young People. ing the purchase of merchandise ers of the .A. & P. stores in town lucky numbers and over five hun­ amending an .\ct concerning tlie sclinol purposes. “ Ranson's Folly"—among them found his cattle dead instead. The 10th To see if the District will Naturally the class of dupes must or the payment of money, to give Chief Eagle AA’ing and Chief Big attended the Great Atlantic and dred prizes will he distributed. nomination of candidates for public be gullible enough to fall for the the Chamber an opportunity to in­ Pacific Tea Co.’s managers’ associa­ mystery about this card has not AVednesday night the Charleston vote to retain a paid supervisor at Tree. been straightened out, but it is office and the u' niber. power and specious representations which are vestigate it and report the facts, tion outinv held at Goodwin Park, (—itest will he lield and entries duties of the Town Officers of the the playground during the summer Tonight the State presents the thought that the young man was made in communications received after which Individuals are. of Hartford yesterday. Members were are pouring in fast. Those desir­ Town of Manchester." .A()proved months. r last showing of “Paris.” nth To transact any other from unknown individuals with course, free to follow their own present from A'ermont and Massa­ not the sender. ing to enter this contest and the .Alay 20th. 1915, will meet at the One of the most elaborate repro­ Lester was found guilty and 'business proper to come before said whom they have never had any pre­ judgment. ductions of a Paris underworld chusetts as well as from all parts open to all amateur vaudeville Hall of Records in said Town of vious communication. Mailing of Connecticut. bound over to the next term of the con‘'-‘ Thursday night, can apply -Manchester on June 28th, 1926, at meeting. cate was constructed at the Metro- Signed; lists of young people, girls and boys ^ Cioldwyn-Mayer studios for the Ed­ Barbecued lamb was served to Superior Court in Rockville. Hart to the manager’s office at any seven o’clock (standard time) in who are working and have the con­ over three hundred members and E. Buell of Gilead, was appointed time now. W. J. BUCKLEY, HAVE YOU $42.11? mund Goulding production “Par­ the afternoon, for the purpose of District Committeeman. trol of small amounts of money of their wives or friends. Following guardian for the boy, and the lat­ All in all Capitol Park Is going assessing two-thirds of the cost is". It duplicates “The Birdcage" Dated, Manchester Green, Conn. their own. are made up. These a famous haunt of Apaches. the barbecue the afternoon was ter’s uncle, Paul Roberts, a Marl­ to be The Amusement Place this thereof upon the property adjacent Washington.— If each citizen of June 21, 1926. young people are not in the habit of Charles Ray plays an American en­ taken up with an extensive sport­ borough man, gave bonds for him. week with feature after feature thereto, for the construction of side­ receiving business letters, so that the United States had an equal share of all money in circulation in meshed in an Apache plot and Jo­ ing program including a baseball The case was ferreted out by State . being presented daily, winding up walks or curbs or both upon said when a comnmnication on an im­ an Crawford a fiery .Apache dancer game. AY. J. Davidson, president of Policeman Kelley of Hartford who | next Saturday night with a Ford posing appearing letterhead is re­ this country, the per capita divi­ Street. sion would be: $3.94 in gold coin, in the new picture. the New England division of the A. secured the confession and brought car being given absolutely free By order of and for the Board of MARK HOLMES ceived by them stating that they are & P. stores and P. S. Comstock the accused to trial. and next Sunday with the appear­ one of a selected number who have i| $9.54 in gold certificates, 45 cents Selectmen of the Town of Manches­ of the standard silver dollar, $3.16 HOAV fortunate: general manager were guests at Mr. Ellenberg says that his loss­ ance ot several ot the world’s most ter, Connecticut, Undertaker been chosen to receive certain mer-j “Did you hear a man was mur­ the outing. es have amounted to about $1000. famous female swimming stars in chandise at exceptionally low j in silver certificates, one penny JOHN H. HYDE. Secretary. Embalming • Funeral Director dered in the street last night for on this case, as his poisoned "ows a brilliant exhibition ot aquatic Manchester, Conn., June 21st, 1926. prices, they are naturally impressed, j from each treasury note of 1S90, Lady Assistant. Phone 406-2. $2.32 in half dollars, a United his money?", \\ere his best ones, and he has been swimming and diving. H-6-21-26. There is usually something about | “Yes. but luckily he had no mon- i Isn’t it strange how people with 1 Depot Square. Manchester. the letter which implies that the .'-states note worth $2.54, $14.42 in I'ederal Reserve bank note, and en on him at the time.”—Dorfbar-1 less sense than we have seem to matter should be treated as confi­ bier, Berlin. ■ get along much bc.icr? dential and after the exchange of $,'.ilS worth of National bank one or two letters, the affair is notes. The total share Uius would usuall\' closed, by the young man or be $42.11. TOWN ADA^ERTISEMENT No Water To Lift— young woman signing an order for loniething they have no earthly use THE MAGNETOS for and know nothing about, and BOARD OF SELECT.MEN TOAVN OF M.ANCHESTER. would not have thought of buying TOWN ADVERTISEMENT DECISION. but for the adroit wording of the Of the Selectmen of the Town of Manchester, Conn., upon the pro­ RECHARGED literature sent out by the unscrupu­ NOTICE. posal of Selectmen for the establishment of building and xeranda lines SAVAGE Proposed order establishing lous vendors. on the AA’est and East side of Clinton Street, between School Street on INJHE^CARj, The goods are sent by parcel post building and veranda lines on East the South and Oak Street on the North. Fills and Empties side and the West side of Starl:- r. O. D. and usually prove a rank I’pon proposal ot .'Selectmen for the establishment of building and NORTON ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT CO. disappointment, but the matter has weather Street, from Woodbridge veranda lines on the AA’est side and the East side of Clinton Street, Itself. been kept a secret up to this point Street on the Nnrtl'. to Green Road between School Street on the South and Oak Street on the North, the Not a drop Avasted— the HILLIARD ST. ^ PHONE. V on the South, with time and place of and usually the secret continties as Selectmen of the Town of Manchester, Conn, acting under and pursuant NEAR MANCHESTER FREIGHT STATION the person is ashamed to acknowl­ public hearing on said proposed to Section 9 (44) (House Bill No. 1049 ), Special Laws of Connecticut, SAVAGE saves water for edge that he was stung. order. 1913, and Sections 1-5 ( 452 ) Special Laws Conn., 1917, entitled “An you. Another development of this The Selectmen of Manchester, Act amending an Act concerning the nomination of candidates for public GUARANTEED MORE POWER NO SKIPPING ’ scheme is to mail goods C. O. D. Conn., at a meeting held June 14th, office, and the number, jiowers, and duties of town officers in the Town entirely without an order and trust 1926. acting under and pursuant to of Manchester,” approved April 9th, 1913, and October 1st, 1917, having to the curiosity or inquisitiveness Section 9 (44 1 Special Laws Conn., caused a copy of the proposed order designating and establishing build­ The Manchester of the adressee when notified by the 1913. approved .April 9. 1913, and ing and veranda lines on Clinton Street, a highway within said Town Post Office Department that th.ey Sections 1-5 ( 452 ) Special Laws of Manchester, to be filed in the Town Clerk's office in said Manchester, Electric Co. have a C. O. D. package waiting for Conn., approved Oct. 1st. 1917, hav- and publislied at least twice in a newspaper printed in said Manchester, them. The peculiar part of it is in;’, deemed it for the public good at least five days before date of said hearing, and deposited a copy of said that it almost always works and that huildiiig and veranda lines proposed order, together with a notice of time and place of said liearing. Old Company Lehigh most ot these packagts are paid for [should be established on Stark- in a Post Office in said town, postage paid, directed to tlie person or per­ and taken away. weather Street, a highway in the sons interested at his or their last known address, five days before said .Seek Names. Town of Manchester, Conn., from hearing,— for the purpose of designating and establisliing building and A third development is for the j Woodbridge Street on the North to veranda lines, appraising the damages, and assessing the benefits caused vendors to write to their prospee-j Green Road on the South, passed by laying out said building and veranda lines under said petition and Good Coal --- Safe Heat tive vietims that a friend has given jdio following proimsed order viz.: P'roposed order by tlie provisions of said Sections:—• their name as one who would be in-j ORDERED: — Subject to the pro- met at the Hall of Records in said Town of .Alanchester on the 14th HiSrrS SELF-SERVE terested in a certain piece of mer-1 vi.sions of said Section.s that the fol- day of June A. D., 1926, at seven o’clock, D. S. T., in the afternoon,— chandise: that they would like to lowing lines on the East side and the time and place designated in said notice, and. liaving viewed the FILL YOUR BINS NOW ______I the AA’ side of Starkweather [ircmises and heard all the parties present and interested;—deem it for Street, a higliway in said Town of G R O C E P Y the public good to designate and establish building and veranda line.s I .Manchester, he and they are hereby on said Clinton Street under said petition, and proposed order, and it is TO WAIT DM YBi £ 4 established viz.: ORDERED:—That from and after the 14th day of June, 1 926, Stove...... $16.50 ....$16,25 _STATE ROAD WORKi EAST SIDE. building and veranda lines on said liighway known as Clinton Street be, SE.ALED PROPOS.VLS will be re- j The Building line on the East and they are hereby designated and established as follows, to wit:—- Chestnut...... $16,25 Pea .... $13.00 ceived hy the State Highway Com-! side of Starkweather Street is to be E.AST SIDE. mi.ssioner, 12 AA'nsliington Street, twenty-live (251 feet East of and The Building line on the East side of Clinton Street i.s to be ten 50 cents a ton discount for cash Hartford. Conn., until 2 R. .AI., parallel to the East line of Stark­ (10) feet East of and parallel to the East line of Clinton Street, from Specials for Tuesday! EASTERN STAND.VRI) TIME, on weather Street, from AA'oodbridge SchooFStreet on tlie South to a point 100 feet North of the North lino within 10 days. Monday. June 28th, 1 926, for the Street on the North to Green Road of School Street, and from said point the building line is to be twenty- following sections of State work, in on the South. five (25) feet East of and parallel to the East line of Clinton Street to n accordance with plans and specifica­ The A'eranda line on the East point 100 feet South of the Soutli line of Oak Street, and from said point tions on file at the following places: side of Starkweather Street is to b'S to Oak Street on the North the building line is to be ten (10) feet East of 21st to 26th TOAVN OF MANCHESTER: ■fifteen (15) feet East of and and parallel to the East lino of Clinton Street. Archie Hayes About 8232 linear feet of 9 incli parallel to the East line of Stark­ The A’eranda line on the East side of Clinton Street is to be ten Canned Peach W eek concrete pavement and 3 inch weather Sti-ect. from A\'o»dbridge (10) feet East of and parallel to the East line of Clinton Street, from Formerly Richardson Coal Co. Tel. 1115-3. asphalt or 2'o inch amiesite over Street on the North to Green Road School Street on the South to a point 100 feet North of the North line Special Piice for This Week Only. 7 inch reinforced concrete base on on the South. of School Street, and from said point the veranda line is to be fifteen West Center St. NOTE: Port­ AVEST SIDE. (15) feet East of and parallel to the East line of Clinton Street to a point land cement will he furnished h.N' Tlie Building line on the West 100 feet South of the South line of Oak Street, and from said point to Large Can of Calfornia the State. Flans and specifications side of Starkweather Street is to be Oak Street on the North the veranda line is to be ten (10) feet East of at the office of R. AV. Stevens. Divi­ thirty (30) feet AVest of and and parallel to the East line of Clinton Street. Yellow Cling Peaches can 25c iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiniiniiiiiniiiiiiiiM iniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiM niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH j sion Engineer, 15 Lewis St., Hart­ parallel to tlie AVest line of Stark­ AVEST SIDE. ford, Conn. weather Street, from AA'oodbridge The Building line on the AA’est side of Clinton Street is to be ten Nine perfect halves packed in wonderful, heavy TOAV.N OF FARMINGTON: Street on the North to Green Road (10) feet West of and parallel to the AVest line of Clinnton Street, from syrup. About 1778 linear feet of grading cn the Soutli. School Street on the South to a point 100 feet North of the North line and about 1000 linear feet of 7 inch The A'eranda line on the West I PIONEER AMBULANCE SERVICE | of School Street, and from said point tlie building line is to he twenty-five waterbound macadam in connection side of Starkweather Street is to be (25) feet AA’est of and parallel to the AA’est line of Clinton Street to a with tlie elimination of grade cross­ twenty (20) feet AA'est of and point 100 feet South of the South line of Oak Street, and from said Pure L a rd ...... lb. pkg. 19V2^ ing on tlie Srott Swamp Road. parallel to the AA'est line of Stark- point to Oak Street on the North the hnilding line is to be ten (10) feet Plans and specifictitinns at the office wi atlier SI reet. from AA’oodbridge AA^est of and parallel to the AA’est line of Clinton Street. Sunbeam Tomato Catsup . pint bottle 19c of R. AA'. Stevens. Division Engi­ Street on the .North to Green Road The A'eranda line on the AA'est side of Clinton Street is to be fen neer, 15 Lewis Street, Hartford, on the South. (10) feet West of and parallel to the AA’est line of Clinton Street, from Hale’s Fancy Creamery Tub Butter, . Conn. .And it is hereby ordered;—That School Street on the South to a point 100 feet North of the North line of TOWN OF FARMINGTON: said proposed order of the Select­ School Street, and from said point the veranda line is to be fifteen (15) pound 42c About 1 3245 linear feet of 7 inch men of .Manchester. Conn., be ' eard feet West of and parallel to the West line of Clinton Street to a point trap rock on tlie Scott and determined at the Hall of 100 feet South of the South line of Oak Street, and from said point to Small White Pea Beans...... 3 lbs. 19c Swam|i Road, including abutments Record.s in said Town of Manches­ Oak Street on the North the veranda line is to be ten (10) feet West of for a 50 foot steel bridge. NOTE: ter. on Monday, June 28, 1 926, at 7 For baking. This is exclusive of the work in con­ o’clock. S. T., in the afternoon, and Property Owner Frontage Damages Benefif s Fancy Large Native Strawberries— nection with grade crossing elim­ that the Secretary of this Board Rose <5- James MeSherry . . . 142.1 $1 4.21 $14.21 cause a copy of proposed order de­ Best picked. From Olcott’s farm. ination. Portland cement and re­ Louis & Carmela Felice . . . . 94.n 9.40 9.40 signating and establishing the build­ inforced concrete pipe wiM he fur­ James McKay...... 6 6,0 6.60 6.60 ing and veranda lines upon said Fresh Supply of Fresh Fruit nished by the Stale. ; anti John O'Keefe ...... 50.0 5.00 5.00 proposal of Selectmen, together specifications at the < i;. A\’. Fritz & Hannah Johnson . . . 50.0 5.00 5.00 and Vegetables. Stevens. Divi.sion F ", 15 with a notice of the time and place 50,0 5.00 5.00 of hearing thereon, to be filed in D. E. & Josephine Thibodeau Lewis Street, Hartford. ( :. Carl F. Schultz...... 70.0 7.00 7.00 TOAA’N OF CANTON: .\ concrete the Town Clerk’s office in said Town John E. & John 3rd Johnson 120.0 1 2.00 1 2.00 girder bridge of two 3 8 font spans j of .Manchester, and published at 120.0 1 2.00 12.00 over Cherry Brook. NOTE: Foi'- least twice in a n-sw-spaper printed 1 4.00 1 4.00 lA! in said Town at least five days be- Carmela & Cosimo Aloisio . . . 140.00 land cement will be furiii.slied by j Egnatz Rizer ...... 140.3 14.03 14.03 the State. Plans and specifications fore the day of hearing and a copy Felix & Katie Mordavosky . . . 100.0 10.00 10.00 at the office of R. AA’. Stevens. Divi- 1 of said proposed order and notice & Albert Larson . . . . 100.0 10.00 10.00 M tn. sion Engineer, 15 Lewis Street, j to be deposited in a Post Office in Fritz $> ils on the honor roll at the Wind­ ed and shingled. Makers of the Flag stanclArd time. For daylight Entertainers. Columbia cemetery AVednesday af­ school In AATlllmantic held their ...... Anna Cohen I C'ayton Hunt. Jr., Sidney Lasky. AVHO (526) Des Moines— Or­ annual picnic at Columbia lake ham High school for the sixth and Rev. T. Newton Owen returned ; Pine Stri'Pi—Helen Ilsnnequln, saving time, add one hour. ternoon beside the body of hla wife Plano Solo ...... Arlene Badge gan. who died several years ago while Thursday afternoon, accompanied last marking period: Seniors, Lou­ to the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. iAli e Hennequln, Anna Cihcn. by several teachers and friends. is Zibulsky and Elizabeth Bertsch; Porter after spending a few days High Noon ...Harry Chowonec ! Old Hop River—Harry CUowen- WRNY (25S) N'ew York — 1 A. M. on a visit to Columbia. Mr. AVll- KNX ( 337 ) Los Angeles — Or- llams was a regular visitor to Co­ This section of the coufitry suf- .Juniors, Amelia German; Freah- with relatives In Bristol, R. I. Chorus: "Welcome Sweet Spnug I e c . Sports; I'ommcne piona; orchcs- time chest ra. lumbia several years ago. feretV from the frosts of AVednes­ mcn, Joseph Kresewitz. The graduation exercises of the I Hop River A'.llage:— Berths. tra. day night quite severely In places. The Misses Phoebe, Agues and town schools were held lu the The Dream Sh'p ..Samtrl Price I Strickland. WCillP (270 ) Detroit.—Concert. AVDAF ( 366 ) Kansas City— The regular meeting of Colum- Frolic. AVREO (2S5) Lansing. Midi.— KPO (428) San Francisco—Or­ Concert. chestra. WLS (345) Chicago—Markets: KGW (491) Portland, Ore.— sports; organ; orchestra. Orchestra. ■\VJJD ( 370 ) Mooseheart, 111.— Concert. \VT.\M (3S9) Cleveland—Or­ chestra; report of the Bureau of the

Budget from Washington, D. C. j NdkHilMTtMn* Mi MAt(M N l M *U MKRC ( 4 22 ) Cincinnati—Or­ WTIC chestra. Traveler* Insurance Co., WMAQ ( 4 47 ) Chicago—Organ; Hartford. Conn. orchestra. 467. WEAF ( 492 ) New York—Vocal, talk; instrumental. wex (517) Detroit.—Orchestra. Program for Monday 7 P. M. 5:30 P. M.—Dinner Concert. Moe WBAL ( 246 ) Baltimore—Or­ Blumenthal's Hub Restaurant chestra; Sandman Circle. Quartet. WRNY (25S) New York—Or­ a. Romance .... D'Ambroslo chestra; amateur period. b. AA’oodlaud Sketches WCAU (27S) Philadelphia — ...... MacDowell "Variety. c. Aubade Mexlealne WAHG (316) Richmond Hill. N...... Dent-Lowry Y.—M usical. d. Air de Ballet ...... Herbert WBZ ( 333 ) Springfield. Mass.— e A'iolin Solo—Serenade Orchestra; organ...... Schubert WTAM (3S9) Cleveland—Base- Moe Blumenthal ball; orchestra. f. A Japanese Sunset .Deppen "WLW ( 422 ) Clnclnnatl—Con- g. Selection from "Orange cert. Blossoms" ...... Herbert WEAF ( 4 9 2 ) Xew York—Or- h. Popular Period. chestra. 6:30’—Announcements. Baseball WJR (517) Detroit—Orchestra. Scores, News Items and Police WOAW (526 ) Omaha—Instru­ Report. NOW! mental; baseball; markets: orches­ 7; 15—The A'ale Glee and Banjo tra. Clubs, Commencement Concert WBAL ( 24 6 ) Balitmore — Or­ from AA'oolsey Hall. gan.: quartet. I WRNY (25S) New York—Talk; 1. Banjo Club— musical varieties. A’ale Medley ....arr. Austin KFNF ,266 ) Shenandoah— Or­ 2. Songs of A'ale— chestra. a. Brave Mother A'ale WGHP (270") Detroit — Orches- ...... Shepa.d the new Silent NOKOL ■ ' tra; famous composer's hour. b. Shall I AVastlng in Des­ Al'CAU (27S) Philadelphia—Mu- pair < sical. (Old English Melody) AVJAR (306) Providence R. I.— c. As Freshtnen First AA'e Baseball; musical. Came to A'ale KDKA (309) Pittsburgh— Farm Glee Club ; , program. 3. Glee Club— j; AA'AHG (316) Richmond Hill, N. a. Lamp in the West '«• Y.—Talk: vocal and instrumental...... Horatio Parker automatic oil heat . ' KOA (322) Denver— Markets; b. Lonesome Road (A'lrginia concert. Plantation Song) V.'LIT (395) Philadelphia—The­ B. C. Cutler soloist ater program. c. Dance a Cachuca, Fand­ Ic.' WKRC (422) Cincinnati—In­ ango. Bolero final from Most sensational comfort-development strumental; talk. "The Gondoliers" AVRC (469 ) AVashington—"Bud- .... Sir Arthur Sullivan ; I - get Talks." by President Calvin 4. B.anjo Club— in the history of OIL HEAT 1?, Coolldge and Gen. Herbert M. Lord. a. Quartet from "Rlgoletto” director of the budget. To AVGA’ .... arr. Royale Merwyn ;j (379) and AVJZ (455). b. Harvard-Prlnceton Med­ AVEAF (492) New York— "Bud­ ley arr. Royale Merwyn get Talks." by President Calvin 5. Glee Club— ‘ . Coolidge and Gen. Herbert M. Lord, a. Songs My M(ather Taught director of the budget. To AA'CSH Me ...... Dvorak-Smlth (256 ). WJAR (306), WGR (319), b. A> AVatchers and Le Holy See it in operation today— AVSAl (326 ), WWJ (353 ), AVDAF Ones ...... arr. Davison answer— for all time— your own questions about alterations; enables N okol to burn the oaaly proper ( 366 ), WTAM (359). AVCAE Find out how noise has been cut to the IT kind of oil for automatic heat in the home— at (461). WCAP ( 469 ), WEEI ( 476), 1. Mountain Songs of North automatic oil heat for the home: KSD ( .545). Carolina vanidbing point; how all past records of reasonable cost. WeX (417) Detroit—Orchestra. ...arr. M. Bartholome 1. Is it noisy? a. Pretty Saro hom6 heating comfort are now surpassed P P. M. In the new Silent N okol this vital combus­ AVBAL (246 ) Baltimore—Talk; b. The Rosewood Casket 2. Is it a high-co^t luxury, for the rich only ? trio. c. Blackbird and the Crow tion chamber has been given even greater effec­ WRNY (258) New A'ork—Or- d. Grandma Grunts h i s is the biggest development in oil heat since 3. Is a lot of expert attention required to get chest rn. e. Little Mawhee started. Facts, not words make it so. The tiveness. AVGHB (266) Clearwater. Fla.— Glee Club oil heat comfort? Does it provide ample heat. A'oeal and instrumental. 2. Hawaiian Trio— Tproof is right here in our shovtToom today: the new AA'CAU ( 27 8 ) Philadelphia- Messrs Abbott, Robert­ If you have other questions, you’ll find them, too, Come see it—in operation Musical. son, Sterrett Silent N okol, actually operating— for you to see. AVSM ( 283 ) Nashville—A'oeal 3. American Songs of 1850— answered now. and instrunicntal. a. Call Me Pet Names today KDKA ( 309) Pittaburg'i—Light b. War Song of the Texan ( rera. Rangers The ^^noise bogey^^ killed Suppose this announced some amazing new radio AA'AHG 16) Richmond Hill. N. c. Railroad Chonis Not a trace of odor set— or beautiful new-model automobile. You d Y •-Musical, AH'. Cooper and Double Quartet By perfection of a simple principle, the new Silenr a 4. University Quartet—■ , A\"BZ ( 333 ) Springfield. .Mass.— N okol cuts noise to the vanishing point. Literally, There never has been, never will be the slightest ase it. Home comfort for your family is at least Orchestra. Messrs. Darling. Ross, KCrO (361) Oakland, Calif.- Sinclair, Hoggson exactly that. trace of odor— inside or outside a NOKOL-heaied as important Concert. 5. Popular Songs— home. Because N okol does not have to bum AVLIT ( 395 ) Philadelphia—Or- Glee and Banjo CUihs It is an Important betterment— yet made with­ So come in. Find but what oil heat can be, and cl)eMnt, 6. Bright College Years cheap, foul-smelling oil in order to deliver economi­ AAt'CO 1-116) S(. I'nul-Mlnneap- ...... Durand out the slightest sacrifice of that high efficiency can do for you today. See the new Silent N okol in clls- •('. of Minneapolis program. Glee anfl Banjo Clubs cal heat. operation. Listen to it. Examine it. A sk questions. AVKRC (4 22 ) Cincinnati— 8:45 — Soprano Solos— which has given N okol a 9 -year record for lotu- American l.rgit'n i>rograin. a. June's a Gypsy Pedlar tst optrating cost Some burners do have to use such inferior fuel. * * * * AVSH (12S) Atlanta—.Aluslcnl, ...... AYood And an unavoidable, unpleas­ KGW (491) Portland—Concert. b. l.onscmose Moonlight For periods up to nine AV.TR (.517) Detroit—Orchestra...... Strickland ant odor is but one of the diup- AVHO (526 ) Des Moines—Vocal c. Shadow Dance from "Din- years, 29,000 homes have and Inslrumet^tnl. orah" ...... Meyerbeer pointments in such an inveat- 10 1’. M. d. AA’Ish Blossoms ...... Evtile had N okol comfort— and ment. Even then they do not, A\ RV.A ( 256 ) Richmond, A’a.— e. Shy Mignonette ...... Brahe have found it an econ­ To Men and W)men T'etGures. Marjorie Boiles Slsaon, soprano NOTE THIS IMPORTANT FACT: cannot equal N okol economy. KFKX ( 288 ) Hnstlngs, Neh.- Florence T. Skiff, accompanist omy, too. who think Musical. 9:00—Studio Program. N okol is one of the few automatic oil burners KPRC ( 29 7 ) Houston—Vocal 9:30— art of "Lucia dl Lam- N ow ths new Silent N okol gave automatic oil heat to the The principal reason is and Instrumental. mernioor" by the AVEAF Grand American Home a little less than a de- made in adequate range of sizes to fit the Avide range N okol*8 famous combustion KDKA (3('9) Pittsburgh—Or­ Opera Company under the direc­ N oko l jirouides even cade ago—several years before others of heating-plant sizes. Each installation is indi- chestra. tion of Cesare Sodero. followed it into the field. Building 6n chamber— a aelf-contained part KO,\ (32 2 ) Denver—(Archestrn. 10:00—News Items And AA’eather greater comfort—at even vidually fitted to its particular furnace or boiler, satisfaction of its users. K.N'.N ( 33 7 I I,os .\ntcles—Fcn- Report. lower cost! The reduction, of the burner, entirely inde­ tures. 10:03-10:30—Capitol Theatre Or- More homes are equipped with its particular home or building. KFAU (311) Lincoln, Nch,—Or­ — iranUy, is not great. It n o k o l to-day than with any other pendent of your heating plant Songs A'ou T-lke to Hear Come in today. W e can sincerely assure you an chestra. couldn't be— in Ariew of automatic oil heating service. A t the It equips your furnace or boiler KTHS (576 ) Hot Springs. Ark. Walter Dawley end of 1925 more than twenty-two inttrestiBg visit—i new tnd clearer idea of home­ ■—Baseball scorei; orchestra. theloH6*ooetrecordsNoKOL million dollars was invested in NOKOL for oil*burning, as the old AVeCO (416) St. Paul-Mlnnetp- heating comfort. oils—Musical selections. has made for nme years. equipment in American homes, and grate equipped it for coal- KPO (4JS) San Francisco—-Or­ Prince Celebrates this service had been extended into chestra. seven foreign countries. During the bum ing; does away "with brick­ AVTIC ( 478 ) Hartford. Conn.— This is your chance to first four months of 1926,NOKOL sales work and other makeshift Orchestra. to home owners ran 76% ahead of WOAAV (626 ) Omaha, Neb.— Claeelcal. 1925's first four months or at a rate 11 P. M. of more than three million dollars’ in­ AVSM (283 ) Nashville—Orches. crease in this year’s business over THE N EW tra. last years.’ KFKX (288) HssUags. Neb.— These purchasers—thinking men Muslcel. AVAHG (316) Richmond Hill, and women, concerned for health, N. A".--Orchestra, cc*nlort,and happinessof theirfamilies KNX (S37) Los Angeles — --^ a d e this institution possible. Its Studio. Silent N o K @ l success and permansnqi are founded AUTOMATIC OIL HIATINO FOR HOMES KGO (361) Oakland, Calif.- on tribute paid by a grateful public Educational program. yirH ddOBtsde oil buraor Umd by UBdsr«6titSri’ Ltboratenot; approved KTHS (376) Hot Springs, Ark. to the builoers of NOKOL. by til UsdiRf ialoty boarda. Maauiaclurad tnd luarantaad by —Concert; violin. A M ^ C A N n o k o l c o m p a n y . OUetfO AVTAM (3S9) Clevelsnd— Or­ chestra. KPO (428 ) San Francisco—Or­ ra­ chestra. KGW (491) Portland, Ore.— Organ. 12 r . M. Time Payments May Be Arranged. AA'GHP 70) Detroit- -Orches- tra. In New Britain KNX C Los Angeles—Mu- in Manchester sical. While Crown Prince Gustavus KGO (361) Oakland, Calif.- French & Glock Educational program. Adolphus of Sweden is visiting Alfred A. Grezel Connecticut Oil Heating Co. AVKRC (422) Cincinnati—Musi­ America, Prince Slgvard, his second Tel. 3130 cal. son ,back home celebrates passing Tel. 1525 Frederick K. Daggett, Treas. KPO (428) San Francisco—Or- his university entrance e,\amlna- Lawrence Davis, Pres. chestiM. tlons. Note the white cap, badge of AVBAP (476) Fort W(5rth—Con- 37 ALLYN STREET Tel. 2-6950. 2-6947 HARTFORD pert. every freshmap, and the wreaths. PAGE SEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MONDAl(, 3ntJNE 21,1926.


Your Inspection ■) fll No expense has been spared to Ready make this store one of the most model Today Li display rooms of its kind anywhere. Here you will find the most modern To Deliver plumbing, heating and refrigeration T ic most sensational development devices on display and in actual oper­ To Meet ation so that you can see them work Your Orders just as they would in your own home. Model M-5:2,1245^ . in OIL HEAT history: It will pay you to call and see our Frigidaire Electric Refrigeration take.s the exhibit place of the traditional daily cake of ice— makes you entirely independent of outside ice supply. For Frigidaire runs itself every day, Free Souvenirs To All every month, in all seasons. Its operation Frigidaire is not difficult to buy. A small THE NEW costs no more than ice and it makes ice for payment puts it into your home and the lib­ Silent^OKOL IMen and Women Visiting Our Store you in handy cubes for the table and other eral GMAC monthly payment plan makes it uses. It keeps foods perfectly and makes a easy to divide the rest so you pay out of Tuesday, As Long As They Last. wide variety of frozen desserts. income and not out of savings. A Carload of FRIGIDAIRES It is commanding the atten­ Water Hot tion, the interest of America's ilioWaiting thinking home-owners right You c a n h a v e A new. Because it changes all Frigidaire in your preecnt ice»hox. past ideas of automatic oil heat­ The **fTo$i coil" ing for homes. Because it sur­ (left) it placed in the ice com« There are more than passes all comfort records of partment; and the comprettor 1.10,000 satisfied users ti the past. You can see it in (beloiv) in th e operation— here— today. basement or other of Frigidaire — the convenient loca* tion. Frigidaire trade - mark name mechanitmt for which identifies the this purpote cost €it little at $190 leading electric re­ f.o,b, Payton, O. frigeration, made by the largest concern of its kind in the world. —------Hoffman Automatic ROW DS of people who own homes in this never any odor— with N okol heat; never any oily C city and territory are filling our show-rooms— dirt, any soot. Gas Water Heaters Model M-7, $315 day after day— to see the new Silent N okol in In short— you’ll find the same N okol which has operation. established all present records for comfort with auto­ There is no gas water heater that It is, on every count, the most important develop­ matic oil heat .... will give the service that the Hoffman ment in home-heating methods since— nine years Now capable of still greater comfort — by one Automatic Gas Water Heater gives ago— N okol made it possible to heat homes auto­ simple betterment. matically, with oil as fuel -you. Instant hot water when you A fifteen-minute visit will give you a valuable Every question answered! want it. and entirely new idea of the comfort now possible Right here— today— the new Silent N okol is oper­ in heating any home *-large or small. ating, just as it would operate in your present heat­ ing-plant. What youTl see: W e ’re here, to answer questions— if you wich— We Sell Magee Pipe Y ou ’ll find the same efBcient N okol which has rather than to sell you something. been heating more than 29,000 homes for periods You’ll find it one of the few automatic oil burners up to nine years . . . B U T : made in adequate range of sizes to fit every heating and Pip^ess Furnaces You'll find operating noise now cut to the vanish­ plant, every home—large or small ing point! • • * t See How a NoKol Works

Youll find the same N ok o l which has given all in One No matter how much or how Utde you’ve con­ these homes fully automatic heat at lowest known sidered oil heat— sec it. No matter how^our home cost .... is now heated— see this new factor in the science of Secfional View of MAGEE EVERETT Now made more efficient than ever before! modem comfortable living. One-pipe Furnace PIPE FURNACE You’ll discover why N okol does not have to bu m dirty, foul-smelling, low-grade oil-fuel in t 1 order to heat a home with economy. W h y there is THE NEWSilent AUTOMATIC OIL HEATING FOR HOMES

First dbmetbe oil burner listed by Underwriters’ Laboratories; approved by all leading safety boards Manufactured and guaranteed by AMERICAN NOKOL COMPANY, Chicago We Do Plumbing Heating and Maytag is the Fastest and Most Tinning Economical Washer Today Before you purchase a Avashing machine b e sure you see the Maytag. It is one of the finest washing machines on the market today. We believe that once it has been demonstrated Also Plumbing and Heating to you, you will be convinced of its superiority. Investigate its many features. We will be glad to show you. Greater Comfort More Heat— Less Fuel Supplies ' i

frff f'n‘rrr'tiilifnfr nV f r | ji|iw>awaiLa«^a*> ;.i»i t wTiiui ' %. H j


General Custer (2) —By Redner Change in Rates THE ROMANCE OF AMERICA For Herald Classified Advertising On and after June 1, 1926, the following rates for Classified Advertising will be in elTect: All For Sale, To Rent, Lpst, Found and similar advertising on Classified Page: First insertion, 10 cents a line (6 words to line). Minimum Charge 30 Cents. Repeat insertions (running every day), 5 cents a

^^%HESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH WITH COPY. An additional charge of 25 cents will be made for advertisements charged and billed. a : _ ...... 1/..... In the hope of trapping^ On June 17, on the Rosebud, Gook battled with the Sioux. the Indians by strategy, he G ptain Benteen traveled two miles to the left and Maji He fought all day and then wisely withdrew, having struck a On June 2 ‘i Custer’s formed his troops into three proceeded midway between Custer and Benteen. In this forma­ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE hornet’s nest. Then the Sioux moved to the next stream west, the scouts informed him that the divisions, keeping five com­ tion, the parallel columns swept over the divide. Custer rode at the Lake, five Little Big Horn. Unaware of Gook’s defeat, Terry sent Custer, Indians were located on the vnn — Four-burner gas FOR SALE—On Bolton head of his troops, togged out in a coat of Indian-tanned, beaver- Btove. n. rin n ey, SI Prospect street. room cottage completely furnished. panies and splitting six be­ Call Charter 6305-15. with the Seventh Gvalry, to scout along the Rosebud, planning west bank of the Little Big p A I.F-r Library table, dark tween Major Reno and Cap- trimmed buckskin, a broad-brimmed hat and light riding boots. FOR to rejoin him at the junctiop of the Big Horn and the Little Big Horn, and Custer prepared frolden o ,a k. lop H S X 4 ^ inches i t h MORTGAGES V,, tain Benteen.______V jh ere was much of the pomp and panoply of war KCONTlNUEDy drawer, Kxcellent condition Wal- V l attack.______kins Brotliers. Inc., Main street. We can invest money for you in first class mortgages. Do you need a FOR S \LE—Used leather rocker, mortgage? If so. we can place it for base on balls, off Georgettl 2: Ed­ genuine brown leather, loose oushlon vou. Arthur A. Knofla. Telephone gar 3; Tunney 2; umpires, Dwyer JS. W atkins Brothers. Inc., Oea Main ■:S2-2. 875 Main street. ______TO RENT I ______fAe BOXING BOARD j C. B. A. A. SWAMPED and Russell. street. and third mort- BONAMININE^ ! W .\NTED—Second FOR RENT—Two desirable office FOR S\LE—Used golden oak office gages. More money on hand. P. D. rooms. Apply to Mr Padrove, Man- Bwlvef chair $5. M'.-uKins Brothers. Comollo. 13 Oak street Telephone ch^ter Public Market. Phone. 10. Inc., 335 Main street. 1540. EASY WINNER CAN DROP JACK BY WORCESTER 13-2 FOR SALE—Slightly used porce­ TO RENT WANTED lain top kitchen table. Hoosier lAMOND ‘>1X40 Ire'i ton witli drawer. \\ lilte W.ANTED--01d plan', very reason­ enameled base. 57..'0. Ttatklns TO RENT—Five room flat. William able to take to shore. Telephone 1346. Brothers, Inc., f*33 Main street._____ Kanehl. Telephone 1 776. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS WANTED—Housework of any kind Unless Dempsey Answers by | Silk Workers Outclassed i UST FOR =:-\r.E—Sowing machine. 5 TO RENT — Greenacres, W ads­ tliree hours in tlie morning. Tele, Defeat Kensington in League drawer ATheeler & Wilson make. $5. worth street. July 1st., six room flat plione 889-2. Eastem I,eague all modern improvements. Inquire at Hartford 2, Providence 1. (1st.) W atkins Brotliers. Inc.. 03., .Main bt. Tomorrow He May Lose from Start— Make Only The Reds held on to first place 98 Church street or telephone 1348. W.ANTED—Men. women for pleas­ Game by 9-3 Score; Godek Hartford 5. Providence 1. (2nd. ant profitable work. Experience un- by a margin of one point in the FOR SALE—Bedroom suite Springfield 6, New Haven 3. slightly used. Queen Anne, coniblna- FOR RENT—Six room tenement, necossar.^'. Address Oppoitunit}. Two Hits— Nawn Wallops National League, by splitting a tion walnut, bed. dresser and cblf- strictlv modern, all improvements. Herald Office. (1st). His Title. forette. 56®. Watkins Brothers. Inc., Inquire at 128 Maple street.______Pitches Well. double header with the Cubs. Carl o u 1 d like posi - Neiv Ha7-en 7, Springfield 0. 935 Main street. W ANTED—Girl Mays pitched the league leaders to TO RENT—-At Bolton Lake, a five tlon taking care of children. Tele- (2nd.) Two Home Runs for the a five to one victory in the opener, f o r SALE—Three-quarter folding room callage on State Road by week pltone 681. Pittsfield 14. XVaterbury 7 (1st.) BY DAVIS J. WALSH Iron bed witli new mattress. Also old or month. Telephone 1706. Playing errorless ball, the Bon while the Cubs took the nightcap, cook for Town Waterbury 1, Pittsfield 0 (2nd ) mahogany davenport. Call 744-2, 77'ANTED—Plain Anil baseball nine triumphed over four to three. morning or evening. TO RENT—Farm In Andover, near Farm. Call 333-3. Bridgeport 5, Albany 1 (1st.) New York, June 21.— Unless his Visitors. state road. Telephone 1776. Wm. Kensington in a league game at j Albany 7. Bridgeport 5 (2nd). silence on the Wills challenge Is ^ Pittsburgh made it three straight FOR SAT-E—Two ton of good hay. Kanehl, 159 Center street. 77'ANTED — Painting, paperhang­ Hickey’s Grove Saturday after­ National League broken by tomorrow— and the in- i Inquire of James Burns, corner Wood- ing. calcimlning. glazing. Jobs big noon. Jack Godek pitched superb! from the Giants as Aldridge white­ FOR RENT—Three, four and five or small. John Burke, 4U5 No. Main Cincinnati 5, Chicago 1 (1st.) telligentsia will quote you 100 to Cheney Brothers baseball nine bridge and Matlier street. ball. His mates hit hard and time-' washed the Ne7v Yorkers, eight to room teneniCnts, also furnished street. Tel. 998-2. Chicago 4, Cincinnati 3 (2nd.) 1 against It— Jack Dempsey either was decisively trimmed Saturday rooms single or double for light- nothing. FOR SALE—Radio nd Victrola, ly. The score Tvas 9 to 3. St. Louis 9, Brooklyn 0. will be read out of his title or in­ afternoon at the hands of the xylll sell cheap. Inquire TO Linden St. housekeeping. Inquire corner Blssell 77'ANTED— You to know that we With the score deadlocked at and Foster streets. do floor surfacing the Universal way. Pittsburgh S, New York 0. definitely suspended by the New Crompton-Knowles Company of three all in the sixth inning, the Jerry Standaert, Brooklyn's sub­ FOR SALE—Standing grass, farm Old and new. Schaller Bros, Wal- Others not scheduled. York State Athletic Commission. Worcester at the West Side play­ FOR RENT—July 1st. six room locals started a rilly which netted stitute infielder, Avas all that stood 417 Soutli Main street. Telephone 490. ker street. Telephone 1719. American League grounds. The score was 13 to 2. flat, with garage, all modern im­ them tliree runs and victory. This action was forecast today by between Willie Sherdel and a no- 7VANTED—Man to work about At no time were the locals In the FOR SALE—Tale safe. 45" high. provements. Apply 106 Hamlin street. Thompson singled and scored on Chicago 4, Ne7V Y'ork 3. Chairman James A. Farley, 24 hit game as the Cardinals slaugh­ 29” wide. 27” deep. 19S Hilliard hnkeshop Saturday mornings. Apply Cleveland 1, Boston 0. running. Blue Ribbon Bakery, Cottage street, I McLau.ghlin's double. Coleman was hours in advance of Tex Rickard’s tered the Robins, nine to nothing. street. Phone 1050. ______TO RENT—Six room tenement, Manchester made but tw'o hits modern improvements, all conven­ South Manchester. ______| ]-|it and advanced on an out. Both St. Lo'-is 5, Washington 4. oft-postponed visit to the commis­ Sherdel yielded only two hits and and two runs while the visitors FOR SALE—We have ready one iences. four minutes from mill. 5- he and McLaughlin scored on Detroit S, Philadelphia 3. sion with his Dempsey program for Standaert got both of them, one million flower and vegetable plants; Arch street. Phono 1559. WANTED — Painting, paperhang­ slammed out seventeen hits for THE ST.YNDLNGS 1926. 7vith two out in the ninth. Asters. Zinnias. Marigold. Straw flow­ ing. calcimlning. Prices reasonable, Godek’s single. Not being content Nawn poled out workmanship guaranteed. Ted Le This rendezvous or its subsequent thirteen runs, ers. English daisies. Sweet 75 illiams. with this lead, the Bon Ami knock­ two lengthy drives for home runs, Petunias. Verbenas. Snapdragons, Clair, 39 Chestnut street Tel. 1602. ed out t7vo more runs in the next Eastem League developments 7vill determine A double by Willie Kamm en­ and Celosla at 2.5c per doz.. $1.75 per W. whether Rickard or the commis­ Once there was no one on bases abled the While Sox to nose out 100- Hardv Ferennial Fox Gloves. 7VANTED —Highest prices paid for inning when McLaughlin again Providence sion is running boxing in this state. and the other time, two runners the Yankees, four to three, and tie Canterhurv bells, Coreopsis and rags, metals, paper, magazines, etc. doubled Tvith two runners on the \vere awaiting the impact. Tunney hardy Carnations, 10c each. $L00 per TO RENT .Also buy and sell used furniture. Springfield That Rickard will keep the date, Cleveland for second place. sacks and then added another run had the home team buffaloed. Ed­ doz. Geraniums and scented Gerani­ Chas. l.essner. 28 Oak street Phone. Bridgeport after giving it a successful run­ ums, large flowering Cannas, Fuch­ 2116. in the eighth. gar and Georgettl were both hit East Berlin comes to Manches­ Albany ... around for some weeks, seems to be The Indians blanked the Red sias, German ivy, English ivy, 7 ica At Oswegatchle, Niantic river, near herd. vines, and Heliotrope. 77’e fill baskets New London, small five room house, w a n t e d —Gardens to plow, ashes ter to oppose the Boa Ami team New Haven ordained by the fact that tomor­ Sox. one to nothing, 7vith Miller and boxes, labor and dirt free. Toma­ furnislied, for July and August or removed, will buy old hens or poultry. Ci'omptOTi-Kno7vlcs pitching invincible ball. Heimach, L) W. Barnes. Oakland Flat. Station next Saturday. HartTor 1 . . row also marks the deadline set by AB R H PO A E toes and Cauliflower at 15c per doz.. cither; reasonable; running spring The summary; Waterbury making his first start for the Sox, $1.00 per hundred. Pepper plants 10c water; batliing; fisliing; boating. De- 4 5 Rockville trolley line. Phone 34-4. tfie hoard for Dempsey to come to Malloy, cf . . per doz.. 75c per hundred. Flione llgluful spot. Bus line to New Lon­ Bon Ami. Pittsfield the line on the Wills issue. also was in great form. 1610 Burnside Avenue Greenhouse, W.ANTED—Carpenter work Screen Nawn, 31) . . don. Safe for party of young women. John National League No Predictions Station 22. East Hartford, Conn. Accommodate 4 nicely. X. M. Herald, enclosures. garages built. AB 71 H PO A E B.-rry. 3 b . . Philadelphia lost to the Tigers, Hostetler. 127 77’etherell street. Tel. L. Farley declined o anticipate the Michael Pinatollo. ______or pli 'lie 1839 Manchester. Keeney. 2b . 2 0 0 0 1 0 Campbe". 2b S to 3. and flopped to fourth place. 1 276-32. McLaughlin 2b Cincinnati nature of the action that will re- I Flynn, lb FOR S.ALE—1P22 Ford ^touring in Pittsburgh . . . •sult when Dempsey turns up miss­ The Athletics played as if _ they good running condition $85. Call 10D> W.ANTED—Ashes to cart, gardens McCarthy, c . . 11 King, c . . wore rubber gloves, making six er­ Middle Turnpike East. Telephone to plow, cellars to dig. L. T. Wood. 55 St. Louis .... ing again, either in person, which Coyle, ss Coleman, lb . . rors. Blssell street, telephone 4J6. Brennan, 3b .. Chicago ...... J i.s geographically impossible, or by Garvey, rf Brooklyn .... I proxy. However, it was pointed out FOR S.7L E —Setter puppies, police TO RENT—Five room tenement, LOST Godek, p ...... Brown, If flogs, fox terriers, all pedigreed corner Main and 7Vadsworth streets. M. G. S. Brainard. If . . Neav York . . . I to the chairman that a mere sus- Tunney, p l o s t —G1.1 SS pin m a r k ^ P The Block. Joseph Schaub. Hillstown .\11 modern improvements. Call at '25 and initials L M. H. Finder kind­ Vitullo, S3 . . . . Boston ...... I pension would defeat his reputed Kennels. South Manchester. 459 Main street or phone 1439. ly call 1163-2 er at 89 Oakland St. La Flamme, cf Philadelphia .... 20 36 j aim, a Dempsey-Wills match for the Total .... 44 13 17 27 i: .American League McGovern Granite Co. FOR SALE—Tomato plants, 15c a TO RENT— A 3 room flat, all Im­ I^Qg-p—Porsim seen taking green ^ Smith, c f ...... I heavyweight title, and he agreed. Cheney Brothers flozen, also cabbage plants. 10c a doz­ provements, new house with garage, silk unhrella from Slate theater Fri- i Thompson, rf . W. I ; Naturally, if Dempsey is declared' AB R H PO A CEMETERY MEMORIALS en. Samuel Burgess. 116 Center street. at 168 Oak street. Inquire 164 Oak day afternoon please return to box New York ...... 4 3 I!" ineligible, no promoter will be per- j Long, cf . . 4 0 0 4 0 I Keiirosenled by street or call 616-5. ollice. State theater. 36 9 11 27 10 0 Cleveland ,...... 34 2S mitted to sign him for anything, a | Hanna, ss O 1 0 i 3 REAL ESTAIE O 0. W. H.TKTE.VSTEIV TO RENT—Six room tenement on Kensington Chicago ...... 34 2S 7Vills bnut included. Str.Uton, 3b . . 4 0 1 0 I 47 Benton St. Telephone 1621 Wadsworth street, adults preferred. FOUND 9 ' FOR S-7.LE—Property at 147 El- Call at 69 I AB R H Philadelphia ... 34 29 The only logical decision, there­ Cole, rf . • ■ • . . 4 0 1 0 Inquire 13 Wadsworth street^______FOUND—Gray kitten. o flridge street (South Manchester) Blssell street. Telephone 1160-13. Sims, C ...... Detroit ...... 31 31 fore, would declare the heavy- Plitt. 2b . . . . . 3 0 0 1 t> dwelling lot 130 ft. front I'y 145 deep. FOR RENT—Modern five room flat, AVashington .... 28 31 0 0 9 0 Jas. J. Fitzsimmons, Kensington, Wilson. 3b . . j wei.ght title vacated and a match McDonald, lb . 1 new house, all improvements, garage, MISCELLANEOUS O 0 3 0 Conn. ______Holmquist. cf St. Louis ...... 2 5 31 I between Harry M'ills and Gene Cerveni, lb 0 rent reasonable. 22 Cenlerfleld street, 0 0 s 1 off Mather. Telephone 1571-3. j Munson, ss . . Boston ...... 17 41 j Tunney ordered with the champion- T.amprecht, c .3 I FOR S.ALE—Pearl street, single Leila Mav—Ideal shore front rooms. , 0 0 1 0 EYE TOTING home cook'ing. reasonable rates Mrs. j 7Vilcus, If . ■ . I ship going to the winner. If Farley Edgar, p . . . . .1 I house, six rooms, house in excellent FOR RENT—Three room apart­ O 0 1 0 condition. Hot water lieat. lot 60x125. Clias. M. Cave, 44 Shore .'ront. Myrtle Lewis, If . . - . G.YMES TODAY I wishes to go that far, he can do so, White, If . . . 0 by the latest scientific meth­ ment In Purnell Building, large rooms Beacii. .Milford. Conn. ' 9 0 0 0 2 'i Price $7,200. Phone 684 or 76-4. all conveniences, reasonable rent. Ap­ Woodford, 2b ! for in addition to his own vote, he Georgettl. p Eastern League Brennan, p . . 1 0 0 4 0 ods. i WOODBRIDGE STREET — Abso- ply to G. E. Keith, in care of Keith I will pay tlie highest prices for Hall, rf ...... i claims a controlling majority from _____ - — — — GL-ASSES FITTED I lutely new house 2 1-2 story six Furniture Co. rags, paper and all kinds of metals; .Ailing, lb . . . Pro7"idence at Hartford. ' the votes of Messrs. Putban and also buy all kinds of poultry and old . 29 1 2 27 11 ' rooms, and oak through­ TO RENT—Five room tenement on H. Nelson, p . Springfield at New Haven. Wear, members of the license com­ out extra large lot. See it and make cars fur junk. M. H. Lessner Jr., tele- Spruce street. .All modern improve­ Pittsfield at Waterbury. mittee. )wle.3 me an offer. Small amount of cash. phuiia 9S2-4. 11 24 8 . . . 10 2 013 510— , Wallace P'. Rc-bb, S53 Main street. ments. Inquire 291 Spruce.______36 Albany at Bridgeport. ! In addition, the boxirg enmmis- I pay highest cash prices for your Innings: National League .Cheney Bros. ..000 200 000— 2 TO RENT—Garage. Inquire 30 rags, magazines, bundled paper anti ' .sions of Pennsylvania. Massa- H. L Wilson j HEMLOCK STREET — Bungalow Kensington ...... ??? 2?^ « Brooklyn at Boston (2). I The'base hits. Flynn. Campbell; I new six rooms, oak floors, steam heat. Lccust street. junk of all kinds. Phone 849-2. I will 2U0 013 21x— 9 1 chusett.s, Connecticut and Rhode call. J. Eisenberg. Bon A m i...... Chicago at Cincinnati. I three base hits. Malloy, Flynn: Optometrist. ! $6500 for quick sale. Small amount of TO RENT—Tenement at 22 Nor­ I.sland are bound by agreement to 'cash. Wallace D. Robb, 853 Main St. Philadelphia at New York. I hr me runs. Nawn 2; struck out h> man street. $17 per month. Inquire 22 Harry Anderton. 38 Church street. ! conform with the decision. House & Hale Building Others not scheduled. 1 Georgettl 1.; Edgar 4; Tunney 11; I SUMMITT STREET—Six rooms. Norman street. Representing English 7Voolen Co. I All that will be necessary, after | Steam heat, oak floors, only $1.0()0 Tailo.s since 1S9S, our policy is—.Not American League ! tliat. \i ill be to line up a Wills- | TO RENT—Four room tenement how much we make, but how well we cash, a good bargain at $7.0o0. 77 al­ and garag'e. 58 Blssell street. ______St. Louis at Detroit. I Tunney match and the chances are | lace D. Robb, 853 Main street. build. Phone Man. 1221-2. LAURELS WIN 7-3 Cleveland at Chicago. ' that this cannot be done. Rickard | FOR RENT—July 1st. six room Others not scheduled. 29 SUMMER STREET—Six room tenement on Vladison street, aU Im­ POULTRY j has both Dempsey and Tunpey j ' Btrictly modern including stearn provements. Inquire 100 East Lenter AGAINST HARTFORD tied up and, if they won't let him i 1 2 car garage, chicken coop. 15 fruit BABY CHICKS—Bred-lo-Lay Pop- The Red Wing Coal Company I trees, extra large lot, all In good con- s t r e e t . ______u! r Breeds; guaranteed live delivery; I play ball here, he will pick up his | i dltion. This place has never been of- free catalogue of chlclts, brooders balloons and go to Jersey City. | FOR KENT—Five room flat In good and supplies. Clarks Halcner.'. DepC Owing to favorable freight rates at East Hartford wo ' fered for sale before. 77'ill_ make an condition. Convenient to mills and The Laurels defeated the Cardi­ SONS WILL PLAY Knowing this, Tunney will have > ' Ideal home. Price $7,600. 77 e can ar- •J2. East Hartford. Conn. trollev, at 33 Cooper street. Apply at nals. Jrs of Hartford In a fast ‘ no part of the commission program j are in a position to furnish the people of Manchester i range vour mortgages. 77‘allace D. Home' Bank and Trust Company. “BABY CHICKS” [Robb. 853 Main street. B.(.BY CHICKS—Smith Standard game yesterday by the score of 7 ] and that body tvill be just as badly | and South Manchester with the TO RENT—5 room fiat, all modern sturdy thoroughbred of free range to 3. NEW DEPARTURES I off as it was before. It will have j \ GREENACRES—Two f.imily 11 improvements. Second floor at 11 (locks. Order now and have your The Laurels who have been in a Harry Wills ready to light and no I room flat. sti ictly ifiodcrn. oak Ford street, near Center. A. Kirsch- cltlcks when you want them. Man­ Best Grades of Anthracite Coal ' through out. See tliis phice and make sieper, 13 Ford street. chester Grain Co.. 245 North Main SL slump for the last three weeks, I logical opponent in view. The lat- I me an offer. Party leaving town. Phone. 1760. ter is more necessary to the success j At Attractive Prices. .Wallace D. Robb, 853 Main street. went on a batting spree getting 14 FOR RENT—6 room tenement at 87 hits, five of which were for extra of the project than Wills is, for the j Garden street, all modern Improve- AUTOMOBILES Bristol Team Due Here on I FOR SALE—I.ots on Washington ment.s. Inquire at 82 Garden street or I bases. Conley, an Industrial League colored man cannot be given the , street, near Main street 50x148 feet, title by acclamation. In order to be ' one Main street lot. 50-'i5n. All Im­ call 1356. FOR S.ALE— 1'25 Nash advanced 6. star", was the big gun in the.Hart- seriously accepted, he will have to ‘ The Red Wing Coal Company Four door sedan in best of condition. ! ford team’s attack, starting their provements. priced to sell. Robert M. FOR RENT—Two rooms In Odd Thursday with Usual Line­ Reid. 201 Main street. Fellows Bjilding. Inquire of Pack­ .Apiily L''.' .Maple street. ! scoring with a home run in the first fight his way to it and his op- ] Operated by ard's Pharmacy. ponent, naturally, must be either i I FOR SALE—Ridge street. Six room Flip. SAI.E —192.3 Ovc.-land touring inning. After that Faulkner was car. excellent cuiidition. just over- Dempsey or Tunney and not Luke 1 single corner lot. house lias hot TO RENT—5 room tenerr.cnt. All 1 the master of the situation, strik- up— Lanning to Pitch. The Meech Grain Company ■water heat, oak trim, and Is In good imulod. .7 l);iigain for $1 25.00. Call I ing out 14 batters and letting his McClook or Joe Windmill. Improvements. $24 per month. Inquire 2u25 fur demonstration. Garden and Fairfield Streets shape, two car garage. Price only M. Foley 46 1-2 Summer street. I opponents down with two hits. $7000. Ca.sli $1500. See Arthur A. EAST HARTFORD, CONN. Knofla, telephone 782-2. FOR SALE—Maxwol car In good ] Metcalf and Kerr were the main Manchester and Bristol will re­ TO PENT—Steam heated three running condition, very reasonable. ! Telephone 1295. room apartment and store. Trotter cogs in the Laurel attack, getting The Browns nosed out the Sen­ Call ;'71-2. I sume hostilities this week when BENTON STREET—New home of block. Center street. Tel. Laurel ators, five to four. .7 lionier by s ix rooms, just being co- .pleted. Fir .six hits between them. The Cardi­ the Sons of Italy entertain the New place, oak floors, living room 16x25. 996-2. FOR SALE—1 922 Buick touring nals scored in the first, sixth and Departures at the 7Vest Side. It Ken William?, pinch-hitting with Price less $7566. .Arthur A. car. mileage less than 1”.' Go miles. seventh innings, while the Laurels two on base?, put the skids under FOR RENT—Tenement of four nice i ’hone 1278-2. will be the first time this year that Knofla. Tel. 782-2. Bllsh &. Quinn rooms on Keeney Court. Apply to big innings wero the first and fifth. Walter Johnson. Building. this team has played in Manches­ Manchester Public Market. FOR SALE— One two and one-half They also scored In the second and ter and it Is expected that the fans I FOR S.ALE—Cosy five room bunga- ton G. M. C. truck. For particulars FOR RENT—Furnished room for call at 3,3 Norman street between 5 eightl). The summarj: will be on hand to welcome the Icw $500 down, well located, in nrst- one gentleman. In private family, five class condition. 77'rite or call up TV. and 7 p. m. ♦ Cartliral Jrs. old enemies. F. Lewis, for full description, price minutes to mills and Main street. Bristol will bring three pitchers. Call after 5 p. m. 183 Center street. AB. H. H. PO and location. Legal Notice Conley, ss 3 O 1 0 One will be our old friend Lester Houses For Sale FOR RENT —Large room suitable 4 0 0 2 1..': lining, the boy with the Indian What do you think of a good eight room house with 9 acres 7VASHINGTON STREET — New for two ladles. Board furnished AT A COURT OK PROBATE HELD Pitt. 2b . . ■bungalow, six rooms, oak floors and at Manchester, within and for tlie Taylor, lb 4 0 1 9 oj sign and the others are Thorpe of land, right on the car line? Poultry houses for 500 hens. trim, back porch enclosed. One car if desired. Inquire 65 v>ark street. and Brooks. The remainder of Phone 169-12. district of Manchester, on the 21st. Cory, c . . 2 0 1 8 garage. Price $7366. Terms. Arthur A. Price only $8500. dav of June. A. D.. 1'.'26. . 3 1 0 1 the lineup will be the same as in Knofla. Tel. 7S2-2. Bllsh & Quinn FOR RENT—Two large front office Present 7VILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., I Manion. P other games here and svill include Six room bungalow with sleeping porch, steam heat, gas, Building. Recknagle, 3b) 3 0 0 2 rooms. In Purnell Building, sjngly or Judge. Scott. Forslund, Goodridge, Reilly, Painting and Decorating. Listen! $6000 Is the price. Easy together. Apply to G. E. Keith. In Esl.ate of James McVeigh late of B. Cory, rf 3 0 0 1 garage and poultry house AU year or summer place near Manchester in said district, deceas- Harlowe. MaK\m, Horkheimer and Crystal Lake. Ellington, Conn Good care of Keith Furniture Company. Hadden, cf 3 0 0 1 Paper Hanging. ed. Clvde Waters. terms. 6 room house. I'arn. shop and I")ul- TO RENT—Midland apartments, Upon application of John F. Foley, Newell, If 2 0 0 1 Canvas Ceilings a Specialty. Hemlock street, modern: also er. 3 'The team is being brought here Two family of eight rooms, tr y house. Garage, good u ; three rooms, steam heated. janitor executor, praying that a successor Monahan, rf 1 0 0 0 $8200 Is the a cres land with fruit, $126o 4 acres service, refrigerator, gas range fur­ trustee to the Manchester Building at a guarantee higher than that garage and poultry house, on good sized lot. mowing and woodland on highway. nished. rent $3.8 per month. Call and .Association lie granted on given to any other visiting aggre­ R. E. Morton 1250. 26 acres large Hardwood g;uwth price. Manchesier Construction Co.. 2100. said estate, as per application on file. 30 3 3 27 gation this years and the Sons’ on hlghw.ay. Trout brook. $656 A. D. or 7S2-2. 54 Russell St. Phone 303-5 T7VO houses of two apartments each of five rooms, bath rooms, Bramble. I’almer. Mass. Tel. 32-.I It i.s Laurels management is asking for a large ORDERED;—That the foregoing PO. A. E. TO RENT—Several smalt^ rents at application lie he.ard ami determined AB. H. cro7vd at the contest. That the etc. Only $5000 each house. Convenient to silk mills. FO R S.ALE — E.'ist Middle Turni' oj 1 per month. Apply to Edward J at the Probate office in Manche.sfer in Kerr, c . . 4 1 right near Main .street, new six r game 77’ill be a good one goes with­ Several good building lots at $150 each. ?25 cash, balance Holl. Orford Bldg. Tel. 660. sail! District, on the 2iUli. day of June G ustafson. 2b out saying for Bristol always pro­ single, oak trim. fireplace. s' A. D.. 1926. at 9 o'clock in the fore­ $5 a month. You certainly should try to own one. heat. silver fixtures. sink ru ■ , Holland, 3b . vides lots of thrills against a Man­ FOR PE.NT—Five-room tenement noon. and tliat notice be given to all Cambridge street, stucco bungalow, six rooms and sleeping Karage .n cellar for .wo cars. A u ce OH' Durant street, modern, rent $ 5 persons interested in said e.state of ^ Dahlquist, ss chester team. G. Schreiber & Sons home In the right location at t'ue •ler nimdh. Call Manchester Con- porch, oak fioors. steam heat. gas. large garage; immediate H ght price Can l^e seen at any time. tlie pendency of s.aid application and j Gorman, If structp'-i Co.. 2100. or telephone file time .and place of hearing there- Tra,,itnpr ri W alter Fricho. 54 East .Middle Turn­ rS3-'2. 8'i5 Main s.reet. over Manches­ on. by publishing a copy of this order f duiaiiei, p Everybody wants to run our gov­ occupancy. Convenient terms. pike. Tel. 3'8-4. ter Plumbii g and Supply store. in some newsiiaiier having a circula­ Markham, cf ernment. But it just walks along. General Contractors FOR S.7I.E—Fine homo containing TO RENT—Centennial apartments, tion in said district, on or before Metcalf, lb . . S rooms, all imiiriVvemcnTs, finished in four rooms, steam heated. front June 21. 1926, and by posting a copy Eafelescn, rf .. PAk. lovely surroundings, very nice ■)M l’•tmi-nt. Janitor service, gas range, of tills order on the public sign-post in said town of Manchester, at least Main St. ‘iplghborhood. .7 home vou will be refrigerator and In-a-door bed fur­ For Sale Robert J. Smith 14 27 7 3 Builders of "Better Built Homes’* 3Ud to own. Buy direct from bulld- nished. Call Manchester Construc­ five days before the day of said hear­ 37 Bltuatod at 25% Wood bridge street tion Co., 2100 or telephone 782-2. ing. to appear If they see cause at 2 base hits; Holland. Metcalf, SAND FOR FILLING Telephone 1563-2. Real Estate — Insurance — Steamship Tickets said time and place and be heard "ir you intend to live on earth own a slice of It.” relative thereto, and make return to Faulkner: 3 base hits, Kerr, Dahl­ FOR SALE—Just off Main st reef, FOR RENT—Two room suite In quist; home runs, Conley: Base on 5 room single. .A nice home, new Johnson Block. facing Main this court. W. Richardson cash I street. All modern improvements. In­ 77'ILLIAM S. HYDE balls, off Manion 3, Faulkner 1. ttly $.5500. SiiKill amount of T ti rl Shoo: 285 West Center Street ir garage. I'.a ll .Artliur A. Knofla. cluding hot water. A;jply to Aaron Umpire: McCraw. 21 Russell S t Phone 425 7S2-2— 875 Main. Johnson. 62 Linden street. H-6-21-26. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MONDAY, JUNE 21,1926,

American league Moatll, White Sox I •! » V l . Herman, Dodgers...... 360 j Wilson. Phillies ...... • ■ • • Burns, Indians . . . » •) LEADING LEAGUE HITTERS. Dressier, R e d s...... 354 Leader a year ago todaj, Horns- Ruth, Yankees...... 378 Heilmann, Tigers...... 375 Meusel, Yankees . . .301 National League. Traynor, Pirates...... 353 j by. Cardinals. .423 KOTSCH BREAKS ANKLE; WRIGHT HITS HARD Cuyler, Pirates...... AS ST. M M Y’S WIN SONS OF ITALY DIVIDE Springfield College Star Raps Out Four Hits— New Brit­ a to the ^ D a w n of two hits out of four trips plate. Veteran Coach Injured Slid-' The summaiy: ain Is Defeated 15-8. SUNDAY’S G.AME. ing— Out for Season; Gil Wright, captain-elect of Manchester .Sons of Italy Springfield College baseball nine, Locals Lose to Florence; AB H PO -V E featured In the 15-8 victor} wh^ich Kotsch. rf .... 3 3 0 0 0 the St. Mary’s pounded out in New Hewitt, rf ... .1 0 Britain yesterday at the expense of Defeat Middletown. Mantelli. If ... 6 the Rangers. Wright made four rtet Clga^e^ft Ballsieper, lb .5 hits and scored five runs; he was St. John, cf ... 4 hit once and grounded out to sec­ ond base once. His fielding was al­ Misfortune followed the Sons of Edgar, 3b .... 5 so perfect. Italy on their week-end games. Zwick, s s ...... 4 tVallett. c ----- 2 Pete Partons also hit hard. He They lost Saturday to the Florence. Farr, 2b ...... 4 rapped out three hits, one of which ^fass., team and In the game with Holland, p .... 4 went for a double. Hammie Mul­ lens started for the Saints. He ^he Middletown Sons of Italy yes- pitched good ball until the seventh lerday Sam Kotsch, right fielder 38 9 13 27 13 .Middletown Sons of Italy. when he was hit rather freely with \nd coach, broke his ankle while AB R H PC the result that Seelert finished the en the way to second base. Sam Mullens, 2b , . . 3 1 1 5 5 game. The Saints knocked Turner will be out of the game for the re­ Dobbs, s s ...... 4 0 out of the box in the sixth and mainder of the season. Bartolotta, 3b . 4 Adamitis, High school star, finish Although they outhit the Flor­ Baroni, If .... 4 ed the route. Both wore pounded ence Bravos seven to two, the Sons Czenba, lb, p . t extra hard. The Saints made seven­ failed to connect when the hits Halloran, c , . . 3 teen hits. The Rangers also hit were needed. The home team scor­ Daley, c f ...... 3 hard collecting fifteen bingles. It was clearly a day for batters ed a run in the eighth inning and Powers, rf . . . . 1 0 U i u « and not for pitchers as the box the Sons went scoreless. Mantelll Garbo, p, lb . . 3 1 1 3 ^ was the bright light of the game, score reveals. The Saints took a his three hits being high for both 29 3 3 27 12 4 commanding lead in the opening inning and managed to keep well teams. Innings- Fisher’s work on the mound was Manchester Sons 001 170 000 9 in front for the remainder of the wonderful and his support was Middletown Sons 001 000 020— 3 contest. Krause starred for New I good. Except for that eighth inning Two base hits; Kotsch, Garbo. Britain. when the Braves made their only Home run: Mullens. The summary: two hits, he had the game well in Struck out, by Holland 11, by AB R H PO A E St. Man’s. hand all the way. The Sons hit | Czenba 1. , , o In every Inning but the second,! Base on balls, off Holland 3, Dowd, cf 5 1 1 2 1 fifth and seventh and in the eiglith | off Garbo 1, Czc;rba 3. Wright, ss . had three men on bases but no-1 Hit by pitcher, Kotsch, tVaih-tt. Partons, 3b body hit..Thirteen men died*on the . Stolen bases, Kotsch, Howitt, Dixon, 2b . paths. , „ ! Ballsieper, Edgar, Zwiclc, Dale.y 2. Seelert, If, i Florence scored Its run wlien, Sacriflo** hlis, Ballsieper, ^aick, Carlson, c . Matthews, the first man up in the I ■W;i'’itt, rowers. Macdonald, eighth frame, singled. He ^yas ac.- I mpire. Dale.''. Stevenson, vanced to second on Jones’ sacn-1 Mullens, p, fice and scored when Coakley sin-1 S.\TL'RD.\Y’S G.\ME. gled. i 43 15 17 27 SundaVs game against the ano-; Manchester Sons of Italy. New Britain Kangci-s. dletown Sons of Italy brought with ; AB R H PO A E AB R H PO A E| it the injury of Kotsch. The loca 1 Kotsch. rf .... 4 0 Krause, If .... 5 1 team had made all its runs and Mantelli. If ... 4 Ryan, cf ...... 4 1 Kotsch had singled. He was about l Ballsiepc’-. jb . 1 Beslcv. 2b .... 5 2 I l - .M.'Argosy, 3b .4 1 2 0 2 to start for second base on a steal St. John, >:f . . . 3 when his coach told him not to '■’artons, ss ... 3 J. Argosv, lb . 3 1 2 13 1 slide but to come into the base yii.ddcn. 3t) . . . 4 Hayes, c ...... o- 0 2 8 1 standing up. He was almost in po­ r.wick, 2'i .... 3 Turner, rf, p . . 5 1 sition for a hook slide but he ran I.imprecht, 2b 0 McKerney. ss . 4 1 into the base which had worked IVallett, c, .... 4 .\damaitis, p . . 3 0 loose and his ankle was snapped, j Pnshcr, p .... 4 P. Argosy, rf 0 1 He was taken to the Middlesex hos-, Hollanii . .0 0 pital and was treated by Dr. Sweet,, 41 8 15 27 8 3 % the well known bone specialist. i 33 0 7 2 i-' Two base hits; Wright, Partons, Holland, pitching for the Man-j ric'cncc Braves. Seelert, Begley, Krause. Chester Sons, kept the opposition AB R H PO A Struck out. by Mullens 3, Seelert on the run most of the tlrtie and i Mulgren’'. 3b .3 3; by Adamaitis 4. lamer 2. held Middletown to three n n s Elliot, 2b .... 3 Base on balls, off Mullens 0, See while the Sons w'ere making lo.| leri 4; off Adamaitis 0, Turner 1. It was Ballsieper's big day and he Ryan, s s ...... •’ incKes made the most of it, rapping out King, l b ...... 3 Katro, If ...... 3 three hits out of five times to the M.rtlhcw.s, rf . . 3 plate Kotsch had made three hits, RALLY IN SEVENTH one a double, before he was injur- Jones, cf ...... 2 Coakley, c .... 3 Manchester scored in the third,; Brace, p ...... 2 WINS FOR LOCALS fourth and fifth, bringing across 1 2 27 8 seven runs in the latter franie. | Innings; Four errors and three hits did the ooo 0('!0 ooo— 0 Shamrocks Defeat Willing- trick and at that there were three I Sons of Italy . of the "worlcl’s 1-lorence...... 9^0 00 l pux men left when the last man in the; Base on balis, off Eish-^c 1; olT ^ inning was put out. Ding | ton 8-5— Pospisil Shines Brace 3. . , formerly of the High school team,. Struck out, by Fishei', o. b,'. j made his first appearance with the j at Short for Losers. Sons yesterday and banged ont ■Brace, S. . I three run rally in the 'iucky finest cigarette seventh” gave the Shamrocks an MERIDEN NEW DEPARTURE S-5 decision over the fast AVilling- ton team at Hickey’s Grove yester­ day afternoon. “ A'in” Farrand was on the hill for the home team NOSES OUT C B .A .A . 31-30 and performed in an excellent man­ ner. He struck out five and walk­ ed Init two hatters. Singles by Fourth Heat— Won by Schubert. ■ .Alassey and Farrand, a double by Cheney Brothers. Time 11:02 enj oyment Wins Annual Track and Field Kelley, and an error by the visiting seconds. lirst baseman gave Manchester the Finals, 100 Yard Dash— Won by imu'h needed three runs in the sev­ Scracki, Meriden New Departure: Meet After Red Hot Com­ enth. second, McKay, Cheney Brothers, The Shamrocks -^^-ere hitting with .-Manchester; third, Scluibart, Che­ men on bases yesterday and this petition— The Results. ney Brothers, Jilancliester. Time figured prominently in the outcome 10 3-10 seconds. of the game. AA'illington, on the Shot Put— Won by Walsh, Meri­ Before an exceptionally large at­ other hand, made a few misplays den New Departure, distance 4 5 that hurt the chance of Royce, the tendance. Cheney Brothers '''; fggj- 7 1.4 inches. Second, ______Dexter, pitching ace. Foster, the Sham­ nosed out 31-30 by Meriden New 1 Brothers, Manchester, dis- Departure Saturday afternoon in the : inches. Third, rock’s new center fielder, performed brilliantly making a great running annual track and . Schubert. Cheney Brothers, Man- catch of a line drive In the sixth which four other ; Chester, distance 3 8 feet, 4 Inches, and also making a ■wonderful peg concerns competed. isew 8SO Yard td Run—,,„ _w-rs^n Won i^r by -RroT Bray, Federation, -R'lnners last year, hn- to the plate cutting off a run. Cheney Brother, Manchester; sec­ Rudy Pospisil played with the rette it had the advantage of all ished third. Cromptou-Knowles, ond, Caslier, New Haven Federa­ h e world moves. This year’s of Worcester was fourth and the in- AA'illington team but he did not that had been done before plus tion; third, Murvanick, Meriden pitch. He played short. In his motor car is better than last IS rS lS ' '^ S "”6.p‘an«r; five trips to the plate, the Trade School star, slammed out two sin­ T its own resources for improving 2:0 Yard D ash- gles, hoisted two flies to short and year’s. There were g o o d radio sets 169th Regiment Band rendered ai First Heat AA on by Sheridan, was hit by a pitched ball. He also on the old standards. twLhour band concert which was Cheney, Brothers; second, Luturer. scored a run. One of his singles on the market three years ago— ^ ell received Bristol, New Departure. lime came in the fifth with the barfes So OLD GOLD represents a super­ ^*The track and field competition 25:03 seconds, loaded and shoved two runs across but they can’t keep company with found Cheney Brothers and the Second Heat AA_____ on _ by... Green­ the plate. cigarette. It embodies all the Meriden New Departure closely wood, New Haven Federation; sec­ The Shamrock’s will practice to­ the sets they’re making today. matched. Meriden won four firsts, ond, Benfalat, Meriden New De­ morrow and Friday evenings at merits of the old — with new re­ Manchester, three; Meriden won parture. Time 26.02. Hickey's Grove at 6 o’clock. Bill The inventor, the scientist, or two seconds, Manchester won four, Final, 22 0 Yard Basil— AVon by Brennan will be in charge. Bow­ finements in taste, in delicacy of Meriden won four thirds, Manches­ Sheridan, Cheney Brothers, Man­ ers xyill appear in the Shamrock's the chemist who begins his work ter won four. This gave Meriden chester; second, Greenwooii, Inter­ lineup next week. aroma, in smoothness and mild­ the one point advantage, 31 to 30. national Silver Co., Meriden; third, The summary: today__ builds on the discoveries In thp 100 y^rd dash “ Bunnie Benfalat, Meriden New Departure. Wlllington. ness— which new-day science and Schubert surprised by trimming his Time 26 3-10 seconds. o fyesterday and improveson them. captain Shields and finishing third. Mile Run— AA'on by Crump, Meri­ R. Ladr, c, Jimmie McKay forced Serackl of den New Departure; second, Mc­ Stacy, 2b, modern resources have perfected. Meriden to exert himself to cap the Mahon, New Haven Federation; Pospisil, ss, For many years Acre have been M. rsher, rf, race, finishing second. third, Hawley, Chaney Brothers, There are 55 inches of the Sheridan won the 220 yard dash Manchester. Time 4 minutes, 9 N. Usher, if, a number of good popular-priced with ease, outsprinting the rest of seconds. Pohuda, cf, w orld’s finest cigarette enjoym ent 5Ianchuck, 3b, his opponents. Running High Jump— Won by cigarette brands on the market. In the 880 yard relay, Bray of Essex, Crompton & Knowles, Wor­ F. Ladr, lb, in one package of OLD GOLDS. Manchester, placed first after trail­ cester, height, 5 feet, 6 inches; sec­ Royce, p. But when Lorillard started to ond, AA'alsh, Meriden New Depart­ ing until the last half lap of the 35 5 8 24 7 3 Try one— and you’re won. track when he started a sprint that ure, height, 5 feet, 5 inches; third, Dexter, Cheney Brothers, Manches­ Shamrocks. create and perfect a new 15c ciga­ won him first place. ab r h po a e In the relay race, McCavanaugh ter, height 5 feet, 5 inches. 5 50 Yard Dash— AA'on by Brown, Kellar, 2b, 5 0 1 3 3 0 ran first for Chenoy Brothers. He Hanna, ss, 4 1 1 3 2 0 trailed Benfeldt of Meriden slight­ New Haven Federation; second, ly and Schubert proceeded to close AA'alsh, Meriden New Departure; Foster, cf, 4 2 1 2 1 0 the gap a trifle. Dougan could not third, Spencer, Meriden New De­ MasseyT if. 4 2 2 1 0 0 parture. McLaughlin, Ih, 5 0 1 7 0 0 gain on Crump. Bray reducea the Brownell, 3b, 3 1 1 0 0 1 Meriden runners’ lead at Spencer s Running Broad Jump— Won by Proctor, Cheney Brothers, Man­ Clemson, rf, 4 0 0 1 1 0 expense and then Billy Shields won Kelly, c, 3 2 1 8 0 0 the event by outsprinting Serachl chester, distance 19 feet, 3 inches; OLD Farrand, p, 4 0 2 2 4 0 in the final round. He trailed at second, Seracki, Meriden New De­ parture, distance 18 feet 9 inches; first but won on a better sprint at 36 8 10 27 12 1 the finish. The summary of each third. Crump, Meriden New De­ parture, distance 17 feet 1 inch. Willington ...... 100 040 000— 5 The Ne-w and B etter ci event follows: Shamrocks ...... 002 300 30*— 8 100 yard dash— 20 entries. Relay Race (five men teams) — •3 Won by Cheney Brothers, Manches­ Two base hit; Kellar. First Heat— Won by Serachi. Three base hit: McLaughlin. Meriden New Departure Co. Time ter— McCavanaugh, Schubert, Dou­ THE TREASUB.E OF THEM AL gan, Bray and Shields. Time 3 Struck out: by Farrand 5, Royce 11:02 seconds. 6 Second Heat— Won by McKay minutes, 37 1-2 seconds. Second, . r h t Product o f P . LORILLARD CO„ Established 1760 Base on balls: oft Farrand 2 , Cheney Brothers. Time 10.02 Meriden New Departure— Benaflat, Reynolds, Crump, Spencer and off Royce 5. seconds. Hit by pitcher: Farrand, R. Ladr, Heat— Won by Shields, Seracki. Third, New Haven Fed­ Third Pospisil. Brothers. Tipae 11:02 eration— Bence, McMahon, AAeldon, Cheney Casher and Brown. Umpire: LehrmitL ,'veconds.



When be reached '.he street agalu G VACATIONS READY-MADE! FOR a dull gray light waa beginning to stretch up out of the east, the herald NEIGHBORS ’ W IVES of day. John lit another cigaret, KNICKERS OR EVENING GOWNS threw It away before it waa halt ERNEST LYNN, author of THE YELLOW STUB smoked, and then brought forth an­ WOMANS ^ J other. He walked rapidly through I'rii* atunek and •Il'auttom In thl« n a re the streets watching the dawn. Once 1 CH.Li-TE,n T he stopped on a corner to gaze half reverently at the magnificence of the VilE rco’.n vrllh Its while orange-streaked east. Still looking, m w e r ^ walls -wis—scrupulously he clenched his fists and threw up T‘ __Put It smelled ominously his chin. But the swiftly gathering Perfume Fads. of mVsierlous chemicals. There was light seemed to speak of passing _ Light flower scents for the stay- F w'-d‘e Icrh a dresser, a little white time. He reached quickly for his r-'>. a-h two prim white chairs— S { at-home evening. No perfume for watch and then turned In at the 3 I the golf course or the bridle path. r-c"ih;:iV else. And John, gazing at hospital gate. t' n rhsci’ess fu’-niture, tried to sit 1 I Exotic heavy perfumes for the Going up the short flight of stairs, 3 I drama. These are some of the at';;: cnrrp'^" It-s thoughts, but he was struck with foreboding. A piinc,ssll le. In a minute he § i latest perfume style notes from the worried look passed over his face and § arbitrary world of Fashion. It is tv.'.r hcc>: cn h!s feet, pacing nervous­ unaccountable terror quickened his ly l -'-l: .".-'1 forth. legs as he finished the climb, two i ■ in better taste, says the same dog- p ' matic gal, to match perfumes to ' 1.,^ < I'med hetoi-r- rr..; of tl'.a j'Otn's steps at a time. tw T -v"'r.v.--', tucaln.? with thumb The friendly nurse was not In evi­ = 1 different gowns than to use one in- a* 1.1s upper llp and dence. pthers there were, one sitting = 1 dividual perfume for all outfits. I = 1 ani sure that the sisterhood .s much p^iir . . . 1' ...... "r “ • • ^'i*’ ■ y t Jjne at a desk and several more passing , r .:: r Lf- rt*e.^Ved In swiftly through the halls, but all i 1 relieved to be set at rest on this h!s V.e' '■ y f- T->cc.k:ig» cf cigarets seemed Intent on their own business = I weighty subject. and l ad pv'■lU'’'cd f. m.atrh before It and none paid him any attention. suddenly oec.irrcd to him that smok- At the door of the room where he 3 “\o Time:” 1 Ir •yr.o y.ct permitted In a ho.spital. had left F.ay he paused and was who 1,., i-inself In .a about to knock when It was opened I i "How I envy you people and an austere-looking nurse, sud­ 3 ^ have time to do things!” is a moan denly confronting him, said In a se­ 1 that any “ writing person” often I ■ i.-r min- 1 hears! In my morning mail came at the nk.e; vere tone, “You con't come In here. Go to your own room and wait.” § a note from Dorothy Walworth : • : V r ’ rtipily or.d M Carman, author of tliat spicy tome j,,.. 1 •..--..v-'-'v In the middle <'* the j She closed the door and went swift- I ly down the corridor. John looked i , "The Pride of the Town,” about V ’s 'on-, -^hme’ ^ v:n.i‘oss eyes. rf t'.r nlrl.l c;pvcs.-cd him. ■'You go— ” he started to say. and i my books while doing my own work C -on h<' tm.V: ,n h'n-^kerch.lef from then stopped. "What do you think I 1 and taking care of my baby, too. I y,, -.-t i-.:-h--t nrd mopi'cd per- am—a dog?” he muttered. 1 wrote mv one, ‘Faith of Our S’'" 'a.i from I s A moment He stood for several minutes gaz­ i Fathers,’ while she was teething, r 1 v.-m ^1.-.-''.’■p. dor the twen ing helplessly at the door, trying to S and I wrote whole cliapters of my s ' % .«/ t' : 1 . n-,.-. It h!s w.ntoh, pierce the mystery of the room from 3 second on top of the kitchen table Ward G. Foster, whose “Ask Mr. Foster” has staided thousands a-tri[)ping, shown in Florida; which he had been so sternly barred. A fcleuc-sr nurse, looking trcnicn- 5 < S AS*- M witli one eye on the frying pan. I party of tourists at Lake Louise, Canatla. The severe nurse came back, carry­ d . eff dent In her white starched S wanted to write so much that noth- nr.l'.mm. and am.nztngly cool, stood ing some bottles. ~ ing could stop me!” By Hortense Saunders | transverse all parts of the country, ‘‘You’ll have to go to your room." In tho doorway. "Mr. Mllhurn.” she I and are most plentiful in the west­ she commanded. "It’s against the call'l ■’'f'' “ von mnv cn In to New York.— America, land ot | ern country, Arizona. Yellowston« rules to stand In the halls. If you i Not Ctwl Weather: cafeterias, efficiency kitchenettes, j Park. California and all the Cana­ don’t I’ll have to speak to the su­ and ready to wear clothes, has final-! ,1 . n;:n an ef 1 I am about to speak of something dian Northwest. find forced e perintendent.” I That is by no means "hot weather ly standardized the yearly pilgrim-j fo: : age known as the vacation. ; "The ready-made vacation is the ‘ '.hftt WAJ Vd to convey She stood there waiting for him to si stuff!” But the plea of ‘ Serious sm.l We now have the ready-made va-j cheapest. The most expensive is he \**A7 A U:,tV of the world, move. Then she opened the door and l ! cannot be denied. "Serious’’ writes tha; I'nij M ilhurn cation, as first aid to the frantic) where you must hire your own ca of j with c.alm any and disappeared. 3 i that for the first time in 10 years guides, look after your own trans­ John heard dim voices from within pleasure seeker. all e • . • ■■ = “Fay,” he said, and his voice snouii, see you go. Can't you stay a while iishe is to have a real vacation portation, and be at the mercy of the room. He stumbled blindly down s IB Uie first I'ahv, Isn't It? "you're more beautiful at this mo longer?" Si "and I want lo make it count. 1 "No other people travel as much those who exploit the tourist.” 'Til have to get out, Fay. Have the hall, hot resentment filling him th ■ nurse «.'..ld .er.'ll'np. ment than I've ever seen you before. I'w an t to know something about as Americans do, or take their va­ Traveling at best is not cheap, he a cup of black coffee and a cigaret. for the nurse's unkind tone. The i| psychology. What are some be- cations so seriously and intensely "V.'i,” I'.e nnsw-. r ed. and added 1 think 1 can understand now some­ admits, but the time to do it most thing of the Inspiration that caught ril go crazy If 1 don't.” nurse at the desk, short and plump, ^ i f-inners' hooks? _ as we,” says Ward G. Foster, whose'.hy. “hv-w —how's Mrs.— ” saw him wandering about and spoke. advantageously is in the off season. Raphael and Michelangelo and Oa She held up a protesting hand. 1 Blessings on you, and a pitcher of cheery invitation to "Ask Mr. Fos­ “I';-., r.he'd doing fine. Nothing to "There's your room, Mr. Milburn. Since most of the world gets its two Vinci and made their work live and "I'm going, dear,” he Insisted iiiced lemonade beside your ham- ter" has resulted in so many quer­ do wait for the doctor. He's .\’o, not there—right over there.” 3 i weeks off and pay in July or Aug­ breathe down the ages. God, if 1 gently. “I'll be back soon. I'm all Try Angell's "Introduction ies he maintains bureaus all over on yi'.M NX ay now." She laughed and turned to anollier 3, mock! ust, select May or September or Oc­ could p.aint. or chisel out of marble!' nerves; I've been through a lot these to Psychology Titchener's "Be- the country to answer them. tober if you want elbow room here “Oh.'' said .lolin, feeling that some­ last few hours—not as much as you, nurse who had stopped at the desk Buckham's He stopped, aware of the hot blush a ginner's Psycholog.' Globe Trotters Now. or in Europe. thing must bo said. of course, but It bothers me more.” and said something which John could that suffused his cheeks. Fay was “ Personality and P^/chology He has watched us change from “You benave pretty well.” volun­ Fay smiled bravely at him. "All not hear. They both laughed and .Ml Seasons Good. silent and he fidgeted awkwardly and Drever's "Psychology of Evertda> a homeloving people whose idea of teered the iiUrse with a smile as she looked at him. said, “.Maybe that sounds out of right, dear.” Life” ; Barretfs "The New Psychol­ a vacation was a fortnight or so at There is no longer any season in conducteil him oi.twn the hall. “Some He bent over to kiss her, pressed Inside the room he had reserved place. Fay, but somehow 1 just the seaside, mountains or a farm­ traveling. of the fathers, y u know, are a great his lips to hers for a long time. Her for Fay, John flung himself Into a ogy." to tell you. It's how I feel down house, to a nation of globe trotters "Cruises to the VVest Indies, to deal more tror;Me 'hnn the mothers. eyes, as she watched him walk to chair and, ’“ouhag forward, pas.s-d here." He placed his' hand on his who think nothing of rushing to Florida, the Canal Zone, and Ber­ They walk up and down the corri­ the door, were filled with compas his hands tlmouga bis hair. “ Pook-of-the-.Month" chest and tears had come to his eyes. Europe or the South Seas for two dors and talk to themselves and get •'VTbat are they doing In there?" ■V verv novel new commercial muda are as popular in summer as She reached for his hand and slon. weeks. In everybody's way and have to be he whispered. And then a dreadful scheme is a Pook-of-the-Month Club in winter. People aren’t after cli­ pressed it understandingly. “.My "The vacation idea is changing,” mate. They are like radio enthu­ ordered out of the delivery room. thought turned his face to a sickly which should be a bonanza to busy- husband!" she said quietly, and then The same nurse was In the hall he declared. “ Once it meant rest. siasts— they don’t want the music, It's a pleasure to see a man with pallor. They wouldn't be so anxious ladies and clubs that "want to more self-control." after a space, “1 understand, John when he pa.ssed through. Today it means travel. Men take but the station. "Is everything all right?” she to keep him out unles.s something keep up.” A selecting committee tliat attitude as much as women.” John squared his shoulders and It must be beautiful to have such "Every portion of this country of­ asked, as he went to get his hat in had gone wrong. I ! composed of big names in the world That is why every nation sends its then darted a suspicious glance at line thoughts. They sound so com fers something in the way of a vaca­ the room he had reserved for Fay. "Why are they so damned mjs^ I ' literary selects each month the representatives to solicit our travel the nurse. But there was no trace fortlng just now—it—It's all right, tion. The west and southwest are "I think so,” he answered, “but i terlous about It?” he raged, and 1 ' book of'the month which is mailed business. Greenland begs us by of roguery In her expression. knowing 1 have you." exceedingly popular, and the east, “ You're so brave, dear,” he mur­ 1 wish you’d look In at her. I'm I sprang to his feet and resumed h.s I i to all club members. If tlic book poster to investigate Its icy moun­ ■'She's downright good looking.” tormented pacing across the room. of course, is crowded with small as mured. bending over her closely. going out for a smoke.” He smiled “ received is not really desirable it tains. All the East-of-Suez coun­ he thought. He heard u door ' open and the well as fashionable resorts. “You seem so calm, and I'm so ner at her. "-.My nerves feel jumpy,” he can he returned for another select­ try teases our fancy with photo­ They paused before a door. voice of the arrogant nurse saying, "The Great Lakes offer a most de­ vous I can hardly control myself. 1 ex[)lalned. ed from a list of several month s graphs of pagodas and palms. Aus­ “Right In here. Mr. Millburn,” said "All right, doctor, right away.” He feel that 1 want to got outside and Outside, he lit the longed-for cig­ best books prepared by the commit­ tralia plugs for gangaroos on their lightful combination of land and the nurse, turning the knob. ”1 peered out Into the hall and saw her, run away.” aret and walked with long, swift tee.. Now why didn't someone thiiiK VYard G. Foster. water. The Canadian Rockies are think you m:iy slay with her until her face an cxinesslonless mask, native heath. A shadow flitted across her fea strides toward Howard street and of this before? All the world begs America to rich with Lake Louise, Banff, and the doctor comes." moving toward u laboratory. tures and she closed her eyes tightly. an all-night restaurant. Ha Inhaled come and see her— because tve are are going to cost, to the last penny. other beautiful spots well equipped He swung the door open silently ■ “Why did 1 leave Fay so soon?” “What's the matter. Fay?” He deep, luxurious dr.aughts of the “ .\t Court” such good travelers, good spenders "These ready-made trips are for vacationists. The Canadian and then closed It behind him. There, he accused nimself. “Why didn’t 1 was eyeing her anxiously. smoke and expelled them with a soft riumcs, tiaras, aigrettes^ waved — and so glad for any excuse to ideal for those who must consider Pacific even provides bungalow lying white-faced on a wheeled table, slay until the doctor came?” He "Xothing, John, I'm all right.” sigh. aloft from the topknots of 15 Amer­ the cost. camps for tourists. was F.ay. Her eyes were closed: a voiced a norrible thought; 'Now, If travel. She smiled assurance at him and “Fay’s a trump,” he said aloud as ican maids and matrons presented "Steamship companies notv offer "Rates are calculated down to the "In fact, the whole world is mob­ sheet covered her. something's gone wrong 1 wasn t reached a hand to smooth the fine ho walked. "She's real, that’s what g at court a few days ago. Just a lowest possible figure for a group, ilized for the vacation season. And ■'.\n right. Fay?" He tried to there to say goodby to her. Why flat tours for given rate.s,” he point­ dark brown hair off her forehead. she Is. Got more nerve In a minute lew minutes and the labor ot and ape considerably lower than America is engaged in seeing tha make hi.s voice cheerful. was 1 so darned anxious to get ed out, “so you can know before The blood had drained out of her than 1 have In a year. And yet I’m months was over. For behind each would be possible for one person. world." His wife opened her eyes—they away? Why didn't 1 stay us long as you leave home what your 24 days cheeks, leaving her face as white as darned If I don't think 1 could stand You know in advance if you can were large eyes and extraordinarily 1 could? Lot of consideration I court presentation is a story or — more or less— on the continent the sheet. ;t better If 1 could only trade places hours of nervous energy consumed dark—and put out a slim white hand showed Fay, all right. Selfish, that’s afford a trip or if you find your­ The odor of anesthetic was sud with her.” to him. He c.aught It and pressed what I am. Downright selfish.” in being trained to kneel and bow self In Havre looking longingly to­ SAYE THE BRUSHES denly strong In his nostrils and it Thus he rationalized and defended ward America without even the It In his own. He waited long minutes that gracefullv. And the court cos­ Home Pago Editorials brought him a quick fear. He got his course of action. "There’s no price of a third-class passage after ■'All right, John. I'm not afraid." seemed like hours. Then, from hls tume which must be just so in every to his feet and took an uncertain pain,” ho soliloquized, "like the men­ your investigation of ot MontmartreMontmartre: All brushes should be kept clean Thus she answered his unvoiced post In the doorway, he saw the door detail and must cost at least a thoii- question, and there was no hint of step or two. "Fay, 1 have to get tal torture of watching somebody cafes. 1 and scalded by dipping to the back of the mysterious room open again. c;and dollars is too formal for any Kindness Needs fear In her tone, but a placid as­ out. " else suffer. Still. 1 suppose I should “ Also, you are rid of much tire-1 and no deeper in boiling water, Light beamed across the darkened lesser events in a court presentee s surance that brought an eager light Fay said nothing; she merely have stayed a little longer-and yet hallway. He strained anxiously to life. But still, she can say forever some detail, which, if you are a ty- Then dry in the open air, with the to John's eyes. closed her eyes for a brief second what’s the use when I couldn't at see who should come out. after, "when I was piesented Finding pical American, you h.ate. The ' hrtisli side down, “I just want you to be here with and then lay watching him. help?” only disadvantage is that you can-] "It only they tell me everything’s coiirtl ” me as long ns you can," she con­ "I can't stand It. Fay,” he whls He was In front of the restaurant all right,” he whispered fiercely, by Olive Roberts Barton. not linger over stops that intrigue ------^ tinued, and for answer he pressed pered hoarsely. "It gives me the now. He went Inside and ordered “I’ll be a better man from now on. Old Men and Ciffarets. you. You have to keep moving.” her hand again. creeps to stay In here. The smell of a cup of black coffee, which he But we don’t all travel in Etiroiie I'll make It up to Fay." "Cigarets smoked by young girls Silence fell on them for a long that ether, or whatever it Is—” drained, ;n spite of the scalding It ot course. The larger proportion The door closed again. No one I'a r e improper; by older women, in- Nothing leaves a song in the Women Rave time. Then John, growing more His hand w .t s fumbling again for ' gave his tongue. In huge gulps. It ^ had come out. Dejectedly, he moved 1 1 tolerable.” So said General Eric of 113 see some new spot in oiir own nervous and apprehensive with each the package of cigarets. Fay s.nid. | was a trial to .sit still long enough i heart like real Itindnoss. Not the over to hls chair and slumped down i Ludendnrff divorcing his old wife. | superficial cultured sort of kind­ country annually. succeeding minute, but swept from "You needn't worry, John, It will | to finish it. Only In swift motion j “ The motor bus is constantly in­ Over New on it. burying his face in hls hands. 3 Rumor lias it that he is to wed a ness, but the kind that looks out his feet momentarily by the beauty all he over In another hour or two, 1 could he find any relief from hls ner- j creasing in popularity as a means of (To Be Continued.) ' new wife who is a noted feminist of a man's or a woman’s eyes and of her courage, straightened up. I hope. You're nervous. I hate to 1 vous tension. 1 travel,” he explained. “ By this French Powder and author of various books on sex says, "I like you and I want' to do method yon avoid noise, see the subjects. Some might say some­ something for you." scenery t'o advantage, pass through] Anew kind of face powder is her^ thing about the frying pan and the Three times In one day last DccocAjr thA Made bv3 Dcw Freiich Proccss—sta^ week I received more kindness the most anteresting streets oi tne ^ t -i. rr r» j i- ^ fire. cities and towns.___ _ through TirUiAhwiucn vnn you i on until ^ you take it off. Pores and lines than I deserved, and from straiig-1i travel — and are not exerting your-| do not show. Not affected by perspira- ers. "What difference does that F eebleinindcdncss self as when you are driving your | tion. Gives ife and beauty to your, First there was the man at the complexion almost unbelievable. It is • make?” she said quite iinpa-tient- An examii.ation of the blood FOR GILT FRAMES own car. 1should be made to detect hidden filling-tation. It was raining cats “ Bus lines have united sections called MELLO-GLO. You will love it. ly. “ You are a girl just like myself, and dogs. We had lost our way. We H E R O W N aren't you? This niorniii.g when I conditions which if left undetected Clean gilt frames by covering that once were alienated by inade­ J. W. Hale Co.. So. Manchester. stopped the car, not under the loft you I quite envied you. You might, and often do, result in a dis-' with a cream of whiting and alco­ quate railway facilities. They Care for the eased child, a child that may even hol after wiping and brushing away porte cocherc of the gas station, seemed so splendidlt^ independent but down on the road and hailed to be feebleminded. and happy. This afternoon I liave all possible dust. the proprietor, asking the nearest lieen living life in the raw ever Much of our present feeblemind­ way to R ...... C/? GIRL o/JOMY since then. I have been clinging to edness could have been prevented, The man, not in grease covered 0/ig 'Cleaners i^ a t Clean A NEW F.MPI.OYER the thought of you. If you only and many morons would today be overalls, but evidently dressed in knew how I wanted you. Judy. I useful citizens if their mothers had Liberty Bell his Sunday best for some gala oc­ "Dear Judy. I am so glad that j have no one else in all the world, been properly treated for diseased casion, came out to the car in the Ton have come. You know, I told . but you. conditions in time. downpour. " I’ll have to explain,’ you my father would he out this • "But you only met me this morn- Expectant mothers should have said he with a wonderful smile. evening and I would be all alone.” ing. an abundance of fresh air, good "There’s a detour...... ’’ and so "It is certainly sweet of you to | "I have known you all my life, at plain wholesome food, daily recrea­ on." Look Your Best We were conscience stricken. me on such a slight acquain-j least I think I have. And oh, Judy tion, diversified tasks that are not • on Fourth of July; everybody is out in tance. Miss .Meredith,” I said as I don't disappoint me. I am afraid BY DR. HUGH S. CFMMING too taxing on her strength, ade­ "Oh, you mustn’t stand there, followed lier toward the drawing of it since you were so formal after quate rest and sleep, and they you're getting soaked,” I said. Sunday attire, and the man whose suit room. you knew that Mr. Robinson was should be free from worry. “ We should have driven in.” is mussy or unpressed will feel veiy As I spoke she turned and look­ niy step-father, for if the truth Surgeoii General, United States Selecting Diet "Oh, that’s all right. I'll dry,” said he cheerfully. "And I know ed at im? closely, and I started in were known I am your employer in­ Republic Health Service Diet should be selected with the much out of place. ^ what it is to lose your road In tne shocked surprise. She looked ghast­ stead of him. view ot avoiding the necessity for Give 1510 a call right now and we’ll All expectant mothers should be rain. And this road is hard to ly. I liad never seen such a change "When my mother died she left the use of laxatives, but if the diet under the care of a physician if have your clothes spick and span, leady In anyone in iny life. All the girl- to me in her will the Morton De­ does not accomplish this result, find.” I knew he didn’t mind— one look jshnes.s liad left her mouth which partment Store among otlier things. this is possible, and should, of tlieii a simple laxative should be for you to slip into next Sunday morn­ had settled in lines of utmost sad- I She made Mr. Robinson the execu- course, undergo a thorough physi- at his face told me that. taken on the advice of the physi­ The same day we spied a special ness. tor of her will and the manager of . cal examination. cian. ing. Examination of the urine is of kind of hearth brush in a store She hadn’t expected to hear me I the store, During the latter part of her ex­ speak so fonnnlly. I was sure of | “ Dad— I have always called him tlic utmost importance, and such window. It was a brush I had been pectancy, the mother shond see her seeking for months and I had to that, for as I called her Miss Mere-! dad— has always been quite like a examinations should be repeated physician, or send him a specimen dith a mist of hopelessness settled ! fatlier to me. and as I have known | frequentlyin order to detectcondi- have it. It was five, and closing i of urine for examination every two time. But the same manner of man over her eye.s. :ind 1 instinctively ; no otiicr fatlie.r I have respected hi.s i tioiis. tlie neglect of whicli may weeks. She must not forget to par­ felt that I had failed her and she | wishes not to make the terms of | jeopardize,even sacrifice, the lives opened the door for us, uncovered take freely of liquids. Drink plenty his cases and treated us like royal­ was desjieratc. I hastened to ex- 1 my mother's will public. i of lioth mother and child, of water. lDOUGAN w e w o rks plain myself. | “ I have always wanted since I | If the expected baby *' the first ty. "Certainly you may come in,” INC. Headache, if persistent, or if sud­ he said cheerfully, and stood by HARRISON ST. But before I could do so Joan I was sixteen lo go into the store and | one, the physical examination made den and severe, should be reported patiently while I mano up my mind SOUTH MAMCHESTTR, tad recovered hcr.sclf somewhat, j learn the business. That, however. by the doctor should invariably in- to the physician, as should also cltitlc a measurement of the pelvis. about size and color. ■ CONN. ghe was a hrnvc little thing, but ■ is the only thing my father lias swelling of the face, hand or in­ Again it happened— that night! In no other way can it be deter­ pow she looked at me reproach- ’ ever refused me. And I con­ creasing swelling of the ankles, A hurry-up call at the drug store— mined that a pelvis is not reduced Xully. I fess I have been rather rebellious should they occur. Medicine should this time at eleven-thirty. A tired, in .size, or otherwise deformed, con­ P h G n & "What has come over you, my | about it.” not be taken except on the advice but obliging clerk with his hat on JIIHL (lear girl? Why so formal all at | ditions which make for serrotis of the physician. to go home. The President’s wife l trouble, and a knowledge of the ML ' 1 5 1 0 pnee?” ^ I TOMORROW: Alone in the world. Philadelphia's Sesqui-Centennial could not have received more cour­ “ I expect I am formal because existence of which enables the doc­ tesy. tor to determine beforehand the Exposition re-echoes in the world rhen I accepted the invitation to of fashion. Here is Dorothy Duel], ‘It’s a sweet old world, some- ^our party I did not know that you In New Ycrk n man who v:a,'; nature of the assistance he tvill ho Brick dust is invaluable for re­ moving spots on steel or for polish- of Proadt4y, wearing the "Liberty 1 times.” said I, as I pulied up the rere the daughter of iiiy eniploy- liit on the head with a liammor lost called upon to render at the criti­ ^ njj pewter or copper. Bell" hat. created by Bruck-Weiss. coverir ' V T ’ ' ^ his voice. Singers beware. cal moment. ,


^ ,_.r> y '


GAS BUGGIES or HEM AND AMY— Time Will Tell by Beck SENSE AND n o n s e n s e /AWHILE AGO YOU WERE LYING TUT, TUT --YCtI ' lT 60IN6 TO RIDE 'A MAN OF \ i A^L RIGHT, MR. SMARTY- POOH -POOH- AWAKE NIGHTS WONDERING WHEHE NEXT .OUGHT TO GET A ; AROUr«D BEHIND! A FRENCH MY POSITIONS WHEN YOaR BUBBLE ^ WA^T Tlt£^ C ^Humors R>*M oy ? OF. .TWINS At the bedside of a patient who THAT HE HAS MONTH'S RENT WAS COMING FROM, AND JOS AS A ( CHAUFFEUR LiKtr SOME MOVIE kCANT LIVE LIKE BREAKS AND YOUR EYr SJ was a noted humorist, five doctors RECENTLY NOW JUST BECAUSE YOU’VE HAD A 'SAFETY FIRST^ ACTOR, YOU NEEDN'T EXPECT, lA HERMIT H ARE FULL OF SOAPSUDS ,GaS FK S r ^ OUVB BOBBETS BARTOK ' before: yd»3 i , were in consultation as to the best ACQUIRED WEALTH PLEASANT DREAM ABOUT THIS PETRIFIED SIGN------LISTEN- ME TO TRAMP ALL OVER 'i r s BUSINESS OONT COME RUNNWtiS means of producing a perspiration. TOWN* HUNTING FOR BUTTER WITH ME "WHO TO ME FOR A TOWSL- STAFTT W0RRYIL3*.,! Tile alligators kept spinning the HAVE REACHED GAS SUBSTITUTE, YOU THROW MONEY WHEN EVERYBODY/! The sick man overheard the discus­ AROUND LIKE A LORO--THE IDEA OF ELSE CAN SEE AT A CENT A POUND LESS" WAS IT SAID ------REMEMBER ABOUT THE < \ Twins around until you couldn't HEM SO THAT N O W - hSiST STATjeN- have told them from tops. sion. and, after listening for a few OFTEN YOU BUYING A ♦ 10,000 CAR-- IF THE HANDWRFTING I SHOULD SAVE MONEY YOU HAD TO moments, he turned his head to­ SPEND MONEY “ Oh, dear!" gasped Nancy. THAT HE FINALiy YOU KEEP ON, YOU'LL OVERLOAD ON THE WALL FOR YQ.U TO SQAVNDER— ward the troop and whispered with TOUR SHIP OF SUCCESS AND SINK IT^ ABOUT TIME AND TO MAKE MATTERS TO MAKE IT-? “ My goodness!” cried Nick. a dry chuckle: "Just send in jour BELIEVES THEM “ Aren’t they cute!" laughed the HIMSELF, AND IT BEFORE IT GETS IN--YOU'RE YOU WENT TO WORSE, YOU GO AND bills, gentlemen; that will bring it AN OCULIST, AMY JOIN THAT CLUB AGAIN fat alligator with the ruffles and on at once!" a m y s w arning COUNTING YOUR CHICKS BEFORE the velvet basque. “ Let's take them THEIR SHELLS ARE BROKEN- OLD DEAR- SO YOU CAN PAY TO BE CAREFUL THEM DUES home to our children. They would A woman who keeps perfect time ABOUT make lovely bathtub toys. I wonder when dancing rarely does so in ACCEPTING THE niuiuiL.,] if they float.” keeping an appointment. UNLIMITED But before Mister Alligator CREDIT could answer, an enormous duck, From* the classified ads: LOST THAT HAS quite as large as an elephant, wad­ — Glasses, nose and case. Please BEEN SUDDENLY dled up. return and receive reward. Please THRUST UPON A - 1 “ What ai'e they?" he quacked. leturn in particular, his nose. The HIM % II “ We don't know." said the alli- hay fever season is here now, and FALLS ON gatorefes, putting out her i>aw oi­ he needs it. lier foot or her hand, in- whatever DEAF EARS. it is alligatoresses have, and stop­ The Negro Reverend (reading ping the Twins as they twirled. service at a -negro wedding)— Let “ Rut we think they are what lou him now speak or else heahafteh Copyn^iL tP2b. by Menopolitan ^ i-S2 call people.” forebber hold his peace. The duck bent over and looked Flustered Groom— I will. By Percy Crosby at them closely— so closely that the Twins thought he was going to Faster and Faster. T4er,HA|UJRAr'5 been gobble them up. “ Queer— very Miss Elinor Glyn wrote a story. «TTHESAME,PeOPC€ \ queer." he quacked. "They arc Elected to cal! it THREE WEEKS, Dove WITH MY H A T? lV e neither frogs, worms nor turtles, A kingdom near crashing I L<^K€0 Alt OVCRVCA nV i IH THIS HOUSE IS .^o I sttpiiose you are right. I shall f in o i t . Because of the Passion g o t t a fluir HioiN* take them home to my ducklings Of fictionized Slovaks and Greeks. for playthings.” TRY THC HAT MY THINGS But before the alligators had The authoress penned a new novel. Rack time to say that he wotild do no The title she used was ONE DAY. '\ such thing nun that they intended The book was just brimful to talce them home themselves, a Of princes most sinful, , very large fish hopped up on his But more c.xpcditious we'll say. fins. He put on a pair of eye-glasses The next that appeared at the and gazed at the Twins as though bookstore somethin.g weighty lay on his mind. Was labelel most tritely HIS Finally he turned to the duck and HOUR. the alligators. “ Do they squeak if The ]dot was immense >ou push on their heads?'' he ask­ But the action condensed ed. “ Have they whistles about And the herd still morally sour. them anywhere? Have you tried?" "Why, no," said Mrs. Alligator, We wonder with some trepidation 3 showing all her teeth. “ I never If next time she used her pen, thought of such a thing." .\nd be­ She’ll follow the table fore anyone could stop her, she And use some such label grabbed Nancy with one paw and As TALES OF T^E MINUTE MEN. Nick with the other and pushed ju*j a 7.1 hard. What is the difference between L r^ - "Ouch!” cried Nancy. an old maid and a married wom­ "Ouch!” cried Nick. an? $ALE$MAN SAM Late As Usual by Swan "That’s fine," said the fish, "I I don't know. shall take them home to my chil­ The old maid is not married. •Oo 'Ai'.uy :p I ^ I’ VE b e e n w a i t i n g o h w a i t 'l l ( ^ i Have. Y ou \ i’ l u dren.” [ r.'Axr, hgre? it s 8 KV Go s h , AiN II11 GETCHA A Been WAITED I 5H€_ "I just guess you won’t.” Our typewriter almost invariab­ I RtMMlWG- OUTStOE.- w h a t 's KeepiM’ Hour, a n d Ft h a l f U m. qtVacked the duck. “ They’re mine." ly makes it “Wastington” instead CHAIR. I oM* "Just listen.” said Mrs. Alligator of Washington and we've almost K A ’fA ? Indignantly. "They belong to us. concluded that the machine knows 1 my dear sir. We discovered them." what its about. c lj C V / "Why. you’re only an old bath­ ^1^ tub toy, both of you arc!" said the "You from the South?" 1^"-= f) p duck. “ You're made of rubber, and "Yes. sir." so is this old fish here. I've got real "What part?" n A feathers. I’ll have you know," “ South DalvOta." ) "You're only a Christmas-tree toy yourself," retorted Mister Alli­ A Jew was walking along, Ms gator. “ Your feathers arc all )iast- face wreathed in smiles. He met a ed on and your bill Is made of jia- friend. w m per and your feet are made of*wax “ You look contented enough / and wire. So are >our legs.” with the world," said the friend. At this Mrs. Alligator grabbed "I am,” answered the Jew, “ mj' the duck by the tail and Mister .Al­ son is engaged to be married.” ligator grabb-'-d him Py the neck "Is he?" and the feathers began to fly in all "No, no— ikey.” directions. “ I think- I’ll be going." said the Gladys says she found out that ( I !.I fish uneasily, putting his e>e-glass- the dime novel lias not disappear­ CC. INC es away in his iiocket. “ I’m not ed. It costs $2.00 now. I / / , sure about my scales. I think they by Blosser are only painted on. but if they If you think clotheB don’t make FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS G arbage! should come off liki' the duck’s the man, try to imagine a cop be­ feathers. I’d be a remarlcable ing impressed in pajamas. I'M ‘0 ZZ I A 6/^DBAGB m------a /o ?? _ EBGA'JSL T A iy VJJAO TOLD sight.” A GARBAGE A'AA ) WAV VA& AJAMS- AAAkS 5550 0 y o u s o He hesitated a minute as he Ardent Suitor— Madam, I im- . 7^5 F AEA^JB/A Do VOU A WBEA.' idore you to allow me to be captain OP POP' _^^WAAiT70 8E A had a notion to tuck one under of your soul. each fin and walk- off with them. Attractive Widow— You can’t be T A S ? > But he changed his mind and that; but you may oe my second disappeared. mate. “ Let’s run!” whispered Nick. “ Stop them!" shouted the alliga­ 'Tisn’t so safe for youngsters to tors. pester purps during the hot summer But although dozens of hands months for that is when every dog and paws reached out for them, the has his daze. Twins kci)t on going. At last they reached the end of the town and ISIrs. So-and-so’s son told a visit­ sat down on a stone to rest. ing neighbor that she was very pret­ (To be Continued.) ty, whicli is why Mrs. So-and-so took said son to an oculist. IXTEHXATIOXAB BOW. “ What became of jour Swedish A farmer girl is knee-deep In cook?" daisies, while the city lass is knee v\\ “ Oh, she got her Irish up and deep in hosiery. took French leave."— London Pass­ o ing Show. The rookie %vas a handsome guy. . Xow, wateha think o’ that? '.\V HU URVice. me. He made a hit with all the girls, FLAPPER FANNY s&yy lint never at the bat. WASHINGTON TUBBS U The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All the Trains By Fontaine FoS Emi Any boy will follow in his fath­ HFP er’s footsteps— when he wants a by Crane nickel. DUI^IKS th e. FiF^ST days of VACATiOH, WHPr< Mom’.s favorite cutting remark is, "A'ell, Dad, the grass needs mow­ AR <0 xeude 'U CuuT A THE Kids ARE ESPECIALLY oBMoKIOUS iK HOoKttie ing again." irtA-Pi ggeN -mxiM’ <0 sfeA'- OH wvl M.N Clft.U,ert? WfiU., AN' I T hought whE m OM BEHIND, THE 5KlPP£»^ t h e car, HEAe, HUWV— U£t MG \ -GGNT HIM T hat PUZZLE A DAY* CATCH VOU WITH AGAIN AHONVIHOUS \.€TTeS, H^'D AN' vou ’uu Be Peep IN’ ouTa, C.OIHG fuv TAvee; soeeiG Ba c k w a r d s . Dan and Bob left San Francisco F ->—V A GLASS COV6R.60 HOMG an ' 6N0 MS June 1, on a cross-country hike to V. -BOH.. SEG? -TB-OUBueG. X( i\ York. Each carried a knap­ sack on his .sli.iulder, ani a dollar in bis pocket. fluey planned on working occa- - / sionslly to m.nb.e their road ex­ pel .scs. At the e.ul of fvo weeks’ M’-iing, they coupa/eJ funds. Dan d.stovered th u lie hud twice as C niucli money as Bob. /iid that if Bob gave him $2 he would possess three times as much. While Bob realized that if Dan gave him $4 they would both have equal amounts of money. How much money do j'ou sup­ ^ 0 pose Bob and Dan had at the time /XA Fly |)ai>er doesn't draw as many of the eouiiting? Biea as limousines do friends. Last Puzzle .Answer A v J

SAV, IHR. APPLB. V / eNTGRTAiN MV NlTCL o O LITTLE JOE man-£M\n: bozo A /cant vc That- C.6GIGN, Vo UNO m a n ! OF SOBBlfS JOST GAUOPep J c o ffA eNTeRTMN M0R6 (MPortamT Than IKto T&WM ON WAR / V BOB&lB. OfTlCfe WOR.K.— WANTA PKTa , A.N' t WANTA 00 / V,. ■ptGCOURAOe HHAT oTh6R. BACH, -to ^ CHAP — MA

Here is the completed verbal wheel. The word forming the hub is “ idleness,” the one composing the rim is "laziness.” Spoke-words; numbers 1 and 2 read from the hub out; numbers 3 and 4 from the rim in; numbers 5, 6, 7 and S are given from the rim in, but may be reao 8E»K6 ADLE to A ‘ either way. The following are the cg

Miss Helen Sullivan o£ McKee Evan Nyquist of Linden street street who was employed by the J. entertained thirty members of the ABOUT TOWN W. Hale company for the past two Beethoven Glee club of the Swed­ 50c years as comptometer operator and ish Lutheran church at his cottage 89c recently as billing clerk, has left at Walnut Beach over the week­ Silph Reducing Gum Sunset Rcbckali Lodge will hold the employ of that company and ex­ end. Beef, Iron and Wine Its regular meeting this evening in pects to letuni to comptometer Odd Feliows hall. work. The balmy weather of yesterday 39c brought out autos in droves. There 69c W. G. Crawford has sold to Laura This will be “neighbors’ night" was a rush made to seaside and lake resorts and garages did a big / Allen his house at !!• Franklin at Andover Grange. The program / . /' street. The transfer was made which will Include a sketch and business all through the day. through the Stuart .1. \\ aslej other numbers will be put on by $1.00 25c agency. Mr. Crawfortl intends Manchester Grange. A great mass of shrubbery is be­ building again immediately at the ing placed in front of the ne^v ar­ corner of P^rankliu and Lidtccll About to go out on his tour of mory on Main street. The sidehill Squibb’s Mineral Oil r" Feen-A-Mint is so steep that it is impossible to streets. (iutv last evening. Patrolman ■loscph Wall, of North School seed or sod it. 69c 17c Mystic Review M’. R. A. of the street, was suddenly stricken with Miiccabces will meet this evening an acute attack of appendicitis at Gravel and tar has already been dumped at the Oakland street in Tinker hall. A short program his home. He was taken to the and social will follow the business Memorial hospital where an opera­ crossing of the New Haven Road. The crossing will be treated the $1.00 .session. tion was immediately performed. This morning his condition was re­ same as the Main street crossing. 75c Mr. and Mrs. George W. House ported as favorable. A son was born Saturday night Hair Brushes uf Benton street and Mr. and Mrs. at the Manchester Memorial hospi­ Dextri Maltose The Misses Helen and Gladys Clarence Tracy and children of tal to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dougan, North Elm street motored to Can­ Waskiewiez, of Birch street, were 39c in Pittsfield. Mass., yesterday to of 1 Oak Place. 55c terbury yesterday and spent the Solid Backs. (lav with Mr. Tracy's sister. attend the wedding of their cousin. About twenty employee.'* of the Nos. 1, 2 and 3. ' South Manchester Post Office en­ iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiHmiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiniiii joyed an outing at Rocky Point yesterday. The trip was made by automobiles. A shore dinner was 75c enjoyed. Other shore resorts were $1.50 I Light Weight Clothing | visited. Baume Bengue The Ladies’ Sewing society .of Agarol the Swedish Lutheran church will 50c tube hold a sale of Swedish home baked 98c I for Hot Days Ahead I foods and fancy articles next Sat­ urday afternoon beginning at o o’clock in the churefi basement. $1.10 I :Men’s Summer clothing that is especially adapted | Refreshments will also be on sale. 1 for Summer wear—made up from the most popular E The Manchester Community club Tanlac $1.25 E Summer fabrics, Tropical Worsted and Palm Beach s baseball team will pUy the colored E cloth. E stars from the Hartman tobacco 79c farm tonight at six o'clock at the Pinkham Compound I Priced for value and seiwice, $18 to $25. E north end playgrounds. 79c The Young People’s Singing club Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday Morning of the South Methodist church will 75c I Men’s Linen Knickers i meet at the church this evening at tl:30 and leave for Case's hill, Noonan’s Lemon ... .If you go to the country or to the shore for the summer, stock up noW on all the E ^’ery comfortable to wear on outings and vacations. E where they will enjoy a “dog things vou are apt to need not only for every day use but in case someone is taken ill oi Johnson & Johnson E -All sizes in a good selection of patterns. $4.50, $5 and ^ roast." hurts themselves. Drug stores aren’t always nearby and frequently they don t carry Cream one’s favorite brands.. .The stay-at-homes, .too, should lay m a supply of cold cream, E $7.50. E ^Icmhers of Helen Lavidson Baby Powder zz A complete line of Sport Hose for your spoit weai. z lodge. Daughters of Scotia and hand lotion, soaps and poM'der to guard against the ravages of sun and 'Mind.. .Bu\ now = -A larger and more complete line was never shown in | Clan .McLean will have a joint out­ 59c and save money I ...... ing at Lake Compounce, Monday. 30c E town, $1 to $6. = July 5. Special cars will leave at nine o'clock and returning leave the lake at seven o'clock. Mrs. Patent Medicines I You’ll appreciate comfortable | Mary Thompson is chairman of the Shaving Supplies Face Powder committee from Helen Davidson 75c Premet, 39c. lodge and Harry Fiavell. Clan Mc- Castoria, 25c. Willi.ums’ Shaving Cream, 35c and 30c. Pills and Tablets $1.00 VTvette, 65c. I.ean. Tickets may be secured from Synip of Figs, 39c. 59c Mennen Shaving Cream, 39c. them, also from Alec Simpson, D jer K iss, 4i4c. I fitting Underwear for hot [ P liillip’s .Milk of .Magnesia, 19c 59c Mennen Balm, 39c. N'uxlated Iron, 73c. Miss May Brown, Mrs. McCann or Mcllo-Glo, $1.90. aiul 39c. Barbasol Shaving Cream, 29c. Carter’s Little Liver Pills, 18c. Mrs. .-ynderson. Eldridge street. Thre« Flowers, 73c. Members should secure their tick­ Scpiibb’s Milk of .Magnesia, 39c. .50c IMolIe Shaving Ci-eam, 39c McCoy’s Coloth Balls, 10c lb. Edward’s Olive Tablets, 13o Shampoos and 21c, I FOR TUESDAY ONLY— : wanis club golf team will tackle Niijol, 45c and 75c. Brushes Rotlol, 45c. Hartford in the second game of the Barvex with .'-tomlzer, $1.19. Partola, 19c and 39c. Dr. Hand’s Remedies. 39c. Dandcrlne, 20c, 40c, 60c. series. Tlie game will take place at I’checco, .‘53c. Black Flag Powder, 29c. $1.00 Noonan Hair Petrole, Lapactlc Pills, 39c. the Wethersfield coui-se. F lit, 4.5c and C9c. I’ei)sodont. .37c. 75c. Flit Combination, 89c combina­ Wild Root Hair Tonic, 29c, 39c, l'’orhan's, 22c and 39c. I 65c Garments 45c Mrs. Ada Anderson. Miss Edna tion. 79c. Anderson and .\rthnr -\nderson of .Scpiibb’s. ,35c, .3 for $1.00. Ointments AATld Root Taroleum, ,39c. Center street loft yesterday morn­ Colgate’s, 21 3 for 70c. Creams and Soaps ing for a three weeks' vacation in Glover’s Mange Remedy, 53e. Baby Food I,yon’s, 20c. Otliine, 89c. Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur, 64c. Nantlcoke, Pa. Vick’s, 25c, 30c, 75c. Stillman's Freckle Cream, 32c. Rose Mary and Sulphur, 65c. Mustcrole. 23c and 45c. I.yon’s Tooth I’owder, 20c. Pond's Creams, 24c and 49c. I’alm olivo Shampoo, .39c. Daniel O'Connell. 60, of 40 Mentholatuin, 19c and 39c. iodent Paste, Nos. 1 and 2, 39c. 75c Mellin’s Food, 59c. Fairfield street, underwent a ma­ Daggct and Ramsdale Creams, Mulsifled Cocoanut Oil, 39c. Ipana, 35c. 29c, 39c, 75c; tube, 19c and .Alalted Milk, S8c, 75c, $2.95. jor operation at the Manchester Peterson’s Ointment, 23c and Slikum, 19c and 59c. Memorial hospital Saturday morn­ 45c. 6J)c (Uireg.a Tooth Powder, 45c. 39c. 80c Ovaltlne, 65c. I GLENNEY’S 1ing. He is progressing favorably. Cuticura, 23c and 45c. 60c Mernofs Tooth Powder, Palmolive Soap, 4 cakes 25c. Merck’s Sugar of Milk, 43c. I’ear's Fnscented, $1.00 dozen, 4.5c. Antiseptics $ 1 .0 0 Eskay F ocmI, 69c. .^lanzan, 45c. 10c cake. E Next door to Woohvorth’s. E Johnny Boukus. S-years-old of I.isteriiio Paste, 19c. Paz.o Ointment, 69c tube, Stork Castile Soap, 10c. I.isterine, 19c, .39c. 74c. 85c Mai’iiiola, 75c. Buckland. is recovering at his Pyrotev Tooth Bntsh, 25c. lodex, 45c. Woodbury’s, 18c. Lavoris, 19c, .39c, 89c. 75c Dryco, 69c. fiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimimmimimiiiiiiiiiim home from a recent accident in Glyco Thylom ire, 2,5c, 45c, 89c. which the hoy sustained abrasions Oro Tooth Ti'ush, 2.5c. -Assorted Bath Tablets, 4 for Robinson’s Barley Food, 23c Lysol, 19c, 39c, 79c. of both legs. In some manner the Dr. West Tooth Bnish, 39c. 25c. and 45c. niiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii>i lad fell under a harrow and was run over. Drug Sale — Main Floor. Bob Fields, of Hartford, was the winner of the oOO-mlle pigeon race 25c t > from Washington, D. C., Saturday. Tlie birds were liberated Saturday Cascara morning but did not arrive here 15c until Sunday morning. Wiske of I Compound Tablets New Britain won second place and Boal Rolls Walter Tedford, of Manchester, ihird. Shaw cf Now Britain won 19c fourth place. 9c (Dr. Hinkle) Members of the Gibbons Assem­ SOUTH ^Mf\ t:CHEST£R • CONN • bly, Catholic Ladies of Columbus who are on Mrs. Humphries’ team for summer activities, arc request­ ed to meet this evening at eight o'clock at K. of C. hall. Mrs. Martin L. Gilman has cal­ CLUB TO HOLD OUTI-N'G. Boston Shoe Repair led a meeting of the degree team CREDITORS MAY GET ] WOMAN BREAKS LEG The regular monthly meeting of a of Manchester Camp, No. 2610, St. Mary’s Young Men’s club will be Royal Neighbors, to bp held at lier held this evening at 8 p’clock in the Shop’s 12 Anniversary linme, 236 Main street this even­ 50 CENTS ON DOLLAR | FOR SECOND TIME cTubrooms on Linden street. A ing at seven o'clock. full attendance of the membership is asked as plans for the annual out­ Special for 12 Days, Hard Luck Seems to Follow ing next Saturday will be discusesd. ATTENDING CONVENTION' Local Firm Reports Assets of The committee in charge of ar­ Beginning Fri., June 18 IN' BLOOMINGTON', H.L. Mrs. Florence Bostwick of rangements has asked that all who GOUTS $1,600 and Liabilities of Bissell Street. intend to go to the outing notify the The local Oil-O-Matic dealer, M. $3,000. committee before Wednesday so H. Strickland, left Saturday to at­ Misfortune seems to pursue Mrs. that the exact number of reserva­ Rubber Heels tend the annual convention of Creditors of Clegg and Matchett, Florence Bostwick. of 2 3 Bissell tions may be made. dealers and salesmen at the factory What is expected to be the princL Attached for at Bloomington, 111. This gathering who were doing business at o39 street. Last September she fell ana 'pal feature of the outing this year is international in scope, represen­ Main street under the name of the Park Hill Market, and who closed broke her leg. She was taken will be the baseball game between Troop 6. tatives from several countries of the married and single men. This their doors a few days ago, haxe to tlie liospitHl and remained there Ktiropo and from China being In will be followed by a dinner. Troop 6 held Its regular meeting 12c pr. attendance. Offering a close com- received word that they will get 50 for manv weeks. Later when slie Bathing Suits bad recovered .sufficiently, Mrs. last week. During the pre-meet­ I>arison to the history of the devel­ cents on the dollar. Bostwick returned to her home. ing period the scouts were practic­ with every pair of soles opment of some of the larger auto­ A. S. -Albrecht, a Hartford lawy­ Now is the time to get your bathing suit. Thera For some time she was confined to ing scouting events. As a visitor mobile companies of today, Oil-O- er who is looking out for the in­ SUM.AIER SCHOOL, The summer session of the Con­ we had Mr. Pearson, scoutmaster of sewed on. Mill be outings and picnics and trips to the lakes or Matic has enjoyed an amazing terest of the local firm sent letters her bed. . , Reocntlv she regained the use or necticut Business College opens Troop 5, and as he will be one of seashore xvhen you will want one. We have a fine growth, "until it is now capitalized to all of the creditors. The letter the leaders at Camp Pioneer this for well over $1,000,000 and is by her limb. She was naturally much Tuesday. July 6. High school grad­ assortment for men, women and children. says that the assets total about jileased over this— but toda> ^ the uates will attend this session to get summer he spoke on the camp. far the largest corporation in the $1,600 and liabilities $3,000. Boston Shoe Repair field of domestic oil burner manu­ joy was turned to soiiow again. advanced work in shorthand and Scout Earl Smith passed his The lawyer says that his advice This morning walking to the bookkeeping which will enable Morse signaling and George Cone facturers. Other Timely Items for Men and Boys is that the creditors meet and turn bath room in licr borne. Mrs. Bost­ them to accept much better posi­ passed first class first aid. Shop DAVID AVOODHOUSE over the matter to a trustee In­ wick slipped and fell. Her right leg tions. Those having a desire to get At 8.15 the troop visited the Light Weight Caps Sport Sweaters stead of having the firm file a was broken again and she was re­ employment before finishing four Court of Honor where four of Its 105 Spruce Street —very popular now. David Woodhouse, aged 65. of petition in bankruptcy. He wrote moved to the Manchester Memorial years at High school can enter at members were passing their tests. —in new patterns. that he thought this action would hospital. It was said she ■will be this time, start the course and fin­ Scouts Anderson and Dixon passed Boys’ Baseball Suits. Boys’ Blouses. i:U Pine street, died at his home So. Manchester at 6 o'clock Saturday right follow­ reduce the assets considerably. confined to the hospital for two or ish before the rush next spring. their first class before the court and Grammar graduates wishing to New Neckwear New Men’s Hosiery ing an Illness of several years. Although no action has as yet three months this time. Remlg and Burr passed merit badge spend the summer months to good —in attractive patterns. —dressy looking styles Death was due to a complication been taken, It Is thought that the tests. creditors will hold a meeting and advantage will do well to enter On Wednesday the troop will as of troubles. summer school. Call or write for Mr. Woodhouse Is survived by appoint a trustee rather than have MINOR ACCIDENT sit the committee at the strawberry Men’s and Women’s Oxfords for Summer Wear. further information.— Adv. festival which will be held at the his wife and one son, Robert. The the matter brought into the bank­ A trivial accident occurred early ^T ^ake latter wasl formerly well known In ruptcy courts. 'Church. On Saturday the troop Saturday evening at the North will be at the scout field meet at the World Bright local baseball circles. End. An automobile operated by The funeral services took place Two short circuits caused the fire the West Side and then they will Mrs. Alexander Shearer of 195 hike to Keeney street where they by having good sight” this afternoon at 2:30 o’clock from Hilliard sti’crt, bumped an electric siren to sound in the South End the late home. Rev. J. S. Neil, Mrs. Elizabeth Scott of Terry- shortly before noon today. The will start on their cabin. Each ville. formerly of Manchester, light pole while turning around at boy should bring enough food for Warner Optical Co. ] of the St. Mary’s Episcopal church Depot Square. Slight damage was whistle gave but one blast each officiated. Burial was in the East spent the week-end with relatives 4SS Asjlom Streeb flartCorA, A. L BROWN & CO. dune. tlniB. cemetery. In town. 1 ...... uZL