1 SHOULD .. LtSS0n& FROni RftYStRWYLO'" #435, 10766 — 97 St., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5J 2P2

Successful SUSK campaign Roman Waschuk and Nestor Mykytyn Students home free! Carnations, kisses and launching an emergency cam- for assistance. To sensitize com- between 18-25 October. On the Ukrainian Orthodox Church opinion to the plight of first were chocolates greeted the first paign to: i) raise funds to assist munity Sunday, pamphlets Scarborough, St. Basil's Ukr t group of young Ukrainian the Canadian Ukrainian Im- the refugees, the committee distributed wherever nian Catholic Church and n r refugees from Poland upon their migrant Aid Society in its produced 20,000 pamphlets en- organizational inexperience and Ukrainian Baptist Church. ': arrival at Toronto International endeavours to bring these titled Ukrainian Refugees: How clerical reluctance didn't in- York and Waterloo Ukra'r Airport on 14 January — New refugees to Canada; and ) you can help. 9,000 copies were tervene, The following Sunday, Student Clubs organized be" Year's Day according to the publicize the refugees' plight." rrjailed out to Ukrainian donations were accepted. A pub nights for the younc 4 Julian calendar. On hand to meet Accordingly, SUSK Human households across Canada, number of parish priests whole- migrants, and the U of T I Si"* the fourteen immigrants were Rights VP Nestory Mykytyn form- while the remainder was dis- heartedly supported the SUSK came forward with a fihan< representatives of the Canadian ed a committee consisting of tributed by local USC's. The initiative and together with their contribution to the camp^'Q Ukrainian Immigrant Aid Society members of the three Toronto staging area for the operation, St. parishioners contributed for a Even Valentyn Moroz don;,u. (CUIAS), PLAST and SUM (two area clubs at the U of T, York and Vladimir Institute, filled first with total of $3,872.00 during the first the proceeds of one of his lec sponsoring organizations), Ryerson. At its first meeting in enthusiastic envelope-toting week of the Campaign. During the tures to the SUSK drive. Toronto who are early September, the committee volunteers, and later with the weeks that followed, con- Thanks to a quick an:. providing accomodation, as well decided to conduct a nation-wide debris of the mass mail-out — tributions from the remaining generous response on the part as reporters from the TV and print fund-raising campaign for the mangled address sheets, churches and private individuals the community, SUSK had, by 16 media. CUIAS involving thecollection of decapitated stamps and began coming in at an increasing December, managed to raise Many of the new arrivals donations at churches and scattered coffee cups. rate. Three smaller church com- $23,288.17, all of which wat were part ot a group of students student-organized social events, Most Toronto-area churches munities that responded to the directed to the CUIAS. Another and young workers who decided and a mass mailing of an appeal were targeted for collections appeal for help were St. Anne's $5-10,000 of donations were to remain in the West while on a received in this period, and have pilgrimage to Rome, seeking been to the success of SUSK political asylum enroute in publicity campaign — bringing Austria in August, 1981. After the total sum to over $30,000' being processed at the main A second, indirect result of refugee camp at Traiskirchen, SUSK's effort to raise the profile they were sent to thevillageof St. of the refugee issue within the

Georgen, near Salzburg, where , hromada has been the increased they were eventually joined by willingness of other community fifty-nine other Ukrainians who organizations to come to the aid had decided to flee Poland. of Ukrainians from Eastern Eu- Although relieved to have rope. By the end of 1981. 135 of finally reached Canada after the 150 Ukrainian self-exiles had months of waiting, it became found sponsors in Canada, evident during an interview with a among them: Plast, SUM. Ukrai- reporter from .the Toronto Star nian Canadian Social Services, that all of the new immigrants the Ukrainian Self-Reliance were very concerned about the League, the Ukrainian Catholic fate of their families living under Women's League, and the Ukrai-

martial law. They were reluctant nian Free Cossacks. It is to discuss their situation for fear noteworthy that the relatively of jeopardizing loved ones back small Ukrainian community of home. Kitchener, Ontario, is sponsoring This group is only the first of sixteen immigrants. The several which the CU IAS expects remainder are being sponsored to arrive in Canada over the next directly by the CUIAS and its few months Some 150 branches throughout Canada Ukrainians from Poland are With the success of this currently in Western Europe campaign, SUSK has shown that awaiting permission to emigrate it is capable of reaching out to the to Canada. large-scale A com- community and working with it to munity effort was and is still achieve concret goals. Other required to resettle them in goal-oriented projects of this Canada. nature will be given serious Credit for being the first consideration in the future. But organization to respond to the for now, much still remains to be plight of the refugees goes to done for the refugees still living in SUSK, which was quick to act on Austria. Money, organizational information provided by CUIAS support, and sponsors are need- president Bohdan Mykytiuk. At ed, and people are urged to come the 22nd SUSK Congress held at forward with their assistance by York University in the fall of 1981. contacting the Canadian Ukrai- a resolution was passed calling nian Immigrant Aid society at for the SUSK National Executive Suite 209. 2323 Bloor St West, to undertake "as an immediate Toronto, Ontario M6W 4W1. Or priority, to assist the Ukrainian phone (416) 767-4595. student refugees from Poland by A weary student gets a welcome kiss.

The student press on Poland Lubomyr Szuch Annual winter CUP conference If you are into platitudes, and to lay the foundations for the became the scenes of intense but because it is combined with self-management, but on the positivist abstractions, m- 1982-83 production year. frank discussions on majorsocial commitment, ensures the con- other hand, CUP members significancies, tautologies and "Take off. eh?" is not issues of our time. The struggles tinued growth of CUP and its should not settle for the truisms, you would not have had something you would have been to eliminate the barriers success in tackling major social alienating and destructive prac- that much fun at the last Cana- told by the outgoing president separating men and women, East issues of concern not only to tices of modern labour dian University Press (CUP) John Parsons although Peter and West, rich and poor, le" and students but to many segments relations . ..it is only by constantly National Conference held out- Hammond, the CUP mole work- extreme left, sober and nut-so- of society as well. The problem of re-evaluating and questioning side of Bolton, Ontario during the ing in Student couldn't resist sober, etc., were all played out on developing a professional (not that we can become both winter solstice holiday season. trying out the original phrase the conference floor of the rented bureaucratic) approach to professional and truly rele- The delegates, 1 over 20 of the top from which this million-dollar United Church Gamp dining organizing and running CUP and vent...." It was on this note that Canadian university newspaper saying first emerged — room, about twenty kilometers its agencies reccivod strong the only Student delegate editors, managers, reporters, and "Zabyraisia, ei?". outside of Toronto. endorsement from many (Lubomyr S.) appealed to the other media specialists and Cooperation — the At times, the cong.css ses- delegates. As one delegate put it, congress delegates to pass culture vultures, spent nine watchword of CUP's program sion resembled a raucous we must be able to introduce and resolutions supporting the right grueling days and as many nights and of its member newspapers, meeting of Parliament — though maintain a form of labou r of "Solidarity" — the free trade in workshops, plenary sessions, received its greatest expression without the hypocritical rhetoric relations, and an organizational union in Poland — to defend under-the-table discussions, in this year's conference theme and the vacuous declarations, structure significantly different basic freedoms (such as the right committee work, and under-the- — active journalism to encourage etc. The maturity and intellectual from the average male- to strike, to publish, distribute covers communication sessions the agents of progressive social honesty shown by many dominated, hierarchical and un- information, organize, and to in an attempt to feel out the change. The general sessions of speakers at the conference is democratic corporate structure. achievements of ( Continued on the past year the CUP conference repeatedly CUP's most valuable asset, and, "Don't ask for or expect Utopian page 11) Inside: 4 pounds of tartar, a 3 day novel, 2 album reviews, and 1 Bande des Rats .. comply with Canadian libel and The year 1982 brings us ever closer to the twenty-first All signed letters of reasonable length which of clarity) in this column. We century. Yet, in many aspects, the Ukrainian-Canadian slander laws will be printed unedited (save tor purposes community has not progressed significantly beyond the will not print anonymous letters, but if for personal reasons contributors wish to nineteenth-century village. In fact, we have still not withhold their names or use a pseudonym, this can be arranged. In all cases, however, developed a Ukrainian-Canadian community which is we require both a genuine signature and a return address. conscious of its national dimensions. Instead, we have a series of villages scattered like so much kutia across the Canadian ceiling. Ottawa Radio Program We exist largely in smug isolation from one another. Very pledges — with interesting Ukrainian per- few Ukrainian Canadians are aware of the activities, On behalf of the staff of Nash donating over $300 in (among others, Myrna achievements, values and aspirations of their compatriots in Holos and Radio Station CKCU- the highest amount solicited in sonalities Kvitka result, tend to be very thirty minutes of ell CKCU public Kostash, Halya Kuchmij, other parts of Canada. As a we FM, I would like to thank you for Cisyk, Lubomyra Kowalchuk, defensive about our own "village" and skeptical of the merits publishing the story on our affairs shows. We congratulated members of the Student Collec- and capabilities of others. Reversing the old proverb, we program ("Ottawa Radio: Finding our listeners for coming through, our promise of tive, Slava Stetsko), and we've imagine the grass to be greener on our side of the fence. We its Feet on the Airwaves"). We and we renewed with taped performances of a number construct dragons which we periodically slay to vindicate our hope that the article inspires other providing the community unavailable of artists from who own village and to assure ourselves that it is indeed the communities to make use of programming which is happened to drop in to Ottawa "best." available broadcasting facilities in elsewhere on the AM and FM more evident than in the bands. (including the Veriovka Chorus Nowhere is this caricature their cities. I personally believe and' Orchestra). And finally, this familiar "rivalry" among Ukrainians from Eastern and that our experience illustrates the Although it's been over a season, for the very first time, we'll Western Canada. The stereotypes which emerge in this opportunities available in campus month since we went live, we like those be working with a staff of over ten modern-day Cossack warfare are pathetically comic in their radio, and that stations such as to look back and reflect upon dedicated individuals who are simplemindedness. The Easterner is portrayed as a snob, ours have the potential of precious thirty minutes when the committed to keeping alternative with nose raised skywards and the most refined Ukrainian providing communities with an -community gave us the mandate-to radio and "the voice of the Ottawa prose rolling effortlessly from a prim and proper tongue. The alternative source of radio continue our program. We look Ukrainian community" alive and male is arrogant and bound for three-piece professional programming. forward to the New Year, when first full well at 93.1 on the FM band. success. The female is acquiescent, pretentious, prissy and Last month, we participated in we'll be broadcasting our

I thought like to prone to saying "vkianiaiusia" as she greets her embroidery CKCU's annual funding drive — a hour production during Ukrainian just you'd "finding feet circle. The Westerner, on the other hand, is a hayseed whose two week on-the-air campaign Christmas Eve (which will be know how we are our the airwaves." behalf of the legendary down-home hospitality comes complete with an where Radio Carleton solicits produced during the SUSK on On back. Nash Holos staff and myself. 1 wish uncultured Ukrainian-Canadian dialect and a strong financial support from its listeners. Eastern Conference on media, - the Student Collective every The male is able to consume three times his weight in "lite" During the height of the funding Dec. 28 Jan. 1). We expect the broad- success in the New Year. Keep up beer, while the female can dance circles around even the drive, Nash Holos went live for the New Year to bring weekly Holos, and are the good work! most frenetic of prairie whirlwinds. very first time; throughout the casts of Nash we Unfortunately 'the effects of this narrow perspective program we asked the Ottawa already working towards meeting often extend beyond merely friendly chiding, with profound- Ukrainian community to dial and with other Ukrainian radio ly negative repercussions on the "community" as we know it. donate money in support of Nash producers in Canada, so that a Sincerely Even the highly-educated academic and professionalelite are Holos and alternative radio in this proposed network of Ukrainian Yours, not immune from it. Witness the recent tension between the city. Thirty minutes later, we radio programs can be establish- Mykhailo Bociurkiw Nash Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS), located in signed off the air, and thanked ed. During the past few months, Holos producer Edmonton, and the Toronto chair oi Ukrainian Studies Ottawa's Ukrainian community for we've recorded several interviews Ottawa, Ontario Although the CIUS is an institution of importance to al; Ukrainian Canadians, strong regional interests in Ontario

have tried to relegate it to provincial significance and have set about in isolation to build their own empire in the Chair of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Toronto. The resultant regional hostility still bristles today. As a result, fundraising efforts for the Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies (closely affiliated with the CIUS) have had limited success in Eastern Canada. One need not look far for other examples of East-West bickering which emasculate the development of a Ukrainian-

Canadian community. Too often it is much simpler to ride the back of the general Canadian East- West power struggle than to identify and work together on issues concerning Ukrainian Canadians from both Western and Eastern Canada. Too often regional pride blinds us to the importance of meeting mutual concerns together.

(Editorial Continued on Page 10)

Student #435, 10766 — 97 St., Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 2P2

I like STUDENT because it's not afraid to tell all!


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Page 2: STUDENT, Dec. 1981 — Jan. 1982 Education in Peter's paradise Jerry Iwanus Are the liberal arts in jeopardy?' "What kind of a job are you questions too early * ' in their lives.lives, class was «nn*i e ,-. who was consistentlywu. listen to going to get with an arts degree, because the same media, we all telling people exactly what most were either never getting the highest marks the anyway?" A common have the same type of non- ruling and taught how to, or never en- Noticing that oligarchy actually had in she did quite liberal, dead-end slightly anger-inducing ques- couraged to. They were education, mind for us when he told some never poorly, I realized that her marks tion coming from and worst of all, we chastise U of sometimes allowed to choose between came strictly A students that the govern- from memorizing those who dare surprisingly bright people who questions of Right to be different, ment was trying to starve the and Wrong facts. Our education system is have never thought about the for Rousseau smiles in his grave, University of funding themselves. William lacking something very fun- so it while John Stuart Mill weeps difference between being Aberhart, for instance, as would do things the way the so damental when it emphasizes uncontrollably. educated and being trained for insistent government wanted it on getting his students and rewards in the worst way, to. So a job. An especially pertinent to memorize We have obviously digress- much for autonomy. Next, facts, that all they memorization ratherthan think- ed question, however, in the land were a bit from discussing the they'll be teaching classes evertaught was The Truth ing. And if the on system teaches value of an arts of rigs and tar sands, where as authored by Bible degree. The how to be a good Progressive Bill, and that one set of facts is right Ayatollah point is that people who fail to Conservative. Lougheed proclaims not the option to choose without (Moreover, far giving students all the see the value that he wants to make the local between of a diverse and too many students will unfor- his truth and someone options and letting them decide ivory tower the "brain centre thorough education will scoff at tunately attain first-class of else's. This "education" breeds (or themselves, then we not only stan- North America" as the president education for its own sake and ding in the course without the worst kind of complacency encourage making everyone even of that tower wonders the consequently scoff at a liberal attending any lectures.) when among people: they begin to the same, but But we breed the arts degree — where the funding will begin to match the think they have the results even the most casual observer right tribalism McLuhan spoke of as are not jaw-flapping underneath the answers to simply measured in doesn't need some twelfth-fate everything with their well as nourishing the growth of orange dome of the dollars and cents. backbencher to tell him legislature. narrow and one-sided totalitarianism (which or her most of Whis is as good a place that But I have introduced two educational as the government needs resources. those who fall into this madden- different any to drag in the Alberta more cogs for its topics here: the I will quasi-fascist never forget writing ing trap profess to hate). Diver- philosophy of Government into this ugly industrial wheel — i.e., education, and career direction tests in grade sity more among human beings is mess. the Alberta Government's eight, which were trained clones who can't think designed to nipped in the bud Everyone is philosophy of That charismatic Yves St for themselves. The "brain cen- education. Are measure powers of reasoning like everyone else, becuase no Laurent of they different topics, It the Alberta tre of North America" should though? and logic. I snuck a look at the one knows how to think for him Legislature, Rollie seems that neither the yeneral test results of the Cook, once obviously not produce brams girl in our or herself. We all watch and public, nor the Punch and Judy made the revealing mistake of that think, ponder, question and Show over at the 109 Street philosophize, but brains that fit. bunker, seem to know or care obey, and produce, produce, that education, in its most produce. Who cares about complete sense, involves much people when money and power more than training lemmings to are involved? jump off the nine-to-five So democracy is working in capitalist cliff. Alberta. The ruling elite are As my opening statement reflecting what most people suggests, many (most) people seem to believe anyway: that an would never consider getting a education which does not lead liberal arts degree (B.A., B.Sc.) to the ever-important job five minutes because there is no demand for after the last exam is those types of graduates. "What over, is certainly not a can you do with an arts degree, worthwhile one. I'm sure that weave baskets?" How do you Albertans are not the only ones explain to some such guilty of this poor,' misguided line of thinking. It's just that the Neanderthal type that even if you get' that all-important very people who seem to most degree — which indicates that abhor the totalitarianism of you got enough of those 1984 are laying the groundwork for it quickly than useless little rouges called more anyone "marks" to pass yourcourses — else. Alberta election results from 1935 onward will that and you then went out to shovel back up more than horse manure, that you would adequately. Education is still have benefited by simply much more having learned things? How do than training round clone-pegs to fit round you explain to someone whose holes. Turning perception of the world ceases education into the learning at the circle drawn about two experience it's suppsoed to be metres from their bodies, that would involve tremendous changes throughout the there is something good and entire worthwhile about simply know- school and university system. ing things for their own sake? When will it happen? When it's not in the ruling class's interest "Knowledge" is not only know- to keep the masses ing some of the answers, but ignorant, that's when. More precisely, more importantly, it is knowing when hell freezes over. how to ask the right questions. Too many people stop asking What kind of a B.A. will students receive in 1990. SUSK President's message Press Annual December reflection Fund

As the close of 1981 fast Toronto, one in Ottawa, three in Another related areaof concern all would agree. Only when the approaches, tradition calls for Winnipeg, and five in Edmon- that has arisen in the past few final executive reports are given the annual December reflection ton, no longer has SUSK the months is one that sees a near the close of business at the on the achievements and luxury of being conveniently National Campaign achieving 23rd SUSK Congress in Win- failures of the past twelve centered in one primary city. unqualified success in one nipeg this coming August, will months. Although this This situation year's creates some region and meeting with we really be able to gauge our SUSK executive is barely three- interesting situations that either somewhat less than favourable success in meeting these and-one-half months old (at the can benefit SUSK or at times results in another region. Of challenges. Until that time we V. Koskovych S50.00 time when this article was work to its detriment. course, what works in one city will press forward and continue written), it is perhaps useful to For instance, when ac- won't always be accepted in uphold F. Petryckowych make to the fine tradition of S20.00 some observations aboi>* tivities such as a national fund- others, thus creating the need SUSK. it. raising campaign are under- for special adjustments to take On behalf of all the SUSK B. Podolanko S20.00 To begin, it should be taken, the regional dispersion into account regional Executive across Canada, I pointed out since it may not be comes in quite handy the On differences. wish you all a very Merry I. Parubij S20.00 readily apparent that the other hand, the problems of SUSK (if you will pardon Christmas and the best of character of this year's National communication and the ex- the comparison), like the health and success in the new P. Antonyshyn S4.00 Executive is quitedifferentfrom change of ideas and informa- Federal Government of year. Thank You those in the past few years. With tion are heightened the long- is by Canada, up against con- George Samoil H. Zojeur S5.00 six exeutive members located in distances between people. siderable problems, as I am sure SUSK President 1981 82


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STUDENT: Dec. 1981 — Jan. 1982, Page 3 ) "

"9 11

Harvest Subpar "La Bande des Rats" Estonian Manifesto

* The plenary meeting of the The Polish historian Two automobiles belonging to " To protest against steep price But according Central Committee of the Com- Wladyslaw Serczyk, who to a cor- the Soviet embassy in Paris were hikes, a call for a general strike respondent of the Associated munist Party of the specializes in Ukrainian themes, destroyed by fire, apparently set was recently made Press, there held last by a was no evidence of November focused on has published a very revealing by a Molotov cocktail during the clandestine organization in Es- any strikes or social tension in the grave economic situation article in the weekly newspaper early morning hours of tonia. group faced 24 The — which calls Tallinn on 1 December. One within the U.S.S.R., par- of the United Peasant Party November 1981. An anonymous itself the National Democratic explanation for the lack of visible ticularly with respect to food ("Ukraincy," Wiesci, 27 telephone caller to the French Front of Estonia — distribution. appealed to all protests in the Estonian capital is In certain cities, the September 1981, p. 5). Among news agency was reported to workers in the Estonian capital of that the population of the authorities have already been the facts he reveals city is is that a have claimed responsibility for Tallinn to observe a half-hour to a large forced to institute food extent Russian rather rationing group of professors from the action in the name of '7a work stoppage on 1 December than Estonian in national The 1981 harvest fell far short of Jagellonian University sent an origin. Bande des rats. " The cal ler added 1981. These reports, which Russians, who the projected target of 236 million open letter dominate the to the Communist that the firebombing was done emanated from Estonian emigre urban tons of cereal grains; estimates weekly centres in the Baltic Polityka protesting that "to commemorate the circles rebirth of in Stockholm, were later republics as they do in reveal that the actual harvest is Poland does Ukraine, not publish Ukraine." After some confusion confirmed by several not likely to exceed 170 Swedish made up nearly 25% of the million statistics on its national in the French press as to the journalists working in the Soviet population of Estonia tons. In October, prices for fruit, minorities. The according open letter was nature of "/a Bande tea and des rats. Union. to the 1970 census. (Liberation alcoholic beverages were not published. Serczyk also (durng which time the action was A Manifesto was distributed Paris. 16 November 1981 raised by 20 to 30%. (Liberation reported on a segment that 2 jokingly attributed to "un groups clandestinely, calling upon the December 1981). Paris. 16 November 1981) appeared on Poland's television de petits rongeurs" — "a group oi population to strike in support of news nrogram in March 1981. A little rodents"), the highly the withdrawal of Soviet troops wcrkt from the "Warszawa" respected Le Monde was the firs' from Afghanistan, the liberation Office Poster 'ouno -/accused the trade union to Churches Destroyed note that '7a Bande des rats of political prisoners and a reduc- oolidaiity, in a televised inter- closely approximates the French tion of the compulsory view, two-year "We are in solidarity with all of wanting to rehabilitate pronunciation of the former military service by six months. your enemies" was the the Organization of Ukrainian Ukrainian message An article protesting the nationalist lerder by According to these same on a Nationalists (OUN) and poster which was found destruction of Ukraiman-nte the the name of Bandera. (Le Quoti- sources, the same manifesto Ukrainian Insurgent was affixed to the office of the Com- wooden churches Armvy dien and Le Monde, 25 November also distributed in Polano (UPA). in the Latvian munist Party in Dnipropetrovsk, appeared in the 1981). capital of Riga prestigious as well as in the Ukraine on the morning of 29 Polish Catholic weekly Tygod- Lithuanian cities of Vilna and November 1 981 . The poster was nik Poweszechny Kaunas. ("Panachyda accompanied by the blue and Bieszczadzka." 23 August 1 981 yellow flag of the Ukrainian The article was written by Wlod- People's Republic of 1918-1920. zimierz Mokry, a Ukrainian Both the poster and flag were Philologist at the Jagelloman apparently put up by individuals University in Cracow. 4 who remain anonymous, during the middle of the night. (Libera- tion, Paris, 9 December 1981)


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10215 - 97 ., - . Page 4: STUDENT, Dec. 1981 - Jan. 1982 How to holiday Myroslaw Bodnaruk The winter cycle

In the winter cycle of^the Ukrainian ritual pynzhky. Next, at about one calendar. o'clock in the mormnq Rizdvo is just one ot several inter- the kutia and were placed in the pich so that connected rites which revolve around the winter they would be fully cooked by the crack of dawn solstice, or the turning of the sun resulting in the These dishes had the special significance of being lengtheningof daylight The solstice was looked upon the food and drink of the gods and spirits thouqh as having mystic qualities, the rebirth of the they were Sun prepared for all — including humans — to symbolizing the rebirth ot life and the movement enjoy. The remainder of the dishes prepared toward Spring. for Sviata Vechera were cooked during the day. The origins of these rites stem from obser- Sviata Vechera in more modern times vations of natural phenomena and our pagan Twelve dishes are traditionally forbears belief that they could prepared for influence nature Sviata Vechera. Why twelve? through Because each dish is • the use of rituals, and symbols re- You could say that Soviet officials have never really By dedicated to a full moon in the duq rock enacting myths they year's cycle, though and roll music, but they have hoped to gain power over Fate been bitterly off key about it in recent now the popular belief is that the dishes represent the Gods, and both good and evil weeks. Some rock musicians in the USSR are spirits The good the twelve apostles. Also, the worried that a spirits, the meal must represent crackdown is coming against protectors, were the souls of our everything the "Western" sound. The ideological that is g rown on the hospodarstvo so that watchdogs ancestors; the evil spirits were those that have been barking up a storm on how soft and caused the gods and spirits can taste each dish self- sickness and bad luck (in and give the centred Soviet youth have become, and people and animals) and family a they are laying the blame the better harvest the following year The food on the growing extremes of natural phenomena (hail drouoht popularity of Rock music. The most menacing note ' served on this night must be lean, since the has floods, etc.). meal is been sounded by the number two man in the Secret Police an offering to the who In Sun God; but as the God of is arguing that the the Ukrainian winter cycle there are three passion for Rock music and the Western way of Domestic Animals is also major interconnected rites: honoured at the ritual life threatens to alienate Soviet youth from the feast, nothing communist ethos containing animal blood is used lest He is Sviata Vechera — Rizdvo. Malanka — Vasyl and further gloating that the KGB has done away with the he be offended. The Didukh is Holodna Kutia — Vodokhrestynia. carried into the house dissident movement, but has also warned by the against what he hospodar and his son during the late described " Sviata Vechera — Rizdvo is the biggest and most as "new sophisticated tools of subversion includinq important afternoon. At the door, they are met by the Western music broadcast community and religious rite in the life of by foreign radio stations. hospodynia. who is carrying a knysh; she bows the Ukrainian family. It began in the distant and Meanwhile, a recent article in Izvestia, the government past with greets their guests, the daily the festical of Korochun, a name which spirits of their ancestors newspaper, has described rock music as bourgeois has been inviting propaganda them into the house. The Didukh is set down imposed on " explained in a number of different ways: the day what the paper calls "volatile Soviet youth The article in a place of honour, usually under the ikons in the goes on to upon which the night begins to grow shorter (nich say that rock is aiming at "the spiritual devastation of our corner of the house. The Didukh is the home of youth skorochuietsta), or as the name of the sun's rays the and the assertion of an alien ideology." The paper also spi rits of our ancestors, which at the solstice who are the protectors of the attacked Time Machine, the most popular enter and warm the earth's crops rock group in the Soviet crust. and livestock, turning away all evil that may Union, charging that the music of the band has nothing in common befall the family. They also serve as mediators with the national The rite-festival of Korochun is permeated with traditions of Soviet music culture More between the Sun God and humans. The ominously Didukh yet, Time Machine has already missed at least one scheduled appearance in recent weeks. Rock musicians in the Soviet Union say the group has been temporarily banned from performing in public, as the authorities suspect there is political criticism lurking in the lyrics of the group's latest songs — perhaps even endorsement of Poland's Solidarity Union. So it can be said that Rock music in the USSR is increasingly on shakey grounds, and that the tremors have more to do with political lines than bass lines.

• In view of the recent "difficulties" with which our Polish comrades have had to deal, one of our intelligence experts on the only true Marxist-Leninist, non-revisionist state in the world — Albania — revealed that Comrade Enver Hoxha, president for life of the Albanian Peoples' Republic, has had his own means of dealing with "difficulties" caused by troublemakers boring from within. Recently, one of these troublemakers — the former prime minister of Albania — was reported to have realized his ideological errors and did his part for the victory of communism by committing suicide. Comrage Hoxha. never one to miss a bourgeois-capitalist or revisionist-hegemonist trick, has offered from the fount of his wisdom the following piece of advice as to the proper method of dealing with a Soviet invasion: "Give them a sock in the head, a spit in the face and, if necessarv. a bullet in the head " (From the Collected Works of Enver Hoxha, Vol. 68. p. 1392). Take note, comrades! The Albanians are ready with their fists and their spit. the cosmogonic view that everything is Nature, further symbolizes the fertility, well-being, wealth animate inanimate, and has a soul that people can and fate of people, and for this reason it is honoured influence and thereby direct natural forces. with kutia and from • At the The whence Sviata Vectera recent SUSK Eastern Conference in Ottawa (Dec. 28 -Jan good, they beseech and nurture, , and the evil, they derives its second name. Bahata Kutia. With the 1) one of our agents picked up some interesting information shun and avoid. Since winter is a period when the entrance of the Didukh, the table is set for vechera regarding Eastern Canadian SUSKite views of Western Canadians gods and spirits are absent from the earth in First, is is covered with a thin layer of hay, which is in Apparently all the men from the west are extremely athletic, six-feet preparation for rebirth, the festival of Korochun turn covered with a clean white tablecloth. On the tall, but not particularly bright, said one woman from Canada's conjures up those powers that give strength to four corners are placed herbs with magical propei Parisian double Montreal (minus a tower or two). But the National people, plants, animals, waters and the earth. This ties, though in recent times the herbs have ir SUSK President and his Executive V.P. may have to swallow a few festival in the agricultural cycle inspired the people, creasingly been replaced with garlic. Over this of their words when March rolls around. Apparently, the dynamic and gave them hope for a good year of growth, a placed a second tablecloth. Whereas the first duo made more out of their Alberta heritage than they might have bountiful harvest, flourishing livestock fertility. wanted to. and tablecloth is for the spirits to eat on. the second is for When SUSK delegates come out to Alberta in March for Essentially, it encouraged the health, wealth and hap- humans. In the middle of the table is placeda/rnysh, Western SUSK conference, its going to be a bit tough for piness. Samoil and and beside the knysh, a patynytsia. At the end of the Ferbey to show some of their Eastern friends the oil Many transformations wells have taken place in this table a bowl of perizhky are set down. In the centre of and quarter norses in their backyards. "I thought your Dad rite since its tribal beginnings and its development the palynytsia a beeswax candle is placed, sym- was an oiLmagnate?" from early agricultural society through Kievan Rus bolizing zhyttia — the cycle of life. Once lit this to the present. The church condemned and battled candle is to burn until it burns itself out; should it go against these traditions, especially the • Ukrainian students in America' sent fifty-six delegates' the use of out before burning itself out, it is a sign that a death to Koliady, but had to finally accept them after they will occur in the family within a year. SUSTA Congress at Soyuzivka on the weekend of 21-22 were November. Although slightly modified with Christian symbolism. As dusk approaches the hospodar and there have recently been positive bursts of The church simply student activity in the South, like could not stamp out or effectively hospodynia purify the house by burning herbs that the appearance of the Phoenix suppress these ancient practises, which magazine in the United States, there were few signs of this sort of came out of are gathered at Kupala to chase away all evil that is the depths positive action at the of the people's collective wisdom and hiding within the house. With the appearance of the SUSTA Congress. The same old clique of were refined "student" Banderites over thousands of years. Indeed, many first star the family gathers around the Didukh, the (Lozynsky, Zwarycz, Stojko. Psynada, of Priatka ...) that have stagnated the rites, symbols and myths of Korochun still hospodar holding the kutia, and the hospodynia the Ukrainian student movement in remain with their with us in today's Sviata Vechera — Rizdvo. holding the candle. The family then intones, "Holy America narrow-minded pursuit of politics, once again dominated the Congress and thereby ensured another Old style Sviata Vechera — Rizdvo Sun, Benevolent Moon, Abundant Rain, come to us two years of the same inertia. As a result. SUSK can no doubt expect a number The preparations for Sviata Vechera began in for Sviata Vechera to eat kutia," and "Our Holy of inquiries regarding "associate membership" from individual the fall cycle during Obzhynky (harvest) when the Ancestors, mothers and fathers, brothers and Ukrainian Student Clubs in Detroit, Buffalo, and other areas. hospodar would pick the best stalks of the grains sisters, children, all Spirits, come eat with us." At this that he grew (i.e.. rye ..wheat, buckwheet.etc) for the point the hospodor goes outside and invites evil to Dudukh, at the same time setting aside the most supper. But as evil fails to appear he condemns and • Guess everyone is wondering where the hell their STUDENT'S fragrant of the hay crop. Logs cut from a live tree rejects it, telling it not to come for the rest of the year. are! Have they folded or what? Is this another technique STUDENT were also set aside to dry for the cooking fire used in As the hospodar re-enters the house, everyone is financeers are using to save money by not distributing the issues? preparing Sviata Vechera, and the hospodar ready to sit down to supper. went Or is the post office reading the issues before delivering them? about pressing fresh oii (vegetable oil), preparing To begin Sviata Vechera the hospodar takes a Well, none of the above. One of our agents has been prowling the honey, and completely cleaning up and spoonfull repairing of kutia. which he throws to the ceiling; around the inner-circles of the STUDENT colelctive and low and everything on the hospodarstvo (homestead). At each the member of the family then eats a spoonfull of behold has found a team of typists eagerly inputing names, same time, the hospodynia the dish, would buy new pots, takes a drink of mead and starts vechera. addresses, and postal codes into a computer. Yes! Apparently bowls, spoons, etc., since only new items could Two bowls be on the table are left empty, one for the STUDENT has decided to take a dive into the electronic age by used in the preparation of Sviata The inside spirits, the family Vechera. second for the dead. At the end of computerizing their mailing lists. In tune with the efficiency of the house would Sviata be washed, repacked, and Vechera all the food and utensils are left on promised by the new Canada Post Corporation. STUDENT has whitewashed twice, and then rushnyky the table for the (decorative spirits to eat through the night. No temporarily broken their tradition of the fastest distribution among towels) would be hung and symbols painted the- one is allowed to sleep on on this night or allowed to go the ethnic press (hah! hah!) to computerize, so in the future those walls and pich (oven). Two to three beyond the perimeter days before Sviat of the hospodarstvo until the spanking-clean issues of the paper can arrive at your doorsteps Vechir the hospodar and third crowing of the hospodynia would make rooster, as evil is afoot and may within a few days of the publishing date. Afterconsulting with their candles of beeswax from their enter a sleeping own hives, which or unprotected person. This belief two resident computer experts, Val Markewych and Pavlo Virsky, would be only used during the holidays. has changed with Christianity These however, and the the collective initiated computerization in the interest of humaniz- candles symbolised the life-giving force of introduction of a Divine the sun. Liturgy beginning at ing the process of distribution, which in the past has been a The final preparation for Sviat Vecher would midnight. But originally Sviata Vechera strictly was a shysically brutal and timely task. Now distribution is really where begin as the sun set Viliia, the evening family ritual. on before ts at! Hopefully you'll get your STUDENT faster than your weather- Sviata Vechera. The hospodynia would begin by (Continued on Page 11) wrinkled issue of Macleans. Thanks for the typing Bev and baking the palynytsi. knyshi, knyshyky. kolachi and Anhalena. STUDENT: Dec. 1981 — Jan. 1982, Page 5 % '

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Page 6: STUDENT, Dec. 1981 — Jan. 1982 „ (AO**- w v-P. ° ^^^^^

Student takes great pleasure in printing this exclusive excerpt from Ray Serwylo's ^ward- winning three-day novel, Accordion Lessons, which is to be published by Vancouver's Pulp Press in February 1982. Ray is a graduate of the University of Manitoba, where he was the Vice- President of the local Ukrainian Students' Club in 1974. Born (1953) and currently residing in Winnipeg, he is married and works as a researcher for the Manitoba Association of School Trustees. He also is a co-ordinator of the Writing Program at the Banff School of Fine Arts.

STUDENT: Dec. 1981 — Jan. 1982, Page 7 From Across The Dinner Table KOLUMN-EYKA

While attending the "Visible Symbols' Steak Tatar conference at the University of Manitoba in 8 ounces round steak (fat removed) ground November. I was appalled by the attitudes twice expressed towards Ukrainian cuisine. It 1 raw egg would appear that most people's idea of 1 ounce of finely chopped onion cuisine around Pyrohy, Ukrainian centers 2 Tb chopped fresh dill fail to Holublsi and Kovbassa. What many Dash of Worcestershire sauce realize, however, is that there is another 1 clove of garlic (mashed) side to Ukrainian food and it is time we V6 ounce of Brandy or Whiskey become aware of it. The Hospitality Industry in Canada is In a bowl combine all ingredients growing at a phenomenal rate. Toronto has except for the alcohol. Let mixture stand for more restaurants per capita than any other 5 minutes If you cannot grind the steak, use North city in Canada and is second in a food processor or chop the meat finely. only to Despite this America San Francisco. Add in the alcohol. Garnish with sliced New Wave Dance Critique profusion of dining establishments in onion, parsley and paprika, and serve with Toronto, there are only three that serve rye toasted brown or bread. Well here I am, writing an article for Student, something I never Ukrainian food as a central part of their thought I could do. But like every living person I have opinions and menus. Considering the size ot Toronto's Take some time to discover Ukrainian ideas, and fortunately here in Canada there exists the opportunity Ukrainian population, three restaurants cooking. It can be fun and rewarding. to express them. I do not profess to have seen it all, nor have I seems dismal, to say the least. Moreover, Smachnoho! travelled far and wide, but I have formulated some thoughts although these establishments are highly- concerning the Ukrainian-Canadian dance scene. Some of my acclaimed within our hromada, they are not Peter Ochitwa observations are positive, but many are negative, and I would like to especially highly regarded within culinary share these feelings with fellow Ukrainian dancers, end Ukrainians circles. Yet, several other Toronto in general, in making a plea for a more promising and challenging minorities, most notably the Greeks, have future for Ukrainian dance in Canada. been able to contribute substantially to this Reagan eats steak Tartar! The first, most upsetting problem with Ukrainian dance that I city's vast spectrum of eateries. would like to discuss is the conflict between the 'hotdogs' and the It is time that the Ukrainian Community 'frustrated artists.' It seems such an insult to an artist's own wake up! We have a cuisine that goes far intelligence to see a dancer (the artist) become visibly frustrated beyond the limits of Pyrohy, Holubtsi and and threatened by a younger or more capable dancer than him or Kovbassa. With this cuisine we can play a herself. In many groups in Canada today, if it wasn't for the major part in the development of the hotdog's' saving the show with their incredible teats of strength, Hospitality Industry in this country. Ukrai- ability, and skill, many performances would be unexciting and nian cuisine is in every way as respectable a 'moldy'. Instead of trying to help the more capable dancers so that form ot cooking as French or Italian they can become what the artists always dreamt for themselves but cuisine, and there is no reason why it never accomplished, artists would rather remain frustrated cannot be just as popular. many allowing to achieve their goals. like Steak Tatar Taras Bulba (the recipe for by not others This seems a huge case of selfishness, ignorance and certainly not maturity, which follows) is an example of the type of even though some ot these members are thirty-five years and older. Ukrainian cuisine of which I speak. Not Related to this problem and possibly stemming from it is the surprisingly, it originated in the Tatar region. As4he Cossacks were riding their unwillingness and stubborness of all dancers to work and'grow horses on their periodic raids, they would together. It's amazing how many people get other people to do their them.; naturally have to carry their own food with dirty work for as in giving supposedly constructive comments or presenting data at administrative faith them. What they would do is sit on ths meat meetings. My in human beings is constantly being shattered by the cowardliness to break up its tough fibres, and to prevent it from becoming tainted, the meat was of people who say mean and cruel things behind people's backs, heavily spiced and liquor was added. From instead of approaching them directly with their criticisms or complaints. Moreover, instead of with age, petty this evolved the recipe as we know it today. disappearing problems of this nature appear to be especially common among "adults"; indeed, it often seems that the older and more experienc- ed the dancer is, the more serious the problem. Another problem concerning morale arises directly out of the

dancing itself . It seems many groups have chosen one base or style to follow — i.e.. Virsky, Avramenko, or Soviet — and refuse to incorporate each other's ideas, and more importantly refuse to create any new ideas. Many feel they are creating new dances, but are they really when the dances are composed totally of previously done dance steps and formations? Every show begins to look the same: a 'cute-ethnic hopak, a display of different costumes (mumbled and jumbled together to create a two-hour show), a love affair (boy loves girl, who loves another boy) verging on soap opera, and a mistake and tension-filled production because of lack of preparation and poor planning. Ballet and character steps are discouraged in chroeqgraphy. yet it's allowable to do a Poltavskiy drugyshechka in a Holtyltskiy number, and to use Russian and Byelorussian music to Ukrainian dance steps. It's heard in many dance classes and rehearsals, dance with some emotion, smile, but it's hard to smile when one's thinking of the more important things flee into Ukraine under the cover left unfinished at home or at work. of night. Meanwhile. Odarka is Many dancers, young and old. have turned mechanical, either having no easy time with Ivan: through too much training, or not enough. Only two emotions are Although he is a good husband shown, happiness and sadness, and even these are not protrayed and Cossack, he also has a well. What about the many other common feelings, such as part ot both works, they seem to (stereo) typically Cossack frustration, loneliness, anger, love, etc., etc. These emotions are be cast in that mold Towards the predilection foralcohol. Rumour sometimes used, but are they really danced? There's a definite end, however, when the fate of has it that the Sultan himself is difference between dancing and going through the motions the poor Christian heroesseems going to come to these parts to Still pertaining to over- and under-training, it seems there are to be sealed, the great Turk turns celebrate the great Bayram. The S. Hulak- Artemovs ky, two opposite extremes. We have the groups that would rather do a out to be magnanimous in gran- Sultan does indeed Zaporozhets za Dunaiem, come, but thirty-minute, 1920 football warm-up, versus, the elaborate ting his prisoners freedom. incognito, Opera in 3 acts, soloists, because he wants to character and ballet one and a half hour warm-up where only about There are. of course, great see first-hand chorus and orchestra of the how his new thirty percent of the people are capable of technically performing differences between these two subjects are living. He en- the exercises correctly. So in either case we end up with displaced T. Shevchenko State Opera operas. The time place and of counters Ivan (who is nursing a hips, sagging and Ballet Theatre (Kiev) stomachs, and flexed feet — and that's dancing, eh? Mozart's work is rather vague, hangover), and the latter ex- The last topic I would like to discuss, is the incredible lack of conducted by V. Tolba. while Hulak-Artemovs'ky's is presses an interest in meeting knowledge of Ukrainian dance in general. There are many other Melodiya D-06781-86. based on an actual historical the Sultan (he is unaware to dance forms that we can learn from, such as ballet, modern, jazz, event. The last Zaporozhian Sich whom he is speaking) to tell him and Spanish, but first we must learn, and know, our own style and It seems that modern Ukrai- was destroyed at the orders of what the are Cossacks really feeling if we want to nian opera rests pillars accurately portray the spirit of traditional on two Catherine II in 1775. and manyof thinking. Ukrainian dance. It's incredible to The first is truly a first — Natatka think that each village in Ukraine the Cossacks were faced with To facilitate this encounter had it's own style and variety of dances within it's Pottavka by Ivan Kotliarevsky. the terrible particular prospect of serfdom Ivan is given Turkish clothing regional the father ot modern Ukrainian norm. Many groups have simplified the choreography to if they stayed in the Russian and a new name — Urkhan. literature. To such a point that the whole purpose of portraying the ethnic folk a modern spec- Empire. A group of them moved Offstage (and between acts) he culture is defeated. Did our ancestors really lack that tator the story might appear to to the territory of their former much meets the Sultan, although he imagination? Then why do we have lack sophistication. Although it so many original songs and enemy, the Ottoman Empire, in does no recognise him because stories and poems still capable may be accused of a variety of an of of moving us today? It is through area Dobruja just beyond of his disguise. He tells him to let these essential ingredients of folk culture that dancing other "sins,"' it remains ever- the delta of the Danube. There in Canada the Cossacks go home lest there can become alive popular in the Ukrainian com- they estblished and allow the imagination to flow. the Zadunaiska be trouble. Throughout this article I have sounded quite I munity, and, in the hands of Sich. But life under the negative, but Turks The next morning seems ^ feel these are skillful singers/actors, it serious problems that must be confronted by today's may be was not too comfortable for bode no good. It starts out Ukrainian-Canadian a moving experience indeed some, and Dance Groups. I do not want to leave the led by A Holovaty humoursly enough when Ivan reader The other pillar is with the impression that all is bad within the various groups, also a 19th they returned in 1791-2 to the tells Odarka that since he now is for Ukrainian century "war horse". It is dancing is truly beautiful and rewarding. By working Semen to settle in the a Turk and a Muslim, he will be together with each other — Hulak- Artemovs'ky's (1813- Kuban' area as free and by bringing in artists for workshops Cossacks. setting up a harem (After all. he 1873) Zaporozhets as well as utilizing the knowledge and experience of those that have za Dunaiem Some of the others remained in certainly is dressed for the nrt.) had to quit performing because (The Zaporozhian Cossack Dobruja and their descendants of entirely natural human growth or But then the Imam comes and body injuries the beyond the Danube). live in that area to — younger, more capable dancers of today can this day. orders all Cossacks Thematically, to assemble. have the chance to really do Ukrainian dancing. Petty there is a similari- The opera is set in Dobruja jealousies, To their horror. Ivan and Odarka administrative ty with W.A. Mozart's Die Enl- before the resettlement hassles and personal insecurities must be thrown to the see Oksana and Andrii in chains luehrung aus dem Serail (The Kuban'. aside to make room for the new wave.' Like teachers in grade Ivan Karas and his wite — their attempt at escape was abduction from the seraglio), as Odarka have school, each person has the opportunity to mold the future of adopted Oksana, unsuccessful. Everyone fears both operas are in Ukrainian dance in Canada. Go for it! For once, why don't we. as set Turkish- the orphaned child of one of the worst. But instead the Imam Ukrainian dancers, work together, held territory. By tradition Turks Ivan's old friends. The young for the betterment of the art After all. are fighting 1 were we for a , cause — the "bad guys" to Christian girl has fallen in love with Andrii. common the proud and Europeans, and (Continued Page 10) strong Ukrainian culture. certainly for a and both are making plans to Shanja Hohol Page 8: STUDENT, Dec. 1981 — Jan. 1982 a column of music review by Bohdan Zajcew

Two For One Christmas Special ...

SVIATIO RIZDVA Bohdan Tymyc and Company Yevshan Communications, Inc.

YFP 1016 1, Khrystos Rodyvsia 1. Shchedry 2 Nebo zemlia selykh S2 V poli, poli 3. Vo vyflejemi zoria sijaje 3. Viazanka 4. Viazanka 4. Na jordanskij richtsi , .5 Oi Lelije, teli je 5. Oi v Jerusalymi rano zadzvonyly 6. Spy, Isuse. spy

Nadine Zwetkow — soprano Claudia Melnyk — first alto Lydia Ruditsch — second alto Anne-Marie Kryschuk — soprano Roman Kostyk — tenor Yourko Kulycky — piano, flute Mark Bednarczyk — 6 and 12-string acoustic guitars, electric guitar back-up vocals

Bob McKinnon — 6 and 12-string acoustic guitars, electric guitar back-up vocals Wasyl Woloszczuk — bandura Roman Bociurkiw — bandura Roxolana Sawka — violin James Slominski — double bass Paul Fortin — percussion Bohdan Tymyc — production and direction Toronto Comedian Ted Woloshyn. by Mark Ferbey Toronto comedian Ted track it is obvious that Woloshyn manager. disbelief. "Good Woloshyn's album. It's Not The has left his audience waiting for luck." This joke is a lot of fun, KOLIADA Heat... It's the Humility, features some type of conclusion Woloshyn has a knack for por-'. KAMENIARI his first performance as a stand- Woloshyn's principal ac- traying well-known authority to Kameniari Ensemble up comic be recorded tor a complishment here is to bore his figures in everyday situations North KE 001 American audience. audience with three minutes and and exaggerating these to Woloshyn is best known as host fifty-three 1. Syple, syple syple snih 1. Boh Predvichnyj seconds of wasted hilarious limits. Woloshyn ends of the nationally-syndicated F.M. breath. with a bitchy 2. Oi. ty jasna zirko 2. Oi. syvaja ta zozulen'ka portrayal of Lady radio programme. Comedy Bowl, Woloshyn's Don Rickles-like nebi zirka "Di" making Charles dress-up as Na 3- Ne plach Rakhyle as well as for his Toronto televi- "quick come-back" jokes are not a horse when they retire to their Vo Vyflejemi 4. Shchedryk sion talk show, Off The Wol. enough to rehabilitate his piece, bedroom for the evening. Her Nova radist' stala 5. Sviatochne pobazhan'ia Having survived the Yonge Street "Skin Books." This focus on best line: "Come on, ride Queeny Khrystos Rodyvsia 6. Spy, Isuse, spy circuit of strip joints and comedy condom -lore is made up mainly around the room." clubs, Woloshyn is currently of crude and unhumorous The second side of the album trying to broaden his comic remarks with Roman A, Skrypakewych — about sexual opens "Police Stop." one of violin, guitars, mandolin, bandura, viola appeal to a wider audience. paraphenalia. If I may be per- Woloshyn's flawless Andrij Stasiw — piano, anti- synthesizer, Arp Omni II Unfortunatley, some of the mitted a suggestion, this material authority cracks He comments Yurij Stasiw — guitars, piano, organ, synthesizer, Arp Omni II material on this album slips back should be returned to where it on one of thesignsthat thepolice Myron Skorupa Jr. — bass, guitar into the genre of Street Yonge belongs — on Yonge Street use to stop drivers: "Police 1 Taras Skorupa — percussion, guitars, glockenspiel populism, distinguishable mainly Woloshyn stoops over lower with Stop!" Woloshyn says he would by its low-brow humour and bad "Duke the Dog." This joke reveals like to make his own sign, which taste. On the other hand, a disturbing tendency on his part would read: "Citizeni Up Yours'" Well, friends, that time of year once again ... And as is befitting attains Woloshyn top form on the to employ bathroom humour as a The next cut on the second side is of the Christmas season, something special from RET SENDS YA second side of the album. The means of whipping up "Ukrainians." Stories of Ukrai- — a look at two new albums hitting the in the last market eight tracks "Police Stop" and enthusiasm in his audience nian summer camp, Saturday weeks; contemporary Ukrainian Christmas albums, no less. "Ukrainians" are both extremely The best material on side one Ukrainian school, and Ukrainian Juxtaposed, they present a lesson in approach how to a realm of funny and well-crafted to are the jokes "Pope Rock" and weddings are mixed together into music whose stylizing would be considered sacrilege by many, and Woloshyn's style, which comes "Chuck and Di". Woloshyn an exceedingly funny and succeed (or fail miserably, for that matter). to the fore in his anti- parodies the personalities who perceptive analysis of Ukramian- Let's start with the latest from Yevshan Communications authoritarian jabs and in his currently fill the sacred, but Canadian social life In debunk- Incorporated (a.k.a. the inimitable Bohdan Tymyc) — Sviato ethnic humour. On other parts of increasingly irrelevant in- ing the emigre fear of Com- Rizdva. Whatever else has been said about Tymyc's past produc- the album, however, his relaxed stitutions of the papacy and the munism, Woloshyn asks, in a tions, they always had class. In this, his sixteenth foray into the and humorous personality gives British Monarchy. Both the sarcastic vein, "if the Corn- recording studio, there's finally something — a certain more shine way to an uncomfortable and Vatican and Buckingham Palace munists are responsible for corn- and substance. Tymyc waded into the labyrinth of folk andreligious unenthusiastic style, in which he will no doubt be scandalized. ic books, sex. rock and roll, and Ukrainian Christmas music, selected a group of better and lesser uses cliche humour in an attempt "Pope Rock" has Pope John- drugs how bad can these known koliady and shchednvky, turned his over a choices to pool to appeal to the lowest common Paul II publicizing his "Fall '80 people really be?" "Ukrainians" of vocal instrumental talent'available and to him in Montreal and denominator." Tour" with a rock concert-styled will appeal not only to beyond, and came up with what is probably his best effort to date. Side one of this album was radio advertisement (Sample: Ukrainians Woloshyn shows he SVIATO RIZDVA handles the stylistic transitions between folk recorded live at Convocation Hall "Experience four Cardinals never is sensitive to the fact that he is and contemporary giacefully; the essence of the koliada and on the University of Toronto before seen on stage!") recording for an English- shchefrivka remains intact, despite the liberties taken with vocal campus, as the opening act for Woloshyn has the pope even speaking audience by translating arrangements the application of what and some might term S.C.T.V.'s John Candy. It parodying the American Express some of the punch-lines. His unusual instrumental accompaniment. Yet it's in these two areas, appears to be directed toward an commercials: "We accept brand of ethnic humour is univer- particularly the latter, really where SVIATO RIZDVA makes its audience whict has little capacity Mastercharge. Chargex, and sal enough to be understood by mark. The desire to go overboard must have been tempting, but the other than to digest Woloshyn's Vatican Express Vatican Ex- individuals of similar ethnic accompaniment is kept deceptively simple and predominantly topical and, at times, vacuous press: don't leave Rome without backgrounds acoustic throughout, therein its beauty. and lies YOURKO humour "Nixon's Last Stand" it" In debunking the pope's Woloshyn's strength is two- KULYCKY's jazz-tinged flute and piano work are outstanding, as has Woloshyn playing the sacred image. Woloshyn's skit fold He makes great mileage out we've come to expect from his previous appearances on other pathetic role of the ex-President reveals the extent to which John of his anti-authority humour His products, while the TYMYC string combination of ROXOLANA the United States confronting Paul ll's tours have made him into nsights into the psyche of the and JAMES double SAWKA SLOMINSKY on violin and bass GOD at heaven's gate. Their a popular media star far more Ukrainian community in which respectively lend a rich, full texture of to the final sound. The team conversation is dry and bormgly charismatic than most rock stars, he grew up in Toronto reveals a WASYL WOLOSZCZUK and bandura fit ROMAN BOCIURKIW on reminiscent of George Carhn's First rate material, great deal about its quirks and its well together, providing some nice licks. speaking of talks And with GOD. The punch-line On "Chuck and Di," emigre hangups. If Ted combinations, about the guitar how tandem of MARK BEDNARC- leaves the listener wondering Woloshyn has Prince Charles Woloshyn is to become a master ZYK and BOB MACKINNON who supply some of the best 6 and 12- whether Woloshyn has ever run phoning a dating service. The of the stand-up comedy medium, string acoustic accompaniment ever to be recorded on any through this joke before: "You manager of the dating service he will ultimately have to develop it off with Ukrainian album? Top PAUL FORTJN's tasteful won't have Dick Nixon to kick repeats incredulously the these strengths, rather than rely percussion, and you wind up with a superb instrumental end. around any more" has lost much qualifications that "Chuck" on his jaded please-all, "make the part Vocally, a classy effort on of all concerned. The of its sting in the years since suggests are necessary for a everybody grossed-out and Nixon's ignoble exit. After a lew potential Queen. "A virgin that laugh" material Will the real Ted (Continued on Page 10) scattered laughs on the sound rides horseback?" asks the Woloshyn please stand up?

STUDENT: Dec. 1981 — Jan. 1982, Page 9 .

Meister Ret Sends Ya (Cont'd From Page'9) (Continued From Page 8) CHEREMSHYNA VOCAL ENSEMBLE gives a good demonstration tation at its disposal, KAMENIARI had the potential od turning out its zispivanist, while the additional of vocal back-up doesn't sound something unique. Instead, the ensemble comes up with a product out of place at all. ROMAN KOSTYK's mellow tenor is a particularly lacking both direction and comprehension. nice touch. The vocal arrangements smack strongly of a TRIO Being something of a keyboard and synthesizer buff myself, MARENYCHI influence, but they work well with the material at let's start with that aspect of KAMENIARI. The musical avenues hand. Whether a capella or weaving in and out of the instrumenta- opened by synthesizers are endless and their application knows no tion, a strong technical showing. bounds, providing they're used effectively. They can certainly add Which brings us around to what is probably SVIATO RIZDVA's a new dimension to Ukrainian Christmas carols, but not in the only major drawback — a certain lack of spiritual intensity which manner displayed by KAMENIARI. The mood setting required by creeps up on you after repeated listenings to the album. Scratch this genre of music ranges from sombre to joyous, always smooth through the thick veneer of polish and sophistication, and there's'a and fairly laid-back, but not without power in itself. Synthesizers discomforting sense of superficiality. As an acquaintance remark- are capable of setting that mood. In the hands of ANDRIJ and ed, it's almost as if those involved in the project became YURIJ STASIW, reads a firman by which the however, the synthesizers become jarring preoccupied with hearing themselves, with sounding good at the intrusions, their harsh and Sultan grants freedom to all, the choppy mode of employ definitely out of of it expense sounding sincere. Maybe has something to do with place. The Arp is right to repatriate, and even Omni particularly annoying. Whether poor studio recording the album in August; it's hard to feus on Rizdvo walking recording, faulty circuitry some money for Ivan and or simply bad technique are responsible, around in cut-offs T-shirts. the and Whatever cause, there's a the sound generated by the instrument in Odarka. It is only at this point question is uneven and somewhat disturbing emptiness here. abrasive, that Ivan learns with whom he not really befitting of any koliada or shchedrivka Nonetheless, a solid end-product from TYMYC and company It's the type of error KAMENIARI repeat had been talking. As befits a 1 9th through KOLIADA in SVIATO RIZDVA Studio production deserves a special mention; mistaking volume century Ukrainian light opera, al and high profile for power. The group's rendition it's clean, crisp and tight — a pleasure to listen to. The album's of ends happily with a dance. LEONTOVYCH's classic "Shchedryk" is another case in point A refined packaging (except for the back-cover photo) and trilingual triple electric The album under review guitar fuzzed lead is great, but not applied lo this liner notes on the inner sleeve, together with the contents, likely tune. In this' instance, the notion has all not new, it may have been the subtlety ol a baseball influenced Ft'C'l to pick up the international distribution rights to bat in the around for almost twenty years solar plexus; not, I imagine, that LEONTOVYCH had in the album — something of an accomplishment in itself And on the mind when he So why review it now? At pre- composed "Sbchedryk." RET SENDA YA FOUR STAR RATING SCALE::: SIVATO RIZDVA KAMENIARI s sent, it is not possible to obtain ***. musical arrangements are wanting as well They scores lean towards the latest Soviet classical the simplistic, structured in such a way so as to telegraph ports in Edmonton as they what s coming up next. In this case, sticking to formulaic Now, the flip-side of the coin: how to take an innovative patterns arrive, and consequently discs eliminates any element of spontaneity and subtlety And approach to traditional Ukrainian Christmas music and fall flat on let s not even are reviewed as the autho talk about wrong or missed notes. To let that qo on the your face. That lesson comes courtesy of KAMENIARI, a Detroit- fancy strikes him This column finished product?!? C'mon, guys based quintet whose debut offering is an album of instrumental makes no claim for up-to All this aside, KOLIADA makes for an mtereting listen or two koliady and shchednvky entitled KOLIADA. The group claims dateness, so why not examine an Credit KAMENIARI with taking a stab at something new even "inventive direction" as its motto, and the latter certainly seems to though the group pulls short. old recording, especially since it up Providing it finds the "direction" to be the intended raison d'etre of KOLIADA. However, innovation steer is very good indeed. The voices its"'mventiveness," both inside and outside the recording should always be tempered with an understanding and apprecia- studio are the best that Ukraine could KAMENIARI might surprise some people yet On the RET tion of the music at hand. There are limits to any form of stylizing offer at that time: Ivan Karas — SENDS FOUR STAR RATING SCALE::: KOLIADA scores ". especially where the folk idiom is concerned. And it's precisely this Ivan Patrrzhynsky — (bass) reality which escapes KAMENIARI. With the variety of instrumen- Odarka — Mania Lytvynenko- NEXT ISSUE: The latest fr,om New York's ISKRA. Wohlgemut (soprano); Oksana Zoia Haidai (soprano). Andni Ivan Kozlovsky (tenor), the Down Singing Centuries Editorial Sultan — Mykhailo Hryshko — (baritone); and the Imam — (Continued From Page 2) Babenko (bass). The chorus and Folk Literature of the Ukraine translated One of the major orchestra of the Kiev State causes of the Ukrainian-Canadian by Florence village Opera are conducted by Randal Livesay mentality is a lack of communication among Ukrai- Veniamm Tolba. Compiled and edited by Louisa Loeb with nian Canadians. We simply do not know enough about each other, and this ignorance breeds stereotypes and reinforces The cast, then, is one of the the generous assistance of Dorothy the isolation of one village. best and this recording will be a Livesay In theory, it is the role of benchmark Zaporozhets for a the press to provide this information, to fill this 'ong time. Incidentally, some of communicative vacuumand to link the villages into an the same singers aiso made a interacting community. Regrettably, the Selections include 10 dumy, the "Devil Ukrainian-Canadian film of this opera. Contrary to press has failed to do so. It lacks an Fallen in Love" independent western operatic patterns, they by Storozhenko, Song of liberal-democratic tradition and has largley remained an proved to be excellent actors the Forest by Lesia Ukrainka, traditions, organizational press, more interested in molding the Thus, not only an aural but also song, reader into the form its parent political or and folklore, biography of Florence religious grouping isual record is available for desires than in developing a strong and Randal Livesay, healthy comparison of all other produc- and short history of community base. Too often Ihe result is needless tions. Ukrainians in Canada plus 12 color internecine strife which destroys the basis for cooperation among Ukrainian Canadians True, some political paintings by Stefan Czernecki. and saps the initiative of those modifications have been made perennial optimists who see the need for more than just a single n the spoken dialogue of the prosperous village. opera, but these are virtually Hardbound only, $29.95 The long-term viability of a Ukrainian-Canadian "com- munity" is nsignificant. One more serious 204 pages, 9" 12" integrally linekd to its ability to take a broad x perspective change, however, was in of its needs and expectations. We made Order from Hyperion must see the third act. In the original Press Limited beyond the boundaries of our own little villages. To do so, we need a Andni sings a prayer of 300 Wal



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discuss social issues). Beca^ mitted officially to social change and partly due to the financial, Solidarnosz and the Polish In- and is therefore classified as technical and other assistance dependent Students' Union have being political and therefore is from CUP staffers and member -Winter— served as examples for student disqualified from g vernmental newspapers. Members of the new (Continued From Page c and worker self-organization and assistance), CUP has had to take executive (eg Julie Wheelwright 5) creative activity throughout the other measures to survive. It was - president elect) and CUP reps Summary and conclusion world, that Student introduced necessary to cut National office have shown a welcome desire to This night is a holy night of the Sun God and resolutions (seconded by the staff last year to free up money to continue assisting Student to get God of Domestic Animals- The Sun comes to earth at McGill Daily) which condemned help launch the new advertizing on its feet by considarmg cutting dawn when it enters people's homes, and is u repression and oppression cooperative — the National our membership fees and allow- represented in the symbol of the candle at Bahata wherever it occured (whether in Advertizing Cooperative Com- ing us to deffer payment fora few Kutia-Sviat Vecher, In the symbol of the Didukh, the Latin America or in the Eastern mission (Campus Plus). For- months. Considering the finan- Ancestral Spirits who are the protectors of the fields Bloc countries.) tunately, the fledgling agency is cial situation of CUP. these and home-fires, come into the home and stay until CUP delegates revealed doing well and has even returned sacrifices are really touching and Vasyl as guests of the family. On this night the gods p themselves as responsible yet CUP's original investment of certainly greatly appreciated look over the hospodarstvo and ask the animals how sensitive people by their concern $27,000.00 Although Campus Here's to hoping that the spirit they have been treated by the hospodar, if the for people around them. Thus, Plus has to do battle with large continues to flow and more animals have been treated well, and the hospodarst- (Cont'd the catering company which corporations (such as Imperial newspapers come around to vo is well-kept, they will grant a good harvest and serviced the dinners for the Oil Ltd.) which evade higher joining this newspaper prosperity. This is a night when the family ritual From conference delegates, was at- national advertising rates by cooperative. honours the Gods and the Spirits of our Ancestors. tacked for its poor food as well as placing space directly with small The annual conference — is 1) Whereas Sviata Vechera a family affair, Rizdvo Page for paying such low wages and newspapers. Campus Plus is well the 44th in CUP's history — was a is a social celebration. Everyone visits family and demanding great sacrifices from on the road to solving these smashing success, as many of friends, and go koliaduvaty (carolling). The young its wage-labourers. (Next year, problems and thus better serving the smashed delegates could men would traditionally mask themselves and cooperative cooking?) student newspapers Student testify to. The combination of perform the ritual of Koza. Rizdvo is a joyous Like Student, CUP has also itself has been able to survive serious committed discussion celebration with much singing and humour. In this experienced severe economic partly thanks to the many ser- with sincere light-hearted frolick- brief article I hopefully have given you some hardships during this past year. vices provided by Campus Plus ing produces the best elixer for insights, in a very general way. into how and why Being ineligible for money from eg. (finders fee and the New powering the representatives of Sviat Vecher-Rlzdvo was and is celebrated. the government (CUP is com- Business development program) agents of social change. Veselykh Sviat Shchaslyvoho Novoho Roky! STUDENT: Dec. 1981 — Jan. 1982, Page 11 Return Requested

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