Senate Committee Report Version
1-1 By:AARodrÕguez S.C.R.ANo.A46 1-2 (In the SenateA-AFiled MayA12,A2015; MayA12,A2015, read 1-3 first time and referred to Committee on Veteran Affairs and 1-4 Military Installations; MayA15,A2015, reported favorably by the 1-5 following vote: Yeas 5, Nays 0; MayA15,A2015, sent to printer.) 1-6 COMMITTEE VOTE 1-7 AAAAAAAAAAAAAA Yea Nay AbsentA PNV 1-8 CampbellAAAAAA AXA AAA AAAAAAA AAA 1-9 BurtonAAAAAAAA AAA AAA AAAXAAA AAA 1-10 BirdwellAAAAAA AXA AAA AAAAAAA AAA 1-11 GarciaAAAAAAAA AXA AAA AAAAAAA AAA 1-12 HallAAAAAAAAAA AAA AAA AAAXAAA AAA 1-13 LucioAAAAAAAAA AXA AAA AAAAAAA AAA 1-14 RodrÕguezAAAAA AXA AAA AAAAAAA AAA 1-15 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 1-16 WHEREAS, The Texas Legislative Medal of Honor was established 1-17 to recognize gallant and intrepid service by a member of the state 1-18 or federal military forces, and United States Army Private 1-19 Marcelino Serna proved himself a deserving recipient of this 1-20 prestigious honor with his heroic actions during World War I; and 1-21 WHEREAS, Born in Chihuahua, Mexico, in 1896, Mr.ASerna came 1-22 to the United States as a young man and spent time in Texas, Kansas, 1-23 and Colorado; after the United States entered World War I in 1917, 1-24 he enlisted in the United States Army at the age of 20, and after 1-25 only three weeks of training, he was shipped overseas with the 355th 1-26 Infantry, 89th Division; when his superior officers in France 1-27 learned that he was not a United States citizen, they gave him the 1-28 opportunity to return home, but Private Serna chose to stay
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