PAM IVth PLENARY SESSION ISTANBUL (TURKEY) 23-24 OCTOBER 2009 CONRAD HOTEL, ISTANBUL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PAM Secretariat Palazzo Spinola St. Julians - STJ3207 Malta Tel: +356 22484200 Fax: + 356 22484215 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: The Executive Report of the IV Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean is compiled and published with the support of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY OF THE MEDITERRANEAN ASSEMBLEE PARLEMENTAIRE DE LA MEDITERRANEE الجمعيـــة البرلمانيــة للبحـــر اﻷبيــض المتوســـــــط EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PAM IVth PLENARY SESSION ISTANBUL (TURKEY) 23-24 OCTOBER 2009 CONRAD HOTEL, ISTANBUL At the official opening of Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), IVth Plenary Session, held in Istanbul (Turkey) on 23 and 24 October 2009, the Plenary was honoured to hear the inaugural address by H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey, and the welcome address by H.E. Hon. Mehmet Ali Sahin, Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT). PAM President Hon. Rudy Salles (France) welcomed the members of the national PAM delegations and the distinguished guest speakers, and thanked the Turkish delegation and the GNAT for hosting the Session and for their warm hospitality. Turkish Prime Minister H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdogan paid tribute to PAM for its contribution in to the Middle East Peace Process and for working towards uniting the peoples of the Mediterranean. He shared Turkey’s aspirations to enter the European Union (EU) and alluded to the utility of holding a multilateral conference on the future of Cyprus. H.E.