As the voice and face of , fronted one of the most popular Australian bands of the last two decades.

An accomplished singer, and guitarist, Jamieson’s generation-defining lyrics and vocal melodies first became etched into rock fans’ DNA in 1995, when the Lismore-born quartet rode a new wave of alternative music to become the first act Unearthed by national youth radio station with its debut single - Sickfest. So began a love affair that maintained its heat and passion for over one thousand live shows, six consecutive Top 10 debuts and multi-platinum sales. That initial romance with triple j’s listeners blossomed into full-bloom infatuation: an incredible 17 Grinspoon songs have polled in Hottest 100 countdowns over the years, led by the much-loved ‘’(#2 in 2002; #63 in 2013’s Hottest 100 of All Time). With the release of seventh album came the news in late 2013 that Grinspoon were entering hibernation indefinitely, yet Phil Jamieson remained as focused and passionate about music as ever pursuing a solo career in the meantime.

Earlier this year Grinspoon announced the celebration of 20 years since their first album , this saw them back on the road playing to adoring sold-out crowds across the country over 4 months.

Outside of studios and music venues, Jamieson co-founded the Rock N Ride tour for headspace, the National Youth and Mental Health Foundation, in 2013. The initiative is aimed at engaging local communities to raise awareness about mental health issues faced by young people. This passion project has allowed Jamieson to draw on an extensive network of musicians, friends and media personalities who have ridden over 5000km together while visiting dozens of headspace centres along the way.