Studia graeca et latina Gothoburgensia LXXI STAFFAN WAHLGREN THEODORE METOCHITES’ SENTENTIOUS NOTES SEMEIOSEIS GNOMIKAI 61–70 & 72–81 A CRITICAL EDITION WITH INTRODUCTION, TRANSLATION, NOTES, AND INDEXES THEODORE METOCHITES’ SENTENTIOUS NOTES SEMEIOSEIS GNOMIKAI 61–70 & 72–81 STUDIA GRAECA ET LATINA GOTHOBURGENSIA LXXI Theodore Metochites’ Sententious Notes Semeioseis gnomikai 61–70 & 72–81 A Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation, Notes, and Indexes by staffan wahlgren © Staffan Wahlgren 2018 ISBN 978-91-7346-993-7 (printed) ISBN 978-91-7346-994-4 (pdf ) ISBN 978-91-7346-995-1 (e-pub) ISBN 978-91-7346-996-8 (mobi) ISSN 0081-6450 ISSN 2002-2131 Kriterium (Online) Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia, volume 71 Editor: Gunhild Vidén This volume is published within the framework of Kriterium, a quality hall- mark for Swedish academic books. All Kriterium publications undergo peer review according to set guidelines, and are available as open access publica- tions at Printed with a grant from Herbert & Karin Jacobssons Stiftelse Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, Box 222, 405 30 Göteborg
[email protected] Print: Stema, Borås 2018 Abstract Title: Theodore Metochites’ Sententious Notes. Semeioseis gnomikai 61– 70 & 72–81. A Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation, Notes, and Indexes Author: Staffan Wahlgren Language: Ancient Greek and English ISBN: 978-91-7346-993-7 (printed) ISBN: 978-91-7346-994-4 (pdf ) ISBN: 978-91-7346-995-1 (e-pub) ISBN: 978-91-7346-996-8 (mobi) ISSN: 0081-6450 ISSN: 2002-2131 Kriterium (Online) DOI: Keywords: Sceptical philosophy, the ignorance of man, changes of fortune, the usefulness of mathematics and geometry, ‘Live hidden’, the duties of a good Christian, politics, marriage, war, peace This volume contains a critical edition, with an English translation and notes, of chapters 61–70 and 72–81 of the Semeioseis gnomikai (‘Sententious notes’) of the Byzantine statesman Theodore Metochites (1270–1332).