A Mirror and Focus for the Jazz Community March 2017 Vol. 33, No. 3 EARSHOT JAZZSeattle, Washington Brian Monroney Photo by Daniel Sheehan LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR EARSHOT JAZZ A Mirror and Focus for the Jazz Community Call now with your donation… Executive Director John Gilbreath or go online to earshot.org Managing Director Karen Caropepe Program Manager Caitlin Peterkin This month, we’ll Jazz has documented Earshot Jazz Editor Caitlin Peterkin hear fund-drive cam- one of the most vi- Contributing Writers Halynn Blanchard, paigns on all of our brant jazz scenes in Derek Decker, Marianne Gonterman, public radio stations. the country, with Andrew Luthringer I want to invite you well over one mil- right now to think of lion copies distrib- Calendar Editor Caitlin Peterkin this newsletter and uted free of charge all Photography Daniel Sheehan this appeal as the around the city since Layout Caitlin Peterkin Distribution Karen Caropepe & Earshot Jazz Spring Pledge Drive 1984. We could not volunteers for Earshot Jazz. do that without your Please make a dona- financial support at send Calendar Information to: tion at earshot.org. earshot.org. 3429 Fremont Place N, #309 In the course of my own commit- Earshot’s unique concert present- Seattle, WA 98103 ment to the vibrant cultural commu- ing history is widely admired. We email /
[email protected] nity here in Seattle, I am happy to are known for a commitment to Board of Directors Sue Coliton (president), participate in public radio fundrais- the quality and creativity of the hu- Danielle Leigh (vice president), Sally ing behind the mic, as a listener, and man spirit, and a pure dedication to Nichols (secretary), Viren Kamdar as a longtime donor.