Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference 2013, SMC 2013, Stockholm, Sweden Komeda: Framework for Interactive Algorithmic Music On Embedded Systems Krystian Bacławski Dariusz Jackowski Institute of Computer Science Institute of Computer Science University of Wrocław University of Wrocław
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT solid software framework that enables easy creation of mu- sical applications. Application of embedded systems to music installations is Such platform should include: limited due to the absence of convenient software devel- • music notation language, opment tools. This is a very unfortunate situation as these systems offer an array of advantages over desktop or lap- • hardware independent binary representation, top computers. Small size of embedded systems is a fac- • portable virtual machine capable of playing music, tor that makes them especially suitable for incorporation • communication protocol (also wireless), into various forms of art. These devices are effortlessly ex- • interface for sensors and output devices, pandable with various sensors and can produce rich audio- visual effects. Their low price makes it affordable to build • support for music generation routines. and experiment with networks of cooperating devices that We would like to present the Komeda system, which cur- generate music. rently provides only a subset of the features listed above, In this paper we describe the design of Komeda – imple- but in the future should encompass all of them. mentation platform for interactive algorithmic music tai- lored for embedded systems. Our framework consists of 2. OVERVIEW music description language, intermediate binary represen- tation and portable virtual machine with user defined ex- Komeda consists of the following components: music de- tensions (called modules).