
J Am Board Fam Med: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.2012.05.110226 on 5 September 2012. Downloaded from

CLINICAL REVIEW -Related Bacterial and Fungal

Dennis J. Baumgardner, MD

A variety of classic and emerging soil-related bacterial and fungal cause serious dis- ease that frequently presents in primary care settings. Typically, the growth of these is favored by particular soil characteristics and may involve complex cycles including amoebae or ani- mal hosts. Specific evolved factors or the ability to grow in diverse, sometimes harsh, mi- croenvironments may promote pathogenesis. may occur by direct inoculation or , ingestion of contaminated , or . This narrative review describes the usual presentations and environmental sources of soil-related infections. In addition to , , and botulism, soil may cause gastrointestinal, , , and . The systemic fungi are largely acquired via inhalation from contaminated soil and near-soil environments. These fungal infec- tions are particularly life-threatening in those with compromised immune systems. Questions regarding soil exposure should be included in the history of any patient with syndromes consistent with tetanus, botulism or anthrax, traumatic , recalcitrant skin lesions, , and nonresponsive, overwhelming, or chronic . (J Am Board Fam Med 2012;25:734–744.)

Keywords: Bacterial Infections, Diseases, Intestinal Diseases, Mycoses, Respiratory Tract Diseases, Soil copyright.

Significant attention is given to food- and - presentations such that these entities will be related infections. Questions regarding such expo- considered promptly during relevant patient eval- sures are routinely included in patient histories uations. (The reader is referred to recent texts and when infectious diseases are included in the differ- manuscripts for details regarding unusual presen- ential diagnosis of disease presentations. There are, tations and the diagnosis and treatment of these however, a wide variety of soil-related infections1,2 infections and for discussion of superficial soil-re- that also should be considered, particularly in the lated infections, such as dermatophyte infections, case of wound, respiratory tract, or gastrointestinal which will not be covered here.) http://www.jabfm.org/ infections. The purpose of this article is to review bacterial and fungal infections for which the source of contact is primarily the soil (eg, tetani)or Soil1,3 is a multilayered surface complex of for which soil is an important or emerging secondary and organic (humus) constituents present in solid, site of contact (eg, ). The emphasis of this liquid, and gaseous states. The mineral portion of article will be on the epidemiology of significant soil results from the actions of weathering and soil-related human pathogens and their common erosion on rock. Broad soil type—sand, silt, or on 26 September 2021 by guest. Protected clay—is defined, largest to smallest, by size. These pack loosely, and pore of This article was externally peer reviewed. varying sizes are formed. Particle surfaces, pore Submitted 21 July 2011; revised 31 October 2011; ac- cepted 3 November 2011. spaces, and are particular for From the Department of Family , Aurora UW microorganisms, often in biofilms. Soil also con- Medical Group, University of Wisconsin School of Medi- cine and Public ; Center for Urban Population tains , , carcasses, and man-made ma- Health, Milwaukee, WI. terials. Funding: none. Conflict of interest: none declared. The quantity and type of microorganisms in a Corresponding author: Dennis J. Baumgardner, MD, Au- particular portion of soil are determined by a com- rora Sinai Medical Center, Outpatient Health Center, 1020 N. 12th Street, Suite 4180, Milwaukee, WI 53233 (E-mail: plex interaction of varying amounts of , [email protected]). temperature, moisture, soil pH, , and re-

734 JABFM September–October 2012 Vol. 25 No. 5 http://www.jabfm.org J Am Board Fam Med: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.2012.05.110226 on 5 September 2012. Downloaded from dox potential. Pathogens may be indigenous or Other adaptations to the soil environment may enter the soil through deliberate introduction (for promote pathogenicity. The ability of Legionella to purposes of biological control) or indirectly by an- survive within human likely has imal deposits, application, or from flooding evolved from the ability to survive within grazing with or contaminated water. Competition, in the environment.7 Fungal adaptation to infection, , or all three by other bacteria, extreme environmental biotic and abiotic stress , , fungi, and larger such likely has resulted in the ability to infect human as further select the predominant , hosts,8 even in the absence of known virulence particularly in diverse, -rich zones such as factors.9 the (soil surrounding a plant )1–5 Pathogenic fungi or bacteria may enter (Figure 1). Strategies that bacteria acquire to sur- via direct inoculation into wounds. Soil vive this in-soil competition may, in turn, provide introduced simultaneously may promote infection the ability to infect animals. Horizontal trans- by suppressing local defenses.2 Microorgan- fers and the occurrence of pathogenicity islands isms may be introduced into the respiratory tract (blocks of acquired DNA encoding for multiple via ( or mud particles from soil virulence factors) may further allow the emergence disturbances, windblown spores) or by direct inges- of opportunistic pathogens from these microenvi- tion of soil (geophagia) or indirect ingestion via ronments.6 contaminated food. Not covered here are other

Figure 1. Pictorial representation of factors determining distribution of bacterial and fungal microorganisms in soil. Side panels represent climatic, physical, and geobiochemical factors. Central panel: upper magnified circle represents soil particles, pore spaces, and bacteria in biofilm; lower magnified circle represents the rhizosphere and associated bacteria and fungi (and amoebae and ).1,3,4 copyright. http://www.jabfm.org/ on 26 September 2021 by guest. Protected

doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2012.05.110226 Soil-Related Bacterial and Fungal Infections 735 J Am Board Fam Med: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.2012.05.110226 on 5 September 2012. Downloaded from mechanisms of ingestion of soil microorganisms America. In 2006, 290,000 persons died of tetanus, causing human disease, including airborne of which 250,000 were neonatal .13 (eg, endotoxin aerosolized by farming operations, C. tetani has a worldwide distribution in soil and mycotoxins), aeroallergens, and waterborne ill- (where spores can persist for years), nesses from soil contamination of water sources.1 (which can reinfect soil), and other agents (includ- ing contaminated heroin). The may be Bacterial Infections isolated from surface of school and hospital In addition to the “classic” infections, tetanus and grounds, fields, roadsides, and along waterways.14 botulism, soil-related bacterial infections include and soil pH relate to the increased preva- wound infections, gastroenteritis, and specific re- lence of tetanus in tropical zones,11 and clusters of spiratory syndromes. infections may occur in developing countries after Tetanus and botulism are caused by the - natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsuna- producing, anaerobic, spore-bearing, Gram-posi- mis.12 In the United States, half of tetanus cases tive bacteria, and Clostridium bot- follow known , 45% result from infection of ulinum, respectively.10 preexisting wounds, wounds of unknown cause, There are 4 clinical forms of tetanus. The gen- parenteral drug abuse, or -related injuries. eralized form is most common and is characterized No source is found for 5% of cases. Deep puncture by tonic contraction of the skeletal muscles and wounds, crush injuries, and burns that include an- intense intermittent muscle spasms. Classic find- aerobic environments particularly predispose to ings include trismus (in approximately 50%), stiff tetanus.11 , opisthotonus, a “sardonic” smile, abdominal Once in anaerobic , C. tetani spores convert rigidity, and periods of apnea. More muscle groups to the vegetative form, multiply, and produce the become involved as the illness progresses and frac- neurotoxin tetanospasmin, which migrates to the cen- tures of vertebrae or other may occur (some- tral via a peripheral at the site of triggered by relatively minor stimuli). Pa- infection. There may be no apparent local infection. copyright. tients remain conscious during spasms and anxiety The incubation period ranges from 3 to 21 days; the and pain may be significant. Signs of autonomic farther the site of initial spore contact from the hyperactivity generally are present, and bradycardia , the longer the incubation and hypotension may lead to cardiac arrest.11,12 period and the milder the disease.11,12 Localized tetanus occurs when circulating anti- Botulism is a serious disease characterized by toxin prevents systemic spread of toxin. Localized, weakness, paresis, and paralysis, classically present- fixed, painful muscle contraction may result and ing with acute bilateral cranial neuropathies and last for weeks, followed by complete resolution. symmetrically descending weakness. Infant botu- http://www.jabfm.org/ These occurrences may not be recognized as teta- lism typically involves upper airway obstruction, nus and are likely underdiagnosed.11,12 Cephalic constipation, feeding difficulties, weak cry, drool- tetanus is rare and results from cranial nerve in- ing, and hypotonia.15 Two infants with suspected volvement following entrance of C. tetani into , apnea, and were found to have wounds of the head and neck. Initial findings (typ- infant botulism, possibly from contact with soil on ically confusing) involve dysphagia, trismus, and the clothing of family members.16 focal cranial neuropathies. Patients may present Botulism occurs in sporadic cases and outbreaks on 26 September 2021 by guest. Protected with facial paralysis, dysphagia, , dis- occur worldwide.13 An average of 110 cases occur ruption of extraocular movements, and other eye across the United States per year, of which 70% are findings. Neonatal tetanus follows infection of the infant cases and 25% are food borne. It is caused by umbilical stump of infants of unimmunized moth- neurotoxins that affect a peripheral neuromuscular ers; it presents during the second week of life with junction and autonomic synapses, preventing the weakness and poor sucking and may result in de- release of acetylcholine.15 C. botulinum (and its re- velopmental delay.11,12 sistant spores) is widely distributed in soil and wa- There were 233 tetanus cases in the United ter. Different toxin types are found in different States during the years 2001 to 2008, with a 13% geographic areas: Type A, commonly found in the fatality rate. Tetanus is a significant cause of western United States, may prefer “virgin soils,” worldwide, especially in Asia, Africa, and South which are neutral or alkaline and low in organic

736 JABFM September–October 2012 Vol. 25 No. 5 http://www.jabfm.org J Am Board Fam Med: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.2012.05.110226 on 5 September 2012. Downloaded from content, whereas type B (eastern United States) proposed that spores accumulate in low-lying areas may prefer cultivated soil. Usually, C. botulinum during rainfall, followed by exposure of grazing toxin is ingested through food that has been con- animals during dry periods.23 Because of the con- taminated by the bacterium, resulting in growth centration of spores needed, it seems that human and toxin production. Spores may resist boiling acquisition of anthrax directly from soil is very (which promotes anerobiasis) for several hours; unlikely. Rather, host animals are required for pressure cooking is required to kill spores.15 spore and anthrax is naturally acquired Wound botulism is clinically similar to food-borne from infected and animal products such as disease except for the gastrointestinal prodrome. In .20,23 the United States, the soil-related, non–heroin-asso- cereus gastroenteritis is an important ciated form is most commonly associated with deep food-borne disease worldwide, including an esti- trauma in young men. The type A toxin recently has mated 63,400 annual cases in the United States.24 been reported in wounds acquired in Ecuador and This entity may be confused with other common may be underreported in developing countries.17 bacterial or viral infections or toxin ingestions.25,26 may be caused by one of several Pathogenicity is aided by a variety of toxins. Emetic species of Clostridium, the spores of which are dis- toxin (a ) induces and vomiting a few tributed worldwide in the soil. The usually hours after ingesting a meal contaminated with the are present in combination with aerobic bacteria or toxin. A diarrheal syndrome results from anaerobic streptococci. Gas gangrene typically fol- enterotoxins produced in the . This lows infection of deep wounds that have been con- bacterium is found naturally in decaying organic taminated by soil or feces.10 , in and out of soil, fresh and salt water, is ubiquitous in soil, from plants, dusts, fomites, and the intestinal tract of which it may be ingested into the gastrointestinal invertebrates. Spores germinate within an insect or tract.10 It is associated with a variety of human animal host or on contact with , diseases,18 including classic food poisoning. Evi- entering the soil via the droppings of an animal copyright. dence suggests, however, that most cases of gastro- host or upon the host’s death. Saprophytic growth intestinal disease caused by C. perfringens have their in soil, including transition from a single to a source from food contaminated by other humans or multicellular form, then ensues. Cells and spores by animal feces rather than directly from the soil.19 may then contaminate plant material and enter Anthrax, primarily a disease of , is food processing areas. B. cereus spores resist ex- caused by the Gram-positive, spore-forming rod treme environmental conditions including heat, .20 Readers are referred to current , drying, and . The hydrophobic literature regarding detailed descriptions of natural spore surface allows attachment to food and pro- http://www.jabfm.org/ and -related anthrax presentations. In cessing equipment, where biofilm formation may fur- brief, cutaneous anthrax involves a pruritic papule ther protect forms of the organism25–27 (Figure 2). on exposed skin, which ulcerates with surrounding B. cereus also has been associated with pulmonary vesicles, followed by black eschar. Inhalation an- infections mimicking anthrax (perhaps by inhala- thrax begins with a nonspecific respiratory illness tion of contaminated dust), invasion of the oral that may be confused with a variety of common cavity or upper respiratory tract in immunosup- respiratory illnesses,21 followed by a (usually fatal) pressed patients, and soft tissue and central on 26 September 2021 by guest. Protected sudden second phase of severe respiratory distress. nervous system infections, and endophthalmitis Ingestion of food containing B. anthracis results in (often from a foreign contaminated with soil an abdominal form of gastrointestinal anthrax, an or dust).25 oropharygeal form, or both. may com- monocytogenes causes an estimated 1591 plicate any form of anthrax, but this rarely occurs. cases of gastroenteritis in normal humans per year The estimated annual number of human anthrax in the United States,24 in addition to meningitis cases worldwide is 2000 to 20,000.20 The nonuni- and focal infections in the immunocompromised form distribution of B. anthracis in soil may be and serious infections in pregnant women and ba- largely determined by its preference for black soils, bies. It is ubiquitous in soil and other material such which are rich in organic matter and as sewage, , groundwater, and vegetation. L. (which promotes spore viability).22 It also has been monocytogenes does not form spores and can with- doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2012.05.110226 Soil-Related Bacterial and Fungal Infections 737 J Am Board Fam Med: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.2012.05.110226 on 5 September 2012. Downloaded from

Figure 2. Proposed life cycle of . B. cereus spores germinate within an animal host and enter soil through droppings or carcasses or they germinate on contact with organic material. Saprophytic growth occurs in soil. Cells/spores contaminate plant material and food processing areas (where spores persist, especially in biofilms) then cause disease after human consumption.25–27 copyright.

stand environmental stressors such as pH change, A large outbreak of has been as- salinity, low temperatures, and metal . Like B. sociated with mountain bike racers “ cereus, it may persist in contaminated food-process- mud” during a race in British Columbia, without http://www.jabfm.org/ ing environments. Thus, some cases of listeriosis known environmental contamination of the track.30 may involve infection via the soil–food processing– An outbreak of coli 0157 disease has been oral route. Suited for both saprophytic life and life convincingly associated with soil (likely via within human cells, a specific regulatory protein contaminated with mud) from a Scottish scout and the type of available source may regu- camp that had been previously grazed by sheep.31 late transition.28 Indistinguishable strains of E. coli 0157 also were

Gram-negative enteric pathogens are occasion- isolated from a diseased and from a recently on 26 September 2021 by guest. Protected ally acquired from soil rather than from water or via manured garden where the child had played.32 Soil the fecal-oral route. Any soil organism may poten- may be a for E. coli 0157 in part because of tially enter water or an ; thus soil is often the its ability to replicate within the common soil pro- origin of water-borne infections. Enteric pathogens tozoan Acanthamoeba.33 may enter soil after contamination by sewage or is caused by the aerobic Gram-neg- other human or animal waste, and in developing ative rod pseudomallei. After percuta- countries, via untreated domestic wastewater dis- neous inoculation, inhalation, or ingestion from the posal. species resist freezing and drying, environment, disease may range from asymptom- and some coliforms are thermotolerant. Soil mois- atic infection to acute mild to severe pneumonia, ture and adsorption to clay particles also promote disseminated septicemia, or both, including survival of enteric pathogens.29 and death. Multiple abscesses may occur in virtually

738 JABFM September–October 2012 Vol. 25 No. 5 http://www.jabfm.org J Am Board Fam Med: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.2012.05.110226 on 5 September 2012. Downloaded from any , but commonly in skin (with ulcers) and primary cutaneous infection may be seen soft tissue or . A chronic disease that mimics after trauma in gardeners and other outdoor or agri- may occur. Similarly, latent B. pseu- cultural workers.47 domallei may reactivate years later.34 Melioidosis is most commonly reported in Fungal Infections Southeast Asia and northern but also is Excepting dermatophytes, many environmentally found in other parts of the world, including the acquired fungal infections were apparently uncom- tropical and subtropical Americas. Thailand has the mon until the emergence of immunosuppresive highest incidence rate (up to 3000 cases per year). agents and drugs in the second half of the 20th Cases were seen to increase after the 2004 Asian century. Overall, relatively few endemic fungi cause tsunami.13,34 It is not uniformly distributed within human disease, and they seem to be pathogenic for endemic areas and seems to occur in - without a requirement for such a host clusters. Whether this is because of differential during their life cycle. Mammalian body tempera- distribution of B. pseudomallei, differences in local tures and layered immune systems seem to inhibit a virulence, differential exposure (heavy occu- majority of potentially pathogenic soil fungal spe- pational or recreational soil contact), or differences cies (and may have contributed to the proliferation in the susceptibilities of those exposed (diabetes of mammals and the extinction of dinosaurs). The and renal disease may predispose to infection) is ability to survive in warm-blooded, slightly alkaline unclear.35 B. pseudomallei is to primarily animal environments may be the result of harsh inhabit rice paddies, still , and subsurface selective factors in soil environments.48,49 Similar moist, tropical soils. The organism seems to obtain to infection with the bacterium, Burkholderia pseu- nutrition from rotting organic matter and via pro- domallei (discussed above), the chance of infection tozoal invasion and is capable of persisting for years by soil fungi, and its outcome, are determined by in soil. Infected humans and other animals likely geographic, soil, and environmental factors that transmit the organism to new environments.35,36 determine the presence of the particular fungus, copyright. Several species of Legionella, a fastidious Gram- local strain virulence, active (eg, digging) or passive negative rod, cause pneumonia (and, rarely, ex- (eg, inhalation of windborne dust) soil exposure, trapulmonary disease) and are associated with Pon- and susceptibility of the host. tiac , a febrile, nonpneumonic, influenza-like Most commonly, soil-related endemic fungi illness. The organisms exist in biofilms in the en- cause primary pulmonary disease, with the poten- vironment, often in concert with other microor- tial for dissemination, or primary skin disease in ganisms, and survive and multiply within free-liv- normal or immunocompromised hosts. Clues to ing .7 The amoeba may encyst during fungal disease include exposure to endemic areas http://www.jabfm.org/ exposure to harsh environments to further promote (with or without a specific history of soil contact), survival of the parasitic Legionella. The primary immunocompromise, nosocomial exposure,50 and route of infection by is pneumonia, which is unresponsive to appropriate through inhalation of aerosolized contaminated empiric antibacterial . water sources; however, there are reports of soil as Coccidioidomycosis (“valley fever”) may repre- an additional environmental source.37 Globally, Le- sent up to 29% of community acquired pneumonia gionella longbeachae accounts for up to 5% of cases cases (150,000 annually) in endemic areas. It is on 26 September 2021 by guest. Protected of Legionnaires disease, which is being increasingly more apt to be severe in elderly, pregnant, African- diagnosed and is as common as L. pneumophila in American, diabetic, and immunosuppressed pa- Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. This species tients or those who smoke. Progressive disease may may be found and persist in a variety of soils.37–41 include respiratory failure, chronic pneumonia, and L. longbeachae is not commonly isolated from water; dissemination to other organs, including skin, instead, disease seems to be associated with potting bones/, and the central nervous system. Many mixes, , and soil products (particularly infections are inapparent.51 those subjected to high heat and moisture).42 Coccidioides, a dimorphic (mycelium/spherule) Similarly, it has been hypothesized that soil may fungus endemic to southwestern North America serve as a source of leprae and other and portions of Central and South America, has mycobacterial infections.43–46 Finally, soil-acquired been associated with alkaline, highly salinic, sandy doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2012.05.110226 Soil-Related Bacterial and Fungal Infections 739 J Am Board Fam Med: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.2012.05.110226 on 5 September 2012. Downloaded from soils and extremes of temperature. The ability to Figure 3. Blastomyces dermatitidis: Example of survive such harsh conditions may allow successful endemic dimorphic fungal causing primarily competition with other soil microorganisms.52 Pre- pulmonary infection. A: Infectious mycelial () cipitation followed by high temperatures and drought forms of B. dermatitidis grown on Sabouraud promotes growth and arthroconidia formation. dextrose at 20°C (magnification ؋400). B: or excavation then results in inhalation of arthro- forms of B. dermatitidis grown on - conidia (the “blow and grow hypothesis”), and pul- infusion agar at 37° (magnification ؋400). C: Chest monary infection may occur.53 Epidemics have fol- radiograph illustrating 2 of several nonspecific lowed dust storms,54 excavation,55 and earthquake,56 radiographic patterns of pulmonary blastomycosis. A some covering an extensive area. 57 Thus, coccidioid- dense opacity in the right mid-lung fields and patchy omycosis could be considered a “classic” soil- infiltrates in the left lung are seen in this . acquired infection; however, a recent comparative genomic analysis suggests that Coccidioides are not residents of soil, but rather of mammalian host carcasses within the soil.58 Pulmonary blastomycosis has a wide differential diagnosis and may be asymptomatic or present as mild, moderate, or severe acute pneumonia. The latter may be complicated by acute respiratory dis- tress syndrome. Subacute to chronic infiltrates, cavitary lung disease, or both may occur instead. In addition, acute or chronic dissemination of B. der- matitidis to the skin, brain, , bone, or any other may result.59,60 Blastomycosis is caused by Blastomyces dermatit- copyright. dis, a dimorphic (mycelia/yeast) fungus (Figure 3) found in eastern North America and parts of India and Africa. Annual incidence of the disease ranges from Ͻ1 to 100 per 100,000 in endemic areas. Except for rare inoculation cutaneous disease, the organisms enter the body via inhalation of conidia from the environment (wind or excavation dust, digging, direct contact) into the . http://www.jabfm.org/ B. dermatitidis occurs in soil and near-soil envi- ronments (often associated with waterways, animal excreta, sandy soils); an animal reservoir has not been established. It also seems to be a survivor of harsh or changing environmental conditions and may utilize a wide variety of substrates.61,62 It has been proposed that the ability to grow and sporu- on 26 September 2021 by guest. Protected late in carbon-poor, high- environments may be a key to its competitive success.63 Preceding precipitation and environmental temperatures may impact the occurrence of B. dermatitidis.64 The related dimorphic fungus, Histoplasma cap- sulatum, is found worldwide in temperate zones, often in or near river valleys.65,66 Evidence of ex- posure is found in up to 80% of residents of the eastern and central United States.13 Like blastomy- cosis, histoplasmosis is often asymptomatic, is a primary pulmonary disease, and may disseminate to

740 JABFM September–October 2012 Vol. 25 No. 5 http://www.jabfm.org J Am Board Fam Med: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.2012.05.110226 on 5 September 2012. Downloaded from a variety of organ systems (the , , bone, infection in healthy individuals that is usually the nodes, central nervous system, and others). result of direct inoculation from the environment Histoplasma may cause opportunistic infections. (thorns, splinters, cuts, etc.). Days to weeks after The intensity of acute pneumonia likely correlates inoculation, a papule forms at the site, becomes with the amount of inhaled conidia. Pulmonary nodular, and may ulcerate. More nodules then ap- masses, , fibrosis, or may pear along the proximal lymphatic distribution. Ex- result. Those with underlying lung disease may tensive cutaneous and systemic dissemination often suffer progressive chronic (cavitary) pulmonary his- occurs in untreated patients with underlying dis- 51,65 toplasmosis. ease (diabetes, alcoholism, AIDS). Subacute or Climate associations include 67% to 87% rela- chronic pulmonary disease may result after dissem- tive humidity, 90 to 127 cm of annual precipitation, ination or inhalation of conidia.66,77 S. schenckii is and mean soil temperatures of 22 to 29°C. The found worldwide in soil, vegetation, sphagnum fungus in soil that is generally acidic, moist, , decaying wood, and hay. Exposure may occur and has high nitrogen content enriched by and during normal outdoor occupational or recre- 65 bat , perhaps aided by its ability to assimi- ational activities. Zoonotic and out- 67 late uric acid and related compounds. Conidia are breaks occur.66,77–79 inhaled (sometimes as point-source or extended A variety of nondimorphic, soil-related outbreaks) after soil disturbance by construction or and can cause significant local or systemic excavation, by contact with caves or soil around human infection, particularly in those who are im- potted plants, or through proximity to bird 50 munocompromised. These include Rhizopus and roosts.65,68–71 Mucor (sinus, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, wound) Paracoccidioidomycosis is a disease of scattered and a variety of traumatic infections.80,81 The latter areas of Central and South America where expo- include the fungal causes of mycetoma, or “Madura sure prevalence varies from 0.3 to 1000 per 100,000

,” the etiologic agents of which inhabit tropical copyright. inhabitants.72 It may be subclinical, and clinical and subtropical regions typified by extremes of wet infection typically follows a long latent period. Ju- and dry conditions and temperature swings. This venile disease is a serious illness in both sexes of entity is most common among those working in normal children and immunocompromised fields, where infection is acquired in a manner sim- and includes hepatosplenomegaly and lymphade- ilar to sporotrichosis. Mycetoma starts as a slowly nopathy and often fever, malaise, weight loss, skin progressive, painless subcutaneous nodule, usually and bone lesions, and mild respiratory symptoms. Chronic adult infection, predominantly in men, is a on the foot, and progresses to a classic triad of progressive pulmonary and multiorgan systemic induration, draining sinuses, and discharging gran- http://www.jabfm.org/ disease that particularly involves skin and ules that are collections of (in this case) fungal membranes. The precise ecological niche of Para- hyphae. Hands and other body parts may be the coccidioides brasiliensis is undefined. There is an as- primary site. If unabated, deep tissue or visceral 82,83 sociation with armadillos, and the macroecology organ invasion may occur. seems to include forests, disturbed vegetation or Infections caused by Aspergillus species (excludes crops, nearby waterways, and shaded, sandy or clay, allergic brochopulmonary aspergillosis) are usually mildly acidic soil.61,73 Disease incidence may relate in immunocompromised patients and include inva- on 26 September 2021 by guest. Protected to prior humidity and El Nin˜o activity.74 sive pulmonary aspergillosis (, dyspnea, pos- Penicillium marneffei, the only dimorphic Penicil- sible fever, chest pain, hemoptysis, wheezing); pul- lium, may cause a fatal systemic mycosis in patients monary or sinus fungus balls; chronic pulmonary infected with HIV in Southeast Asia. It is associated aspergillosis (cavitary, fibrosing, subacute); sinus- with soil exposure during the rainy season and itis; endocarditis; and other superficial or dissemi- bamboo , although the of association nated forms.84 Most infections occur after inhala- (common source exposure versus vector) is un- tion of conidia. Aspergillus is ubiquitous in air, and clear.61,66,75,76 the sources of spores include soil, decaying vegeta- Sporotrichosis is a rare, subacute to chronic my- tion, and dust. Huge spore dispersal may follow cosis caused by the dimorphic fungus Sporothrix disasters such as hurricanes. The relative impor- schenckii. It is primarily a local lymphocutaneous tance of soil as a source of infection compared with doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2012.05.110226 Soil-Related Bacterial and Fungal Infections 741 J Am Board Fam Med: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.2012.05.110226 on 5 September 2012. Downloaded from plants, flowers, building materials, water, and hos- 5. Berg G, Eberl L, Hartmann A. The rhizosphere as a pital environments is unclear.9,85 No specific viru- reservoir for opportunistic human pathogenic bacte- lence factors have been identified for Aspergillus. ria. Environ Microbiol 2005;7:1673–85. The ability of the organism to live in a wide variety 6. Gal-Mor O, Finlay BB. Pathogenicity islands: a mo- lecular toolbox for bacterial virulence. Cell Micro- of environments, including those as harsh as a rock biol 2006;8:1707–19. surface, has led to the hypothesis that its ability to 7. Molofsky AB, Swanson MS. 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