St. Faith and St. Laurence Harborne 2020 USEFUL NUMBERS (See also back page) Task Group Chairs Finance and General Purposes REVD. CANON PRISCILLA WHITE 427 2410 Worship and SALLY GRIFFITHS 429 9436 Education: RACHEL LUCKMAN 445 1965 Mission: PAULINE SITFORD Email:
[email protected] 427 7005 Socials: DAVID GLANVILL 682 8360 Children and Young People : RUTH JEAVONS Giving REVD. CANON PRISCILLA WHITE 427 2410 Parish Safeguarding Team Vicar: Rev’d Canon Priscilla White Mobile: 07896 935798 Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator and Children’s Co-ordinator: Ruth Jeavons Mobile: 07870 703304 Vulnerable Adults Coordinator: Sue Glanvill Domestic Violence Coordinator: Alison Keepax Mobile: 07726524256 Members: George Reeves, Ruth Jeavons and Christine Terry The safeguarding group have a watching brief over safeguarding in the church. The policy pack is available in the hall, as are posters with contact details of emergency numbers. If you have concerns about the safety of a child, young person or vulnerable adult, please speak to the relevant member of the safeguarding team or one of the other team members, or to the Vicar. Concerns may have then to be passed to the Bishop’s Safeguarding adviser in confidence. In an emergency contact Police or Social Services. Activities Choir Practice: Thursdays 6pm. (see back cover for Organist and Choirmaster) Women’s Fellowship: HELEN HAYWARD 422 5724 Stay and Play: Thursdays 9.30am- 11am HILARY SHAYLOR 454 0451 Lesson Readers Secretaries: (10am) PETER STOKES 422 6843 (6.30pm) DIANA LEADBEATER 427 1930