Abbot, John, 430 Abernethy, Thomas P., and Yorke-Camden Opinion
INDEX Abbot, John, 430 Alger, Orestes (Uncle Ret), 405 Abernethy, Thomas P., and Yorke-Camden Alger, Roger (J. 1812), 368 opinion (i773>> 47~48 Alger, Roger, 406 Abolition, as controversial factor (1830- Alger. Walter, 370 1845), rev«> 47^. See also Antislavery move- Allegheny College: literary societies, 272^273, ment 274; student life in (19th century),f20a, Acade*mie Royale des Sciences, 53, 55, 56 266, 267; student pledge, to observe|laws Academy of Philadelphia. See University of of, 256 Pennsylvania Allegheny County, 443 Acrobats, Japanese, 396, 398 Allen, Carlos R., Jr., rev. of Wilmerding's Adams, Charles Francis, biog. of, rev., 473- James Monroe, Public Claimant, 228-229 474 Allen, Paul, 1777* Adams, John, 22, 25; letters intercepted Allen, William, 41 gn (1775), 21 Alvord, Clarence W., 42, 45 Adams, John Quincy (1833-1894), 445 The American Historian. A Social-Intellectual Adelman, Seymour, rev. of American Literary History of the Writing of the American Past, Manuscripts . , 333*334 by Wish, rev., 463-465 Admiralty courts, 34; and Am. Rev., rev., American Hotel, Phila., 207 89-90 American House, 419W After the Civil War. A Pictorial Profile of American Immigration, by Jones, rev., 251- America from 1865 to I goo, by Blay, rev., 252 484 American Indians, by Hagan, rev., 468-470 Agassiz, Louis, biog. of, rev., 475-476 American Literary Manuscripts. A Checklist of Agriculture: decline in rural workers (1860's), Holdings in Academic, Historical and Public 440; equipment used for, 371-410 passim; Libraries in the United States, rev., 333-334 farm life, in Pa. (1890's), 367-410; study of, American Mercury, Hartford, Conn, news- in U.
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