LORDS- t POST OFFICE LO~DON 84 LIEUTENANT j LORDS-LIEUTENANT OF COUNTIES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. ENGLAND. B' ~ford, Earl Cowper, K.G., P.C .'luntinqdon, Earl of Sandwich, P.C Somerset, Earl of Cork & Orrery, K.P., r.c Berk.~. Earl of Craven Kent, 1<~11.rl Sydney, G.C.B. P.C I Southampton, :Uarquis of Winchester Hncks, Duke of Buckin\{ham, G.C. S.J., P.C &ancashire, Earl of Se~t:m Stafford, Lord Wrottesley Cnm'Jridge, Charles Watson To .vnlcy, csq &eicester, Duke of Rutland, K.G Suffolk, Earl of Stradbroke Chester, Lord Egerton [,incoln, Earl Rrownlow Surrey, Earl of Lovelace Cornwall, Earl of :.uount Edgcumbe, P.c lfiddlesex, Duke of Wellington. K.G., P.c l?u.ssex, Earl of Chichester C•t nberland, Lord 1111ncaster lfonmouth, Duke of Beaufort, K.G., P.C Tower I£1.mlets, Gca. S 1r Richud J ames Duby, Duke of Devonshire, K.G., P.C Vorfolk, l<~arl of Leict>ster, K.G Dam·cs, G.C.B. Devon, Duke of Somerset, K.G., P.C Vorthampton, Earl !"lpencer, K.G., P.C Warwick, Lord Leigh Dorset. Earl of Shaftcsbury, K.G Vorthumberland, Duke of Northumber- Westnwrland, Lord Hothfield D1trham., Marquii of Londonderry, K.P land, P.C Wilts, Earl of Radnor E' y, Isle oj, Duke of Bedford, K.G Vottingham, Duke of St. A.lbans, P.c Worcester, l<~arl Beauchamp, P.C Es.;ex, Lord Carlingford, P.C Oxford, Duke of llarlborough, K.G., P.c Fork, East lllding, Lord Herries Gloucester, Earlof Ducie, P.C Peterborough. Soke of. :\Iarquis of Exeter York. North Riding, llarquis of lUpon, K.G !Iere.ford, Lord Bateman Rutland, Earl of Dysart Fork, fVest Riding, Earll<'itzwilliam, K c Hertford, Earl of Verulam ~hropshire. Earl of Bradford, P.c WALES. An.Jl.!sey, Hon. Wm. Owen Stanley Denbigh, Wm. Cornwallis West, esq Hm1erfordwest, Charles Edward Gregg Brecl.:nockshire,':3ir.! oseph Russell Bailey, Flint, llugh Robert Hughes, of Kinmel, Philipps, esq bart. M.P esq .'1-lerioneth, Lord }Iostyn Cardigan, Edward Lewis Pryse, esq Glamorgan, Christopher Rice Mansel Jluntgumery, Earl of Powis Garmarthen, Earl of Cawdor 'f albot, csq. ll. P Pembroke, Lord Kensington, M. P Carnarvon, Lord Penrhyn IUadrwr, Lord Or:nathw<ute IRELAND. A Mrim, :\larq uisoiDonegall, K. P.,G. c. H., P. c Galway, Lord Clonbrock ! Meath, Marquis of Headfort, P.C Armcgh, Lord Lurgan, K.P Kerry, .l!:arl of Kenmare, K.P., P.C , ,1/onaqhan, Earl of Dartrey, K. P Carlow, Arthur Mac~urrough Kavanagh, Kildare, lfarquis of Drogheda, K.P Queen's Co.LordCastletown (ofUp.Ossory) esq Kilkenny, :\Iarquis of Ormonde Roscommon, Colonel E. R. King-Hannan Cavan, Earl of Lanes borough King's County, Col. 'l'homas Bernard Sligo, Col. H. K Cooper fJlare, Lord Inchiquin Leitrim, Lord Harlcch Tipperary, Vigcount Lismore CtJTk, Earl of Bandon Limerick, Lord Emly, P.C T!!rone, Earl of Charlemont, K.P Donegal, Duke of Abercorn, K.G., P.C Londonderry, Sir ll. Hervey Bruce, bart. Waterford, 2\larquis of \Vaterford,K.P.,p.r Down, Earl of Dufferin, K.P., K.C.B., M.P We.~tmeath, Lord Grcville G.C.ll.G., P.C Longford, Gen. Earl of Longford, G. c.B Wexford, Lord Maurice .lfitzgcrald Dublin, Viscount Monck, P.c., G.c.M.G Louth, Vi~count 2\Iassereene & l<'errard JVicklow, Earl of Meath, P.c Fermanagh, Earl of Erne, K.P ;lfayo, Gen. the Earl of Lucan, G.C.B SCOTLAND. Aberdeen, Earl of Aberdeen Elgin or .Moray, Earl of Fife, K.T., P.C Orkney cf Shetland, Hon. John Charlc8 Argyll, Duke of Argyll, K.T Fife, Sir Robert Anstruther, bart I Dundas, ll.P Ayr, Earl of Stair, K.T Forfar, Earl of Strathmore & Kinghorn IPeebles, Colin James Mackenzie, esq. Banff, Duke of Richmond & Gordon, K.G Hadclington, Earl of Haddington (of Portmore) Berwi.ck, Earl of Home Jnvernes.~, Lord Lovat Perth, Duke of A thole, K. T Bate, Lieut.-Colonel James Frederick D. Kincardine, Sir Thomas Gladstone, bart Renfrew,SirMichael Robt.ShawStewart,!Jt C. Stuart Kinross. Sir G. G. Montg-omery, bart Ross Caithness, Earl of Caithness Kirkcudbright StewartrtJ, Earl of Selkirk IRoxburgh, Duke of Buccleuch, K.G., P.C Ctackm.annan, Earl of llansfield, K.T J,anark, Sir Thomas Edward Colebrooke, Selkirk, Lord Polwarth Cromarty, Duke of Sutherland, K.G bart. M.P Stirt-in.q, Earl of Dunmore Dnmbartun, Humphrey Ewmg-Cr=-~ f.dnlithgow, Earl of Rosehery, K.T., P.C : Sutlterlmtd, lJuke ot Sutherbmd, K.G Ewing, esq Nairn, Hngh Fife Ashley Brodie, esq. Wigtown, Earl of Stair, K.T nnmfries. Earl of Dalkeith. K. T . (of Brodie) I Edinburgh, Duke of Buccleuch, K.G., P.c ' I GOVERN1tiENT AND OTHER PUBLIC OFFICES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. ADZUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Lambert, A. 1Iacg-regor, H. N. Stuart, W. T. G. Thurlow, See "War Oj[LCe." G. B. Voules & H. 1<'. R. Yorke, esqrs Counsel, Alexander Staveley Hill, Q.C., Y.P [nspector of Naval Schools, Rev. J. B. llarbord, R.:N ., M • .t. ADM:IKALTY I Head Messenger. A'fred Wild IAVAL DEPARTMENTS. Halt Porter,- McNeale Whitehall SW.-Hours,ll to 5. ,'lfessengers, First Class, J. F. 'Veaver, E. Johnson,;N, .w. & LoRDS tuMMISSIONERS, Rig-ht Hon. Earl of Northorook, Shipway, C. Chittenden, 'J'. Southgate John Gillett G.c.s.l. ; Admiral Sir Astley Cooper Key, K.C.B. ; Vice Ad­ *Alphabetically arranged miral Lord John Hay, ·K.C.B. ; Rear Admiral Anthony Hilcy Hoskins, c.B. & Sir 'fhomas Brassey, K.C.B., M.P Contract & Purchase Department. Director of Nat•y Contracts, John Collett, esq SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENT. Assistant Director of Navy Contracts, ,V. Hale 'Vhite, esq Financial Secretary, George Otto Trevelyan, esq. M.P Stnior Clerks, Tatham Gwyn, Charletl ~l. Hea"h & Percenl Naval Secretary, Vice Admiral Robert Hall, c.B .!.. Smith, e:-.4.rs Assistant Secretarn, K N. Swain!lon, esq Clerks, E. M. Browne, Charles De la Cour, William C. B. Private Secretary to First Lord, Capt. J. 0. Hopkins, R.N Hall, Samuel R. Lewis & H. Sotham, esqr11. ; 8lowerdivisioa Assistant Private Secretaries, H. R_ Yorke & '1'. l<'oster, esqrs clerks & 4 writers •CI,erks, Priflcipal, R. D. Awdry, E. }lacgregor & H. J. Van- sittart Neale, csqrs • Assistant Principals, M.. P. F.Caulfe1ld, A. M. De Vismes, The Department of the Controller of the Navy. Hon. H. l<'. Dormer, M_ D. Jeffreys, E. M. Primrose & C. J. CONTROLLER OF THE NAVY, Rear Admiral 'lhoma& 'l'hom~~os, esqrR Brandreth • Clerks, C. C. Birch, S.. L. Dacres, W. P. Feiling, T. l<'oster, Directo-r of Naval Ordnance, Rear Admiral Fredk:. A. Herberl J. H. GUfard, G. H. Hoste, Sir J. Kirkpatrtck, bart. G. T. Assistant to Ditto, Commander J ames Brown .
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