C cJ Ö NILES HERALD- SPECTATOR s) o $1.50 Thursday, ApriI 2,2015 nilesheraldspectator.com (s (a GO o1 That'sonehot ride o Village of Nues welcomes new firetruck to fleet. Page 4 BALL IN THE HOUSE PHOTO Voices in harmony Some ofthe world's best a cappella acts gather for SingStrong Chicago at Niles North High School. Page 36 Best on the court Pioneer Press reveals its Mi-Area Boys and Girls NILES FIRE DEPARTMENT PHOTO Basketball Teams. The villages new firetruck has features including a dual screen command information center, more spacious cab passenger seating In Sports BRIAN O'MAHONEVI PIONEER PRESS and improved LED lighting. EY SAVING DISCOUNTS! CALL ME FOR A NO-OBUGATION FREE QUOTE. AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE e SOC-V'TLO91I SJ1IN Mary Marino Agency Is N01)10 i 0969 American Family Mutual Insurance 5617 Dem pster St ISIC O DWN1 Company and its Subsidiaries Morton Grove, IL 60053 o American Family Life Insurance Company 99LCTO [ )TSHNdd :S)j Home Office - Madison, WI 53783 Bus: (847) 966-3200 ;0-3ioi 2012 006441 - 9/12
[email protected] LS TNddTLog1Iw 'f'4!L! 2 CAMPAIGN 2015 NILES HERALD- SPECTATOR CLARI4NN11ILLS ltlp,lmtipw Complete municipal w '.-:,'r''.'yfI;fr5l1!t. nilesheraldspectator.com 'MEW CAMPS! Bob Fleck, Publisher/General Manager electioncoverage John Puterbaugh, Editor As the April 7 elections near, find all the latest flittdnle tUntrlct 14f, 312-222-3331;
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