Obelisk Bridge, Co. Louth NATURA IMPACT STATEMENT Version: 30th July 2020 Tait Business Centre, Dominic Street, Limerick City, Ireland. t. +353 61 313519, f. +353 61 414315 e.
[email protected] w. www.ecofact.ie Obelisk Bridge, Co. Louth – Rehabilitation Works Natura Impact Statement_______________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY If mitigation measures are required for a proposed project (such as the proposed bridge rehabilitation works) to reduce or avoid a significant adverse effect, then Appropriate Assessment (Natura Impact Statement) is required. Louth County Council has proposed works in relation to the rehabilitation of Obelisk Bridge, located near Drogheda in County Louth. The proposed rehabilitation works will require mitigation measures to be in place during the works in order to prevent adverse impacts on the Natura 2000 network. Therefore, the following report provides a NIS and relevant mitigation is set out in this document. The current document provides a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) and assesses the likely significant effects on the River Boyne and River Blackwater SAC (Site Code: 002299), the River Boyne and River Blackwater SPA (Site Code: 004232), the Boyne Coast and Estuary SAC (Site Code: 0091957) and the Boyne Estuary SPA (Site Code: 004080) arising from the proposed bridge rehabilitation works at Obelisk Bridge, County Louth. Obelisk Bridge is situated over the main channel of the River Boyne approximately 1.5rkm (River Kilometres) upstream of the M1 crossing of the river, to the west of Drogheda. This site of the proposed works is in the freshwater-tidal section of the Boyne channel and is within the boundaries of both the River Boyne and River Blackwater SAC and the River Boyne and River Blackwater SPA.