HACIENDA PARADISO a play by Josh Worth Hacienda Paradiso by Josh Worth A play in 2 acts Based on actual events which occurred in the 1930s on Floreana Island in the Galapagos © 2015 Josh Worth. All Rights Reserved Contact
[email protected] for performance rights CHARACTERS Friedrich Ritter 30s. A German dentist, philosopher, and misanthrope. Wild hair and a goatee. No front teeth. Dore Koerwein Strauch Mid 20s. A discontented bank teller from Berlin. Friedrich Ritter’s mistress and disciple. Simple clothing. No front teeth. Heinz Wittmer 40s. A balding, down-to earth, retired government official. Served in the German army in WWI. Mustache and glasses. Often smokes a pipe. Margret Wittmer 40s. Wife of Heinz. A kind-hearted German Hausfrau. Baroness Wagner-Bosquet 30s. Possibly an Austrian aristocrat. Louder and more vivacious than her physical presence might suggest. Wears skirts, riding boots, and loose-fitting tops. Often carries a riding crop and a pistol in a holster. Robert Philippson Late 20s. German. The dark, dashing “husband” of the Baroness. Often shirtless. Rudolf Lorenz Late 20s. German. The Baroness’ skinny blonde lover and traveling companion. Tattered clothing. Captain Allan Ainsworth 50s. An American millionaire, biologist, musician, and frequent visitor to Floreana. Sophisticated and well- kempt. Joseph Gartner 30s. An American marine biologist and friend of Capt. Ainsworth. setting Floreana Island (Charles Island), located in the Southern Galapagos. 1929-1934 hacienda paradiso act i ACT I: SCENE 1 - FRIEDO The rustle of giant palm fronds. Animals and birds crying. Distant waves. Lights come up slightly to focus on FRIEDRICH RITTER and his mistress, Dore STRAUCH.