Patriarchy, Resistance, and Democracy’S Future Carol Gilligan and David A
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89898-0 - The Deepening Darkness: Patriarchy, Resistance, and Democracy’s Future Carol Gilligan and David A. J. Richards Index More information Index abolitionism, radical, 141–144 Odyssey as complement for, 60 Child and, 142 patriarchy as theme in, 54, 60–61, 70–72 ethnology and, 227–228 personal and political psychology in, 60, feminism and, 141 72, 75, 79 of Garrison, 141–142 as political narrative, 60, 80 Grimke, Angelina, and, 142–144 resisting voices in, 79 Grimke, Sarah, and, 142–144 Roman gods in, 62–63, 78–79 Jacobs and, 142, 143 trauma in, 72 Mott and, 141, 143 violence in, 72, 73–74 Quakers and, 143 Aeschylus, 12–15, 17, 79. See also Oresteia Stanton and, 141–142, 143 The Age of Innocence (Wharton), 3, 198, women as part of, 3, 121, 140–144, 227, 209–212 232, 240 patriarchy as theme in, 209, 213 World Anti-Slavery Convention and, 141 resistance to patriarchy in, 209–212 Achilles Tatius, 87 Agrippa, 27, 37 Adam and Eve Agrippina the Elder, 33, 51 Augustine on, 103–104 Agrippina the Younger, 29, 33, 51 in The City of God, 103 Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 256 adultery “Ain’t I a Woman?” (Truth), 143 Jesus’ views on, 127–128 Ali, Ayaan Hirsi, 254 Julia the Elder and, 44–45 Alter, Robert, 132 under Lex Julia de adulteriis coercendis, 2, Ambrose of Milan (Bishop), 102, 157 41–42 Augustine of Hippo and, influenced by, Aeneid (Vergil), 1, 2, 21, 52, 53, 59–81, 97, 110 99, 111, 159, 160, 164, 177, 185, 201, An American Requiem (Carroll), 156–157 225 The Anatomy of Prejudices (Young-Breuhl), Augustus Caesar as impetus for, 53, 59–60 239 Cleopatra in, 71 ancient Greece.
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