DIRECTORY. 19 BREMHILL. [WitTS.] BKEMHILL, or BREMBLE, a township, ~i!lage, and 11-I.A., vicar. Hert' are chapels for the Primitive and large paris!1, with the hamlets of Charlcutt, East Tyther Wesleyau Methodists. Also a Mora vian settlement at ton, Fox ham, and Wick, 2t miles north-west from Calue, East Tytherton. The Berks and Wilts canal runs through and 4 east from Chippenham, iri Chippenham Hundred, this parish, The Marquis of Lansdowne is lord oF the Calne Union, and wilhin 4 mil<.:'S of the station of the manor. Population, in 1851, was 1,421; acres 5,920. Great ·western railway. The church, dedicated to St. FoxHA.M is a. chapelry 3 miles north, the duties of J\Iartin, is in the early English style; the benefice is an which are voluntarily supplier! by the vicar of Bremhill. endowed vicarage, in the patronage of the Bishop, the Stanley, Hazelanrl, Wick, Ca.denham, Spirthill, and diocese of Salisbury, a.rchdeaconry of Wilts, and deanery Hanger, are other places. of Avenury. The incumbent is the Rev. Henry Drury, Coury Mr. Ea~t Tytherton Freeth Willlam, fttrmer, Wick Palmer John, carpenter & wheelwright Drury Rev. Henry Fry Edward, farmer, Cadonham Peglar Ann (lVfrs.), farmer, Foxbam Hughes Mr3. & Miss, East Tytherton Fry Thomas, farmer, Cadenham Pminger Broorne,farmer,East'rytherton Johnson Ml~!!, E'lst Tytherton Fry Will iarn, farmer, Stanley Pontin J o~eph, c~rpenter &wheelwright J... nng Rev. Waiter, East Tytherton Gough Edward, farmer PowneyWm.road sunevor&pa.riRh clrk :Male Rev. Arthur, E> Tytherton Gregory Nichola:;~, farmer, Spirthill Rogers John, farmer, East Tytherton Schwartz Rev.
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