Tracked Animals by Group TPWD Wildlife Diversity

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Tracked Animals by Group TPWD Wildlife Diversity TPWD Wildlife Diversity Tracked Animals by Group Global State Federal State Scientific Name: Common Name: Rank: Rank: Status: Status: Amphibians Frogs and Toads Anaxyrus houstonensis Houston Toad G1 S1 LE E Hypopachus variolosus Sheep Frog G5 S2 T Leptodactylus fragilis White-lipped Frog G5 S1 T Lithobates grylio Pig Frog G5 S2 Rana pipiens Northern Leopard Frog G5 S1 Rhinophrynus dorsalis Mexican Burrowing Toad G5 S2 T Smilisca baudinii Mexican Treefrog G5 S3 T Salamanders Eurycea chisholmensis Salado Springs Salamander G1 S1 C Eurycea latitans complex Cascade Caverns Salamander G3 S3 T Eurycea nana San Marcos Salamander G1 S1 LT T Eurycea naufragia Georgetown Salamander G1 S1 C Eurycea neotenes Texas Salamander G1 S1 Eurycea pterophila Blanco River Springs Salamander G2 S2 Eurycea rathbuni Texas Blind Salamander G1 S1 LE E Eurycea robusta Blanco Blind Salamander G1 S1 T Eurycea sosorum Barton Springs Salamander G1 S1 LE E Eurycea sp. 10 Dolan Falls Salamander G1Q S1 Eurycea sp. 6 Pedernales River Springs Salamander G1 S1 Eurycea sp. 7 Edwards Plateau Spring Salamanders G1G3Q S1S3 Eurycea sp. 8 Comal Springs Salamander G1Q S1 Eurycea tonkawae Jollyville Plateau Salamander G1 S1 C Eurycea tridentifera Comal Blind Salamander G1 S1 T Eurycea troglodytes complex Valdina Farms Sinkhole Salamander G3 S3 1 PWD 1140A - P4000 (09/10) Global State Federal State Scientific Name: Common Name: Rank: Rank: Status: Status: Salamanders Eurycea waterlooensis Austin Blind Salamander G1 S1 C Notophthalmus meridionalis Black-spotted Newt G1 S1 T Plethodon serratus Southern Redback Salamander G5 S1 Siren sp. 1 South Texas Siren (Large Form) GNRQ SNR T Total # of Tracked Elements: 27 Birds Raptors Asturina nitida Gray Hawk G4G5 S2B T Athene cunicularia hypugaea Western Burrowing Owl G4TU S2B Buteo albicaudatus White-tailed Hawk G4G5 S4B T Buteo albonotatus Zone-tailed Hawk G4 S3B T Buteo regalis Ferruginous Hawk G4 S2B,S4N Buteogallus anthracinus Common Black-hawk G4G5 S2B T Chondrohierax uncinatus Hook-billed Kite G4 S2 Elanoides forficatus Swallow-tailed Kite G5 S2B T Falco femoralis septentrionalis Northern Aplomado Falcon G4T2 S1 LE E Falco mexicanus Prairie Falcon G5 S3B Falco peregrinus Peregrine Falcon G4 S3 T Falco peregrinus anatum American Peregrine Falcon G4T3 S2B T Falco peregrinus tundrius Arctic Peregrine Falcon G4T3T4 S3N Glaucidium brasilianum cactorum Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-owl G5T3 S3B T Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle G4 S3B,S3N T Strix occidentalis lucida Mexican Spotted Owl G3T3 S1B LT T Shorebirds and Terns Charadrius alexandrinus Snowy Plover G4 S3B Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus Western Snowy Plover G4T3 S2B Charadrius alexandrinus tenuirostris Southeastern Snowy Plover G3T3Q S2B Charadrius melodus Piping Plover G3 S2 LT T 2 PWD 1140A - P4000 (09/10) Global State Federal State Scientific Name: Common Name: Rank: Rank: Status: Status: Shorebirds and Terns Charadrius montanus Mountain Plover G2 S2 PT Numenius borealis Eskimo Curlew G1 SH LE E Sterna antillarum athalassos Interior Least Tern G4T2Q S1B LE E Sterna fuscata Sooty Tern G5 S2B T Songbirds Aimophila aestivalis Bachman's Sparrow G3 S3B T Aimophila botterii arizonae Arizona Botteri's Sparrow G4T3? S1 T Aimophila botterii texana Texas Botteri's Sparrow G4T4 S3B T Ammodramus bairdii Baird's Sparrow G4 S2 Ammodramus henslowii Henslow's Sparrow G4 S2S3N,SXB Camptostoma imberbe Northern Beardless-tyrannulet G5 S3B T Coccyzus americanus occidentalis Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo G5T3Q SNR C Cyanocorax morio Brown Jay G5 S2B Dendroica cerulea Cerulean Warbler G4 SHB,S3N Dendroica chrysoparia Golden-cheeked Warbler G2 S2B LE E Empidonax traillii extimus Southwestern Willow Flycatcher G5T2 S1B LE E Geothlypis trichas insperata Brownsville Common Yellowthroat G5T2 S1B Icterus cucullatus cucullatus Mexican Hooded Oriole G5TU S4B Icterus cucullatus sennetti Sennett's Hooded Oriole G5TU S3B Icterus graduacauda audubonii Audubon's Oriole G5T4 S3B Pachyramphus aglaiae Rose-throated Becard G4G5 SNA T Parula pitiayumi Tropical Parula G5 S3B T Vireo atricapilla Black-capped Vireo G2G3 S2B LE E Upland Birds Cyrtonyx montezumae Montezuma Quail G4G5 S3B Tympanuchus cupido attwateri Attwater's Greater Prairie-chicken G4T1 S1B LE E Tympanuchus pallidicinctus Lesser Prairie-chicken G3 S2B C Waterbirds 3 PWD 1140A - P4000 (09/10) Global State Federal State Scientific Name: Common Name: Rank: Rank: Status: Status: Waterbirds Egretta rufescens Reddish Egret G4 S3B T Grus americana Whooping Crane G1 S1 LE E Laterallus jamaicensis Black Rail G4 S2B Mycteria americana Wood Stork G4 SHB,S2N T Pelecanus occidentalis Brown Pelican G4 S3B E Plegadis chihi White-faced Ibis G5 S4B T Woodpeckers Campephilus principalis Ivory-billed Woodpecker GX SX LE Picoides borealis Red-cockaded Woodpecker G3 S2B LE E Total # of Tracked Elements: 53 Fish Catfish Ictalurus lupus Headwater Catfish G3 S2 Ictalurus sp. 1 Chihuahua Catfish G1G2 S1 Satan eurystomus Widemouth Blindcat G1 S1 T Trogloglanis pattersoni Toothless Blindcat G1 S1 T Darters and Gobies Ammocrypta clara Western Sand Darter G3 S3 Awaous banana River Goby G5 S1 T Ctenogobius claytonii Mexican Goby G3 S1 T Etheostoma fonticola Fountain Darter G1 S1 LE E Etheostoma grahami Rio Grande Darter G3 S2 T Etheostoma radiosum Orangebelly darter G4 S3 Micropterus treculi Guadalupe Bass G3 S3 Percina maculata Blackside Darter G5 S1 T Eels Anguilla rostrata American Eel G5 S4 Killifishes and Livebearers 4 PWD 1140A - P4000 (09/10) Global State Federal State Scientific Name: Common Name: Rank: Rank: Status: Status: Killifishes and Livebearers Cyprinodon bovinus Leon Springs Pupfish G1 S1 LE E Cyprinodon elegans Comanche Springs pupfish G1 S1 LE E Cyprinodon eximius Conchos Pupfish G3G4 S1 T Cyprinodon pecosensis Pecos Pupfish G1 S1 T Gambusia clarkhubbsi San Felipe Gambusia G1 S1 T Gambusia gaigei Big Bend Gambusia G1 S1 LE E Gambusia georgei San Marcos Gambusia GX SX LE E Gambusia heterochir Clear Creek Gambusia G1 S1 LE E Gambusia nobilis Pecos Gambusia G2 S2 LE E Gambusia senilis Blotched Gambusia G3G4 SX T Large River Fish Polyodon spathula Paddlefish G4 S3 T Scaphirhynchus platorynchus Shovelnose Sturgeon G4 S2 T Minnows and Suckers Campostoma ornatum Mexican Stoneroller G3 S1 T Cycleptus elongatus Blue Sucker G3G4 S3 T Cyprinella lepida Edwards Plateau Shiner G1G2 S1S2 Cyprinella proserpina Proserpine Shiner G3 S2 T Cyprinella sp. 2 Nueces River Shiner G1G2Q S1S2 Dionda argentosa Manantial Roundnose Minnow G2 S2 Dionda diaboli Devils River Minnow G1 S1 LT T Dionda serena Nueces Roundnose Minnow G2 S2 Erimyzon oblongus Creek Chubsucker G5 S2S3 T Gila pandora Rio Grande Chub G3 S1 T Hybognathus amarus Rio Grande Silvery Minnow G1G2 SX LE E Macrhybopsis tetranema Arkansas River Speckled Chub G1 S1 Notropis buccula Smalleye Shiner G2Q S2 C Notropis chalybaeus Ironcolor Shiner G4 S3 5 PWD 1140A - P4000 (09/10) Global State Federal State Scientific Name: Common Name: Rank: Rank: Status: Status: Minnows and Suckers Notropis chihuahua Chihuahua Shiner G3 S2 T Notropis girardi Arkansas River Shiner G2 S2 LT T Notropis jemezanus Rio Grande Shiner G3 S3 Notropis maculatus Taillight Shiner G5 S1 Notropis oxyrhynchus Sharpnose Shiner G3 S3 C Notropis simus Bluntnose Shiner G2 SX T Pteronotropis hubbsi Bluehead Shiner G3 S1 T Scartomyzon austrinus West Mexican Redhorse G3 S1 Mooneyes Hiodon alosoides Goldeye G5 S3 Pipefish Microphis brachyurus Opossum Pipefish G4G5 S1 T Syngnathus affinis Texas Pipefish G1 S1 Sharks, Skates, and Rays Pristis pectinata Smalltooth Sawfish G1G3 SNR LE E Total # of Tracked Elements: 51 Invertebrates Beetles Amblycheila picolominii A Tiger Beetle G3 S2 Anomala tibialis Tibial Scarab GH SH Batrisodes texanus Coffin Cave Mold Beetle G1 S1 LE Batrisodes venyivi Helotes Mold Beetle G1 S1 LE Cicindela cazieri Cazier's Tiger Beetle G2 S2 Cicindela chlorocephala smythi Smyth's Tiger Beetle GHTH SH Cicindela hornii A Tiger Beetle G3 S3 Cicindela nevadica olmosa Los Olmos Tiger Beetle G5T2 S1S2 Cicindela nigrocoerulea subtropica Subtropical Blue-black Tiger Beetle G5T2 SH Cicindela obsoleta neojuvenilis Neojuvenile Tiger Beetle G5T1 SH 6 PWD 1140A - P4000 (09/10) Global State Federal State Scientific Name: Common Name: Rank: Rank: Status: Status: Beetles Cicindela politula barbarannae Barbara Ann's Tiger Beetle G5T3T4 S1 Cicindela politula petrophila Guadalupe Mountains Tiger Beetle G5T3 S1 Comaldessus stygius Comal Springs Diving Beetle G1 S1 Cylindropsis sp. 1 Tooth Cave Blind Rove Beetle G1 S1 Deronectes neomexicana Bonita Diving Beetle G2 S1 Haideoporus texanus Edwards Aquifer Diving Beetle G1 S1 Haliplus nitens Disjunct Crawling Water Beetle GH SH Heterelmis comalensis Comal Springs Riffle Beetle G1 S1 LE Limnebius texanus Texas Minute Moss Beetle GH SH Lordithon niger Black Lordithon Rove Beetle G1 SH Nicrophorus americanus American Burying Beetle G1 S1 LE Rhadine exilis A Ground Beetle G1 S1 LE Rhadine infernalis A Ground Beetle G1G2 S1 LE Rhadine persephone Tooth Cave Ground Beetle G1 S1 LE Stygoparnus comalensis Comal Springs Dryopid Beetle G1 S1 LE Tetracha affinis angustata A Tiger Beetle G5T3 SNR Texamaurops reddelli Kretschmarr Cave Mold Beetle G1 S1 LE Butterflies and Moths Adhemarius blanchardorum Blanchards' Sphinx Moth G1 S1 Agapema galbina Tamaulipan Agapema G1 SX Agathymus neumoegeni chisosensis Tawny Giant Skipper G1G2Q S2? Agathymus remingtoni valverdiensis Coahuila Giant Skipper G1G3Q SNR Apodemia chisosensis Chisos Metalmark G1G3 SNR Atrytonopsis cestus Cestus Skipper G1G3 SNA Calephelis rawsoni Rawson's Metalmark G3?Q
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