Seerah Third Level

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Somewhat Easy Questions

?before his Prophethood ﷺ What did the people call the Prophet .1

a. The Obedient

b. The Careful

c. The Trustworthy

d. The Diligent

2. How many years was the Prophethood?

a. 22 Years

b. 24 Years

c. 21 Years

d. 23 Years

3. Who was the one of the bravest Sahabi and also the second caliph of ?

a. Abu Bakr

b. Uthman

c. Umar

d. Ali

?ﷺ Who is among the wives of the Prophet .4

a. Aisha

Page 1 b. Fatima

c. Umm Kulthum

d. Ruqaiiya

?supported him till his death but did not accept Islam ﷺ Which Uncle of the Prophet .5

a. Abu Lahab

b. Hamza

c. Abu Talib

d. Hamza

?at the time of his wedding ﷺWhat was the age of the Prophet .6

a. 24 Years

b. 23 Years

c. 27 Years

d. 25 Years

…had a choice in two matters, he would choose the ﷺ If the Prophet .7

a. Hard One

b. Easy One

c. Elaborate One

d. One which was most suited to the Arabs

8. The people thought of punishing Ibrahim (peace be upon him) by…

a. Burning him

b. Torturing him

c. Throwing him off a cliff

d. Stabbing him

9. What was the name of the father of Ibrahim (peace be upon him)?

a. Ismael

Page 2 b. Ishaq

c. Azar

d. Yaqoob

?ﷺ What was the name of the tribe of the Prophet .10


b. Ghifar

c. Qainuqa

d. Quraish

11. What was the name of Madina earlier?

a. Tabook

b. Yathrib

c. Quba

d. Taaif

?ﷺ What was the name of the father of the Prophet .12

a. Ubaidallah

b. Qasim

c. Abdul Mutallib

d. Abdullah

13. What was the name of the King who attacked the Ka’bah?

a. Negus

b. Heraclius

c. Abrahah

d. Caesar

14. What was the year named after the attack on the Ka’bah?

a. Year of the Elephant

Page 3 b. Year of the Camel

c. Year of the Lion

d. Year of the Birds

15. What does mean?

a. The Respected One

b. The Honorable One

c. The Resilient One

d. The Praised One

?in his childhood in Syria ﷺ What was the name of the Monk who met the Prophet .16

a. Fujairah

b. Bahira

c. Najashi

d. Waraqa

was twenty ﷺ What was the name of the battle which took place when the Prophet .17 years old?

a. The batlle of Fijar

b. The battle of Uhud

c. The battle of Khandaq

d. The battle of Tabuk

?ﷺ What was the first profession of the Prophet .18

a. Business

b. Shepherd

c. Camel herder

d. Poet

?ﷺ What was the name of the first child of the Prophet .19

Page 4 a. Ibrahim

b. Tahir

c. Tayyib

d. Qasim

20. In which Surah are the first revealed verses?

a. Surah Bayyinah

b. Surah Alaq

c. Surah Rahman

d. Surah Fatihah

21. Which angel is responsible for bringing down revelation?

a. Jibreel

b. Mikaeel

c. Israfeel

d. Harut/Marut

22. Who was the first Muslim woman to accept Islam?

a. Aisha

b. Khadija

c. Fatima

d. Sumaiya

?and also his son in law ﷺ Who was the cousin of the Prophet .23

a. Uthman

b. Abul ‘Aas

c. Ali

d. Umar

24. Who was the Slave of Umaiyyah ibn Khalaf who was tortured for his Islam?

Page 5 a. Yasir

b. Bilal

c. Ammar

d. Khabbab

?used to train the first Muslims ﷺ What was the name of the house in which the Prophet .25

a. Dar ul Huda

b. Dar ul Arqam

c. Dar ul Islam

d. Dar us Salaam

26. Which country did the Muslims first migrate to?

a. Abyssinia

b. Egypt

c. Yemen

d. Persia

27. Who was chosen as the leader and the speaker of the Muslims in Abyssinia?

a. Ali ibn Abi Talib

b. Aqeel ibn Abi Talib

c. Ja’far ibn Abi Talib

d. Talib ibn Abi Talib

travel to for the sake of giving Dawah in the Makkan ﷺ Which city did the Prophet .28 stage?

a. Jeddah


c. Dammam

d. Taif

Page 6 ?ﷺ What is one of the greatest Miracle of the Prophet .29

a. Splitting of the Sun

b. Splitting of the Stars

c. Splitting of the Moon

d. Splitting of the Earth

30. What is the name of the treaty which was done with the people of Madina?

a. Treaty of Hudaiybiyyah

b. Treaty of Aqabah

c. Treaty of Madina

d. Treaty of Yathrib

31. Who was the first ambassador of Islam to Madina?

a. Ja’far ibn Abi Talib

b. As’ad ibn Zurarah

c. Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas

d. Mus’ab ibn Umayr

?at the time of Hijrah ﷺ Who slept in the place of Prophet Muhammad .32

a. Abu Bakr

b. Umar

c. Ali

d. Uthman

33. Who was the leader of the Caravan of the Quraish during the battle of Badr?

a. Abu Talhah

b. Abu Bakr

c. Abu Sufyan

d. Abu Jahl

Page 7 34. Who was the one who killed Hamza in the battle of Uhud?

a. Wahshi

b. Najashi

c. Addas

d. Khalid ibn Al Waleed

35. Who was the fearless warrior on the Day of Uhud, who was given the sword by the ?ﷺ Prophet

a. Abu Bakr

b. Abu Abdillah

c. Abu Jandal

d. Abu Dujanah

36. For how many years was the Treaty of Hudaibiyyah signed?

a. 15 years

b. 10 years

c. 5 years

d. 7 years

37. Who accompanied Khalid ibn Al Walid while migrating to Madina and to accept Islam?

a. Amr ibn Al ‘Aas

b. Abdullah ibn ‘Amr

c. Suhayl ibn Al Amr

d. Safwaan ibn Omaiyyah

quote at the time of ﷺ Which Prophet’s statement did the Prophet Muhammad .38 Conquest of Makkah?

a. Prophet Yaqoob

b. Prophet Yusuf

c. Prophet Ibrahim

d. Prophet Eesa

Page 8 39. What was the year called in which the people came en masse to accept Islam?

a. Year of Tribes

b. Year of Arabs

c. Year of Delegations

d. Year of Islam

?pass away ﷺ Whose house did the Prophet .40

a. Khadija

b. Safiyya

c. Aisha

d. Sauda

?saw the Sahaba ﷺ Which was the last prayer in which the Prophet .41

a. Fajr Salaah

b. Asr Salaah

c. Maghrib Salaah

d. Isha Salaah

?ﷺ Who was the Khalifa chosen after the Prophet .42

a. Umar

b. Uthman

c. Ali

d. Abu Bakr

43. Who was married to Abu Salamah, and after his death, later became the mother of the believers?

a. Umm Salamah

b. Umm Habeebah

c. Umm Kulsum

d. Umm Abdillah

Page 9 44. Who was the daughter of Abu Sufyan who later became the Mother of the believers?

a. Umm Habeebah

b. Umm Khadija

c. Umm Aisha

d. Umm Safiyya

?ﷺ Who was the youngest daughter of the Prophet .45

a. Zainab

b. Fatima

c. Ruqayaah

d. Umm Kulthum

46. Who was the last of the Sons born to Khadija?

a. Abdullah

b. Ibrahim

c. Tayyib

d. Qasim

47. On whose death was there a solar eclipse?

a. Abdullah

b. Ibrahim

c. Qasim

d. Tahir

was married to his previously adopted Son Zaid ibn Al ﷺ Which wife of the Prophet .48 Haritha?

a. Zaynab bint al Jahsh

b. Juwarriyah bint al Al-Harith

c. Umm Salamah

d. Zaynab bint Khuzaymah

Page 10 49. Who was known as Umm al Masakeen, Mother of the poor?

a. Zaynab bint al Jahsh

b. Juwarriyah bint al Al-Harith

c. Umm Salamah

d. Zaynab bint Khuzaymah

?pass away ﷺ In which Hijri year did the Prophet .50

a. 10 A.H

b. 12 A.H

c. 8 A.H

d. 11 A.H

Page 11 Not so easy Questions

1. Who was one of the most eloquent poets of the Quraish?

a. Waleed Ibn Al Mugheerah

b. Khalid ibn Al Waleed

c. Abu Jahl

d. Umaiyyah ibn al Khalaf

2. What is included in the “Seven Destructive Sins”?

a. Telling a lie

b. Eating up an orphan’s wealth

c. Backbiting

d. Not praying on time

?ﷺ What was the mattress made up of, of the Prophet .3

a. Wool

b. Cotton

c. Silk

d. Leather

4. Which town was Ibrahim (peace be upon him) born in?

a. Babylon


c. Ur

d. Nippur

?grandfather which his mother kept ﷺ What was the name of the Prophet’s .5

a. Utaybah

b. Shaibah

c. Utba

Page 12 d. Hashim

?pass away ﷺ In which place did the father of the Prophet .6

a. Syria

b. Yemen

c. Yathrib

d. Makkah

7. What was the tribe of Halimah?

a. Bakr

b. Sa’d

c. Kinana

d. Quraish

?mentioned ﷺ In which Surah is the splitting of the chest of the Prophet .8

a. Surah Alaq

b. Surah Bayyinah

c. Surah Sharh

d. Surah Qadr

9. In whose house was the covenant “Hilf al Fudool” signed?

a. Abdullah ibn Umar

b. Abdullah ibn Amr

c. Abdullah ibn Jad’an

d. Abdullah ibn Al Mutallib

10. Which Surah verses were revealed in the second revelation?

a. Surah Zumar

b. Surah Alaq

c. Surah Muzammil

Page 13 d. Surah Mudassir

11. Who was the Sahabi was a blacksmith and was tortured by branding by Umm ?

a. Bilal

b. Abu Faqih

c. Khabbab

d. Zinira

offering when the Jinn heard his recitation of the ﷺ Which Salah was the Prophet .12 Qur’an?

a. Asr

b. Fajar

c. Maghrib

d. Isha

after he came back to ﷺ Who was the person who gave protection to the Prophet .13 Makkah?

a. Mut’im ibn Adiy

b. Adiy ibn Hatim

c. Akhnas ibn Shariq

d. Suhayl ibn Amr

14. When did Abu Bakr receive the title As Siddeeq?

a. At the time of Tabuk

b. At the time of Taif

c. At the time of Hajj

d. At the time of Mi’raaj

15. Which tribe did Musaliamah the liar belong to?

a. Banu Hashim

b. Banu Kilab

Page 14 c. Banu Haneefa


16. Who was the chieftain of the Aws Tribe in Madina?

a. Usayd ibn Hudayr

b. Sa’d ibn Muadh

c. Jabir ibn Abdillah

d. Sa’d ibn Ubadah

17. Who was the person who accepted Islam and died before offering Salah?

a. Usayrim

b. Hamzah

c. Julaybib

d. Salman

18. In whose place did the gather to plot for the assassination of Prophet ?ﷺ Muhammad

a. In the House of Abu Lahab

b. In the House of Arqam

c. In the House of Abu Jahl

d. In the House of Qusayy

19. Who was the Sahabi who got the dream about the Azaan?

a. Abdullah ibn Amr

b. Abdullah ibn Zayd

c. Abdullah ibn Umar

d. Abdullah ibn Talha

20. Who was Abdur Rahman bin Awf paired with from the Ansar?

a. Sa’d ibn Ubadah

b. Sa’d ibn Muadh

Page 15 c. Sa’eed ibn Zaid

d. Sa’d ibn Rabi’a

sought ﷺ Who was the Ansari who spoke on behalf of them when the Prophet .21 consultation before the battle of Badr?

a. Sa’d ibn Ubadah

b. Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas

c. Sa’d ibn Muadh

d. Muadh ibn Jabal

22. Which year did the Battle of Badr take place?

a. 1 A.H

b. 2 A.H

c. 3 A.H

d. 4 A.H

23. Who was sent on a dangerous mission during the battle of the Trench?

a. Abdullah ibn Umar

b. Salman al Farsi

c. Nu’aym ibn Al Masood

d. Hudhayfah ibn Al Yaman

24. How many Muslims were in Hudaiybiyah?

a. 1300

b. 300

c. 1400

d. 3000

?wrote a letter ﷺ Who was the ruler of Egypt to which the Prophet .25

a. Hercules

Page 16 b. Najashi

c. Muqawqis

d. Abraha

26. Which tribe attacked the Banu Khuza’ah tribe before the conquest of Makkah?

a. Banu Bakr

b. Banu Abbas

c. Banu Quraish

d. Banu Hashim

27. Who was the leader of tribe at the time of Hunayn?

a. Malik ibn Dinar

b. Malik ibn Nadhr

c. Malik ibn Awf

d. Anas ibn Malik

?marry after the death of Khadija ﷺ Which wife did the Prophet .28

a. Aisha

b. Sauda

c. Hafsa

d. Zaynab

?ﷺ Who was the husband of Zaynab, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad .29

a. Abul Aswad

b. Uthman ibn Affan

c. Ali ibn Abi Talib

d. Abul ‘Aas ibn Rabi’a

?was the daughter of the Jewish Chieftain ﷺ Which wife of the Prophet .30

a. Maymoona

Page 17 b. Aisha c. Hafsa d. Safiyah

Page 18

Key to the Questions

Somewhat Easy 1.c 2.d 3.c 4.a 5.c 6.d 7.b 8.a 9.c 10.d 11.b 12.d 13.c 14.a 15.d 16.b 17.a 18.b 19.d 20.b 21.a 22.b 23.c 24.b 25.b 26.a 27.c 28.d 29.c 30.b 31.d 32.c 33.c 34.a 35.d

Page 19 36.b 37.a 38.b 39.c 40.c 41.a 42.d 43.a 44.a 45.b 46.a 47.b 48.a 49.d 50.d

Not so Easy 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.b 6.c 7.b 8.c 9.c 10.d 11.c 12.b 13.a 14.d 15.c 16.b 17.a 18.d 19.b 20.d 21.c 22.b 23.d

Page 20 24.c 25.c 26.a 27.c 28.b 29.d 30.d

Page 21