The Great Depression in Canada R (Ij.L..R Drar Dr. !Oliri.Rl N.Ll

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The Great Depression in Canada R (Ij.L..R Drar Dr. !Oliri.Rl N.Ll The Great Depression in canada n, rnd.rlinJ h,r\ rlirD$rr\ronrd r})o. cinada, irs.!trarand ..n5rqr.trrrs, r trunloninr r! 3 Tlr.r( n risn r.dr po|ri.,lIri E# EE i,rn 1,as added 3 rirr i. ftditionar 3 panf rh:r h3d lareelv trrn..ndcd lud rlaeued !a.:da sn(e beror @ :rd 3nli\ri..isr la(Lons R.,'ie.! Unio. colcnn!nr.ould ffi r ir\h J-xtricfs dca(hin 19le, ard r (iJ.l..r drar dr. !oliri.rl lai{ naJ qoil! (.hi.g! F.r Ioresix rsr how !snilL.intthis Ern):r rlrt! rorld L(llr in\ oi rLr r\rer rb i..ompanied the .rd ol rhr,fir. rirc (rominLtrran n bnrlpanies had nr rjnd ro, lLeieb Thtr ryi\ erpe.rllf deh.are Id rhe Liberak Nor onry erla.e an i.o. or pohri.s n.ll aanadnr r bed r. nitdb ihe r!nr ba.l rb rlre F.Flrh and rr.ndr :nd rhe.ou.rt! rbe r.ibcralr Willian Lyon Mackenzie King OsTa-rero) rv ?n Mekenze (ru scndsor or !pPe, Labo!r lor rhn rol. trnd he, like c:nidi Rebeion sderw rrm Lyon Ma.keDi3 hjr pi.d...$or Lr.uld c nlr 3d.onomc ii ahnaso aic Batord aic borl hnlirn1 ird.ountrl i(r roora j.basDepulyr!4ninfl olL3bouin reoo Eghrye.6 ddhe edered the Hose ol aDmmofr * ai e eded memb.r.ic w6 appo rted w fied hu e/s M i ner of L.bou( After a rn.' rai.l n rb. t.$\ar !cda P., 4s B.idcir sol(tror "" "do ", or rhe Libe6 Pa yn r9r9ancasa.hbecmeP,meriinerol v.i,h.. l,id brLn nrrrunenhl od udir re26 Arlg the bdPren ai, ,r d$cl0pu'! rl,c wrr iucisures tme olr or ofi.e, he setoed again i r926 )935-.13 n o Do..-6 1"d icepefaei.e wor oi rr,e b:deleds ol Erope ;h s wr av den:ei il r926 n dom.n. po.ies heroola curous app:oadi. He y€s ford oI apPo is.ommssotr to nldr pDb eff be.Drc bking aiy pe p rous adioi rh! pololed rhe G orrhor yJho rhoushr rhe Depresion md The p.ln'.:L siruri.n m:! h3!. Dlher sues a.h r the Mrrime Rer$ Mdeneor €q! Ed dci. dnd setrLed inro.qabrisr,. u5 rorc gn po q ..u6e i the yeds eadi.3 !p ro and durlis lhe se.onC tr,o,d war fs ippoeh b rhe se.ond .ona,prioi osn p6 enbledd.a yapt€d by the mzsied! y nrn..:rns Jr!rL au(Lr. rhc .mbsrous so8an "aoE.'ipr oi rne. .\L\ f.Ldnil.l,otr{\ Ior loreL a iemarkable nnge,. ihe popuhrny ol n.n mdnionalpanier rhonas crerar, a rorner Minisrcr oI^g.cuhure tro'n hamc$ed a gtuLrj.g seose ol$e!ef pranierlL..arionrnd Iorrcd rlt NarionalProgr.$ivc Pany wilhorhor dnaffed.d w.rcn nedticrs oI pa irrenr in l9l9 They would lorn the olficialopFosition dir..nrcnr was dre.hjello(e rhar prop.llrd rlic ncw Farnier ol Onrario itr.. govcrodcnr !r in Arbcira. n re2r, wheD Lhe Unrcd Famre( otAlbcira ro.nicd rhc gov.rnncnr aJrcrrhc Droun.ial clc.rLon. Throushout the 1920s, the Frdgres,ver aere divided. Modemr€ an.rwerenolsoi..|i'Ed3nd n.m.r canadian Porni6. h rlr. , d.on."p,p. v" .,b,,o,t no,.. r,,, h, pr naDcdJ s. tvoods*onhrosc r! rhc lotu oI drc rro!.csives lrcl.hi.r hx rclonnlbar shnrcd rhc Iax budcn ro business and rhe wcallhy, LIr. drv(lopncnt ol lcdrral unon,ploymem inluranc€ and Resional dn.onrent sp.€rd b rh eLoped in dlee:rll r910s. srgdi'13 ime provi' lariJk rc prorcd wh.n rlr.r Lrb.ral !4 0t hc{ den,a.ds M.or-fu'n.d yorca nrn.d r. rhc co.scrva'ivcs in nre re25 redcral(l(.r or. Mr.kcrzrc (rr3, and his Iibcrik$ won rh. (Lcdjon o! rhcnrcnlt, olrh.( suppo( in rl,c rN or rh..o0.rf Alrholsh rlni lridurcd pdln,.ll landr.ap. xas shon-livcd, ncur(rcd,d lalle pirt b' lhe piscernerl lomprofiscs olP no i' b. ,'rl-1., . d:p,r'dd' , , 'r '\ prolin.i3lrlario.5 ideas.lEr Economic fragility Discussion pojnt anada and rhe rn or dle worrd, can be raced ro rhe economic.hanse\ rharrorrowed tbe a.nisnce.r o 3 ,e l dd lecc"-d , o n r ,.ro ,,l .'J o'or" ^r ..rdlrc ro'dFn..!-to1 \i t,^ world wari. aposnio! ol relaijve economc nrenSth. Ar ndr, )nuch ol rlre world owed money ro the Us This posilion oI nr.n8rh spread Us economic inJluen.e .hro!3hour th. world 1o rn even I. msnyw:ys Cansda Lv:s nodllLrcnr rhc c.onodn. t,ooni thar w:sgarhen.g pa.ei. rh. Unircd Srarcs rlrodgho!r rlr! carl! 1920\ eventual\ draglcd rh€ carudian e.onomy orr oI ir poswar dump The su.sins dcmand 1or .onslncr goods such as auronobiles and eledronio. i. (r., deared: lor ninerak nr.h as zinc 'lenand a.d coFpe. a denand suppliedbyihe ca.adian niningindujry. nr, .dn , -,plo'. Ie r'-" "1 tnrerens, nany conrolled by us i!ve$or. Pulp and Fperalsobedne a viral new exlron us.debrndtor print ncwi sa s skyrocketing a n d ir be.ame ecoronical lor u s Dar.r .onpanies ro enablsh b.anch planrs aao$ canada to leed rhe t920and t92e canada had uipled herprodrcrion ol newsprinr The enblcmari. .onsuner produd ot the rt20s was lne alioDoLile and ns rrodudion sas an imponrant ninltN ro rhe canadjan By rhe niddle ol Ihe decrde, .he naj.r us camakc^ nad prans in canada able ro produ.e hatra Dittion aubnobiles a yeri rhe growirt! car .urrure spa*ed de connru.rioD ot sone 57,000 kn .fpavcd roads i. ihe hn nve yea ot rhc 1920s. This, deDne rhe ,acr tnar onl] a quaner ol$e Canadian populadoD war linancialry Bt r-l"'ve4 0t l -dr ddec3 .Ll' - w4 d.! ,r o\c.i.3 ton a po$var slunp. ? had re.overed 3nd itr 1923 Gnadia. larneE rook otf a bunrer crop oI record nroponions {.tose ro 600 nilrion bushels). while on rbe surtuce. rhis seened like Sood ners. ir conccalcda rroublinS derelopnenr. canadat aSricuxurrl sedor was nor rhe onl' oDe rhar w3s recovcnn! inlhe mid l9l0s clobal.onp€inion in whear prcduclion kon souih Amernd and Aunralia was a..elerai.sand woildpur.hsen could now n,Nonh Anencan Srain produ.rB. su.h dramar.rlly increas.d supplycoutd nor su*in A similar nor! rvas beginnins io llat our in oihere.ononic seao6. Pulp, papcr and nininS production rvft. beginninS ro oudri], denardbv t923 Teniary indun er n,.h as citroadsrlso besan ro fcel rhe effed otde.lininsradc volune. As econoxu! adivny rlowedand world prices droppcd,lne shon boon or me re20s scemed ro be .onins ro an end why did theboon end in rnseased rarills a.ros rhe wortd meant a decliro in rade Sulp\ oi.onnodiric and Froduds crceeded denand leading ro a dedin€ i. wodd lor comoddes over dependence on napn prodDds overdeFendencc on rhe economy ot the unircd staies Heart deblburden caded by goveinmcnr and individuak. Th€ crash of t929 ponanr elene.r in rh€ discu$ion olthe.iusesoldrecrcarD€pra$ion.Thee.ononicd€vet.pnr.nrs rhar would brirg abour rhe Depre$ion were we undeMay Dcro( l92e rhe( were itucrural poblcms rnthe scoromi' boom rhr it inh.rcnrly un$able, borh in crnada and the unjr'd madc 'n srates Th€problen was conFounded bY rhe wo ds Flidc on rh.heahhoflhe us e.onomv us cariraLpern€a(cd neanl:r rorcnlo sro.r Er.hai3e oi h? econohv canada vulnerable to as..c$ oI thc canrdirn 'nakinS in;abihvm rhc us rhs sbwins in{abi vwas dratraticall} the New Yort sbd a.hiruel ac.el.rardbv rhe {ock rarker cradr olo.robei I929. A\hough (ale fie Toronb srock Ex.bangc did noL sufier a ctrlaniq lh' 'I lhar whichhefcll rs New York .ounrcroai, rhc van anounr ot us .aDital invened i. rhe crnrdian econo'nv n€ant.har ihe crrc't or rhe NewYorkcfsh soon lelt nonh ol the 4eih parallcl lun r! iey weR iroDnd the w.nd The economic impact of the Depression rhe Deo*$ion oltherelos was not the IiIn e..nomic slunp ro hn canada.h rs7r,tbei obalrdrodi.{rsnartonhadhunCanadi Junpnorioand immediately alkr Ilt Fjrn world wa. cdDda eirenen.ed shorr, sharp e.omnicdow.ruh whnr wourd n1 rhe Grear Dep.e$,o. apan fton dre orltr Junps was ns seventl, scope and lensih. Thc rad that it wa5 couplcd with dne or rhe non scvere d-ughts in ct.adian hnlorv .nlv sncd b spFad thc miseryand nakere.ovcry mo.e difiicult h the verr b.rween . wlcr trices lell bY 7t% u.enployrncr reehed 27 /d . 20% ol canadians were on rome rorm ol rcliea The Depression nanil€ncd iLselI nt different wavs a.osr dte coun!rv lnrurtl canada, collapsinspi.cs were ndlna&hedbv oI Ag' kl r"qi'" ' '|'ri'so"d'frf' r. rs'.iL'.1 ","i*u""rm. and nannfa.rurins produas lron .c.rtal canrda w€r€ ncr bv +"lred'JJrp, .l'r_ n i.d'J'"rw" \'ab"'_d ! e.n.onic polioes around rhe*o d Many nisquided 'ounrnes' rike ih.L.iied staksand Cantrda, had al.eadv $ated building ever hisher rarirl walls bctorc re2t This novcnent spread i6und lfieglobe allcrthe to.l!narkd crash.Italn Gena.n a Fran.e all inaeased{an'sin an €l1on to protedtheirdwn indundes, blockingpoienrial ior canadian asiculruFl and 'narker r0J sF ooro/lJ,l'n'l' 'lF eo;omk djend or rhe Dep.e$ion' was.onpounded b! dna$ei as in rhc United Srares.
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